Kids' Time

Serving Jesus, Our Savior

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000031

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids time Kids time Kids time Kids time
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. Can you read this sign?
00:27 It's a big word, isn't it,
00:28 and one that we probably don't hear very often.
00:31 It says, 'Quarantined, Do Not Enter.'
00:36 You know, quarantined means that you have to be separated
00:38 from other people because of sickness.
00:40 And today we have vaccinations for most contagious diseases.
00:44 Diseases that are passed easily
00:46 from one person to another
00:48 and that's so that we're protected
00:49 from many sicknesses.
00:51 But it wasn't so very long ago
00:53 when if you had the measles or scarlet fever either mumps,
00:57 you would be quarantined.
00:59 And that means, that you would be in a room
01:01 either in a hospital or at home
01:03 with a big sign on the door like this, 'Quarantined.'
01:07 Only the doctor and the person taking care of you,
01:10 maybe the nurse or your mother could come near you.
01:13 And they had to wear mask like this over the faces,
01:16 so that they wouldn't breathe in all your germs.
01:19 And it wasn't much fun to be quarantined.
01:22 It was very lonely.
01:23 You had nobody to talk to or play games with and,
01:27 you know what, you would feel like you are so alone
01:30 and everybody had forgotten all about you.
01:34 Well today's Bible story, tells about women,
01:36 who had to be quarantined.
01:38 Separated from other people
01:40 because of this very contagious disease,
01:43 a dreaded disease called leprosy.
01:46 But she didn't get this disease in the usual way.
01:50 And unlike other people who became lepers,
01:52 she found a happy ending to her story.
01:56 Listen carefully for the woman's name
01:57 as you hear our Bible story today.
01:59 I'm not gonna tell you.
02:00 You're gonna have to listen for it, okay.
02:03 But before we hear our story,
02:04 Ranger Jim is going to show us some beautiful peacock.
02:15 Hi, boys and girls.
02:16 Ranger Jim here again,
02:18 we have something special for you to see today
02:20 that beautiful but obnoxious peacock.
02:23 They are a fascinating creature,
02:24 beautiful as I say but they can be very distressing.
02:28 If you have a neighbor who has peacocks
02:30 when they're mating or when they're flying up
02:32 to the roost in the evening they've a call that sounds
02:35 almost like someone is screaming for help.
02:37 Over and over and over they call.
02:40 These creatures, the peacock himself what he displays,
02:43 he has beautiful long feathers
02:45 and when he wants to attract the hen,
02:46 he fans out his feathers.
02:48 If you have seen them they are gorgeous.
02:50 And then he begins to stamp his feet
02:52 and shake his feathers.
02:53 It has a rustling sound
02:55 and so this attracts the female.
02:57 The peacock doesn't do this
03:00 until he's normally about three or four years old
03:02 when he's fully mature and about the same age
03:04 the peahen when she is three years old,
03:06 she is old enough then to lay eggs.
03:09 She once again as one of those creatures
03:10 that lays a decoy egg.
03:12 Out in the open she places an egg
03:14 and then she observes that from time to time
03:17 to see that a raccoon hasn't found it
03:19 or something like that.
03:20 And when she has safely left an egg out,
03:22 expose out in the open for three or four days.
03:25 Then she knows it's safe to build her nest.
03:27 And her nest really consist
03:28 of just a depression in the soil.
03:30 She scrapes the dirt away.
03:32 Lays four to sometimes six eggs
03:34 and sits on the clutch of eggs.
03:37 After hatching then the peachicks
03:39 follow the mother and they go about
03:41 and she uses her big feet for scratching in the ground
03:44 and disturbing crickets and grubs
03:45 and all sorts of things that they feed on.
03:48 They do enjoy berries, wild grapes
03:51 and things that fall to the ground.
03:53 The peacocks where hunted for many years for their feathers.
03:58 And that is the very poignant thing for me.
04:00 I can tell you that for many years
04:03 I was trained as hunting when I was on fishing,
04:07 when I was a younger boy my father taught me to trap.
04:10 And when I look back now
04:11 and think of some of the things
04:12 that we did to capture animals just for their fur.
04:16 That is very repugnant to me.
04:18 I'm so thankful that Jesus came into my life
04:20 and changed how I look at those creatures.
04:22 And now I love them and I love to go
04:24 and tell boys and girls about them.
04:26 So all of these creatures God made for us
04:28 to see and enjoy
04:29 and I'm sure if I've talked to you much
04:31 before I've mentioned it to you
04:33 that all of these creatures
04:35 we're to love and respect and to care for.
04:37 So if you have a pet make sure
04:39 that you take good care of the pet.
04:41 So remember this as I always say,
04:44 Ranger Jim once again reminding you
04:47 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him.
04:49 Because He really does, love you.
04:58 Hi, boys and girls.
05:00 Usually we do one song for you.
05:02 But this time, we're gonna try to do four songs,
05:04 just called the Medley.
05:06 But to do four songs,
05:07 we're sure gonna need a good text.
05:08 Leslie, do you have one for us?
05:10 "I will be glad and rejoice in thee,
05:12 I will sing praise to thy name,
05:14 O thou most High." Psalms 9:2.
05:17 I'm gonna sing,
05:18 I'm gonna shout praise the Lord.
05:24 I'm gonna sing sing, sing
05:26 I'm gonna shout shout, shout
05:28 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
05:30 Praise the Lord
05:32 When those gates are open wide
05:34 I'm gonna sit at Jesus' side
05:36 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
05:38 Praise the Lord
05:40 Swing low sweet chariot
05:45 Coming forth to carry me home
05:48 Swing low sweet chariot
05:52 Coming forth to carry me home
05:58 O, when the saints go marching in
06:01 O, when the saints go marching in
06:05 How I want to be in that number
06:09 When the saints go marching in
06:14 This train is bound for glory This train, hhwwooo hhwwooo
06:18 This train is bound for glory This train hhwwooo hhwwooo
06:21 This train is bound for glory Those who ride it must be holy
06:25 This train is bound for glory This train hhwwooo hhwwooo
06:28 I'm gonna sing sing sing
06:30 I'm gonna shout shout shout
06:32 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
06:34 Praise the Lord
06:36 When those gates are opened wide
06:37 I'm gonna sit at Jesus' side
06:39 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
06:41 Praise the Lord
06:43 I'm gonna sing I'm gonna shout
06:45 Praise the Lord.
06:54 Well, our kids are in the kitchen.
06:56 They are who?
06:57 Guielle. Guielle.
06:58 And I'm Deshon. Deshon.
07:00 What you guys fixing today?
07:02 A zoo animal in a cage.
07:08 Mine is an owl. An owl, okay.
07:10 Well I guess you can go ahead and get started.
07:11 Guess me look at the recipe. Yes.
07:14 Deshon, you want to you read for us? Yes.
07:42 Deshon, how many crackers are there?
07:44 That is 2--
07:46 Four? Yeah, 4 crackers.
07:48 Oh 4, okay you said just some rich crackers.
07:49 I was wondering.
07:51 That's 4 crackers. Okay.
07:52 well I guess you can go ahead show what's going on.
07:54 Are you gonna show the children
07:55 what's happening? Yes.
07:59 First you need to get an orange sliced
08:03 and there's parsley in it.
08:05 You need to put the parsley in it.
08:08 And you need to--
08:12 Put the toothpicks on. Yes. Toothpicks on it--
08:13 You should be careful of those toothpicks
08:15 that has got points on it.
08:16 Yes, they're sharp. Okay, all right.
08:19 And then what you gonna do then?
08:21 Well, you need to get your banana.
08:24 Put cream on it. You're gonna put.
08:27 Oh you're doing something different, huh, Guielle?
08:29 All right you're gonna put cream on that banana.
08:30 Yes. Go ahead.
08:32 All right, what else is happening with you there
08:33 while she's doing that.
08:35 Oh, I'm making a morsel,
08:36 I'm gonna put the two sliced almonds on for the ears.
08:42 Just stick it in the banana. All right.
08:46 And you don't-- oh you got
08:47 a good real good job, don't you?
08:49 Yeah and I'm gonna put cream all over it.
08:51 All over that banana.
08:54 Okay then what else is happening here?
08:55 Well, now, I'm putting the nose on my mouth.
08:58 Okay, are you gonna-- On my mouth.
09:00 let's stick around there, you could have
09:01 the Liberte Cream Cheese.
09:02 Yes, I'm gonna use it. All right.
09:06 Oh Guielle, look at you, girl.
09:11 Okay--where that-- is that gonna go
09:12 where you gonna do with that.
09:14 After you get done, huh?
09:15 Put in the bag. This bag right here?
09:18 Yes. You want me to help you?
09:20 I guess. Okay.
09:23 You wanna wipe your hands.
09:25 This smells good to me.
09:26 Does it smell good? Yes. All right.
09:29 Okay what you gonna do with this?
09:31 Shake it up? Shake it up.
09:33 Let me see you shake it up.
09:35 All right close it up and shake it,
09:38 shake it, shake it.
09:41 All right and then you gonna make sure
09:43 you cover the whole thing, huh.
09:45 And how you doing over there?
09:46 Oh I'm doing there, I'm getting trouble
09:48 and trouble with this raisin.
09:50 Why the raisin doesn't want to go in eyes.
09:52 Well, that's for his eyes? Yes.
09:55 Okay and then we gonna put that almond there. All right.
09:57 Then what you gonna do, you're gonna take that out, Guielle,
10:00 and get those eyes and stuff on as well.
10:01 I'll move your cream cheese over to the side.
10:03 You know what, you want to try
10:04 use Liberte cream cheese on yours
10:06 as the ears going in pretty good. Yes.
10:08 You got this, all right. Okay.
10:10 Oh we got pull a bit of crumble.
10:12 Little more shaky.
10:14 Shaky, shaky, okay all right. Now let's see if it's ready.
10:18 You want to use a little bit of that.
10:19 All right, let's see.
10:20 That should be ready come out of here.
10:22 This is one of them sticky thing, all right.
10:24 Yes, it's a lot messy.
10:26 Okay, what you gonna do now.
10:28 Guille, what you gonna do yours,
10:30 you gonna make some what.
10:31 Put eyes on it and stuff. Yes.
10:33 All right, go ahead.
10:35 What that we are using, carrots?
10:37 Yes. Okay, go ahead.
10:39 Let's stick that carrot on there. Okay--
10:41 Now it's my mouth I'll put it in.
10:43 Hey, I know, is that enough without viscous? Yes.
10:47 You got viscous? No.
10:48 Oh when do you need some viscous.
10:49 Down here, tell us, there you go. All right.
10:55 That now has a--you wanna put Liberte cream cheese on it
10:57 all that down.
10:58 What do you think? Yeah.
11:00 Ask your brother he can give you a little bit of that.
11:02 Cream cheese. Cream cheese.
11:04 Cream cheese-- You would like some cream cheese?
11:05 Here you go. Thank you.
11:08 All right.
11:09 You're gonna put that on there.
11:11 And we're running out of time so,
11:12 you know, we got to hurry this up.
11:13 Get those animals in the cage, huh?
11:16 All right. Okay.
11:19 All right, okay stick your carrot on there.
11:21 And you got your viscous coming up.
11:24 Okay what you gonna--you gonna put something on that.
11:26 You'll put some more creams cheese on it.
11:27 Is that raisins? Yes.
11:29 Okay, now stick the raisins on here too.
11:33 And how you come up with that.
11:34 All right, you have to put them on in the cage,
11:37 because we're running out of time.
11:38 And we want the boys and girls to know that
11:41 this is not really a hard thing to do
11:43 but it's kind of messy. Yes, it is.
11:47 Okay, let's get it in here
11:48 because it's time for us to bring on show to and end.
11:51 And we wanna see that animal inside that cage,
11:53 stick it on in there.
11:55 All right. All right.
11:57 And then, you're gonna put your top on. Yes.
12:00 Okay, top on.
12:04 Wow, that is so neat.
12:07 I guess not only can children eat that,
12:10 that I guess grownups can eat that too.
12:11 That's a salad, huh.
12:14 That's neat. Yes, you see--
12:16 All right. Wow--
12:18 Okay I can't wait to eat it, really.
12:19 You can't wait to eat it, huh?
12:22 This really looks good.
12:24 Well, you know our time is up.
12:25 And so we want to tell all the other
12:26 boys and girls, what?
12:28 Remember to keep cooking and eat healthy.
12:43 Oh, hello, friends.
12:47 Now I've been thinking a lot about all the things
12:49 that have happened to me in my life.
12:51 Let me share some of them with you.
12:53 I was my parents' only child
12:55 until I was nearly nine years old.
12:57 They taught me to love God
12:59 and to be honest and obedient.
13:01 They told me over and over all the stories of my people.
13:05 My mother was such a good storyteller
13:07 and I loved to listen to her stories.
13:10 Then when I was nine years old,
13:12 a dear little baby boy was born into our family.
13:15 I was old enough to take care of him
13:17 and my parents had to go to work.
13:19 They worked long hard hours in the hot sun.
13:23 My little brother was about three years old,
13:26 another precious baby was joined our family.
13:29 How I loved my two little brothers.
13:32 The ruler of our country where we lived was a cruel man.
13:36 About the time that second baby boy joined our family
13:39 that wrecked ruler made an awful dreadful rule.
13:43 He decreed that he didn't like it
13:45 because there were too many babies
13:47 being born amongst our people.
13:49 And so he ordered his soldiers to kill all the baby boys.
13:54 You see we'd been slaves
13:56 in that country of Egypt for many years.
13:59 God bless to see many rising.
14:01 But we were very unhappy
14:02 and we wanted to return to the Land of Canaan
14:05 which was really our home.
14:07 The wicked ruler wanted us to always be his slaves
14:11 and when he learned that my people were having babies
14:14 he was afraid that we might takeover his country.
14:18 So that's why he wanted all the baby boys killed.
14:21 We where so scared.
14:23 Daddy would come home from work
14:25 looking so terribly worried and big brother would say,
14:28 "mommy why you always crying?"
14:32 "And she would say, shh shh,"
14:34 don't let the baby cry.
14:36 He was a beautiful baby and he didn't cry very much.
14:40 Mommy thought that he was a very special baby
14:42 and he, he really was.
14:44 But we didn't dare let him cry.
14:46 It was too dangerous.
14:48 I spent a lot of time rocking him
14:50 and holding him and trying to hide him.
14:54 Finally mama couldn't stand it any longer.
14:56 She prayed a lot about it
14:59 and then she asked me to go to the rivers edge
15:01 and cut some reeds.
15:03 And mama wove with those reeds,
15:05 wove a little basket
15:07 and she lined it with some soft, soft material
15:10 and she covered the outside of it
15:12 with pitch to keep it from leaking.
15:15 The next morning very early she nursed my baby brother
15:19 and after he was asleep she put him in the basket
15:22 and placed him among the reeds by the river.
15:26 I hid behind some bushes nearby
15:28 to watch my little brother and keep him safe.
15:33 The wicked king's daughter the princess
15:35 came with her servants to take a bath in the river.
15:38 She saw the basket in the river
15:40 and said one of her servants to get it.
15:42 When she opened the basket
15:44 and saw my beautiful baby brother she was so happy.
15:48 God helped me to be brave and I ran and ask her
15:51 if she would like to have someone to take care of him.
15:54 Because she said she wanted to keep him
15:55 for her own son.
15:57 She let me go and get our own mother
16:00 to take care of our baby.
16:02 He stayed with us for 12 years.
16:04 And then the princess took him to the palace.
16:07 He grew up to be Moses,
16:09 the one who led our people out of Egypt.
16:14 A lot of interest things happened
16:16 before we could leave Egypt.
16:18 God made a lot of miracles to happen
16:21 and then Moses let us out of Egypt.
16:24 We had to cross the Red Sea.
16:26 Huge river, river water
16:28 and that was another exciting story.
16:31 God caused the Red Sea to part
16:33 so we could all go across.
16:36 Pharaoh was following with his horses
16:38 and his soldiers.
16:40 But when we were all across the waters parted again
16:44 or they came together
16:46 and drowned pharaoh and his soldiers.
16:49 We were so happy
16:51 that we didn't have to worry about wicked pharaoh any more
16:54 with my tambourine
16:55 I led the women in joyful praises to God
16:58 with singing and dancing.
17:00 They called me the first woman prophetess.
17:03 During the years of slavery,
17:05 when we were in the wilderness
17:07 I encouraged and cheered the women
17:09 with our songs and dances of praise.
17:13 I'm not very proud of what I did later.
17:16 I became very jealous of Moses.
17:19 Aaron my other brother and I
17:21 both thought that we should have
17:22 one partner leadership with the people.
17:24 I said why should Moses listen to his foreign wife, Sephora.
17:29 I know more than she does.
17:31 I was rebellious and angry.
17:34 I let Satan into my life and instead of God.
17:37 I talked to many others into joining me
17:39 into my naughty thinking and talking.
17:42 God knew that because I was a leader
17:45 I would not be able to help others.
17:47 And then I would cause all kinds of trouble in the camp.
17:50 I was punished right away with a horrible punishment.
17:54 I got white spots, soars from leprosy all over me.
17:59 Leprosy is a dreadful disease,
18:01 it causes people who get it,
18:03 to lose their fingers and their toes
18:05 and sometimes their nose and their ears.
18:08 Whenever someone gets leprosy, they're sent away from home.
18:12 They have to live with other lepers
18:14 and no one is even allowed to go near them.
18:18 Right away my younger brother Moses
18:20 who still loved me pleaded with God
18:22 to spare my life and heal me.
18:25 God said, yes to Moses request and I was healed right then.
18:30 But the priest said that I had to be alone
18:32 outside of camp for seven days
18:35 until he was sure that I did not have leprosy anymore.
18:39 The truth is that I was not really all alone,
18:42 God had said, I will never leave you or forsake you.
18:46 So I knew that God was with me
18:48 during those seven lonely days away from the camp.
18:52 Then I was able to go back to the camp
18:55 and do the things that God wanted me to do.
18:58 He let me lead the people again,
19:00 enjoy His singing and praising Him again.
19:04 Whenever you hear my name Merriam,
19:08 I hope you will remember the time
19:10 that God helped me save baby Moses life
19:12 when mama had to put him
19:13 in the little basket in the river.
19:16 If you think of what I did when I was old
19:19 I hope you will remember that even though
19:21 I did something wrong God still loved me
19:25 and was with me and forgave me.
19:27 And He will do that for you too,
19:30 just as He did for me.
19:51 There'll be no band-aids in heaven
19:55 No emergency medical care
19:58 There'll be no skinned knees no stings from bees
20:02 There'll be no band-aids up there
20:06 I was out riding my bike one day
20:10 Zooming over the ground
20:14 Then I hit a bump and I went ker-plunk
20:18 And I hope there's a band-aid around
20:21 There'll be no band-aids in heaven
20:25 No emergency medical care
20:29 There'll be no skinned knees no stings from bees
20:33 There'll be no band-aids up there
20:37 I was out playing with a few close friends
20:41 Riley, Samantha and Gennie
20:44 But they didn't see when I skinned my knee
20:48 And I needed instant strip
20:52 There'll be no band-aids in heaven
20:56 No emergency medical care
21:00 There'll be no skinned knees no stings from bees
21:04 There'll be no band-aids up there
21:08 I was out in my backyard
21:16 picking flowers for mom
21:21 Then I heard a buzz, an awful fuzz
21:28 Where did that bee come from?
21:32 There'll be no band-aids in heaven
21:36 No emergency medical care
21:39 There'll be no skinned knees no stings from bees
21:43 There'll be no band-aids up there
21:47 There'll be no band-aids up there.
22:05 Thank you Emilee, for singing that band-aid song.
22:08 Boys and girls, you might remember earlier,
22:09 Emilee was on Sharing Time with me
22:11 and she told me how could sing
22:13 about that band-aid song and she did comeback
22:15 and so she could sing it for you.
22:16 So thank you, Emilee.
22:17 Well right now we have mailbox time
22:20 and I'm gonna see if we have any letters.
22:22 We've quite a few letters today.
22:25 And--oh, I'm excited to get your letters boys and girls.
22:28 And I want to introduce you
22:30 before I read the letters to you.
22:32 I want to introduce to a special guest
22:33 I have with me today.
22:35 And I like you to meet Michelle.
22:36 Hi, Michelle. Hello.
22:38 Thank you for joining me on Sharing Time.
22:40 And you say hi to the boys and girls. Hello.
22:44 Well, I asked you to join me today
22:45 because you had a really nice way of Sharing Jesus
22:49 that I-- that was very special.
22:50 Could you tell the boys and girls at home about that.
22:53 Yes, well I like to take little books and pamphlets
22:59 and when I meet somebody--
23:00 Now what kind of books and pamphlets are these?
23:03 Well, they tell about Jesus and the Sabbath
23:06 and when people die what happens
23:09 and things like that.
23:11 And so-- And all about the Jesus?
23:13 Right, all about the Jesus.
23:15 And so when I meet somebody
23:17 like I did one time at a bus station,
23:20 this man was there and he helped us with the packets
23:23 that we were going to make.
23:25 And so I gave him some books
23:28 and so when I meet people
23:29 like that I like to give them books.
23:32 I say well like what do you like to do?
23:36 Like I did one time at my aunts house
23:38 and she and they had a friend there
23:42 and so I asked what he liked to do?
23:44 And I was praying that he would ask me
23:46 what I like to do, so that I could say I like to read.
23:49 Did he ask you? Yes, he asked me.
23:51 And so I asked him what he liked to do
23:55 and he said, read.
23:56 And so I gave him some books to read.
24:00 And I prayed that Jesus would like bless the books
24:05 so that they could help him and then today
24:10 somebody came to our house
24:12 and they were selling some books and so--
24:16 That were they these kind of books?
24:17 No, not these kinds of books. No.
24:18 But they like to read
24:20 and so since they liked to read I said,
24:23 well here are some books.
24:25 And that was good.
24:26 And so it really looked like
24:27 got I gave them the books and so--
24:31 Now do you, now how-- you can't carry that basket
24:33 around with you everywhere you go. No.
24:35 You just carry that basket around, what do you do.
24:37 Well, I carry them in my purse. Like these.
24:39 You put all those in your purse.
24:41 No just a few like this.
24:43 And then when I meet somebody I give it to them
24:46 and they I just say I hope you enjoy it
24:50 and I pray that Jesus will bless them
24:53 so they will learn about Him.
24:55 And sometimes when I go to a store for something
24:59 I'll take some and I just lay them
25:01 like in a phone booth or whatever
25:03 and I pray that Jesus will watch over them
25:07 so that people don't just like throw them away
25:09 or something cleaning.
25:10 And so I've done that several times.
25:12 Well if that was important when we do God's work,
25:15 boys and girls, that we all always pray and ask
25:17 Jesus to bless with what we do, isn't it.
25:19 So sounds like you do that.
25:21 And I'm really proud of you
25:22 and I know Jesus will bless your work
25:24 because you're doing a great job for Him.
25:28 Well, I think we have time
25:29 for just maybe one or two letters.
25:31 Let me see this one is,
25:32 you wanna read where that's from?
25:35 You know--oh we've got a letter. It's from.
25:38 Oh I know it's Guatemala, right there.
25:41 Okay and this is the picture of
25:43 let's see who've written to us.
25:45 Dear Brenda, I'm Angelina.
25:46 And I'm eight years old
25:48 and my parents and I are from Guatemala.
25:51 I've two brothers one is Francisco and other is Junior.
25:55 And he's 14 years old and sings in church.
25:57 I hope you get this letter. Sincerely, Angelina.
26:00 I love Kids Time. Thank you, Angelina.
26:04 I'm glad you wrote to us, and I'll make you sure
26:06 I send you a Kids Time Activity Book.
26:08 Well, that is all that time we have today, boys and girls.
26:10 Thank you, Michelle, so much for coming
26:12 and being on Kids Time and sharing your story
26:14 of how you share Jesus.
26:16 And boys and girls, wherever you are,
26:18 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17