Kids' Time

The Great Escape

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000046

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus. It's time to share
00:11 there's a world out there. Let's tell them
00:14 that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He loves
00:20 us so.Kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:24 Hi boys and girls, how do you like my friend here?
00:27 Isn't she beautiful? She looks almost real doesn't
00:30 she? Almost like you could just reach out and touch her
00:33 and she might even talk to you, but of course
00:35 she is only a doll made to look like a person.
00:38 But at first glimpse you might be fooled right?
00:41 Well from as far as recorded history,
00:44 people have made copies of human beings.
00:46 You know there is a very famous museum in London
00:49 that I went to called Madame Tussauds wax museum.
00:52 And there you can see figures made of wax that
00:55 looks so life like that you expect them to walk right
00:58 out the door with you. Other figures that real look real
01:01 can be made of plastic or wood or stone or any
01:06 materials. Many of the great statues in the world are made
01:08 of marble, larger than life. Let me just put her down
01:12 right here, so she can rest there, isn't
01:16 she beautiful standing like that.
01:18 She looks like she can be my little girl, doesn't she?
01:20 Perhaps some of you live in Italy and have seen the
01:23 famous sculptures of Michelangelo,
01:25 who carved from marble life-like representations
01:28 of David, Peter, Jesus, Mary and other people
01:32 from the Bible. But speaking of the Bible,
01:34 do you know that many people who live in Bible times
01:37 worshiped idols. These idols were made in a variety
01:40 of shapes from materials like wood, stone,
01:43 gold or even bronze. Some of them were very tiny,
01:47 so tiny that you could easily hold one in your hand.
01:52 Others were large, even life size.
01:54 God wasn't happy with people who made these images.
01:57 He was especially unhappy with the people who
01:59 worshiped them. Today, not many people worship idols,
02:03 at least not the kind that people worship long ago.
02:07 But do you know that God said not to have any
02:10 Gods before him. That means that we shouldn't love
02:13 anything more than we love God.
02:14 Today's Bible story tells about a woman who put an idol
02:18 to good use. She didn't make it,
02:20 and she didn't worship it. But she did actually
02:24 use the idol to do something good for God.
02:28 Doesn't that make you a little bit curious?
02:29 You will hear all about it in our Bible story today.
02:33 But first Ranger James is going to tell us
02:36 about an Arabian horse.
02:45 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim here saying welcome
02:47 to Nature Time. We're glad that you can join us today.
02:49 We have two special friends with us.
02:51 We have Sissy and Ester, and Ester is the horse woman
02:54 that knows all about this type of horse,
02:56 and she is going to give us some information.
02:58 Ester would you just tell the boys and girls
02:59 about this horse. Yes, this is Sissy and Sissy
03:03 is an Arabian horse. Arabians are known as the father
03:07 of all breeds, because they're the oldest recorded
03:10 horse that is a pure breed that means the same
03:12 father and the same mother, it does down through
03:15 a lot of generations. In the world that we know
03:18 of and they're very special, some of the ways
03:21 that you can tell it's an Arabian is because they have
03:23 this nice little dish here in their forehead,
03:26 and they usually have nice big eyes which Sissy
03:30 is kind of sleeping right now. She is still beautiful
03:32 Yes, and they have these little ears up here at the
03:36 top and they have really nice arched necks.
03:39 Also they tend to stand about 14.2 to 15 hand high.
03:46 Do you know what a hand is Ranger Jim.
03:48 No, I have always heard about a horse being so many
03:50 hands high. Well, horses are measured because
03:54 they used to not have you know inches and feet,
03:57 that they could bring out to a horse, so they would use
04:00 hands and that's four inches and four inches
04:02 that's what, how they get their 14.2 hands to 15 hands.
04:08 Wonderful, I've learned something today you see.
04:09 But something else about their back,
04:11 and that's not at their head, that's at the highest
04:14 point to their back here they measure them,
04:16 but something interesting about the Arabian
04:18 is that they have one less vertebrae,
04:21 that's a section of their backbone than all the other
04:24 horses. So that's really fascinating.
04:27 Their colors also tend to be really dark brown like this
04:31 or what we call a gray and people wonder how can
04:36 a horse be a gray because it looks white,
04:39 and a lot of the grays they start out dark like
04:42 Sissy here, but then as they get older they turn,
04:45 they get white hair, but you can tell it's a gray
04:48 if you lift up the hairs, and see the black skin
04:52 underneath, and so we call them grays,
04:55 its kind of confusing. But they're still a beautiful
04:57 horse aren't they. They're beautiful and
04:59 they're very intelligent. These horses learn quite
05:02 quickly then. Very quickly, in fact if you start
05:05 training them from little on, if you do it about
05:08 three times, they've already got the idea if you do it
05:12 five times, hey they're on their way to being trained.
05:16 I wish I learned that fast. Well, that's wonderful
05:19 to learn about these creatures, I've heard
05:21 how long does a horse know, a lot of discussion
05:23 for how long, I know that dogs live a certain age,
05:26 how long does a horse normally live.
05:28 Well, in hearing years they usually live if they're well
05:32 cared for and they haven't had a lot of sicknesses
05:34 or injuries, they usually will live about
05:36 26 to 28 years old, although a horse when he turns
05:41 9 years old, they start calling them aged.
05:44 Nine years old. Nine years old, but they live a long
05:47 time after that, in fact the oldest horse that ever
05:50 lived was 62 years old. 62, I never heard such a
05:54 thing, I thought 25 years would be a very, very old.
05:57 And you know something God made a wonderful
06:00 thing for them; he gave them long legs and a big
06:04 chest with big lungs, so that they can run if anything
06:08 threatens or scares them. That's their escape
06:12 mechanism then. That's the way it happens.
06:14 Boys and girls you remember Ranger Jim's been telling
06:16 you about these different escape mechanisms that
06:19 creatures have, and here Ester tells that this one
06:21 is speed with stamina they run away.
06:23 Well, I've heard that these Arabian horse are a
06:26 little flighty, they're a little jumpy, is that true?
06:28 It can be because they're so intelligent and curious
06:31 and aware of what's going on around them,
06:33 they have to know everything and if they don't know
06:35 what it is like if a piece of paper flies at them,
06:38 they can get a little jumpy. What about training
06:41 when they're young, are they easily trained.
06:43 Very easily trained, especially this breed and
06:46 they're very willing to do what you ask them to do,
06:48 and in fact we call that heart in a horse to do
06:52 what you ask him do? That's wonderful;
06:54 we have some breeds that are a little stubborn, right.
06:56 Sometimes that happens. Alright and I've been
06:59 around a few of those, unruly horses are only done
07:02 by a unruly child, and so I think it would be same
07:06 if they're well trained and cared for with good
07:08 veterinary care, boys and girls they make a wonderful,
07:11 wonderful companion. But would you recommend
07:13 these for small children. I wouldn't recommend
07:15 the Arabian for small children; we tend to put more
07:18 experience riders with them. People that have ridden
07:21 horses and they know what they're doing.
07:23 Okay so we see once again boys and girls.
07:25 We've such a beautiful creature here,
07:27 Sissy you are such a lovely lady.
07:29 Thank you for coming on this windy day and sharing
07:31 with the boys and girls. Boys and girls,
07:33 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love him because
07:36 he really does love you.
07:51 Hi boys and girls, welcome to music time with Andrew.
08:00 I like to play you a song. Andrew,
08:05 how are you doing, what's going on here?
08:07 Hi Buddy, we're just wiping off the piano you know
08:11 how Brenda is so picky about that. Yeah,
08:13 that's very true. And I am so glad you're really
08:19 working on keeping my piano clean.
08:22 Actually boys and girls, I am happy about a lot of things.
08:25 Most of all I am so glad that Jesus loves even me.
08:40 I am so glad that our Father in heav'n
08:45 Tells of His love in the Book He has giv'n;
08:49 Wonderful things in the Bible I see
08:53 This is the dearest, that Jesus loves me.
08:59 I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves me,
09:06 Jesus loves me. I am so glad that Jesus loves me,
09:14 Jesus loves even me. How he loves you and he
09:21 Oh how he love you and he He gave his life so
09:31 what will ye give Oh how he loves you,
09:38 oh how he loves me Oh how he loves you and
09:46 I am so glad that Jesus loves me, Jesus loves even me.
13:13 There you are, I've been looking for you.
13:16 Where have you been? Well, don't stray away
13:20 from the flock like that, the wild animals are out there,
13:23 you might get killed. Stay right there okay
13:32 I am going to practice my sling shot,
13:34 never know when it might come in handy.
14:03 Hello Josh. Oh hi Princess Michal.
14:06 That looks like you're getting pretty good at that.
14:07 Yeah, I'm gonna be just like David and go, go
14:10 fight all those evil forces and maybe even a giant.
14:15 What are you doing way out here in the sleep
14:16 field anyways. Oh, I was just kind of feeling sad.
14:20 I miss David you know, he is out so often fighting
14:23 the battles or hiding from my father King Saul.
14:26 And the flowers are so pretty, and the birds
14:29 are singing, I thought it would just cheer me up.
14:31 Well, I better get back watching my sheep right now.
14:35 Okay, oh that looks like a good place to rest.
14:44 These flowers are beautiful. It smells so good.
14:47 I miss David so much. This reminds me of the flowers
14:53 that he always brings from the field for me.
14:57 Are you out here enjoying God's nature also?
14:59 Come closer, I'll share my story with you.
15:03 Princess Michal, could I listen too.
15:06 I can stay back here watching my sheep,
15:09 but I can still listen. Sure, I am sure that you
15:13 already know a lot of this story Josh.
15:17 You know it all started way back when
15:18 David killed Goliath, and fought the Philistines.
15:21 God gave wisdom and strength to David,
15:24 and he always returned a hero. Well, my father Saul
15:28 was so jealous, once David came back from battle
15:32 and the women of Israel were dancing and singing
15:35 in the street. They said Saul has slain his thousands
15:39 and David his ten thousands. All of the people were
15:43 praising him, and he became much more popular
15:46 then King Saul himself. I guess it just got worse,
15:50 and worse. David used to play his harp for Saul,
15:53 somehow it soothed him when he was in his
15:56 terrible moods. But one day as David was playing
16:00 for my father, he suddenly was filled with a terrible
16:04 anger, and he threw a javelin, a very sharp knife
16:08 at David, but God protected him, and David quickly
16:12 escaped. My brother Jonathan, he is also David's
16:17 best friend, convinced our father to make his peace
16:21 with David, and for a time they seemed to get along
16:24 but once again jealousy arose in the heart of my
16:28 father. He tried to think of a way to get rid of David;
16:31 in fact that's how I became his wife.
16:34 You see I love David, and someone told my father,
16:38 he thought that I would be a good way to trick David.
16:42 My father hoped to kill David by promising me to him
16:46 if he would go out and kill a hundred Philistines.
16:49 Secretly he was sure that David would be killed,
16:53 I guess he wasn't very smart. He should have known
16:57 that God was with David, he came back as always
17:00 victorious, and he didn't just kill one hundred,
17:03 but two hundred Philistines. So, my father had to give
17:07 me to David. And I was glad, I admire him so much.
17:11 My father was so often loud and angry, but David,
17:16 he is gentle and wise. He does love God with
17:19 all of his heart. God blesses him.
17:23 Once after we were married David had to go back
17:27 to the palace, and pray his heart for King Saul.
17:30 My father was in a bad mood again, and David's music
17:34 seemed to be the only thing that helped,
17:37 but again Saul's anger got the best of him,
17:40 and once more he threw his javelin at David,
17:43 well David rushed home and he told me.
17:45 Well, I knew my father would not rest,
17:48 he wanted David dead. I knew how violent and evil
17:52 my father King Saul could be, and I was afraid for my
17:55 husband. I convinced him that he must flee for his life;
17:59 while we were talking and trying to decide what we
18:03 should do the soldiers were banging on our door.
18:06 Quickly I said you must, you must hide, I told
18:10 him you know there is a window, go out the window.
18:15 So David quickly went to the window we whispered
18:18 goodbye and he was gone. Now the soldiers were
18:22 really banging on the door, I quickly I put an image
18:25 in David's bed to make it look like he was asleep.
18:28 It was the same size as David, and I put some coats
18:32 here on the pillow, so it looked like his hair.
18:34 I prayed that it would work. When I opened the door
18:37 I told them that David was sick,
18:40 I pledged with them to leave him alone. Well,
18:43 they came in and took one look at him on his bed
18:46 and thinking that he must be terribly ill not to awakened
18:49 they left. Oh so relieved, but they didn't stay calm
18:54 long. Saul was so mad, he told them you go back there
19:01 and you bring David bed and all. They had to obey him.
19:05 Again they knocked down on my door not as loud
19:09 this time. They knew that David was terribly sick;
19:11 I quietly let them into David's room.
19:14 They started to pick up the bed and then realized
19:18 I had fooled them. But you know I think they were
19:22 secretly glad because everybody loves David.
19:25 I thanked God, and prayed again that he would keep
19:29 my husband safe. My father wasn't happy with me
19:32 when he found out. He gave me quite a talking too,
19:36 but I didn't care. I love David.
19:40 I wonder where he is. Oh, I miss him. I'm glad
19:42 though that God could use me if only in a small
19:48 way I really believe that David is God's man.
19:52 My father may be the King but I choose to live for God
19:58 and follow my husband's example.
20:01 I want to be gentle and wise, always honoring God.
20:05 Thanks for listening to my story. I do feel better.
20:09 I suppose I should get back to the palace now,
20:13 and I think I'll put these flowers in the window.
20:17 They can remind me that God always protects his children.
20:44 Every good gift comes from above, comes from above.
20:52 Every perfect gift comes from God above
21:01 Every good gift comes from above, comes from above.
21:08 Every perfect gift comes from God above.
21:17 Every good gift comes from above, comes from above.
21:25 Every perfect gift comes from God above. James 1:17.
21:47 Thank you to the Bond family for that beautiful song.
21:49 Don't you love that all that family harmony?
21:51 Well boys and girls, it's mailbox time,
21:53 and I am going to check the mailbox,
21:55 and we have lots of mail today.
21:57 I don't want to miss even one,
22:00 and I have mail from Washington, and New York,
22:04 and Poland, Bahamas, a lot of different places today.
22:10 But before I read the letters I'd like you to meet
22:13 my friend Alonda, and this is Alonda Powell. Hi Alonda.
22:17 Hi. Thank you for being with me today.
22:19 You're welcome. Well, I want to know
22:22 you've got quite a ministry you do for Jesus
22:24 don't you. Yes. And can you share with the boys and girls
22:27 at home, what it is that you do for Jesus.
22:29 Yes, how I share Jesus was I passed out magazines
22:35 with Bible stories and stories in them.
22:38 That's wonderful, that's awesome.
22:41 I though they want to know more about Jesus,
22:44 so I made my own Bible study with the help of my mom
22:48 and brothers and sisters. You did, did you bring
22:51 something like that that you can show me today.
22:53 Yes. Can I see it. This is. Now how did you make your
22:59 Bible studies? What I did was I put the Ten Commandments
23:03 on the front of it and then I put like a story inside
23:08 and then questions and facts on the back.
23:12 So, take a look at one of these, this is really nice.
23:14 So you have, you have a text that's on the outside,
23:18 a Bible text, and then you have Ten Commandments text.
23:21 Something in the Ten Commandments.
23:22 Okay and this says Exodus 23, you have on the outside,
23:27 and then inside it has the more like a Bible story.
23:30 That matches with the Commandments saying it's
23:34 like, it's like illustrating the Commandments.
23:37 Illustrating the Commandments that's wonderful.
23:38 And then you have also like a little quiz afterwards
23:41 to make sure they understood what you were telling
23:44 them in the story and isn't this nice way,
23:47 a nice way to show boys and girls how to learn more
23:52 about Jesus. That is so wonderful,
23:54 and how many do you have there?
23:55 I have four of the Ten Commandments.
23:59 So, are you making other Bible stories too?
24:02 Yes. This is like a Bible study packet right.
24:05 And now what do you do with those?
24:06 I'm planning to go back out where I passed out
24:10 the magazines and pass these out.
24:13 And when you were passing these out the magazines,
24:16 how did people respond to you.
24:17 They said thank you and took them.
24:19 They did, did you have anybody that was mean
24:21 or nasty and said no, thank you No.
24:24 No, they all took them and you were happy for them
24:29 Here is a picture of us, that's me, my mom
24:31 and my brother passing out them in the projects.
24:34 Okay, let me see here, this is a nice picture right here,
24:39 and this is a picture of you actually passing them
24:41 out at the different, it's called the projects. Yes.
24:44 Is this in Georgia? Yes. Now, that's really nice,
24:48 I really like that. You used to do something else to share
24:51 Jesus that you can show the boys and girls right now
24:54 what do you do? I smile. You smile.
24:57 I love that. Isn't that a beautiful smile boys and
25:00 girls? I love that smile and what do you;
25:03 when you smile like that what do people do,
25:07 what do most people do?
25:08 They usually just smile back at me.
25:10 Well, that's right, we can always pass,
25:12 you think you're too little or your not talented,
25:15 you can't share Jesus; you can smile because
25:17 when you have a smile on your face it shows
25:20 you have a smile in your heart that's there because
25:22 of Jesus. So share a smile with someone today.
25:25 Well thank you Alonda, I have a letter here,
25:27 that I want to read, and can you hold that picture
25:31 up for me. Sure. This letter is from West Virginia,
25:35 I don't think I received a letter from West Virginia
25:38 before, so that's kind of nice. Says dear
25:40 Ms. Brenda, my name is Michael and I am five years
25:43 old. I share Jesus by sharing my most favorite toys
25:46 and trucks with our little neighbor boy. I made Jesus,
25:49 it says I made Jese and the little boy very happy,
25:52 and I also gave him one of my toy cars.
25:55 Do you think Jesus was happy? Your friend, Michael.
25:58 Well, you know what Michael, yes I do.
25:59 I think he was very happy. And I also have another
26:03 one here from Washington and this letter says,
26:07 dear Brenda how I share Jesus is that I pray
26:11 and ask Jesus every night to bless 3ABN. Love, Amy.
26:16 Thank you Amy, you know what I can always use
26:18 your prayers and you know what let's pray that God
26:22 will bless Kids Time too, and that we will reach lots
26:24 of souls for him. Well thank Alonda for being on the
26:27 program today. I am so happy you were here.
26:29 Keep smiling, okay, and keep sharing Jesus.
26:31 Boys and girls, I want you to share a smile with
26:34 someone today, won't you. And remember
26:36 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17