Kids' Time

God Knows Best

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000059

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:11 there's a world out there; Let's tell them that
00:14 He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi boys and girls, oh! I was so sleepy,
00:30 you know my mom made this beautiful pillow
00:32 and it's so soft, I thought I just have to lay down
00:35 and take a nice nap. Isn't that beautiful and so plumpy
00:39 and soft. Okay, I wasn't really sleeping.
00:43 I was just pretending to be sleeping and taking a nap.
00:47 But today I want to tell you about an animal that spends
00:51 half of its life sleeping. And it's not pretending like
00:54 I was. I am talking about this animal right here.
00:58 Do you know what kind it is? If you guess a muskrat
01:03 or a squirrel or a bear, a seal you are wrong.
01:07 This is an otter. Otters are lots of fun to watch when
01:11 they are awake that is and the river otter lives in
01:14 North America as well as other parts of the world,
01:16 and it loves to swim and to play and sleep. It
01:20 leads a happy life, doesn't it? When it's hungry it
01:24 hunts for it's food in the fresh water or salt water
01:27 as well as on land. It's not a very fussy eater are
01:30 you little guy. Well, as I told you it loves to sleep
01:34 and sleep soundly even the water and it loves to play.
01:39 Now, if you ever had a chance to watch otters
01:40 play you'll find yourself laughing as they tuck
01:44 their webbed feet underneath them
01:46 and they slide down the slippery banks to land
01:48 in the water with a great big splash.
01:51 And then they scramble up the bank and do the same
01:54 thing all over again. Now, in the water they swim
01:58 and glide and they dive and in fact,
02:01 do you know the otters can dive up to depths
02:03 of more than 60 feet and they stay under the water
02:07 for a more than four minutes. Uh! I can't hold my breath
02:11 that long, can you? That's a long time to hold
02:13 your breath. When they come up for air,
02:15 they bob to the surface almost like a,
02:18 almost like a little beach ball with whispers
02:20 and flipping and their eyes are shining and they're
02:22 looking as if they're about to smile and laugh
02:26 at any at you any minute and they do have fun.
02:30 You know I think in some ways Jesus would like us
02:32 to be like otters. He wants us to be happy,
02:34 to play hard and work hard and to sleep hard.
02:39 He doesn't want us to be fussy eaters but
02:41 to be faithful for the food someone has worked
02:43 very hard to provide for us. And he wants us
02:46 to enjoy ourselves in this wonderful world that
02:49 he has made and he wants us to always get plenty
02:52 of sleep so that we'll feel well enough to do all
02:55 these wonderful things. Well, now Ranger Jim
02:58 is going to tell us more about the otters.
03:08 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome
03:09 to Nature Time. We're glad you can join us today.
03:12 You see what we have. We have the beautiful
03:15 river otter. We have two of them here.
03:17 Olga and Way Water, she's swimming around and
03:20 enjoying this place. We've been trying to get them
03:22 to come out and they've been asleep.
03:24 We're here about noon today and they were
03:26 sleeping and we had to awake them to come out
03:28 to be on television. The river otter is a very
03:31 interesting creature. In fact,
03:32 many people call them the clown of the animal
03:34 kingdom because they love to slide like you like to
03:37 slide if you live in a Northern climate.
03:39 And you will see them sliding down a river bank
03:41 maybe if it's muddy, may be if it's green grass
03:43 where we live in the Southern part of Florida.
03:46 We have a female that has three cubs with her
03:49 and she enjoys picking them up on the grass
03:52 and they slide down into the water.
03:53 They seem to never tire up here,
03:55 play like this sometime for a half an hour.
03:57 We have learned something else also that when
03:59 the otter has her den and she likes to dig back
04:02 in the bank of the river or the lake back amongst
04:05 the roots and make a very nice, quite comfortable
04:08 den, she lines it with soft material when her babies
04:11 are born, they are born typical of babies born
04:13 to mammals, they are quite helpless for sometimes
04:16 and of course they nurse from mammary glands
04:18 on her belly and then when they're able to travel
04:21 with their mother they go out and travel back
04:23 and forth with her and we have learned also and
04:26 all the fisherman know there is no safe place
04:28 to keep fish from an otter. If you do it must be
04:31 something that it fastened so tight that they can't
04:34 unfasten it. If it's regular latch or if it's a fish
04:39 basket that most people will use they simply go
04:41 inside and eat all the fish. They're a great fisherman.
04:44 They would chase down almost any fish that's
04:46 swimming back and forth in their territory.
04:49 The sea otter is much larger than the river otter
04:53 that you see here and if you live in an area where
04:55 the sea otter is prevalent if you live in coastal areas
04:58 you will find that the sea otter is much larger
05:00 than this and if you live where there are salt kelp,
05:05 floating debris or not debris really it is a
05:09 growing matter. The sea otter likes to lay on that
05:13 and relax and when they're eating they relax
05:16 and lay back with that and you can tell the difference
05:19 in a very young otter, a sea otter is the coloration
05:23 and sometimes you will see them,
05:24 they're quite gray and some of them are almost
05:27 white headed, so they call those old timers.
05:29 But with a river otter, the babies stay with
05:32 their mother for about a year or so and as
05:34 I said before their favorite food is fish and I
05:37 have in my bag some of things that we've been
05:38 feeding them. And you see here I have very small
05:42 fish that they, that they enjoy, we feed them that,
05:45 that is a very nutritional meal for them.
05:48 They also like to, they will open clamps,
05:51 they will open the shells of oysters and things
05:54 of that nature. They will take just about anything
05:57 fresh that they find. You cannot attract them,
06:00 people that try to attract the otter you will not
06:03 attract them with anything that's dead or has
06:05 any taint or smell about it.
06:07 And so the otter we can say would live to be 12
06:11 or 15 years, the mother always has two,
06:13 may be three cubs and the mother has very
06:17 nourishing milk, and the otters grow very rapidly.
06:20 Their pelt is very valuable because of its soft
06:24 consistency and many people have trapped these
06:27 animals in the early history of America they were
06:30 trapped almost to extinction, because they
06:32 do have such beautiful coats.
06:33 So, we have the river otter and if you live in an area
06:36 where they are and you can find a secured place
06:38 where they're feeding or where they live and travel.
06:40 You would be wise to spend sometime
06:43 as I have and enjoy the antics that they can do.
06:46 They enjoy chasing each other, chasing their own
06:48 tail much the same as a dog or a cat and when
06:50 you have two or three baby otters playing
06:52 on a river bank you can spend an hour so
06:55 and not even know the time passed.
06:57 So, boys and girls, another wonderful creature
07:00 that God has made. He's given the many abilities
07:02 and many things that we can study and learn
07:05 about them. They have perhaps the sharpest
07:07 teeth of any creature that I know.
07:09 Even when they're tiny you can't handle them
07:11 because their teeth are even sharper than that
07:13 of your kitty and you know how sharp that can be.
07:16 So, boys and girls, whatever animal it is that
07:19 He has made, including the river otter,
07:21 he made it perfect the very first time.
07:24 The first river otter was perfect when He finished
07:26 creating that, and we are to study them and learn
07:29 about them and honor them and share the earth
07:32 with them, so that they might live peacefully
07:34 with us. So, as always your friend Ranger Jim
07:38 telling you don't forget to tell Jesus that
07:40 you love him today because he loves the otters,
07:42 but most of all he loves boys and girls like you.
07:55 Hello, boys and girls, I am here with my daughter
07:57 Hannah. Hannah, I have to ask you a question
07:59 when you get to heaven what are you not gonna miss.
08:02 Poison ivy and mosquitoes. Oh! It sounds like
08:06 something your Brother Adam would say,
08:07 Adam does not like poison ivy and mosquitoes
08:10 and neither do I. You know, Revelation 21 says
08:12 when we get to heaven, there will be a new heaven
08:14 and a new earth and all that other stuff
08:16 would be passed away. I can't wait.
08:25 Hey little dove, so brown and gray,
08:27 you make such a sad, sad sound.
08:30 But you won't be alone in dawn of day when
08:33 the Lord of the earth comes down.
08:36 And hey willow tree with your falling leaves flow
08:39 like tears to the ground. Oh you won't be a weakling
08:44 on that day when the Lord of the earth comes down,
08:47 you'll be a laughing willow and a dancing dove
08:51 made brand new by the Lord above,
08:53 no more sorrow only joy above,
08:59 laughing willow and a dancing dove.
09:07 Hey pretty leaves with the little green stem
09:09 and a pointy sponge all around, you'll
09:13 be a joy to hold back down when the Lord
09:16 of the earth comes down. And yes
09:19 Mr. Skunk with your awful scent lets just move
09:23 you around, you won't have to smell bad anymore
09:27 when the Lord of the earth comes down. Just
09:30 like the laughing willow and the dancing dove
09:34 made brand new by the Lord above,
09:36 no more sorrow only joy above, the laughing willow
09:42 and the dancing dove. And little one with
09:49 your face so sad, does it seem your life is turning
09:55 out so bad, when the Lord of love given half
10:01 a chance makes your heart to smile and your feet
10:07 to dance, just like the laughing willow and the
10:11 dancing dove made brand new by the Lord above,
10:15 no more sorrow only joy above, laughing willow
10:22 and the dancing dove. Laughing
10:24 willow and the dancing dove.
10:43 Hi, today we're gonna make harvest muffins.
10:46 These muffins are delicious. They go with almost any
10:49 meal. You can put them with the fruit salad
10:50 or just about any meal. Now,
10:53 first I am gonna read you my recipe.
10:57 2 cups shredded unpeeled apples
11:00 1 cup chopped fresh or frozen cranberries
11:04 1 cup shredded carrots
11:07 1 1/4 cup sucanat or date sugar
11:11 2 1/4 cups whole wheat pastry flour
11:15 1 tbsp. baking powder 2 tsp. salt 2 tsp. cinnamon
11:22 ½ cup water ½ cup olive oil
11:28 Okay, first I am gonna add all the dry ingredients
11:30 together. I'm gonna put our salt and our flour,
11:39 our whole wheat pastry flour, and this is sucanat
11:44 but you could also use date sugar or maple sugar
11:47 it's good too, good sweetener.
11:53 And put cinnamon and the baking powder,
12:03 you mix all the dry ingredients up first
12:05 before you put any of the wet ingredients.
12:09 Mix that up real good, oops spilled a little bit, okay.
12:17 I'm gonna put the apples and all the carrots.
12:21 The apples and the carrots we're gonna put in last.
12:22 So, I'll go ahead and put the water in,
12:28 and the oil. And then we're gonna put the apples
12:36 in and the apples there are a little brown here
12:40 but the apples when you shred them,
12:42 they're always going to turn brown like real soon
12:46 so and when you grate the apples you're gonna be
12:50 real careful and grate it on this side but be real
12:53 careful not to get your hands. It'll really hurt.
12:58 And now we gonna add the apples, the carrots,
13:23 gonna hold this, mix it all up. You
13:36 mix till it's about this consistency and then take
13:42 our baking muffin pans and put some,
13:48 you want to make sure you never wanna,
13:50 you don't wanna put same amount.
13:52 Make sure you put the same amount in each one,
13:53 but don't, when you get in there. Be sure
13:57 not to flatten it 'cause it won't rise as good.
14:00 It won't rise up. We'll do a few of these.
14:05 Scoop it off in there. Make sure to well kind of level it
14:15 off but don't smush it, to the way it looks.
14:18 But you want it even. Okay, we'll show you the
14:26 finished product here. These are what the muffins
14:35 look like. You want to bake this at
14:36 350 for 20 to 25 minutes until its going brown
14:40 or until it looks like this. These look delicious,
14:46 might have one for myself. Remember
14:50 to keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:06 Oh! Hello Boys and girls, how are you?
15:09 I am King Hezekiah. I bet you're wondering
15:12 what I am doing here. Well, I am wondering the
15:15 same thing. I have a little story, I like to share with
15:18 you if you got few moments. It's about my father.
15:22 My father King Ahaz, I as his son knew at the time
15:28 that he was King that he was a wicked King.
15:32 He built alters unto false Gods. He had build,
15:36 planted groves for the people to worship false Gods
15:38 in and because of that the God, the creator of the
15:42 heavens and the earth, he left us and we
15:47 became a weak nation and many of our people were
15:50 taken captive and made slaves.
15:53 And I had made a decision in my heart that when
15:56 I became King I would not do some of the things
16:05 that he had done. Well, my father he eventually died,
16:06 and he was such a wicked King that they wouldn't
16:10 even bury him in the tombs of the Kings.
16:15 Though they did bury him in the city,
16:17 well at the beginning of my reign I decided that I would
16:22 call the priest to gather and Levites to gather
16:25 and that we would renew the temple services.
16:29 And they came together and they cleaned
16:33 the outer court, they cleaned the inner court
16:36 and they were preparing the temple for the passover
16:40 and surely there after, after the temple was cleaned,
16:44 our nation had a wonderful passover service.
16:48 Our revival as a nation was one of the greatest
16:50 revival since the time of King David.
16:54 And I was a happy man. Well, that revival was
17:00 so great and God was with us and he was showing
17:02 us that he was with us so much at one time King
17:05 Sennacherib from Assyria they surrounded our
17:10 cities and laid siege to us. Well, God in one night
17:17 sent an angel and he destroyed 185,000 Assyrians
17:23 in one night. And King Sennacherib he went home
17:27 in shame. And there he even died at the hands
17:30 of his own two sons. Later I became sick and the
17:37 Prophet Isaiah came unto me and says,
17:39 King Hezekiah, get your house in order for this
17:43 sickness it is unto death. Well, I didn't want to die
17:50 and as Isaiah left I turned my face towards the wall
17:54 and I began to pray to God. And before Isaiah
17:57 got out of the it's center court of the temple.
18:01 He turned back 'cause God told him to go back and
18:04 tell me that I was gonna live.
18:07 But when he told me that I said, well what would
18:08 be the sign that I am going to live.
18:11 He said, I can choose that the sun would go forward
18:14 10 degrees or the sun could go backwards
18:16 10 degrees. Well, of course, the sun goes forwards
18:20 all the time. So, I felt it would be a greater sign
18:23 for the sun to go backwards 10 degrees.
18:27 Well, sure enough it happened the way I asked
18:31 it to happen. And Isaiah made a prescription
18:35 that I should put some figs on the boil that
18:37 I had during my sickness and in three days
18:41 I was healed. I knew the Lord was with me,
18:45 and I praise God for that healing and then
18:48 I was able to attend the temple services again.
18:51 Well, I think that made me proud because some
18:56 ambassadors from Babylon came because
18:59 they heard about the miracle of the sun
19:01 and they also heard about my sickness and how the
19:03 miracle of the sun going backwards was a sign
19:05 to me that my God was going to heal me.
19:09 Well, because of my pride, not giving God the glory
19:14 and the honor for what happened.
19:17 I went and showed those ambassadors all my
19:20 treasures. I didn't even want to say a thing about
19:23 my God. I showed my glory, my cities, my treasure.
19:28 It was a big mistake on my part.
19:31 Pride was hard at my throat. Well, after that
19:36 they went back. They missed,
19:39 I missed the opportunity to share with them
19:40 something wonderful. Then born to me since the
19:44 time I supposed to die was another child and
19:48 that child is going to be King of Judah
19:51 after I am gone. But I am very concerned for I can
19:56 see in him some of the same tendencies that
19:59 I saw in my father, and I'm wondering if me
20:03 living any longer. It was 15 years that God said
20:07 I would live and living longer has allowed me
20:12 time to make big mistakes in my life.
20:16 And because of those mistakes I've learned
20:19 that I need to trust God and I do now trust him
20:23 that his timing is always best. Kids,
20:26 boys and girls, have you ever made any mistakes
20:30 in your life like I've made these last few years.
20:35 God will forgive you of any of your sins
20:38 as he has forgiven me. Isn't he a wonderful
20:42 God we serve? If you would just
20:44 ask him he will forgive you.
21:09 Into my heart, Into my heart,
21:17 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
21:24 Come in to stay, Come in always,
21:31 Come into my heart, Lord Jesus.
21:40 Out of my heart, Out of my heart,
21:47 Shine out my heart, Lord Jesus.
21:54 Shine out always, shine out always,
22:02 Shine out all my heart, Lord Jesus.
22:11 Shine out all my heart, Lord Jesus.
22:30 Thank you Taylor and Mark for that beautiful song.
22:33 Taylor is just 3 years old and already singing
22:35 with his daddy, isn't that wonderful?
22:37 Well, boys and girls I'd like to introduce you
22:39 to our guest today, this is Christine Thomas.
22:41 Hi Christine. Hi. Thank you for being
22:43 on sharing time now. Can you tell me,
22:46 you wrote me a letter and what did you write to me?
22:49 Can I be on sharing time?
22:51 That's right, and you know boys and girls,
22:53 if you would like to be on sharing time sometime
22:55 write and let me know okay,
22:56 'cause I'd love to have you come and be on the
22:58 program and tell how you share Jesus.
23:00 But Christine you and I have something in common.
23:02 Do you know what that is? What?
23:04 Your daddy is a Pastor and my daddy is a Pastor.
23:07 So, we're both preacher's kids. How about that?
23:10 I know you travel with your dad quite a bit, don't you?
23:12 Umh! And when you travel you have an opportunity
23:15 to witness. Can you tell me what you do that's
23:19 a special ministry for your?
23:21 Well, what I do is I pass out literature to different
23:25 people and with... This literature is about what?
23:31 It's about how Jesus loves you and how he died
23:34 on the cross for you and some of it's 3ABN stuff.
23:37 Well, that's good. Now you meet a lot of boys and girls
23:40 when you travel and what do you,
23:42 you do something special even after you leave
23:44 and what you do when you meet boys and girls?
23:46 Well, I talk to them and ask them sometimes
23:49 to come to Church with me and so after
23:53 I leave I write letters to them.
23:57 So, you keep on encourage them even after you
24:00 left there. So, you keep on, you know watering
24:03 those seeds and helping the Holy Spirit out there,
24:06 don't you? Yeah. Yes, that's wonderful and now
24:09 recently you just went to New York City.
24:11 Can you tell me about that trip?
24:13 Well, when I went to New York City
24:16 I passed out different literature too.
24:18 And this literature was about a youth meeting
24:22 and how they were gonna have it for different youth
24:25 and so I passed out posters so that they could
24:28 come and enjoy that meeting.
24:30 Now, where did you go to pass out the posters?
24:32 New York City. Right Downtown Harlem
24:34 and I understand that you were right on the
24:38 street corner passing them out, waving at the cars,
24:40 were you doing that? Yep!
24:41 You were. Now, how come you didn't bring any posters
24:43 with you today? I passed them out and I am all out.
24:48 You passed every one of them out. Yeah.
24:51 Well, we do have a picture right here,
24:52 I'd like you to see boys and girls, this is
24:53 the picture of Christine in Downtown Harlem
24:57 and I believe your brother is standing right
24:59 here next to you, is that right? Yeah!
25:01 And also its in front of the Ephesus church right
25:03 Downtown Harlem. So, you and here's that posters
25:06 that we didn't get to have you bring with you today.
25:09 But did you have a good time in New York.
25:11 Oh! Yes I did. And you were able witness
25:13 to a lot of people there, weren't you? Yep!
25:16 Well, boys and girls, I have a letter from Canada
25:17 I would like to share with you.
25:19 And here it's a beautiful picture.
25:20 Can you hold that up for me Christine, please?
25:23 It says, dear Brenda. It says, dear Miss Brenda.
25:25 I am sorry. It says, my name is Kaylee
25:27 and I love Jesus and I love Kids Time and
25:31 I share Jesus by singing songs about him at home
25:34 and at Church. And I love Jesus very much,
25:37 my name is Kaylee. Love, Kaylee.
25:39 Well, thank you Kaylee for that beautiful letter
25:42 and I might I have time for one more here.
25:45 This one's from Jamaica. You can hold this one
25:47 up for me, you drew me a picture it looks like.
25:49 And this letter says, dear Ms. Brenda,
25:53 greetings to you in Jesus name. I am so happy
25:55 when I saw what kids can write to you.
25:58 Do you whenever I see my friends doing wrong things
26:01 I tell them that Jesus loves them and that they
26:03 should stop doing those bad things and they stop
26:06 doing it. Love, Thomas Easy Jr. Well,
26:09 thank you Thomas. Thomas is from Jamaica
26:11 and that was a beautiful picture that he drew,
26:14 isn't it? Well, I want to thank you Christine for
26:18 being on the program today. You have done so many
26:21 things to share Jesus and are you gonna
26:22 keep sharing Jesus? Umh!
26:24 Yes, you are. Well, I am glad you wrote to me.
26:27 Boys and girls, I want to encourage you,
26:28 please keep sharing Jesus and give someone
26:30 a smile today, won't you? And let them know
26:32 Jesus loves them because remember
26:34 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17