Kids' Time

Take The World, But Give Me Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000062

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:10 it's time to share there is a world out there.
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, you got me reading a book.
00:27 It's a strange looking book isn't it?
00:29 But you know back in Bible Times anything
00:31 for a longtime afterwards scrolls were used for
00:34 reading and for writing. The Bible that you have
00:37 in your home, it was first written on the scrolls
00:40 centuries ago. One of the most exciting discoveries
00:44 in modern times occurred in the country of Israel.
00:47 And I think it was in about 1947 I think it was,
00:50 a shepherd boy, he was taking a Sheep and Goats
00:53 in a path near the Dead Sea and the ground was
00:56 just covered with stones. Well, he saw some cave
01:00 and some cliffs far above his head,
01:02 so he thought hmm, and he bent over and
01:04 picked up a few stones and he throw one right
01:06 into the dark opening of the cave.
01:08 Well, to his surprise he heard the sound of
01:11 something breaking and shattering,
01:13 sound of a stone smacking into something
01:16 that sounded like pottery breaking.
01:18 Well now, this shepherd boy was really curious,
01:22 so he went into the cave and to his surprise
01:25 and the world's amazement, he found a number of
01:28 large jars, all in one piece, except for the one
01:32 that he hit with the stone and inside each jar was
01:36 an ancient manuscript, old yellowed scrolls.
01:40 Now, on these scrolls were familiar words,
01:44 the very same words that people for centuries
01:48 have been reading from the Old Testament.
01:50 It was such an exciting discovery the scholars
01:54 came from every where just to see these scrolls
01:57 and Hebrews scholars began to study them,
01:59 even today people speak with hushed excitement
02:03 about the Dead Sea scrolls. The manuscripts
02:07 that reinforced the truth of the Bible.
02:10 Today's Bible story tells us of a man who was
02:13 reading a scroll, very much like those found
02:16 in that cave above the Dead Sea. He felt sure
02:19 he was reading something very important and do
02:22 you know what, he was. Just as the Dead Sea
02:26 Scrolls were preserved in cave for centuries,
02:29 So God's word can be preserved forever in
02:32 our hearts and in our minds, when we take
02:35 the time to read our Bibles. Boys and girls
02:37 I wanna encourage you right now, pick up your
02:40 Bible today, learn those scriptures, memorize them,
02:44 keep them in your hearts and in your mind forever.
02:47 Well right now Ranger Jim he's out in the pasture
02:50 with a lot of alpacas and one of them
02:53 is extra special. I want you to
02:56 listen and you'll find out why.
03:04 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying
03:06 welcome to nature time. We're so glad you can
03:08 join us today look at what we have, we have
03:11 Alpacas of all different colors and sizes,
03:14 all grazing on this beautiful hillside,
03:16 little babies and older ones, traffic going by
03:19 on the highway our friend Dave is here to tell us
03:21 about this, Dave, I bet traffic almost stops
03:23 sometimes doesn't it. Oh yeah, they stop right
03:25 in the middle of a highway lot of times
03:27 when traffic is traveling 55 miles an hour.
03:29 These are beautiful creatures, tell us
03:31 something about them. How many do you have,
03:33 these are Alpacas, we have approximately 25
03:36 at all times, and so you do sell them when they
03:39 are younger or, yes we sell them, we raise them
03:42 and breed them, they can't be away from their
03:45 mother until their approximately five
03:46 months old, and people can purchase them
03:49 before they're five months old but they can't live
03:52 the mother's side. Right, now tell me
03:54 what do you call the babies? The babies are
03:56 called Crias, Crias, instead of a calf or
03:59 a colt or something, it's a Cria alright.
04:02 Now, these are all just natural colors that
04:05 you would find, yes there is 22 natural colors in
04:07 the variety of patterns of multicolor,
04:10 and so you boys and girls may hear dogs growling
04:13 and barking in the background they have
04:15 two great Pyrenees Sheepdogs and they protect
04:18 the Alpacas from many stray dogs or coyote,
04:21 that might come here, and also what about the
04:25 food they graze on pasture or just,
04:27 yeah they graze on grass, alfalfa mixed grass
04:31 in winter, it's grass hay or alfalfa mix.
04:35 And so these animals are natives of Peru and
04:38 places like that, where we have mountainous areas
04:42 of Indian people originally domesticated these
04:45 creatures. Correct, they come from South America,
04:48 the Indians made there living on the fleece
04:50 that you share off once a year. And so, you share
04:53 the fleece early in the spring is that correct,
04:55 early in the spring, once a year.
04:57 And, you would do that much like sheep,
04:59 give them time to maybe grow freeze back fresh
05:03 wouldn't be attack by flies or, correctly.
05:06 We share them around May, you harvest about
05:09 five to eight pounds per animal. Wonderful
05:12 and we have some of that here boys and girls
05:14 for you to see some of the fleece and its as
05:16 soft as silk. It is very light and fluffy and has
05:20 wonderful insulation qualities and these
05:23 creatures boys and girls in the coldest winter,
05:25 can go out and lay down on the snow and sleep
05:27 and get up and it doesn't even melt the snow,
05:30 and we have a pair of very, very nice socks here
05:33 that have been made from these fleece and
05:35 they're very warm you could go out and wear
05:37 these in your boots and not even, even wear
05:39 an insulated boot and you'd be very comfortable
05:41 in the winter time, and this can be dyed quite
05:43 readily in the different colors, correct, the
05:45 whites can be dyed, whatever color you
05:48 would like. Beautiful, beautiful.
05:50 Now, tell me this creature that we have here
05:52 special story I understand this one has been
05:55 dedicated to the Lord. Correct, we just love
05:57 Rochelle. My wife and I decided having
06:01 a investment project, the Lord's blessed us
06:03 to tremendously and we would like to dedicate
06:05 the proceeds from her and all of her offspring
06:07 to Kids Time and we have a special portion for kids,
06:10 praise the Lord. And we'd love to see that portion
06:15 go for Kids Time, wonderful now,
06:17 let me tell you about this, to give you some idea
06:19 and Dave and his wife Cindy would never boast
06:22 of this but I want to ask him a question,
06:24 what would you estimate would be the price
06:26 that this animal will bring. Oh she could
06:29 approximately bring between $10 to $15000.
06:32 Now boys and girls, isn't beautiful $10 or $15000,
06:35 this lovely animals going to bring when they
06:38 sell this, money is gonna to be given to help
06:40 with Kids Time and Ranger Jim I would like
06:43 to suggest to you that maybe you might
06:45 have an investment project also, you might
06:47 have an investment project, it maybe popcorn
06:50 or whatever it might be in your garden,
06:52 would you like to maybe try that and have an
06:54 investment project, if you do you call Miss Brenda
06:57 at 3ABN and you may find yourself sitting there
07:00 some day in front of a camera telling other
07:02 boys and girls just exactly what you're doing
07:05 for the Lord as an investment project,
07:07 and as I said before this pasture is out beside
07:10 the highway and of course you hear trucks going by,
07:13 you may see traffic going by, and these creatures
07:16 also beautiful we have people just stop and want
07:18 to come up and see them and pet them.
07:20 And of course we have people that come in visitors
07:23 and we have people come out from Church
07:24 and what have you and of course all the children
07:26 want to come up and pet them. You see this
07:28 beautiful tiny little creature right here,
07:30 wouldn't you just love to come and hug her,
07:32 I would like to go over and touch her anyways,
07:34 she is setting there so quietly and these are
07:36 we are expecting more food look what happens
07:38 when I punch this way, because they love to roll
07:41 in the dirt and Dave and Cindy, they look so nice
07:44 today when they're gonna be on camera,
07:46 especially Cindy and what do they do,
07:48 they go out and roll in the dirt just like kids
07:50 and get dirty and mommy wants them to look good
07:52 when they're having their pictures made and all
07:54 of the Alpacas went out and rolled in the dirt.
07:56 But that's part of it boys and girls. So interesting
07:59 and we're glad that you could come today and
08:01 see these beautiful creatures. Ranger Jim
08:03 is always telling you boys and girls don't forget
08:05 to tell Jesus that you love Him
08:07 because he really does love you.
08:23 Hello boys and girls, I am here with my friend
08:25 Yasmin and I've got a question I just have to
08:28 ask Yasmin, what do you think Jesus wants
08:31 from you? Oh, that's true someday you may
08:36 have to share your bear, but like when you go
08:39 to Church what do you think Jesus wants?
08:43 That's right Yasmin, he might take up an offering,
08:46 he take up an offering to help other boys and girls
08:49 but most of all Yasmin, tell Boys and girls at home
08:53 what Jesus wants from you. Jesus wants my heart.
08:59 That's right Yasmin. Boys and girls Jesus may need
09:03 our teddy bears, may need our offerings,
09:07 but more than anything else he wants our whole heart.
09:13 With all my heart With all my heart
09:15 with all my soul with all my soul,
09:17 with all my strength, with all my strength,
09:19 I love you Lord, I love you Lord,
09:21 With all my heart, With all my mind,
09:23 With all my muscles and I find that I'm just
09:25 loving you and the life you give to me.
09:28 With all my heart With all my heart
09:30 with all my soul with all my soul,
09:32 with all my strength, with all my strength,
09:34 I love you Lord, I love you Lord,
09:36 With all my heart, With all my mind,
09:38 With all my muscles and I find that I'm just
09:40 loving you and the life you give to me.
09:43 Anytime, anywhere, claim a pray to help me give to you,
09:55 Everything want me too, want me too.
10:01 Every hour, every hour, Every minute, every minute,
10:04 Here's my life, here's my life
10:06 I want you in it, I want you in it.
10:08 Here is my hair, here is my sign,
10:10 Here is my life, here is the my friend
10:12 that have to serving you inviting you to meet.
10:16 Anytime, anytime, Anywhere, anywhere,
10:20 When I pray, when I pray,
10:22 You were there, you were there,
10:24 Shall me give, shall me give, to you, to you.
10:28 Everything, you want me too, you want me too.
10:35 Sorry, but we just had to go for it.
10:39 With all my heart, with all my heart,
10:41 With all my soul, with all my soul,
10:43 With all my strength, with all my strength,
10:45 I love you Lord, I love you Lord.
10:47 With all my heart, With all my mind,
10:49 With all my muscles and I find that I'm just
10:51 loving you and life you gave to me.
12:50 I am a very important and powerful man.
12:53 I control all of the money, all of the financers
12:56 for Candace, queen of Ethiopia. I am very rich
13:01 every shackle that comes through Ethiopia
13:03 comes through my hands, and although
13:06 I am powerful and although I am rich.
13:08 There is still a longing in my heart, an emptiness
13:12 in my soul that I cannot fill. That would often
13:16 take me to Jerusalem where I would study
13:18 and read the scrolls to find out more about what
13:22 life was all about and why I had this emptiness
13:24 within me. One day while in my lavish chariot
13:28 reading the scrolls a man named Philip came by,
13:33 and Philip asked me did I understand the things
13:35 that I was reading, it would insult some men
13:38 but I did not quite understand fully and
13:41 I asked Philip I said well how can I understand
13:44 this unless someone explains these scrolls to me.
13:48 So, Philip took me down and we both read from
13:53 these scrolls. Philip said to me, well do you
13:57 understand what it's all about, I told him not quite,
13:59 he then mentioned to me about Jesus.
14:03 This man who had done such wonderful things,
14:06 about a man who had fed five thousand people
14:09 with just some loaves and some fishes, about
14:12 how He raised people from the dead, he told me
14:15 of all the wonderful stories about a kingdom to come
14:18 and about, and about all of wonderful things
14:21 that would be waiting for us in a place called Heaven.
14:25 Oh what wonderful stories Philip told me about this
14:29 Jesus and about this God who loved me so much
14:32 and then I knew that Jesus would love even me
14:37 and as rich as I am and as powerful as I am.
14:41 It was the one thing that filled the void within
14:44 my heart to learn more about this wonderful
14:47 savior called Jesus. I told Philip then to please come
14:52 ride with me and my chariot, Philip got in
14:56 the chariot with me and explained more wonderful
14:58 things to me about Jesus and how He raised a little
15:00 girl from the dead and how He healed the sick
15:02 and He healed the blind and made those walk
15:04 and talk again. And as we were in my chariot,
15:09 we passed by a body of water, and I said
15:12 Philip can I, can I please be baptized, Philip said,
15:18 only if you truly believe. I said Philip I believe
15:22 that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
15:25 Philip says then you can be baptized, Philip took
15:30 me down in that water and I was baptized,
15:33 we went down together in that water and as
15:35 I came out of the water I felt as if I too was
15:39 a child of Jesus Christ, one of His followers,
15:42 one of His disciples. I knew then that Jesus would
15:47 be my friend, and me, this Ethiopia, I learned
15:53 so much about Jesus that day and as I came up
15:56 out of the water I knew that I too was a child
16:00 of God, and oh how I went back and I told all
16:04 my friends about Jesus and the wonderful things
16:06 that he too could do for them but something
16:08 strange I remember happened when I came
16:11 out of that water, when I came out of the water,
16:14 I looked for Philip and Philip was gone.
16:18 You see the Spirit took Philip away,
16:20 but I was left feeling and knowing that Jesus
16:25 was indeed my savior too and that I was a part of
16:30 the family of God and that I too can make it to
16:32 this wonderful place called Heaven, oh I look
16:35 forward to that wonderful place called heaven
16:38 and Philip can tell me about Jesus and if he could
16:42 talk to me about Jesus and I could understand about
16:45 Jesus, so can you understand about this wonderful,
16:49 wonderful savior. I'm so thankful that Philip came
16:53 to me that day and told me about Jesus and now
16:55 I know, I truly know that I am a member,
17:00 I am a part of this wonderful family of God,
17:05 I want you to be a part of that family of God too.
17:31 It's not conservative or liberal,
17:35 However they're defined;
17:37 It's not about interpretation,
17:41 Or the judgment of the mind;
17:44 It's the opposite of politics,
17:47 Power and prestige;
17:50 It's about a simple message,
17:53 And whether we believe. It's still the cross,
18:00 It's still the blood of Calvary;
18:03 That cleanses sins, And sets the captives free.
18:09 It's still the name, The name of Jesus,
18:14 That has power to save the lost;
18:18 It's still the cross. We can strategize
18:26 and implement our statues and degrees,
18:31 we can control our institutions of purity
18:35 and grant degrees, but the world is out there
18:39 watching and what they need from us is to
18:44 see our risen savior Lord reflected in a robe.
18:50 It's still the cross,
18:53 It's still the blood of Calvary;
18:56 That cleanses sins,
19:00 And sets the captives free.
19:02 It's still the name, The name of Jesus,
19:07 That has power to save the lost;
19:13 It's still the cross, It's still the cross,
19:26 It's still the cross.
19:43 Thank you to the Lovell Sisters for that beautiful
19:45 song. Well, boys and girls right now I wanna
19:48 take you to Russia. I was recently visiting there,
19:50 and I absolutely fell in love with a little girl
19:53 named Dasha and she loves Jesus so much
19:56 and she wants to tell you how she share's Jesus.
19:59 Let's see what Dasha has to say.
20:00 Tell me what do you do to share Jesus?
20:04 [Foreign language].
20:14 When my friends come to see me at
20:15 home then we together [foreign language],
20:22 they listen their intent to them [foreign language]
20:26 and we paint color books. Oh about Jesus?
20:30 [foreign language]. Now do all your friends have
20:33 Bibles or most of people you know have Bibles.
20:35 [Foreign language] No, not many people, no.
20:44 What's your favorite story in the Bible?
20:46 [Foreign language] When Jesus was crucified
20:54 and I'm very sorry for Jesus. That makes me
20:57 sad too to think that Jesus had to die on the cross
21:00 too, but I am so glad he did because he loves us.
21:04 Well thank you Dasha for that wonderful report
21:07 and I want you to keep on sharing Jesus won't you.
21:11 I have somebody else with me today boys and girls
21:13 who loves Jesus very much and that is my friend
21:16 Rachel. Hi Rachel, hi, thank you for joining me today.
21:19 Now, I want you to tell the boys and girls
21:21 what it is that you do to share Jesus?
21:23 Well, I'm part of the Pray Warriors Ministry.
21:25 Now what is a Pray Warriors Ministry?
21:27 It's when you get in the group of two or three
21:30 people or more I guess and we all pray about
21:33 some prayer requests like if people are sick or
21:37 if they had a family member that died and
21:39 we want to pray for their family or if there's gonna
21:42 be events that come up, we want to just pray
21:45 for that, and one of the things that we do,
21:48 some of the ways we get prayer requests is by
21:50 going out into neighborhoods,
21:51 we go up to each person's house, we knock on
21:54 the door and when they come out we say
21:55 we've been praying for your street and we would
21:57 like to know if you had any pray requests.
21:59 Wow, now the most people look at you like you crazy
22:01 for saying what is this person doing.
22:03 Well some times they did, but most of the time
22:06 they're pretty happy to see us, and most of the
22:09 time they have some pray requests and
22:11 we ask them if they would like to pray with us
22:13 and after. And what kind of things would they ask
22:16 you to pray for? Sometimes World Peace since
22:19 the attack we had and sometimes for a different
22:23 family members or for themselves, sometimes
22:27 and so after we get all the prayer request from
22:30 that street then we bring them back and pray
22:32 in our little group and share them with our other
22:34 groups and then we'll write them down in our prayer
22:36 journal and keep praying for them.
22:38 Now what's a prayer journal? It's a book
22:40 that you write all your prayer request and then
22:42 you pray for everyday and when our prayer request
22:44 is answered then you get to put a star by it.
22:46 Oh I love that, isn't that a wonderful idea.
22:49 Now, let me ask you have you had any special
22:52 experiences at all? Yes, it was really there is one
22:55 time we went up to this lady's house and we told
22:57 her what we do to every person and she is like
23:00 yes I'd like you to pray for me because I have
23:02 chronic fatigue syndrome and that's a disease
23:05 where you get tired easy, it is, and she would
23:07 get kind of upset because she likes to help people
23:10 and she would tired and not be to help them
23:12 as much as she like to, and so we ended up
23:15 talking with her for about 10 minutes and
23:18 we got to pray with her and she is like wow,
23:20 that is so neat that some of you will just come out
23:22 and pray with us like that and we told her about
23:26 the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and she thought
23:29 that was just great, and I think it's a great
23:31 way to make new friends in your neighborhood
23:33 and share Jesus with others. You know what
23:36 Rachel I couldn't agree more isn't that right boys
23:38 and girls, maybe that something that
23:40 you could start in your neighborhood or in your
23:42 church or your school and start a pray warriors
23:45 club. I love that idea thank you Rachel.
23:48 Well I have some letters I would like to share
23:50 with you boys and girls one letter here is from
23:52 Nathan from Alpine Texas, let's see what
23:54 Nathan has to say. He says dear Miss Brenda,
23:59 my name is Nathan, I am four years old.
24:02 I share Jesus by singing at the Nursing Home
24:04 to other people. My mommy is writing this letter for
24:07 me and I also share Jesus by teaching Daniel
24:10 my baby brother. I teach Daniel by telling him
24:13 stories about Jesus. I love Kids Time and
24:16 I watch it every time it's on. My favorite part
24:19 is the Kids Time, cooking time with Catie.
24:22 Love Nathan. Well thank you Nathan for your letter,
24:25 I can't agree more, Catie has some wonderful recipes.
24:28 Well, this letter is from Jamaica, that's what it
24:35 is Jamaica, and let's see who is writing us from
24:38 Jamaica. It says dear Miss Brenda, I really love
24:41 you stories and programs and I love to hear that
24:44 children sing too. I look forward watch your
24:47 program is before going to Church and although
24:49 I'm a grown man it makes me feel like a child at hard.
24:53 I just wanted to tell you that Kids Time is in
24:55 my prays, yours truly, Kevin. Kevin, thank
24:58 you so much. You know boys and girls
25:00 you can be four years old or you can be
25:03 94 years old and you can still be a kid and watch
25:07 Kids Time, isn't that right? This is from Bingham,
25:11 Illinois, and this is from Tezale, and can you hold
25:16 that picture she sent us a picture thank you Tezale.
25:19 This says, hi my name is Teza and I am 11 years
25:24 old. I am from Bingham Illinois and I live out
25:28 in the country. I really enjoy your show and
25:30 I would like to have an Activity Book.
25:32 I love Jesus very much, love Teza.
25:36 Well Teza, I would be happy to send you an
25:38 Activity Book, but I want to encourage you
25:42 to please share Jesus won't you. Tell someone
25:45 today that Jesus loves them. This is from Redlands,
25:49 California and we got another picture,
25:51 can you hold that one up for me? And this says,
25:55 dear Miss Brenda, I love your show Kids Time.
25:58 I am four years old and I see 3ABN at my
26:00 own house and at my grandma's house.
26:02 My favorite part is story time, I also like mail box
26:06 time and when letters are read, love Maddie.
26:09 Well thank you Maddie for you letter and
26:11 I want to encourage you to keep sharing
26:13 Jesus won't you? This letter is from Belize
26:16 and it says dear Miss Brenda, 3ABN and
26:19 Kids Time are my favorite programs,
26:21 I love Jesus and I pray everyday.
26:23 My name is LeToya and I am seven years old
26:26 and I come from Belize City, love, LeToya.
26:29 Well thank you LeToya for that letter,
26:31 and that's all the time we have today boys and girls.
26:34 I wanted to thank you Rachel for coming
26:35 and telling us about Prayer Warriors,
26:37 thank you so much for having me.
26:38 Oh I am glad you were here and boys and girls
26:41 be a Prayer Warrior today won't you.
26:42 Remember its kids to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17