Kids' Time

Be Ye Kind

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000023

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there;
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:27 Oh! Hi boys and girls don't feel bad.
00:30 I'm not really crying. I'm just pretending.
00:33 But in our Bible story today, people are crying,
00:36 really crying, they feel so badly because
00:39 someone kind and good had died.
00:42 I don't know if you ever been to a funeral or not.
00:45 But if you have or even if you just know about
00:47 someone who died, you understand that
00:49 it's very hard to say good bye to someone
00:52 that you love isn't it. Maybe your favorite pet
00:55 has died or you know like your cat or your dog
00:59 or your bird or even your gold fish.
01:01 If so I really am sorry, because I know that
01:04 you miss them terribly. It's even harder though
01:07 to say goodbye to friends or family.
01:10 Sometimes we don't even know why we love
01:11 someone we just do. But we do know that
01:15 people who are kind and helpful and smile
01:18 and speak friendly words, they usually have
01:21 lots of people who love them. And we don't
01:24 ever want to lose them. The good news is that
01:28 we don't have to say goodbye forever.
01:30 The Bible tells us that the death is just like sleep.
01:34 And some day Jesus will wake up those we love
01:36 and take them to heaven with him.
01:39 I can't wait to have Jesus come again
01:40 and take us all to heaven where we'll never have
01:42 to say goodbye again we'll never have to be apart,
01:45 won't that be wonderful? Today you are going
01:48 to hear a story about a very kind woman
01:51 who died and everybody cried.
01:54 You know why they cried? They cried because
01:56 they loved her very much. But something wonderful
02:00 happened and it's a great story I can't wait
02:03 for you to hear it, I know you are gonna
02:05 like it but first Ranger Jim has
02:08 a very special trip for you too.
02:18 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim here again
02:19 today telling that we've got something
02:21 very exciting for you to see and enjoy and
02:23 to learn about. We have our friends of
02:26 white-faced hornets here today.
02:28 We have two of them here that I'm holding in
02:29 my hand and I'm thankful that they are diseased
02:32 they are no longer alive or I wouldn't be holding
02:34 them like that. The white-faced hornet
02:36 has a bad reputation for a bee,
02:39 very aggressive insect then they do have
02:40 a very powerful sting but unless you disturb
02:43 them they are very friendly. If you find white-faced
02:46 hornets nest hanging in a tree you may observe
02:49 it from a distance but whatever you do,
02:51 don't yield to temptation and start throwing
02:54 rocks or sticks at it. If you do it can be very
02:57 dangerous in fact it can be life-threatening
02:59 because thousands of these insects live
03:01 in one of these large nests and if you should
03:03 disturb them they could really put you
03:06 in the hospital. And so we won't do that,
03:08 well we'll stay away from the white-faced hornets
03:10 nest and we'll just observe. As you can see the
03:13 one that I am holding in my hand on this branch
03:16 has some beautiful coloration in it,
03:18 the white-faced hornets choose deadwood and
03:21 mixes it with its own saliva and it uses that
03:24 to quote the outside of its nest.
03:27 And sometimes we find one like this which
03:28 is particularly beautiful and they use this to shed
03:32 water and retain the heat within the high
03:35 of itself and as you can see they attached
03:37 to the branch including all of the leaves and twigs
03:43 that gives this stability and strength in fact
03:45 in the strongest winds that blow it cannot
03:47 dislodge the white-faced hornets nest,
03:50 so when the queen survives the winter
03:52 and early spring comes she comes forth and
03:55 begins to chew paper, chew wood and produce
03:58 the paper and she builds the first pad and
04:01 its round about so big and containing usually
04:05 about 20 cells, she lays eggs in those 20 cells.
04:09 Then she goes out and does a very unusual
04:11 thing for a white-faced hornet.
04:13 She goes out and begins to capture spiders. Now,
04:15 she doesn't kill them she simply paralyzes
04:18 them by stinging them. Then she brings them
04:20 back and one by one she puts them in the cell
04:23 where she just laid an egg and when that is
04:25 full of tiny little spiders that are not dead,
04:28 they are paralyzed but she packs them
04:30 in nice and tight then she seals it over and
04:33 when that egg hatches and the larva develops
04:35 then it begin to go through the process stages
04:38 of development and it simply eats this way out
04:42 of all the spiders. So we have another one here
04:46 that you might see to give you some idea what
04:49 it looks like inside. Okay, and as you can see
04:52 the different sized pads after those 20 of
04:55 the first pad hatch then the Queen has 20 helpers
04:59 and they go out and begin to capture spiders.
05:02 Everyone is capturing spiders and bringing
05:04 them back, while that is unusual its because
05:07 as adults the white-faced hornet enjoys the same
05:10 foods as Ranger Jim and perhaps you nice
05:12 ripe peaches and apples and plums and things of
05:16 that nature. Especially, those are overripe and
05:18 fall to the ground. They enjoy that very much
05:22 so as they continue to grow and build larger
05:24 and larger pads then they have enough help
05:27 to continue to extend the covering of the outer
05:30 part of the nest all the way down and it sheds
05:32 water that's all that they are interested in
05:34 is keeping it to shed the water off of the high
05:36 until it's about half way finished through the
05:38 middle of the summer and then they continue
05:40 to build this device on the bottom and that
05:44 retains the heat as the days go cooler,
05:47 the evenings go cooler then they need to after
05:49 retain the heat. So the queen will survives
05:53 the winter most of the other hornets do not now
05:56 they are highly developed insect but they are not
05:59 nearly so highly developed as there is honey bee,
06:03 they have the ability to collect nectar and produce
06:05 honey in wax combs for their winter's use and
06:09 so the entire colony of bees survive the long
06:11 winter month, but once again the
06:14 white-faced hornet, after it builds his nest and
06:16 uses it all summer then when its abandoned in
06:19 the fall when the weather begin to get cold
06:21 and then severely cold most if not all of the
06:24 white-faced hornets perish because even though
06:27 it's well insulated they are not equipped
06:29 to survive the winter but there are other creatures
06:31 that find these nests especially the
06:33 White-footed deer mouse and they love to find
06:36 these they go up and simply find the entrance
06:38 hole and maybe enlarge that a bit and go inside
06:42 and here's a wonderfully insulated home and
06:44 up here is the pantry and so the White-footed
06:47 deer mouse begins to store all the different
06:49 kinds of seeds that he will need during the winter
06:51 months and during the coldest part of the winter
06:54 in Northern climates of United States and Canada
06:57 the little White-footed deer mouse is inside
06:58 very comfortable, it maybe 30, 40 degrees
07:01 below zero but the little White-footed mouse
07:04 mouse is very comfortable. Other insects and other
07:06 creatures as well use the home of the
07:09 white-faced hornet. So they are a novelty
07:11 we find them quite often hanging in nature
07:13 and so people like to collect them,
07:15 I have one friend who has about 25 of this all
07:17 different sizes. But there once again boys and girls
07:20 as always when we see these things and begin
07:23 to study about them, and learn more about
07:25 them the answer is always the same isn't it,
07:28 that same wonderful creator Jesus.
07:31 Ah! How He knows to make things and as
07:33 I've told you before what a time that's going
07:35 to be when we get there and we can go with Him
07:38 and Jesus can be our teacher. He can
07:41 tell us how He made it and perhaps tell us
07:43 about things we never even dreamed about.
07:45 I've been studying these things for more than
07:47 50 years and I am amazed that some of the
07:49 things that I learned, amazed that some of
07:51 the things that scientists are just now discovery
07:54 and I think, well you could have known that
07:56 all along. If Jesus made it, it had to be perfect
08:00 because Jesus doesn't make mistakes in
08:02 creation does He, so He is a wonderful friend,
08:05 a best friend to have as Jesus.
08:07 So as your Ranger Jim always tell to close
08:09 with this, don't forget to tell Jesus that
08:13 you love Him, because He really does love you.
08:23 Hello boys and girls, one little candle can
08:26 light up a big, big room. That Jesus said
08:30 we need to be like that, right Andrew?
08:32 Jesus said that, Let your light so shine before men,
08:35 that they may see your good works,
08:36 and glorify your Father in Heaven,
08:40 Matthew 5:16. We need to let our light shine.
08:48 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
08:53 This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
08:57 Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine.
09:02 Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm gonna let it shine
09:07 Hide it under a bushel? No! I'm gonna let it shine
09:11 Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine. Don't
09:16 let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it shine
09:20 Don't let Satan blow it out, I'm gonna let it
09:24 shine Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine.
09:29 Let it shine so Jesus comes, I knew lit it shine
09:33 Let it shine so Jesus comes, I knew lit it shine
09:37 Let it shine, Let it shine, Let it shine. Let it shine.
09:54 Hi today we're gonna make Apple dip.
09:57 I love apple dip, I love apples too.
10:01 And I have a horse and his name is peel buddy
10:04 and he loves apples too. Apples are really good
10:06 for you. Sometimes I take them to the barn
10:09 with me to share with him but he gives me
10:10 a really funny look when I try to eat them.
10:13 Well, now it's just take a look at the recipe,
10:18 1 container tofutti better than cream cheese
10:22 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup succanat
10:26 1/4 cup better than milk (original flavor).
10:30 Now, let's start with the peanut butter.
10:33 We'll go ahead and pour that in.
10:42 You know I am okay. Now we're gonna go
10:46 ahead and pour in our succanat.
10:49 That succanat is a great alternative for sugar
10:54 stir that up a little bit, and now let's go ahead
11:03 and add this vanilla stir that up also.
11:13 And, also you gonna use this tofutti better
11:16 than cream cheese and there are different kinds
11:20 of tofutti or different kinds of cream cheese
11:23 and it's soy cream cheese and tofutti cream
11:26 cheese this is the brand we like though and
11:30 go ahead and poured that in, and when you go
11:38 to put your soy milk in make sure you look over
11:42 here and you come over the sink or something
11:44 and stir it hold the top on little tight because
11:46 otherwise it won't stir all over it, shake it.
11:52 Bring it back over and pour some, pour some in.
12:05 There we go stir it up, real good,
12:12 it's really good with apples. Taste good and
12:20 you know it's almost done. Here we go,
12:31 looks like it's just about done and remember you
12:34 can use this for taking your lunch at school
12:38 or have a fun at school snack with your friends
12:41 or somebody comes over as it's gonna be
12:42 appetizer or something. Okay and pour this
12:46 in and then we'll here we go this is our finish
12:59 product when we getting with our apples,
13:07 here we go. Alright, in the middle of there
13:15 it's the finished product. Very good and I've
13:21 another recipe I would like to show you
13:25 making a fruit shake. Let's read to the recipe,
13:31 1 frozen banana 1 cup frozen strawberries
13:35 Soy milk (enough to make a shake consistency)
13:38 and 1 teaspoon vanilla.
13:41 And I am just gonna clear this area off
13:43 so that I can start my recipe,
13:54 here we go and go ahead and get this on the recipe
14:02 and bananas and the vanilla.
14:09 Now, I just gonna use this get some of these
14:11 strawberries. Just a cup of strawberries
14:14 or so in here frozen strawberries and
14:20 frozen bananas here we go and dump these
14:26 in our shake. Here we go and then one
14:32 frozen banana, and vanilla, and then you even use
14:46 your better than milk look over it let me shake it
14:49 first make sure you are grab it tight too.
14:55 and then we are just pour in nothing to make
14:58 it to shake consistency, just a little bit
15:06 there we go and now let's take this on and
15:11 let's start, let me stir it up. Here we get the
15:35 banana in there here we go just try again.
15:54 I am gonna need to add some more milk.
15:58 It's not go into well. Get it to 1/10
16:05 better here we go. Now, you stir it up some
16:18 it's kind of here we go that should be better.
16:37 Here we go, here we go, that looks ten times better,
17:04 it's good. Over here and we'll get a cup pour some
17:18 to here love strawberries. Strawberry is my favorite
17:25 but you can use any kind of berries or any kind
17:28 of fruit to use this to peeges or blue berries,
17:32 black berries, raspberries shakes anything
17:35 that you like. We are to go over here and
17:38 maybe garnish it some strawberry and
17:43 you know apple, look over what we made today,
17:51 don't you smile and invite some friends over
17:53 here and eat it right now,
17:55 but just remember to keep cooking and eat healthy.
18:06 Oh! I do hope I get this garment done today.
18:10 I want to take this over to Ms. Menova.
18:12 You know, her husband has been really sick
18:14 and she hasn't had time to make
18:15 anything for the new baby.
18:20 You know this shirt fit the little son Dorcas.
18:23 Oh! Maya, what a wonderful idea?
18:26 I think that would work. Do you think that we've
18:30 anything that would fit their little girl? You
18:33 know, I saw her just the other day and her coat
18:36 look so warn and thin. How about this? Oh!
18:42 I think that would work. Put that in the basket
18:45 and let's take that too. Could you check and
18:48 see if we have any éextra oil?
18:51 I would like to take it down to the widow down
18:53 the road. You know, that she lost her husband
18:56 last week and she looks so sad. I would really like
19:00 to take her something. I think it cheer her up,
19:03 also don't let me forget I want to take supper
19:06 to that family down the road.
19:08 You know the one where the little girl has been
19:10 sick for so long. I think it cheer the mother up,
19:13 she looked exhausted the yesterday.
19:17 Dorcas are you sure you're up to this after
19:20 all that has happened? Don't you remember just
19:24 yesterday you were so sick that you died?
19:29 You know, I don't remember a whole lot
19:32 about yesterday, what I do remember was?
19:35 I was making this garment for Ms. Menova's baby
19:39 and my head hurt so bad and I felt dizzy
19:46 and I felt just kind of weak all over.
19:49 And my eyes I could hardly keep them open.
19:53 And I thought, if I could just lay down
19:56 and taken nap. Oh! That would feel so good.
20:01 And I'm, I just decided I'll just lean back and
20:06 just lay down for a little bit and take a nap
20:08 and I just let my eyes close, that's all I remember.
20:14 But you didn't just take a nap, you died.
20:17 I do ran to get help, but it was too late.
20:19 You are already dead and there was nothing
20:21 we could do, but then two men remembered Peter,
20:27 he was visiting some towns nearby.
20:30 So, they ran as fast as they could and
20:32 told them about what it all happened?
20:36 And then he came running back with them,
20:39 when he got here the room was filled with people.
20:43 The women were crying and coming up to Peter
20:46 and showing him all that he would done.
20:49 Then he sued them all out of the room.
20:52 Then he knelt down beside your bed and prayed
20:55 to God and asked to help you.
20:59 Then with God's help he took your hand and
21:03 said Dorcas get up. Then you opened
21:08 your eyes and then you stood up.
21:11 Well, I remember opening my eyes and I thought.
21:17 Oh! That was a nice nap that did a lot of good.
21:21 My headache was gone, and I didn't feel weak
21:24 and dizzy and I thought. Oh!
21:27 I'm so glad I took a nap. And then I saw Peter
21:30 and I thought well Peter that it's a nice surprise.
21:35 How nice of you to come and visit me?
21:37 And he just kind of looked at me kind of funny
21:39 and he just kind of smiled and he opened the door.
21:43 And he motioned and all these ladies came in.
21:46 And I couldn't understand, they were grabbing me
21:50 and hugging me and they were going oh!
21:52 We're so glad you're alive. And I thought,
21:56 I thought I just took a nap. And they were so
21:59 excited and when they told me the story
22:03 I couldn't believed it. Can you imagine?
22:07 I was dead and Jesus brought me back to life.
22:13 I was so excited I was like oh! Thank you Lord,
22:19 I couldn't believe it. Do you know what?
22:22 Now, more than ever I wanted to do as much
22:26 for Jesus as I possibly can. I want to share Jesus
22:31 love with everybody. I want to comfort the sick,
22:36 I want to take food to the hungry,
22:39 I wanna give clothes to people,
22:41 who don't have a lot of clothes?
22:43 I wanna do everything I can for everybody.
22:47 I no, I'm not too tired to do all this stuff.
22:52 God has brought me back to life for a special
22:56 reason. So, I can share His love with everyone.
23:01 I want to share Jesus love too.
23:04 We can bring this blanket to that homeless girl
23:06 on the streets. Yes, we can. And we can bring
23:09 some a loaf of bread for her too.
23:12 And we can bring some food for that
23:14 poor man who is all alone.
23:18 Maya, I think you're already learned how to
23:21 share Jesus love? Jesus wants us
23:24 to always help others.
23:38 Wasn't that a wonderful story about Dorcas?
23:40 I really enjoy that. Well, I'm excited today because
23:43 I've a friend joining me on Sharing Time and
23:45 her name is Lydia. Lydia thank you for coming today,
23:48 where are you from Lydia? Louisville, Kentucky.
23:50 Louisville, Kentucky and you came a long way
23:52 to be here in Sharing Time. And I'm glad you're here.
23:55 You were, you were telling me about a way that
23:57 you share Jesus. Can you tell the
23:58 boys and girls about that?
24:00 Sure, I was at this park one day,
24:03 and I was thought and there were kids there
24:05 and I was talking to them and telling them about
24:08 the Sabbath and stuff. And they didn't know
24:10 that Saturday was the day of worship,
24:13 but they worshipped on Sunday and they were
24:18 really excited about it and stuff.
24:20 And I give before I left I gave them a lot
24:23 of booklet and stuff, but book was steps to Christ
24:26 and they gave it to their parents, so.
24:30 So, they could maybe you witness to their
24:31 parents as well, yeah. Well Lydia,
24:33 thank you for sharing that I think that's a good idea.
24:35 You know, boys and girls, if you've you know,
24:37 a little booklet about the, you know,
24:39 that says something about Jesus, you carry
24:41 it with you, maybe you've in your back pocket
24:42 or in your purse or maybe in you know,
24:44 your in your parents car. You know,
24:47 you've a right handy to share with some of this,
24:49 isn't that nice? So, thank you for that.
24:51 You want to open a letter from here.
24:52 Well, I open one over here, sure.
24:54 And this one is from Britney and she is
24:56 from Cadillac, Michigan. And Britney writes,
24:59 dear Brenda I share Jesus love,
25:01 when I go to the nursing home and I share
25:03 my song books with an old lady and sing too.
25:08 Please send me a Kid's Time activity book.
25:10 Thank you, love Britney. Britney I would be happy
25:13 to share you a book. Thank you so much for
25:15 writing to me. And she put little stickers on
25:17 here as well, isn't that cute? You like that,
25:19 what did you; you got a letter right there, okay.
25:23 Let's see what this letter says who is this one from.
25:25 This one is from Katy and she is from Washington.
25:29 And this letter says, dear Brenda,
25:31 thank you for the Kid's Time book, it is nice.
25:34 Oh! She must have already written to me once,
25:35 thank you Katy. My brother made apple
25:38 oatmeal crisp and it was good.
25:40 I'm in, well just for the, those of you
25:42 don't know this apple oatmeal crisp recipe
25:45 in the Kid's Time activity book. And it says,
25:47 I'm in the second grade and I love Kid's Time,
25:50 love Katy. And she says, I went to Mexico with
25:54 my mom and daddy and it was fun.
25:56 And looked down here she has drew us
25:58 a picture see that, she has got a, she isn't?
26:00 That's her right there, that's her and she
26:02 has got a tree and a sun, all kind of little hearts
26:04 down here and, and little animal. Thank you,
26:09 very much Katy I love your letter.
26:11 Well, you know, boys and girls that's about
26:13 all the time we've today. I want to thank you Lydia
26:16 for coming and joining us on Sharing Time.
26:18 And I want to encourage you to keep sharing Jesus.
26:20 Don't ever stop telling someone about Jesus.
26:23 And boys and girls, I encourage you too like
26:25 Ranger Jim says tell boys and girls that they,
26:28 that Jesus loves them because He really does
26:31 love you and that's true, isn't? Remember,
26:33 wherever you go, it's Kid's Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17