Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000027
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out there
00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:09 it's time to share there is a world out there. 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time. 00:24 Hi, boys and girls, do you know what 00:26 kind of animals this is that I'm holding? 00:29 Yes, it's rooster, some of you have seen 00:32 real live roosters, haven't you? 00:35 And perhaps some of you have never seen 00:37 one except in a picture. Rooster is a male chicken 00:41 and these birds often have beautiful feathers 00:45 and seem to be pretty proud of themselves. 00:47 I wanna set Mr. Rooster right there you know 00:51 they strut around and showing off and saying to 00:54 all the hens look at me, look at me, 00:56 I'm so handsome, I've just got to crow about it 01:01 and then he crows ears splitting sound that echoes 01:06 around the farm yard or any kind of chicken coop, 01:09 cock-a-doodle doo. He seems to say, 01:13 you know rooster especially like to crow 01:15 early in the morning waking up to everyone around 01:18 to start a new day. You can't sleep in late 01:20 when you got a rooster around, did you know that 01:23 a story in the Bible talks about a rooster crowing 01:26 and did you know that it made at least two people 01:29 very sad to hear its harsh cry. We're going to hear 01:33 a story about a man called Peter and a rooster 01:37 gave him a guilty conscience. 01:40 But first Ranger Jim has something 01:42 very special to show you. 01:52 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim 01:54 we have something for this afternoon, 01:55 I bet you have never seen before. 01:57 This is a little frightening is it not, 01:59 can you see these big teeth. 02:02 I hope the camera shows, so that you can see 02:04 row after row after row of teeth. 02:06 They are the future generations when the shark 02:08 should break a tooth in the front the one behind 02:11 it moves into position and the shark 02:13 doesn't miss a beat. You can see that this 02:16 creature is very definitely a very 02:19 dangerous predator, because of a movie 02:22 on the great white shark called Jaws most all 02:25 of the sharks around the world have received 02:27 a bad name and that they're all dangerous. 02:30 This is not true, this is not to say that 02:33 we shouldn't take precautions that 02:35 we shouldn't swim at beaches where we have 02:36 lifeguards and things of that nature. 02:38 But they are very, very few people that are injured 02:42 by sharks, in fact I've read statistics just 02:44 this week that state that you are more apt to die 02:48 from choking on your own food at your table 02:50 then you are from a being attacked by a shark. 02:53 So the great white shark is the largest of the sharks 02:57 that we have. That are considered dangerous 02:59 to human beings and they are as large as or larger 03:02 than a school bus. They may weight 12,000 pounds, 03:05 the sharks are special creatures as you can see 03:08 with all of these teeth they are not mounted 03:11 in the bones of the jaw of the fish, 03:13 but in very tough cartilage and so these creatures 03:18 feed on others but there is something special about 03:21 the sharks also. With others creatures that live 03:24 under water, the fish that are able to breathe water 03:27 and pass it over their gills and absorb the oxygen 03:30 from the water, the shark doesn't have that, 03:32 he has gills, but the shark cannot pump the water 03:35 over his gill this is in the general sense 03:37 and so the shark must continue to move about, 03:41 to pass the water over as he swims. 03:43 Another thing about the shark he doesn't have 03:45 a buoyancy bladder, all other fishes have a float 03:48 inside of him, that helps them to be buoyant 03:51 in the water that is to adjust their height 03:53 up and down, to be comfortable, 03:55 to stay relaxed in one position. 03:57 The shark does not have that, the only flotation 04:00 devices the shark has is his liver that produces 04:03 great quantities of oil and the shark's liver may 04:07 constitute a forth of his body weight. 04:10 So for a shark that weighs 12,000 pound. 04:14 That's a lot of liver isn't? But even that doesn't 04:16 give him buoyancy, so if a shark stops swimming, 04:18 he will slowly settle to the bottom. 04:21 So, the shark's life, he is continually swimming 04:23 back and forth and back and forth. 04:25 Now, for boys and girls that live in North America 04:29 most of them have never seen a shark, 04:31 but we're sure that they'll be boys and girls 04:33 who will review this that see sharks each time 04:36 that perhaps go to the sea shore. 04:38 So, we thought that we would include some 04:40 of the things that they might see. I was reading, 04:42 there was a very curious thing to me, 04:44 the biologists were examining the stomach 04:46 contents of a large shark and can you believe that 04:49 they found one man's shoe. 04:52 They also found a glove and they found someones 04:56 driver's license and most astonishing of all 04:59 was they found a small chicken coop 05:02 and it contained the feathers and the bones 05:04 of chickens these was all in the shark's stomach, 05:08 is that not incredible. So another one of those 05:11 creatures that God made that we sometime 05:13 are astonished by, but the shark even though 05:16 he does feed on other fishes 05:17 and creatures of sea. He is a very, very 05:20 interesting creature. Now, I would like to combined 05:22 that with another thing that we have to show 05:24 you this afternoon. And if you go for a hike on 05:27 Sabbath afternoon and it was one of our favorite 05:29 things that our children like to do. 05:31 You may see in the fall of the year something 05:33 like this. You will see a tree and quite often 05:35 they're growing at an angle to the ground 05:37 dustily and someone comes along that's wearing 05:41 this on his head. Okay, these are the antlers 05:44 of the white-tailed deer, this is the very 05:47 large specimen, weigh over 230 pounds 05:49 and what happens when he sheds his antlers 05:52 each year and in the Spring they began to grow 05:54 we called that the velvet. The deer is in the velvet 05:58 their veins or blood vessels and these section 06:01 of the horn as it develops and slowly as the horn 06:04 develops it gets hardens and those bloods vessels 06:07 retreat and close off until eventually all 06:10 there's left is the remnant of that velvet 06:12 and so that itches much the same as, 06:15 you maybe have a cut and when it begins to heal, 06:17 it always will itch and that's what happens 06:19 to a buck, so he finds a tree like this 06:21 and he comes up and puts his head down, 06:23 he begins to do that and he pushes the tree 06:26 back and forth. And he pretends he is fighting 06:28 another buck and he will do that and jam his head 06:30 against it and in doing that he polishes 06:32 all of the velvet off of his antlers. 06:35 So, you keep an eagle eye when you go out 06:37 in the fall of the year and even anytime the year 06:40 you go out you may see something that's all 06:41 scraped up like this if it's in the hot summer time 06:44 it will be dry. But about October you will see 06:48 fresh grapes on them and do you may see high up 06:51 on a tree the bigger the buck the higher 06:53 he can reach and the more he will fight that 06:55 and so he enjoys doing that and I have also 06:57 seeing bucks fighting each other, very seldom 07:00 do they inflict any damage, but they're sparring 07:02 back and forth and testing their strength 07:04 against each other and pushing against the tree 07:07 and then fighting as boys will sometimes scuffle 07:09 and play on the school ground. So we've had 07:11 two things this afternoon to talk about 07:12 and they're worlds apart, one lives in the 07:15 deep depths of the ocean, the salt water. 07:17 The other, the white-tailed deer that 07:19 lives in the meadows and the woodlands all across 07:23 North America and much many others part 07:26 in the world not the white-tailed deer 07:27 but the equivalent of that and so remember 07:29 that deer do not have horns they have antlers 07:32 because they shed them every year. 07:33 We have mountain goats and big horn sheep 07:37 and things of that nature that do not shed 07:39 their horns. But this is a continual process 07:41 these are shed early in the spring if you're fortunate 07:44 to go out in the woods on a walk or a hike. 07:46 You may find these where the buck is bumped 07:48 against something and they pop off of the 07:50 rose bud here on his head. So, we have learned today 07:53 that the white-tailed deer that when the velvets 07:56 coming off of his antlers that he scratches against 07:58 the tree to remove that and that polishes 08:01 his antlers and makes them beautiful as we see 08:04 them here and we have also discussed the shark. 08:08 And his equipment for survival how 08:11 God has equipped him, so in both cases boys and girls 08:14 we have learned once again of the wonderful creator 08:17 God that equips all of this creatures to survive 08:19 in their environment. So, we can just praise his holy 08:22 name for his creative abilities and there is 08:25 always you remember to tell Jesus that 08:28 you love him and appreciate him because 08:30 he most certainly does love you. 08:41 How are you boys and girls? 08:43 When Jesus was on earth, some of his best 08:45 friends were fishermen, but he told them 08:48 you're not gonna catch fish anymore. 08:50 You're gonna catch boys and girls, 08:52 men and women for me, what did he say Andrew? 08:54 "Come and follow me, Jesus said and I will make 08:57 you fishers of men " Matthew 4:19. 09:01 Jesus said come follow me 09:02 and I will make you fishers of men. 09:13 I will make you fishers of men, 09:16 Fishers of men, fishers of men, 09:20 I will make you fishers of men, 09:23 If you follow Me. 09:27 If you follow Me, if you follow Me, 09:34 I will make you fishers of men, 09:38 If you follow Me. 09:42 Hear Christ calling Come unto Me 09:45 Come unto Me Come unto Me 09:49 Hear Christ calling Come unto Me 09:52 I will give You rest I will give You rest 09:59 I will give You rest 10:03 Hear Christ calling Come unto Me 10:06 I will give you rest 10:11 I will make you fishers of men, 10:14 fishers of men, fishers of men, 10:18 I will make you fishers of men, 10:21 If you follow Me. 10:24 If you follow Me, if you follow Me, 10:32 I will make you fishers of men, 10:35 If you follow Me. 10:47 Well, welcome back to kid's kitchen 10:49 and we're cooking, are we cooking? 10:54 What are we making? We're making a 10:57 Banana Strawberry shake, shake. 11:00 So, we drinking then, yes okay whose reading this. 11:02 Okay, this is Deshon, Brittney, and Brittney 11:05 so who's gonna start this up and so I might gonna 11:07 just reading yes. Okay I will, alright 11:12 1 cup of soy milk. ½ cup of frozen strawberries. 11:16 ½ ripe banana, peeled, frozen. 11:19 1/3 cup of tofu, soft. 1 tsp. vanillas extract. 11:25 1 tbsp. honey. Alright, alright, alright, 11:29 okay so it sounds good, it sounds good 11:31 okay well let see what happens you guys go at it. 11:36 First we're gonna pour in the bananas, 11:43 that's a frozen banana too isn't? 11:44 Okay, so what else we're gonna do? 11:45 Then we're gonna do the strawberries, 11:48 those look real red, then the milk. 11:56 Is that real milk? Soy milk well, the good milk, 12:02 the good milk okay. And this is the tofu soft, 12:07 this tofu comes from China, does it? 12:13 I don't know, not that one there it doesn't 12:17 but it is one of the main foods that used in china 12:19 and this is a tofu soft you have been tell it 12:24 soft because it's red. Okay, so the red one 12:27 is got that one okay alright then what else 12:31 happen this, there is some tofu still in there 12:34 and what else goes in there is that it, 12:37 no what else we still have to pour the honey 12:40 and the vanilla that I put in the same cup alright 12:46 that is going to be a good milk shake 12:49 what you think Deshon? Yes, it's looking good, 12:52 I hope it's enough for all of us because it looks like 12:54 I don't know, I don't know how much you have got 12:55 there but well I guess we should go ahead 12:57 and what spin it around and see what's happening? 12:59 It might get bigger, it might get bigger, 13:01 okay, okay, alright Brittney you're like Mimi 13:07 how you be trying to get all that honey 13:08 out of there ha, yes alright it get 13:11 taste better, okay. 13:21 Oh! You wanna spin it little more 13:22 more I see some little particles in there, 13:32 what do you think? Still little bit more, 13:35 is that on push that on high I guess that's do 13:38 the last time there ha. Go one more time with 13:40 that alright okay. What's gonna happen now, 13:47 we're gonna pour it into, into the two tall glasses. 13:58 Oh! That's pretty, looks like you got more 14:02 then you guys need to have that's for sure. 14:09 Hey, hi boys and girls I have a cup here 14:13 fill it up alright, he is not a guest I sure, 14:17 oh! Excuse me, okay that's good I like that Deshon, 14:21 oh! No, how about some more okay yeah, 14:25 all of that I want all of mine yeah 14:28 go ahead Brittney, thank you very much. 14:30 That's enough, yeah because what about 14:31 Mimi maybe we're not drinking you can, 14:35 you can make this, yeah oh! Yeah thanks a lot 14:38 I can leave that, I like the Deshon 14:41 and that's hey time for cheers, yes, 14:44 let's try it here Mimi, oh! That's good, 14:51 that is good, that so good boys and girls. 14:53 Well, you know we're gonna show how to, 14:55 we have to set the table, you guys set a table 14:57 oh! Yes, let's get back all, 14:59 I go often and I'll be right back okay, 15:00 okay well you don't want set the table, 15:01 guess we just set the table, 15:03 now I let them to do, they are doing a fine job, 15:04 okay well I'll just move this out of the way then, 15:05 you want to be able to set that table. 15:09 Alright, what do we doing here setting, 15:16 oh! Okay, remember the cup always goes 15:20 on the right side, what else is going right 15:24 here the fork goes on the right to left 15:30 the spoon out the fork the knife always goes on 15:36 under the plate and why is that? 15:38 So, if you pick it up you don't get cut okay 15:42 but still I wanna try this way why? Why? 15:46 Because if do you have to keep it under the plate 15:49 because you might pick it up the wrong way 15:52 then you might get cut. Oh! I remember now, 15:55 well I guess we have to bring this program 15:57 to answer the boys and girls can set their tables 16:00 at home and probably make this milk shake 16:02 so remember boys and girls you wanna do what? 16:05 To keep cooking and eat healthy. 16:16 Welcome, let me tell you a story. 16:20 My name is Simon Peter; 16:23 I'm from the village of Capernaum on 16:25 the Sea of Galilee. I used to be a fishermen, 16:28 though I haven't fished now for a very long time, 16:30 you see I became a disciple of a man 16:33 called Jesus. Jesus of Nazareth, 16:36 Jesus was our long awaited Messiah 16:39 and I followed him for three years, 16:41 as I followed Jesus my faith in him became very, 16:45 very strong. He was a wonderful man, 16:47 he brought so much joy into the world. 16:50 I saw him do many, many wonderous things, 16:52 I saw him heal the sick they were bringing 16:55 the sick in from all over our country 16:57 and Jesus would only touch him 16:58 and they would be healed out of sickness. 17:01 He would have people that couldn't walk, 17:03 all he had to do was say rise and walk 17:06 and they would walk. As I said I followed Jesus 17:10 for several years and I saw him doing many things, 17:14 one thing that stands out the most in my mind, 17:17 one night as we were having supper. 17:19 Jesus announced us, to all the disciples 17:23 he said that the time would come that 17:25 we will ashamed of him, never we all said you 17:29 listen and especially I was quick to defend myself, 17:32 I said Lord I would die for you, 17:35 I thought to myself doesn't he remember 17:37 that I give up everything in my life 17:39 I give up my business, my fishing business, 17:42 my nets, my boat. Just to follow him 17:46 and I don't think he remembered, 17:48 but never the less he said that the time would come 17:50 that I would deny him three times he said. 17:53 I can never believe that I defended myself 17:55 against him, saying Lord you know I would die 17:57 for you. Right after supper, we went out to pray 18:02 in the Garden of Gethsemane and unknowing to us, 18:08 one of my own brother had betrayed Jesus already 18:11 to the Chief Priest Caiaphas, 18:14 and as we were coming out of the garden, 18:16 we could see a mob approaching us, 18:18 they were very loud they had clubs 18:21 and they were screaming towards us 18:23 and as they came towards us one of our 18:25 own brethren Judas, he came up to the Master, 18:28 to our Lord Jesus and kissed him, 18:30 that was his sign of betrayal. 18:33 As soon as he kissed him, the guards took Jesus 18:37 and he took him prisoner and they hold them away 18:39 at a home of Caiaphas, the chief priest. 18:43 We followed around and we went into the 18:46 courtyard to see what was going on 18:48 and the charges that would be brought against him 18:50 and as we were standing there one of the 18:52 servant girl she approached me and pointd right at me 18:55 and said this man, he was a follower of Jesus, 18:57 I denied her, I said no, you don't know 19:00 what you're talking about, I've never seen Jesus. 19:03 And as I walked away and I mingled in the crowd, 19:06 yet another servant girl came up and said 19:09 this man he was with the Jesus of Nazareth, 19:12 I saw with my own eyes oh! I became quite angry 19:15 and I yelled and I cursed and I denied 19:17 and I would say I don't even know the man 19:19 and the cock crowed once and as I stood up 19:23 and I went around the courtyard 19:25 and I went and mingled with some other people, 19:27 again one of the servants came up and said 19:30 I have seen this man, I've seen this man myself, 19:32 he was a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, 19:35 oh! I became so very angry, I even cursed out 19:38 loud and denied him quite vehemently, 19:41 I said no, I don't even know the man. 19:43 You must be crazy woman I said 19:46 and just then a rooster crowed again 19:50 a second time. Just as Jesus is predicted that 19:53 I would deny him three times that very night. 19:56 I've never forgotten the shame that 19:59 I felt for seeing my love for Jesus and my faith 20:03 I had him and yet I had denied him as 20:06 he had predicted. I ran and I wept I found a corner 20:10 of the repent and I could not be consoled, 20:13 I have denied the very man that I loved, 20:15 that I've given my whole life for. 20:17 And I have denied him as he had said, 20:22 I know now that Jesus has forgiven me, 20:24 oh yes he forgive me all. I know this, 20:29 as Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, 20:32 the governor of Judea, he was a Roman magistrate 20:36 and being accuse falsely by all the chief priests 20:39 and the Jews. Jesus was brought before Pilate 20:43 and found guilty, they made up a bunch of lies 20:47 about him. And he was condemned to death 20:51 by Pilate, he was to die by crucifixion, 20:56 oh we were also very sad and he did die 21:00 by crucifixion. But you know what Jesus rose 21:05 on the third day, he mastered death, 21:07 he rose from his tomb as he said he would do 21:10 and he walked among us. We all saw Mary 21:13 one of our woman was the first to see him. 21:17 She was so excited when she came running 21:19 telling us, that she said seen the risen Lord, 21:21 well of course we doubt it and we had to go 21:24 see for ourselves, I especially said 21:25 I will not believe it until I lay my own eyes on him. 21:29 And I did, Jesus appeared to me and I saw him, 21:33 I saw the very wounds of his crucifixion, 21:36 it was Jesus of Nazareth had risen in three days. 21:41 And he forgave me, he forgave me for denying him; 21:44 Jesus has forgiven all our sins. 21:47 Remember always look at Jesus, 21:50 Jesus always walks with you and always 21:52 forgives you for all that you do. 22:06 Swimming upstream, swimming upstream, 22:09 I'm like a little fish who's swimming upstream. 22:13 No matter what my friend saying, 22:15 I'm going his way, I read the Holy Bible 22:19 and remember to pray. 22:21 With the help of the Lord, 22:23 it's not as hard as it seems. 22:25 I'm like a little fish who's swimming upstream, 22:30 I like to talk about God, I like to read his word. 22:38 Sometimes I try to tell others about 22:42 the good news I have heard. 22:45 When they don't wanna listen to 22:50 what I have to say. 22:53 It seems they're headed downstream, 22:57 while I'm going the other way. 23:01 Swimming upstream, swimming upstream, 23:04 I'm like a little fish who's swimming upstream. 23:08 No matter what my friends say, 23:11 I'm going his way, I read the Holy Bible 23:15 and remember to pray. 23:16 With the help of the Lord, 23:18 it's not as hard as it seems. 23:20 I'm like a little fish who's swimming upstream, 23:26 I'm like a fish who is trying to swim up 23:30 to the river to be closer to him. 23:33 The world may laugh but that's okay, 23:37 Jesus Christ is in my heart to stay. 23:41 Swimming upstream, swimming upstream. 23:45 I'm like a little fish who's swimming upstream. 23:49 No matter what my friends say, 23:51 I'm going his way, I read the Holy Bible 23:55 and remember to pray. 23:57 With the help of the Lord, 23:59 it's not as hard as it seems. 24:01 I'm like a little fish who's swimming upstream, 24:05 I'm like a little fish who's swimming upstream. 24:19 Thank you Riley for that song, 24:21 you know boys and girls I would like you 24:22 to meet my friends that are joining in sharing 24:25 time today, this is Felicia and Natalie, 24:28 thank you girls for coming. 24:30 You're welcome now let me ask you Felicia, 24:33 what is it that you do to share Jesus? 24:35 Well, one day whenever I came to my grandma 24:39 and grandpa house we went to Church 24:41 and then I started believing Jesus and the 24:45 Seventh-day and the right day Sabbath. 24:49 You're start going to Church with your grandparents, 24:51 now do you get to go to Church when you 24:53 in your home? No, but we pray, because 24:56 I told my mom about it and now I'm asking 25:00 my mom to go to Church and we pray, 25:06 I pray that she would go to Church, 25:08 so you're still praying that so she will, 25:10 that Jesus will touch her heart. 25:11 So we'll all pray boys and girls okay 25:14 for Felicia's mom and Natalie 25:16 what do you to share Jesus? 25:17 I asked Jesus into my heart about two years ago 25:23 and how I share Jesus is that when people 25:28 are sad I tell them that Jesus loves them 25:33 and when people are mad and hurting 25:35 somebody or something, I tell them that 25:39 what would Jesus do. Well, you what that 25:42 is a good way to share Jesus isn't? 25:44 Well, let me see if I can read a letter here, 25:47 we've been enjoying the letters kids. 25:49 This one is another letter from Jamaica, 25:52 we're getting quite a few letters from Jamaica, 25:54 this one says Dear Brenda, my uncle was in the 25:57 hospital and I go and prayed for him 25:59 and that's how I share Jesus and God's love, 26:02 from Nadine. Thank you Nadine that's a wonderful 26:05 way to share Jesus isn't? Now say, 26:07 can you read that letter real quick, 26:09 I think we might just have time. 26:10 Dear Brenda, I'm six-years-old and 26:14 I share Jesus by spending time with my grandma 26:18 and being patient with my grandma when she is slow, 26:22 love Kyle. Well that was a nice letter Kyle, 26:24 it is important to be patient when you're older 26:27 and they're slower isn't it? That shows Jesus 26:29 that you love him, well that's about all the 26:31 time we have today boys and girls. 26:33 I wanna thank Felicia very much for coming 26:35 and Natalie, I thank you for coming 26:37 and keep sharing Jesus. Felicia, we'll keep praying 26:40 for your mom okay, that Jesus will touch her heart 26:42 and pretty soon you'll be able to go to Church 26:44 every week. Well, until next time remember 26:47 boys and girls, it's Kid's Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17