Kids' Time

Pick Up The Cross And Follow Me

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000069

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there's a world
00:12 out there. Let's tell them that
00:14 He loves us so. Let's tell them that
00:18 He loves us so. Kids Time,
00:21 Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, tell me what do you
00:27 think of when see a cross like this one.
00:29 Perhaps you think of a church that has
00:32 a cross high on the top of the Church
00:35 or may be your Church has a cross
00:37 right up in the front where everyone
00:39 can gaze at it. No doubt you've seen
00:42 a picture of a man hanging from a Cross
00:44 with nails driven through his hands
00:46 and his feet. That is the main thing
00:49 that I think about when I see a cross like this.
00:51 I think of Jesus who let himself be put
00:54 to death on a cross, so that my sins
00:57 and your sins can be forgiven.
00:59 But did you ever stop to think of the sounds
01:02 around that cross on that awful Friday
01:05 about 2000 years ago. Some people were
01:08 crying, and a mob were shouting crucify him,
01:11 crucify him, there were sheep and
01:13 goats and may be even some cattle
01:15 that could be heard you know bleeding
01:17 and mooing and I'm sure mournfully and
01:20 we know there was at least one rooster
01:22 who was splitter with the air with his
01:23 crowing, then there was a number of greedy
01:26 people who gambled for his clothes.
01:28 There was also the defiant sound of the
01:31 governor's voice saying in effect,
01:33 it's not my fault, hey, you know what,
01:35 blame somebody. But one sound was
01:39 different that was the sound of a one
01:42 lone voice in all that racket that caught
01:46 the ear of Jesus. It was the voice of a
01:49 criminal who also was being crucified
01:51 that day. Turning to Jesus this dying
01:54 man cried out, "remember me when
01:58 you come into your kingdom."
02:00 Do you know among all that hubbub and
02:04 commotion there was one voice of faith.
02:08 And that one voice brought a glad light
02:11 to the suffering eyes of Jesus.
02:15 Those are some of the things I think
02:17 about when I see a cross like this.
02:20 And I wonder if I had been there,
02:22 but if I had said something to bring
02:24 a glad light to Jesus eyes. I hope
02:28 I would have, would you?
02:30 Do you know our Bible story today tells
02:32 the story of a man who did all that he could
02:34 for Jesus on the day of crucifixion.
02:37 Do you know his name? Listen carefully
02:40 and you will, you will find out and learn more
02:43 about Him but first we're going
02:45 to learn about tarantulas
02:47 from Ranger Jim.
02:56 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
02:57 welcome to nature time, some of you are
02:59 going to love it and some of you are going
03:00 to say oh yuck look they have these
03:03 huge big tarantulas. My friend John Jasinski
03:06 is with us today and he is very
03:08 knowledgeable about these. John, give us
03:10 some information about these
03:11 beautiful creatures. Oh these creatures
03:13 are called tarantulas, actually if you want
03:15 to know the truth boys and girls a
03:17 tarantula is a very small spider that comes
03:20 from an area in Italy, these are actually
03:23 called mygalomorphs, but for the sake
03:26 of calling them anything we'll call
03:27 them tarantulas 'cause that's a very
03:29 common name given to any spider that's
03:31 larger then probably an inch big,
03:33 spiders come from all over the world Jim
03:36 and tarantulas in particular,
03:38 these two that we are seeing right here
03:40 they're from the species grammostola,
03:42 they're both from Brazil.
03:43 This called the Smoky Gray also called
03:46 the Black Beauty, that's the Latin name.
03:49 Grammostola pulchra, this is the
03:51 Grammostola alticeps, which means smoky gray,
03:55 both of these are very prolific webers.
03:57 I don't know if we can see this.
03:59 But if I can pull this web out in front
04:02 of my black shirt, can you see this web
04:05 that's coming out. Every spider lays
04:08 webbing every spider, even the ones that
04:11 don't use it, they don't need webbing
04:15 for hunting and one of the fantastic
04:18 things about a spider's web is one of the
04:20 strongest natural substances
04:23 known to mankind. Amazing.
04:25 The United States government
04:26 boys and girls, they're trying right now
04:28 to make a bullet proof armor out of the
04:31 spider's web and for the medical area
04:35 they're trying to make the government
04:37 as well, they're trying to make surgical
04:39 thread from a spider's webbing because
04:42 of it's strength, because of it's
04:44 durability, spiders are amazing.
04:47 Isn't that incredible. Here is another fact
04:50 about tarantulas and spiders in particular,
04:52 you can see the webbing it's laying all over
04:54 the table here. All over just like silk isn't it.
04:56 And if a spider loses one of it's legs.
04:59 Now remember boys and girls spiders
05:00 have 8 legs, insects have only 6.
05:02 Spiders have 8 legs, if they were to
05:05 happened to lose one of these 8 legs or
05:08 lose any appendix that they have
05:09 they'll grow it back, that's another thing
05:12 that we're trying to find out how spiders
05:14 grow back their legs, because if we could
05:16 do this and generate our own arms and
05:18 our own legs. Imagine where we'll be.
05:21 Incredible. It is. To think of these tiny
05:24 creatures that have the ability to spin
05:27 that and it's so strong I have seen it
05:28 when I'm fishing occasionally,
05:30 I will throw a plug up towards a shoreline
05:32 and they be a spider web there and
05:34 the plug will get caught in there and you
05:35 actually can pull the weed over because
05:37 it's a quite mass of that and there's
05:39 great strength in that. So they use that
05:41 also by putting it in their, they line their
05:44 place where they stay, is that.
05:46 That's right, most spiders, these that
05:48 we're looking at here. These are ground
05:50 dweller, they live in burrows, they line their
05:52 burrow with their webbing and they have
05:53 on the outside of their burrow,
05:55 they lay a sheet of webbing as well.
05:58 All the hairs that you see on the tarantulas,
06:00 all the hair, all the legs, every thing that
06:03 you see on it is a sensory feel,
06:05 they could feel with all of these.
06:07 So if a little critter comes by could be,
06:09 could be a inspect, it could be a baby snake.
06:12 It could even be birds some spider are
06:15 big enough to eat to birds.
06:16 If something happens upon their den
06:18 or crawls across their web, that spider
06:21 grabs it and eats it. So that it is,
06:24 it's not a nice thing to encounter if
06:25 you're something small crawling along
06:27 the ground at night or even in a tree.
06:29 Some of the spiders live in the tree.
06:31 That's right. And did you say that
06:32 they're big, some of them are large
06:34 enough to eat small birds. Some of them are
06:36 actually called bird eating spiders,
06:38 that's how big these get. Incredible.
06:39 The largest spider in the world sitting
06:41 by itself with all it's legs spread out,
06:43 boys and girls this spread is 14 inches
06:48 in length and that's standing still,
06:50 the abdomen which is this part,
06:53 right here on a spider, the abdomen is this big.
06:57 I like these tarantulas, but I don't know
06:59 if I want to handle one that size John,
07:00 are they aggressive? Most spiders
07:03 are not aggressive, they're more afraid
07:05 of you then we are of them.
07:06 But no matter what if you're going
07:08 to be playing, your looking your
07:10 catching with spiders have mom and
07:12 dad around, be safe the spiders that
07:14 we have here are docile, they're gentle spiders
07:17 but you never know you can come across
07:20 a spider that's dangerous, even the
07:22 smallest one could have the worst venom,
07:24 so we have to be careful, always boys and
07:27 girls have mom and dad with you.
07:29 Alright, that's good advice isn't it, and
07:31 so boys and girls we have learned today
07:33 that these creatures that have a very
07:34 bad reputation, many people have
07:36 made movies about them biting and
07:38 killing people, this is a very would be consider
07:40 a very rare happening wouldn't it.
07:42 It would be very much so, they're gonna
07:45 be running away from you before
07:47 you try to catch them. Okay, so one of God's
07:50 creature that we seldom get to see,
07:52 we have learned again boys and girls
07:53 that our heavenly Father made them
07:55 in a wonderful way. So don't forget to tell
07:58 Jesus that you love Him because
07:59 he really does love you.
08:09 Hello boys and girls, sometimes life will
08:12 get very, very hard and you don't know
08:14 how you're gonna overcome some things,
08:15 when it gets tough we need to think
08:18 about the text that
08:19 Hannah's going to say for us.
08:23 And they overcame him by the blood
08:25 of the Lamb. Revelations 12:11.
08:31 Yes, there is wonderful power in the blood.
08:40 Would you be free from the burden of sin?
08:43 There's power in the blood, power
08:46 in the blood; Would you over evil a victory win?
08:51 There's wonderful power in the blood.
08:55 There is power, power, wonder working power
09:00 In the blood of the Lamb;
09:04 There is power, power, wonder working power
09:09 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
09:13 Would you do service for Jesus your King?
09:17 There's power in the blood, power
09:20 in the blood; Would you live daily
09:24 His praises to sing? There's wonderful
09:27 power in the blood. There is power, power,
09:32 wonder working power
09:34 In the blood of the Lamb;
09:38 There is power, power,
09:41 wonder working power
09:42 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
09:46 There is power, power,
09:49 wonder working power
09:51 In the blood of the Lamb;
09:54 There is power, power,
09:57 wonder working power
09:59 In the precious blood of the Lamb.
10:12 If you like Italian as much as I do then you're
10:14 gonna love his recipe. We're gonna make
10:17 Manicotti, here's the ingredients.
10:21 2 pkgs. mori-nu tofu, firm
10:24 1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
10:28 4 Tbsp. honey 2 tsp. salt
10:34 ½ tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. basil
10:39 2 tsp. Italian seasoning
10:43 3 tsp. vegetable delight seasoning
10:47 10 Tbsp. seasoned bread crumbs
10:51 8 0z. pkg. tofutti better than
10:54 cream cheese, herb & chive flavor.
10:56 Now, I'm gonna start with the tofu and
10:58 when you buy tofu it's gonna come
10:59 in a box like this. Now this is mori-nu
11:03 tofu and there's many different brands
11:04 of tofu that you can buy but this is
11:06 just our favorite. So this tofu,
11:10 I'm gonna start by cutting it up,
11:12 'cause we're just going to the blender
11:14 here and see how soft it is.
11:15 It just it'll cut even with my rubber spatula,
11:19 cut it up real good and then
11:23 we're gonna stick it in the blender.
11:32 Like this, okay, then we're gonna do
11:38 use our cream cheese next.
11:40 And this tofutti better than cream cheese,
11:43 this herb & chive flavor, we use that,
11:47 I'm gonna put it, that in. Here we go.
12:03 Now we're gonna do our seasonings,
12:04 it doesn't really matter at what time
12:05 seasonings you put in but you just put
12:09 any of it in, it's salt, the salt, garlic powder.
12:28 I'll just dump them in any order,
12:30 just kind of put them in, now lemon juice
12:43 and the honey. Okay, when you get all
12:54 these ingredients in, all you have to do
12:56 is turn on the blender and that's how easy
12:58 it is. Well you wanna keep blending till it
13:07 looks about like this. And then we're gonna
13:10 take that tofu that you set aside earlier and
13:15 chop it up a little bit and we're gonna leave
13:17 it in little chunks so it gives it
13:19 a little bit more texture, to little
13:24 chunks not too big though 'cause you
13:26 don't want humongous chunks of tofu.
13:31 When you get that all mixed up that like that.
13:38 And get all the big chunks out, then you're
13:43 gonna add your bread crumbs, mix those
13:49 up in it, some good seasoning.
13:55 Get that all mixed up, we're gonna
13:57 add our mix, okay, and pour in it,
14:07 mix all that up together, when you
14:10 finished all that. You wanna get your
14:14 pasta and your dish and take this sauce
14:25 this and cover the bottom in it with the
14:30 pasta to sit in. Yes, you got that,
14:41 then take these shells like these and get
14:44 some of your filling and stuff it down
14:48 into the shells. Be real careful with those,
14:52 so you don't tear the shells, you get it all
14:55 pushed in, get it, set it in there and
15:00 when you get a whole, go and get two
15:02 for you but when you get the, you get
15:04 a whole bunch of them, then you just
15:06 dribble a little bit sauce over the top,
15:09 that's all there is. And there is several
15:11 ways you can use this filling,
15:13 these are stuffed shells, the same kind
15:15 of idea but just just in shells and you can
15:18 also make it with lasagna, you wanna
15:23 bake it probably about 350 until it looks,
15:26 the pasta's done and it's hot and good,
15:29 that's all there is to it and it's delicious.
15:32 Well remember until next time
15:34 keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:45 I can hear the screams and the shouts
15:46 from afar off in the valley but I did not
15:49 know what they were about, all
15:51 I knew was that they were getting angrier and
15:53 angrier, as every moment passed by.
15:56 I am Simon of Cyrene, and the shouts that
15:59 I heard as I got closer and closer,
16:01 I finally realized were that of an angry mob.
16:06 And as I came closer I realized that it
16:09 was a crowd shouting for the death of a criminal.
16:11 I thought for sure it would be a thief or
16:14 a robber or a murder. But as I got closer
16:18 and closer, I realized that it was not
16:21 a thief or a robber or a murderer,
16:24 and which they were yelling crucify him,
16:26 crucify him. But it was actually Jesus,
16:30 the soft, gentle Jesus. I heard so many
16:35 wonderful stories about this Jesus and
16:37 as I get closer to the crowd I realized that
16:40 he was carrying a cross. He had been beaten,
16:43 there was a crown of thorns on his head.
16:45 And he could in no way care me that big,
16:48 heavy, blucky wooden cross, but he was
16:51 trying and he kept falling and falling over
16:54 and over again, the Roman soldiers
16:56 would not help him. The Jewish people too
16:58 close to pass over, they would not
17:01 help him either. So as I got closer the
17:05 Roman soldiers and the mob made me
17:07 pick up and carry this heavy cross.
17:10 I was not a believer in Jesus,
17:13 I did not know much about who he was,
17:15 I heard a few stories of miracles that
17:18 he performed and I thought that
17:19 everyone loved Him. But what a different
17:22 story I found that day to find this man
17:25 whose face was so gentle, carrying this
17:28 heavy cross and as I picked up this cross
17:31 and as I carried it for Jesus, he looked
17:34 into my eyes and look into my face and
17:37 then I knew in my heart that he was trying
17:42 to save and help me. This man who was
17:45 so pitiful, who was so bloody,
17:47 who was so beaten, he gave me a look
17:50 of love and of trust and of understanding
17:53 and as I picked up that cross and as
17:57 I carried it my arms for this man named
18:00 Jesus from a town called Nazareth.
18:02 I knew too that I was saved and he loved me
18:08 and this heavy cross was not so heavy anymore,
18:10 it did not seem as a burden at all,
18:13 in fact it was a wonderful thing to carry
18:17 the cross for this man who seemed so gentle
18:20 and so meek and so mild and so kind.
18:23 I carried this cross for Jesus when my
18:25 shoulder all the way to this hill
18:27 called Golgotha, carrying it was
18:32 a pleasure and a privilege for me.
18:33 I felt saved at that moment and as they
18:37 put that cross into the ground and as
18:39 they nailed his hands and he speak to it.
18:42 The tears ran down my eyes, he died that
18:47 day for me. He saved me even though
18:53 I was sad for him in some ways I was happy,
18:57 it was a strange feeling, I was happy
18:59 yet I was sad. I was happy that his
19:01 man Jesus had come my way and that he
19:04 will take the time to look at me and save
19:07 even me they said that He was the King
19:10 of Jews yet they crucified him anyway,
19:13 nailing his hands to that cross.
19:15 What a terrible day it was, but
19:18 what a wonderful day of salvation for me
19:20 to have the chance to carry the cross
19:23 for the savior of the world. It become quiet
19:29 that night when Jesus died on that cross,
19:33 but I was so happy and I felt so loved
19:38 that I could do such a wonderful thing
19:41 for a wonderful man. I was an outcast,
19:44 we are not looked upon well in Jerusalem
19:47 and no one wanted to carry the cross.
19:51 But you know that's alright with me because
19:54 I that day carried the cross for the man
19:57 who bore the sins of the world on his shoulder.
20:02 I knew that day that I was saved and
20:04 I know that not only would he save but my
20:06 family and all my children. Yes, me,
20:10 an outsider, an outcast in Jerusalem.
20:14 Even though they thought they were
20:15 punishing me by making me carry this cross
20:18 I knew that it was nothing close to
20:20 a punishment. But for me it was
20:22 privilege to carry the cross
20:24 for the savior of the world.
20:48 [Foreign language]
24:20 Thank you to the Alvarado Choir for that
24:22 beautiful song, you know they're from Alvarado,
24:24 Texas and what beautiful music they have.
24:27 I am sitting here reading letters and
24:30 emails and cards from you boys and girls
24:32 and I just love hearing from you.
24:34 I wanna share some of them with you right now.
24:36 This one says dear Miss Brenda,
24:38 it's an email, it says my name is Carlton,
24:41 I'm 5 years old and I love to watch Kids Time
24:43 and I just love Ranger Jim because I love
24:46 learning about nature. Can you please
24:48 send me a Kids Time book and tell everyone
24:50 at Kids Time that I said hi and that I love him.
24:52 Love, Carlton. Well, I sure will Carlton and
24:55 thank you for your email.
24:56 And I have another letter, it says my name
25:00 is Marissa, says I am 6 years old I watch
25:04 Kids Time every day and I love it.
25:06 Please send me a Kids Time book,
25:08 love, Marissa. And Marissa has a beautiful
25:12 picture right here of herself and she drew
25:15 a picture of an angel with 3ABN written
25:18 right on it, isn't that pretty.
25:19 Thank you so much Marissa and then
25:22 I have another email here, it says
25:24 dear Miss Brenda I just emailed you but
25:28 I forgot to give you my picture and
25:30 I want you to have my picture.
25:32 Love, your friend Haley and here is the
25:35 picture of Haley, some times these email
25:38 pictures are kind of dark, so I don't know
25:40 if you can see her, but there's Haley
25:42 and lets see what Haley writes.
25:44 She says, dear Miss Brenda, my name is Haley
25:47 and I am 7 years old and I am going to the
25:49 second grade. This week our Church
25:51 is having vacation Bible school and
25:54 I invited my friends and they caught a ride
25:56 with my Grandma and have been coming
25:58 every night and they are enjoying it.
26:00 Your friend Haley, that is a wonderful
26:02 way to witness Haley. I have one more email
26:04 boys and girls, this says dear Miss Brenda,
26:06 I'm a 10 year old student and I watch,
26:08 sing and worship with your program everyday.
26:11 I am very interested in getting a
26:13 Kids Time book, I want to be like Jesus.
26:16 I love him. Love, Brad. I am from Grenada.
26:19 Well thank you for your letter,
26:20 that's all the time we have today
26:22 boys and girls. Remember, wherever you go,
26:24 whatever you do, it's
26:25 Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17