Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000026
00:03 It's time to share there is a world out
00:06 there looking for a friend like Jesus, 00:09 it's time to share there is a world out there. 00:14 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so. 00:20 Kids time, Kids time, Kids time. 00:25 Hi, boys and girls and you can see this 00:27 is a welcome mat that I'm holding; 00:29 I won't be surprised if you have one 00:32 something like in front of the door 00:33 of your house or your apartment. 00:35 And let's people know that you are 00:36 glad to see them and that you are happy 00:39 that they can visit you. I'm going to put it 00:42 right down here and say welcome 00:45 to Kids Time how is that. 00:46 I know someone who always let people 00:49 know they were welcome to come and see him. 00:51 No matter whether he was in the house, 00:53 by the sea or mountain or even a busy street. 00:57 Well, he didn't carry a welcome sign around 01:00 with him all the time or even a welcome mat. 01:03 But he might as well have because the 01:06 sparkle in his eyes and the smile on his 01:08 lips and the warmth of his voice said more 01:11 plainly then any sign could welcome. 01:14 I'm so glad you've come to spend time with me; 01:17 do you know who I'm talking about? That's right. 01:21 I'm talking about Jesus and boys and girls 01:24 you should feel very special because Jesus 01:27 love to have children come and see him 01:29 and tell them stories. He tussle their hair 01:32 and bounce them on his knee and he love children. 01:36 Do you know we can't see Jesus today 01:40 the way the children could in the Bible Times? 01:42 He lives in Heaven now, but he still loves to 01:45 have you visit with him, you can do that by 01:48 simply by talking to him just as you would 01:50 to your best friend. Because the truth is Jesus 01:54 is your best friend and his welcome 01:56 mat is always out. But before we tell 02:00 you a story today about Jesus and the children, 02:03 Ranger Jim is going to teach us 02:05 how to pan for gold, oh! I can't wait. 02:17 Hi, boys and girls Ranger Jim saying 02:18 welcome to Nature Time, we're so glad 02:20 you can join us today. My friend 02:22 Craig Cylke is with us and he is going 02:23 to tell us something about gold panning 02:25 and something about the history of gold panning. 02:27 So, Craig could you tell the boys and girls 02:29 and Ranger Jim something about that. 02:31 Well, thank you Ranger Jim and hello 02:33 young people isn't here a wonderful day. 02:35 You know we're here in the North Georgia Mountains 02:37 and we are having something exciting 02:38 to show you, did you know that 02:40 maybe some of your great grandfathers 02:42 and great, great grandfathers they made 02:45 their living a lot of times a very 02:47 interesting way. It was called gold panning, 02:50 you know here in North Georgia was 02:52 actually the original site of the original 02:55 North Georgia gold rush just the few miles 02:58 from here Ranger Jim is a town 03:00 called Dahlonega, Georgia and what 03:03 young people let me share this with you 03:05 when you were gold panning it was not 03:07 an easy way of your life it was very hard work. 03:10 Let me explain to you just a little bit about 03:12 how the process worked. First of all there 03:15 are many types and many ways of gold panning, 03:18 particularly here at this location, 03:21 in North Georgia we have what we 03:23 called a top surface goldmine. Now, 03:26 it's just adjacent to our property here 03:28 and our neighbors' great grandfather 03:30 used to do this. Instead of digging a 03:32 tunnel like the traditional goldmines 03:34 were, they did a top surface mine, 03:36 which means they just found a place 03:38 in the mountain and started chipping 03:40 the way out it, this particular little 03:42 occasion had a spring here to it, they went 03:44 about a 100 foot before the years were 03:47 over into the back of the mountain. 03:48 They kept finding just enough 03:51 gold to encounter living. 03:53 Now, you know Ranger Jim you might 03:55 think that you gonna get rich, 03:56 but I'm wanna tell you what you're 03:58 getting older while you're getting 03:59 rich if you ever do. Better I would 04:00 back to work if I would, 04:01 very much so and you know little bit 04:03 more about the history have you ever heard 04:04 of our capital building, you're in the 04:06 land of Georgia did you know that 04:08 the gold on the capital building actually 04:10 came just a bit, that's real gold, 04:12 yes that's a real gold. I've seen that 04:13 I wonder if that really good that's real gold 04:15 and it was found here in the 04:16 North Georgia Mountains wonderful. 04:18 Anyhow with our top surface goldmine 04:20 this gives us the ability here at the water 04:22 sanctuary to actually find real gold 04:24 instead of the false gold that a lot 04:26 of people would find. I'm gonna take you 04:29 through the process Ranger Jim and young people 04:31 on learning how to gold pan. Now, 04:34 the old panners had something similar to this, 04:36 where there was much more rustic 04:38 they used to use a metal pan, 04:40 now the metal pan have some 04:42 of the same shape as this pan that 04:43 you see here that this is what I like 04:45 to call one of our modern pans before 04:47 our boys and girls to better understand 04:49 the old metal pans had no grooves, 04:52 if you look closely here you see the 04:55 grooves in the side of this pan. 04:57 This is what we called cheek grooves what 05:00 that does is as you're panning for 05:02 your gold and you're pouring out the dirt 05:03 and the rocks it keeps the gold in, 05:06 so it won't be able to be poured out 05:08 on the ground. Now, boys and girls 05:09 would you like to learn how to do this 05:11 yourself at home and this is something 05:13 safe that you can do. We still 05:15 always recommend having mommy or daddy 05:18 with you or an older person so that you 05:20 don't get lost out in the woods because 05:21 sometimes you have to go while pretty 05:23 far to find the good gold panning location. 05:25 Well, let's take them through this 05:27 Ranger Jim what we do first of all is we, 05:30 we're gonna use a bag today because 05:32 this is the bag of gold dirt with gold on 05:35 them and usually you would have a 05:37 bucket young people that you have 05:39 got along river banks or out of a goldmine 05:41 or something like that for dirt. 05:43 But we already have this prepared for today's 05:45 program you would take this Ranger Jim 05:47 and put it into your gold pan and it 05:50 would look something like this okay. Now, 05:53 then what we're gonna do is we're gonna 05:55 take our pan and we're gonna thorough 05:58 little water in it Ranger Jim and 06:00 we're gonna shake it now gold is 06:02 one of the heaviest elements in the world 06:04 okay and so by, heavier than lead, 06:06 heavier than lead, so, amazing isn't? 06:09 And by shaking your pan the heaviest elements 06:12 in the pan the gold is gonna go to 06:14 the bottom we shake and pour okay. 06:17 Now, each time you shake and pour 06:20 Ranger Jim you're getting rid of a 06:23 little bit more the dirt now watch see 06:24 how we pour some of the dirt out, 06:26 that's right then we're gonna go ahead 06:27 and lightly brush off the some more of the dirt, 06:31 the largest stone, the largest stones 06:33 and then we're gonna take and 06:34 we're gonna let it go to the bottom 06:35 of the pan again and shake it you 06:37 wanted to all go to the bottom each 06:39 time boys and girls. So, that you're 06:41 getting the gold to the bottom of the pan 06:43 now then we're gonna continue to 06:45 shake and pour. Here we're gonna 06:47 do something Ranger Jim called classifying. 06:50 Now boys and girls what classifying means 06:52 is we're gonna get rid of our 06:54 bigger rocks out of the waste, 06:55 want to wash them off a little bit in 06:57 case one of those big nuggets is 06:58 hanging on and you're gonna get rid 07:00 of the rocks to the side and remember 07:03 we're calling this classifying, 07:05 you are making sure what it is so 07:07 you are classifying okay real quickly 07:08 we're gonna do a little shake and 07:10 pour quickly here, we're gonna get 07:12 to the bottom of our pan, so we can see 07:14 what's in it Ranger Jim and we're 07:16 gonna keep shaking and pouring. Now, 07:19 they should never for our boys and girls 07:21 at home you should never do at this 07:22 fast your friend Grizzly here is doing 07:25 this fast so we can show you the 07:26 byproduct of what we find and if 07:28 you do it real fast and have it done it 07:30 before you lose all your gold. Oh! 07:33 Look at this Ranger Jim I'm finding a 07:36 surprise in here. Now, this is how you 07:39 look for gold you get your dirt that 07:42 you have left, which is you usually about a 07:44 teaspoon a dirt and will show you here 07:46 on the camera you see boys and girls 07:48 you only have about a teaspoon left 07:50 of dirt then you take a little water about 07:53 a cup of water and you get that part 07:56 of the dirt all in one in your pan 07:57 and then you put your water in the 07:59 other end of your pan and you gently 08:01 roll it from right to left. Ranger Jim what 08:04 we want to do is we want to get 08:05 that dirt down here and look in the bottom of it, 08:08 now look what happens. Did you see something 08:11 shinning there look at that, oh! 08:14 Look at that we hit that jackpot 08:15 Ranger Jim, look at this, look at this boys 08:18 and girls see the big nuggets, now 08:21 Ranger Jim has some more of the 08:23 finish product here this is in the bottom 08:26 of the pan too this is what it looks like. 08:29 How about that boys and girls, 08:30 now Ranger Jim, do you feel like 08:32 you're rich now? I feel like I'm rich 08:34 in fact I know I'm rich my friend because 08:36 I have read in the Bible where there is 08:39 place called Heaven where the streets 08:40 of gold are going to be and the streets 08:43 will be made of gold and many people 08:45 have gone to great pains trying to be 08:49 wealthy and rich when it comes to gold. 08:51 And they have found these little flakes 08:53 of gold and many man found nuggets 08:55 like this and they thought they 08:57 were wealthy, but in fact these are useless, 09:00 they are treasures of the world which 09:02 will mean nothing for eternity. 09:04 Boys and girls this is the true gold, 09:06 the true gold informing a beautiful character, 09:09 a Jesus like boy and girl is true gold. 09:12 So, we have an interesting experience 09:14 of learning about panning gold today 09:16 and hope the lesson is this that we 09:18 want to be Jesus boys and girls, 09:20 so Ranger Jim as always saying don't 09:23 forget to tell Jesus that you love Him 09:25 because boys and girls he really does love you. 09:37 Hello boys and girls Jesus has a 09:39 special place in his heart for boys and girls 09:41 of every country. Glessnie what did he 09:44 say in the Bible, Suffer little children 09:46 to come to me, and forbid them not, 09:48 for such is the kingdom of heaven. 09:51 Mark 10:14. Jesus loves the 09:54 little children of the world. 10:00 Jesus loves the little children 10:04 All the children of the world 10:07 Red and yellow, black and white, 10:09 They're all precious in His sight 10:11 Jesus loves the little children of the world 10:16 Jesus loves the children dear 10:18 That he blessed when he was her 10:20 And He never turn the little ones away 10:24 Would he take swipe the head 10:26 Lead us to the promise land 10:28 Jesus loves the little children of the world 10:33 Jesus loves the little children 10:36 All the children of the world 10:40 Red and yellow, black and white, 10:42 They're all precious in His sight 10:44 Jesus loves the little children of the world 10:48 Many thousands already there 10:50 In those countries fall away 10:52 Who have never learned that 10:54 Jesus had his love. Let us pray and give and go 10:59 That those little ones we know 11:01 All the glory that's the waiting for them above 11:06 Jesus loves the little children 11:09 All the children of the world 11:13 Red and yellow, black and white, 11:15 They're all precious in His sight 11:17 Jesus loves the little children of the world 11:21 Jesus loves the little children of the world 11:36 You may wonder what can children 11:38 do with skinned up knees and tennis shoes, 11:41 we may not look like we are worth a lot, 11:46 but being loved by God's own son makes 11:49 us as big as anyone just because we 11:53 don't look big doesn't mean 11:54 we're not alright ready. 11:56 We're God's little people Good We got a 12:03 light we're gonna let it shine. We're God's 12:10 little people, God's little people, 12:14 God's little people for sometime. 12:17 That's good honey you're learning very fast, 12:19 I wonder if they were learning 12:20 so fast at home Now listen to this 12:22 verse this is a neat verse Zacchaeus 12:25 was little just like me so he climbed up 12:27 in a sycamore tree, so he could see 12:30 Jesus passing through. I like this line but he 12:35 slit down so fast they say there is still 12:38 no barks on that tree today, when Jesus 12:41 said I'm going home with you alright, let's sing it. 12:45 We're God's little people Good We got a light 12:51 we're gonna let it shine. We're God's 12:58 little people, God's little people, 13:02 God's little people sometime. 13:05 Good honey, are you getting there 13:07 at home now that's pretty easy 13:09 God's little people or God's big 13:11 people sometime. Lord, I would like 13:14 to give my best to you, but there is a lot of 13:17 things that I can't do you know that 13:19 I'm not tall and I'm not strong. 13:23 But for the short people everywhere 13:26 we've got something for the world to hear 13:28 and Lord I would like to sing you 13:31 this song. Let's all sing it together now. 13:34 We're God's little people Alright 13:39 We got a light we're gonna let it shine. 13:44 We're God's little people, 13:50 God's little people, God's big people sometime. 13:54 Yes, God's little people or God's 13:57 big people sometimes. 14:03 Thank you very much Hayley K. 14:05 I love you honey, I love you too. 14:21 Hannah, Michele comeback, comeback 14:25 to mother such a long trip, 14:29 can you play quietly while I rest a little? 14:36 Okay, oh! Well, hello boys and girls 14:38 we are in our way back from seeing Jesus. 14:41 We've had the most marvelous day 14:44 like Jesus he is the most pleasant person 14:49 I've ever been around, I could barely drag 14:53 myself away from his presence. 14:55 The children loved him so much, 14:59 why if we could we would have stayed 15:02 with him all day long. But we do have 15:05 to get home we need to make supper for father; 15:10 he's been working hard all day. Well, 15:13 we almost didn't get to visit Jesus, 15:18 the disciples they told us to go away. 15:23 We were so disappointed; we woke up early 15:26 before the rooster had crowed, we 15:30 said our prayers, did our chores. 15:34 Hannah did her chores more quickly then 15:36 I've ever seen Michele didn't cry when 15:40 I got all the tangles out of her hair. 15:42 We put on our best Sabbath clothes and 15:46 we started our journey. It was a long ways to 15:49 go to see Jesus, we walked and 15:52 we walked and we were quite tired 15:55 when we got there and then the disciples, 15:59 mother oh! Thank you Michele, 16:04 the disciples they founded us, 16:07 they acted like we were bothered and 16:09 we shouldn't have come at all. 16:11 I was so sad I was ready to cry, 16:14 but then Jesus said the most beautiful thing. 16:20 Now, let me see what was that he said, 16:25 Hannah do you remember? He said let 16:29 the little children come to me and do 16:32 not forbid them for such as the 16:34 kingdom of Heaven. That's right he 16:38 said the kingdom of Heaven it's for children a 16:42 place where it's joyful and happy and 16:45 children can run and play without someone 16:48 telling them to be quite or stop being 16:50 a nuisance. Why Jesus, he was so wonderful, 16:55 the stories he told the children they are 16:59 the best I've ever heard. 17:01 And more importantly he healed a little boy, 17:07 while the little boys legs were all crippled up, 17:10 he couldn't walk or run or skip. 17:13 Anything, he had to be carried to Jesus, 17:17 Jesus laid his hands upon the child. 17:21 And the most miraculous thing happened, 17:23 his legs they straightened out. 17:27 Oh! Then the little boy, he just jumped 17:29 and he ran and he hugged and he 17:33 kissed Jesus. He was so thankful, thankful 17:37 that he can walk and run and now 17:39 play with the other children. 17:41 He would never been able to 17:43 do that before. Mother I love Jesus 17:46 so much, I wants to be with him everyday. 17:49 Oh! Michele, I love Jesus too, 17:55 you know the most happy person 17:58 was Jesus, while his face just 18:00 shown when he saw the little boy 18:02 running around. You know, Jesus is 18:06 so wonderful and kind, I was so glad to 18:11 be in his presence. While he took little 18:14 Michele upon his lap and he talked to her, 18:19 he told her wonderful stories. 18:22 He said that Hannah is growing to be 18:25 quite a fine young lady and then 18:28 he placed his hands upon the children heads. 18:34 He prayed for them and he blessed them, 18:37 it was like he could see into the future 18:40 that he could see that trials and troubles 18:42 they may face as they grow up. 18:44 It was such a comfort to hear his 18:47 wonderful words of blessing I know 18:51 that we will never forget this day 18:54 and I can't wait to get home and 18:57 tell all the villagers about it. You know, 19:03 we all need to be like little children 19:06 to trust and to love Jesus and to 19:09 know that he will care for us. Well, 19:15 soon my children and I are going to 19:17 have to go home, father is going to be 19:20 hungry and we must get supper ready 19:22 for him. But, I do wanna tell you 19:27 one thing Jesus said to me that the 19:32 job of the mother was so important, 19:34 while he looked upon it is one of the 19:36 most important jobs. He knows that we 19:40 struggle to raise our children and 19:42 he want them to love him and to grow 19:45 to be more like him. Each day I pray for this, 19:50 I pray for the strength and the courage 19:53 to raise them for the Lord. I'm so thankful 19:57 for my visit with Jesus; he was so 19:59 encouraging and so kind and loving to us. 20:03 Well, I know for sure he is the Messiah, 20:09 but come Hannah, come Michele we 20:13 must be getting home. I've long ways yet to go. 20:17 Let the little children come, 20:37 let the little children come, 20:39 let the little children come to me. 20:44 Let the little children come, 20:45 let the little children come, 20:47 let the little children come to me. 20:51 And do not forbid them, do not forbid them 20:55 for such is the Kingdom of heaven. 21:02 Let the little children come, 21:04 let the little children come, 21:07 let the little children come to me. 21:10 Let the little children come, 21:12 let the little children come, 21:14 let the little children come to me. 21:17 And do not forbid them, do not forbid them 21:21 for such is the Kingdom of heaven. 21:28 And do not forbid them, do not forbid 21:31 them for such is the Kingdom of heaven. 21:47 Thank you Cadet Sisters for that beautiful song. 21:50 I like you to meet some friends of mine 21:52 that are joining in sharing time today. 21:54 This is Thomas and Matthew thank 21:57 you guys for coming and being with me 21:59 we're sitting here just reading some 22:00 Kid's Time letters isn't this fun? 22:01 We're having a good time, 22:03 but I ask Thomas and Matthew 22:05 to come and join us today because 22:07 I wanna them to share with you some 22:08 of the ways that they share Jesus. 22:10 Thomas can you tell us what you do to 22:12 share Jesus or something you've done 22:14 to share Jesus? Sure, we had a 22:17 championship game in soccer and this was 22:20 like for a big trophy and it was on Friday 22:22 night and I decided not to play soccer, 22:25 I decided to worship God instead. 22:26 You did, now have you played 22:28 soccer for longtime. Yes, I played it 22:30 for 4 years and are you pretty good at it. 22:32 Yes, I'm. What position do you play? 22:34 I play half back behind the centers, 22:36 so what? Have you ever missed any 22:39 games on Sabbath before? Yes, 22:41 I have and how do your teammates feel about that. 22:44 They feel pretty bad because they knew 22:46 they would have won, if they loss they knew 22:49 they would have won if I was there. 22:51 So, when you decided not to play 22:52 that championship game, did anybody give you 22:55 trouble about that? A few kids did, 22:57 yes and did you have any special friends 23:00 on the team that gave you a hard time. 23:02 Yeah, my two best friends that I have 23:04 and so they really want you to play that 23:06 championship game was that hard for you 23:09 to make that decision. Don't really because 23:11 I just take God and I believed in him, 23:13 so I decided to trust him and not 23:15 to play and do you make that decision 23:18 anytime we decide to follow Christ boys 23:21 and girls we're gonna be happy with 23:22 that decision. Well, that was, 23:24 that definitely showed your whole class the 23:26 Sabbath was very important yes. So, 23:28 important enough to miss a championship 23:30 game so I'm very proud of you, 23:32 I know Jesus is proud of you, 23:33 thank you, you made him really 23:34 happy. Now, Matthew you tell 23:36 some nice things to share Jesus too, 23:38 what you have done to share Jesus? 23:39 Well, at Christmas my sister Alicia 23:45 and I, I gave the kids story tapes 23:50 and story books about Jesus and 23:56 they were very happy. So, you brought 23:59 these Bible story tapes and then you 24:01 passed them out to your friends 24:03 and your neighbors that was a really 24:04 nice thing to do now how long you 24:06 have been doing that. Since I was two, 24:10 since you were two and how old are you now? 24:11 Six, you're six-years-old. Well, you know I 24:15 think that's really special and that you 24:17 were able to share the Bible story books 24:20 and I mean they were Bible story tapes 24:22 not books right. And the Bible story tapes, 24:24 both, oh, both you have books too, 24:26 so that they had books to read 24:28 and also tapes to listen maybe 24:30 sometimes boys and girls that might be 24:31 too young to read and they could listen 24:33 to the tapes I've really like that 24:34 idea too. So boys and girls maybe 24:36 you could get some Bible story 24:38 books or tapes and sharing your neighbor 24:40 that some you could do isn't it? 24:41 Have you ever play sports, do you play 24:45 soccer or games at all either. Baseball, 24:48 you play baseball, so do they ever have 24:50 games on Sabbath. No, you haven't had 24:54 to deal with that yet, but if you had 24:56 to decide to play a game on Sabbath 24:57 or miss the game do you think it 24:59 would be a hard decision, no. Because, 25:03 because why, because we 25:06 worship the Lord more. Oh! That's 25:11 special isn't it? Well, how about let's a 25:13 read couple of letters, can you read the 25:16 letters there, who you reading from, 25:18 Michele and Michele is from you Utah 25:21 what is Michele saying. Dear Brenda I 25:24 share Jesus with my friends when I 25:26 I play with them by sharing my bike. 25:29 And that's from Michele, but thank you 25:31 Michele and you know what when 25:32 we're in selfish that is, is that a good 25:35 way to share Jesus. When you share 25:37 yes it is, yes it is and I have a 25:39 letter here from Saudi Arabia and 25:42 it says Dear Brenda, I'm Easel Fatima 25:45 and I'm seven-years-old and she said thank you 25:48 for Kid's Time I love Kid's Time, but 25:52 who is Jesus. She said I have 25:57 never heard his name before, 25:58 but he sounds really nice. Can you tell 26:02 me more about him and it said 26:04 I hope you have an aerobic program 26:06 that I can share with all my friends 26:08 thank you may God bless you love 26:11 Easel Fatima, wasn't that the sweet letter? 26:14 Well, you know what I would love 26:16 to tell you keep watching Kid's Time 26:18 and you're gonna learn more and 26:19 more about Jesus okay and let's see 26:22 do you have a letter over there maybe 26:23 you can read that letter right there 26:24 for me alright, alright, alright, 26:26 may hold that slowly, Dear Miss Brenda 26:32 I like stories and songs, I share Jesus 26:35 like this whenever my brother comes 26:38 from school, I open the door for 26:41 him and that's how I share Jesus. 26:43 I want the activity book, please 26:46 send it to me. Now, I'm nine-years-old 26:48 thank you and God bless you love 26:51 Danny Pollea. Well, thank you Danny 26:54 for that letter I appreciate it. 26:56 That's all the time we have today 26:58 boys and girls. I wanna thank you 26:59 Thomas and I wanna thank Matthew 27:01 for joining me today. I really appreciate 27:03 you sharing the stories. Remember 27:05 boys and girls, it's Kid's Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17