Kids' Time

Do Lord…remember Me

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000029

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:24 Hi, boys and girls. Are you hungry?
00:27 Oh, this bread here looks so delicious doesn't it?
00:31 Umm, and it smells really good too.
00:34 You know, it probably looks a little different
00:36 than the kind of bread you have
00:37 on your table at home, doesn't it?
00:39 You probably have which you make sandwiches out off,
00:41 you know, that kind of rises nice
00:43 and high in the oven and is probably about
00:45 that big along and your mom slices it off
00:48 and you have a nice slice of bread for sandwich
00:50 or maybe a piece of toast
00:52 but in Bible times they had something that was flatter,
00:55 more like this.
00:56 This is made out of nice whole wheat.
00:59 Well, I'm sure this is was delicious too
01:01 and I might even take a bite of this later on.
01:03 You know, I'm sure you probably
01:05 have a favorite food, don't you?
01:07 If you're like most children, you probably like pizza
01:09 and some people might say
01:11 that their favorite food in corn on the cob
01:12 or maybe tacos or watermelon, I like watermelon.
01:18 Then there are probably some foods
01:19 you don't like very much.
01:21 You might just turn up your nose on
01:22 something that your brother likes like peas or carrot
01:26 and maybe your best friend,
01:28 you're just like, oh, I can't believe
01:30 she's eating those lima beans
01:32 or maybe you can't understand
01:34 how your sister an enjoy drinking soymilk.
01:37 You know, that's okay
01:38 as long as you do eat enough of the foods
01:41 that are good for you.
01:42 But I wonder, have you ever really been hungry?
01:46 Now I don't mean simply feeling starved
01:49 after playing a game of basketball
01:50 or when you have dinner later than you usually do.
01:53 I mean the kind of gnawing hunger
01:56 that hurts your stomach because it's empty
01:59 and it's been empty for days.
02:01 I'm talking about that kind of hunger
02:03 that comes from going without a meal for a long time
02:07 and when a person is that hungry,
02:10 they don't usually complain about
02:11 anything that is served to them,
02:13 food, real food whether its spinach,
02:16 spaghetti, or coleslaw,
02:18 it looks like a banquet to them.
02:20 Now our Bible story today tells us about
02:23 some men who were really truly hungry
02:26 and it tells about a kind and generous woman,
02:28 who she just whipped up a meal big enough for an army,
02:32 that meal included like 200 loaves of flat round
02:35 bread probably something like this.
02:39 Sometimes an act of kindness can change people's lives
02:42 and prevent bad things from happening.
02:45 You will see what I mean
02:46 as you listen to our Bible story today
02:48 but first let's see what Ranger Jim
02:50 has to show us about eggs.
02:59 Hi, there, boys and girls. This is Ranger Jim again.
03:01 We are glad that you could join us on Kids Time.
03:04 We hope that you are enjoying the programs.
03:06 I want to talk to you something today
03:07 that we haven't shown before.
03:09 I want to talk to you about some eggs.
03:12 I know that you have seen eggs,
03:13 some of you maybe will eat eggs
03:15 and you have seen Robin's nest or a bird's nest in your yard
03:19 and that's fine.
03:20 You can go and look at that, if you have supervision
03:23 but I would recommend that you don't go too often
03:25 that you would frighten the mother bird,
03:26 she might abandon the nest.
03:28 But we have some eggs here today for you to see
03:30 and we have some on this log as you can see here.
03:33 And they all appear to be about the same
03:37 but in fact we have six things here that appear to be eggs,
03:41 but can you see which one is really the egg.
03:44 Well, we have some here that are quite round
03:48 and these are all stones.
03:49 The one that is the real egg is the killdeer egg
03:54 and it is sharp pointed as you can see.
03:57 And the reason its sharp pointed
03:58 is because the killdeer builds her nest on the ground
04:01 and the mother turns the eggs occasionally
04:04 to make sure that they stay warm all around.
04:06 They don't have a call spot on the bottom
04:08 and in turning her eggs on the ground on the level ground
04:11 if she would turn a regular egg that would be round,
04:15 it might roll away like a marble,
04:16 and she would have a terrible time getting it back,
04:18 so God created it so that the egg has a point on the end.
04:22 If the egg is disturbed and it rolls,
04:24 it will only roll around in the circle.
04:26 My wife and I had the opportunity
04:27 of going in to Alaska
04:29 and going out in the Bay of Alaska
04:30 and seeing some of those big high cliffs
04:32 where all of the kittiwakes and all of the blue bees
04:34 and different kind of birds nest.
04:37 And high up on the cliff, 500 feet above the ocean,
04:40 a shelf maybe just 8 inches wide
04:44 and if they happen to kick of those eggs
04:46 it rarely will roll off
04:47 because God designed those kind of birds
04:49 that have a very sharp point on them
04:51 and so they roll around in the circle.
04:53 Then we have a larger egg here on this stump
04:56 that you see and that is a wild turkey egg
04:59 and an interesting thing about that we've talked about
05:01 that some on another program, but the wild turkey,
05:03 she goes out and lays an egg as a test egg in the area
05:07 where she wants to build a nest to raise her children
05:09 and she leaves it there for about five or six days
05:12 and if an opossum or a raccoon hasn't come along
05:15 and made a dinner of it
05:16 then she feels its safe to build a nest
05:19 and to lay the rest of her eggs
05:21 and that's what she does.
05:22 She lays about 20-25 eggs and they are usually safe
05:26 from a marauding raccoon or an opossum.
05:28 Then we have an egg here that is a very unusual color
05:32 and that is the emu egg.
05:34 Interesting thing about the emu
05:36 because the daddy does all the hatching.
05:38 I don't think I would like that.
05:39 The daddy sits on the nest and hatches the eggs.
05:42 That is the emu nest egg and my friend gave me that,
05:45 that would be many years ago and it's about worn-out.
05:48 I have carried it around different places and showing it.
05:50 And I have an egg here I want to hold up to show you,
05:53 that this is the largest of the eggs.
05:57 Can you guess what this egg is?
05:59 Of course, this is the ostrich egg.
06:02 Now an ostrich is a tremendously
06:04 large powerful bird and the father bird,
06:08 the daddy bird will stand 8 feet tall.
06:10 Range Jim is 6 feet tall and I weigh about 185 pounds,
06:15 but the male ostrich may weigh 350 pounds.
06:20 Can you imagine such a bird is that?
06:22 That's why you can make a lot of scrambled eggs
06:24 with an egg from an ostrich, couldn't you?
06:26 And also the ostrich is the fastest creature
06:29 that God made on two legs.
06:31 He can run at 45 miles an hour.
06:33 Can you imagine that?
06:35 Something that came out of this shell
06:36 can run 45 miles an hour.
06:39 So the ostrich egg is very strong.
06:43 I could just lay it on the ground
06:45 and I could stand on it,
06:46 if I carefully distributed my weight on it,
06:48 it wouldn't crush this egg.
06:50 So the ostrich is a very, very interesting creature
06:53 and I want to exchange
06:54 this for something that most people have never seen
06:58 and it's a tiny little hummingbird's nest.
07:02 And the hummingbird nest is a rarity in nature.
07:06 I have only seen four or five in my lifetime
07:08 of being in the out of doors.
07:10 The mother hummingbird builds her nest by going out
07:13 and collecting all kind of soft material.
07:16 She brings it back to her nest
07:17 then she ties it all together with spider web.
07:20 Isn't that interesting, she takes the spider web
07:23 and she weaves it all around
07:24 then she gathers lichen from the trees,
07:26 pieces of bark, soft things like that to build her nest
07:30 and then she lays her eggs.
07:32 Usually there are three sometimes four,
07:34 but usually there are three eggs in the nest
07:36 and she sits on the egg, incubates the eggs,
07:39 and when they hatch they are tiny little creatures like that.
07:42 They look like tiny little naked mice.
07:46 They don't have any feathers at all
07:47 and there's a tiny little beak sticking out.
07:50 And the first time you experience
07:52 a hummingbird feeding her babies
07:53 you think she will kill them for sure,
07:56 but she doesn't. She knows what she is doing.
07:58 She sticks her bill in their tiny little bill
08:01 and sticks it all the way down in to their stomach
08:03 and begins to pump in the sweet nectar
08:05 that she had just gathered from the petunias
08:08 and from the different blossoms all around the yard.
08:10 With her wings beating at 40-50 times a second,
08:13 can you imagine a second?
08:15 When I say one thousand and one,
08:17 her wings beat 45 or 50 times.
08:20 She can go up and down,
08:21 backwards and forwards, aren't they beautiful?
08:24 Haven't you seen them boys and girls?
08:25 They are just so beautiful.
08:26 One of the things that I look forward
08:28 to most in heaven will be, that we can be out
08:31 for a walk and hold our hands
08:32 and the hummingbirds will light on our hands
08:34 and we can talk to them, even have them as a pet.
08:37 Isn't that wonderful?
08:38 God provides for them and takes care of them
08:41 and there and there is an old wise fable around that,
08:43 may be the hummingbirds
08:44 they migrate south in the winter time
08:46 by hitching a ride on the back of geese.
08:48 Can you imagine such a story?
08:50 A lot of older people asked me that question
08:52 when I showed them a hummingbird
08:54 but that is not true.
08:55 The hummingbird we know now today,
08:57 this tiny creature that must eat every 10 minutes
09:00 it's waking life has the ability because God made it so
09:05 can start flying south at 50 miles an hour
09:08 and can fly for 500 miles
09:10 without touching its tiny feet to any surface.
09:13 Isn't that wonderful?
09:14 God provides for the hummingbirds
09:17 and if He provides for the hummingbirds
09:19 you know that He will provide for us.
09:21 What a wonderful Jesus we serve?
09:23 I do look forward boys and girls with you,
09:26 with all the boys and girls
09:28 who each week watch Kids Time show,
09:31 we can all gather together in heaven
09:33 and enjoy these wonderful things.
09:34 What a day that will be?
09:35 So don't forget boys and girls,
09:37 tell Jesus that you love Him
09:39 because He really does love you.
09:49 Hi, boy and girls.
09:50 There was a man in the Bible who was in a lot of trouble.
09:53 He asked Jesus friend Peter for some money to help him out
09:57 but Peter didn't give him money.
09:59 Andrew, what did Peter say?
10:01 He said, "Silver and gold have I none,
10:04 but such as I give, give
10:05 I thee in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth,
10:07 rise up and walk."
10:09 That's right "in the name of Jesus Christ,
10:12 rise up and walk."
10:13 That takes us further in Acts 3, verse 6.
10:20 Peter and John went to pray, they met a lame man on the way
10:27 He held out his palms and he asked for some alms
10:30 And this is what Peter did say
10:34 Silver and gold have I none
10:38 but such as I have give I thee
10:41 In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
10:46 Rise up and walk
10:48 He went walking and leaping and praising God
10:52 Walking and leaping and praising God
10:55 In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
11:00 Rise up and walk
11:04 Peter and John went to pray.
11:08 They met a lame man on the way
11:11 He held out his palms and he asked for some alms
11:15 And this is what Peter did say
11:18 Silver and gold have I none
11:21 but such as I have give I thee
11:25 In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
11:30 Rise up and walk
11:32 He went walking and leaping and praising God
11:36 Walking and leaping and praising God
11:39 In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
11:44 Rise up and walk
11:46 In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
11:50 Rise up and walk
12:01 Welcome boys and girls to the Kids Time kitchen
12:04 and we have a cooking today, who?
12:06 Shenise, and Deshon.
12:07 And what are we fixing in today?
12:09 Popped popcorn snacks.
12:11 Okay, so Deshon, you are going to read the recipe.
12:13 Yes. All right.
12:35 All right, okay, So let's get that going, huh?
12:39 All right, what are we doing?
12:40 We're going to pour this popcorn in the bowl.
12:48 Oh, popcorns already popped, huh?
12:51 Yes. All right and what else.
12:54 And you gonna pour this?
12:59 Maybe we should do the honey and butter first.
13:03 Oh, you gonna do honey and butter first
13:04 or you go ahead and put the coconut in first, okay.
13:06 And then we will drizzle that
13:08 all on top of it at the end, huh?
13:09 Okay. Okay. That sounds better.
13:11 That sounds better?
13:13 Okay, all right, so that's our shredded coconut.
13:17 That doesn't have any sugar in it.
13:19 That's gonna be good, huh?
13:21 Yes it is. It even smells good.
13:24 Does it smell good already?
13:25 I know there is popcorn, huh?
13:26 Yeah, All right, I like popcorn.
13:28 And you said dry roasted peanuts, so that means
13:29 those peanuts don't have a lot of salt
13:31 and stuff around it, so I guess we're trying
13:32 to get the boys and girls not to eating a lot of salt, huh?
13:35 Yeah. All right, okay.
13:36 Do you wanna pour this? Yes, I will.
13:40 All right. That looks good, okay.
13:44 I like peanuts. You like peanuts?
13:47 Yeah, especially dry roasted.
13:53 Now we should pour the honey and butter.
13:57 Oh, so the honey and butter
13:59 that was already done ahead of time, huh?
14:00 Yes, I just wanted to cook it before the show.
14:03 Oh, okay, all right.
14:10 This is one of those things-- All right, go ahead.
14:12 So you just kind of drizzle it across there, huh?
14:16 Okay, Honey, and you said soy margarine.
14:21 Where can you find soy margarine?
14:25 You can find them at your local grocery store.
14:28 Is that right? Or at any.
14:30 Oh, anywhere? Any grocery store, Any grocery store.
14:33 So you are looking for soy margarine, yes.
14:36 That's going to be good for the boys and girls
14:37 to know as well, yes, all right.
14:39 What is going to happen after that?
14:41 Well, we're gonna put it in the oven
14:44 and let it sit so that apricots can get dry.
14:48 Apricots? I mean, I mean my coconuts can get dry.
14:52 Oh, okay, so you're gonna kind of cook those
14:54 kind of cook those coconuts, huh?
14:55 Okay, lets put that on in to the oven and I guess
14:57 we have the oven and let it bake then.
15:01 What's the temperature on that?
15:04 The temperature? For the oven.
15:06 Oh, I see a dial right there, that dial is saying,
15:11 what is it that 300?
15:13 Okay, 300 degrees there okay.
15:15 All right, well, we got the magic of TV
15:16 going on here, huh, today.
15:17 Magic, Oh, there it is. All right, It is dry.
15:21 What's going to go, what's going to go on top of that?
15:25 The raisins, Uh um, what else?
15:29 Very good, What else? Raisins are grapes, you know.
15:34 Raisins are grapes,
15:35 Yes, all right, okay, and what is that?
15:38 Apricots, Shenise, how did you get those
15:44 apricots like that?
15:46 Those whole itty, bitty small ones, that is not the same
15:48 thing that I see in there.
15:49 Oh, I cut them, Oh, and they are not just any scissors,
15:55 they are special cooking scissors
15:57 that go in the kitchen, all right.
15:58 So the boys and girls want to remember that, huh?
16:00 Yes, okay, so they are special scissors
16:02 that you use only in the kitchen.
16:04 You are gonna cut that over top of that, Shenise?
16:06 And I guess as we look in towards the end
16:08 of this program because we are running out of time
16:11 and the boys and girls want to see
16:12 I'm sure the finished product.
16:13 So I guess we can put that back
16:15 and we're gonna bring up the finished product, huh?
16:17 What do you think? Yes. All right, let's do that.
16:19 Oh, magic already is ready.
16:21 Oh, magic, Okay, Let's move this out of your way,
16:24 so they can see, Oops.
16:26 I forget, you are never supposed
16:28 to turn the handle outward.
16:31 And why is that?
16:33 Because somebody might be walking and they trip over
16:36 and it spills out.
16:37 Okay, Okay, I think we got to end of our show.
16:40 We'll let boys and girls see what's happening.
16:44 Oh, I see, I don't have any, so I guess
16:48 I don't get any, huh?
16:49 I'm sorry, I forgot.
16:51 Okay, After the show is over,
16:53 I can even take maybe a little cup and maybe
16:55 I can get some too.
16:56 Let's get some more apricots.
16:57 Some more apricots on there.
16:58 You want to try? Oh, okay.
17:02 Can I have that cup right there with the raisins in it?
17:04 Yeah, okay, Let me pour these raisins.
17:07 Oh, I thought I'm gonna get that raisin.
17:10 Okay, here you go.
17:12 Okay, and then we're gonna--that's neat,
17:14 I like the way you're doing it, okay.
17:15 That way the boys and girls will see it.
17:17 Well, lets close this program out.
17:19 Boys and girls, this is a fantastic dish, huh?
17:22 Yeah, Deshon has showed how to deal with apricots
17:24 and we want to let you know just tune in another time,
17:27 so we can see Kids Time and what do we want to say
17:30 to the boys and girls?
17:31 And remember to keep cooking. And eat healthy.
17:43 The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul
17:51 The testimony of the Lord is sure,
17:55 making wise the simple.
18:01 More to be desired are they than gold,
18:07 yea, than much fine gold
18:10 Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.
18:19 I just love that song that King David wrote.
18:23 It reminds me how we are to love God more than anything.
18:28 More than silver, more than gold, and it also reminds
18:31 me Abigail of how God used me to be a peacemaker for Him.
18:37 You see, I didn't always live in the palace like I do now,
18:41 I used to live in a countryside.
18:44 My parents married me off to a very cruel and wicked
18:47 man named Nabal.
18:49 He was also very selfish and all he ever thought about
18:52 was his gold and his silver and getting
18:55 more cattle and more goats.
18:58 He didn't care about anybody but himself.
19:01 He wasn't nice to the servants.
19:03 He wasn't nice to anybody.
19:05 One day, while he was shearing the sheep,
19:09 David send 10 of his men to see Nabal.
19:13 And he asked him for provisions because
19:16 he had been guarding the sheep and taking
19:18 care of the shepherds.
19:19 But Nabal was very angry and he said,
19:23 I don't know this David.
19:25 Why there's a lot of people that run away
19:27 from their masters.
19:28 Why, he's just some rebel.
19:31 I don't want anything to do with him.
19:33 He doesn't get a crust of bread or a drop of water.
19:37 The men went away, very upset as you can imagine.
19:43 But one of the servants
19:44 ran and told me what had happened.
19:46 I felt so sad.
19:49 I wondered why Nabal had to be like this.
19:52 But I also felt like God had put it in my heart that David
19:56 would be very angry and I must act at once, so quickly
20:00 I called the servants together and we took
20:03 the donkeys and on them we put a 100 clusters
20:08 of raisins, 200 cakes of figs, 5 ready dressed sheep,
20:13 2 bottles of grape juice, and 5 ready dressed sheep.
20:18 All ready to have for David and his men.
20:23 They started down the trail
20:25 and as they went down the trail, I send them on ahead
20:29 and I followed behind, but we had just gotten down
20:32 the trail in to the valley when all at once
20:34 we were surrounded by David and his men.
20:36 They were very angry.
20:39 But I was not afraid, because the God in heaven
20:42 had put it in my heart to go talk to David and so I calmly
20:47 got off my donkey and I fell on my face to the ground
20:51 and I said, oh, my Lord David,
20:55 please forgive your handmade for the wrong
20:58 that was done to your young men
21:00 and take no notice of Nabal for he is a fool
21:04 and he does not know any better.
21:09 David looked at me and then I went on to tell him,
21:12 God does not want you to do this thing
21:14 that you are set out to do.
21:16 He himself will take care of the problem.
21:19 Did He not help you with Goliath?
21:22 God will see to it that you are taking care of.
21:26 David looked at me and he said, blessed are you
21:30 for you have kept me this day from shedding blood.
21:34 Then I pointed to all the donkeys laden with food
21:39 and I said, I have brought you a gift to you and your men.
21:42 Please accept this gift.
21:45 The men got big smiles on their faces.
21:49 They were so excited to have all this good food.
21:53 Well, you can imagine, they have been in the wilderness
21:55 eating berries or whatever else they could find
21:58 and they were so happy.
22:00 David looked at me and he said, go in peace.
22:03 I went back with my servants and when I got back,
22:08 Nabal was having a great big party fit for a king
22:12 and he was very, very drunk.
22:15 I knew that made God sad.
22:17 He doesn't want us to drink like that.
22:19 But it was no use trying to talk to him
22:22 because he wouldn't understands in his condition.
22:25 I knew that I would have to wait until morning
22:27 before I could talk to Nabal.
22:29 When morning came and I told Nabal how David
22:32 and his men have been on the way to get even with him
22:35 for what he had done, he was so upset,
22:38 he got very sick and in a few days he died.
22:42 When David heard this, he was so glad that he had
22:46 not taken things in to his own hand and he had let the Lord
22:49 take care of it and he send men to my home.
22:53 The young man said, "David wants to know,
22:56 if you will come and be his wife."
22:59 The first time I was married off, I did not have a choice,
23:04 but this time I did have a choice and I said,
23:07 "Yes, I would love to come and be David's wife."
23:11 And so I tookmy five maidens and I went to live
23:15 with David in the wilderness.
23:17 But now he is King of all Israel and we live
23:20 in the palace and we have much gold and much silver
23:25 but it means nothing to us.
23:27 For God means more to us than all the gold and silver
23:31 in the whole world.
23:32 God loves you and He wants you to love
23:36 Him more than anything else.
23:47 Hi, you know, boys and girls, God used Abigail
23:49 in a special way, didn't He?
23:51 He can use you too.
23:52 Well, I just got some letters from you
23:54 out of our mailbox.
23:56 I'm gonna read some of them to you,
23:57 but first I would like you to meet a guest
23:58 that is joining in sharing time today.
24:00 And this is my friend Rilee, Hi Rilee.
24:02 Hi, Thank you so much for joining me on sharing time today
24:06 and I'm glad you could be here.
24:08 I'm happy to be here too. Well, good.
24:10 But, you know, what I liked--Rilee was telling me
24:13 how he loves sports, you like sports, don't you, Rilee?
24:15 Uh um And you have an opportunity
24:17 when he is playing sports to share Jesus.
24:19 Did you know that boys and girls?
24:20 We can share Jesus wherever we are.
24:22 Rilee, can you tell the boys and girls what you do
24:25 when you are playing sports to share Jesus?
24:28 My coaches tell me that we got games on church days
24:33 and I tell them that I ain't gonna be able to make it
24:36 because God's more important to me than sports.
24:43 Amen, that's the truth isn't it?
24:44 That Jesus is more important.
24:46 Now does your coach give you a hard time about that?
24:48 Does he try to say, no you need to be here on this day?
24:51 No. He knows that you mean business
24:53 that you're not gonna change your mind.
24:54 Yeah, now you also were telling me about
24:57 when you were at a game, that someone was being
25:02 picked on, somebody who they thought
25:03 had funny looking clothes on or something
25:05 and they were making fun of him
25:06 and you stepped in and did something.
25:09 Yeah. What did you do?
25:11 As they were making fun of him and I said,
25:14 "That's not what God wanted them to do."
25:17 Did they stop making fun. Yeah. They did?
25:21 You see boys and girls, we can make a difference, can't we?
25:23 If you are brave enough to step-out in faith
25:25 and do the right thing,
25:26 you know, Jesus is gonna bless those efforts.
25:28 And even though you are, you know--
25:30 How old are you, Rilee? Eight. He is 8 years old.
25:33 He can still standup for what's right
25:35 and make a difference, so I'm really proud of you Rilee,
25:38 I know Jesus is too.
25:40 Well, I think we have time for just a couple of letters.
25:43 Let's see here, this one says.
25:46 Dear Brenda, my name is Mark and I'm 10 years old
25:49 and I live on a farm in Manitoba, Canada.
25:52 Is it Manitoba, I guess.
25:54 I share Jesus by helping mow an old neighbor's lawn.
25:56 Isn't that cute? And there he is--
25:58 he has got a picture of him mowing the lawn.
26:02 Put that one back in that envelope for me
26:03 if you would and then-- Oh, look at this envelope,
26:06 it is decorated so cute, I love
26:09 these creative envelopes here.
26:15 And let's see what we have in here.
26:16 Oh, another pretty picture they drew.
26:18 Look at that. Isn't that pretty?
26:21 It says, Dear Brenda, I help my mom and dad
26:23 by helping my mom take care of Alisha's brother
26:26 and helping my dad's deck wood, from Kally.
26:29 And then she drew a picture of Kally
26:31 and she put cool 7 years old.
26:33 Isn't that nice?
26:35 Well, boy and girls, that's all the time we have today
26:38 but I want to thank you, Rilee
26:39 so much for coming and sharing
26:41 your story on Kids Time.
26:42 Remember boys and girls, wherever you are,
26:45 it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17