Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000037
00:03 It's time to share there's world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus It's time 00:10 to share there's a world out there, Let's tell 00:14 them that He loves us so. Let's tell them that He 00:18 loves us so. Kids time, kids time, 00:23 kids time, kids time. Hi, boys and girls 00:25 I like to share with you today a special book 00:28 that my mom used to read to me when I was a 00:30 little girl. And I really loved it so much. It's 00:33 full of Bible stories. All kinds of Bible stories 00:36 and it's called the Bible story, it's written by 00:38 Arthur Maxwell. If you ever get a chance to see 00:40 this book and read it, you might even have 00:42 one in your library. This one is volume 5 and I 00:45 actually wanted to show you a picture in here 00:47 and wanted to see, can you take a look at this 00:50 and what do you think this is? Do you have 00:53 any idea? Can you tell? Well, this is actually a 00:58 picture, at least an artist version of it, of the 01:00 temple that King Solomon built back in 01:03 Bible times. And it was a place of worship. It 01:06 was also a place for the priests who helped with 01:08 the temple services, live with their families. You 01:11 can probably see some of the outer living 01:14 quarters right down here. Can you see that? 01:17 They probably lived right along there. Well, 01:19 today you're gonna hear a story about a very 01:22 brave women who had to hide a little boy in 01:25 this temple. Hoping people would think he 01:28 was just another child belonging to the priests 01:30 families, who lived there. Now why would 01:33 she do that? You might wonder huh! Well, you 01:36 will here about it in just a little while. This story 01:39 makes me wonder. If I would have the courage 01:42 to do what is right even if I might lose my life 01:45 for it. Jehoshabeath, the brave woman in today's 01:48 Bible story, she took an enormous risk in order 01:52 to do the right thing. It makes me think that she 01:55 must have made it a habit to chose to, to do 01:58 right even in little things or she never 02:00 would have been able to have the courage to 02:02 hide this little boy. Because she knew that 02:05 if she was found out, she would be killed. 02:08 How about you? Are you practicing everyday 02:11 to make good, brave choices. If everybody 02:15 else makes fun of another student. Do you 02:18 join in and make fun of them too or do you 02:21 speak up and defend that student. It takes 02:23 courage to be different doesn't it. Perhaps some 02:26 of your friends want you to steal some candy 02:28 from a store. Everyone else is doing it. But, you 02:32 know it's wrong. Do you have the courage to 02:35 do what's right, even though you might lose 02:37 some friends. I don't think I would want 02:39 those kind of friends anyway, do you? You 02:42 know there are lots of opportunities everyday 02:44 to make right choices. And when we do we 02:48 strengthen our characters, making it easier to make 02:50 the right choices. And don't forget to pray boys 02:53 and girls. Because Jesus is brave and he is 02:57 courageous and he will help you to be too. I 03:00 know he will. But right now, Ranger Jim is 03:04 going to show us an Eastern Screech Owl. 03:07 Hi! Boys and Girls, I'm really excited, we have 03:17 something special for you to see 03:19 today. We have a friend here that Beverly is going to 03:21 show us. What do we call this one? 03:23 This is the Eastern Screech Owl. 03:24 Well, why do you call it the screech owl? 03:27 Because their vocalization is entirely 03:29 different then the other types of owls. Many 03:31 people will associate a typical hoot with an 03:34 owl. This guy has a noise that would be 03:38 classified as a screamer of screech. 03:40 Ah! Is this the one that scares us at night when 03:42 we are out camping. That's right. 03:44 We are out in the tent in the backyard and we 03:46 hear the sound and we think what in the world is this? 03:49 Sounds, many times people say it sounds like a 03:51 woman screaming in fact. And if we could see that 03:54 it's this tiny little friendly owl we would 03:56 laugh Wouldn't we. That's right. I see he has some 03:58 nice tufts of feathers there. He does have what many 04:01 people call ear tufts, but of course they're just 04:04 feather tufts above his eyes. His ears actually 04:06 lie to the side, his ears lie to the side of 04:10 his eyes. I see, I see, he is panting there that the 04:13 way he has some cooling. His throat is 04:15 pumping there. It acts as two different mechanisms 04:18 it helps him reduce stress a little bit, if he is 04:20 nervous, but it also is a cooling factor as well. 04:24 Oh! I see and these creatures are they big 04:26 enough. What would they eat, they are not 04:28 real large. What would they eat? Their primary diet 04:30 are small rodents, again the small mice, maybe a 04:35 small chipmunk, but they also will eat 04:37 insects in the summer such as grasshoppers or 04:40 crickets. Oh! Yum, that sounds good. That's really a 04:43 good diet. Once again these are, are these cavity 04:46 nesters?These guys are cavity nesters, in fact it 04:49 is easy to put up a nest box and these guys will 04:52 take to a nest box, so we can encourage them even in 04:54 our own backyards.Well that would be need to have 04:57 and how would you come about having this creature. 04:59 This particular guy was also the one that came 05:03 in because he'd been hit by a car. Unfortunately, 05:07 he does have some eye, some visual damage, so 05:11 he does not see as well as he should, so he 05:13 wouldn't be able to hunt in the wild anymore. 05:15 I see, so living here he is safe from his injuries 05:19 and we can use him for educational purposes and 05:21 once again we have been able to salvage one of God's 05:23 creatures, how neat. Once again, I want to tell you 05:26 publicly that I appreciate what you do and many 05:28 people like you that work with these creatures. Tell 05:31 me about his feathers, do the owls molt as do other 05:35 birds.Yes they do, they molt just as the other birds 05:38 do. Many birds will molt large amount of feathers at 05:42 one time, but of course all of the birds are prey, 05:45 owls and hawks molt in stages, so that they don't 05:48 lose all of them at once, because they have to 05:50 maintain their ability to fly, to hunt. I see, I 05:54 understand that geese. Is it true that geese 05:55 sometime are flightless. Absolutely, they molt so 05:58 much at onetime that they cannot, that they cannot 06:01 fly. So that's why there is a difference in the way 06:03 they molt. I see, just by chance or happenstance and 06:05 the geese because he feeds on grass along the river, 06:08 he can walk and find plenty of food, he can 06:11 molt and lose many of his primary feathers, 06:12 where as if the owl did that he would starve. 06:14 That's right. It must be someone planned that out, 06:16 don't you think. It certainly looks like a master plan 06:18 to me. Certainly look like a master plan doesn't it. 06:21 Well, tell me compared to this creature what the 06:27 great horned owl looks like and I'm holding the 06:29 skull of the great horned owl here in my hand. And 06:33 you told me is that not true that if our eyes were 06:36 as large in proportion to our size as that of the 06:39 great horned owl, the how big would our eyes be? 06:41 We would have softball size eyes in our head if 06:45 we had the same size proportionally as these 06:48 owls do in theirs.Isn't that marvelous and these owls 06:52 are able to see even in total darkness. Well, they, 06:55 what we would perceive as total darkness apparently 06:58 there is enough light out there that they can gather 07:00 and see at least movement, yes. I see and so they go 07:04 along, they go flying along and they see a small 07:06 mouse moving or they even can hear a mouse moving. 07:09 They can sweep down and catch it. That's correct. 07:10 Isn't that marvelous. That is just exciting and 07:14 once again as I have said so many times, I look 07:17 forward to that wonderful day when we are there and 07:19 we're free, that animals no longer are injured or 07:22 hurt. And we can go with Jesus. I want to ask him, 07:25 how did you ever design an eye like that? How did 07:29 you ever come up with the idea that there would be 07:31 injuries to the eye when snow or sleet when this 07:33 creature is out hunting at night or the cold wind was 07:36 blowing perhaps sand and grit. That you actually gave 07:39 it a windshield wiper on it's eyes. That's right, 07:41 a third eyelid to take care of those eyes. That is 07:43 just wonderful. That's just wonderful. Must be that 07:46 when God said after he created all these things it 07:48 was very good, that's exactly what he meant. 07:50 That's what he meant. So, there once again 07:53 boys and girls, we've talked about the smallest 07:55 in this area screech owl and he is one of the 07:58 owls that we have in the world. But, once again 08:01 large or small our wonderful Jesus made them all in 08:04 love and as I've told you before. My Bible says 08:08 that the hairs of your head are numbered and my Bible 08:12 says that even when a tiny sparrow falls to the 08:15 ground our heavenly Father takes note of that 08:17 and it makes his great heart sad. So, remember 08:21 this as always don't forget to tell Jesus that 08:25 you love him because he really does love you boys 08:28 and girls. Hi! Boys and girls, sometimes it's hard to 08:39 figure out what's true and what isn't? But we know 08:42 one thing, what Jesus said is truth because he said 08:45 he is the truth. Right Debbie? Right. Jesus said, I am 08:50 the way, the truth and the life, John 14:6. 08:54 Boys and girls, we are learning a song written 08:57 by Keith Green a long time ago. It's called 08:59 how I love you. We would like you to learn it with us. 09:08 How I love you, You are the one, You are the one. 09:17 How I love you, You are the one for me. I was lied to 09:24 I was lied to, But you told the truth, 09:29 'Cause you are the truth. I was lied to, 09:35 But you showed the truth to me. How I love you, 09:42 You are the one, You are the one. How I love you, 09:49 You are the one for me. I was dying, I was dying, 09:57 But you gave me life, 'Cause you are the life. 10:01 I was dying, And you gave your life for me. 10:07 How I love you, You are the one, You are the one. 10:15 How I love you, You are the one for me. Hallelujah, 10:26 You are the one, You are the one. Hallelujah, 10:33 You are the one. God's precious son, 10:37 You are the one for me. 13:20 I just love coming out here spending quite time with 13:24 God, enjoying all the wonderful things that he 13:27 has made. The blue sky, the trees, the flowers, 13:35 the birds. Oh! What an awesome God we serve. 13:39 Oh! How, I love him. Oh! I'm sorry, let me 13:43 introduce myself. My name is Jehoshabeath 13:46 and my husband Jehoiada is the high priest. We 13:49 live in the temple at Jerusalem. We love and worship 13:53 the great God in heaven. But, we have been so very, 13:58 very sad. You see so many, the people here in Judah 14:04 they have quit worshiping God and they have been 14:06 worshiping idols of wood and stone. Can you imagine 14:09 anybody wanna worship idols of wood and stone? I 14:14 can't. You see when King Jehoshaphat was alive, 14:19 he encouraged people to come to the temple and 14:21 worship and to love God, but then he died. 14:26 And the new king, he married queen Athaliah. 14:31 Well, she was King Ahab's daughter, wicked just 14:37 like her father. Always she was thinking up evil 14:41 things to do. And one of the things that they did was 14:45 have all of the brothers in the family killed. Well, 14:50 the Lord passed judgment on that king. He only ruled 14:53 8 years and then his son Azariah took over, but 14:58 he didn't live long either and when he died Athaliah 15:02 said I wanna be the ruler of all Judah. I can, 15:06 wanna rule the people and she went and had all her 15:11 grandbabies killed. Can you imagine that a grandma 15:17 wanting to kill all her grandbabies, but she didn't 15:20 get them all. I heard about what she was going to 15:24 do. I went to the palace, I slipped passed the 15:28 guards, I went into little Joash's room, I picked 15:32 him up and I held him close. Then I motioned for the 15:35 nurse to come and follow me. We went passed the 15:38 guards again, out of the palace, sometimes we had 15:41 to hide behind trees and bushes. Finally, we made 15:45 it to the safety of the temple, then my husband, 15:48 high priest Jehoiada took us and hid little Joash 15:53 and the nurse in a very secret place that no one 15:57 knew about except my husband and I. There we 16:01 taught little Joash as he grew up abut the great 16:04 God in heaven. And how we should worship only him and 16:08 not the Gods of wood and stone. When he was seven, 16:12 my husband decided that it was time to tell some very 16:17 important people about our secret. And so he told 16:20 them about the King, the heir to the throne, the 16:23 real heir to the throne. Well, these important 16:26 men were very upset about queen Athaliah because she 16:31 was encouraging people to do many wicked things. 16:33 I can't even begin to tell you about them. Because 16:38 they're too shameful to talk about. As queen 16:43 Athaliah became more and more wicked, the people 16:46 realized that they needed a change and so this 16:50 important men told other people about our secret. 16:53 Pretty soon the temple yard was full of people 16:56 waiting to see the real heir. Then my husband 17:01 brought out Joash before the people. He put a 17:04 crown on his head and a robe on him, and the people 17:09 when they saw him they were so happy they began 17:11 shouting, God save the King, God save the King. 17:15 They made so much noise that queen Athaliah heard 17:21 it from her palace and she came right over, she 17:24 came to the courtyard. She saw that the temple choir 17:28 was singing and the trumpeters were playing 17:30 their trumpets and people were shouting, God save 17:33 the King. She looked around there she saw Joash 17:39 and he had the crown on his head and the robe on him. 17:43 She was very angry and she began crying, treason, 17:47 treason, kill him. But, some of my husband's men took 17:53 Athaliah out and had her killed. Then they took 17:58 Joash and they led him through the streets to 18:01 the palace. When they took him into the palace they 18:04 put him on the great big throne room. He was only 18:07 seven years old. I could tell that he was very 18:11 frightened, but he didn't let the people know. He 18:14 was happy to see them happy again. And he really 18:18 wanted them to know about the great God in heaven. 18:21 So he thought and thought about what he could do 18:24 so that they would start worshiping God again, but 18:28 then he thought God's temple is so broken down and it 18:33 needs so much repair, so he send a proclamation out 18:37 to all the villages that they were to bring money to 18:39 the temple. But, they didn't really listen and then 18:44 he thought I will put a chest, a big chest outside 18:47 of the temple and every time people walk by, they 18:51 can put gold in it and silver and coins and that's 18:55 just what he did. But, before the day was over that 18:58 box was full and when they ran and told Joash about 19:01 it, he could not believe it. He asked them to bring 19:05 the box to him. So, they did and they took the big 19:08 chest and they dumped it all right before him. He 19:13 was so surprised and happy. He said, go take 19:17 box and put it back in the same place. By night fall, 19:22 it was full again. Oh! He was so happy, now they could 19:28 repair the temple. My husband and I were so happy 19:31 because there was even enough money left over 19:34 to buy gold and silver vessels for the service. And 19:38 I'm so thankful that God blessed in such a special 19:43 way and now the people of Judah are turning back 19:46 to him. Isn't it special, how God can use even little 19:52 children in his work. Oh! What an awesome God we 19:56 have. Oh! I love him. 20:16 Don't look left, don't look right. Look straight 20:20 ahead at the guiding light. Don't get off, off the 20:25 track, keep holding on and don't look back, for 20:29 truth is the most important treasure in this world 20:34 today. Falsehood is the enemy. I want just his 20:41 love, the future of all that the Lord is looking 20:46 out to do through us who love to live his way. 20:52 Don't believe all you hear, falsehood and evil 20:57 you learn to fear, put away evil words, careful 21:02 to judge everything you hear. For truth is the most 21:06 important treasure in this world today. Falsehood 21:12 is the enemy. I, just his love the future of all 21:19 that the Lord is looking out to do through us who 21:23 love to live his way. Thank you Daniel for 21:38 that song. It's important to be truthful isn't. But, 21:42 today I have two special guests I would like you to 21:44 meet. Becky, thank you for coming to sharing time. 21:47 Thank you for having me. You are welcome. 21:49 And Jasmine thank you for coming. I'm really glad to 21:51 meet you. Oh, I'm glad you are here too. Becky can 21:55 you tell me, you do something special for Jesus, 21:57 what do you do? I make tapes with Jesus songs and 22:01 I give them to people. Well that's a good thing to do. 22:04 Do you make other things? What other things do you 22:07 make? I make nature cards. Nature cards. And 22:11 what did they look like. Was it something like 22:13 this, that's good, it's got a horse on it, because 22:15 Jesus made the horses, didn't he? And then we 22:18 also in the back it says what is that, can you 22:19 read that? Jesus loves you too. Jesus loves you too. 22:22 That's a good thing to do isn't. And do you share 22:26 with your friends. You do, what you share? 22:29 I tell them Bible stories on the school bus, like 22:35 Noah's Ark. You do? And had they ever heard about 22:38 before? No, so you got to tell them Bible stories. 22:42 That made Jesus very happy didn't it. Yes it does. 22:46 Jasmine, can you tell me what you do to share Jesus. 22:49 Sometimes, I sing at my church forum. You do, what 22:53 kind of songs do you sing. Sometimes, I sing as 22:56 the deer and I sing praise the name of Jesus. 23:01 I think that's a pretty song don't you. And what, 23:04 do you share Jesus with your brother or your 23:06 sister. What do you do to share Jesus with them? 23:10 I try to be nice to them. That's good isn't. You 23:14 try to play and nice and fair and get along with 23:16 him and how do you share Jesus with your 23:18 friends. I tell them that Jesus loves them. 23:21 Because he does love them. That's wonderful. 23:24 Would you girls like to here some letters? I got 23:27 a few letters to read and this letter here is 23:32 from Austin and it says, Hi! This is Austin, I gave 23:37 doughnuts to somebody called Mrs. Weeks and told her 23:42 about Jesus. I love Kids Time and I love Jesus, 23:46 Austin. Well thank you and look he draw a picture 23:49 right here. He draw a picture of himself and there are 23:52 some houses right here and a house over here, a fire 23:55 escape and a road and a car, he did a good job, 23:58 didn't he. That was cute, thank you Austin for that 24:01 letter. I really like that. Can you put that back 24:03 in that envelope for me. And I got another letter 24:07 here. And this one is from Abrianna and it says, 24:12 Dear Brenda, thank you for being so nice. I want 24:16 to work here, but I don't live here and I would 24:20 love to be on Kids Time. I'm your friend Abrianna. 24:26 Thank you Abrianna and I'm thank you for this 24:29 letter. And maybe sometime you can come to Kids Time 24:33 and be on Kids Time. Okay, we got another one here 24:37 and this one says, Dear Ms. Brenda, I like 24:41 Kids Time and I like to share Jesus with my friends 24:45 and I'm five years old, love, Caitlin and look 24:48 at Caitlin's picture. She says, Dear Ms. Brenda, 24:51 see that and she has got a picture right here with a 24:54 flower I think she is carrying and then she's got 24:56 the blue hair, isn't that cute. I've got one 24:59 more letter to read and let's see who this letter 25:03 is from, this letter is from, Oh! We got a picture 25:07 and this letter says, Dear Brenda, my name 25:11 is Nathan and I just shared Jesus with all of 25:14 my cousins at our Family Reunion. After I said 25:17 my blessing my cousin Olivia asked me why I believed 25:21 in God. And I told her that Jesus was my savior and 25:25 that's why I'm a Christian, it made me happy to share 25:27 Jesus with them, love, Nathan Curr, and he is from 25:31 South Carolina. Thank you Nathan and I know 25:33 that it made Jesus happy for you to share him with 25:36 your family. It's important to witness wherever we go, 25:39 isn't boys and girls. You know Jasmine I was asking 25:42 you what you did to share Jesus, but has anybody shared 25:45 Jesus with you? Yes, my grandma from my dad's side, 25:51 she has help me to know Jesus and.What does she, 26:00 does she, what does she do to help you know Jesus? 26:02 Whenever I can't understand the things in the Bible, 26:07 she helps me to understand it better. Well that's 26:11 good, so she reads you Bible stories and talks 26:14 to you about the Bible. Does she ever pray with you. 26:16 She prays with me lot of times, sometimes when 26:20 they do alter calls, she, I ask her to pray with me 26:25 and she comes with me. Isn't that wonderful. Well 26:28 that's about all the time we have today boys and girls. 26:30 I want to thank you Becky so much for coming to 26:33 Kids Time and Jasmine, thank you for sharing Jesus 26:36 with the boys and girls at home. Whoever you are, 26:38 whatever you do boys and girls, it's kids 26:41 time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17