Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000021
00:01 [Music]
00:03 It's time to share, 00:04 there's a world out there, 00:06 looking for a friend like Jesus! 00:10 It's time to share, 00:11 there's a world out there, 00:13 let's tell them that 00:14 He loves us so! 00:16 Let's tell them that 00:18 He loves us so! 00:20 Kids Time! 00:22 Kids Time! 00:23 Kids Time! 00:24 Hi boys and girls! 00:26 I feel a little foolish sitting 00:27 here with an umbrella over my 00:29 head when it isn't even raining! 00:32 Or... is it? 00:34 Oh it's not really raining! 00:36 I'm just teasing! 00:37 But it might rain! 00:38 If it does... I'll be prepared, won't I? 00:41 I love to hear the sound of the rain... 00:42 the soft swoosh. It's so soothing, isn't it? It's so 00:47 peaceful! And I like that consistent pounding of a 00:51 downpour! Boy that's exciting!! 00:52 But rain waters the earth and it makes the grass and the gardens 00:57 grow! It's very necessary, isn't it? 00:58 It cleans the air making it fresh and healthful to breath. 01:02 And sometimes after the rain, 01:04 you can look at the sky 01:05 and do you know what you see? 01:08 That's right! 01:09 A beautiful rainbow! 01:10 But there's such a thing as having too much rain... 01:12 ...and when it rains and rains and rains, the earth becomes soaked and you know what? 01:19 It can't hold anymore water! 01:20 And the water flows over the ground getting deeper and 01:25 deeper. And the rivers and the streams, they start to overflow their banks and then... 01:29 it turns the highways into rivers and the fields into big lakes and you know what? 01:35 Sometimes people even have to move out of their homes to escape the flood waters!! 01:41 Well today, you're going to hear a story about a time when it 01:45 rained more than it has ever rained before or since that 01:49 time. It rained and it rained and it rained! 01:53 It rained so much that the flood waters covered everything!!! 01:57 You know what? My little umbrella here, it wouldn't have helped me at all, would it? 02:02 But you'll find out more today about the great flood in our Bible story but first, 02:08 Ranger Jim is going to tell us about the Great Blue Heron! 02:13 [Music] 02:20 Hi boys and girls! 02:21 Ranger Jim here saying, "Welcome to Nature Time!" 02:22 We're glad that you can join us! 02:24 I have my friend Debbie Cylke with us 02:25 and she has a friend that she is going to tell us about. 02:28 Debbie what is this you have? 02:29 This is a Great Blue Heron. 02:31 If you notice his long beak; He uses it to get his food with. 02:38 And he uses it for something else! 02:40 I understand that a lady was working... 02:42 -some lady that works with birds, Debbie herself, 02:44 as she was setting his wing because it was broken 02:47 and someone let go off this bird and what happened? 02:50 Well when they let go... 02:51 -because he uses his beak 02:52 (it's real sharp) to spear his food well, 02:56 that's also his defense... so what happened 02:59 is when they let go and I was wrapping his wing; 03:02 (we'll get to that in a few minutes) 03:03 he stretched way out and he came across my mouth... 03:09 And pow!! 03:10 ...chipped the tooth and it went right on through! 03:12 So that's how much power they have! Well 03:14 this is the Great Blue Heron boys and girls and they are a wonderful creature! 03:19 They have been known to live as long as 29 years; That's not the 03:23 average. Out in the wild, probably 12 to 14 years and that 03:27 would be it. There is a terrible mortality rate in the first year 03:31 of their life. About 70% of all Blue Herons perish in their first year of their life. 03:36 If you could come to Florida sometimes and Ranger Jim could put you on the boat 03:39 and Debbie come sometimes; I'd like to take you there and take 03:43 you to a rookery where these creatures live. They like to have a community of nests. 03:46 I know one place where there are 165 Great Blue Heron nests last 03:52 year! Wow! 03:53 And these babies all squawking... you can't... 03:54 (when you get in the middle of it) you can't even talk! 03:56 You have to shout because Blue Herons have two or three babies 04:00 in every nest! Wow! 04:01 Boys and girls these babies are up and when mother comes back... 04:04 they are begging for food and you see... 04:05 she doesn't have a hand or she doesn't have a basket 04:08 to bring food from the supermarket! 04:09 She brings it from inside of her body! 04:11 And the babies are begging and they stick their little bills 04:14 inside this big bill and start begging. 04:16 In fact they go all the way 'til their heads are almost stuck in 04:20 there!! Wow! 04:21 They eat the food that the mother regurgitates up 04:22 (Now that's a little repugnant to us). But that's the way they 04:25 do it! And then when one baby gets all it can hold and she 04:29 feeds the other. There is a great commotion going on all the 04:32 time! Back and forth and back and forth. 04:34 I have an experience on handling one of these too! 04:36 I was going down a canal fishing one morning 04:38 and a man waved to me from his dock and he said, 04:41 "Can you help me? Something has my fishing line 04:43 and it's down in the trees and I can't find what it is!" 04:46 I started looking and sure enough it was a Great Blue 04:49 Heron! This man was fishing with a minnow about this long 04:52 and the minnow was swimming up towards the surface... the Great Blue Heron saw it... 04:55 ...and he flew down and grabbed this minnow about this long! 04:59 But unfortunately, it had a hook in it! 05:01 He caught the Blue Heron right here on the side of its mouth! 05:04 And so I eased my boat over very carefully and I talked to the 05:10 Heron and he was exhausted from fighting and I picked him up 05:12 gently... put him between my knees and pinned his (because I know if that's a weapon also) 05:17 Yes! 05:18 When I took the hook out of his jaw and I thought he would say 05:20 "Thank you!", but he didn't because many people refer to 05:24 this guy as the cranky Heron. Because Mr. Blue Heron is 05:28 solitary. He likes to feed in his own area and he would defend 05:31 his property. Boys and girls he would chase off any other Heron that would come near him. 05:35 But if you disturb him... 05:36 (I don't know if the microphone will take this or not) 05:39 ...but he makes the sound like this... 05:41 [squawling like a heron] 05:42 [laughing] 05:44 And then he flys off complaining as far as you can see him! 05:46 And at night if he is roosting around near where you are 05:49 sleeping... and someone disturbs him... a raccoon comes by... 05:51'd hear him down there complaining! 05:53 [squawling like a heron] 05:54 He goes off complaining down through the woods. 05:56 So he is a beautiful creature. How many eggs did you say they 06:02 normally will lay? Actually they would normally lay three to 06:05 five. I see. 06:06 And their food the mother actually goes hunting for their 06:16 babies Debbie could we turn him so the boys and girls could see 06:18 the wing that was injured that you repaired? 06:21 Sure! 06:22 Alright! It's doing quite well! 06:23 Yes. What happened is that the bird came in injured and it had 06:28 a broken wing... and we tried to do the figure 8 and tried to get 06:34 as lined up as best as we can and hopefully in the end be 06:37 released! Wonderful! Wonderful! 06:38 A beautiful creature boys and girls! 06:40 God makes some wonderful things, doesn't He? 06:42 I just thrill when I see them! 06:44 And I'm looking forward to when that day comes... 06:46 when we can have these beautiful creatures with us! 06:48 Debbie do you think it's going to be a wonderful time to be in 06:50 the new earth? Oh it will be wonderful! 06:52 They won't be afraid of us and we won't have to hang on to 06:53 them. Boys and girls, we appreciate so much Debbie for coming in and talking to us 06:58 today! So Ranger Jim as always saying; 06:59 Don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him because 07:02 boys and girls He really does love you! 07:07 [Music] 07:12 Hello boys and girls! 07:13 How are people going to know that we are Christians? 07:17 Is it just because we tell them that we are? 07:18 Rachel found the answer to that question in the Bible! 07:22 "By this shall all men know 07:23 that you are His disciples; 07:25 If you love one another. 07:27 John 13:35" 07:29 So they'll know we are Christians by our love... 07:33 [piano playing] 07:43 We are one in the spirit. 07:46 We are one in the Lord. 07:49 We are one in the spirit. 07:51 We are one in the Lord. 07:54 And we pray that our unity may some day be restored. 07:59 And they'll know we are Christians 08:02 by our love, by our love! 08:05 Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love. 08:17 We will work with each other. 08:20 We will work side-by-side. 08:23 We will work with each other. 08:25 We will work side-by-side. 08:28 And we'll guard each man's dignity 08:31 and save each man's pride. 08:33 And they'll know we are Christians 08:37 by our love, by our love! 08:38 yes they'll know we are Christians by our love. 08:51 [music] 09:24 We are one in the spirit. 09:27 We are one in the Lord. 09:29 We are one in the spirit. 09:32 We are one in the Lord. 09:34 And we pray that our unity may some day be restored. 09:40 And they'll know we are Christians 09:43 by our love, by the our love! 09:45 Yes they'll know we are Christians by our love. 09:51 [piano playing] 10:02 [music] 10:09 [music] 10:12 Every day with Jesus, 10:15 is sweeter and the day before! 10:20 Every day with Jesus, 10:23 I love Him more and more! 10:28 Jesus saves and keeps me. 10:31 And He's the one I'm waiting for. 10:36 Every day with Jesus 10:39 is sweeter then the day before. 10:44 Every day with Jesus, 10:47 is sweeter and the day before! 10:52 Every day with Jesus, 10:56 I love Him more and more! 11:00 Jesus saves and keeps me. 11:04 And He's the one I'm waiting for. 11:08 Every day at with Jesus, 11:12 is sweeter then the day, 11:15 yes sweeter then the day, 11:17 yes sweeter then the day before! 11:28 [music] 11:34 When I see the beautiful rainbow it reminds me of the greatest adventure in my life! 11:42 I'm Noah. 11:43 And I'd love to tell you about this adventure. 11:45 Back in the beginning when God created a perfect earth; 11:50 It was beautiful... 11:51 Warm... 11:53 Loving... 11:54 Kindness could be seen and felt everywhere! 11:57 Then sin came in because Adam and Eve disobeyed God 12:02 and with sin, people became selfish and self-centered. 12:07 They wanted things for themselves. 12:09 They even destroyed and killed people so they can get these 12:15 things! This made God very sad! 12:17 And God decided He must do something about this hurting of 12:22 others. And so every living thing on this earth must be 12:29 destroyed. But you know, He decided to destroy it with a 12:35 flood. I was so happy because God told me, 12:37 "Noah, I want you to build this large boat, an ark, 12:45 because I want you to save your family 12:48 and the animals and all those who would love to come in to 12:54 that ark. Well, it was the big boat and God gave us detailed 13:00 instructions. It was 450 feet long. 13:05 It was real high! 13:07 It had a massive door on its side. 13:10 A window way up on the top! 13:11 And you know in this ark, there were three different levels or 13:18 decks. And on these decks, were built rooms. 13:21 He wanted us to build large rooms for elephants. 13:24 Smaller rooms for horses. 13:26 You know even little rooms for bunny rabbits. 13:30 And the birds- each one had a room! 13:33 Then God said, "Noah, these animals and you are going to 13:40 have to eat. And so I want you to build store rooms where you 13:43 can put all the feed that you'll need for a very long time." 13:49 We began to build that ark. 13:51 And you know, as we began to build; It took us a long time! 13:57 It took us 120 years! 14:00 While we were building on this ark, the people would come and 14:06 watch us. We would tell the people God was going to destroy 14:11 every living thing on this earth with a flood. 14:17 If they would change their ways and come in to the ark they 14:23 would be saved! But you know, they only laughed at us! 14:26 They treated us very unkindly! 14:29 I guess, I guess they really didn't believe God. 14:34 That God would destroy this earth with a flood. 14:37 For you see, they had never seen water before! 14:40 And they had never seen water coming up out of the earth. 14:44 So where was the water going to come from? 14:46 It was hard for them to believe it! 14:48 Well, the day did come when we finished up the ark. 14:54 Then God caused something miraculous take place! 14:57 The animals came! 14:58 These creatures... two by two... male and female to the ark! 15:02 We put them in their separate rooms. 15:06 Oh it was a wonderful time! 15:08 And God said, "Noah, I want you to take your three sons 15:11 and their wives and your wife go in to the ark. 15:15 And we did. Then He shut that massive door! 15:18 And it sealed right tight shut! No water or nobody else could 15:25 get in there! Well... it did rain! 15:28 God caused the sounds of the great deep to open up and water gushed up out of the earth! 15:37 And then, He caused the floodgates of heaven to open! 15:43 And water came down from the sky... bringing torrents! 15:48 And you know, after 40 days and 40 nights the whole earth was covered with water... 15:55 ...20 feet over the highest mountains! It was a longtime. 16:01 The water was on this earth 150 days! 16:03 And then God caused the wind to begin to dry up the waters. 16:10 Well, while we were in that ark we waited and we fed animals 16:16 and we got well acquainted with them! 16:19 And then we waited some more. 16:21 And then I got anxious and I was beginning to look and wonder... 16:25 Is the earth dry outside? And when I looked and I couldn't see 16:31 anything; I got one of the ravens and put it out the 16:34 window. And that raven flew back and forth. Well, it couldn't find any place to sit! 16:40 So I put a dove out. You know, this dove flew out and he too could not find any place to sit. 16:48 And so he came back to us and we brought him back into the ark. 16:53 Well we waited a whole week and sent him out again. Well, he stayed out all day! 16:58 When he stayed out all day; That evening he brought back a fresh 17:07 olive leaf to us. Oh! It was a welcome sight!! We knew then that green things were growing 17:14 on the earth. Well we waited some more. We sent out (after another week), we sent out this 17:20 dove again. This time he never returned to us. After a while, God opened up that great big 17:33 door and when he opened it up we turned all of the animals loose! 17:37 And they went out and then we went out! 17:40 Oh! It was just so good to walk on the earth again! 17:44 To breath that fresh air and be outside! 17:46 You know, we had spent a whole year in that ark and that's a 17:54 long time! Well, God did a wonderful thing then... 17:59 He told us that He would never destroy the earth again with a 18:07 flood! He said; I am going to give you a sign so you'll know. 18:11 And so He put up beautiful bow in the cloud. 18:15 Now, whenever we see that beautiful rainbow; Let's ask God to help us to obey Him! 18:28 So that we can be in that beautiful place called 18:35 Heaven and spend time with our lovely Savior. 18:43 [music] 18:49 [music] 18:56 No matter how tight the spot you're in, 19:00 here's what you should do, 19:03 put your best foot forward 19:05 and God will see you through. 19:09 Take a step of faith! 19:12 Take a step of faith! 19:14 When you can't see your hand in front of your face 19:17 just take a step of faith. 19:20 with no stars to guide your way, 19:23 God still beside you say; 19:26 Take a step of faith. 19:29 Just take a step of faith. 19:33 Though the night is black as coal, 19:39 God is still God and He is still in control. 19:45 Things that you can't see 19:50 are known to God. They're as plain as can be! 19:59 Take a step of faith 20:02 Take a step of faith 20:04 When you can't see your hand in front of your face, 20:07 just take a step of faith. 20:10 With no stars to guide your way 20:13 God still beside you saying 20:16 Take a step of faith. 20:18 Just take a step of faith. 20:22 When your strength is almost gone, 20:29 He'll pick you up and carry you on. 20:34 Just call out His name. 20:40 Today, forever, He is still the same. 20:49 Take a step of faith. 20:51 Take a step of faith. 20:54 When you can't see your hand in front of your face 20:57 Just take a step of faith. 20:59 With no stars to guide your way 21:03 God still beside you say; 21:05 Take a step of faith 21:08 just take a step of faith. 21:15 [music] 21:22 Thank you Emily for that beautiful song; 21:24 "Step of Faith" I liked it boys and girls did you? 21:27 Well right now is Mailbox Time and I'm going to check 21:30 the mailbox to see if I have any mail! 21:32 Maybe one from you... And you know what? I do have some mail! 21:37 Lots of letters today! 21:38 Oh I love hearing letters from you boys and girls... 21:40 and hearing about the ways you show Jesus! 21:43 But right now before I get to read these letters, 21:46 I want you to meet a very special friend of mine. 21:48 I've asked Matthew to join me today. 21:51 Hi Matthew! 21:52 Hello! 21:53 Thank you for joining me on Kids Time and on Sharing Time today! 21:55 I'm really excited to be here! 21:56 Well, I'm excited too! Matthew is all the way from Knoxville 22:00 Tennessee. And Matthew you stepped out in faith by sharing Jesus with one of your 22:07 friends... Can you tell me a little bit about that? 22:08 Well, sure I can do that! 22:13 Well, I went to visit my grandma last year to... 22:17 and I picked up my friend... 22:21 and we had a good time at my grandma's house. 22:23 Now, where does your grandma live? 22:26 She lives in Apopka Florida. 22:28 Oh I bet you miss her allot! 22:29 Yeah. I miss her allot! 22:31 It sounds like you love your grandma! 22:35 I love my grandma! 22:36 Yes. And so you met some boys down there, you said, and some 22:39 friends when you were at your grandma's house and you had a 22:40 good time. Yeah! 22:41 Now, were they doing something that you didn't think they should be doing though? 22:43 Yes. 22:44 What was that? 22:45 They were saying bad words and curse words. 22:46 That make Jesus very sad when we say curse words, doesn't it? 22:50 Yeah. 22:51 So, what did you do when they were saying these words? 22:52 I told them to stop and that if they didn't stop doing all the 22:56 bad words and bad things they wouldn't go to heaven. 22:59 What did they say when you said that? 23:01 They said we never thought of that before! 23:04 So they probably just always said bad words and never thought 23:08 of it! Yes. 23:09 So, did they ask you to do something then? 23:12 Yeah. They asked me to pray for them. 23:15 And did you? 23:16 Yes. I said, "We'll pray for you before we go to bed tonight." 23:20 And did you pray for them? 23:22 Yes. We really did! 23:23 Oh, now did he ever say bad words after that? 23:26 NO. 23:27 Around you? 23:28 No. Never! 23:29 So you really witnessed to him and you shared Jesus 23:31 in a very special way, didn't he boys and girls? 23:33 I'm really excited about that you know, because when we say 23:36 bad words, it makes Jesus very sad, doesn't it? 23:40 Yes. 23:41 Well you know, right now I would like to read 23:42 some letters from the boys and girls. I was just getting ready 23:44 to. Do you want to help me? 23:46 Sure! 23:47 Okay. This letter right here... 23:48 Why don't you open that one and read that one? 23:49 And while you are doing that... 23:51 I'm going to open this big envelope here. 23:53 I'm kind of curious about... 23:56 This one... Oh look! 23:59 This one is from Becky and she has sent a picture 24:03 of a bird that she's colored. And she says, 24:05 "Dear Brenda, my name is Becky and I'm 6 years old. 24:08 I share Jesus at school with my friends Alisha and Karla, 24:12 and I would love to be on Kids Time and I sing songs for 24:18 Jesus." Wasn't that a nice letter! I really enjoyed that! 24:20 Now you have one from Isaac from the Cayman Islands; 24:23 Matthew can you read that from Isaac? What does he say? 24:27 He says, 24:28 "Dear Brenda, I share Jesus by being good and listening in 24:32 Sabbath school and share with the other kids. I enjoy Kids 24:36 Time. Isaac" Oh! Isn't that beautiful? A little picture Isaac drew with the sailboat on 24:41 the water? Thank you very much! I enjoyed that letter. Oh that was really special. 24:46 Well, I've got one here from Vanessa from Florida and she 24:52 says to me; "Dear Brenda, my name is Vanessa and I had, was 24:57 with a friend, and we went to P.E. and she got hurt when the 25:01 coach said to the boys to go to the refreshment area. 25:06 The boys ran over her and she started to cry. |
Revised 2014-12-17