Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000052
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there looking
00:07 for a friend like Jesus, it's time to share there is 00:12 a world out there. Let's tell them that He loves us 00:15 so. Let's tell them that He loves us so. Kids Time, 00:22 Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:24 Hi boys and girls, did you know that we are living 00:27 in a time called the information age. There is 00:30 lots of reasons for that, and one is sitting right 00:33 here beside me, you know, what this is don't you. 00:37 Yes, of course, it's a notebook computer. 00:39 My husband gave me this and do you know what at first I 00:42 didn't want to use it at all, I was kind of afraid 00:45 of it, but as my husband taught me how to use it 00:48 and I started seeing what it could do, I don't know 00:50 how I ever get along without it. Simply by 00:53 turning on the computer and typing a few words, I can 00:57 communicate almost instantly with people 00:59 thousands of miles away from me. Do you know, 01:03 I receive e-mails from people in South Africa and 01:06 Thailand, and Russia, all over the world, and boys and 01:10 girls I love hearing from you. Do you know people 01:13 use the computer for business, for keeping 01:15 in touch with friends, to send them important 01:17 messages and to give and receive information? 01:21 But long before the computer was invented, God created 01:25 humans and the animals with their own ways of giving 01:28 and receiving information. One of the most interesting 01:31 of these animals is the monkey. I think we all 01:34 love to watch monkeys don't we? They are always on the 01:37 go, swinging from one tree to another, 01:40 jumping and playing and climbing and chasing 01:43 each other, catering away in their monkey talk, 01:46 and even making faces at us as if they catch us watching 01:49 them. But amusing and interesting is there antics 01:53 are, there is a meaning associated with many of 01:56 these gestures and expressions, that gives the 01:58 information to the other monkeys. You know 02:00 know kind of a secret way of talking. For example, 02:04 if you see a male monkey staring at members of its 02:07 group, opening his mouth and showing his teeth, 02:09 bowing his head and slapping the ground with his hands, 02:13 you better watch out, that monkey is warning others 02:16 saying stay away don't come any closer or you will be 02:20 sorry. But if that monkey is sitting quietly, 02:23 grooming another monkey, cleaning its fur, then it 02:27 is saying, well pals I'll help you out, then may be you 02:31 will do the same for me. Scientists have discovered 02:34 many other ways that monkeys communicate even teaching 02:38 them to understand human language, 02:40 isn't that wonderful? Yeah God blessed boys and girls 02:44 and men and women with a far greater ability 02:46 to give and to receive information. We each have a 02:49 marvelous organ called the brain that can give us more 02:53 information than a computer like this one or a monkey, 02:57 and could ever imagine. But monkeys are interesting 03:00 animals, I can't wait, let's listen right now, 03:03 its Ranger Jim tells us more about them. 03:12 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying welcome to 03:14 Nature Time. We are glad you can join us today. 03:16 We are in High Springs, Florida at Camp Clock, 03:18 we are in the Nature Center and as you can see we have 03:21 several friends with us. We have Devon, and TJ, 03:24 Sandy and Nanny. These spider monkeys are 03:27 pets of Sandy and she is holding one over there, 03:30 that's a little rambunctious today, so she doesn't have 03:32 a microphone on, because the monkey will be hitting her 03:35 microphone. Nanny here is the creator of the zoo 03:39 here in Florida and has been for many, many years. 03:42 If you are seeing this and you are a missionary 03:44 or in some foreign country, when we look at this lady 03:47 and say she looks familiar. 03:49 Well, she has been here for how long? 03:51 Twenty six years. Twenty six years 03:53 she has been here and many of the animals at Camp Clock, 03:55 where the zoo here, she raised from baby. So, Nanny 03:58 tell us something about these creatures. 04:01 The one that Devon is holding is a black spider 04:04 monkey. These guys come from Central and South America. 04:08 He is a male, he will be a year old next month. 04:12 The one that TJ is holding is a golden spider monkey, 04:17 and she is a female, and if you notice they differ in 04:20 sizes because females are little smaller than males. 04:24 These guys are omnivorous animals; omnivorous is a 04:27 very big word for you guys. Omnivorous means that eat 04:30 meat, plant, and vegetable. And in the zoo setting, 04:33 we feed them monkey chow, which is a primate chow, 04:38 and they also get fruits and vegetables. Out in the 04:40 wild they would probably eat birds, small mammals, 04:43 and bird eggs and spider monkey's are arboreal, 04:47 that means they live in the trees, very rarely 04:51 ever touching the ground. They have a special tail 04:55 that is called prehensile tail, and the tail is used 04:58 just like a pair of hand and it's a very long tail, 05:01 they can hold their whole body out with it, 05:04 and at the end of that tail, they have special glands 05:07 and nerve endings that helps them grip on to the 05:10 branches, and on to each other, and also their fruit. 05:15 Well, Nanny you said that they live in the trees, 05:17 what do they do at night? Well, Jim they go up into 05:20 canopy, staying there with holding their tail and they 05:24 sleep in the branch of the tree. Right in the tree. 05:26 Right in the tree. They don't go to sleep 05:27 and fall off. No, because of their sweat glands into 05:30 their tail and their hands also are formulated 05:33 for them to stay in the treetops. If you notice 05:36 their hands only have four fingers. They do not have 05:38 an opposing thumb. And those fingers are for them 05:42 swinging like you would swing on a monkey jungle 05:44 at school. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. 05:47 What about this other creature that we have 05:49 up here? This is a weeper capuchin, and they also 05:53 come from Central and South America, and her name is 05:56 Kara. Kara is full grown. She is a little female 06:00 and she is about four, five years old. Now Kara 06:04 right now is eating a fruit, she is eating apple and 06:08 if you notice she is called a weeper capuchin. 06:12 There are four different specifies of capuchin and 06:14 that is one of them. How long would these creature 06:18 live in the wild? In the wild, they probably live 06:20 about eight years old and in captivity they can live 06:24 up to be 30 or 35 years. That is with good food, 06:27 veterinary care and things like that. And good housing, 06:30 you've got to make sure that you are housing 06:32 is formulated to your animals, and also in 06:35 keeping it clean for them. Now they just have one 06:38 baby is that correct, just one baby that stays 06:39 with the mother? They have one baby and they can have 06:44 that baby every one every three or four years. 06:48 These creatures are, I have seen pictures of going 06:51 through the jungle and they said they run through 06:53 the jungle, don't they, they run through the trees, 06:55 they just. They are born in the trees and they die 06:58 in the trees. They just live there, don't they? Exactly. 07:00 Well, boys and girls, as we see these creatures and we 07:03 see these tiny little creature. We have been 07:05 talking here today. We have learned something 07:07 of different personalities of everyone of them. 07:09 They are all different. They are all wonderfully and 07:12 fearfully made. What a wonderful time it's going 07:15 to be in the new earth when we can have these creatures 07:17 and have them as pets and see them, 07:18 they won't be any fearful of us at all. We can enjoy 07:21 them and see them. So, once again we find that when God 07:24 made these creatures, he made them perfect. 07:26 So, boys and girls don't forget to tell Jesus that 07:29 you love him because he really does love you. 07:44 I'm so happy and here's the reason why; 07:48 Jesus took my burdens all away. 07:52 Now, I'm singing as the days go by; 07:56 Jesus took my burdens all away. 08:00 Once my heart was heavy with the load of sin; 08:04 Jesus took the load and gave me peace within my 08:08 heart; And now I'm singing as the days go by; 08:12 Jesus took my burdens all away. 08:40 Hello, boys and girls. A long time ago, there was 08:43 a king by the name of Sol. God asked him to do 08:45 one thing, but he decided to do something else, 08:49 and that cost him an awful lot. Obedience is important 08:52 isn't it Bobby. Right because Ephesians 6:1 08:55 says 'Children, obey your parents in the Lord, 08:58 for this is right'. This is right OBEY a little tiny 09:04 word, that means an awful lot. 09:11 O-B-E-Y obey your mom and dad. O-B-E-Y makes them 09:18 very glad. Listen to the words they say, 09:22 Obey your parents every day. O-B-E-Y obey your 09:27 mom and dad. When you're riding in the car sit still, 09:32 sit still When your mom says go to bed say "I will," 09:36 I will When it's time to clean your room, you must 09:40 pick up your toys Remember that obedience brings joy. 09:46 O-B-E-Y obey your mom and dad. O-B-E-Y makes them 09:53 very glad. Listen to the words they say, 09:56 Obey your parents every day. O-B-E-Y obey your 10:01 mom and dad. When mom and dad say tell the truth, 10:05 don't lie, don't lie When they say you've had 10:08 enough, don't cry, don't cry because when you do 10:12 the things you should, you'll find out its true. 10:15 Obedience is very good for you! O-B-E-Y obey your 10:21 mom and dad. O-B-E-Y makes them very glad. 10:27 Listen to the words they say, Obey your parents 10:30 every day. O-B-E-Y obey your mom and dad. 10:35 Listen to the words they say, Obey your parents 10:40 every day. O-B-E-Y obey your mom and dad. 10:51 We love that song. 14:11 Hello, boys and girls. My name is Adam. 14:15 I remember the saddest day in my life was when 14:18 Eve and I chose to disobey God. I remember that day 14:22 like it happened yesterday. You must listen carefully 14:26 children, carefully, so you will never make the same 14:29 mistake that we made. I was tending vines, and picking 14:34 juicy bunches of grapes and ripe bananas for our supper. 14:37 When I suddenly felt something strange, 14:39 something I never felt before. I felt a slight 14:42 chill go through me, I quickly looked around 14:46 for my wife Eve. But I couldn't find her, 14:49 I started to run through the garden, 14:50 I was looking everywhere, I was afraid something 14:53 had happened, and I never felt this way before. 14:58 I felt so strange. I caught site of Eve over 15:03 a eucalyptus tree. She was running toward me, 15:05 her face all flush with excitement carrying some 15:08 fruit in her hands. She told me that a snake had just 15:11 spoken to her from the tree of knowledge of good and 15:13 evil. She went on to tell me how the snake had told that 15:18 God didn't really mean what he said that we would die. 15:22 She held the fruit out to me and told me to eat 15:25 the fruit. See I am just fine she said, go ahead 15:28 Adam eat the fruit. I feel wonderful the snake said 15:32 we would be like God. And I think he was right. 15:36 I felt a very sick feeling come over me. 15:39 God had never told me to do it. We should not eat. 15:43 No God told us not to eat. If we ate we would die. 15:47 God was always right. He knew everything. 15:51 Eve you can't be right, but as I looked to her holding 15:54 the fruit toward me, I didn't think about God and 15:58 at that moment she became more important to me 16:00 than God. I took a bite of the fruit. As I chewed it, 16:07 it became very difficult to swallow. I knew 16:11 I made the wrong choice and area of darkness seem to 16:14 settle over me. The robe of light that covered us 16:18 was gone. We were both so frightened, we 16:21 we ran to grab some giant leaves to cover ourselves. 16:24 Eve began to cry, I've never seen anyone cry before. 16:27 We never felt sadness or pain. I didn't know 16:31 what to do. I actually started to get angry with 16:33 her. I've never been unkind to her before. 16:36 When I got angry she started to get angry back. 16:40 I knew right away that we had made the wrong choice 16:44 and now we could do nothing about it. 16:48 We knew God would be coming to visit us soon and we were 16:51 afraid even I thought that maybe, maybe we should hide. 16:54 So, that's what we did. It seem like forever before God 16:58 came, but I know it was just a little while, 17:02 we could hear his footsteps in the evening coming 17:04 toward us. Normally, we would rush out and meet him. 17:08 But, today we were hiding, hiding. God called our names 17:14 Adam, Eve, where are you. We sadly stepped out from 17:19 behind the bushes and held our heads down. 17:24 God asked what happened. I did tell him what happened, 17:28 but strangely enough I started to blame Eve. 17:30 Then God asked Eve what happened and she started to 17:33 blame the serpent. We were acting like completely 17:37 different people and we couldn't understand the 17:39 awful sadness we were having toward each other. 17:43 When I could hardly look at God's face, I saw sadness 17:47 in his eyes, I've never seen before. 17:51 It put a sadness in me that didn't seem to go away. 17:55 God told us that we would have to leave the garden 17:58 because we disobeyed and he could no longer trust us. 18:02 Eve and I sobbed uncontrollably. 18:06 We began to see what a bad choice we made. 18:11 How could we be away from God? 18:13 We've been so close to him, we could touch him, 18:16 he would laugh with us. How could we go along without 18:18 him? The thought of being separated from God was 18:21 truly more than I could bear, then God spoke 18:25 again. He told us how someday; someday he would 18:28 send his son to die and to take the place of us 18:32 for our sins. He told us how to kill a lamb and 18:35 offer a sacrifice to remind us of that day. 18:39 He said that someday we would be able to be close to 18:43 him again just like in the garden, but that we must 18:46 choose to love and obey him. We would have to make a 18:50 choice, many choices and everyday choose to follow 18:54 him, and someday his son would come to this earth, 18:58 and take all of his people to heaven. Then he would 19:03 make the earth brand new again. Well, there was hope 19:06 in our hearts again, but now it was time to go 19:10 and I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing God 19:12 again for a longtime. I turned to look as we slowly 19:18 walked away that was the first time I saw God cry. 19:24 I knew at that moment that his heart was hurting 19:27 more than I could know and I could see in his eyes 19:30 how desperately he wanted to hold me close, 19:33 but couldn't. I never knew how many people one bad 19:38 choice could hurt. I began to realize that it hurt God 19:43 the most. Oh, boys and girls, I hope you can learn 19:48 from my story. How important it is to make 19:52 good choices everyday. 20:10 Smile, trust and obey, is matters not what the 20:20 people say, There is no need to be alone. 20:31 The Lord will take you in his arms. 20:38 Trust, trust and obey, God has no, no other way, 20:52 To be happy you need to know the Lord will take you 21:02 in his arms. Trust, trust and obey for God 21:13 there is no, no other way, To be happy you need to 21:25 know the Lord will take you in his arms. 21:34 Smile, trust and obey, pray when things go wrong, 21:49 Sing when you are depressed, the Lord will take 21:58 you in his arms. The Lord will take you in his arms. 22:09 The Lord will take you in his arms. 22:29 Thank you Joyce and Robert Pressley for that 22:31 beautiful song. I love that family harmony. They are 22:35 brother and sister and I really wanted to encourage 22:38 you boys and girls to trust and obey in Jesus too, okay. 22:41 Well, right now its mailbox time and I am gonna check 22:44 the letters and yes we have some letters, 22:46 I am so excited. We got lot of mail here today from 22:50 New York, and Washington, and North Carolina, 22:53 lots of mail. But, before I read the letters, 22:56 I want you to meet a friend of mine, this is Elvin Powel. 22:59 Hi, Elvin. Hi. I am so glad you joined me today. 23:03 Thank you for coming. I wanted you to tell me about 23:07 how you shared Jesus with a special friend of yours. 23:10 Can you tell the boys and girls all about that? 23:12 Well, a lady got sick one day and we wanted to give 23:20 something, so. What did she get really sick and have to 23:24 go to the hospital. Yes. She did, okay, 23:27 and so what happened then. We made a tape with songs on 23:36 it. You made a tape with songs on it. Yes. 23:39 And what kind of songs. Jesus loves me. 23:43 Jesus loves me. Yes. Can you sing some for me. 23:46 Yes. I am sure the boys and girls would like to hear 23:49 what you are saying. Jesus loves me! this I know, 23:54 For the Bible tells me so. Oh, I am sure that made 23:59 her very happy, didn't it. And so you made the tapes 24:02 and then they played it for her in the hospital. 24:04 Yes. And what did she say when she heard you 24:07 singing. She liked it very much. Did it help her 24:12 feel better. Yes. Oh that's wonderful, 24:16 and you know you share Jesus in a very special way 24:19 didn't you. Yes. Would you like me to read 24:23 some letters? I would like to share with the boys and 24:25 girls at home. This one is from New York and I have 24:28 a letter here from, let's see, from Lloyd Junior, 24:36 and let's see if that had a picture in here, I do, 24:41 can you hold that one up for me. And it says 24:44 Dear Ms. Brenda, my name is Lloyd Kim Junior, 24:47 and I am three years old. I love Kids Time very much 24:50 and I love to sing a lot. I love to pray to Jesus. 24:53 Please let me know if I could be a part of 24:55 Kids Time. Mommy and daddy say hello to you, I love you, 24:59 Lloyd Junior. Well thank you Lloyd. 25:02 If you want to be a part of Kids Time, 25:03 if you are musically talented or you want to 25:06 be on Sharing Time because you have done something 25:07 to share Jesus, write and let me know about it 25:09 and I'll give you a call, so you can be on the program, 25:12 okay. Now I have another letter from, it says 25:16 Dear Ms. Brenda, I am nine years old and I share Jesus 25:19 by being nice and reading the Bible to other people. 25:22 Please can I have a Kids Time book, 25:24 sincerely Caitlyn. Yes Caitlyn I would be happy to 25:27 send you a book and you keep being nice because that 25:30 does show that Jesus is in our heart. 25:32 When we are mean and nasty is that how Jesus 25:35 would want us to be, another people wouldn't see Jesus 25:38 in this would they. This letter is from 25:40 Rebecca Cuttingham and she lives in Colorado. 25:43 Dear Brenda, my name is Rebecca, and I am 25:45 three years old. My grandma is helping me to write 25:47 this letter. I live in Colorado and its cold 25:50 here. Says, I help in my neighborhood by going 25:53 with my family to the nursing home, and singing 25:56 about Jesus to the people there. Thank you for 25:58 reading my letter, love Rebecca. Well thank you 26:01 Rebecca for that letter. I just love hearing from you. 26:04 I am so glad Elvin that you are here with me today. 26:07 Now what are you going to do to share Jesus today. 26:11 I am gonna sing for Jesus. You are, but you know that 26:14 that makes Jesus happy when we sing for him doesn't it. 26:17 And we always want to keep singing for Jesus. 26:20 Boys and girls why don't you sing for Jesus, 26:22 share sunshine with someone else today and show them 26:25 that you had Jesus in your heart won't you because 26:28 remember boys and girls wherever you go and 26:30 whatever you do, I want you to always remember 26:33 its Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17