Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000028
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Kids' time, kids' time kids' time 00:24 Hi, boys and girls, do you know what this is? 00:27 Oh, I think it probably looks like something 00:30 that you're familiar with, like a hammer. 00:33 This one's actually a mallet. 00:35 And do you know, what a hammer is used for. 00:38 Yes, it's used to drive nails. 00:40 But do you know in the Bible times 00:42 they didn't have the kind of hammers 00:44 and nails that we're using today. 00:46 In the Bible times they had a different kind of nail 00:49 so they would have used a hammer with more of this, 00:51 kind of a flat heavy look to it. 00:54 So it would have been just a little bit different. 00:56 And you know when a carpenter builds a house 00:59 he does lots of hammering. 01:00 He measures and he lays the board 01:03 at just the right lengths and he measures again, 01:06 and then he pounds the nail into the wood 01:08 to make sure it stays right where it should stay. 01:11 And when he is finished, do you know what, 01:13 that house will be straight and strong. 01:17 Now the carpenter might make something 01:19 much smaller than a house like maybe a toy chest 01:21 or--like in your room, or a table, 01:24 like your kitchen table but he still uses that hammer 01:28 to help build it exactly right. 01:31 You know, today's Bible story 01:32 tells us of a woman who put a hammer to good use. 01:35 That's right, a hammer. 01:37 She probably didn't use the hammer herself, 01:39 since she was used to hiring people 01:41 to do this kind of work for her. 01:43 But she had a wonderful 01:46 and a very unselfish idea one day 01:49 and to make that idea a reality 01:51 she needed to find a carpenter. 01:54 Now what do you think that woman had in mind. 01:57 She already had a beautiful lovely home 01:59 for herself and her husband. 02:01 So she didn't need a house, did she? 02:03 And she didn't have any children, 02:05 so she didn't need a toy chest. 02:08 She had furniture for every room. 02:11 So why did she need a carpenter? 02:14 You know what, as you listen to our story today 02:16 you're going to find out. 02:18 And why don't you also think of what you can do 02:22 to make somebody else happy, okay. 02:25 Right now Ranger Jim is going to show us a great horned owl. 02:38 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim here saying, 02:40 welcome to Nature Time. 02:41 Look what I have today. 02:42 Isn't this a beautiful creature? 02:44 You know what this is? This is the great horned owl. 02:47 One of the most fierce predators that God made. 02:50 We have in North America our largest owl. 02:53 This creature is just a magnificent. 02:57 I tell her-- her name is Phyllis 02:58 and if I didn't have a wife 03:00 I would be tempted to propose to you. 03:02 You are a lovely lady. 03:03 These creatures, boys and girls, 03:05 thrilled me from the time I was a small boy. 03:07 My greatest joy was to go with my uncle and my father 03:11 and we would camp up for three or four days on the lake. 03:14 And it would be off down in the river bottom, 03:17 far from home and we would put out setlines 03:19 and nets in the river and at night we would sleep. 03:22 We would just take our blankets and a pillow 03:25 and we would curl up and sleep on the ground. 03:27 At about 2 O'clock in the morning 03:28 I would hear that familiar, hu, hu, hu, hu 03:32 and my hair would stand up for just a minute 03:34 that I would sit bolt right up in bed and look all around. 03:37 And down further in the bottom I would somebody saying, 03:39 ho, ho, ho, ho, then this one, hu, hu, hu. 03:44 And they would talk back and forth. 03:46 Oh, it excited me. 03:47 So I dreamed of the day 03:49 that I can ever see one of these creatures, 03:51 and to stand and hold one. 03:52 Oh, what a joyful time it is for Ranger Jim to see 03:55 and enjoy this creature. 03:56 Boys and girls, when we get to heaven, 03:58 everyone one of you gonna be able to hold 04:01 a beautiful creature like this. 04:02 Phyllis, you're supposed to turn and look at the camera. 04:04 Okay, what a beautiful creature you are. 04:06 They are unusual, boys and girls. 04:08 As I said before they are a predator. 04:11 And let me caution you, because this bird, 04:13 weighing about 5 or 6 pounds at its largest size 04:16 is perfectly capable of sweeping down 04:18 and picking up raccoons. 04:20 They will catch and eat cats. 04:22 One of the few creators we have in nature 04:25 that will catch a domestic cat and eat it. 04:27 So do not let your cat out and let it run around 04:30 and play especially in the spring of the year 04:32 because I promise you if Mr. Great Horned Owl 04:36 has babies in the nest, he'll be prowling at night, 04:39 he will sweep down and catch your cat. 04:40 Do not let your cat run wild at night. 04:43 The owl eats his prey whole. 04:45 He tears it into large chunks and swallows it. 04:48 His body devours the flesh of that. 04:51 And then the bones and the hair 04:52 and the remains he regurgitates in pellets. 04:56 You can find them under a roost site 04:57 where the owl lives and that's the way 05:00 we determine what the owl eats. 05:02 We find the skeletons and the bones that remain 05:05 from the creatures and we can determine 05:06 how much of it is barn yard. 05:09 The farmers' enemy in the early days 05:11 was that of the great horned owl 05:13 because he likes chicken as well, okay. 05:15 So he would sweep down and catch the chickens. 05:17 But the great horned owl 05:18 is the earliest nester that we have. 05:21 He normally starts nesting or his wife starts nesting 05:25 about the middle of January to the middle February. 05:27 And I was correct when I first said that, 05:29 he sometimes does share 05:31 the incubating duties with his wife. 05:33 While his wife is sitting there 05:34 and I have seen him sitting in an old dead tree on the nest 05:37 with snow covering them, 05:38 you could just barely see her head sticking up. 05:40 She's sitting on her eggs or babies protecting them. 05:43 Her husband comes up, he brings her a mouse 05:45 or brings her a rat or brings her something to eat. 05:47 She says, thank you very much and has her supper. 05:50 Stays there on her babies to keep them warm 05:52 that he brings food to feed the babies. 05:54 So they shared the duties as parents 05:57 and these creatures do mate for life. 05:59 They are wonderful to have around. 06:03 They control the rat population, 06:05 the mouse population. 06:07 And as you can see, I was hoping 06:08 she would turn her head all the way around like this. 06:10 She can turn it around about 270 degrees. 06:14 Now that's really coming around. 06:15 And sometimes I think they never stop. 06:17 It just keeps going around and around, but it doesn't. 06:20 They can turn their head as you see around and around. 06:22 They do not move their eyes and their sockets, 06:24 So they move their head to see. 06:26 Like many of the other raptors 06:27 that we have are birds of prey, 06:30 this creature also has a thin membrane over her eyes 06:33 when she is out in the snow or the rain 06:36 and she's flying, that membrane serves 06:38 to cover her lens of her eyes and prevent damage to it. 06:41 This creature is capable easily of flying 06:43 a level flight at 45 miles an hour. 06:46 Has excellent ears, they can hear. 06:49 It is wonderful, We can take about five hours 06:51 to study the hearing sensory organs of the owl. 06:54 You can put this owl on a post 06:56 in the middle of a 100 yard Princeton area 07:00 and put in three mice and it can be quite grassy 07:04 and sedge, and what have you, and bush 07:06 and this owl perched up there 07:08 within 20 minutes will catch all of those mice. 07:11 Will simply fly down, total darkness, 07:13 would just simply fly down, locate them by sound, 07:15 sitting perched up, fly right down 07:17 and pick them up with one of their talons 07:19 and fly off and eat it. 07:20 So they are a marvelous creature in that respect. 07:23 They are also stealthy creatures of predation. 07:29 They have very soft feathers on their wings. 07:33 And so when they glide and fly through the air, 07:35 does not make any sound. 07:36 Now, Phyllis wanted us to be sure to remember 07:39 and so she flew up and she showed us her 07:41 beautiful wing on this side 07:43 but unfortunately I'd like to turn her a little like this. 07:45 Phyllis, would you turn us--turn and show us 07:47 and let the boys and girls see what happen. 07:49 Unfortunately Phyllis had an automobile accident, okay. 07:53 She didn't have good insurance. 07:54 Okay, she didn't have health insurance, 07:57 but she was fortunate because the car injured her wing. 08:00 Someone recovered her and took her to a veterinarian 08:03 and it was determined that her wing could never be repaired. 08:05 She can never fly and live in the wild again 08:08 and so they had to amputate her wing. 08:10 But she came here to the LHA Rehabilitation Center, 08:13 where we are today 08:14 where she has received good loving care for many years. 08:18 So this owl will go on teaching boys and girls 08:20 about Jesus and His wonderful 08:22 creative abilities for many years. 08:24 In the wild, they would have lived 08:26 some maybe eight years, six years or eight years at most 08:30 and so this owl now is already 11 years old 08:32 and in good-- basically in good health. 08:34 She may live on for another six or eight years. 08:37 And so that's wonderful, isn't it? 08:38 So, Phyllis, we would like to thank you today 08:40 for coming and showing the boys and girls 08:42 what a beautiful lady you are. 08:43 And it proves to us once again, boys and girls, 08:45 that when Jesus makes something 08:47 it's always beautiful. 08:49 It's always perfect and He equips 08:50 all of His creatures to survive in the wild. 08:53 So we serve a wonderful God, boys and girls. 08:56 Don't forget, He is coming soon and what I told you 08:58 at the very beginning is true today. 09:01 You be faithful to Jesus 09:02 and tell someone else about Jesus 09:03 so you can take them with you when we get to heaven. 09:06 I've told you before in programs 09:07 we've had that the hummingbird 09:09 will come to us and sit on our hands 09:10 and how this lovely creature with his long talons 09:13 will sit on our hands, I don't know yet. 09:15 But all things are possible with Jesus. 09:17 So we're going to have these wonderful creatures with us. 09:20 He is coming soon, be ready, boys and girls. 09:22 Don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him 09:24 because He really does love you. 09:35 Hi, Uncle Buddy, here is a letter. 09:37 Ah, thank you Brittany. 09:39 I wonder who it's from? It's from my wife Tina. 09:43 It says, "Buddy, I love you. Tina." 09:47 Ah, it's so good to be loved, boys and girls. 09:50 And boys and girls, it's not just your mom, your dad, 09:53 or your brother or your sister that loves you. 09:55 More than anybody, Jesus loves you. 09:58 There's a text, First John Chapter 4 verse 19 10:00 that talks about that. Right, Britt? Yep. 10:03 "You love Him because He first loved us." 10:08 "O, How I Love Jesus, Because He First Loved Me." 10:16 Oh, kids, do you love Jesus Oh, yes, we love Jesus 10:19 Are you sure you love Jesus We're sure we love Jesus 10:23 And why do you love Jesus Here's why I love Jesus 10:27 Because He first loved me 10:30 That's the reason we all ought to love Him 10:33 Oh, how I love Jesus Oh, how I love Jesus 10:41 Oh, how I love Jesus Because He first loved me 10:50 Oh, Buddy, do you love Jesus Oh, yes, I love Jesus 10:54 Are you sure you love Jesus I'm sure I love Jesus 10:58 And why do you love Jesus Here's why I love Jesus 11:01 Because He first loved me 11:04 That's the reason we all ought to love Him 11:07 Oh, how I love Jesus Oh, how I love Jesus 11:15 Oh, how I love Jesus Because He first loved me 11:23 Oh, Brenda do you love Jesus 11:25 Oh, yes, I love Jesus Are you sure you love Jesus 11:29 I'm sure I love Jesus And why do you love Jesus 11:33 Here's why I love Jesus Because He first loved me 11:38 That's the reason we all ought to love Him 11:41 Oh, how I love Jesus Oh, how I love Jesus 11:49 Oh, how I love Jesus because He first loved me 11:56 Because He first loved me 12:11 [Song in Foreign Language] 13:16 Oh, yes I love my Lord Jesus 13:19 He first loved me 13:21 We walk together through eternity 13:24 Oh, yes I love my Lord Jesus 13:27 He first loved me 13:28 We walk together through eternity 13:32 Alleluia, singing alleluia, singing 13:36 Alleluia Alleluia eternity 13:40 We're going, we're going We're going, we're going 13:44 We're going we're going 13:46 We're going, we're going Oh, yes, I love my Lord Jesus 13:50 He first loved me 13:51 We walk together through eternity 13:55 Oh, yes I love my Lord Jesus 13:57 He first loved me 13:59 We walk together through eternity 14:03 Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, eternity 14:10 Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, eternity 14:18 Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia 14:24 [Foreign Language] 14:37 I love you so much. 14:38 You are such a special gift from God. 14:42 Welcome, I just made a pot of lentils 14:46 and baked a fresh loaf of bread. 14:48 We just love to have you come in and share a meal with us. 14:51 I'd also like to share with you 14:53 what God has done for us in our home here. 14:57 It all started-- well, let me tell you. 15:00 I am known as the Shunammite woman 15:02 and this is my son. 15:05 One day, I noticed that 15:07 the prophet Elisha was coming up our path. 15:10 Now he looked so hot and tired 15:13 and I often look out to see 15:14 if there is people that are coming up the path 15:17 so that I can invite them into our home to be refreshed. 15:21 And so I invited the prophet Elisha 15:23 in just like I do everyone else 15:25 and gave him something to eat. 15:27 But when he left, I noticed how very tired he was, 15:31 and as I watched him walk away I thought, 15:36 this man needs something special. 15:39 He needs his own room where he can just get some rest. 15:43 And so I asked my husband if he could build a room 15:47 on our house and he said, "why wife, 15:50 that's a very good idea." 15:52 And so he built a room and I put a bed in there 15:56 and I put a table and a stand, 15:59 where I could put a candlestick, 16:01 and then I waited, waited everyday 16:04 for the prophet to come back up the road. 16:07 One day I saw the prophet coming, 16:10 and I ran out and I waved to him and said, 16:12 "Elisha, man of God, come on in." 16:15 And as he came in, 16:17 I told him that I had something special to show him. 16:20 I took him up the stairs 16:23 and when I showed him his room, 16:25 oh, you should have seen the look on his face. 16:29 His eyes just lighted up and I left him to rest 16:33 with his servant Gehazi 16:34 and I wanted to prepare a good stew for him. 16:38 And while I was fixing supper, 16:40 Gehazi came down and he said, 16:41 "The prophet Elisha would like to see you." 16:45 And I said, "well, all right." 16:47 And so I went up and I said to the prophet, 16:51 "what would you like or do you need anything?" 16:54 And he said, "No, I was going to ask you." 16:57 He said, "What would you like me to do for you?" 17:00 And he said-- I said, 17:02 "would you like me to speak a word for the king to you?" 17:05 I said, "No, I don't need any favors from the king." 17:10 And he said, "Well, is there anything else 17:12 that you'd like me to do for you?" 17:14 And I said, "No, God has filled my heart 17:17 with so much love for others 17:19 and for Him I just feel so full. 17:22 There isn't anything I really need. 17:25 And he said, "Well, okay" 17:27 and so I went down the stairs. 17:30 Well, a little bit later Gehazi came back said, 17:34 "the prophet wants to see you again." 17:37 So I came back up the stairs and as I stood there. 17:40 He said, "Gehazi, has just told me 17:43 that you have no children." 17:47 And I said, "Yes, that is right." 17:50 And he said, "About this time 17:52 next year you will have a son." 17:55 I said, "Oh, prophet of God, 17:58 do not raise my hopes." 18:00 I did not know how this thing could be. 18:03 But he just smiled. 18:05 And then I walked back down stairs thinking about that. 18:10 A year later, God gave me 18:12 a wonderful gift, a precious son. 18:16 This very child the right here. 18:19 And oh, how we enjoyed him. 18:22 He loved helping his daddy out in the fields. 18:25 And one day as he was helping his dad 18:29 he became very ill. 18:32 And a servant carried him back to me. 18:35 You didn't feel very well, did you, honey? 18:38 Uh um, um. 18:40 Did your head hurt, honey, Uh hmm. 18:43 Yes, your head hurt, his head hurt so bad. 18:48 And I held him in my lap and I walked him 18:51 and I held him close to me, 18:54 but about noon his eyes closed 18:57 and he quit breathing. 18:59 My precious son, my gift from God was taken from me. 19:05 I did not tell my husband about this. 19:08 I did not tell my servant. 19:10 I just took my child up to Elisha's room 19:14 that we had made for him and laid him on the bed. 19:18 And then as I looked at him, he was so cold and still. 19:24 I knew what I must do. 19:26 I must go to the prophet Elisha 19:28 at Mount Carmel at once. 19:30 I called my servant, he got the donkey 19:33 and we hurried as fast as we could 19:35 and when we were almost there, 19:37 Gehazi came out to meet us. 19:40 And he said, "is all well with you?" 19:43 And I said, "all is well." 19:45 And I just kept right on going 19:47 because I knew that 19:48 God would do something special 19:50 and I fell at Elisha's feet. 19:53 Gehazi tried to pull me away. 19:56 But Elisha said, "leave her alone 19:59 for God has not revealed to me what has happened to her." 20:03 Then I just told him, 20:04 "did I not ask you not to raise my hopes?" 20:08 And when he heard what had happened to my son. 20:11 He took his staff and he gave it to Gehazi 20:13 and he said, "go at once. 20:15 Don't even talk to anybody. 20:17 If they say something to you don't answer them back. 20:20 Go straight to the Shunammite woman's home. 20:23 Go up to the room and lay my rod on the boy." 20:28 And Gehazi went immediately. 20:32 But I knew that 20:35 God had this miracle given to me through Elisha 20:38 and I was not going to leave without Elisha, 20:42 and so Elisha agreed to come along. 20:46 We hurried as quickly as we could 20:49 and when we were almost there 20:51 Gehazi came out and he said, 20:53 "Elisha, I did what you said but nothing happened." 20:58 Elisha went upstairs to the room 21:03 and he prayed to God and then he laid on the side 21:07 and he put his eyes on his eyes 21:09 and his nose on his nose and breathed into him 21:13 and my son became warm, but that was all. 21:18 He got up and he paced back and forth 21:21 and he cried out to God to help 21:24 and then again he did the same thing. 21:27 This time my son sneezed seven times and sat up 21:32 and then he called me to the door 21:36 and then he told me to take up my son, 21:40 and God has given me my son back to me. 21:43 O what a wonderful God we have. 21:45 My heart praises God for blessing me 21:49 abundantly more than I could ever ask or think. 21:55 My God has taught me 21:58 that it is more blessed to give than to receive. 22:04 He does reward those who love and share Him with others. 22:26 I'm just a little fellow but I always want to be 22:31 A cowboy sticking close to the Man of Galilee 22:37 I want to do some roping of the souls now bound for hell 22:42 And keep them all for Jesus in the Holy Ghost Corral 22:47 I'll be a cowboy a Christian cowboy 22:52 I'll work for Jesus all my days 22:58 And on the prairie or in the city 23:03 I'll help to round up all the strays 23:09 I haven't got much talent and I ain't too smart you see 23:14 But I can love my Jesus and He can still love me 23:20 And partner, all I want to do is satisfy my Boss 23:25 And be the bestest Christian boy that ever rode a hoss 23:30 I'll be a cowboy a Christian cowboy 23:35 I'll work for Jesus all my days 23:41 And on the prairie or in the city 23:46 I'll help to round up all the strays 24:01 Thank you, Rilee, for that song. 24:03 I really like that song. 24:05 Well, boys and girls, I want you to meet a friend 24:07 that's joining me today on Sharing Time. 24:09 And this is Tyler, Tyler, where are you from? 24:11 Paducah, Kentucky. 24:13 Paducah, Kentucky, and you-- 24:15 you--have you lived there a long time? 24:18 Ever since I was a baby. 24:19 Wow, that's pretty long time. 24:20 And how old are you, Tyler? 24:22 Eight and I'll be nine. 24:24 Eight you'll be nine, 24:25 can you tell the boys and girls 24:26 how--how you share Jesus? 24:28 I hold the door open for people 24:31 and I sing at nursing homes and I sing at my church. 24:36 You sing at your church. 24:37 Now when you go to the nursing home, 24:38 do you go into the-- 24:39 into the rooms to visit with the people or? 24:42 No, I--they come out into the lobby. 24:45 Into the lobby and sing too. 24:46 Now what kind of songs do you sing? 24:48 Like all their favorites. 24:50 Like what, do you remember any of the songs? 24:52 "Amazing Grace", "Jesus Loves Me", 24:55 "The Old Rugged Cross." 24:57 Those are favorites of mine too. 24:59 Do you like those songs? 25:00 I do too now why would you go and do all those things? 25:03 Because I love Jesus. 25:06 I can tell that you do love Jesus, Tyler. 25:08 Well, we've been sitting here 25:09 reading some Kids' Time letters 25:10 and thank you, boys and girls, for your letters. 25:12 Can you open that one for me? 25:14 And I'd like to share one right here for you real quick. 25:17 This one says, oh, we have a picture in this one. 25:21 And there it says, Andrew and Noah, his friend Noah. 25:24 It says, "Dear Brenda, 25:25 we sang to some older people with our friends." 25:27 They sing to older people too. 25:29 "Cause I like the New Kids' Time 25:30 especially Ranger Jim, love, Andrew." 25:33 And then Andrew drew us a special picture right there 25:37 and also there's another letter in here 25:40 and another picture. 25:42 And it says, "Dear Brenda, 25:43 I made little bear breads for Sabbath 25:45 and share them with our friends 25:47 and they were surprised. 25:48 I love Kids' Time. Love, Glozni." 25:50 And this is from Glozni, Andrew and Keira. 25:55 Keira, Glozni, Andrew, thank you so much for that. 25:58 And do you have a letter here for me, 25:59 which we can read real quick? Okay. 26:03 This says, "Dear Brenda, my name is Isaac 26:06 and I'm only four years old. 26:08 Me and my family has worship every morning 26:10 and my sister is writing the letter for me 26:12 because I can't write yet. 26:13 Her name is Vanessaand she already sent you a letter 26:16 I would like to get a Kids' Time book too. 26:19 Your friend, Isaac," 26:20 I'll be happy to send you a book, Isaac. 26:23 Well, boys and girls, 26:24 that's about all the time we had today. 26:26 Please keep your cards and letters coming 26:28 I love hearing from you. 26:29 Thank you so much, Tyler, 26:30 for joining me in Sharing Time today. 26:33 Remember to always keep sharing Jesus. 26:35 And I wanna encourage you, boys and girls, 26:37 to do the same because wherever you go, 26:39 whatever you do remember, 26:41 its kids' time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17