Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000035
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus. 00:09 It's time to share there's a world out there, 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:19 Kids time, Kids time, kids time. 00:24 Hi boys and girls, I have something here 00:26 I want to show you it's a container for oil, 00:30 you know this belongs to my friend Lola, 00:32 and she let me bring here today 00:34 so that I can show it to you it looks very much like 00:37 those used in Bible times and today we used to keep 00:40 our cooking oil and glass bottles don't we 00:42 or may be plastic bottles that come from the store 00:45 but in Bible times they were no big supermarkets 00:48 or corner grocery stores, Grocers including oil, 00:52 they weren't very easy to get but the people in the Bible 00:56 they did live in a place where olive trees grew and 00:59 almost every hillside and in the valleys 01:02 and because so many hours are available 01:05 people learned to crush the oil from them 01:07 and save it in jars, a little bit like this one. 01:10 Olive oil became very important. 01:14 You know every home used it for cooking 01:16 and since our bread made with 01:18 you know its made from flour and oil, 01:20 and it was the food that they used everyday 01:23 no home maker everyone would run out of oil. 01:25 Sometimes people on Bible times even used oil 01:29 for medicines. They pour little of that on their skin 01:32 and may be there was a sour place on their skin or a wound 01:35 and they used it almost like money too, 01:37 sometimes they traded olive oil 01:39 for other things that they needed. 01:42 Oil plays an important role in our bible story 01:44 Today. Its a story about oil two little boys a poor widow 01:49 and a prophet and oil jars like this one 01:53 became part of a very big miracle. 01:56 Right now, let's listen as Ranger Jim talks to us 02:00 about chipmunks and a baby gray squirrel. 02:11 Hi boys and girls Ranger Jim Snelling 02:13 we are glad that you can join us today. 02:14 We have something special for you to see, 02:16 we have a small chipmunk if you can see in the jar here, 02:20 some people ask me if, I am going to hold in my hands 02:22 and I told that them no that would be like trying to hold 02:24 a buz or something dangerous because he would bite me, 02:27 he is not a pet I trapped him out in our barn last week 02:31 and brought him to show you today and 02:33 chipmunk is a very, very interesting little quitter. 02:36 he has a family of about six children here he is born 02:42 in to and the mother primarily is the caretaker 02:47 of the flock, she doesn't allow the male around 02:50 after the babies are born and so, you will see them 02:53 early in the spring out about this long they are 02:57 and their tail maybe a half inch long 02:59 and they are very, very cute to see running back and forth. 03:02 The chipmunk plucks to build his den in a rock garden 03:06 around a large rock or something like that 03:09 it gathers heat in the winter time and 03:11 it also prepared protection in the summer time, 03:14 the cause into this creature you may see out in your 03:17 yard he is the 13 line ground squirrel 03:20 and he is more yellowish then is the chipmunk as 03:23 you see has a tony color with the right side and this 03:27 a young one and when it gets older 03:29 the colors will be even more a chestnut color. 03:32 The chipmunk has the habit of storing food 03:35 and if you have seen the chipmunk with his pouches 03:38 and chicks all puffed out full of acorns or corn, 03:41 or sunflower seeds you can see that he can carry off 03:44 a tremendous amount or setting out back porch one 03:47 day and counted one chipmunk put 25 sunflower seeds 03:52 in his mouth and carried them away. 03:56 For that reason I like to put a wire or 03:58 something around our sunflower seeds 04:00 so that chipmunk can't carry them all away 04:01 before the birds get them. He also likes to store corn 04:06 and he will find in the fall of the year, 04:08 he will find dried wild grapes 04:10 that have fallen from the trees, 04:11 or wild cherries and anything like that 04:13 they can store, he has a pantry 04:16 and then from his pantry also has a nest area 04:19 or his bad room is. Now, this creature doesn't 04:22 hibernate as some of the other animals do, 04:26 but he goes into a state of torpor 04:28 and that means he can sleep for about five or six weeks 04:31 and awake and go out to his pantry 04:33 and have something to eat go upstairs 04:35 and look out and it's snowy and he goes back 04:37 and has another nap and that's how he spends the winter. 04:40 Now, there is someone else that is closely related 04:43 to them and I happen to have something in my pocket 04:45 I like to show you here I just open up my pocket 04:48 and reach in here and see I can find something else to show you, 04:52 Oh! We have something else here, 04:56 Oh! isn't he cute this is a tiny little Gray squirrel 05:02 and where we are filming it's rather cold 05:05 and I had even my pocket to keep him warm 05:08 and we are not going to give him up very long 05:10 but we wanted to show him to you 05:11 his family was a victim of accident tree 05:14 would fell or someone cut a call tree down 05:17 and his mother and brother, sisters perhaps perished 05:19 but two of them survived and they were brought to 05:23 the place where we are today to care for them. 05:25 And the gray squirrel like the chipmunk 05:28 also stores food but the squirrel the gray squirrel 05:32 has his den in a tree and in the winter months 05:35 when it's cold and the winds blowing and all those nights 05:38 when it be bitter cold outside this gray squirrel 05:41 would be just as comfortable in his den 05:42 as you're in your bed. 05:44 Because in his den he has prepared 05:47 nice soft material and the wood around him protects 05:50 him from the wind and he is just curled up 05:53 and sleeping up the way the cold, cold night 05:56 then during the day he goes out 05:58 and he finds all the different acorns and hickory nuts 06:01 and walnuts and things of that nature that 06:03 he has hidden in the ground and yes it is true that they 06:06 do find most of them they can't remember all 06:08 of them and they don't go back. 06:10 Oh! he is complaining now, 06:13 Okay, can you hear him complaining he is saying 06:16 I am getting old this is enough of his nonsense 06:19 and we agree with you what you say 06:21 the ground squirrel as well as the gray squirrel 06:25 that they locate the nuts they have buried underground 06:28 by the smell, they go out and run along 06:29 with their nose to the ground and they can smell 06:31 the nut undergrounds and that's how they find 06:33 them they don't have a list in their memory 06:35 of all the thousands of nuts and things 06:36 they buried in the ground 06:37 so if it's a tiny little gray squirrel 06:40 or chipmunk boys and girls whatever it is 06:43 and we are going to put this tiny creature back 06:44 where he can be warm and comfortable 06:46 but we serve a wonderful God, 06:48 he provides for every creature 06:50 that he made. So, you remember that boys and girls 06:53 he loves you and he loves me just always 06:55 remember to tell Jesus that we love him 06:57 because he does truly love us. 07:08 Hi boys and Girls. There's lots of things that I think 07:11 might happen. I think it might rain today. Nope. 07:19 I think my favorite baseball team is going 07:21 to win. Nope. 07:26 Now boys and girls there is one thing 07:28 I know, I know Jesus loves me 07:31 the Bible tells me so, right Michelle, 07:35 Right, because Galatians 2:20 says 07:36 I live by the faith in the Son of God 07:39 who loved me and gave himself for me. 07:41 Jesus loves me this I know. 07:48 Jesus loves me! this I know, 07:52 For the Bible tells me so. 07:56 Little ones to Him belong; 08:00 they are weak but He is strong. 08:04 Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! 08:13 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. 08:38 Cristo me ama, Cristo me ama, 08:50 Cristo me ama, La Biblia dice así. 08:53 Cristo me ama, pues murió, Y el Cielo me abrió, 09:44 Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! 09:52 Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so. 10:20 For God so loved the world 10:23 that He gave His only begotten Son, 10:27 that whomsoever would believe in Him 10:35 should not perish, should not perish, 10:37 but they shall have, they shall have 10:40 everlasting life. 10:44 For God so loved the world 10:48 that He gave His only begotten Son, 10:51 that whomsoever believed in Him 10:59 should not perish, should not perish, 11:04 everlasting life, For God so loved the world 11:12 that He gave His only begotten Son, 11:16 that whomsoever would believed in Him 11:23 but they shall have, they shall have everlasting life. 11:34 For God so loved the world 11:48 What all this empty oil pots and to think just a few 11:55 hours ago they were filled with oil 11:58 but the most amazing thing is they were all filled with oil 12:03 from my own little oil pot, this little oil pot 12:08 right here, I know its hard to believe, 12:11 I might not believed it myself if I 12:13 haven't seen it seen it with my own eyes, 12:15 oh! look my two sons have returned 12:19 excuse me for just a minute 12:21 I am so curious I want to see 12:23 if they were able to sell the last of the oil, 12:26 sons were you able to sell the last of the oil 12:30 yes mother we sold it all because it is so good 12:33 mother we sold all the oil, Oh! Praise God. 12:37 Sons why don't you sit down here for just a minute 12:41 so that I can tell all the boys and girls 12:44 our story from the beginning. 12:46 You see a short time ago, my husband became sick 12:52 he became so sick that he died. 12:57 My sons and I were so sad but what was to 13:01 make matters worse, my husband owed 13:07 so much money that the people he owed the money to 13:10 wanted to take my sons from me. 13:14 My husband's debt I didn't think I would ever 13:19 be able to pay, you know a debt 13:22 is when you owe money, owe people money 13:24 and my husband owned so much that even the people 13:29 he owned to money too didn't think I will be able to pay, 13:32 you know they wanted to do, they were going to come 13:35 and take my sons and make my sons their slaves 13:40 I couldn't let this happen, I couldn't let them to take 13:43 my sons from me. I ran right away 13:48 to Prophet Elisha and I told him my sad story 13:52 and he looked at me and he said 13:55 what would you have me to do and then he said 14:00 what do you have in your house. 14:03 I thought about our little house 14:07 we were so poor why we have nothing 14:10 and I told the Prophet I said we have nothing 14:15 except this little pot of oil. 14:18 So he told me go home and go to all my neighbors 14:23 and borrow every empty pot and every empty vessel 14:27 that I could and when we had gotten 14:30 all the empty pots that we possibly find 14:34 he wanted us to go into our house and 14:37 shut the door then he instructed me 14:40 to take my little pot and fill all the empty pots. 14:48 So, I looked at the Prophet and I thought, 14:53 how could this be, how could something like that happen 14:59 but you know I loved the god in heaven 15:03 and I believe that prophet Elisha is a true prophet 15:08 and so I went home as fast as I could 15:12 and my sons and I did exactly 15:16 what prophet Elisha told us to do. 15:18 We went to the neighbors and we picked every 15:22 vessel and empty pot that we could find 15:26 and when could not find anymore we went into 15:30 our house and we closed the door 15:32 just as prophet Elisha told us to. 15:35 Then I took my little vessel and 15:39 I took my oil pot and I began to pour 15:42 into the first empty pot, I have filled up. 15:48 So, I took my oil pot and I went to the 15:50 next one and the next one and another, 15:55 and another until I was down to the very 15:58 last oil pot and when I had filled 16:03 the last oil pot, the oil stopped flowing. 16:07 I was so excited you can imagine 16:11 we could hardly believe what had just happen 16:14 and I told my sons watch this precious oil 16:18 and I ran as fast as could to Prophet Elisha 16:21 and I told him what had happen and he looked at me 16:25 and he said now, go and sell all the oil 16:30 and use that money to pay your debtors 16:34 and when you have paid all your debts 16:38 you and yours sons may keep the money 16:41 that's left over for you and your sons to live on. 16:45 So you can see why I am so excited that 16:47 they sold the last of the oil, 16:50 for now we have paid of all our debtors 16:53 and we have money to live on. 16:55 God is so good, I am so glad 16:59 that we had the faith in god to do 17:03 what the prophet told us to do. 17:06 You know boys and girls god cares about you 17:10 just like he cares about me and my sons. 17:13 Whenever you have a problem it doesn't matter 17:18 how small the problem maybe or how big the problem is. 17:22 God will help you take your problem to God 17:27 and I know that God will help you, because God 17:33 loves each and everyone of you. 17:47 Life without Jesus, Is like a donut, 17:51 Like a donut, Like a donut. 17:55 Life without jesus is like a donut, 17:59 Coz there's a hole in the middle of your heart! 18:04 It might be okay for a while, then the truth will 18:09 wipe away your smile! 18:11 There's something sad inside me I can't control, 18:14 When I think about a donut hole! 18:18 Life without Jesus, is like sun without the Bibles, 18:23 sun without the Bibles, sun without the Bibles, 18:27 Life without Jesus is sun without the Bibles, 18:31 Life takes flat and full of troubles. 18:35 You might shake it up for a while 18:39 then the truth will wipe away your smile. 18:43 So, they goes flat in the air by taking a dream from 18:49 Jesus and you'll never thirsty again. 18:52 Life without Jesus, is like a donut, 18:55 like a donut, like a donut, 18:59 Life without Jesus, is like a donut, 19:03 oh, there is a hole in the middle of your heart! 19:07 Life without Jesus, is like a donut, 19:11 like a donut, like a donut, 19:15 Life without Jesus, is like a donut, 19:19 there's a hole in the middle of your heart. 19:33 Thank you, Emily for that song. 19:35 Life without Jesus does leave a hole in your 19:37 heart doesn't it. 19:38 Oh!, right now, I am seating here, 19:40 waiting for a special friend to arrive 19:41 and here she is right now you can wait 19:44 we will meet her, I think, Kendra come on in, 19:48 Oh! I am so glad that you came. 19:51 Now would can you tell the boys and girls 19:54 where did you came from? Baldwin, Michigan. 19:56 Baldwin, Michigan, now how long did that take 19:59 to you to get here. Nine and half hours, 20:01 Nine and half hours long hours is that. 20:04 Well, once you go ahead and have a seat on the bench 20:06 over their and check the mail here quick. 20:09 I got some letters in here boys and girls. 20:11 But before we read the letters to you, 20:14 I would like to just visit with Kendra a little bit. 20:17 Kendra you come a long way to take kids time 20:20 and so, glad you are here today. 20:21 But, can you tell me something? I would like 20:23 to ask you a personal question, is that okay? 20:26 Yeah, what does Jesus mean to you? 20:28 Jesus means a lot to me. I would like to spend 20:32 time with him now, he really enters my prayers 20:37 and now that I have come close to him. 20:40 He is really showing me a lot of things 20:42 that I never knew before. 20:44 Praise the lord, you spend time with him 20:47 everyday do you worship god with special everyday. 20:52 Well, to tell the truth not everyday 20:54 but some day yeah when I have time. 20:58 Would you pray everyday? Yeah. 21:00 You pray everyday and Sunday days she takes 21:03 a little of extra time and have a little more worship 21:05 Yeah, that's good, 21:07 is that more time we spend with Jesus boys and girls 21:09 the closer we become to Jesus, isn't that right? 21:12 Yeah, and that's important. 21:13 Now you told me, you had a special 21:17 answer to prayer story to tell me about. 21:19 Now, something happened with your wallet, 21:21 yeah! then tell me a little bit about that, 21:24 one day I went the store and my mom took me 21:28 and I wanted to buy something so I took my own wallets 21:32 so, she even have to buy something for me 21:34 and when I stepped out the car, 21:36 my wallet dropped out of my pocket 21:38 and I picked it right back in the same pocket 21:41 and I walked into the store and we were there 21:45 for a little bit and we were about to leave 21:47 and wanted to play this game. So, I went 21:51 to reach into my pocket and my wallet wasn't there 21:54 and I turned my pockets inside out and I checked 21:57 all my pockets, I couldn't find it. 22:00 That must have really worried you that, 22:03 that makes you feel kind like a panic feeling doesn't it, 22:05 yeah. So, what did you do? 22:06 Well, my mom was talking to me 22:09 about how she had warn me not to take my wallet 22:12 can something might happen like that 22:14 and so when we were driving home 22:17 I said a special prayer to myself and 22:20 I ask Jesus to please help me 22:22 find my wallet and when I got home 22:24 I found my wallet laying underneath the 22:27 bar steel chair. Oh! 22:30 Praise the Lord and did you have a 22:31 good thank you for afterwards. Yes, 22:33 I was very thankful that's important 22:35 to you isn't it, yeah that's wonderful. 22:38 Now, I understand that are you also 22:41 have a talent to use to use Jesus. 22:42 what is that? Singing, 22:44 you love to sing? Do you have any 22:46 favorite songs that you like? Yeah 22:50 song Jesus loves me and shine into my heart 22:56 and a lot of songs like that. 22:58 Would you like to come and sing on kids time sometime? 23:00 Yeah, I would like that. Well, I would like 23:03 you to come back, when we talk to your mum and dad 23:05 maybe you can come back and sing for us. 23:07 Wouldn't that be nice boys and girls, 23:08 I love to have Kendra come back 23:10 and sing for us on Kids time, 23:12 And be in our praise time. I'd like that, 23:15 you also had a answer to prayer story 23:17 didn't you when your praying for kitten your cat. 23:21 Yeah, my cat was pregnant and 23:23 we knew it for quite a long time 23:26 and one morning my mom said 23:29 I have some good news and I have some bad news 23:32 and she told the good new first, 23:34 she told me that Kalka had her kittens 23:37 and I was really happy but the bad news was 23:40 that two of them died and I was heart broken 23:44 because of course, I was really waiting for these 23:46 kittens to comes and I so said a prayer 23:49 that the Lord word on, help her to at least have 23:54 one so later that day, when I went outside 23:58 and because I had to feed my rabbit and I heard 24:01 all this little screechy noises so I followed 24:05 the sound where it was coming from 24:07 and looked under boards there was a 24:09 little kitten from my cat. 24:12 Oh! And what did you do? 24:14 when you saw that kitten I was so happy 24:16 I just wanted to touch it but my brother 24:18 told me, he told me about it 24:21 but I couldn't touch it because it 24:23 was too small. Too small 24:24 but did you have a thank you prayer? 24:26 Yeah, boys and girls when 24:27 Jesus answers your prayer we need to make sure 24:29 we say thank you it's always important 24:32 you know when you do something nice 24:34 you like to have someone say thank you to you don't you. 24:36 So, its nice just if to remember 24:38 that when Jesus answers our prayer 24:40 always say thank you. 24:41 That's really important, 24:43 well, did you like help me read a couple of letters. 24:45 Sure, well, this one from Rachel 24:48 from Thompsonville, Illinois, and read that one. 24:51 So many are loved to written the letters, 25:00 Oh! And you know that we have a picture, 25:02 I will show the picture and you read the letter. 25:04 Dear Brenda, my name is Rachel, 25:06 I am seven years old and I have a cat 25:09 and two fish named Hannah, Goldie 25:12 to make others happy I like to draw picture 25:15 watching the birds and animals 25:17 help me now Jesus. 25:18 I love him very much Rachel. 25:21 Oh! That's it, we had a picture 25:22 right here two in the Rachel drew 25:25 and look over here, I think this is 25:27 her house and has door and a back door 25:31 maybe this a picture of Rachel down here. 25:33 Isn't that pretty, that's nice 25:36 and we have a time for one more letter here. 25:38 What that? You got to letter this letters, 25:43 who what you read another one how is that? 25:44 How is this one over here this one is a kind 25:48 of a hard one to read little bit. 25:49 Dear Brenda, my name is Timothy, 25:52 I like to watch kids time everytime kids time 25:55 is on I watch it like sharing the love of god 25:59 I have two brothers and one sister 26:01 their name are Kitty, Nathan and Bryan, 26:05 I love them. Timothy, 26:07 Timothy is from Rice, Washington, 26:11 Thank you, Timothy for that letter 26:13 and I am glad you love sharing the love of God 26:15 that's either two unfortunately Timothy 26:18 send me a picture but he xeroxed the picture 26:20 it won't show upon camera. 26:21 So, boys and girls remember we need 26:23 the real pictures to show your picture on camera. 26:26 Thank you, Timothy for that letter, 26:27 and I would like to thank you Kendra 26:29 for joining me today and sharing time 26:31 and coming on that way their was a long drive wasn't it. 26:33 Yeah it was but you see I can tell you 26:36 really like Jesus and I want to thank you for being here. 26:39 Boys and girls I encourage you to share Jesus 26:41 with someone today because remember 26:44 boys and girls its kids time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17