Kids' Time

Love Thine Enemies

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000056

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:12 there's a world out there; let's tell them
00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He
00:18 loves us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls. I'd like you to listen to this
00:27 sound. Isn't it beautiful? But maybe a little eery,
00:40 all at the same kind wouldn't you agree?
00:43 How would you like to be snuggled up in a sleeping
00:45 bag around the camp? Snowflakes are falling and
00:50 winds blowing, and certainly you hear this sound.
00:56 That would tell you that a wolf, or a wolf pack
00:58 somewhere out there in the darkness was howling at
01:01 the stars. You know, a wolf looks lot like a big dog
01:06 and they do belong to the same family,
01:08 but wolves they're wild animals and they form
01:11 families and run in packs, protecting each other and
01:14 hunting together. Do you know, mother and father
01:17 wolf make excellent parents and they take good care
01:19 of their furry babies. Yet people have many different
01:23 feelings about wolves. Some people are very afraid of
01:27 wolves thinking that they are savage killers.
01:29 And some people love them so much that they form
01:32 save the wolf clubs and they try to pass laws to
01:35 protect the wolves, others say that to them the wolf
01:39 represents more than anything else all the beauty
01:42 and wonder of nature. You know, other feel that
01:45 the wolf is a thief and now he is going steal the
01:48 farmer's cattle, every chance he has, but you know,
01:51 with all these different ideas it's no wonder people
01:54 are confused about wolves. I've noticed that you
01:58 know, people can be confused about many other things
02:01 as well. Suppose that you hear stories about a friend.
02:06 Now, maybe some of the stories are good and
02:08 some are bad. Or you might hear different ideas about
02:11 what is healthful and what is not? And you can hear
02:15 different stories even about God. How do you decide
02:19 what to believe? It's not always easy, is it?
02:23 But the first thing to remember is not to believe
02:25 everything you hear and never repeat a story that
02:28 may not be true. You have to check things out for
02:32 yourself? Find out what is true about your friend by
02:35 getting to know him or her. And do some waiting
02:38 and talk to knowledgeable people who have
02:40 studied health, like nutritionists to find out what
02:42 is healthful and what is not? And as for God the Bible
02:47 is his book and reading it would tell you what he's
02:50 really like, you can also talk with him in prayer and
02:53 as you do, you're going to get to know him much
02:56 better. Well, right now Ranger Jim is going to show us
03:00 a wolf and do you know what boys and girls?
03:02 He is standing right next to the wolf and there
03:05 is no fence in between him watch and see.
03:15 Hi, boys and girls. Ranger Jim saying,
03:17 welcome to Nature Time, we're glad you can be with
03:19 us today, we're at the St. Augustine Wild Reserve
03:21 and we have our friend Debra with us and we
03:23 have something very special for you. Debra what is this?
03:27 This is an arctic wolf; his name is Mekiska,
03:30 and I'm trying get him to look at the camera for
03:32 you. And he is actually from the high arctic from
03:35 an island called Ellesmere Island, and this is the
03:38 largest subspecies of wolf. There are actually 32
03:42 subspecies of wolf, and the arctic is the largest and
03:45 he weighs about 130 pounds right now. And he's an
03:49 old boy, he's about 13, and in the wild they wouldn't
03:53 even live this long. They would only live to about 12
03:56 years old, so he's a very lucky wolf and we hope
03:58 that he lives another ten years the great,
04:02 hunting boy, He's gonna calm down. He's just
04:04 beautiful, isn't he? He is just beautiful and of
04:06 course these are carnivores? Oh! Yes,
04:08 this is a strict carnivore, and they'll eat caribou,
04:12 deer, but they have a very wide diet, they love,
04:16 no don't you? Don't go over here. They will actually
04:19 eat mice; they will eat anything from mice to moose.
04:22 So, they've got quite a, quite a wide menu choice.
04:26 Well, tell us a something about the howl,
04:27 everyone likes to hear the howl of the wolf,
04:29 tell me something about that. Oh! Yeah, they howl
04:31 for a lot of different reasons, they do not howl
04:33 at the moon, as you've all heard that, that's just,
04:36 that's just a tale, and they'll howl to communicate
04:39 with each other, when they're ready to go off on
04:41 the hunt, the wolves will start howling to gather
04:43 up the pack and that's when they'll take off and
04:46 go hunting. And if they get separated from each
04:48 other they'll howl and that will bring the pack back
04:51 together again. And, sometimes, they'll howl just
04:54 for fun, they'll just lay around and, and start
04:56 howling for no reason at all. Very special music is
04:59 it our ears to hear that song. Oh! Yeah.
05:00 My wife and I was in Alaska, where we had that
05:05 opportunity of hearing them howling in the wild
05:06 and at first it makes you shiver a bit, but then it is
05:07 beautiful music. Tell us something about how many
05:10 cubs would they normally have? In the wild,
05:12 they would only have about 4 to 6 babies and
05:16 they'll stay with the parents. Well, actually,
05:18 until they're six months old is when they'll start
05:21 hunting with the pack, they reach adult size at 6 months
05:24 of age, and they'll be off hunting with the pack
05:27 and they will stay with the pack. So, a pack usually
05:30 consists of uncles and aunts, there's an alpha pair,
05:33 and they're generally all related, so they don't,
05:35 they don't usually go off and start their own pack
05:37 unless they just have a disagreement with alpha
05:40 male or a female. As you can see boys and girls,
05:43 this is a big powerful animal. Debra is trying to
05:46 hang on to him and he, she knows him and she
05:49 has cautioned me not to help her or assist her
05:52 because he doesn't know me, so I'm keeping my
05:54 hand in my pocket because it's natural for me to
05:56 reach out and pet him, and if you pet this fellow you
05:58 may comeback with some problems, okay.
06:00 Yes. And so we have boys and girls, we have many
06:02 wolves in US, and many people are fearful.
06:05 Wolves have gotten a bad name because you hear
06:07 all kind of stories about wolves hunting people down
06:09 and killing them. This maybe true in India and some
06:12 parts of the world, but here in the US it's not true.
06:15 There has never been an authenticated case of
06:17 a healthy wolf attacking and killing anyone in the US.
06:21 Now, we do have problems sometimes with livestock,
06:24 like in the state of Minnesota. Minnesota has many,
06:26 many wolves and they have nuisance wolves,
06:29 that is wolves that come around homes, comes
06:31 around ranches and things of that nature,
06:34 and they soon learn that cows are not hard to
06:37 catch and they soon learn that horses, the wolf,
06:40 those in Minnesota, the favorite of theirs are burrows
06:42 and horses. And so the State has to reimburse
06:45 people that for the livestock that the wolf kills.
06:49 In fact, unfortunately in the last three years there
06:52 have been at least 300 wolves a year that have to be
06:54 destroyed in Minnesota because of that. The trappers
06:57 have to come in because the wolf learns that
06:59 there is easy food there, and so they have to come
07:02 in and trap them, if they can't release them,
07:04 then they have to be destroyed. Also these beautiful
07:07 creatures have been reintroduced into
07:09 Yellowstone National Park. And we have film of
07:12 those, and in many cases the largest pack that
07:15 we know of, of 36 wolves in one pack. Now that would
07:19 be a beautiful site to see. And so they have been
07:21 successfully reintroduced there and, there are
07:24 some problems because ranchers and farmers nearby
07:27 lose cattle, undisputably these creatures do kill
07:31 cattle, sheep and things of that nature because
07:33 they don't distinguish between the wild and those
07:36 that the rancher considered to be very valuable.
07:39 And so he does have some problems like that.
07:40 Now, that well into the shoot you see, he is all
07:42 relaxed and he's happy here. And boys and girls this
07:45 is a special privilege for Ranger Jim to stand this
07:48 close to a wolf. So, Ranger Jim as always telling you
07:52 boys and girls, don't forget to tell Jesus that
07:54 you love him, because he really does love you.
08:14 Hi, Uncle Buddy. Hello, Yasmin would you like
08:17 me to measure you, let's look and see how we're
08:19 doing here. You're more than 36 inches tall,
08:24 you're getting very tall. And didn't you just have a
08:26 birthday? Yeah. How old are you? Just four, four,
08:31 but you told me you want to be five pretty soon,
08:33 don't you? Yeah. Well, you will be five in his time.
08:45 In his time, in his time
08:53 He makes all things beautiful in his time
09:00 Lord, please show me everyday
09:04 As you're teaching me your way
09:08 As you'll do just what you say In your time.
09:48 In your time, in your time
09:56 You make all things beautiful, in your time
10:04 Lord, my life to you I bring
10:07 May each song I have to sing
10:11 Be to you a lovely thing In your time
10:20 Lord, my life to you I bring
10:24 May each song I have to sing
10:28 Be to you a lovely thing In your time
11:50 Hello, boys and girls. Have you ever had
11:53 something happen to you that was so amazing that
11:55 you just had to tell someone? You have! Well,
12:00 then you know, exactly how I feel? By the way,
12:05 my name is Malchus, you have probably never
12:08 even heard of me before that makes my story even
12:12 more amazing that something this incredible would
12:15 happen to someone is unimportant as me.
12:18 My job as a servant for the high priest meant that
12:21 I would do whatever the high priest asked me to do,
12:25 if he wanted a cup of cold water I would be the one
12:28 to get it for him. If he wanted to go to the market,
12:31 I would go with him to carry his bags.
12:35 I slept in the hallway at night, so I could hear the
12:37 high priest if he called to me. I hear lots of things
12:41 in the hallway. Things about the temple and keeping
12:44 the law of God, most recently about a man named
12:47 Jesus, the high priest doesn't like Jesus. Jesus is
12:52 more popular than the high priest. People are
12:55 listening to what Jesus says, and not what the high
12:58 priest says. Many people believe that Jesus is the
13:02 promised messiah. The high priest thinks he is a
13:06 troublemaker and needs to be killed. Lately,
13:10 it seems that is all the high priest can think about
13:13 it, getting rid of Jesus; it's really gotten bad over
13:16 the past week. Especially, since Jesus disrupted the
13:19 temple services. He overturned the tables and
13:23 sent the money changers away. Then he invited
13:26 children and their families, into the temple for
13:28 prayer. I'm not convinced that Jesus is so bad,
13:33 but the high priest is, and since I work for him I
13:37 do what I'm told. The other night Judas, one of
13:41 Jesus' disciples came; he told the high priest that he
13:46 would betray Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
13:50 I waited and watched to see what the high priest
13:52 would do next? Sure enough, tonight Judas came
13:57 back to the high priest; he told him that Jesus and his
14:01 disciples were at a garden called Gethsemane. Malchus,
14:06 Malchus the high priest called, awaken all of the
14:08 guards, tell them to bring their swords,
14:11 tell them to expect to fight as we go to arrest Jesus.
14:16 Soon an angry mob gathered around the high priest
14:19 and Judas. I stood in the middle of the crowd holding
14:23 a torchlight, everyone seemed so anxious to find
14:27 Jesus. The crowd shouted, Jesus is in Gethsemane.
14:32 Let's go get him. With that we were off to the Garden.
14:38 There were lots of people on the streets tonight.
14:40 Some of them joined us in our search to find Jesus.
14:43 I carried the torch light high so everyone could
14:46 see where to walk? We arrived at the entrance to
14:50 the garden and walked in. It was very dark, a heavy
14:55 fog seemed to hang in the trees, and then suddenly
14:58 Jesus appeared. All the soldiers drew their swords,
15:02 I thought they were going to start and using their
15:04 swords right away, but then Jesus spoke, "who is it
15:08 you want?" The crowed shouted, Jesus of Nazareth,
15:14 Jesus replied, "I'm He." Suddenly there was a very
15:18 bright light that's split through the darkness.
15:20 Jesus stood there just shining, I fell back in fear.
15:24 Everyone in the crowd fell down to the ground,
15:26 blinded by the brightness of this light. Then just as
15:31 quickly as it appeared it went away. And when I
15:34 stood up, I couldn't believe my eyes. I was amazed,
15:38 Jesus was still standing there. He could have
15:40 escaped, if he had wanted too. The crowd
15:44 recovered quickly as well, wiping their eyes to
15:48 rid them of that bright light, it was Judas to make
15:51 the next move. He stepped right up to Jesus and
15:56 kissed him. The crowd gathered around Jesus and
15:59 a huge Roman soldier grabbed his wrist.
16:03 It was then that I was jostled and pushed forward.
16:06 One of the followers of Jesus pulled his sword and
16:09 without warning he began to swing and flay wildly
16:12 with the sword. I tried to duck to stay out of the
16:18 way, but just as I did the sharp edge of the blade
16:19 caught my ear. Blood gushed out all over my robe,
16:23 pain throbbed all through my head, it was awful.
16:27 I was about to faint, but then the most amazing
16:31 thing happened. Without any effort at all,
16:35 Jesus reached out and he touch the place where
16:38 my ear had been. Incidentally, miraculously,
16:43 it was back in place. The bleeding stopped,
16:46 the pain was gone. I could hear what Jesus said;
16:54 Peter put your sword away. Shall I not drink the cup
16:58 the Father has given me? Jesus was saying,
17:03 this is why I have come. I have come to die for
17:06 people like Malchus. I couldn't believe my ears,
17:11 but I had too. Because there were the ears that Jesus
17:13 had given back to me. He touched me, Malchus,
17:20 the high priest servant, not only did he touched my
17:24 ear, he touched my heart. Boys and girls he will touch
17:30 your heart too, if you let him, if you reached out and
17:34 heal someone as unimportant as me.
17:37 I know that he cares for you. In fact,
17:43 I want to tell Jesus, how much I love him;
17:47 I want to have prayer right now.
18:16 Give Ear to My Words O Lord
18:23 Consider my meditations
18:31 Hearken unto the voice of my cry
18:38 My King and My God For unto thee will I pray
18:53 My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning
19:00 O Lord in the morning Where I direct my prayers
19:07 Unto Thee and will look up
19:26 Give Ear to My Words O Lord
19:33 Consider my meditations
19:41 Hearken unto the voice of my cry
19:48 My King and My God For unto thee will I pray
20:03 My voice shalt Thou hear in the morning
20:10 O Lord in the morning Where I direct my prayers
20:17 Unto Thee and will look up O Lord in the morning
20:28 Where I direct my prayers Unto Thee and will look up.
21:02 Thank you, and we're back for that beautiful
21:03 message in song, I just love that song.
21:06 Well, right now boys and girls it's mailbox time.
21:08 And I'm getting ready to check the mailbox to see
21:11 if I have any letters. Do you think I do? I do have
21:15 some letters and a lot of mail today. I love getting
21:18 the letters boys and girls, I have one from
21:20 Canada and, and Jamaica, and Illinois, and Washington
21:25 all over, but before I read the letters, I'd like you to
21:28 meet a special guest that I invited to join me here
21:31 on Kids Time today. And boys and girls,
21:33 this is Marissa Sutton. Hi, Marissa.
21:35 Hi. Thank you for joining me today. I'm very glad
21:38 to be here, thank you for inviting me.
21:40 Well, you're welcome, I'm glad you to come.
21:42 Now, you have a special ministry that you have at
21:47 home. Now, what do you, what do you do to share
21:49 Jesus? I share Jesus with the grandpa that we
21:52 adopted down in Crystal Lake, Michigan.
21:54 Now, wait a minute. How did you adopt to grandpa?
21:58 He is a grandpa that doesn't have any grandchildren,
22:01 well he has grandchildren, but he is never been
22:03 called the grandpa. He's old and he is 92 years old,
22:07 and he's a sudden, he can't get out hardly.
22:10 So, his, so he has some health problems now,
22:13 and his own grandchildren don't see him?
22:16 No , he is by himself, we come and find him see him
22:19 once in a while. We have, sometimes we have
22:21 Sabbath dinner with him. And we have different
22:23 things with him. Oh! Now, you did also something
22:26 special for him at Christmas, didn't you, what did
22:28 you do? We took, we brought down a tree for
22:31 him and we decorated it up and we had special
22:34 things we prepared for Christmas stocking with
22:36 stuffers in it. Now, we have a picture to show you,
22:39 can I see the picture over here. Now, this is a
22:42 picture of Leo and it has, who is this right here?
22:46 That's my brother. Your brother, and there is,
22:48 there you out right there by the Christmas tree.
22:51 I know that must have made him really happy.
22:53 What a wonderful way to share Jesus some boys
22:55 and girls. Now, you also know you, you know,
22:58 my mom and dad don't you? Yes, I love them a lot.
23:01 I love them a lot too. And you did something to
23:04 share Jesus to my dad, didn't you? I brought my
23:08 violin over and we would sing and play the violin
23:10 for him. You do and I know that made him really
23:13 happy. My, my dad hurt his back and for about
23:15 three months he was in so much pain, he couldn't
23:18 even stand up straight, he walked out, you know,
23:20 hunched over could barely move, he was in so
23:22 much pain. We're praying for him, and praying
23:24 for him. And I know you're praying for him.
23:27 And he is doing so much better and Marissa came
23:29 over with her violent and I know that made him
23:32 really happy because he told me. So, you share Jesus
23:35 with my dad. So, thank you so much for that.
23:37 And I'm gonna read some letters right now,
23:40 would you like to hear some? Sure. Okay,
23:43 well I have one here from Canada. And I'll let
23:45 you hold up some pictures for me. Oh! This one
23:48 has two pictures, can you hold two pictures at a time.
23:52 There we go, this says, Dear, Ms. Brenda,
23:54 it says, hi I just want to tell you thank you for
23:57 Kids Time and my whole family loves Kids Time and
24:01 we tape the program and share it with our cousins.
24:04 And it said, we love Kids Time, and we pray and
24:07 we share Jesus by being nice to my brother and I
24:11 pray for you. Well, thank you, we always,
24:15 I always appreciate the prayers. And it says,
24:16 love Michael and Matthew. Well, thank you,
24:18 Michael and Matthew. And we'll put those over here,
24:21 and then I have one from Tennessee, and Oh!
24:25 Look, there's a picture she drew me,
24:29 let's see what that, and it says dear Ms. Brenda,
24:32 my name is Kathleen. My grandma lives with
24:34 my family and I help my grandma to put her
24:37 slippers on, here's a picture you can hold up too.
24:40 And it says, and I open doors for her when we go
24:42 out, I also like to open doors for other people
24:45 and I like to sing and I make up songs about Jesus
24:48 all the time. I sing them whenever I can,
24:50 and whenever I'm in the car or really just anywhere,
24:53 even in the store if shopping. I love Jesus very,
24:56 very much, love Kathleen. Well, thank you so much
24:59 Kathleen. And I think there is a time for another
25:03 letter here. This one's from Jamaica, and this says,
25:08 dear, Ms. Brenda, good day to you and the kids on
25:11 Kids Time. My name Tanay Jackson and I'm soon to
25:13 be seven years old. And I go to church,
25:16 I love Kids Time, and I love the letters that's my
25:19 favorite part. I love 3ABN and I love the music.
25:23 Sometimes I don't go to church, so that I can stay
25:27 and watch 3ABN. It says I love; I love 3ABN and
25:31 please send me a Kids Time activity book. Thank you,
25:34 for answering my letter, love Tanay Jackson.
25:36 Well, thank you Tanay, and I will send you a book
25:40 and thank you for your letter. This one is from,
25:44 from Illinois and it says, dear Ms. Brenda,
25:48 I really like Kids Time, I watch every Sabbath
25:50 morning when I'm eating my breakfast,
25:52 I like to learn more about what foods are in the
25:55 forest to eat. Ranger Jim is my favorite,
25:58 I'm five years old and I go to church with my dad
26:01 and uncle Beez, and, and Aunt Debbie and Becky
26:04 and my grandpa. My mommy is having a baby in one
26:07 week . And her name will be Chloe. Love, Alexandra.
26:11 Well, thank you Alexandra for that wonderful letter
26:13 and congratulations on your new baby sister.
26:17 Well, I want to thank Marissa for being with me on Kids
26:19 Time today, I want to encourage you to keep
26:21 witnessing and I also want to thank you for playing
26:24 your violin for my dad, I know that made him really
26:26 happy. Boys and girls, won't you find someone today
26:29 that you can witness to, because Jesus is coming
26:32 soon. Remember boys and girls,
26:34 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17