Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000049
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share 00:11 there's a world out there; let's tell them 00:15 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He 00:18 loves us so. Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:22 Hi boys and girls, lets pretend we are going 00:27 to have a party, okay. 00:28 Lets say may be a birthday party. 00:31 Now you just made a list of all the friends 00:33 that you want to invite, and may be you know 00:36 purchased some balloons and perhaps a treat 00:39 each of your guest, and may be your mother 00:42 or someone special has planned some very good food 00:45 nothing wrong with that, right. 00:47 Oh, but what are we going to drink? 00:52 What we will serve our guest? 00:53 Water, sounds like okay. What? 00:57 You don't want water served at your birthday party. 01:01 Alright, I understand. Even though we all needs 01:05 lot of water to drink to keep our insides 01:07 clean and healthy and even though nothing quenches 01:10 thirst better than water, it's not exactly 01:13 a party drink though is it? 01:15 Now how does this look, 01:19 how about a nice glass of grape juice, 01:23 a little more like it don't you agree? 01:26 You know Jesus went to lots of parties 01:28 when he was here on earth, and every time 01:31 he went to a party, that party became the most 01:33 special event anyone had ever attended. 01:36 Our Bible story today tells us about a party 01:39 Jesus attended, and in fact it was a wedding reception. 01:42 Now I want you have to pay special attention 01:44 to the story, and you will understand 01:45 why we talked about water today, 01:48 and why I held up this glass of grape juice. 01:51 But first Ranger Jim is going to tell us 01:54 about a very interesting creature. 02:02 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim is saying 02:04 welcome to Nature Time. We are glad you can join us. 02:06 We are at beautiful Silver Springs near Ocala, Florida. 02:09 We have our friend Jesse with us again today, 02:11 Jesse tell us something about this beautiful 02:12 creature. This is Spurred Tortoise from Africa, 02:15 very, very terrestrial, they stay on the land, 02:17 and believe or not, we know how it is in Africa, 02:20 they are very,very dry, hardly ever do they have a 02:23 chance to get any water. So, they stay on these 02:24 terrestrial high ground tortoises, land terrestrial. 02:28 They get enough food and water from the 02:30 moisture from the plants that they eat. 02:31 Yes, they do, and that's basically 02:33 how they get moisture, solely from the vegetation. 02:35 That's wonderful they survive there. Well, tell us 02:38 some other things about them, what about them. 02:40 Well, many things about tortoises, lot of people ask 02:43 what's the difference between turtles and tortoises? 02:45 You can find turtles around the water. 02:47 They have web feet. They are aquatic animals, 02:49 where tortoises have club feet; 02:51 they are very, very terrestrial. 02:53 They are going to stay on the high ground 02:54 just liker here in North America 02:56 we have a Gopher Tortoise very important animal 02:58 to our environment, once they dig that burrow 03:00 it creates a home for many, many animals here 03:03 specially in Florida like the indigo snake, 03:05 the burrowing owl, and lot of other animals, 03:07 so they are very important. 03:09 Now here in Florida unlike this African species 03:12 they will actually get into burrow when we have 03:14 a heavy rain, they have sort of lay their head 03:16 on the ground right on the ground just like 03:18 they are laying down, open up their mouth, 03:20 and they can actually get water from that. 03:22 But most of them it is strictly from the vegetation 03:25 they get their moisture from. 03:26 Yeah, I see you have some lettuce down here. 03:29 This creature likes lettuce? 03:30 What do you feed them here in the park? 03:32 It loves remain, lot of times what we do, 03:34 we try to create a regimen here in the exhibits. 03:37 Normally on the Savannas these tortoises will browse 03:39 almost all day in search of vegetation. 03:42 Here in captivity a lot of times we are going to have 03:44 just a setting the food out and of course 03:46 these animals get bored. So, what we do, 03:48 we just take a head of lettuce like this 03:50 we just buried in the ground, 03:52 and so it looks like a plant, and the tortoise 03:54 will walk over and start eating it, 03:55 and it gives something to pull at, 03:57 and of course that's enrichment, makes a muscle 04:00 strong, helps her neck. So, it's a great way to keep 04:03 them busy during the day and a lot of times 04:05 like I said in exhibits they get bored. 04:08 That's true. So nutrition has been affected 04:11 before you know you got a problem. 04:12 Alright, tell me about this, now this creature lay eggs? 04:15 They do lay eggs. 04:17 They hatch much the same as other turtle 04:18 egg with the heat of the sun. 04:20 Almost exactly and you will find the same thing 04:22 even though you are in Africa, and even though 04:24 it's very aired hot and dry, 04:26 these animals will make sure that temperature is going 04:28 to be the right temperature about 88 degrees 04:30 to have this eggs hatch out, of course babies 04:33 are going to come out. They are about the size, 04:35 a little bit bigger than a silver dollar, 04:36 beautiful, beautiful coloration, and 04:38 they are very, very cute one the babies. 04:40 That would be wonderful to have one of these 04:42 to see them, but we don't have one of them 04:44 boys and girls. But, tell us how much 04:45 this creature weigh, this is a big one? 04:47 This animal weighs almost the hundred pounds, 04:49 and they will get a couple of hundred pounds, 04:50 they get very large, and of course there is other 04:53 other giant tortoises throughout the world 04:54 in the fifteen hundreds in the shipping trade, 04:56 they would just put these giant tortoises right 04:58 on the ships travel and have food 05:01 whenever they wanted it. 05:02 I see and once again boys and girls, 05:04 we are thinking about that, we would think bit 05:05 repulsive to take this creature and board in the vessel, 05:08 months later they would have something fresh to eat, 05:10 but this creature inhabits a very dry land 05:14 and because God made it a special way 05:16 it survive from eating the vegetation 05:18 that it finds with view on that, and it survives 05:20 that way. I suppose there is a high mortality rate 05:23 when they are small, and you see Jess is proving 05:25 that this is good lettuce to eat, 05:27 because he is eating some of it, okay. 05:29 These creatures also enjoy carrots, and other things 05:32 like that, and those of you that are vegetarians, 05:34 you will find out that's a very good diet, isn't it. 05:36 So, we are finding once again boys and girls 05:39 that these creatures are creatures that God 05:41 designed for us if we can study every one of them 05:44 we would find it would be true. 05:46 It's not necessary that it would, Jesse can we; 05:49 we get this creature to take a bite 05:50 of lettuce for boys and girls. I think we can do it. 05:52 Try this; would you like to try a bite of this lettuce, 05:54 whether it would be a tortoise this size 05:56 or be a small painted turtle boys and girls, 05:58 they are all the same. God made them 06:00 and he provided for them, and he provided 06:03 the right food for them. So, it's a thrill for me 06:06 to be here Jesse, I want to thank you again 06:08 sharing with us, and using your expertise 06:10 in this field, and Jesse boys and girls, 06:13 he has been here for many years, and so he is quite 06:15 knowledgeable about these creatures, 06:16 and we appreciates so much the hospitality of 06:19 Silver Springs and Jesse in sharing with you. 06:21 So, boys and girls this is Ranger Jim 06:24 telling you once again. Don't forget to tell Jesus 06:26 that you love him because he really does love you. 06:44 good crackers, and I love crackers. 06:49 And I love to play the piano, although sometime 06:52 it's hard to play the piano 06:54 when you are eating crackers. 06:55 All I know is that God made an awful 06:58 lot of stuff for us to love. 07:07 Puppies are beautiful, kitten are beautiful, 07:10 fish and birds, and butterflies too. 07:13 God made these for us to love. 07:20 Old friends are beautiful, new friends are beautiful, 07:24 books that are and music to. 07:27 God made these for us to love. 07:35 I like spelling. I like math 07:37 I love organic chemistry. 07:42 I like computers. I like art. 07:44 All of these things for you and for me. 07:49 Oceans are beautiful, sunsets are beautiful, 07:53 trees, and grass, and flowers too. 07:56 God made these for us to love. 08:04 I like French fries. I like Egg Rolls. 08:07 Does anyone like loaf? 08:11 I like pizza. I like spaghetti. 08:14 All of these things for you and for me. 08:19 I think you are beautiful, I think you are beautiful. 08:23 I see Jesus shining through coming you for me to love, 08:34 Coming you for me to love. 08:50 My mom makes the best pot pie. 08:52 It's one of my favorites. So, get your pencils 08:55 and papers, so I can tell you the ingredients. 08:57 1 recipe of your favorite pie crust, 09:03 1 small onion, sliced, 2 cups sliced fresh mushrooms, 09:09 1 teaspoon vege-sal, 09:12 1 ½ teaspoon McKay's chicken style seasoning, 09:17 3 tablespoons tofutti better than sour cream, 09:21 1 teaspoon McKay's beef style seasoning, 09:25 32 oz. package of frozen mixed vegetables, 09:30 12.5 oz can of Worthington Frichik 09:35 or your favorite gluten, 09:36 3 cups better than milk, 09:40 3/4 cup Wondra flour, and 1 teaspoon salt. 09:48 I will take a little bit of oil, little bit olive oil, 09:50 olive oil is really good for you, 09:52 but you don't want to put too much, it's good, 09:54 it's good for just a little bit, 09:56 we will put a little bit oil in, 10:00 and then put your mushrooms in. 10:02 And you can it's on the recipe to put onion then, 10:08 but actually our crew doesn't like mushroom, 10:10 onion, so I'm not gonna use onions today. 10:14 If you like onions then this is the time 10:16 you would you put your onions in, 10:19 stir this up if you can. 10:27 Now we are going to add our seasonings, 10:30 a salt, and this is vege-sal and it's really good 10:47 seasoning you could use, you put that in, 10:53 put all the seasonings in, stir all up. 11:05 You want the mushrooms to kind of cook here, 11:07 and when they are cooked, 11:13 you want to put in your Frichik, and your vegetables, 11:21 and this is what the frichik comes in a package, 11:23 and it's a soy proteins, it's really good for you, 11:26 it's made of soya beans, it's really good for you. 11:31 Dump the fry chicken 11:32 juice, you don't want to drain the juice. 11:41 Dump the vegetables in, stir up little fast on 11:52 together. And we are going to make a sauce for this, 12:02 so this is wondra flour in this jar, in this container, 12:12 and it's special flour for sauces, 12:16 to make the sauces not to chunk, not to make it lumpy, 12:19 because if you don't have this, sauce kind of get 12:22 lumpy We will take wondra flour, and we are going to 12:25 put better than milk, and this is what 12:26 the better than milk comes in, and it's not dairy in it 12:31 it's a favorite soya milk. 12:33 We will take better than milk, 12:36 we are going to put in the wondra flour, 12:41 get in, you dump better than milk, you get it all in. 12:51 Now put the top on screw it on real good 12:58 because you don't want, we are going to shake it all up, 13:00 you don't want it to spill. 13:03 You get all shaked up real good, then we are going to 13:11 pour over that mixture to make a sauce, 13:14 like a cream sauce. You get ready to stir real fast 13:20 because it will almost, it will almost get thick, 13:23 almost instantly. You want to stir real fast, 13:25 so it doesn't get too thick until you burn it all. 13:35 Now we are going to put sour sal cream 13:39 a better than sour cream, and this is what 13:42 it looks like tofutti sour cream, 13:45 and it's a great substitute for sour cream 13:49 and it tastes really good. 13:50 Put that in. 13:59 Get my spatula. 14:05 Now then, stir that all up. 14:14 Now we are ready to put in pie crust, 14:16 I have one here. What you are going to do is 14:21 you are going to fill it, you are going to fill 14:22 the pie crust with your filling, and then you are 14:24 going a top crust and put it right over the top, 14:27 and look I have one here for you. 14:30 I baked this at 350 for about an hour, 14:34 and that's all there is streak, really good, 14:38 smells delicious. Well until next time 14:41 keep cooking, and eat healthy. 14:53 That was beautiful wedding. 14:55 It was lovely. You know the flowers were so pretty 15:00 and the bride was so lovely. 15:02 I don't think I have ever seen such a happy bride. 15:05 She was so pretty, don't you bet. 15:08 Yes, she was really pretty. 15:11 You know her eyes just sparkle. 15:13 She looks so pleased. I think I would be 15:16 too if Jesus had attended my wedding. 15:18 Was that Jesus? 15:19 I thought I saw him there. In fact, I remember 15:23 I saw him at the Jordan River when John was baptizing. 15:27 In fact didn't he say that Jesus was the messiah? 15:32 Yes. I think he did, and when they baptized Jesus, 15:37 I remember seeing a beautiful white dove 15:40 come and land like him. Yes. 15:42 And then there was a phrase, 15:44 it must have been from Heaven. 15:46 Do you remember what it said? 15:48 Yes. It said this is my beloved son, 15:52 and whom I am quite pleased. 15:58 You know I wonder if he could be the messiah. 16:01 He is the messiah, and I am even more 16:03 convinced after this miracle grape juice. 16:06 What do you mean? I didn't notice that the juice 16:09 was especially good toward the end of the wedding. 16:11 Yes, and this is what happened. 16:14 I was serving the guest, just like I had been doing 16:18 all during the wedding, and as I went to pour juice 16:22 into one of the glasses, I looked and my jug was empty. 16:26 So, I went and ask the other servants for some, 16:29 their jugs fall empty too. We didn't what to do, 16:33 that was a terrible to run out of grape juice. 16:36 It simply is. 16:37 And definitely it shows a lack of hospitality. 16:40 Well we all went into the cooking area, 16:42 and we told the relatives that we were 16:45 out of grape juice. They were quite upset, 16:48 so one of them said let's call Mary and see 16:50 if she know what to do. And Mary came in 16:55 and she looked all of us, and she looked 16:58 there was no grape juice, and she said just a moment, 17:01 and then she went back out into the dinning room. 17:06 She went over to Jesus and she began to tell 17:10 him the problem. I am sure I couldn't hear, 17:13 but I can tell by the look in his eyes, 17:15 was just so interested in what she was saying, 17:18 and he put his hand on her, and just, 17:21 in a such a loving kind way, and then they walked 17:24 arm in arm into the cooking area. 17:27 Isn't Mary Jesus' mother? 17:29 Yes. But she took him into the cooking area. 17:33 Yes, could you believe that? that he 17:36 We were all shocked ourselves, and we thought, 17:39 well I wondered what he can do, I mean there are 17:41 no more grapes to squeeze, and what could he do? 17:44 But he looked, as he looked as Mary said 17:47 whatever he tells you to do, do it. 17:50 Well, by the door there were six big jugs 17:55 that were used to carry water back and forth 17:58 from the well. Well, he looked at the servants 18:00 and he said go fill the jugs with water. With water! 18:05 With water, we all looked at him, but he had 18:10 such a keenly way of saying it with authority, 18:13 yeah with such kindness, I was eager to run and grab 18:17 one of those jugs and fill them with water. 18:19 They quickly took the jugs, they went over to the well, 18:22 they filled them with water, and when they came back in 18:26 and they set it before Jesus. We all wondered, 18:31 what is he going to do now? Then he said pour it out 18:36 into your jugs, and take it to the governor 18:39 of the feast and serve your guest. 18:41 To the governor of the feast? Yes. 18:43 He intended for them to serve water, 18:45 and not grape juice? 18:47 Well that's what I thought, as I hold my jug there 18:50 and they went to pour the water 18:53 which I thought was water from the water jug, 18:55 when they poured it, it turned into grape juice. 18:59 It turned into grape juice. 19:01 Frankly for my berry, it was the richest color 19:03 I have ever seen, and it's smell delicious. 19:06 I could hardly believe that I was shaking, 19:09 I couldn't wait to taste it myself, but I hurried out 19:13 to the governor, he was just talking with the guest, 19:16 and so as he had his glass, I just poured some in. 19:20 He took a taste, and his eyes got big, 19:24 he took another taste, and then he got up, 19:29 and he went over to the bride and groom 19:31 and he said, everyone saves the grape juice 19:35 that is best until the first, and when they are done, 19:39 then they have the grape juice that isn't as good. 19:43 But you have saved the very best until last. 19:46 The bride groom was astonished. 19:50 He couldn't believe it. He took a taste, 19:53 and another taste, and then the bride took the taste, 19:56 and everybody was tasting the grape juice, 19:58 yes and that's when I got some of it was delicious, 20:01 it was wonderful. They began to ask me, 20:05 how did this happen, where did you get the grape juice, 20:08 and I will point it over to where Jesus 20:10 had been sitting, he was gone, and I looked 20:14 around the room to think if he had gotten up 20:16 to talk somebody but was nowhere to be found. 20:19 He has just disappeared, so the disciples began 20:22 telling everyone how he is the messiah 20:25 and all the wonderful things that he is doing. 20:28 I was so excited, that when the guests are left, 20:31 I wanted to take this grape juice back to our village, 20:35 and share it with all our friends. 20:38 He must be the messiah. 20:39 Oh it's wonderful, praise the Lord. 20:41 I love praise the God. 20:43 Oh, the children are tired, but let's hurry home. 20:46 We need to tell everyone about Jesus. 20:48 Oh, yes. Common honey! 20:51 Let's hurry, all praise the God. 20:54 Honey, the messiah has come. It's unbelievable. 22:23 Thank you Luther and William for that beautiful song 22:25 'Oh fill it up'. And boys and girls we always want 22:28 to tell that Jesus love don't we. 22:30 But right now you know what time is it, don't you, 22:33 it's mailbox time. I am just going to get our mailbox, 22:36 and we have lots of letter today, I am so excited. 22:39 We have some mails from Canada, 22:42 and we have mails from Jamaica, 22:44 and I have mail from Colorado and oh, so many letters 22:49 but before I start reading the letter I would like you 22:52 to meet our guest that is here with me today, 22:54 and your name is Brooke Heacock. 22:57 And where are you from Brooke. 22:58 I am from Iowa. 23:00 You are from Iowa. 23:01 I asked you come and be on the program today 23:03 because you love Jesus, don't you. 23:05 Yes. Yes, and you have a special ministry 23:10 that you do with bookmarks, right. Yes 23:12 Now you brought some of those with you today, 23:14 and can you tell me little bit about them. 23:17 Well, we make this, and 23:21 So, you make them, you don't buy them. 23:23 You make them. Can I see them? Let's see. 23:26 Those are beautiful, look at that boys and girls. 23:30 Can you see that? It says, 23:32 they have the Bible text on them, don't they, 23:35 and how do you, can you tell me how you make this 23:38 because these are beautiful 23:39 boys and girls could make these at home? 23:41 Well, I have a waiver on my computer, 23:47 and so I look up a verse and then I print it out, 23:57 So, you can choose any verse that you want, 24:00 and then you print out the verse 24:02 that you want, and then what. 24:04 And then I draw a picture that goes with the verse, 24:09 and then I take some animation paper and lace. 24:16 That's kind of sticky on one side, and a clear plastic, 24:18 I guess that nice clear plastic for you. 24:20 And then I stick that on both sides, 24:23 and then I put a ribbon in it. 24:26 That's beautiful, and now boys and girls at home 24:30 if you don't happen to have a computer, 24:32 you could still make them at home 24:34 because you can write the Bible verses, 24:35 and you can draw your pictures, couldn't you, 24:38 wouldn't that be nice? Well I think 24:40 I have a time for a couple of letters 24:42 I am going to see. 24:43 I have one from Madison from Rocky Face, Georgia 24:45 and Madison you sent us a photograph, 24:48 can you hold that for me Brooke that's okay. 24:50 Just set there right up there. 24:52 And he says dear Ms. Brenda, I am four years old 24:55 and I like to watch Kids Time. 24:57 I also like to share Jesus, and he says 25:00 I do special projects to earn money, 25:02 and there are children who don't have clothes or shoes, 25:05 and the money that I earn, I take and buy 25:06 these things for the children. I loved Kids Time, 25:09 and I love Jesus, Love Madison. 25:11 And this is my sister, she likes Jesus too, 25:14 and she is two. Well thank you for that letter. 25:17 Also have another letter here from Jamaica, 25:20 and this letter let's say I think it's from Sharlee, 25:23 and he says, dear Ms. Brenda good day to you 25:27 and the Kids. I first see you on the Kids 25:29 at my friends house, Analisha and Tunay, 25:34 and they told me that Kids Time 25:36 is their favorite station. So, I watch all the time 25:40 and I love Kids Time, and I pray for the families 25:43 that some day my daddy and mother and grandmother 25:47 will come to God. Thank you for your prayers, 25:50 love Sharlee. Well we definitely want to play 25:53 for her family to know Jesus, don't we boys and girls? 25:57 Let's all pray for Sharlee's family. 26:00 You can help praying me too 26:02 could you Brooke, and that was a very nice letter. 26:05 And I have letters here from Colorado, 26:08 and from Maine, and from lots of places 26:10 but there is not going to be time 26:11 to read all the letters boys and girls. 26:13 I do want to encourage to remember 26:14 when you write to me to put your return address on it because 26:17 I can't write you back if I don't have a return address, 26:20 so if you haven't heard from me, 26:21 I mean you have a written a couple of week, 26:23 make sure you write. Well that's all the time 26:25 we have today boys and girls. 26:27 So, until next time remember wherever you, whatever you 26:31 do it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17