Kids' Time

Jesus Watches Over Me

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000036

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:13 let's tell them that he loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that he loves us so.
00:20 Kids time, kids time, kids time, kids time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. I'm holding in my hand
00:27 a very well known book. It was written during
00:30 World War II. Before you were even born,
00:33 but it was written by a girl not much older then you.
00:36 Her name was Anne Frank. In during World War II,
00:39 Jewish people found themselves, they were
00:41 hunted down by soldiers and police.
00:44 Even though they hadn't done anything wrong.
00:46 And if they were found they were sent away to
00:49 horrible places, where they were treated
00:51 cruelly and starved to death or killed.
00:54 Naturally, no Jewish person or Jewish family,
00:58 wanted this to happen to them. So, they tried in every
01:01 way they knew they have to avoid being found.
01:04 Anne Frank was a happy bright child.
01:07 And she loved school and had good friends.
01:10 And she like to have a good time. But,
01:13 you know what she was Jewish and the diary
01:16 she wrote tells how her life changed during the war.
01:19 She and seven other people hide from the soldiers
01:22 for two years. They hide in a small suite of
01:25 rooms over a shop. And everyday they
01:28 lived in fear that they would be discovered.
01:31 And when you get little older you might wanna
01:33 read the story because it's the special story.
01:37 The reason I told you about Anne Frank,
01:38 is that her story reminds me of another family
01:41 who had a child, we find that story in the Bible.
01:44 And this family was Hebrew. Ancestors of Jewish people
01:48 like Anne and way back in Bible times.
01:51 A King of Egypt called the Pharaoh decided to kill
01:55 Hebrew baby boys. Can you imagine that?
01:58 What would you do if you had a baby boy in your family?
02:01 Whom the king wanted to kill. As we listen to today's
02:05 story we learn about what one brave mother did,
02:09 and how God protected her baby. But, first let's learn
02:14 something about the Redwing Blackbird from Ranger Jim.
02:25 Ranger Jim here boys and girls, with a friend
02:28 Redwing Blackbird. As you can see he has
02:30 beautiful red applets on his shoulder.
02:33 Those birds who live in the colder parts of United States
02:35 and Canada, we look forward to seeing
02:37 Mr. Blackbird comeback in the spring.
02:39 Because he is a harboring of spring, we know that
02:41 soon the warm weather will come.
02:43 The black birds love to nest around water.
02:45 Not always is true, but when they can, they love to
02:48 nest around water. The males comeback in the
02:50 spring first of all to establish the territory
02:53 where they raised the family a year before.
02:55 Then the females come three weeks or a month later
02:58 knowing, where they raised a family the year before.
03:00 And she simply comes backs back to that site,
03:03 here's her husband he has reestablished that area.
03:06 Protected it from other families and so then
03:08 they are ready to begin building their nest
03:10 and producing young. Now of all the creatures
03:13 that God made, birds prove more than any other.
03:17 That it would be impossible for these creatures to
03:20 have evolved. I actually have college
03:23 level books in my library that claim that the birds
03:27 came from the large dinosaur type creatures like
03:30 alligators and things of that nature.
03:32 They are cold-blooded animals with thick heavy bones.
03:35 No, it couldn't be true. God created the birds,
03:38 their bones are hollow, very delicate.
03:41 Inside of the hollow structure there are struts much
03:44 the same that we use in construction today.
03:47 And the bird is very light in fact the bird flying
03:50 through the air is with great ease. We could
03:53 spend two hours talking about the feathers
03:56 themselves that cover the birds body.
03:58 The primary feathers or the wing feathers
04:00 that allow the birds to fly. Their digestive systems
04:04 and all of those systems is almost impossible to
04:06 imagine that someone could study birds and believe
04:10 that they all just happened. So don't you ever believe that
04:13 regards of what people tell you this beautiful creature
04:16 could come to your feeder in the coldest part
04:18 of the winter. And enjoy some food
04:21 that you have there sunflower seeds or corn,
04:23 whatever it might be and then go down to the tree
04:27 where he roosts and all of the birds have a
04:29 favorite place. And now Mr. Blackbird
04:31 doesn't enjoy this at all being on television.
04:33 But, we want to restrain him as carefully as we can,
04:36 so that you may see him and learn about him.
04:39 We place our food out and feed the birds
04:40 that he goes to roost. And he finds a nice place.
04:43 The wind maybe blowing, it maybe very cool
04:46 and snowing even and after he had a good meal
04:48 in your yard. He flies to his favorite
04:50 place, where he is going to spend the night.
04:52 Usually on a porch near the trunk of a tree,
04:55 and that's out of the wind. He has an expose to the wind
04:58 and their he stays all night. And yes it is true,
05:01 when the temperature drops and gets well below zero.
05:04 Birds do tuff their heads under their wings.
05:07 And that is because instinctively they place
05:09 it there, they are breathing air that has been,
05:12 pre-warmed passing through the feathers near their body.
05:15 That way they are not breathing air from the
05:17 open air that have ice particles in it, that would
05:20 cause moisture in their nostrils and develop
05:22 into pneumonia and so all of these things
05:25 we see are just wonderful things about birds.
05:28 Now if you are concerned and you are watching
05:30 at home that the birds beating his wings.
05:32 I'm restraining him very carefully by holding his
05:35 legs so that he can't twist sideways and injure himself
05:38 and when we are finish showing this bird
05:40 you taking it back carefully placing it get back in
05:42 the cage that we have. We will take him back
05:44 to the site, where he came from and release him
05:47 so he can go back to his normal routine.
05:50 Now remember that when we see most of these
05:53 birds his wife, is rather a dull gray with strips
05:56 and streaks on her feathers. And this guy is
05:59 so very, very obvious. He has all of the bright
06:02 wing applets and all. And why do you suppose
06:05 that God usually with all the birds made
06:08 the males more beautiful then the females.
06:10 And I sometime jokingly tell my wife, we men just
06:13 have to be humble about that. But, that's not really
06:16 true, our wonderful Jesus in his knowledge
06:18 knowing that there would be creatures that would come
06:21 in search of birds and picture this.
06:24 The mother black bird has a nest and under her
06:27 feet in the nest there are three or four tiny babies
06:30 just hatched out of the egg and your kitty cat that
06:33 you love and you feed well comes walking down
06:35 the pathway. And all morning long
06:38 Mr. Redwing, the male has been out there singing
06:40 oh, kon-ka-reeee, oh, kon-ka-reeee
06:43 and singing back and forth and
06:44 making his beautiful sounds and suddenly
06:46 he is nowhere to be seen, where she needs him.
06:49 And here comes the cat and she holds her breath,
06:52 and she sits very still and quite and you can't see
06:55 her on the nest because she is well camouflaged.
06:57 And soon a welcome song reach her because just
07:00 up off to the side she hears a familiar sound
07:03 here he is and he even flies bravely down in front of
07:07 your cat on the path about 40 or 50 feet ahead of him.
07:11 And begins to flutter his wings and sing away.
07:14 And your cat begins to stalk him. Right?
07:17 And down the path he goes have you seen the bird
07:19 with the all injured wing trick?
07:21 That's right and that's what Mr. Daddy Redwing does.
07:25 At the cat follows him further and further away
07:28 and down this path and the cat almost can catch him.
07:32 And the cat is more interested in following him
07:34 and following him. And his wife back on the nest
07:36 says, Oh! Thank you. I'm so glad he came
07:39 and down the path now three blocks from home
07:42 your cat gets a very close and almost catches him
07:45 this time, but this time Mr. Redwing flies up
07:47 on a tree and turns around he says Na Na Na Na Naa.
07:51 I fooled you this time, right and I've taken the
07:54 cat away from my family. So that's why Jesus
07:56 made all the males bright and very conspicuous.
08:00 And the females are dull colors more difficult to see
08:03 when they sit on the nest. So their once again,
08:06 always boys and girls, when we start examining
08:09 the things that Jesus made the things that were created.
08:12 We always see love. We always see his great
08:16 creative ability, who could have thought,
08:19 who could have ever conceived of having a bird jet black
08:23 with a beautiful orange and yellow applets.
08:25 That just sparkle in the sunlight.
08:27 So, anytime that you see a bird remember our friend
08:30 Ellen White has told us, all that would possible.
08:33 All that we would need, would have been possible
08:36 without the birds. But, it was because of a
08:38 loving heart. And Jesus would know
08:41 that we knew that we loved him because of the
08:44 things that he has given us. So Ranger Jim here,
08:46 again reminding you boys and girls, tell Jesus that
08:49 you love him because he really does love you.
09:00 Hi, Boys and Girls, First Corinthians, chapter 13
09:03 is known as the love chapter. Another word for love is
09:06 Agape, our text comes from verse 8 and Kiera,
09:10 will now say that for us. Love never fails.
09:16 God is love and love never fails.
09:28 God's grace abounding, good news astounding Love,
09:32 unconditionally, all that I cried for, what Jesus died for
09:39 that's God's agape to me. He loves little girls with
09:45 toothless grins. He loves little boys with
09:48 dimple chins. He loves children in a
09:52 special way. For every moment of the day.
09:57 God's grace abounding, good news astounding love,
10:01 unconditionally, all that I cried for, what Jesus died
10:08 for that's God's agape to me. He loves grandpa in his
10:14 rocking chair. He loves grandma with
10:17 her silver hair. He loves all the folks in
10:21 tiny tots. Oh! Yes, he loves us all and lots!
10:26 God's grace abounding, good news astounding Love,
10:30 unconditionally, all that I cried for, what Jesus died for
10:37 that's God's agape to me. He loves rich and poor
10:42 and old and young. He loves every race
10:46 and every tongue. He loves have it made
10:49 it very clear? That he loves
10:53 every person here, yes
10:55 he holds each person dear.
10:58 God's grace abounding, good news astounding Love,
11:02 unconditionally, all that I cried for, what Jesus died for
11:09 that's God's agape to me, that's God's agape to me.
11:33 Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
11:43 that saved a child like me, I once was lost, but now
12:00 I'm found, was blind, but now, I see.
12:13 When we've been here ten thousand years
12:23 bird shining as the sun. We've no less days to sing
12:40 God's praise then when we've first begun.
13:02 Moses, Moses come here Moses. Don't play so close
13:08 to the river dear. There were crocodiles
13:10 in the river and they may hurt you, I wouldn't want
13:13 anything to happen to you. Come play close to me,
13:18 well that's where the river that brought you to me.
13:22 You see my father is the mighty pharaoh.
13:26 Ruler over the land of Egypt. Although, I love my father
13:31 very much, he can be a shrewd and harsh man.
13:38 Before my father became pharaoh, there was a man name
13:41 Joseph, who had found great favor with the king.
13:44 Why he made Joseph second in command over all of Egypt.
13:52 It just so happened that Joseph was an Israelite.
13:56 The son of Jacob, now a great Famine had come
14:00 upon the land and Joseph with his guards instruction,
14:05 had made provisions for food for the entire nation of
14:08 Egypt, so that the people would not starved to death.
14:13 Now it was during the great Famine that Joseph
14:16 brought his entire family from the land of Canaan.
14:21 He wanted to be near them, so that he could
14:24 take care of them. So, he wanted him right
14:26 there in Egypt with him. Now Farrow because of his
14:31 great love for Joseph. Gave Joseph family the
14:35 land of Goshen. This was the best land in
14:38 all of Egypt. Over the years their family grew very
14:45 large. Sometime after Joseph died my father became
14:50 king. You know here in Egypt, we call our kings
14:55 Pharaoh's. Now my father and his advisors were
14:59 worried that there was getting to be too many Israelites.
15:03 Why? They were afraid that the Israelites will become
15:07 stronger than Egyptians and take over the country
15:11 by force. So, my father made all the Israelites
15:16 his slaves. He set taskmasters
15:20 over them and treated them very cruel.
15:24 But, the God bless them and their families,
15:27 and they continue to grow. This made my father and
15:31 his advisors very angry. So, they came up with a plan,
15:38 a very evil plan. You know, my father
15:44 made a decree that every baby boy born to an
15:49 Israelite family was to be thrown in the
15:52 river and killed. This made me so very sad.
15:58 It was during his dreadful time that something
16:02 amazing happened. One day, I was going down
16:06 to the river to bathe. When I spotted a basket
16:10 floating in tall reeds. I was curious as to what
16:15 was in this basket? And I ask my maid to
16:18 go and bring the basket to me. When I opened the basket,
16:24 I saw the most beautiful baby inside, I loved this baby
16:30 the minute I saw him. I knew right away,
16:35 that some mother loved this baby very much.
16:40 And was trying everything she could to save her child.
16:46 I couldn't save all the other innocent babies.
16:50 But, I could save this one. I would taken to be my
16:56 very own son. As I was standing near by
17:00 the river, an Israelite girl came up to me and
17:03 offered to give me a nurse for the baby.
17:06 I told her yes, go at once. She returned bringing a kind
17:12 Israelite women. I asked her to nurse the baby
17:16 for me and I would pay her wages to do so.
17:20 I named my little boy Moses, for it means
17:24 drawn from the river. Moses lived with his Israelite
17:29 mother until he grew a little older.
17:32 Now he has come to the palace to live with me.
17:36 My father, the mighty pharaoh has not only accepted
17:41 my little boy, but he is grown to live him just
17:44 as I do. Why? My father is determined
17:48 to make Moses his successor to the throne of Egypt.
17:55 He is to get the best education in all the court of
17:59 pharaoh. I know that Moses will grow up to be a
18:06 great and mighty man. Oh! Dear, Moses
18:12 are you hungry? I thought you might be.
18:16 Why don't we go up the palace and
18:18 get something to eat. Okay.
18:29 Hi, boys and girls. Thank you for joining
18:31 us today, you are just in time my granddaughter Hayley
18:34 is teaching me a new song. I don't know this song
18:37 very well, but she is gonna it teach to me.
18:39 If you don't know it, you can learn it and if you
18:41 already know it, be sure and sing it with her, okay.
18:45 Here's you know how is this key?
18:46 Tan, Tan, Tan, that's okay, let's do it, ready?
18:51 1, 2, 3 Jesus loves me, 1, 2 Jesus loves you,
19:01 2, 3, 4, he loves you more,
19:06 Then you've ever been loved before,
19:10 5, 6, 7 you're going to heaven,
19:15 8, 9 glory divine, 9, 10 that's the end.
19:24 1, 2, 3 Jesus loves me, 1, 2 Jesus loves you,
19:34 2, 3, 4, he loves you more,
19:38 Then you've ever been loved before,
19:43 5, 6, 7 you're going to heaven,
19:48 8, 9 glory divine, 9, 10 that's the end.
19:57 I'm too tired to sing it again.
20:10 Thank you Hayley and Danny for that beautiful fun.
20:13 I'm so glad Jesus loves me aren't you?
20:16 I have a special surprise for today boys and girls.
20:19 But, first I'm gonna check my mailbox and see if I have
20:21 any mail from you. Okay. And I do have some mails
20:25 from you, I'm so excited. I have mail from on
20:29 Canada and from Jamaica and the Mexico and lot's of mail.
20:35 First, I want you to meet two special friends of mine.
20:38 This is Austin, Hi! Austin. Hi! Ms. Brenda.
20:41 Hi! How are you? And Samuel, Samuel
20:43 how are you Samuel? Fine. I'm so excited that both of you
20:48 are here today. Did you come a long way to get here Austin?
20:51 Yeah. yes, you did, didn't you? Well can you tell me,
20:55 what did you do in school that you share Jesus.
20:58 I've to write a letter all by, all by myself.
21:03 You had to write a letter by yourself?
21:05 At school? And what did you say in the letter?
21:08 What did you say about yourself?
21:12 I said he was my favorite characteristic, I said Jesus.
21:20 Jesus, because Jesus is in your heart? Umm! Umm!
21:24 Oh! what did your teacher say when she read the letter?
21:29 She didn't say anything she just read it.
21:32 She just read it, I bet that surprise you didn't it.
21:35 And you know what does it mean to have Jesus in your heart?
21:39 That we happy and to be nice to others
21:41 when they are not nice to you.
21:43 And what is the happy Christian look like?
21:47 What is the happy Christian will like Samuel?
21:49 That's right, happy Christians have a big smile
21:52 on their face, don't they boys and girls.
21:54 Alright, well Samuel can you tell me what is one of the
21:58 ways you do to share Jesus? I'm give money to poor
22:03 people. You do? How do you get that money?
22:11 I take from my penny bank.
22:13 From your penny bank? Would you share your
22:16 home with others too? Yes. Who would you share
22:18 your home with? My friends.
22:21 Your friends. Now are you pretty helpful
22:23 around the house? Yes.
22:24 What you do to help your mom? Cook and clean the house.
22:29 Now when you're cooking what you have to cook?
22:36 Beans and rice. Beans and rice?
22:40 Now do you cook it out? No. No, you don't cook.
22:45 Oh! I can cook a lot. Now you tell me children's
22:50 actions are really important to you.
22:52 What does the Bible say about the children's actions?
23:01 I forget. You forget? That's okay, you say that
23:04 we are known by our actions? Yes. That what you tell
23:06 me, that's right. Yes, we are aren't we?
23:09 Well you know boys and girls, I have some letters from
23:12 you today and like to read some, would you
23:13 like hear some of the letters from some other kids.
23:15 Yeah. I got some nice letters here today.
23:18 What this letter, right here from Jamaica.
23:20 Do you see that stamp right there?
23:22 And it says from Jamaica on it, now hold that for me.
23:27 In this letter let's see what it, that's here, Opp! We have
23:32 picture. Can you hold this picture out for me?
23:35 Okay, Dear Ms. Brenda, I share Jesus by inviting
23:39 my friend to Sabbath school. Please, I'm asking you
23:42 for a book to learn more about Jesus.
23:45 I have a little brother who is three years old and
23:48 I'm six years old. We like watching Kids Time.
23:51 It's my first time writing your friend Samuel.
23:55 Peers, here's the picture of me and Akiva my brother.
23:59 That was nice isn't it? Now put that back in that
24:01 envelope for me? And I'll read another one
24:06 right here and this is from Canada, Ontario.
24:10 Oh! We got some more pictures, two pictures
24:12 each of you can hold up a picture and this one
24:14 we will put that back in here.
24:16 We just do that on it right now. Can you each hold up
24:19 a picture for me? And this says Dear Brenda,
24:21 enclosing, please find a couple of snapshots of
24:25 Chase and his little brother Matthew,
24:27 who is eight months old. Chase helps his mom and dad
24:31 by caring for his little brother.
24:33 Chase is five years old. And we are their great
24:35 grandparents in Canada. They live in Holly Michigan
24:38 two hours away. We have 3ABN in our home and we love
24:42 it. We clean our small church and send all the money
24:45 to 3ABN, it's our little project. We also tape the
24:51 health lectures in Kids Time and pass it on to our
24:53 neighbors. And this is from Eva and Ed.
25:00 Thank you so much for your letter.
25:02 I'm so glad as they are really cute pictures aren't they?
25:06 Can you put those pictures in there for me?
25:08 I think we have time for another one.
25:10 And this one is from Kaley In Edgewood, New Mexico.
25:16 And Kaley says Dear Brenda I'm nine years old and
25:19 I'm in the third grade and I love Kids Time.
25:22 I share Jesus by giving some primary treasures
25:24 and guides to my neighbor Alley.
25:26 She loves reading too and I'm going to try
25:28 getting her to come to church. But, I'm not sure
25:32 when she is going to be here?
25:34 So, I'm praying for her. I'm trying to get some
25:36 some little friends for her too, for her sister.
25:40 Please can I have a Kids Time activity book.
25:42 Thank you so very much, Kaley.
25:45 Well, Kaley yes and I will send you a Kids Time
25:47 activity book and also one of the bookmarks
25:50 for my friend Margie, okay. Can you put that one
25:52 in there for me? And I might have time
25:54 for one more and this one says Dear Brenda,
26:02 my name is Morgan and I share Jesus by
26:04 singing his songs. And this one is from Morgan.
26:08 He doesn't give me his last name and where he is from.
26:10 I didn't get your written address Morgan.
26:12 But, I'm glad you wrote to me, write to me again and send me
26:15 your address, Okay. Well, that's all the time
26:18 we have today boys and girls. And thank you for
26:20 joining me Austin and Samuel. Remember boys and girls
26:23 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17