Kids' Time

Dr. Luke

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000051

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls, how do you like my Kitty
00:27 isn't she lovely. She's just so curious about
00:31 everything and she loves to padded
00:33 and you know what I imagine some of you might
00:36 have a kitty in your home. Many people love cats
00:39 don't they, and they make wonderful pets.
00:41 But cats have lots of cousins,
00:44 some is big as the lion, some as small as a little
00:47 house cat that you could easily hold in one hand.
00:50 Some members of the cat family like lions can roars
00:53 so loud that they can shake the building.
00:56 You know other cats just a bit smaller
00:59 but still plenty big are called lesser cats like
01:02 this one see. Let see if we can get Simi here
01:06 quite a down yes. You know, some of those
01:10 lesser cats are called like cougars and lynx
01:13 and bobcats and many others.
01:15 Lesser cats can't roar, but they snore
01:19 when they sense danger or they purr very loudly
01:22 when they're happy. That's a lot like house cats
01:25 they don't roar of course but you may have seen
01:27 your kitty come face to face with the dog.
01:29 More than likely it arched it's back and snore all
01:34 then letting that doggy know that he should go
01:37 away and leave her alone. Yes, isn't that right yeah
01:42 you don't like it when the dogs come near to you,
01:44 no. And our house cats do purr when they feel
01:47 all cozy and snuggled against you or they found
01:51 to warmed place to stretch himself out in the
01:53 sunshine. You know, one of the lesser cats is
01:57 called the cougar, but it also has two other names.
02:00 You can call it a puma or mountain lion,
02:03 the cougar has made his home in Northern American
02:06 and also I think I think in South America.
02:08 Everywhere except the arctic where it's extremely
02:11 cold. But during the past several years,
02:14 the cougars has been Lambishing and it's been
02:16 disappearing from many areas where used to they
02:19 live. This beautiful animal with it's glowing eyes
02:23 and it has that streamline body
02:25 and a long swishy tail, they have been finding it
02:29 harder and harder to find the home where it can
02:31 run free and yes that's right. And they have found
02:35 it hard to hunt for the food that it needs to
02:37 raise its babies. If you know the main reason for
02:40 this is that human beings are turning the
02:42 grass lands into parking lots and cutting down
02:45 the forest in order to build houses
02:47 and shopping malls and factories and places
02:50 that use to be the cougars home.
02:52 The Bible tells us to take care of the earth
02:54 and it's creatures that includes making sure that
02:58 the birds and the fish and the animals have clean air
03:01 and clean water and acres of woodland and fields
03:04 and mountains in which to make their homes isn't that
03:08 right now Simi is very happy isn't she?
03:10 Well, you know what lets do what we can to help okay.
03:13 Well now Ranger Jim is going to tell us a little
03:16 bit more about big cats. Right Simi, yes, big cat.
03:29 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying
03:30 welcome to Nature Time. We're glad you can join
03:32 us today. We're St. Augustine Wild Reserve
03:35 and you may hear in the background some
03:37 lions roaring. You may hear a cougar whistling
03:40 or anything else you might hear here
03:42 because we have wonderful creatures here.
03:44 Our friend Debra with us and Debra
03:45 tell us something about this creature.
03:47 Okay this is Jasmine. Jasmine is a baby
03:50 mountain lion. She's only about seventh months old.
03:53 She's going to reach an adult weight of about
03:55 110 pounds. Now, mountain lions can range in
03:59 weight from 110 pounds all the way up to 250 pounds
04:03 if it's a big male say if he lives in hold there she
04:06 goes. She's wants to run. Cougars love to run.
04:09 Now I call her a cougar and I also called her
04:12 mountain lion. That's because there is 80
04:14 different names for the same cat.
04:16 80 for the same cat. So if you look in the
04:18 dictionary, they have more names for the
04:20 same cat than any others species of mammal.
04:23 So, that's makes it very interesting
04:24 but you notice she's got really long legs.
04:27 They have the longest hind legs in proportion
04:29 to their body to any member of the cat family,
04:31 and that mean she can jump 16 feet straight up
04:34 in the air when she's running each running bound
04:38 is 45 feet and from standstill she can jump
04:41 25 feet forward, so incredible.
04:44 Amazing, absolutely amazing.
04:45 And they live all over North America
04:47 and they also live in South America
04:49 and there is even some in Central America.
04:51 So they are very wide spread cat,
04:53 and they are also the largest member of the
04:56 small cat family. So this is directly related to
04:58 your house cat and Jasmine can even purge
05:01 just like your house cat don't know if you can hear
05:03 purring but she's purring right now and as
05:05 she's chewing on my finger.
05:06 They love to chew on things.
05:09 They are absolutely beautiful and so these
05:11 of course are carnivorous. Yes oh yeah these are
05:14 definitely meat eaters; they will eat rabbits
05:17 and deer in the wild. And we feed her
05:19 chicken and beef in captivity.
05:21 And we have talked some about that boys
05:24 and girls sometimes it's repugnant to us
05:25 when we talk about this creature killing other
05:27 creatures. But as I have told you before it is for
05:30 food, it is not just for fun. It is not for sport,
05:33 they have to survive and this, how many babies
05:36 which she normally have.
05:38 They will have anywhere from 4 to 6 babies
05:40 usually 4 in the wild. Okay, see if we can
05:44 get the purring here. Just like your kitty
05:49 cat isn't? And the mother brings after they are
05:52 eating, using milk for sometime, then starts
05:55 weaning them typical of the cats
05:57 and she would bring food to them at the den.
05:59 Yes she will take care of them and they will
06:02 actually stay with the mother for one to two
06:04 years, then they move off on their own
06:06 and they start their own family somewhere else.
06:08 I was just reading recently Deb is something that,
06:10 that Debra something that really astonishes me
06:12 about these creatures, the man who was
06:14 writing this article was quite authoritative
06:16 and he said that these are the one of the
06:18 few creatures that the babies at the very early
06:21 age can survive without mother in the den for
06:23 as much as two days. They can maintain body
06:25 heat and strength and she sometime leaves
06:27 them for 36 hours, now that's amazing isn't.
06:30 Yeah, they have adapt like that
06:32 because the mom has to go often hunt
06:34 and she maybe gone for up to 36 hours looking
06:38 for food for the babies. So they have to be able
06:40 to survive on their own for just a couple of days.
06:43 It is just beautiful and these creatures
06:45 where we have them boys and girls normally
06:48 do not pose a threat to human beings
06:50 and another myth about the cougar mountain
06:53 lion is that they sometimes will hide in trees
06:56 and drop out on people, that is not true.
06:58 They are stealth hunters, they're ambush hunters.
07:01 They hide behind rocks or trees and something of
07:03 that nature and has Debra has told us.
07:05 They come exploding off behind the rock
07:08 and those huge 45 foot leaps and pounce on the
07:11 back of the unfortunate creature,
07:13 it would be a deer or even sometimes
07:16 something larger then that, even elk in some
07:18 of its range, and so it doesn't really have a
07:21 chance and that's we have said before that's
07:23 not a fun thing for us to think about it.
07:25 But this is an absolutely marvelous creature
07:28 and Debra, we thank you so much for
07:31 allowing us to come here and see this creature
07:33 and learn something about her.
07:34 And she has a brother over in a cage
07:36 that she wants go over there and tussle
07:38 and play with. And so, she's having Debra finger
07:40 for breakfast this morning okay.
07:42 She's chewing and annoying,
07:43 but she is a beautiful creature.
07:46 We thank you so much for letting us come today.
07:47 Boys and girls Ranger Jim is always telling you.
07:50 Don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him,
07:53 because he really does love you.
08:04 And its Gospel the kingdom that we preach in the
08:06 whole world are the testimony to all nations,
08:09 and the end will come Matthew 24:14.
08:15 So, Crystal and is it just your neighbors
08:17 that need to hear about Jesus.
08:20 Everyone around the world needs to know about Jesus.
08:32 People round the world need to know about Jesus.
08:40 Every boy and girl should here about this love.
08:48 People round the world need to know about Jesus.
08:56 And how he gave his life so we could live for ever more
09:07 Everyone needs love, everyone needs to
09:13 know the savior who left his home above
09:18 Was given birth in at early
09:22 measure he lived upper life.
09:27 And willingly thee he did --- that time,
09:32 he pay the highest price, for you and I
09:40 People round the world need to know about Jesus.
09:48 Every boy and girl should here about this love.
09:56 People round the world need to know about Jesus.
10:04 And how he gave his life so we could live for ever more
10:12 And how he gave his life so we could live for ever more
10:37 Are you ever hungry when you get home from
10:39 school just for a snack tight you over till supper?
10:41 Well. I've got the recipe for you.
10:43 We're making food salad. Not only is it healthy,
10:47 it's delicious and it's easy. And your mom will get
10:52 mad at you for not eating your supper.
10:54 So, here is the ingredient.
10:58 2 sweet apples 2 oranges 2 kiwis
11:04 2 cups strawberries 1 bunch of red seedless grapes
11:10 ½ cup orange of juice concentrate
11:13 ½ cup apples of juice concentrate
11:16 And 3 table spoons cornstarch.
11:20 Now, you wanna gently pour your fruit into the
11:23 bowl. I've already got some pealed apples here
11:25 for you. So and you wanna be gentle pouring it in
11:28 or else your fruit will bruise, gently pour it in
11:35 strawberries and you can really put any fruit in
11:38 you want, any of your fruits, you could put kiwis
11:41 or I had kiwis in the recipe, but kiwis are my
11:44 favorites, so I decide not to use kiwis.
11:46 But you can really, you can use any fruit,
11:48 you can be creative. We're gonna leave the
11:51 blueberries for last and use them just to kind
11:54 decorate at the top. The grapes in
12:02 and I've already made the sauce for you here
12:05 pre-made and what you are gonna do is
12:09 you're gonna take a sauce pan,
12:10 and you're gonna put your apple juice concentrate
12:12 and your orange juice concentrate
12:14 and your cornstarch. And you're gonna let it boil
12:18 until it gets thickened and then you're gonna set it
12:22 aside and you're gonna put it in the fridge until
12:24 for about an hour, until its cold.
12:28 Then you take your sauce like this and pour over your
12:32 fruit this and you wanna gently, gently fold it in to
12:43 the fruit and the reason we add this fruit is
12:46 because you want, its, I don't like to put sugar
12:53 or any kind of sweetener anything
12:56 or any kind sweetener on it.
12:57 And it just add real sweet,
12:59 just makes it little bit sweeter, so the fruit is
13:01 not sour and it's healthy that way too,
13:05 if you don't add sweetener. It's done,
13:09 real gentle or else you will squish your fruit
13:12 or bruise it. Stir all up, okay.
13:17 Fold it all the way through, through out the fruit.
13:22 When you get all mixed up, finish it off here.
13:29 You're gonna add your blueberries,
13:33 let's and sprinkle them over to the top, like this.
13:39 And you really wanna make it pretty,
13:41 like if you are serving it to guest or something.
13:44 You wanna take the strawberry
13:47 and cut it in the little pieces and almost to the
13:53 bottom but don't cut it off. And make in decoration
13:57 for the top, you can all through out the
13:59 strawberry, all the strawberry and make a
14:02 couple of slits all the way down to the bottom
14:06 like this. And you wanna take the strawberry
14:09 very gently and push it out like this,
14:12 and just kind of set it on the top and it makes
14:15 it really pretty. And this is even good like
14:19 if you're having like on Saturday nights
14:20 and my papa loves popcorns, maybe with
14:22 the bowl of popcorn for a good snack and really
14:25 tasty and it looks really pretty too.
14:29 Looks really good and it taste delicious too.
14:32 Well, until next time keep cooking and eat healthy.
14:47 Phil wait just a minute; I want to talk to the
14:49 children here. Hello, boys and girls you know
14:54 what this is. This is my doctor box,
14:58 has all my special instruments in it.
15:00 You know, who I am, I'm Doctor Luke
15:03 and I've been traveling with the disciples.
15:05 And we've medical problems from time
15:10 to time and I have my satchel here that
15:13 we carry different medicines either for
15:15 treating some of the people we meet.
15:18 I've foxglove that's for pain and swelling,
15:23 I have some other pain medicine,
15:29 and some hops tea for when people have stress
15:37 and sometimes the people want to smell something,
15:40 I have spikenard. Jesus had a women rub his
15:47 feet this very expansive perfume,
15:51 and its smells very good. And I wanna tell you
15:56 though about the greatest Doctor I ever met.
15:59 You might be a Doctor someday and
16:03 depending on what your gift might be,
16:05 the Lord will lead you to that.
16:10 And you never know where God is going to lead you
16:13 because each of us is very special
16:15 and that's one thing I learned from Jesus,
16:17 how every person is special. I went out to see
16:21 my patients one day and no one was home.
16:24 I went house to house through the town
16:26 and they were all gone. Patients that had been
16:29 out of their house for months are gone.
16:32 And I heard praising and singing in the streets
16:34 and I look down the street, wonder what is
16:36 going on. I walked up to one house and out ran
16:39 one of my patient Jonathan,
16:41 jumping he hadn't walked for two weeks.
16:44 He's jumping and praising God and behind
16:47 him walk Jesus. Well, what is going on,
16:51 what is this? Man, the people I have been trying
16:54 to heal for so long and they're healed
16:57 immediately through Jesus.
17:00 So, I follow Jesus for the next three and half years
17:04 I followed him, I listen to his sermons,
17:06 his parables and I watched him heal person
17:09 after person using Gods power.
17:12 And through that experience I learned that
17:14 Jesus was the Messiah and that's why the God
17:17 was using him to heal so many people in
17:19 so many ways even casting out demons,
17:23 raising even the dead. So, I started to think
17:29 I needed Jesus in my life and Jesus helped me
17:33 to see that no matter who you were rich or poor,
17:37 you could be accepted. He preached the sermon
17:39 on forgiveness one time and I felt that
17:42 forgiveness because so much of my life had been
17:44 prideful that I was a Doctor, more educated
17:47 than someone else. But that's not how God
17:50 looks at people. He looks at them;
17:52 they are all precious in his eyes.
17:55 You are all special in his eyes, no matter
17:57 who you are and the especially there is one
18:00 story he told you might have heard this story
18:02 about the good Samaritan. See the Samaritans
18:05 many people didn't like them, because maybe
18:08 their skin color was different
18:10 or maybe they talked different,
18:12 different things, that's no reason not to like
18:15 someone. He told about a man who went on a
18:18 journey over one to the mountains,
18:20 and he was attacked by robbers and beat up
18:23 and left practically for dead.
18:24 And along came a priest and walked by him,
18:28 looked at the man and walked right on by.
18:32 And the next came Eli vide like a Doctor
18:35 of the law who supposed to be so righteous,
18:37 looked at the poor man and walked down by.
18:40 But who do you think came along,
18:45 a Samaritan came along. Saw the man had pity
18:48 on him, bandaged up his wounds best he
18:52 could put him on his own donkey,
18:54 took him to town, left him in with the
18:56 inn keeper and said that he would even
18:59 pay the expanses that's when I came in,
19:02 because I had to treat the man
19:03 and I heard this story. And it was real
19:07 and Jesus told a story to help us realize
19:11 that we're all special. No one is any better
19:14 than anyone else. We all should minister even
19:17 as a Doctor, it shouldn't matter
19:19 who the person is. We treat them all the best
19:22 we can, with we know we can do.
19:26 You know, it was very sad that when
19:28 Jesus was crucified on the cross.
19:30 We all felt so bad, but you know what happened
19:36 three days later he rose from the dead
19:39 and all our sadness was turned to happiness.
19:41 And all the things that we had learned
19:43 while traveling with Jesus those years,
19:46 learning about the Sabbath,
19:48 learning about tithing and how to give
19:51 offering correctly into right heart,
19:54 learning about how to be born again.
19:57 All those things became so much more meaningful
20:00 when we saw Jesus raise from the dead.
20:04 And forty day days later he ascended to Heaven
20:07 and he told us all to go out and be teachers
20:10 to teach others and to baptize them.
20:13 And I hope that some day you boys and girls
20:15 you will be baptized too into the day of the Jesus,
20:19 the Father, a son and the Holy Spirit,
20:21 just as all of us were. And we hope that you
20:27 will all find you gift, whatever it is you have
20:30 a special gift from Jesus.
20:32 Okay, Theophilus I'm coming.
20:35 Now boys and girls it's been nice talking to you
20:37 and may God bless you and
20:39 where he leads you. Good bye now.
20:58 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst,
21:02 hunger and thirst for righteousness:
21:06 for they shall be filled, they shall be filled.
21:12 Blessed, Blessed are they.
21:16 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst,
21:21 hunger and thirst for righteousness:
21:26 for they shall be filled, they shall be filled.
21:31 Blessed, Blessed are they.
21:36 Matthew Chapter 5 verse 6
21:39 They shall be filled, Blessed, Blessed are they?
21:57 I wanna thank the Young Sowers for that
21:59 beautiful scripture song, I've really enjoy that.
22:01 Well, I'm also enjoying the mail that you're sending
22:05 and I love hearing all the ways that your share
22:07 Jesus. But before I read some of the letters to you,
22:10 I would like to you introduce our guest that
22:12 we have on Kids Time today. And the first guest
22:15 we have is Steven and Steven you are from
22:18 Wisconsin and I wanna welcome you to Kids Time
22:20 and Roderick, Roderick thank you for coming to
22:23 Kids Time. Now, you are sharing a story with me
22:26 about how you share Jesus with one of your
22:30 friends. Can you tell me about that?
22:31 Yeah, my friend, his daddy is to worship an idol,
22:36 and I told my friend about Jesus.
22:41 Did they worship idols? No.
22:42 No and why not? Because they won't do you
22:47 regarding the devil is just trying to make
22:51 do like God. Well, that's a good answer,
22:54 so what did you tell your friend.
22:56 And I told him about Jesus and God like
23:00 when he was gonna come into the world and is like,
23:04 you know when Jesus is gonna come,
23:06 you know it's like no and they used to worship
23:10 golden ball or something like that and then
23:15 I told him. I know then I was talking to his dad
23:18 and then his dad went to more different church,
23:23 and then this time they don't worship the idols
23:25 anymore. So, they you were able to tell them
23:28 that idols were not the true God right.
23:31 So, that was wonderful way to share Jesus wasn't
23:34 that body and girls. Steven what did you
23:37 do to share Jesus? Tell me how you share Jesus
23:40 with your friends at school?
23:42 My friend at school doesn'tknow Jesus
23:44 and I tell them that Jesus is coming pretty soon
23:49 and Jesus loves them and to be ready for
23:53 when he comes. You know, that's wonderful.
23:55 You know boys and girls we always need to be
23:58 ready to witness Jesus and you can't tell people
24:00 often than that how much Jesus loves them.
24:02 Well, I'm excited today I have got some letters
24:05 and I want Steven and Roderick to listen to
24:07 some of them and as well as you boys and girls
24:08 at home. I've my first letter from England
24:11 and I'm really excited that every time
24:13 we get a new country that I get a letter from,
24:15 I get so excited, so boys and girls everywhere
24:18 please write and tell me how you share Jesus.
24:20 We have boys and girls all around the world
24:22 that love Jesus and let's share with everyone else
24:26 too okay. Well, this letter, can you hold this up for
24:29 me Roderick. And this letter is from Lasita
24:35 and it says Dear Brenda my name is Lasita
24:38 and I'm 4 years old. I do a lot to share Jesus
24:41 I help give up Bible books in front my church
24:44 and I sing on the bus about God.
24:46 I also help my mom in the house and pray for
24:49 all my friends, love Lasita. PS I listen to
24:52 3ABN on the Internet. Well isn't that
24:55 wonderful, so she listens and watches our
24:58 Kids Time on the internet,
24:59 so that's really good. Then I have a letter
25:02 here from Rachael and she's from Illinois
25:05 and let see Rachael say, and Rachael send
25:08 is the picture to. Steven can you hold that
25:10 picture for me and this says Dear Brenda
25:13 I'm 11 years old and I share Jesus by telling
25:16 my friends that her grandpa is taking a long
25:18 nap until Jesus comes. That he's not really in
25:22 Heaven when he dies, me and my brother
25:25 and my sister watch your show and we love it
25:28 and my brother is 18 years old and my sister
25:30 is 11 years and they love Kids Time too.
25:34 Please write me back and send me a book your
25:36 friend Rachael Walters. Well, Rachael,
25:38 I will be happy to send you a book,
25:39 and thank you so much for your letter.
25:41 And I've might have time for one letter
25:45 and here is the picture if you could hold that
25:47 up for me and this letters says, Dear Brenda
25:52 my name is Laura Lamb, and I'm 12 years old
25:55 and I love to share Jesus by making bread
25:57 and I take the bread and give it away to
26:00 people, and it says after class we make bread at
26:04 school and say we gave anyone a loaf
26:07 and a few days later we got to note from one
26:09 of our neighbors we gave the bread to
26:11 thanking us for the bread. Said the Bible says
26:14 "My little children, let us not love in word,
26:17 or tongue; but in deed and in truth."
26:18 First John 3:18. I love that text,
26:20 I like that text too Laura Lamb.
26:22 Loves Laura Lamb and I wanna thank you
26:25 so much for that letter. Thank you Steven
26:28 and Roderick for being with us here today
26:30 and boys and girls, remember where ever you go,
26:33 what ever you do, it's Kid's Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17