Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000050
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there; 00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:25 Hello boys and girls, I'm going to show you a 00:27 picture right now and I want you to look very 00:29 carefully and see if you know what it is okay. 00:32 Now, I'll give you some hints, when it's full grown, 00:34 it's about 10 feet long and it weighs about a 1000 00:37 pounds, so it's a really big animal. You still don't 00:41 know, well let me tell you this creature likes to take 00:44 life easy and it swims really slow. Sometimes it 00:47 likes to just simply soak itself in its nice warm 00:50 water. And also likes to eat water plants and 00:53 other types of vegetable foods. Have you guessed 00:56 its name yet? Yes, it's a manatee. Now, the 01:00 manatee is not a beautiful animal is it? 01:02 Its body is just kind of a big old blob, it's not 01:05 streamlined or shapely they like some other water 01:08 creatures. And its face is wrinkled and his eyes 01:11 I think are almost too small for it's head, 01:14 but I like the manatee, I like it for lots of reasons. 01:18 One is, that it's a peaceful gentle animal. 01:22 Do you know that even though it's very, 01:24 very large and it could be a bully, 01:27 it never acts like a bully and it never threatens 01:29 other animals. It doesn't try to take the homes 01:32 of other water animals away from them either, and I like 01:35 the manatee because it doesn't get upset and thrash 01:38 around or make loud noises. It just kind of minds its 01:42 own business and shows everyone else how to relax. 01:46 We can learn important lessons from the manatee 01:48 can't we. It can teach us to be gentle and have 01:52 peaceful spirits and not get all upset when things 01:54 don't go our way. And the manatee can teach us 01:57 something else, no matter what someone else looks 02:03 like, there is always something special about 02:05 them. You might have a classmate who looks big and 02:09 tough, but you know what inside that person maybe as 02:12 gentle as the manatee. And when someone's face isn't 02:16 pretty that doesn't mean that they're not beautiful 02:18 people inside. In fact, some of the nicest things come 02:24 in plain packages, Jesus made us and loves us just 02:27 the way we are and he wants us to love each 02:30 other too. But right now let's listen to Ranger Jim 02:34 tells us a little bit more about the manatee. 02:44 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim, what do you think about 02:46 this outfit, you'll never know what you see on 02:49 Kids Time, welcome to nature time. We're glad you could 02:52 join us today, as you see we're in the water with a 02:54 manatee. Have you ever seen a manatee before? 02:57 These are magnificent creatures, we're enjoying 03:00 them so much as I told you before we're at Homosassa 03:03 State Park here in Florida and if you have an 03:06 opportunity to come be sure that you stop here. 03:08 These Manatees are tremendous large creatures 03:11 and my friend Ken and I are having fun feeding them 03:14 here. The manatee is one of God's creatures, they are 03:18 very large creatures. They average 10 to 13 feet in 03:21 length and can weigh some of these creatures that we are 03:23 feeding here now, weigh over 3000 pounds. 03:27 The manatee, a mammal, breathing oxygen as we do 03:30 from the air, they have openings here on the top of 03:34 their snout and they come up occasionally to breathe, 03:37 take a breath and it sounds almost if you ever heard a 03:40 whale, those boys and girls that are in an area where 03:42 you have whales, it's not quiet as loud but it is the 03:45 same explosive whooo, that you hear and these creature 03:49 have the wonderful ability in one breath to exchange all 03:52 of the air in their lungs with one breath, 96% of them 03:56 and that's very unusual. They also in their mouth, 03:59 the molars in the back of their mouth when they're 04:01 chewing their food as they wear off they continue to 04:04 wear off other molars march forward from the back to 04:07 fill in that space and the only part, the only other 04:10 mammal that we have on the earth had God made has that 04:13 ability is a very small kangaroo, but these 04:15 creatures have that ability. Their lungs are very long, 04:19 they have huge lungs, but if they had the lungs 04:22 like in their chest cavity as we and most other mammals 04:25 have, they would be swimming this way all the 04:27 time right, the buoyancy of their lungs would carry 04:30 their body up out of the water, but that's what God's 04:32 plan, they're very elongated they serve as buoyancy, 04:36 keep them leveled and that way they swim along, 04:38 they have a very unusual tail, we have someone over 04:41 there laying on their back, right. We have some, 04:44 well I wanted to show them the flipper sticking out of 04:46 the water, we'll do that just now, you see the 04:48 flipper sticking up there and the female, that's where 04:51 they feed their cub. They feed their calves not cubs, 04:54 they feed their calves that way, behind their flippers 04:57 on each side, they have a nipple or a tit being a 04:59 mammal and that's where the baby suckles. The baby 05:02 is born underwater and suckles under water. 05:05 That would be different wouldn't it. The baby when 05:07 it's born may weigh 60 pounds and get this boys 05:10 and girls in the first year of it's life it gains 700 05:14 pounds that is a big time baby right, their must be 05:17 something magic here in the food that this mother 05:20 supplies to it. Now, about the only predator, the only 05:23 enemy that we have that causes fatalities among 05:26 these wonderful creatures are human beings and that 05:29 is boat traffic. I have the opportunity, my wife and I 05:33 just spend our Winters in Okeechobee, Florida, 05:35 I spend much time out in the canals and on Lake 05:37 Okeechobee fishing and I had the privilege of seeing 05:40 a mother with two babies, with twins, that's very 05:42 unusual and they were in a canal and I saw them, 05:45 another boats were going by, even though it was a 05:47 manatee zone people were supposed to slow down and 05:50 look out for manatees, they continued to do that to 05:52 run back and forth I turned my boat side ways and 05:55 motioned to a friend of mine and we blocked off the 05:57 canal and people came by very disgruntle, I said 06:00 what's going on, we said there are manatee here and 06:02 calf, big deal, right away they went. Hey, they 06:06 weren't Jesus people were they. Because Jesus expects 06:08 us to love these big gentle giants and help to preserve 06:12 them, because he loves the animals and he wants us to 06:16 love the animals and so when we see these creatures 06:18 and enjoy them so much and by the way they're expelling 06:21 their air now when they have bad breath, but that's okay. 06:24 They don't know about brushing their teeth 06:26 perhaps. Their lips are prehensile, they can move 06:29 them back and forth and grasp, grasp things to the 06:31 side and pull them into their big mouths and then 06:33 they digest them. So, boys and girls, I just, oh what a 06:36 thrill, I wish you could be here with Ranger Jim. 06:38 What a thrill it is for me to be here and see these 06:40 creatures and now they're really getting friendly okay. 06:43 They're not a bit camera shy, but we have learned 06:46 another one of God's creatures today, something 06:48 about it. So, it's always true boys and girls, 06:51 when Jesus makes a creature he made them right didn't 06:54 he? It didn't take millions of years the very first one 06:57 was perfect. So, Ranger Jim telling you as always Jesus 07:02 loves the manatees, but don't forget to tell Jesus 07:04 you love him because he really does love you. 07:16 Hello boys and girls, you look around you will see 07:20 Rose and Raymond. You realize that God's given us 07:24 lot of reasons to believe. We would like to do a song 07:28 by Jennifer Jill called the moment I believe. 07:44 When the snow paints my window with lace 07:51 When a warm furry dog licks my face 07:57 When the wind seems to sing of His grace 08:02 I believe. When I see someone do something kind 08:15 Every rainbow or flower I find 08:22 Gives me reason to make up my mind I believe 08:35 All the devil's temptations seem strange 08:41 All my feelings and thoughts rearrange 08:46 For Jesus lives so deep within and causes the 08:51 change The moment I believe 09:11 Life has given me loved ones and friends 09:18 Through their kindness my heart comprehends I'm so 09:25 glad that true love never ends I believe 09:36 When I hear of what Jesus has done 09:42 When I see how God gave us His Son 09:49 Then my whole heart is finally won I believe 10:01 All the devil's temptations seem strange 10:07 All my feelings and thoughts rearrange 10:12 For Jesus lives so deep within and causes the 10:17 change. The moment I believe 10:28 All the devil's temptations seem strange 10:34 All my feelings and thoughts rearrange 10:39 For Jesus lives so deep within and causes the change 10:46 The moment I believe The moment I believe 14:14 Oh! Hi there, I'm sorry. I didn't notice you there. 14:18 I just came from the Northern Kingdom of Israel 14:20 and my thoughts are troubling me. I gave the 14:23 people quite a rebuke and I don't think they took it 14:26 too well. Oh listen to me, I'm telling you all my 14:29 concerns and I haven't even introduce myself. My name 14:33 is Amos, I live in the little town of Tekoa in the 14:36 Southern country of Judah. Tekoa is about 12 miles 14:40 south of Jerusalem. I have a small farm there, I gather 14:44 figs and I have some herds that I tend to, one day as 14:48 I was following my flocks, Jehovah the true God of all 14:51 things called me to take a message and prophesy to 14:55 the people of Israel. I don't know why the Lord chose 14:58 me, I am no prophet, I am not even a son of a prophet, 15:03 but the Lord had a message for Israel and I went and 15:05 gave it. The message was a tough message to deliver, 15:09 but I was not afraid because the Lord God of Israel was 15:12 with me. At the time I gave the strong rebuke, Israel 15:16 and Judah were both very wealthy and prosperous 15:19 nations. The King of Israel Jeroboam II had major 15:23 victories and expanded the territories. King Uzziah of 15:27 Judah was also very prosperous, fortifying Judah 15:31 and doing that with which was right in the sight of 15:33 the Lord. Jeroboam however was very wicked, 15:38 Jeroboam didn't stop the worship of the true God 15:40 Jehovah, but he made it worse by mixing it in with 15:44 the pagan worship of idols and many wrong rituals of 15:47 sin. For example, take a dirty hand and rub it with a 15:52 clean hand. Does the dirty hand become clean? 15:55 Of course not, it only spreads the dirt around to 15:57 both hands. Jeroboam is mixing what is right with 16:02 what is wrong, which only makes the people confused. 16:06 God gave Jeroboam much prosperity and this is how 16:09 Jeroboam returns God's blessings. Have you ever 16:13 done anything wrong and your mom or dad disciplines 16:16 you. Do you think they discipline you because they 16:18 hate you of course not? They do it because they love 16:22 you and they want you to realize that what you are 16:25 doing is not right. That is what God had to do with 16:29 Israel, after a while you come back to you mom and 16:33 dad, you apologize, but Israel didn't do that. 16:37 God gave them opportunity after opportunity to repent 16:42 but they would not. You see, God loves even the nations 16:46 surrounding Judah and Israel. God wanted to use 16:49 Israel and Judah as an example to the surrounding 16:51 nations in hopes for their salvation too. People follow 16:55 by example and it is important to set good 16:58 examples for those around you, but Israel joined right 17:03 in with the adulterous nations rather than 17:06 witnessing to them. Israel knew better and that is why 17:10 their discipline is going to be much worse. I tried and 17:15 tried to get the people of Israel to turn back to God, 17:18 they have turned from worshiping the creator to 17:20 worshiping creation. I told them to seek God. 17:25 The one who created the stars in the heavens and 17:28 they will live, because they have not turned from their 17:31 Gods, Moloch and Chiun, which they made with their 17:34 own hands. They surely were going to captivity. 17:38 Oh Israel, Israel, have you not seen how God brought 17:41 you out of Egypt and has given you blessing after 17:44 blessing. Do you know what they did? Instead of 17:49 listening to the word of God and turning back. The high 17:52 priest of Bethel, Amaziah, he went and told Jeroboam 17:56 the King that I was against him and his people. 18:00 Amaziah also told the King that they cannot bear my 18:02 words of rebuke, but how much more are they going 18:05 to bear the destruction and captivity, they will see 18:09 if they don't turn away from their sins. Just before 18:13 you came, I received a final vision from the Lord, 18:17 because the people of Israel have rejected God's 18:20 plea to come back. God will destroy them and their land. 18:24 They are reproach to themselves and the nation s 18:27 around them, punishment is a natural result of sin. 18:33 Like Noah did before the flood God has time and time 18:37 again sent messenger and messenger to the people of 18:41 Israel, but they refused, refused, refused, I became 18:47 very sad to hear about their future destruction of 18:50 Israel. I love my people, but they're so stubborn and 18:55 stuck in their ways, but in my grief the Lord God 19:01 covered me with a message of hope. God showed me 19:05 that he will raise the tabernacle of David once 19:07 again and that Israel will inherit the land and they 19:10 were rebuilt the cities. God also showed me that Israel 19:14 will plant vineyards and gardens and they would be 19:18 peace once again. And you know what, the last thing 19:22 God told me was very comforting, he said that 19:26 Israel will no longer be pulled out of their land 19:30 which God has given to them. But you know what, 19:36 I can't help but think that the message God showed me 19:40 a future hope and prosperity for Israel has a 19:44 much grander meaning. Something to think about, 19:48 if you want a relationship with God you must desire it. 19:52 Remember to be obedient and keep learning about 19:55 God. Well kids, I have a lot to think about, 20:00 why don't you think about it too. 20:16 Give thanks to the grateful heart, 20:19 Give thank to the Holy one, 20:23 Give thanks because he's given Jesus Christ, his Son. 20:31 And now; let the weak say, I'm strong, 20:37 let the poor say, I am rich, 20:41 because of what the Lord has done for us. 20:47 Give thanks, give thanks. 21:06 Thank you Yasmine for that beautiful song, 21:08 Give Thanks, and that's what I want to do every 21:11 single day is give thanks. While I'm sitting here just 21:14 reading through your mail, oh I love getting letters 21:16 from you. And I'm so excited, today I have a 21:18 letter from India it's my first letter from India. 21:20 Boys and girls I am going to read it to you but before 21:23 I do I want you to meet our guest today. And I have 21:25 with me Emma Rose and you tell me if I get this 21:28 right Quedzuweit Very good. Did I say that, that's 21:30 a hard name to say, do people ask you all the time 21:32 how to pronounce your name. Most of the time they 21:35 do. They do. Well, you have something you brought 21:38 with, with you today to sharing time and what did 21:40 you bring with you? Well, we call them fruits cups. 21:44 Now, why do call them fruits cups? Well one reason 21:47 is. It doesn't look like fruit to me. Yeah, one of the 21:50 reason is because this is a fruit container, we use like 21:54 gracing containers, I see, or dry fruit containers. 21:57 Now, that makes sense to me now. Yeah and the other 22:00 reason is because after the fruit of the Spirit. 22:05 The fruits of the Spirit, yeah. Now, do you know 22:06 the fruits of the Spirit, Emma Rose. Yes. What are 22:08 they? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, 22:13 goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. 22:18 Awesome, you know all of those, I am so impressed. 22:22 Well, tell me what you do with the fruits cups. 22:24 Well, what we do is we save these gracing 22:29 containers or dried fruit containers. Okay. And we 22:33 wrap them in construction paper and then we put 22:41 scriptures stickers on them. Then we write free, 22:45 then we write free on them, okay, then what we do 22:48 with them. So, people will know that this is free and 22:51 then we, they don't have to pay for it. Yeah, and then 22:55 we take like little friends or primary treasure and we 22:59 wrap them up, we roll them up. Now, so first, for some 23:01 people boys and girls if you don't know what a little 23:04 friend or a primary treasure is. Can you tell that's just 23:07 the stories about Jesus, it's and they have all 23:10 different kinds of stories right Emma? Yes. 23:11 And they have, so you've taken this and you've just 23:14 kind of rolled it up like that and tied it with the a 23:17 ribbon. Yeah and then we put as much as we can in 23:21 this little container. And then we leave them at like 23:24 the dentist office or the doctor's office and some 23:28 stores, so people can so, and just take them, and then 23:32 when you check them often, so that if they're empty you 23:35 can fill them back up? Yes, yes we do that. Well, that's 23:38 good. That's a good idea. Boys and girls, maybe you 23:41 could try this at home, don't you think. That sounds 23:43 pretty easy, you could take any kind of container, 23:45 it wouldn't have to be a fruit container, because 23:47 they don't need, happened to use that kind of fruit but 23:49 maybe it could be a small box or you know a can 23:52 or whatever and you could do the same thing at home. 23:54 And that's a good way to witness, you could, maybe 23:56 we could think of other places where you could put 23:58 it as well. Maybe in a waiting room of a hospital 24:01 or you know in for if they're waiting for their 24:04 loved ones like in the surgery area, intensive care 24:07 something like that. Now, you made something else you 24:10 too what did you make? Yes this, our magnet hearts. 24:15 Oh those are cute. What is that have on it. 24:18 Well, what we do as we cut out a heart shape in 24:23 red flag, we cut out heart shape. Oh yes, it's really 24:27 pretty. Heart shaped felt, red felt and then we put 24:32 scriptures stickers in the middle. Yes. And then we 24:35 take gel pens and we outline, outline the felt, 24:40 the red felt with the gel pen. And then, that looks 24:43 like a lot of fun to me. Yeah, and then we put hot 24:47 hot glue on a little strip of magnet and we take a 24:54 close pin, a close pin and we put and we glue a 24:58 magnet strip to it, a magnet to the close pin. Now, who 25:01 do you give this to? Well, we give it to our family or 25:05 friends and someone you want to witness to. Yes. 25:09 That's a wonderful way to share Jesus. Well, let me 25:11 read this letter from India real quick, wouldn't you 25:14 like to hear who, who is writing us from India. 25:17 Let's see this says, dearest Ms. Brenda I'm Lanita and 25:22 I live in India and I'm 12 years old. I love 25:26 Kids Time and I share Jesus by telling my friends at 25:28 school about Jesus and singing for sick people in 25:31 the hospital. Your friend Lanita Sam. Could you 25:35 please send me a Kids Time activity book. I surely will, 25:38 thank you and look at she sent a picture of a bunny 25:41 rabbit, isn't that cute? Yes, they look cute. 25:45 Now, let me see if I have time to read one more and 25:48 I have, can you hold this, we got a picture, I love 25:50 pictures boys and girls, don't forget to send your 25:52 pictures when you write a letter, I love to see what 25:54 you look like. This one says dear Brenda, I am 25:57 eight years old and my sister and I love to sing in 26:00 church a lot and sometimes we go to my mom's friend's 26:02 house and we sing for her when she is sick. I think 26:06 that Kids Time is very fun show and I love it. 26:09 Please send me a Kids Time activity book. Love, 26:12 Chanel Murphy. Well Chanel, I would be happy to 26:14 send to you a Kids Time activity book and I thank 26:17 you for your picture too, that is so pretty. You know 26:21 boys and girls, we need to make the most of every 26:23 single day and maybe it's something you can do to 26:25 share Jesus like Emma Rose did. But you can find 26:29 a way boys and girls, because remember 26:31 it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17