Kids' Time

The Forgotten Dream

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000061

00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus,
00:09 it's time to share there is a world
00:12 out there. Let's tell them that
00:15 He loves us so. Let's tell them that
00:18 He loves us so. Kids time,
00:21 Kids time, Kids time.
00:25 Hello boys and girls, can you guess
00:26 why I'm looking through these goggles.
00:29 That's right. I was thinking about
00:31 going swimming and its fun to
00:33 actually swim underwater. God has
00:35 made a beautiful underwater world
00:37 that is hard to see unless we have
00:39 special equipment. That's why I use goggles
00:42 they keep water from getting in my
00:44 eyes and let me see clearly all
00:46 the plants and the fish and all those
00:48 other beautiful underwater creatures
00:50 that God has made. Human beings are
00:53 pretty smart to have invented goggles
00:55 to see it, don't you think? But I know
00:57 someone so much smarter than any
00:59 man or woman or boy or girl could ever be.
01:02 Do you know who that is? That someone
01:05 is Jesus. Jesus created many animals
01:08 on this earth besides human beings
01:10 and he gave them all just the special
01:12 equipment they would need to get
01:14 along in their environment. In fact I'm
01:17 thinking of an animal right know that
01:19 has its own built-in goggles. Now let's
01:21 see if you can guess what I'm thinking of.
01:24 This animal is a reptile and it lives in
01:27 warm climate so that it won't get too cold.
01:29 It doesn't like to be cold. It can grow
01:32 to be more than 10 feet long and it
01:34 has very sharp teeth and has great big mouth
01:38 and a long powerful tail and it spends most
01:41 of its life in the water. Have you
01:43 guessed what it is yet? Alright you probably
01:47 guessed it's a crocodile. Do you know look
01:50 at this big crocodile with nice teeth,
01:52 you can almost see the teeth going
01:53 through here and all this leathery
01:56 looking skin, look out all this on his
01:59 back right here and it has swishy tail.
02:01 Well you know what Jesus made
02:03 crocodiles with very special eyes.
02:05 In fact if you were ever near a river
02:08 that has crocodiles in it. You may only see
02:10 their big round eyes, peeping up out
02:12 of the water. And crocodiles spend a
02:15 great deal of time under the water and so
02:18 that they can see us well under the
02:19 water as you and I can out of the water.
02:22 Can you think about that for a minute?
02:23 That's awesome isn't it? Do you know the
02:26 reason for this is that God made crocodiles
02:28 with a very thin membrane that covers
02:31 their eyes, so that water can't get in
02:33 them but the light can come right through
02:35 that membrane. So they have built-in goggles
02:38 don't they? Isn't God wonderful
02:40 he created every living things just perfectly
02:44 and now Ranger Jim will tell
02:46 us more about crocodiles.
02:56 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
02:57 welcome to 'Nature Time.'
02:59 We are at Silver Springs, Florida again
03:01 and we are enjoying ourselves today
03:03 and we have a special friend.
03:05 We have a very large creature here and
03:09 we have our friend Jesse. Jesse,
03:10 tell the boys and girls something about
03:11 this creature we're seeing.
03:12 Boys and girls Jim and I are inside the
03:15 exhibit with the largest American
03:17 crocodile in captivity. Now this is an
03:20 American crocodile about the best way
03:21 you can tell it too apart from it unlike
03:23 an alligator and crocodile. You will
03:25 notice he has a V-shaped pointed
03:26 snout and an alligator has blunt U- shaped
03:29 snout. That's about the best way
03:30 you can tell a difference. Now believe
03:32 it or not, we've got American
03:33 crocodiles right here in Florida
03:35 in the very Southern tip. Now also if you
03:38 notice ridges right on top of the crocodile's
03:41 back and neck these are called scutes
03:43 something really unique about this
03:45 Jim is they lay on the sun in the day
03:47 time just like Soback is laying there.
03:48 They gain all that heat. It's almost like a
03:51 a priminous solar collector. Then in night
03:53 time all they do is release that heat back
03:55 into the body and it helps keep him warm.
03:57 Just like when you and I get cold,
03:59 we'll pull a blanket over in the middle of night,
04:00 that's what they do, alright. Now this guy
04:02 weighs almost 2000 pounds,
04:04 he is 16 foot long in the range of the
04:07 American crocodile people don't really
04:08 realize as American crocodiles in Florida,
04:11 but it's at very Southern tip of Florida
04:12 and it goes out to Jamaica and it goes
04:15 all way around the Cuba and that's
04:16 how larger ranges. In a course they'll
04:19 eat waiting birds, mammals like raccoons.
04:22 They'll take down deer. What we do in captivity,
04:25 we feed him about once a week,
04:26 we usually feed him chicken or fish
04:29 and we alternate his feedings,
04:30 it works out pretty good.
04:33 Well I have always wondered the
04:34 differences, so now, but the only problem
04:36 with that Jesse you've got to get close
04:37 to them to identify them.
04:39 Well you do have to get close to them,
04:41 but actually if you see the way his
04:43 mouth is opened. Most of the time,
04:45 if you could just count the fourth tooth back,
04:47 it's protruding upward. But again Jim,
04:49 I'll tell you what if you that closer to
04:51 count the teeth I think you may be too
04:52 close to the animal. And boys and girls
04:54 the rule is simple never get close to an
04:56 alligator or a crocodile. If you are watching
04:58 that and you live in a country where
04:59 there are crocodiles and alligators of
05:01 course you would never want to approach
05:03 an alligator or crocodile as far as I'm
05:05 taking about. Jesse, tell us something
05:06 about their reproduction.
05:07 These are reptiles, but yet they lay eggs.
05:10 Is this true? Right they are egg layers.
05:12 They will build a nest. The females will
05:15 kick a mound it's about 3 foot high
05:17 about 3 foot in diameter. They will use
05:19 their back legs. It takes all decaying vegetation,
05:22 which gives the nesting area heat.
05:24 She will use her hind legs, she will keep
05:27 on kicking of the vegetation,
05:28 she will make a mound, when she
05:29 gets ready she will dig a little hole
05:31 in the center, where she will pass it up
05:33 to sixty eggs. Now something that's
05:35 really hard to believe about this Jim.
05:37 If out of sixty eggs when they hatch
05:40 out only one will reach maturity.
05:42 And that's of course is lot of predators
05:44 in a course of very valuable in a food chain,
05:46 when you take a small alligator or
05:48 small crocodile, waiting birds,
05:50 raccoons, adders, eagles, owls, osprey
05:53 all the animals we love to see and we enjoy.
05:57 That's very important food chain to them,
05:59 so one animal, dangerous to be a
06:01 small alligator. It is very dangerous and
06:03 they are brightly colored, so they
06:04 blend them with the surrounding edges
06:06 of and there is brittle care with these animals.
06:08 The mother actually stays with the babies
06:10 for about three years. That's unique
06:12 with the animals. That's very unusual.
06:14 I know as I told you before that
06:15 I sometime our boys and girls enjoy a
06:17 best visiting on Lake Okeechobee.
06:18 And you can usually tell when you get
06:21 near alligators nest in March or April
06:23 along there because as you fish along
06:25 the March here she comes swimming
06:27 out and challenge the boat,
06:28 you should challenge an 18 foot bass boat.
06:31 She doesn't attack it. She just swims
06:33 between you and the nest back and forth,
06:35 and back and forth. And sometimes we
06:37 cast the bass plug out and we're working
06:39 along the edges of a weed. And here
06:40 comes a small alligator about this longer,
06:42 right. My buddy caught one about this long.
06:44 Now if you want to fight on your hands
06:45 catch an alligator on a fishing pool that
06:48 really be fun. Well as you said these
06:50 animals are limited here in the US
06:52 they aren't many of these and maybe
06:54 boys and girls you have seen videos
06:56 of these terrible creatures reaching up
06:59 skillfully out of the water and grabbing a
07:02 wilder beast or some huge large animal
07:04 and pulling them into the water and
07:06 what they do is grasp that creature
07:08 when they close their jaws,
07:09 their teeth interlock, there is no escape
07:11 then they'll begin to thrash with their tail
07:13 and spin over and over and over until the
07:16 poor unfortunate creature grounds and then
07:18 they eat it by tearing it into pieces and
07:21 swallowing it almost whole. So this has
07:23 been a thrilling experience for us to
07:25 see and thank our friend Jesse.
07:26 If he could come to your school or church,
07:28 he could talk about this creature for an hour.
07:30 But we don't have the time today.
07:32 That this is Ranger Jim telling you as always
07:34 boys and girls don't forget to tell Jesus
07:36 that you love him because
07:38 he really does love you.
07:55 Hello boys and girls and welcome
07:56 to beautiful tropical West Frankfort,
07:58 Illinois as Kids Time goes specific.
08:00 We're here with the Kids Time singers.
08:03 Pluffy, the wonder dog and my band,
08:05 Michelle Roderick playing the only song
08:07 she know the Ukulele and
08:09 Andrew Roderick playing guitar.
08:12 Andrew what's this thing? This is my
08:14 backpacker guitar. I just got it last
08:16 year and it has steel strings,
08:18 inside nylon and it has lot different sound.
08:23 Oh I like that. Maybe we use that in
08:25 another song that's really good.
08:26 Boys and girls at home, we would like
08:28 you to join us as we sing this song
08:30 righteousness, peace, joy in the Holy Ghost.
08:40 Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Ghost
08:44 Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Ghost
08:48 That's the Kingdom of God.
08:49 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
08:52 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
08:54 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
08:59 Come on every body. Oh boys and girls at
09:03 home I didn't hear you here.
09:04 Let's see if you can join us this time.
09:07 Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Ghost
09:12 Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost
09:15 That's the Kingdom of God.
09:17 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
09:19 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
09:22 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
09:26 Come on every body. Oh that was much better.
09:29 We'll see if you can do the
09:31 action this time. Here we go.
09:32 Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy Ghost
09:37 Righteousness, Peace, and Joy in the Holy Ghost
09:40 That's the Kingdom of God.
09:42 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
09:44 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
09:47 Don't you want to be a part of the Kingdom
09:50 Come on every body. Alleluia.
10:12 Something's happened to daddy
10:15 He's not the same anymore
10:18 Things are different at our house
10:22 Like never before Mommy says he met Jesus
10:29 And he washed him white as snow
10:32 Something's happened to daddy I know
10:40 As my little girl played with the kids from across
10:46 the street The tone of her voice caught my ear
10:54 What she said was so precious,
10:58 her little face all aglow
11:02 I could hardly hold back the tears
11:10 Something's happened to daddy
11:13 He's not the same anymore
11:17 Things are different at our house
11:21 Like never before Mommy says he met Jesus
11:28 And he washed him white as snow
11:32 Something's happened to daddy I know
11:40 I can still recall that day when we
11:44 gave her to the Lord And we promised to
11:50 show her the way But I got so busy with
11:59 the things of this world
12:02 All too soon I'd forgotten that day
12:10 Something's happened to daddy
12:14 He's not the same anymore
12:17 Things are different at our house
12:21 Like never before Mommy says he met Jesus
12:29 And he washed him white as snow
12:32 Something's happened to daddy I know.
12:40 Something's happened to daddy I know.
12:47 Something has happened to my daddy I know.
13:07 I'm King Nebuchadnezzar. I ruled a great kingdom
13:11 called Babylon. Nobody can hurt my kingdom.
13:15 Nobody could defeat my armies.
13:17 I'm a mighty King. One morning I woke
13:21 with a strange feeling, however,
13:23 something wasn't quite right.
13:24 My servant brought me a wonderful breakfast,
13:27 it tasted good but I could only eat a
13:30 bite or two. What could be wrong
13:33 I wondered, was I sick with a headache,
13:35 no, did my stomachache, no, did I have a
13:40 bad night sleep last night. Haah that was it,
13:44 that's what was wrong. I had a bad sleep,
13:47 yes and then I remember that I had a
13:50 terrible dream. Now let's see what was
13:55 that bad dream I walked back and forth
13:58 in my bedroom as I got dressed,
13:59 I scratched my hair, I smooth my beard,
14:03 I rubbed my eyes. But you know I could
14:07 not remember my dream. My servant came
14:12 back to take the breakfast tray.
14:13 Sir he said, what's wrong with the breakfast.
14:17 I told him nothing the breakfast tasted fine.
14:22 I had a bad dream last night, but I can't
14:25 remember what the dream was. My servant smiled.
14:29 He reminded me that Babylon had many
14:31 wise men and magicians. Oh, I clapped
14:36 my hands for another servant. I told him
14:39 to call the wise men and magicians to
14:40 my throne room. Soon dozens of important
14:43 men were standing around my throne.
14:45 They wondered what I needed.
14:47 I explained what I wanted to tell them
14:50 about the dream. Suddenly, the wise many
14:53 magicians looked happy. Dreams were not hard
14:56 for them to explain, oh king live forever said
14:59 the chief wise man. Tell us your dream
15:02 and we will tell you what it means.
15:05 No, no I answered you don't understand
15:10 I have forgotten the dream. You are the ones
15:14 who must tell me. There were no smiles
15:17 on the men faces, they were worried and scared.
15:21 What is wrong I wondered? Was it possible that
15:25 these men were not as wise as they
15:27 pretended to be? They asked for time
15:31 to talk together, but when they came
15:33 back they pleaded with me to tell the dream
15:34 and they would tell me the meaning of the dream.
15:38 But I was furious, after all the money
15:41 I paid these men to be wise helpers. Now,
15:44 when I needed them the most, they could
15:46 not help me. Well if they couldn't tell
15:49 me my dream they were no good at all.
15:52 Their mighties will be destroyed.
15:55 Yes that's what I would do.
15:57 I would order all the wise men and
16:00 magicians to be killed. Very soon after that
16:04 my servant came to me saying, the Daniel.
16:07 A very wise man in my court wanted to see me.
16:11 I remember Daniel, he had come to Babylon
16:15 as a captive from Israel. He worshiped the
16:18 God in heaven. Give me some time O king,
16:22 Daniel asked. My God in heaven is able to
16:26 tell dreams and he will help me know
16:30 your dream. I remembered how the God
16:34 in heaven had made Daniel and his three
16:36 friends wise and strong; yes I would wait and
16:40 see what the God in heaven could do.
16:43 When Daniel came back to my throne room,
16:46 he was smiling. Daniel's God was able to
16:50 tell him my dream and he said he knew
16:53 what the dream meant. Daniel said that
16:57 my dream was of a great tall statue.
17:00 Oh yes, I almost jumped out of my throne seat.
17:06 That was exactly what I had seen in it;
17:09 it was a great statue of a man.
17:12 And Daniel told me that the head of the
17:15 statue was made of gold. Yes,
17:18 that was right. And the chest and arms
17:22 were of silver, right again and the belly
17:24 and the thighs were brass and legs
17:27 were of iron. He even knew that
17:29 the toes were made of iron mixed with clay.
17:31 Now I was smiling. That was the king that was
17:36 the dream I had. But wait, Daniel said
17:42 there was more. A great stone hit the
17:47 statue on the legs and it was broken into dust.
17:50 Oh yes, yes now I remembered Daniel
17:54 told me that the head of gold meant that
17:56 my great kingdom of Babylon and the other
17:58 parts of the body meant that my great
18:01 kingdom would not last forever.
18:03 Other kings and other kingdoms would come
18:06 and destroy Babylon. And finally the great
18:08 stone would come, the great stone meant
18:11 that the God of heaven. Yes, the God
18:14 of heaven was going to come and destroy
18:16 all the kingdoms of this earth. Wow,
18:21 could Daniel be right, was the God of heaven
18:26 more powerful than my great Babylon.
18:29 I believe nobody could hurt my kingdom.
18:32 Nobody could defeat my armies.
18:35 I was a mighty king. But now I didn't know
18:40 what to believe. After all I don't know anything
18:45 about this God in heaven. Daniel said,
18:49 he is a powerful God, very powerful
18:53 indeed and may be Daniel is right.
19:16 I cast all my cares upon you
19:22 I lay all of my burdens, down at your feet
19:30 and anytime, I don't know what to do,
19:38 I just cast all my cares upon you.
19:45 I cast all my cares upon you
19:52 I lay all of my burdens, down at your feet
20:00 and anytime, I don't know what to do,
20:08 I just cast all my cares upon you.
20:25 Thank you Yasmine for that beautiful song,
20:27 only three years old boys and girls and
20:29 she is already praising Jesus, thank you so much.
20:31 Well today I would like to share with you
20:34 some of the letters that I have been
20:35 receiving from you and I have really been
20:37 receiving a blessing from them.
20:39 And I would like you to hear a lot of
20:41 different ways that boys and girls
20:42 like yourselves are sharing Jesus.
20:44 The first letter here is from David and here
20:46 is his picture says Dear Miss. Brenda,
20:48 my name is David and I'm eleven years old.
20:51 He said, I share Jesus by growing vegetables
20:54 and fruits and giving them to my neighbors.
20:56 He says I like Kid's Time a lot.
20:58 So can you send me a Kid's Time book and
21:00 also a bookmark please? Sincerely, David.
21:02 David I would be happy to send you a book
21:04 and a bookmark from my friend Margie and
21:07 sometimes my sister Linda makes bookmarks too
21:09 and so you might receive one from Margie
21:11 or my friend, I mean my friend Margie
21:13 or my sister Linda. Now the next letter
21:15 is from David sister Laura and here is Laura.
21:18 Says Dear Miss. Brenda my name is Laura
21:20 and I'm nine years old this is how I
21:22 share Jesus. My family and I go to the
21:24 hospital and we sing to the sick people there.
21:27 I love your programs. Love Laura.
21:29 Well thank you Laura and I'm really,
21:31 I know God is pleased with you for sharing
21:35 with the sick people too. Now this letter
21:38 is from Zambia. Oh, we got some nice
21:42 pictures here boys and girls. It says
21:45 Dear Brenda. Howare you? I'm fine my name
21:48 is Glif Shavali and I am. She says I'm
21:52 twelve years old and I live in Zambia.
21:54 Now if I didn't pronounce your name right,
21:56 I'm truly sorry. It says I live in Zambia
21:58 and I'm in the seventh grade. I share Jesus
22:00 by telling my friends stories about Jesus
22:03 at school. Please send me a Kid's Time book.
22:05 Yours faithfully, Glif Shavali. And this
22:09 photograph is of me and my mom.
22:11 Well what a nice photograph it is too and
22:14 we are glad to get letters from you, Glif.
22:16 And this letter, she is from Crystal
22:19 and Berkeley Springs, West Virginia.
22:21 And see if I have any pictures in here, no.
22:25 No picture with this one, says dear Miss. Brenda.
22:27 My name is Crystal and I'm eleven years old
22:30 and I share Jesus by singing and visiting
22:32 with people at the nursing home once a
22:34 month with our church. And I also try to make
22:38 friends with everyone, thank your for Kids Time.
22:40 Love Crystal. Thank you Crystal for that
22:42 beautiful letter. There is a letter here
22:45 from Goldie Oliver and she is from Missouri.
22:49 And it says dear Brenda. Oh I'm a
22:52 great grandmother. But I'm young at heart
22:54 and I love your program. I'm taping it to show
22:57 to my grandchildren and my great grandchildren.
22:59 It says everything is just so wonderful
23:01 I especially love the Music Time with Buddy
23:04 and also the children. I play the guitar and
23:07 sing in nursing homes and I love to do things
23:09 for Jesus. May God bless as you continue
23:11 to serve him in such a marvelous way in
23:13 Christian love, Mrs. Oliver.
23:15 Well thank you so much. Mrs. Oliver,
23:17 please keep praying for us, okay.
23:19 And this next letter is from Naomi from
23:23 Andover, New Hampshire. And let's
23:26 see, we have it says, thank you for Kids Time.
23:28 And here is a letter from Naomi, it says
23:31 dear Miss Brenda I share Jesus by sharing
23:33 my food with my brother Benjamin and
23:35 by sharing Christian videos with friends.
23:37 I love Kid's Time and my favorite part
23:40 is the bible stories. I especially love them
23:42 one with baby Jesus with Anna in the temple
23:45 and Simeon. Your friend Naomi and
23:48 I'm five years old. Well thank you Naomi
23:50 and she drew a pretty picture right here.
23:52 You see that boys and girls and I want to
23:55 thank you for your letter. And let's see we
23:58 have one here from Caitlyn. And let's see
24:01 what Caitlyn has to say. Oh, she send a
24:05 beautiful little teddy bear look at that.
24:07 The letter says dear Miss Brenda
24:10 I'm nine years old and sometimes I go
24:12 with my mom to the nursing home and I share
24:14 Jesus by telling the old people stories
24:16 about Jesus. One time my dad had
24:18 to go to work and it was an emergency and
24:20 I went with my mom and my brother went
24:22 with my dad. I had fun there.
24:24 I made bookmarks there and I made
24:26 one for you. Love Caitlyn.
24:28 Well thank you Caitlyn for the bookmark and
24:30 please keep sharing Jesus by telling
24:32 those stories or Bible stories alright.
24:34 And this letter is, let's see where this
24:37 letter is from. Oh, I can see we've got a
24:41 picture in it, I love those pictures.
24:43 And this one is from Sian and she is
24:46 from Illinois, Pears, Illinois.
24:49 It says dear Brenda, my name is Sian
24:51 and I live in Pears, Illinois.
24:53 I like to watch Kids Time and I love the stories
24:56 and I like to sing at church.
24:57 I'm seven years old. Love Sian.
25:00 Well thank you Sian for that picture.
25:02 And let's see we have another letter here from,
25:07 this is from Anida from Salem, Oregon.
25:09 And let's see this shows her picture said,
25:14 dear Miss Brenda, I share Jesus when someone
25:17 new in my school that didn't know
25:18 Jesus or about God. Then I heard him say
25:20 one day I'm gonna beat you up and
25:23 I ran as fast as I could, but then
25:24 I told him that was bad and not to do that
25:27 and he didn't do it again. Love Anida. P.S.
25:29 please send me a book. Well thank you Anida.
25:32 I would be happy to send you a book.
25:33 And I think we might have time for one more
25:36 and this is from Bethany Richardson
25:39 from Pennsylvania. And Bethany says
25:41 dear Miss Brenda this is a note to tell you
25:43 that I share Jesus. I take good care of
25:45 my dogs and my cats and I found
25:47 a caterpillar which I put in a cup to show
25:49 my mom then I would let it go.
25:51 It said I love to worship God and
25:53 I go to Sabbath school and church.
25:55 It said I play Sabbath school with my grandma
25:58 and grandpa and we watch you on TV.
26:00 When I was visiting my grandma D her neighbors
26:04 got locked out and I prayed that he could
26:06 get in his apartment and he did.
26:07 Love Bethany and I'm six years old.
26:10 Well that was wonderful, wasn't it Bethany?
26:12 And you know what, when we are in problem
26:15 we can go to Jesus and pray and he will
26:17 answer our prayers, but remember to pray
26:19 to him not just went we were in trouble
26:20 boys and girls. Remember to pray to
26:22 Jesus all the time for everything
26:24 and remember boys and girls
26:26 its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17