Kids' Time

A Life Restored

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000044

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:13 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:14 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:33 Oh hi boys and girls, how did you like that music
00:37 that I was humming, does it make you feel sleepy
00:40 if so that's no surprise is it. For it's a lullaby song
00:44 that's soft and gentle and helps small children
00:47 and babies to relax and go fast asleep. Do you know
00:50 a great composer wrote it for his own children
00:53 and it has become the most famous lullaby in the whole
00:56 world. Today's Bible story tells about a young man
01:00 who didn't need a lullaby in order to fall asleep and
01:03 although he was tired and people do need lots of rest
01:06 when they're tired, he picked the most unfortunate time
01:09 and place to fall asleep. In fact, he was sleeping
01:13 when he should have been listening. We will learn
01:16 more about that in just a bit later,
01:18 but first let's talk about sleep for just a moment.
01:23 We can talk about two different kinds of sleep
01:25 okay, one is the physical kind of sleep, the sleep
01:28 that you experience every night when you go to bed,
01:31 that sleep is extremely important,
01:34 another kind of sleep might be called symbolic sleep.
01:38 Now that's a pretty big word isn't, but I'm going to
01:41 tell you what that means. If you've ever played
01:44 base ball and someone hits a ball right towards second
01:47 base and the second base man just lets that ball fly
01:50 right past him, someone might yell he was sleeping
01:54 on the job. Or perhaps someone has an important job
01:59 such as a meteorologist. Now that's a big word too
02:02 isn't. But that is a person who forecast the weather
02:07 and somehow that person just hasn't paid any attention
02:11 to the instruments so tell him or her that a big storm
02:14 is coming, someone might say that meteorologist was
02:18 sleeping on the job. Now, let me ask you neither that
02:22 second base man nor the meteorologist were actually
02:25 sleeping on the job were they?
02:28 Physically they were awake, but what we need when we say
02:31 that someone is sleeping on the job is that they're
02:34 really not paying attention to things that are
02:36 important. You know the Bible tells us some very
02:40 important things and it even tells us things that will
02:43 happen in the future. For example, it will tell us
02:47 that Jesus is coming again right here, right back
02:50 to this earth and he wants us to be reading the signs
02:54 that tell us that he is coming very soon.
02:57 So you know what boys and girls let's not fall asleep
02:59 like that young man in our story today.
03:02 Sleeping when we should be listening and let's not
03:05 fall asleep symbolically either, simply by not paying
03:09 attention to the important messages Jesus gives us
03:12 in the Bible. Well right now boys and girls
03:15 I can't wait for you to see this great big Hippo that
03:18 Ranger Jim is going to show you, let's watch and see.
03:30 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim saying welcome to
03:32 Nature Time. We're glad you can join us today.
03:34 We're at a very special place Homosassa park in Florida
03:39 it's in the North West part of Florida, if you come to
03:41 Florida with your family this is one place you want
03:43 to come to see. This gets Ranger Jim's gold star.
03:47 This is a place where you can see birds and animals,
03:49 manatee things of all kinds. So put this on your
03:53 itinerary to come and see this place. We have a big
03:56 hippopotamus over here and he is named Lucifer,
04:00 Lucifer one time was a movie star many years ago
04:03 when this was a wildlife park,
04:06 they were making movies and they had the hippopotamus
04:08 that comes some time will attack boats and he did this
04:11 kind of things so he would quite a celebrity
04:13 and then when this part went just strictly to native
04:16 animals then Lucifer didn't fit in because he is a
04:18 native of Africa and so they were going to sell him
04:21 but there is not much of a market for a 6,000 pounds
04:24 hippopotamus and so the local people heard about
04:26 that and they said that isn't fair that they would
04:28 sell Lucifer and so the State of Florida has granted him
04:32 citizenship. So Lucifer is officially now a native
04:36 with the State of Florida and we were happy that we can
04:39 come today and tape him and I have a piece of watermelon
04:42 I don't know if he is going to come over or not.
04:44 We have the other in showing now and he wouldn't pay
04:48 any attention if I gave him a watermelon but just let me
04:50 tell you that his head, on the top of his head his eyes
04:53 and nostrils are located and that so that he can spend
04:56 most of his time in water. The word hippopotamus is the
04:59 combination of two words that means a river horse
05:02 and he spends most of his time in the water during
05:04 the day time because he has very thin sensitive skin
05:08 and some people think that the hippopotamus perspires
05:12 blood he does in fact God, when he created this creature
05:15 knowing he had a very thin skin that would become
05:17 easily chapped and perhaps sun burned, gave him the
05:22 ability to create a pink substance and it's like a
05:25 hand lotion that maybe when you have a chapped place
05:28 on your face or your hands that mommy puts on you
05:30 and that's what the hippopotamus has,
05:32 I'll throw the watermelon now and we will see
05:34 if he will eat the watermelon okay.
05:35 Hey Lucifer, do you like watermelon, oh I just only
05:38 frightened him, but Lucifer lives in the waters I said
05:42 before at night he goes out to feed and he goes out
05:45 sometimes in forest 3 or 4 mile from the river
05:47 and feeds maybe for 5 hours eating a 100 pounds of
05:51 grass, his wide lips of his faces like a lawnmower,
05:54 he goes along, his lips are very powerful and he crops
05:57 off the grass and just cuts it like a lawnmower,
06:00 then he comes back to river where he spends a day
06:02 wallowing in mud or staying in the water where he is
06:04 comfortable. Alright, the only creature that would
06:07 attack a hippopotamus on land would be a very foolish
06:10 lion, because he has terribly long sometimes 16 to 18
06:14 inches tusk in his jaws that he can tear an alligator
06:17 apart or a lion, so he is safe from attack unlike most
06:22 animals would be in Africa, they give birth of course
06:25 to live young, having a baby that weighs 40 to 50 pound
06:28 that's a big baby isn't it? And the baby suckles his
06:31 mother being a mammal and the baby also learns at a
06:34 very early age when their in the river to protect
06:36 their self from the crocodile,
06:38 he rides on his on his mother's back, he balances
06:40 up on his mother's back so that the crocodiles can't
06:43 get to him. Now the hippopotamus would can stay
06:47 submerged under water for 10, 15 minutes, he doesn't
06:51 normally do that, but in an emergency he could do that.
06:54 He walks along on the river bottom and the baby
06:57 hippopotamus learns to walk under water before he
07:00 learns to walk on land. So the hippopotamus,
07:03 this one weighs approximately 6,000 pounds
07:07 and hippopotamus do get to the length of 14 to 16 feet
07:11 long and can weight over 8,000 pounds only out
07:16 weighed in the mammal world by the elephant
07:18 and so this is a tremendous animal and I wish that you
07:22 could be here to see him okay. When you are seeing
07:24 him on tape, he is magnificent with his big
07:27 feet and toe nails and all and his big mouth gapping
07:30 open, but if you could be here it is really a thrill
07:34 and we are so appreciative and keen and the people here
07:36 that allow us to come and see this. So boys and girls
07:39 whatever it maybe a small hummingbird or a
07:42 hippopotamus, a massive big mammal like this our
07:46 heavenly God Father made it and he made it perfect
07:49 the very first time didn't he. So once again Ranger Jim
07:53 telling you don't forget to tell Jesus that you love
07:55 him because he really does loves you.
08:07 Hey daddy it's time for you to talk.
08:15 I'm so glad that God never sleeps,
08:19 wake up daddy, wake up.
08:29 Can you imagine how it feels to know the God
08:32 who made the earth and sky and sea.
08:35 When he created all the universe,
08:38 his mighty plan included you and me
08:42 While this experience is our imagination
08:46 It's a fact all that yes is true and it just can't
08:51 keep him to myself, I'll pass him on to you
08:56 Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
08:59 Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
09:02 Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
09:06 Who Jesus is. Who Jesus is.
09:09 Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
09:12 Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
09:16 Everybody ought to know Everybody ought to know
09:19 Who Jesus is. Who Jesus is.
09:23 Can you imagine how it feels to have a friend
09:26 who never slumbers, he never sleeps
09:30 Can you believe that when he comes into your heart
09:33 and says he live there, it's for keeps
09:37 While this experience is our imagination,
09:41 it's the fact all yes it's too
09:44 And I just can't keep it to myself I'll pass it on to you
09:51 And I just can't keep it to myself, I'll pass it on to you
09:56 Yes you.
10:14 He is good, he is good. His love endures forever.
10:22 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.
10:28 He is good, he is good. His love endures forever.
10:35 Give thanks for he is good.
10:42 He is good, he is good. His love endures forever.
10:49 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.
10:55 He is good, he is good. His love endures forever.
11:03 Give thanks for he is good.
11:09 For His unfailing love and his
11:13 wonderful deeds give thanks,
11:18 give thanks to the Lord.
11:23 He is good, he is good. His love endures forever.
11:30 Give thanks for he is good.
11:37 He is good, he is good. His love endures forever.
11:44 Give thanks to the Lord for he is good.
11:50 He is good, he is good. His love endures forever.
11:57 Give thanks for he is good, Give thanks for he is good.
12:29 Is it morning? Is it time to wake up? I'm still tired,
12:36 let me wash up and I'll be right with you,
12:42 there that's better here, now I'm awake.
12:46 How are you boys and girls?
12:50 My name is Eutychus before last night no one here in
12:54 Troas really knew who I was, but now I'm the talk
12:58 of the town. Let me tell you why.
13:02 I came to Troas to find work, I used to be a slave
13:06 but my master set me free. He gave me a week's worth
13:10 of wages so I could come here and find a job
13:14 and that's the reason I was sleeping when you came by,
13:17 I have a new job I'm working down at the boat docks,
13:22 unloading the cargo ships it's really hard work
13:26 unloading bananas from Egypt, cloth from Italy
13:30 and spices from India. All day long I'm working hard
13:35 at night I return here to sleep and to get some supper.
13:40 The other day while I was working a group of excited
13:43 people came down to the docks, they were all talking
13:46 about the arrival of a man named Paul. It's seemed
13:49 that they couldn't wait for him to arrive.
13:53 You see a member of your family I asked, not exactly
13:56 they said we're part of a new church group that's just
13:59 began here in Troas, what group is that I asked?
14:04 We're Christians they said, we're followers of Jesus
14:08 Christ. Paul has shared with us the most exciting news
14:14 Jesus is God's son. The savior of us all,
14:19 this made me very curious I had to find out more,
14:24 I waited all day long for Paul's ship to arrive from
14:28 Macedonia, I watched as the group assembled there on
14:32 the shore, all day long I waited and watched
14:35 and finally the ship from Macedonia came in,
14:40 all those who had assembled embraced Paul
14:43 and they smiled and welcomed him and the others who
14:45 were traveling with him. It seemed like this group
14:50 really loved each other as I was there watching one
14:54 of members of this new church group came and said
14:58 if you would like to find out more about this church
15:01 group why don't you come to the meeting at the big house
15:05 it's happening this week. Paul will be speaking there
15:08 and you are more than welcome to come.
15:11 Being new in town I liked the idea of going to a meeting
15:15 and finding out more about Christians,
15:19 the next day when I went into work,
15:21 everyone was talking about the meeting at the big house,
15:24 there were so excited about what Paul was sharing with
15:27 them, I thought I will go to that meeting tonight.
15:34 And that's what I did, when I finished work the first
15:38 place I went was to that big house, I didn't have any
15:41 trouble finding it, it was right in the middle of town
15:44 and it was three stories tall, already people were
15:48 gathering, they gathered in the upstairs room
15:51 where Paul was going to speak.
15:55 It seemed right at the very beginning Paul knew exactly
15:59 what I needed to hear. How did he know that I was
16:02 lonely, how did he know that I needed to experience
16:06 the love of God, how did he know that my life was
16:10 missing Jesus. Everyday this week it's been the same
16:16 thing, I've worked so hard so that I could get all the
16:20 ships unloaded and so that I could go and see and be
16:24 with the Christian group. Now the week is over,
16:29 all week long I went and tonight is the very last
16:34 night that Paul is going to be here in Troas.
16:39 Since it's the last night that Paul is going to be
16:41 here the room is very very crowded I walked in
16:46 and I couldn't find a place to sit, all the seats on the
16:50 ground were taken in the room and then I looked across
16:54 and I saw a window that was open aha, I'll sit there.
16:59 So I made my way through the crowd and I brought
17:02 myself up in the windowsill. As the meeting progressed,
17:07 Paul preached and it began to get dark outside,
17:10 so the owners of the house lit candles and lamps
17:15 and it began to get very warm in the room,
17:20 I was very sleepy because I've been working hard all
17:23 week but I wanted be hear every single word that
17:25 Paul said. He preached and preached and preached
17:30 and I listened and listened and listened,
17:35 after a while my eye lids begin to get very, very
17:39 heavy, the rest of the story is what I've been told
17:45 because I fell asleep during the message.
17:48 The next thing I knew I was lying on my back in the
17:51 courtyard, Paul was standing over me and the whole
17:54 group had gathered around what happened, what happened
17:58 I asked, Eutychus, you fell asleep during the message,
18:04 you fell down here to the courtyard, you were dead,
18:08 you weren't breathing, we all thought that Paul's last
18:12 night here would end in the tragedy of your death,
18:15 but Paul came down here, he put his body across your
18:20 limp body and then Paul startled us all by standing
18:25 up and he said Eutychus, is not dead he is alive
18:31 and then I woke up. I went back upstairs to that third
18:36 floor and the meeting continued until the sun came
18:40 up. I'm now a Christian, how could I not be,
18:48 the love of God is real it is seen in all of the people
18:52 in the new church that I'm going to.
18:56 Are you a Christian? Boys and girls, do you love Jesus?
19:03 If you do, then Jesus will pick you up when you fall
19:09 down. Just like Paul came down and raised me back to
19:14 life I'm an illustration of the power of God.
19:21 I'm glad that Jesus picks us up. Whenever we fall down,
19:26 whenever we make a mistake his love is real
19:31 and by the way boys and girls thank you for waking
19:33 me up this morning, it's time for me to go to work.
21:09 Thank you Benjamin and John, for that beautiful song,
21:12 I really enjoyed it. Well, I have special guest for you
21:15 today I would like you to meet I would like to
21:17 introduce you to Adam. Hi, Adam, Hi, thank you
21:19 for joining me and kids time today and how old are you?
21:23 I'm 11. You're 11 years old, what grade are you in,
21:26 6th, 6th grade, do you like school? Is that,
21:30 you've being honest here, it's okay huh
21:32 and is the school pretty exciting for you?
21:37 No, I don't think so, but what kind of things excited
21:40 do you like sports, right. Aha! What's your favorite
21:43 sport? It has to be basketball. Basketball,
21:46 I see a little gleam in your eye when we're talking
21:48 about basketball right. Well you know I think you were
21:52 telling me about some Christian calendars, can you,
21:55 what is a Christian calendar? Well it's a calendar that
21:59 they're called God's creation that they when you open
22:02 them up they have a picture on them and then a Bible
22:08 verse and an Bible verse? Uhuh. And what were you
22:11 doing with those calendars? Well, we were selling them
22:14 door to door for a school fundraiser. And you were
22:17 and you decided to do something extra than that.
22:20 What did you do. We decide with each sail to give away
22:24 a steps to Christ. Now that's a special book that
22:27 tells about being close to Jesus right yep.
22:30 And what happened, did you have some unusual experience
22:34 that happened because of that? Yes, there was this
22:37 little old lady she said that it was an answer to her
22:43 prayer, I came and brought her that calendar because
22:45 she can't get out much. Oh, so that really brought her
22:49 a blessing. Hmm. Well, you're gonna need to pray
22:51 for her too, you just planted a seed there,
22:53 we need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to water it,
22:55 right boys and girls. Now you've also had,
22:57 you believe in prayer don't you? Hmm and what,
23:01 you had a very an incident recently where you had an
23:04 opportunity to pray, can you tell me about that? Yeah.
23:07 Please do tell the boys and girls. Saturday evening,
23:12 afternoon, we were walking in the woods and then
23:16 we came up to this dear stand with a clearing
23:22 and then we walked a little bit then we decided to
23:26 turn back, so we came to this ditch that was very close
23:32 to where we live and we either turn left or right.
23:36 So we took the wrong way, so we ended up walking along
23:41 the ways and once we've finally realized that
23:47 we were lost, we, was it starting to get dark? Yeah,
23:53 it was starting to get dark so we knelt down and prayed
24:00 and we said dear Jesus please help us out of this
24:03 mess that we've got ourselves into, in Jesus name, amen.
24:07 Huh! And so did Jesus help you? Yes, he, well we walked
24:15 in and there was this old road that had some tire
24:19 tracks on it and then we walked into this clearing
24:22 and we saw a house, but first we had to passed
24:26 through some, a barbwire fence, we had to climb a
24:30 fence that have bulls and cows in it. Oh my Goodness,
24:34 that is kind of scary. Yeah and then we had to climb
24:40 over the fence to get to the house and we knocked
24:44 on the door and it happened to be my best friend
24:47 saying in an article. So, oh and you had an opportunity
24:53 to witness too because you've told many people
24:54 that story how God answers prayers, yep.
24:57 So that was a wonderful way to witness
24:59 wasn't it boys and girls? Well, I want to just
25:01 thank you for coming today and we might have
25:03 time to read one letter and I'll you, Oh we've got
25:07 a beautiful picture, can you hold that up for me
25:09 and this letter says dear Brenda my name is Janelle,
25:12 and I'm five years old, I love Jesus and I love angels.
25:16 I share Jesus love at home by doing work from
25:18 mommy like sweeping the kitchen and making my bed.
25:22 I like praying to Jesus and I ask him to give me a
25:24 new heart. Thank you for doing Kids Time, love Janelle.
25:28 Well thank you so much for that letter Janelle
25:31 and I'm glad that you love to share Jesus
25:33 and you love to pray, I think this time there is another
25:36 card here from Michigan and this one on the card says
25:40 all things are possible with him says to Brenda,
25:43 we like Kids Time and the Kids Time books,
25:46 thank you for a kids time love Glesni, Andrew and Keira,
25:50 and God loves you. Thank you so much,
25:52 isn't that a beautiful card boys and girls,
25:54 says all things are possible with him and all things our
25:57 possible with Jesus aren't they? Did you see that,
26:00 well thank you so much Adam for being on the program
26:03 today, I want to encourage you to keep witnessing
26:05 will you? I'll never stop witness seem for Jesus,
26:09 I'm glad too and boys and girls I want to encourage
26:12 you to witness for Jesus, get someone to smile today
26:14 won't you. Tell them how much Jesus loves them
26:17 alright and Jesus loves you too remember
26:19 boys and girls it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17