Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000030
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time Kids Time, Kids Time 00:24 Hi, boys and girls. 00:26 I'm sure, you know, what I am holding 00:27 in my hand, don't you? 00:29 Yes, it's a match. 00:31 Matches aren't very big, see how small that is, 00:34 but they can be very powerful. 00:36 Watch and I'll show you. 00:37 I don't want you to try this at home boys and girls. 00:40 You never ever play with matches, 00:42 this is something that your mom or your dad 00:43 or an adult needs to do, okay? 00:45 But watch right now, I'm gonna strike this match 00:48 and what do I have, can you see that? 00:52 Just like that I have fire. 00:55 And if you look really closer 00:56 you can see that the fire is slowly burning up the match 01:01 and it's burning the wood as it goes. 01:04 Now if I don't blow this out quickly, 01:06 the fire will reach my fingers and ooh that would hurt, 01:09 so I blow that out, just like that. 01:14 I am glad, I blew that match out in time, 01:16 I wouldn't want to get my fingers burnt. 01:19 Fire is often used for good and useful things. 01:21 It makes engines run, that's right 01:24 and it keeps people warm 01:25 and it will also provides light, 01:28 you ever been at a campfire 01:29 and have a nice light from the fire, 01:31 but fire can be a bad thing too. 01:34 It can destroy and it can burn everything 01:37 that isn't made of metal or stone. 01:39 It can burn down houses and whole forest. 01:42 And it can burn people and animals 01:44 and schools and business and hospitals and parks. 01:48 Once a fire starts burning, it's very difficult to stop. 01:52 Fortunately many brave men and women 01:55 devote their lives to putting out harmful fires. 01:58 And sometimes they use fire trucks 02:01 and hoses that spray powerful steams of water everywhere, 02:05 some times they spray the chemicals 02:07 from an aeroplane to put out forest fires. 02:10 And most of the time they are successful, 02:12 but not always. 02:14 Fire wants to keep burning to devour everything 02:17 that will burn as the flames 02:18 lit their way along their scorching smoking path. 02:22 But as powerful as fire is, 02:25 I know something much more powerful. 02:28 In fact I know someone who can control fire 02:32 without fire hoses or chemical sprays. 02:36 Today's Bible story will tell you 02:37 about that powerful someone 02:39 and a bush that a fire could not burn, that's right. 02:44 We can't wait for that story. 02:46 But just now Ranger Jim is going to show us 02:49 two very interesting animals. 02:51 He is gonna show us a hedgehog and a Chinchilla. 03:02 Hi dear boys and girls, 03:03 Ranger Jim saying welcome to Nature Time. 03:06 We have a special pet for you to see and enjoy today. 03:09 This is a tiny little pygmy hedgehog, 03:11 isn't he beautiful, isn't that a beautiful face. 03:14 And as you can see he has quills on his back 03:16 much like a porcupine. 03:18 The reason we call him a pygmy hedgehog is 03:20 because the European hedgehog is the size of a woodchuck 03:25 or as large as a large raccoon. 03:27 And the European hedgehog is a hibernator, 03:31 they hibernate in the winter time 03:33 they-then go into a den underground 03:37 where they will prepared a nest 03:38 and their body temperature 03:40 takes on the temperature of their surrounding area 03:43 and their heart rate drops down very low 03:46 and they only breathe about every six or eight minutes. 03:49 But this creature is from Africa, 03:51 He is warm blooded and he is an excellent pet. 03:54 Many people keep these and enjoy them 03:56 and in captivity the life expectancy 03:59 might be 10 or 12 years 04:00 and I understand that this one is about a 11 years old. 04:03 So he's been around for a while 04:05 and makes a lovely pet. 04:07 And unfortunately these creatures at birth 04:09 they're very difficult to raise, 04:12 about only 20% of those 04:14 that are born in the wild survive 04:16 and its because soon after they are born 04:18 they begin to travel with the mother 04:20 and they have these spines on their back 04:21 which are not good for insulation. 04:23 They don't have fur as do other animals 04:26 that have warm fur to cover them and protect them. 04:30 You can see on his underside he does have that, 04:33 but on his back he doesn't have good insulation, 04:35 so they chill easily, 04:37 they are not able to get out of water 04:40 or slippery bank or something like that 04:41 in following their mother, 04:43 so many of the babies do not survive in the wild 04:45 when they are following their mother. 04:47 In captivity we can take care of that 04:49 with adjustment for that, they do survive quite well. 04:52 They are insectivores and they enjoy finding fruits 04:56 nothing along with the bottom of the ground 04:58 and it lives in the bush 04:59 and unfortunately they don't have good eyes, 05:02 their eyesight is very poor, 05:04 but God took that into consideration 05:05 and made them animals that locate food with their nose. 05:08 And so they go along the ground snuffing along 05:10 and finding creatures that they like insects 05:13 and may be a slug or something like that. 05:15 These is one of the few creatures 05:17 that can survive almost as well through accident 05:21 if he is certainly is blinded, 05:22 this creature can continue on almost normally 05:25 because it is a custom to finding it's food 05:28 by using its nose by going along the ground 05:30 snuffing under leaves and finding things like that. 05:32 So overall the, the pygmy hedgehog 05:37 makes a wonderful pet 05:38 and like all pets it requires attention, 05:40 you have to care for it and many people will tell you 05:43 at a pet store that yes they are potty trained 05:45 and what have you, but take that with a grain of salt. 05:48 You have to go about that process, 05:49 they will find a place in their pen 05:51 where they like to relieve themselves 05:53 and so you would find that true if you have one. 05:55 So this is the pygmy hedgehog 05:58 and I hope that you have enjoyed 05:59 meeting him this morning or this day, he is very cold. 06:03 Now he is getting cold now, 06:04 so we're gonna putting him back in the cage 06:06 and we have something else that you can see. 06:08 We'll place this one back, 06:10 we will put the blanket over him. 06:11 There he says, thank you, I am very comfortable now 06:15 and we see what we have in this one. 06:19 Okay and in this cage we have a beautiful creature. 06:24 Ah! Okay, okay, baby, okay, okay, yeah, okay, 06:28 yes you beautiful. 06:30 This is the beautiful chinchilla. 06:32 Have you seen the chinchilla? 06:33 Oh! Aren't they beautiful? 06:35 She will calm down in just a moment 06:38 and you can see her. 06:39 They're said sometimes that this is the animal 06:41 that has the rabbits head and the squirrel's tail. 06:44 Can you see the tail, it has a rabbit's like body 06:47 and a squirrel's tail. 06:49 Some very unusual things about the chinchilla, 06:51 you can see that they have very, very long whiskers. 06:55 And they use those, because these like to nest in den, 06:58 and rock pile, stone pile 07:00 and so they go along the ground 07:03 and when they find a tight place 07:04 they want to go into they simply stick their head 07:07 and if it doesn't bend their whiskers, it means 07:09 that they can get through that hole. 07:11 Another interesting feature about this creature, 07:13 they have such soft, soft, soft fur. 07:16 We have hair follicles on our body 07:18 and from each hair follicle there will be one hair grow. 07:21 But the chinchilla in that one hair follicle 07:24 they will be about 50 tiny silky hair 07:26 grow out of that one hair follicle 07:28 and so that makes their hair very, very soft and fluffy. 07:33 Now these creatures their fur is the most valuable fur 07:36 on the face of the earth 07:37 if you take it into consideration 07:38 the size of the animal, all right? 07:41 These animals to make a lady's full-length chinchilla coat 07:45 would require about the death 07:46 of 400 of these beautiful creatures 07:49 and that beautiful coat fur, fully coat fur 07:53 the lady to wear to a party to show folks 07:56 would cost about a $100,000. 07:59 Can you imagine that someone would kill 08:01 a beautiful creature like this if someone might have it 08:04 just to wear and go somewhere and show off. 08:07 Another interesting feature about the chinchilla is this 08:10 that when they're born they are fully furred 08:13 and they have all their teeth and they can eat like an adult 08:16 or they can eat much of the food of an adult. 08:18 So the chinchilla is truly a very interesting animal. 08:22 They are an animal that comes to us 08:23 from South America from Chile 08:25 and different places in South America. 08:27 So if you live in that part of the country, 08:29 I'm sure that you're very familiar with this, 08:31 it's a very common pet here in the U.S. 08:34 And so if you would like to get 08:35 one of these check into it, 08:37 make sure that you know something about the animal 08:39 before you get it 08:40 and if you get it boys and girls 08:41 as Ranger Jim always says you take good care of it, okay? 08:45 Because Jesus expects us to be kind to the animals 08:48 and love them and care for them correctly 08:50 even if it's a dog or you kitty cat, okay. 08:52 And so this Chinchilla is very unhappy, 08:55 we holding like this 08:56 and he has enough of the television for today. 08:58 So Ranger Jim as always say, 09:01 be sure to tell Jesus that you love Him 09:04 because He really does love you. 09:27 Hi boys and girls, 09:28 Matthew 5 is a wonderful record 09:30 of a lot of words of Jesus, it's called the Be-Attitudes. 09:34 Brittany has her text for us. 09:35 "Blessed are the pure in heart, 09:37 for they shall see God." 09:39 Yes, we would like to do a song for you 09:40 called the "Happy Attitudes." 09:51 Everyone is looking for happiness 09:55 It really doesn't matter who you are 10:00 Jesus says that He has the answer 10:04 We don't have to look very far For happy attitude 10:11 Happy attitudes from His kingdom above 10:15 He came down and want to bring us 10:18 happy attitude In the Be-attitude 10:46 Happiness is promise to the merciful 10:50 That glorify we'll one day see the Lord 10:55 When I born for my sins He comforts me 11:00 My happiness He then restores For happy attitudes 11:07 Happy attitudes from His kingdom above 11:11 He came down and want to bring us 11:13 happy attitude In the Be-attitude 11:50 Oh my number 1 Hero is Jesus Jesus, Jesus 11:57 Oh, He loves and He saves and He frees us 12:01 So for me my hero is Jesus I hear away somebody you like 12:09 My God's good deeds and treats you like well 12:13 He is so great that it makes you say 12:16 I want to be like Him someday 12:20 Heal my Daniel from the lion's den, 12:24 He made baby chicks and mother hens are 12:27 again leave you a hint 12:29 He is mayor and He lives Can you guess who 12:33 My He love it Oh, my number 1 hero 12:36 is Jesus Jesus, Jesus 12:42 Oh, He loves and He saves and He frees us 12:46 So for me my hero is Jesus 12:50 Sometimes He and those know how to fly 12:53 Drive fast cars and catch the bad guys 12:57 He run and jump where they throw well above 13:01 It seems like there the best of all 13:04 That I've got a hero and He is not pretend 13:08 I pray to Him and He is my friend 13:12 He is not a cartoon on my TV 13:15 He made that sun and made the sea 13:19 Oh my number one hero is Jesus, Jesus, Jesus 13:26 So He loves and He saves and He frees us 13:30 So for me my hero is Jesus, Jesus 13:50 Hello, boys and girls. 13:51 I want to tell you a story 13:53 about how God has a plan for you in your life. 13:58 My name is Moses, when I was a little boy, 14:01 my mother taught me that God had a special plan for me 14:04 to take the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt 14:08 into the Promised Land. 14:10 When I was 12 years old 14:11 I was taken into the Pharaoh's court 14:14 as the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter. 14:18 And I was taught there how to be a great civil leader 14:21 and how to be a General of the Army. 14:23 In other words I was taught to be the next Pharaoh, 14:28 but I knew that God had a special plan for me 14:31 and I was anxious to do God's plan. 14:33 And one day when I was 40 years old 14:37 I saw an Egyptian abusing an Israelite 14:41 and I went over to free that Israelite 14:43 and I slew that Egyptian 14:46 and I buried him there in the sand. 14:49 And the next day I saw two Israelites fighting, 14:54 and so I went over to them and I said, 14:57 why are you fighting, you're both brethren. 15:01 We should save our energy to fight the Egyptians. 15:05 But one of them said to me, 15:07 are you going to slay us like you did the Egyptian? 15:11 And so I knew that there were other people 15:13 that knew what I had done, so I listen and sure enough 15:17 everyone was talking about what Moses had done, 15:20 how he had killed the Egyptian 15:22 and even Pharaoh was out to kill me. 15:24 So I had to flee and I fled into the wilderness 15:27 into the land of Midian. 15:29 And I ran and ran until I was exhausted 15:32 and I fell by a well like God had provided for me. 15:36 And there some ladies came to water their cattle 15:40 and I helped them water their cattle. 15:43 And they went home and they got home earlier than usual 15:45 and their father asked them, 15:47 how come you're home so early? 15:49 And they told him about me 15:51 the helping them to water the animal. 15:53 You should go back and get the man 15:54 and bring him onto us, so we can feed him 15:57 and give him a place to stay. 15:59 So I went home to Jethro 16:01 the priest of the great land of Midian. 16:04 And there he gave me a job 16:06 taking care of his sheep in the wilderness. 16:08 And he gave me one of his daughters to be my wife 16:12 and I worked there in the wilderness for many years 16:15 taking care of Jethro's sheep. 16:18 And I learned a lot of things 16:19 there that I hadn't learned in Pharaoh's court. 16:22 I learned that I needed more patience 16:27 and more long-suffering and more love for those sheep. 16:30 They were hard to take care of 16:32 for the animals where they have to kill them 16:34 and they would stray off into various places 16:37 where they shouldn't be. 16:38 And I had to provide for them a good green pastures 16:42 and water for them to drink. 16:45 One day while I was out in the wilderness, 16:47 I saw a bush burning 16:49 and it was a brightly burning bush, 16:51 but the bush was not burning up, 16:53 so I had to go and see what that was, 16:56 so as I near the bush, I heard a voice speak to me 16:59 and it said Moses! Moses! And I said here I am Lord. 17:04 And the voice said, don't come any closer, 17:07 take the shoes off your feet, 17:09 for the ground where you're in walking is holy ground. 17:12 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Jacob, 17:15 and the God of Isaac. 17:18 And I have seen the affliction of my people 17:20 in the land of Egypt. 17:22 And I have come to take them out of the land of Egypt 17:24 and take them to the Promised Land. 17:26 And I'm calling you Moses to be the one to do this for me. 17:31 And I said, oh Lord, not me, you find someone else please. 17:35 And God said, Moses, I'm asking you 17:38 to take the children out of Egypt 17:40 into the Promised Land. 17:43 So who am I to say, who sent me and he said, 17:48 I am, who I am has sent you and I will be with you 17:52 and I said Lord, I hadn't spoken Egyptian 17:56 for many, many years and I don't know how to speak 18:00 and I'm not a good spokesmen and he said, 18:03 I will send your brother Aaron to help you 18:06 and you will be the spokesmen to Aaron 18:10 and Aaron will be spokesmen to Pharaoh. 18:13 I will talk to you, Moses, 18:15 and give you the messages to pass on. 18:19 And so I did go and I met Aaron 18:22 and we did go to take the children of Israel 18:25 out of Egypt into the Promised Land. 18:28 So I want to tell you boys and girls 18:31 that God had a plan for my land 18:34 and He has a plan for you and your life too. 18:58 In the quiet love is reaching 19:05 It's yours to hold be still and know that 19:12 Even when you're lost and lonely and hope is gone 19:21 You're not alone Far beyond the understanding 19:31 There's a hand that leads if you believe 19:40 In the darkness there is a light 19:46 Remember God Loves You 19:58 The road ahead is long and winding 20:04 With eyes of faith you'll find the way, yeah 20:12 And when the journey leaves you weary 20:18 You can rest in the comfort of heaven's arms 20:24 Sweet loving arms peace will follow 20:30 Peace be with you always as you go 20:36 For now you know that through the darkness 20:45 See the light remember God Loves You 20:55 When you open up heart 20:58 His love will meet you where you are 21:01 He will always be your part of everything you do 21:08 He is here to set you free 21:12 And give you all the strength you need 21:15 to carry on to carry on 21:24 Through the darkness see the light 21:30 Remember God Loves You 21:42 Remember God Loves You 21:51 God Loves You God Loves You 22:10 Thank you Kelsey for that beautiful song. 22:12 You know God really does love you boys and girls. 22:15 All right, now, it's mail box time 22:17 and I am gonna check the mail box to see 22:19 if I have any letters from you. 22:21 And I sure do. 22:22 I have lots of letters today. 22:25 And I can't wait to read them to you, 22:27 but before I do, I want you to meet someone 22:30 that he is joining me on Sharing Time today 22:32 and this is Daniel. 22:33 Hi Daniel. Hi. 22:35 Hi how are you today? Good. 22:36 Thank you so much for joining me on Sharing Time. 22:40 Now Daniel really loves Jesus, 22:42 and he was telling me a special story, 22:44 I'd like him to share with you. 22:46 Daniel, where do you go when you are not in school? 22:49 I go to daycare. 22:50 You go to daycare all by yourself? No. 22:53 Who goes with you? Me and my sister. 22:55 Your sister, what's your sister's name? Sylvia. 22:57 Sylvia, and how old is Sylvia? One. 23:01 She is one year old. 23:02 Are you big brother to or to if she needed you daycare, 23:05 you're right there for? Yes. 23:07 That's it, that's makes Jesus happy, doesn't it? 23:10 Now when you go to daycare, 23:11 is there anything special 23:12 that you like to do at daycare? Yes. 23:14 What do you do? 23:16 Bringing on Bible movies to daycare 23:19 and we watch them. 23:20 You bring your Bible movies. 23:21 Does all the kids bring Bible movies? 23:23 No. No. 23:24 Some can bring what ever they want. 23:27 But you choose Bible movies. 23:29 You know what boys and girls, 23:30 that's a wonderful way to witness, isn't that, 23:31 instead of bringing some other kind of movie, 23:34 he brings Bible movies, in that way 23:36 his friends can see and learn about Jesus, right? 23:40 Now when you are at school what you eat? 23:45 We eat macaroni and cheese and all that kind of stuff. 23:49 All that kind of stuff. 23:50 Now do you ever, do they ever give you pork or beef 23:53 or you know, chicken or anything like that? No. 23:56 why not? 23:57 Because it's not good for you. 23:59 It's not good for you? 24:01 And do you ever eat meat? 24:03 Why not? Because I am a vegetarian. 24:05 You are a vegetarian. 24:06 Have you always been a vegetarian? 24:08 So that's why you're so strong and healthy? 24:11 Isn't that right boys and girls, 24:12 it's nice to eat healthy diets 24:15 because that's what Jesus wants us to do too. 24:17 So you are witnessing for Jesus 24:18 at daycare, aren't you? 24:19 We can witness for Jesus boys and girls 24:21 for whatever we are. 24:23 All right, now I am gonna read a few of your letters, 24:25 because I am so exited to read your letters 24:27 and would you like to open this for me, 24:29 while I will read this one while you're opening that one. 24:32 And let's look right here. 24:34 Oh, I have got a picture boys and girls 24:36 and let's see what this picture is of? 24:38 This says, this is Natalie and Eleana and Aaron 24:45 and there is a picture right there, 24:47 it say, hi Brenda, My name is Natalie 24:49 and I am one of your biggest fans 24:51 and I love your show. 24:52 I wish all kids shows were like Kids Time. 24:54 My Grandma has 3ABN 24:56 and I watch Kids Time every time I get a chance. 24:59 I have a very cute baby sister that is 13 months old. 25:03 Also I have three cats Snuggle, Scamp and Smokey. 25:07 And I have a dog name Ladybug, 25:09 that's isn't cute name for dog, isn't it, Daniel? 25:12 It says, I have a friend 25:13 that absolutely nobody like to play with, 25:15 so I have been a friend to her. 25:17 Said she really is a good person. 25:19 Well, I have got to go. 25:21 Love Natalie, I love Kids Time. 25:24 And she says Natalie is leaning 25:26 on the sofa in the picture 25:27 and Eleana is the baby sister 25:29 and Aaron, her cousin lying down. 25:31 So she tells us that everybody was in that picture. 25:33 Well, thank you very much Natalie for that letter. 25:36 Do we have another one over there? 25:38 Can you put that on back for me? 25:39 Let's see what we have over here? 25:41 This one is from Christian in Centerville, Tennessee. 25:46 And this one oh here is a picture of Christian, 25:49 thank you for your picture Christian, that's so sweet. 25:52 It says dear Brenda, I share Jesus by going to the hospital 25:55 and singing songs to the sick people. 25:57 I am seven years old, love Christian. 26:00 You know, Daniel, He is as old as you are. 26:02 I think that was a wonderful thing 26:03 to do Christian is to go to the Hospital and sing song. 26:06 I am sure that made them very happy when you are sick 26:08 and you are not feeling well. 26:09 You need little comfort and encouragement, don't you? 26:12 Well, boys and girls, that's about 26:14 all the time we have today. 26:15 I wanna thank you Daniel for coming on Sharing Time today. 26:18 You know, I want you to keep sharing Jesus wherever you go. 26:21 Right-when you go to daycare 26:23 or when you're playing with your friends, 26:24 you can share Jesus anywhere you are, 26:26 can't you boys and girls. 26:28 Well, until next time, remember boys and girls, 26:30 wherever you go whatever you do 26:32 its Kids Time to Share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17