Kids' Time

In The Beginning

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000042

00:07 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:08 Looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, kids time,
00:23 Kids time, kids time, Hi, boys and girls.
00:26 Doesn't this fruit look delicious,
00:28 looks good enough to eat doesn't it.
00:30 Look at these beautiful grapes and apples,
00:33 and pears and bananas and ummh!
00:36 Don't you just love fresh fruit? I do,
00:39 but you what I am so thankful that when Jesus
00:41 created this world he gave us delicious
00:44 and healthy food to eat.
00:46 I suppose he could have made us in such way
00:48 that we you know get our nutrients from the air,
00:50 you know just breathe them in or absorb them
00:54 through our skin.
00:56 I think it's wonderful that Jesus created
00:58 all the foods that grow.
00:59 And all the different tastes available to us.
01:02 And then he made our tongues with the little
01:04 taste buds so that we can relish all those wonderful
01:07 and different flavors.
01:09 Jesus made us to enjoy life didn't he,
01:12 but he also made us with the power of choice.
01:15 Unfortunately not everything available
01:17 to eat is good for us.
01:19 He wants us to choose foods that are healthy for us,
01:22 but of course we have to make choices about
01:25 many other things as well don't we.
01:27 Some choices we make are simple ones,
01:30 you know like are we going to wear the gray shirt
01:34 or maybe the blue one like this one.
01:36 Or do we want to sit in front of the bus
01:38 or in the back of the bus or may be at school,
01:42 in the library, are we going to chose
01:43 the biography or a book on poetry.
01:47 But other choices are not so simple
01:50 and they are much more important.
01:52 Are we going to choose to study?
01:54 You know work hard or are we gonna cheat
01:58 and are you going to chose to say no to drugs
02:01 or do something illegal and unhealthful.
02:05 Are you going to gossip about someone
02:07 or are you going to only speak very kind things
02:12 and most important of all are you going to
02:15 make Jesus the Lord of your life
02:18 or will you choose SatanF
02:21 Today's Bible story tells us about a man
02:23 who made a wrong choice.
02:25 In fact in some ways that could be called
02:28 the worst choice anyone every made.
02:30 Be sure you pray to Jesus,
02:33 and I want you to ask him to help you to make right
02:36 choices in your life okay.
02:38 Alright now, Ranger Jim is going to take us to Florida
02:42 and he is going to tell us about some tropical fish,
02:44 beautiful fish.
02:46 He is also going to introduce you to
02:48 someone I love very, very much.
02:58 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim here saying
03:00 welcome to nature time we are at Florida
03:03 Silver Springs and we are really enjoying ourselves.
03:06 This is a beautiful place and we would
03:08 recommend if you come to Florida that
03:10 you bring your family here.
03:11 You will be thrilled at the things you see,
03:14 now this is a little bit of a different segment
03:16 today that we are doing because we have brought
03:18 some special people with us.
03:20 Brenda the host of the show has her Mom with us
03:23 and here she is today you can see over here
03:26 Bernice Micheff and she is supposed to smile
03:29 and may be wave at you so you'll know
03:31 who she is and also we have my wife
03:34 Mrs. Ranger Jim JoAnne here
03:36 and so they are with us today,
03:37 we are enjoying their company as much
03:39 and we are also happy to have our friend
03:42 Jesse with us again today.
03:43 And Jesse and I are going to talking about some
03:45 of these beautiful fish that we re seeing today.
03:47 Jesse tell us about some of these fish.
03:48 Identify some of these fish we are seeing for us.
03:51 Actually that's a big gar,
03:52 that's about a four foot gar
03:54 and you'll see a lot of different types of
03:56 fish in the river, you will see blue gill,
03:57 you'll see mudfish, huge mudfish.
04:00 You will see bluegill, bass, bream
04:04 you will even seen mullet.
04:05 Now believe it or not the mullet come all way
04:06 from the Atlantic side down to the
04:08 St. Johns River across Lake George.
04:11 They'll come into the Ocklawaha River,
04:12 which leads to Silver River,
04:13 they will come right in. That's right,
04:15 miles and miles Very long way
04:17 they will come all way up into the main stream
04:19 and you will see schools
04:20 and schools of these animals.
04:21 They are algae eaters of the mullet,
04:24 but you'll even see different
04:25 wildlife underwater, you will see the turtles
04:27 which actually the turtles feed off
04:28 the aquatic vegetation here.
04:31 You will see the snake neck bird
04:32 which is very interesting, the Cormorants
04:34 and the Anhingas.
04:35 Now years and years ago longtime ago in the orient
04:38 they used to put a ring around these birds necks
04:41 and actually fish them and they would pull,
04:43 as soon as the bird got a fish they would pull
04:44 them up take the fish from them.
04:46 That seems cruel. Well, they would give the bird
04:48 a fish every once in a while to feed it.
04:50 If you work hard you could have
04:51 one of these. Sure absolutely
04:52 and you'll see those birds right under water
04:54 and actually they will sit on the limbs
04:57 dry their wings.
04:58 They look very erratic and sort of like clumsy
05:01 when you see this animals under water
05:03 they're just pristine and they're beautiful,
05:04 they're almost like otters,
05:05 they fold everything back.
05:07 Their feathers are very smooth
05:08 and they are one of the few birds that can't really,
05:10 they don't have any oil and
05:11 their feathers are actually,
05:12 keep the feathers dry so they have got to get
05:14 out of the water climb upon a limb
05:16 and hold their wings out for the sun to dry
05:18 so they can go back and fly again
05:20 and very interesting.
05:21 And interesting to watch them too boys and girls
05:22 when they catch a fish they will spray with that
05:24 sharp beak that come up
05:25 and toss him up in the air and catch him head first,
05:28 I don't know how they do it but they catch him
05:30 always following him head first because that
05:32 makes the fins, the sharp fins lean back like this.
05:34 They can swallow in head first but they are great
05:36 at that tossing them in the air and catching them.
05:37 Exactly, they are very good, a lot of. A lot of
05:41 people ask about the eelgrass your looking at,
05:43 now when you see a turtle swimming by and
05:45 they're sort nibbling that eelgrass it's just like
05:47 when you and I go and prune our plants. That of
05:49 course gives that plant new life, it's gonna grow
05:51 healthier, its gonna grow a lot more and of course
05:54 it provides a lot of oxygen. This is the
05:56 biggest spring in North America there is more
05:58 water pumped out of here each day than anywhere
06:01 in North America. The biggest spring, that's
06:03 beautiful, lot of wildlife, lot of underwater life and
06:07 you'll just see the schools of shad,
06:08 the schools of mullet, even the big alligators.
06:11 You'll see an alligator sitting on the bottom,
06:14 they can hold the breath for a couple of hours at
06:15 time like coming up for air they metabolize their
06:18 bodies. Actually if were to take the heart rate of
06:21 an alligator and two minutes it would have like
06:23 three heart beats so they slower the things down,
06:26 they're reptiles, they are the actual definition of
06:29 these pristine dinosaurs. Just absolutely amazing
06:32 ain't it. All of these creatures that we see and
06:35 if we study them everyone in great detail
06:37 would learn, you can learn something new about
06:38 them all the time. I am amazed I have been
06:40 studying them all my life and I am amazed that I
06:42 study them. We see tiny little mullets down there,
06:44 tiny blue bluegills maybe this long. They are bait,
06:48 they're important for the larger fish without them
06:50 they wouldn't survive, the whole program would
06:52 collapse. Everything has a purpose your right Jim.
06:55 Every single little organism has a purpose
06:57 here, that's right, that's very important.
06:58 Like you're talking about the tiny algae that is
07:00 important, the turtle comes by he takes a nip
07:02 off, he is getting nourishment from that,
07:04 even when fish die and decay and fall to the
07:07 bottom of the spring here there is a purpose in that
07:09 too. There is. Adds nutrient to the
07:11 water and what have you. So, it's just
07:13 fascinating. I am sure that we're going to seeing
07:15 many things while we are here in this park and we
07:18 are gonna enjoy it thoroughly. So, boys and
07:20 girls I want to say this again I don't want this to
07:22 sound too much like for we're going, just make
07:23 this into one continuous commercial but I am
07:26 excited about this. This is going to be a fun time
07:28 the things we are seeing and we are out in a glass
07:31 bottom boat and if you come here and go out in a
07:33 glass bottom boat you will here some of the
07:35 sounds that we have. Because we through narrow
07:37 places as we travel along you may hear a branch
07:39 that will clump on the side of the boat that's
07:41 nothing to worry about, these people that do this
07:43 are professionals, they do it everyday.
07:46 So, you're in good hands. So, this is always
07:49 Ranger Jim telling you don't forget to tell Jesus
07:52 that you love him because he
07:54 really does love you.
08:11 Charge. Hello, boys and girls we're here at
08:15 the first international kids time football
08:17 championship where in Debbie can complete a
08:20 pass to Andrew we will have a new champion.
08:22 Let's look in on the action. Go 42,
08:25 Go 42 set hike, Debbie she throws in, Andrew
08:30 catches it touch down. I love to clap my hands
08:35 cheer, but Bethany is there a better time to
08:38 clap my hands. Yes. The Bible says to clap your
08:41 hands when you praise the Lord.
08:48 Clap Your hands, shout for joy
08:52 Thank you God, everyone clap your hands,
08:58 Shout for joy, sing to God from sun to sun.
09:04 This is the day, This is the day,
09:07 That the Lord has made, That the Lord has made
09:12 We will rejoice, we will rejoice and be glad in it,
09:17 and be glad in it. This is the day that Lord
09:22 has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.
09:26 Clap Your hands, shout for joy.
09:30 Sing to God everyone, clap your hands
09:36 Shout for joy, sing to God
09:39 from sun to sun.
09:55 Oh, who can make a flower I know I can't can you
10:02 Oh, who can make a flower No one but God has to
10:11 Oh, who can make a sunshine I know I can't
10:17 can you Oh, who can make a sunshine
10:23 No one but God has to Oh, who can make our
10:30 hearts clean I am sure I can't can you
10:35 Oh, who can make our hearts clean
10:39 No one but God has to
10:56 I can remember the first time I met God.
11:00 I'll remember it as long as I live, I must have
11:04 been lying down because that's how I woke up.
11:09 It suddenly felt like there was a warm rushing
11:11 gentle wind going through me, something strange
11:14 started to happen. I opened my eyes and as I
11:17 adjusted to the bright light around me I saw him,
11:21 he was close to my face in fact so close I could
11:25 feel his breath. He smiled at me when I opened
11:28 my eyes, the first thing I saw was the smiling face
11:33 of God. He gently touched my face with his hand
11:37 and then held it out for me to grasp, I reached
11:41 out with wonder and who this person could be
11:44 and then he spoke, he told me he was my creator
11:49 and that he had just make, God named me Adam.
11:54 Hi, there was such excitement and joy in his
11:56 voice I think he'd hardly wait to tell me
11:59 everything. He took me all around the garden and
12:02 showed me all the flowers, the birds,
12:04 the trees, the animals, the fish. Why he told me,
12:08 he told me I could name the animals whatever I
12:10 wanted, that this special garden was going to be
12:14 my home. Oh my! That was so much fun,
12:17 God and I laugh together as the animals came up,
12:20 they were also different but wonderful.
12:24 I remember the first time I saw the lion with his
12:26 soft fuzzy mane. I put his giant paw on my lap
12:31 and roared with the gentle roar, I hugged his
12:34 mane and wrestled with him. He playfully opened
12:38 his mouth and licked my face. And than this little
12:43 dog came yipping by my leg, he wanted to join in
12:47 too. And I petted him on his head and he jumped
12:50 up into my the arms, he stayed there until the
12:52 animals were named. Somehow this little dog
12:57 wanted, didn't want to leave me. So, I let him
12:59 follow me everywhere what a sweet
13:02 curly little fellow he is.
13:05 I remember the first time I ate a pear. God picked
13:08 it for me and told me to eat it, I took a bite,
13:12 it was so sweet and yummy. I smiled and God
13:15 smiled too, he seemed to be really happy when
13:18 he saw how happy I was, when I tried something
13:21 new he always looked at my face to watch my
13:25 reactions and then he would laugh and delight
13:28 especially when I ate the gooseberry. Oow!
13:31 The gooseberry was sour and I scrunched up my
13:34 face as soon I ate it, we both had the laugh about
13:38 that. When God laughed the whole garden seemed
13:41 to stop and listen, it was more beautiful than any
13:45 song the bird could sing or the sound I'd ever
13:48 heard. God told me about the flowers and the
13:51 birds, the birds would come and they would land
13:54 on my finger. God taught me how to whistle and
13:58 call for them. Then God took me to a special spot
14:01 in the garden where they were two trees on one
14:05 part of the garden was the tree of the life and on
14:08 the other part was the tree of knowledge of good
14:10 and evil. God had a very serious look on his face
14:14 when he told about those two trees. He said that
14:18 one tree was good to eat from, that was the tree of
14:21 the life and the fruit of the other tree was not for
14:25 me to eat. God said that I should never eat for it,
14:28 from it. Because I would surely die, but he gave
14:31 me a choice. He said that he would not force me
14:35 to obey that must be my choice. Well, I listened
14:41 very carefully, but I was very glad when I went
14:44 away from that tree the tree of knowledge of good
14:47 and evil. The fruit from the tree of life was the
14:50 best I'd ever tasted so far in the garden. And I
14:53 quickly began exploring the garden. The Garden
14:55 with God again, well we walked through the
14:58 garden on the soft green grass bare foot.
15:03 We splashed through the streams and ran a race
15:05 up a hill which overlooked the garden. God told
15:08 me how; he had made the sky and separated the
15:12 water from the land. He told me about the sun and
15:15 that there would be a moon at night to light the
15:17 garden as well as many many stars. He told me he
15:20 would leave at night and that I would sleep.
15:23 I asked him what sleep was? He told me that
15:27 I would just rest and then wake up when the sun
15:29 came up again in the morning, he also knew I
15:32 I was glad that God was there to explain things to
15:35 me. Soon, the sun started to go down. God and I
15:39 were very close and he helped me find a soft,
15:43 grassy spot under the wines where I could go to
15:45 sleep. He told me how happy he was to spend
15:49 time with me and that he could hardly wait to see
15:52 me again tomorrow morning. He said there
15:54 were many more things to do tomorrow. I love
15:57 God, Oh! I knew he would be my best friend and I
16:02 decided that I will always choice to obey and love
16:05 him. He held my hand and I fell a sleep listening
16:09 to his gentle breathing, before I knew it, first day
16:13 in the Garden was over. I will never forget that
16:16 first day in the garden as long as I
16:19 I live. It was the first I met God.
16:55 Create in me a clean heart oh Lord my God
17:04 And renew a right spirit within me,
17:12 Create in me a clean heart oh Lord my God
17:20 And renew a right spirit within me
17:28 Cast me not away From thy presence oh Lord
17:37 Take not thy Holy Spirit from me
17:45 Restore to me the joy of thy salvation
17:54 Oh my God, and renew a right spirit within me
18:05 Create in me a clean heart oh Lord my God
18:14 And renew a right spirit within me
18:22 Create in me a clean heart oh Lord my God
18:30 And renew a right spirit within me
18:39 Cast me not away From thy presence oh Lord
18:47 Take not thy Holy Spirit from me
18:55 Restore to me the joy of thy salvation
19:04 Oh my God, and renew a right spirit within me
19:16 Create in me a clean heart oh Lord my God
19:24 And renew a right spirit within me, within me
20:07 I want to thank the Bond family for that
20:10 beautiful song. God sure blessed that family with
20:11 a lot of musical talent didn't he and I want to
20:14 thank you for sharing it on the Kids Time.
20:17 Well, boys and girls this is a special day for me
20:18 and do you why I have something really special
20:21 my hand and its an email. Our very first email at
20:24 Kids Time and I am so excited, we have a new
20:26 email address boys and girls its write to me at
20:29 and it will reach me.
20:32 You can even email me with photographs of
20:34 yourself. And I just want to share you this letter.
20:38 This is from South Africa and it says Hi, Brenda
20:42 I am an eight-year-old boy living in Pretoria,
20:44 South Africa and my father has a 3ABN dish
20:48 this year. It says since then we have been
20:51 enjoying the programs on the network and I watch
20:54 kids times on Sabbath afternoons and enjoy it
20:57 very much. And my mother is writing this letter to
21:00 you as I speak African and I am not good at
21:04 English yet. So, my mother write to you.
21:07 So, you could please send me a kids time book
21:10 that you are advertising for free. The possibility is
21:13 it there that I might receive such a book.
21:16 Are they only for in America. I wait to hear
21:20 from you and a reply to my letter and it says
21:23 please send our love to 3ABN people, we know
21:25 them since we have been watching your station.
21:28 And do you know that, my grandma is here,
21:33 do you know that in South Africa many have got
21:36 3ABN it is spreading like house on fire.
21:40 And, It said lots of love Alonzo Cretsinger.
21:43 Well, Alonzo Thank you, so much for your email
21:46 and yes you can receive a kids time activity book.
21:50 Boys and girls it doesn't matter where you live if
21:52 you live in Russia, or Poland or Thailand or
21:56 south Africa where ever your in the world if you
21:58 can see this program and write to me I will send
22:01 you a book. Okay. so, that's no problem
22:03 there and I want to thank you for your letter
22:05 and your email. I appreciate that.
22:08 Well, today is also a special day for another
22:10 reason and that's because we have a wonderful
22:13 guest with us today who loves Jesus and I would
22:15 like you to meet Robyn Heacock. Robyn,
22:17 thank you so much for joining us today and what
22:20 do you have in your lap there. It looks very
22:23 interesting, what do you have there? Well, I have
22:26 some scripture quilts that we made.
22:29 Scripture quilts? Can let's, let's show boys and
22:31 girls this okay. Can you, oh this is beautiful.
22:35 Look at that now this one has a theme that
22:38 looks like to it. What is the theme on this one?
22:41 Yeah. This theme is about love and just has a
22:44 whole lot to love verses on it. It sure does,
22:48 it says now about faith, hope, love, these three
22:51 the greatest of these is love, First Corinthians
22:54 13:13. That's one of my favorite texts and let's
22:56 see some of your other quilts that you brought
22:58 with you. I just lay this here and you, this is
23:04 beautiful, this one's on the stars and the moon
23:08 and creation, and creation, that's right. Look at
23:11 this. This says blotted out as a thick cloud,
23:14 you see all the clouds in there. Boy, those are
23:17 absolutely beautiful. Do you have one more with
23:19 you? So, this is last one. And this one is on
23:25 strength and courage. Look at the strong lion
23:29 that makes a lot of sense there doesn't it.
23:31 And it says God is my strength and power and he
23:33 maketh my way perfect. Second Samuel 22:33,
23:37 isn't that beautiful. Now, what do you do with
23:40 these quilts? Well, we give them to the homeless
23:43 and we also give them to disability camp called,
23:47 camp courageous and we also give them to like
23:51 benefits in different places that could use the
23:53 quilts. Awesome. So anybody that needs to
23:56 keep warm and you just and they are not only
23:58 getting the warmth from the blanket and getting
24:01 warmth from all this wonderful scripture texts
24:03 and verses aren't they. Yep. Now, I see that you
24:06 written on, you've written on this. This is hand
24:08 done write and you have special pen that won't
24:11 washout. Yeah, we just use a permanent marker.
24:14 Oh! That is absolutely beautiful. Well, I know
24:18 that the Lord will really bless your efforts and I
24:21 want to thank you for sharing that on Kids Time.
24:24 Well, I think we have time for just a couple
24:25 of letters here. I love hearing letters from you
24:29 boys and girls and this one is our first letter
24:31 from the Philippines. And look at this, we have
24:35 picture can you hold that for me Robyn?
24:38 And beautiful stationary here too, it says dear
24:43 Brenda, I am Denila and I am seven years old and
24:46 I am in the second grade and I share Jesus by
24:49 singing my songs and sharing my food and this
24:53 is the picture of me and my brother Jarvis during
24:55 our pathfinder adventure, pathfinder, I think she
24:59 means investiture and we love watching
25:02 Kids Time and please send me a Kids Time
25:04 activity book would you please love Denila.
25:08 Well, yes Denila I'd be happy to send you a book
25:10 and thank you for writing to me and also for the
25:12 picture so that we could see what you look like.
25:15 And I think we have time for another letter here.
25:17 This one is from Adam from Allen, Michigan.
25:21 And you know what we have another
25:23 photography, Robyn can you hold that for me,
25:24 sure. And this one says dear Ms Brenda I've done
25:27 some good things this week I opened the door
25:30 for a lady at church and I helped someone when
25:33 they were hurt. The lady I opened the door for her
25:36 was Ms Simpson and it says I helped my best
25:39 friend Brandon when he was hurt. I love Kids
25:41 Time, love Adam. P.s. please send me a book.
25:45 Okay. Adam I would love to send you a book and
25:47 thank you so much for your letter and I think we
25:51 might have time for one more and this one says
25:58 dear Brenda, please send that Kids Time
26:01 activity book and scriptures to my grand
26:04 children love Marissa Cox. I would be happy to
26:07 send them and she sent me her address there and
26:10 boys and girls I just wanted to tell you if you
26:13 would like to be on Kids Time or if you like to be
26:15 on sharing time or you have a musical talent
26:17 that you would like to share with us.
26:19 Please write and let me know about it.
26:20 Okay. Because if I don't know that are out there
26:23 and you have a talent you want to share I have no
26:24 way of asking you. So, I would love to hear
26:26 from you so if you want to be on Kids Time,
26:28 sharing time or praise time, let me know.
26:30 Well, that's all the time we had today boys
26:32 and girls until next time remember
26:34 its kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17