Kids' Time

Whither Thou Goest

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000020

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time
00:24 Hi, boys and girls.
00:26 I've been looking at this map of the United States
00:28 and it has all 50 states in it and if you live here
00:32 you could find out just where you live on this map.
00:35 Perhaps do you have a map in your house like this
00:38 and you could find out
00:39 where your hometown is in your state.
00:41 I found the place where I live,
00:44 right here, let me show it to you.
00:46 Right here in Knoxville, Tennessee.
00:50 I haven't lived there very long actually,
00:52 before that I lived in Boston, Massachusetts,
00:55 right over here.
00:57 Do you see that? When I did move from Boston?
01:01 It was kind of a hard day for me.
01:03 When moving day came I had to say goodbye
01:06 to good friends and my church family
01:08 and I had to leave many things that were familiar to me.
01:11 You know, that made me kind of feel at home.
01:14 I had to leave my house and all my--
01:16 of course my favorite shopping malls
01:18 and my own dentist and my own doctor
01:21 and even the post-office, where the people there
01:23 knew me and they would--
01:24 I would walk in the morning and they go,
01:25 hello Brenda, how are you, you know,
01:28 what made you come here today?
01:30 And you know that was kind of hard to move
01:32 and leave familiar things behind.
01:35 But we're going to hear a story today of a woman
01:37 who also left her home and of the sad things
01:40 that happened to her in her new home.
01:42 But don't feel too badly because this woman
01:45 trusted God and He turned her sadness into happiness.
01:50 But before you hear that story, you know what,
01:52 Ranger Jim has something special for you too.
01:55 And he is gonna tell you about some wild food,
01:58 that's right, that you can really eat.
02:08 Hi, boys and girls, Ranger Jim here saying,
02:11 welcome to Nature Time.
02:12 We're glad you could join us today.
02:13 My friend Craig Cylke is here and Craig knows
02:16 quite a bit about foods that you can find to eat
02:18 in the out of doors and some of them amaze me.
02:21 Craig, you tell the boys and girls
02:22 something about these plants we have.
02:24 Well, Ranger Jim, thank you
02:25 and it's great being here, boys and girls.
02:28 Did you know that in life sometimes
02:30 we can be in places we would never expect.
02:33 Why let's think just for a moment, just that
02:35 we found out that we're getting ready to go on a trip
02:38 and on that trip we boarded one of the big 747 jets
02:41 and we had a little problem,
02:43 over one of the large mountain ranges
02:45 the jet just absolutely quit running.
02:48 Oh, no, but, you know, the Lord protected us
02:50 and we're able to make a safe landing
02:52 even though it was an emergency landing
02:53 but we got a problem, Ranger Jim?
02:55 You know, boys and girls,
02:57 they hadn't even served us our lunch yet and so
03:00 we're getting hungry already. Kind of like me.
03:02 And you know some thing, Ranger Jim?
03:05 We're also thirsty, now here we are on the top
03:08 of a mountain were you just landed, and you know what?
03:11 The closest water, Ranger Jim,
03:13 is 600 feet straight down in the ground.
03:16 What in the world do you think we might do
03:17 to find water 600 feet underground?
03:19 Tell me I need to know.
03:20 Well, boys and girls here's what you would do.
03:23 Did you know that there is a wine
03:25 out in the woods called-- a lot of people called
03:29 this wild grape or muscadine wine.
03:32 And you know something, this wine can give you
03:35 enough water to save your life.
03:37 Here's what you would do, you would take this wine,
03:40 boys and girls, and reach as far above your head
03:43 as you can reach and you would take and cut a ring
03:45 to open up the bark and then you would take
03:49 and you would cut the bottom,
03:51 or if you weren't fortunate enough to have a pocket knife
03:53 you could even take two rocks
03:55 and you could beat the bottom apart.
03:58 You would hold this over-- if we were fortunate enough,
04:00 you know, once in a while we have
04:01 one of these little survival kits.
04:03 But if you didn't have one of them
04:05 you can find a hollow rock or something that would hold water
04:08 and then you hold the end of the wine
04:10 over that rock or that hollow implement
04:13 that you have found and you will catch
04:15 about a half a cup of the sweetest tasting water.
04:18 Amazing, that you have, it is 98% water 2% sap.
04:22 If I was thirsty, then I could do this, right?
04:24 I could hold it up like this and let it drip in my mouth.
04:26 You sure could, Ranger Jim.
04:27 Wonderful, wonderful, thank you.
04:29 And, you know, I would like to show one another thing.
04:31 You can hold that one, Ranger Jim,
04:32 and let me have this wine
04:33 because this is very important.
04:35 Oh, I know what that is.
04:36 You know, just like we know about in the Bible
04:38 there is good and there is bad young people.
04:41 And boys and girls, this is one of the bad wines,
04:44 but let me show you the difference.
04:46 You see how this one looks kind of fuzzy here
04:49 like grizzly does, you know, little beard.
04:51 Well, this has a beard, this is called Poison Ivy Wine.
04:56 Now this is too early in the spring
04:58 or winter right now for the leaves to be out,
05:00 but this right here, boys and girls,
05:02 some people were so allergic to it
05:04 they would just have to walk by and the pollen
05:07 could actually blow on their skin
05:08 and they could contract Poison Ivy.
05:11 So but see the difference, you see how that's got
05:13 a old man's beard on it and look at here, Ranger Jim,
05:15 you see this is real barky looking, no beard.
05:18 Right.
05:19 And this is a unique thing. See how it sheds.
05:21 That's something, boys and girls, how that sheds.
05:23 Okay, but that's the differences of the two wines.
05:26 We wanted to show you that because you have a good one,
05:28 just as Jesus is good and you have a bad one
05:31 just as the devil is bad.
05:32 We don't want anything to do with that guy, you know.
05:34 All right. Nothing to do with that guy.
05:36 Would you like to learn a little bit more, Ranger Jim?
05:38 Yes, and tell the boys and girls about this one.
05:40 Well, fantastic, did you know, boys and girls,
05:43 that there are no known
05:45 poisonous violets in the United States?
05:47 This little blue violet here and if they--
05:50 you can see that from where you're at in your homes,
05:52 boys and girls, is a very tasty savor item,
05:56 while you can even eat the leaves, Ranger Jim.
05:58 Do you think it would be okay if I eat this one up?
05:59 Please do, and if you don't mind, you know,
06:01 I didn't quite get all my nutrients at dinner.
06:03 Can I have one of the leaves?
06:05 Very good, very tasty.
06:06 Now, let's take one and share it
06:08 with the boys and girls at home, okay.
06:10 See, boys and girls, isn't that a pretty
06:12 little green leaf, isn't that something--
06:13 So that would be safe to eat. That would be safe to eat.
06:16 Now, Ranger Jim, I have one of my favorites.
06:21 We have had a salad on our hike, you know,
06:23 that we're trying to find civilization
06:25 after our airplane wreck.
06:27 And now we need something to drink,
06:29 something with a little energy in it,
06:31 and you know what, I like trees,
06:33 don't you like trees, Ranger Jim?
06:34 Oh, I love trees. I love trees.
06:35 Okay, well, Ranger Jim,
06:37 do you have any idea what this might be?
06:39 Let me let you smell it and see if you can
06:41 tell me what that smells like?
06:43 Oh, root beer. Root beer.
06:45 Oh you're absolutely right, only it's called Sassafras.
06:48 And, boys and girls, this is what they used to make
06:51 own fashioned root beer out of
06:53 and it makes a very tasty tea
06:55 that actually can be quite healthy for you.
06:57 Now let me tell you, you won't be able to see
06:59 the leaves because it is winter right now.
07:01 If it were to have leaves,
07:03 this is one of the most unique type of leaves.
07:06 Did you know there is three different gloves to each plant,
07:09 one glove has a mitten with our two fingers, young people,
07:14 like this and one has a glove with one finger on it
07:18 and then one of the mittens is no fingers.
07:21 Okay, and that's how you can identify the leaves.
07:24 Well, that's very entertaining,
07:25 Craig, is there one more?
07:26 Well, there is sure is, Ranger Jim.
07:28 You know, it's a very common plant,
07:30 this is called a White Pine and you know,
07:32 it's very easy to identify it, Ranger Jim.
07:34 Boy and girls, watch this, we would take a sprig
07:38 of the white pines and I want you to spell with me.
07:41 At first we're gonna count, we will count one.
07:44 Well, you know, they don't always co-operate,
07:46 but I think one is here that's got all five
07:49 and if you'll notice, young people, there are actually
07:52 five sprigs to this white pine needle, and let's--
07:56 let us spell with me W-H-I-T-E,
08:01 white for white pine.
08:03 And, you know, young people,
08:04 Ranger Jim, not only is the needle edible.
08:07 The plant is edible. You can--
08:08 there is a white membrane here, boys and girls,
08:11 just under the bark that you can actually take
08:13 and chew on, or you can make a very nutritious tea,
08:16 that has four vitamin C.
08:18 And God is just so good, Ranger Jim,
08:20 He gives us all these wonderful things to eat.
08:22 We can go through a lot more.
08:24 And we can understand how our Native Americans
08:26 were able to survive in the wilderness and use
08:28 some of these things for medicines.
08:29 Boys and girls, we want to caution you.
08:31 You're not to go out and find these foods by yourself.
08:34 Make sure you have a councilor with you or
08:36 an adult with you to be sure what these foods are.
08:38 Because we don't want you becoming sick
08:40 from eating something like this.
08:41 God has provided an abundance for us to eat and to enjoy,
08:45 but have an adult with you, be sure
08:48 of what we're eating, okay?
08:49 Ranger Jim as always saying, boys and girls,
08:51 don't forget to tell Jesus you love Him
08:53 because He really does love you.
09:02 Hello, boys and girls.
09:04 There is a country called Great Britain
09:06 and that country has a queen.
09:08 Where ever the queen stays in that country
09:11 they fly a flag because they're
09:12 so happy to have her there.
09:14 Boys and girls, we need to show the world
09:16 how happy we are that Jesus is in our hearts.
09:19 Cindy, do you have a text for us please?
09:21 I went with them to the house of God
09:23 with the voice of joy and praise, Psalms 42:4.
09:27 Joy is a flag flying high
09:29 over the castle of our hearts.
09:34 Joy is the flag flying high
09:36 Over the castle of my heart Over the castle of my heart
09:40 Over the castle of my heart Joy is the flag flying high
09:44 Over the castle of my heart
09:46 For the King is in residence there
09:49 So fly it high in the sky Let the whole world know
09:54 Let the whole world know Let the whole world know
09:57 So fly it high in the sky Let the whole world know
10:01 That the King is in residence there
10:05 Joy, Joy, My Heart is filled with Joy
10:09 Joy, Joy, My Heart is filled with Joy
10:12 Because my Savior watches over me
10:16 That's the reason why my heart is filled with Joy
10:19 Joy is the flag flying high Over the castle of my heart
10:23 Over the castle of my heart Over the castle of my heart
10:27 Joy is the flag flying high Over the castle of my heart
10:31 For the King is in residence there
10:34 So fly it high in the sky Let the whole world know
10:38 Let the whole world know Let the whole world know
10:42 So fly it high in the sky Let the whole world know
10:46 That the King is in residence there
10:49 That the King is in residence there
11:04 Hi, today we're gonna make potato salad.
11:06 It's my mom's recipe, I really like it too.
11:09 There's lots of ways you can use potato salad,
11:11 to take it on picnics
11:14 and you can use it in lunches, anywhere.
11:17 I'm gonna read the recipe for you.
11:34 First we're gonna take our potatoes
11:37 and dump them in a bowl.
11:44 Next we're gonna add our pickle relish
11:47 with lemon juice, and olives.
11:54 You can also add celery to this if you like it,
11:57 but today I chose not to, not to add celery.
12:02 And we're gonna take our soya mayo, can also use carrots.
12:08 Let's put some of this in, you put however much,
12:11 however much, like if it's dry, you add more.
12:20 Mix it up.
12:30 This is really good on picnics and stuff,
12:32 it goes with sandwiches and other side.
12:35 It's looking a little bit dry, add a little bit more.
12:49 I said that before you can use carrots or celery,
12:52 if you like them in it.
12:57 It's looking pretty good.
13:03 Now I'm gonna add some seasonings.
13:05 Start with our salt, add a pinch of it.
13:10 And just salt to taste, if you don't want any salt
13:13 or if you like it with salt and just put however much
13:15 you want in there and stir it up a little bit more,
13:18 mix the salt in, add some of our seasoned salt,
13:25 just a dash, okay.
13:32 Looks pretty good, we'll stir it one more time,
13:34 get that stirred in and then pour it into our bowl.
13:54 Here we go, pour it in.
14:01 Go.
14:08 Okay, put this off to the side.
14:16 I'm gonna add some paprika on the top,
14:21 you don't have to add it, it's just for its color,
14:25 on the top, then we're gonna make--
14:31 we're just gonna add some tomato slices,
14:35 make it look nice and just decorate it.
14:43 Can do what ever you want with the tomato slices
14:45 and the parsley, take the parsley.
14:57 Add some parsley around the sides too.
15:04 You can just add however much you want,
15:05 just to make it look nice and so it, add some color too.
15:12 Now add this rest of this parsley here,
15:14 take the spoon out, show us the finished product.
15:22 Hope you will try this. I think you'll like it.
15:26 And until next time, keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:37 Oh, I'm just so happy and I praise God
15:41 for this beautiful day and for this precious
15:43 grandson of mine, his name is Obed.
15:48 Oh, by the way my name is Naomi.
15:50 You know, when my name was given to me,
15:52 names had special meaning
15:54 and you know what Naomi means? It means my joy.
15:57 And truly this grandson of mine is my joy.
16:01 Oh, wait, I'm getting way ahead of my story.
16:04 You know, I wasn't always a happy person.
16:06 There was a time when I was very, very unhappy.
16:11 Let me tell you about it.
16:13 Sometime ago in my country of Judea,
16:16 in the city of Bethlehem, there was a famine.
16:20 Now, a famine is when there is no food for people to eat
16:23 and they can't grow it and the people starve and die.
16:27 So my husband Elimelech and I decided that we would
16:30 go to a different country where they had food.
16:33 So we traveled with our two sons, Mahlon and Chilion
16:37 and went to the land of Moab.
16:39 Now the people on the land of Moab,
16:41 they didn't worship the true God in heaven like we did.
16:45 Do you know what they worshiped?
16:46 They made little idols out of wood and stone
16:50 and they worshiped them and they thought that
16:52 those little idols would do things for them.
16:55 And, you know, they were afraid of those
16:56 little idols that they made also.
16:59 But we remained faithful and we kept
17:02 worshiping the true God in heaven.
17:05 Well, after a time, my husband
17:08 became ill and he died.
17:11 I was very sad and I missed him very much.
17:16 But I still had my two sons.
17:20 Well, my sons they took wives of the women of Moab
17:23 and they were such good daughter-in-laws,
17:26 one's name was Orpah and the other was Ruth.
17:30 And you know we lived quite happily there for ten years,
17:34 then suddenly both of my sons died and I was left
17:42 with my daughter-in-laws and we were so unhappy.
17:46 We were heart broken and we didn't know
17:49 what we were going to do.
17:51 Because women couldn't own land and we had no way
17:55 to provide for ourselves and we just didn't know
18:00 what we were going to do.
18:02 But about this time, I heard that
18:04 in my country the famine was over.
18:07 So I decided I was going to go back to Bethlehem.
18:11 Now my two daughter-in-laws they wanted to go with me
18:15 but I told them, "no girls, you go back
18:17 to your mother's house, there you will find
18:21 other husbands and they will be able to take care of you.
18:24 I have no way of taking care of you.
18:26 I have no more sons for you to marry."
18:29 Well, they cried and they didn't want to leave
18:31 but after urging, Orpah kissed me goodbye
18:34 and she did go back to her mother's house.
18:37 But Ruth, she just hung on to me and she pleaded
18:41 she said, please don't make me go back,
18:44 I'll go where you go, your people will be my people
18:48 and your God will be my God.
18:51 You know, Ruth believed in the God of heaven
18:54 and she loved me very much.
18:57 And so I decided after these earnest pleas,
19:00 that I would let her come with me.
19:03 So we started out for Bethlehem.
19:06 We had little food and little money and no protection.
19:09 It was very dangerous for two women to travel alone.
19:13 But we prayed to God before we left for protection
19:18 and you know, He did bring us to Bethlehem safely.
19:22 Is that a good treat? You like that?
19:25 Sure, that's a good treat.
19:26 You know, I'm telling my friends about you
19:29 and about a special story.
19:32 When we reached the city of Bethlehem,
19:34 the women of the city came out to meet us.
19:36 And they looked and they said, "Is this Naomi?"
19:40 And I said, "Don't call me Naomi which means 'my joy,'
19:44 call me Mara, which means bitterness."
19:47 I went away came, I went away full, but returned empty.
19:52 I felt the Lord had dealt bitterly with me
19:54 and letting my husband and my two sons die.
19:59 Well, I just could only think of what was
20:02 going to happen to Ruth and I.
20:04 I imagined that we were going to have to crawl
20:06 on our hands and knees in the fields of strangers
20:09 and picking up just a kernel of grain at the time
20:12 that dropped from what the harvesters
20:15 would drop as they were harvesting the fields.
20:18 And sometimes the people were
20:20 very mean to the gleaners too.
20:22 That's what the people were called that went
20:25 in the fields and picked up these little pieces of grain.
20:27 And sometimes you would get such a little grain
20:30 that you'd go hungry that day.
20:32 Well, I want to tell you that God changed
20:36 my sorrow to joy, He blessed me with Ruth.
20:41 Ruth was such a good daughter-in-law.
20:43 She was better than seven sons.
20:45 And you know, just after we were there,
20:48 just a short time, she was out gleaning
20:51 in one of the fields of a very kind man
20:54 and he was wealthy and he saw Ruth gleaning out
20:57 in the field and his name was Boaz.
21:00 And he asked his servants,
21:02 "Who is that young woman out there gleaning?"
21:04 And they told him that she was my daughter-in-law
21:08 and that her husband had died and she had left
21:10 her family and returned to Bethlehem
21:13 to be with me because she loved
21:16 the God in heaven and she loved me.
21:18 Well, Boaz thought, what a wonderful girl that is,
21:22 that would come and help her mother-in-law out like that.
21:25 And you know, he decided to marry Ruth
21:28 and that's where all my joy became to real.
21:32 Why we had a nice home for ourselves
21:35 and Boaz provided for us so abundantly.
21:39 God used Ruth in this special way.
21:42 And you know, in time Boaz and Ruth
21:44 had this precious grandson of mine.
21:47 Oh and truly this baby is my joy.
21:51 And I want you to know that no matter
21:54 what happens to you, or how hard you're hurt,
21:57 or how sad you get, God will turn your sorrow into joy.
22:01 If you just pray to Him and ask Him
22:04 just like He did mine.
22:07 Is that a good treat, little baby?
22:08 Oh such a good treat.
22:17 Wasn't that a wonderful story about Naomi.
22:20 You know, Jesus will watch over and protect us too,
22:23 won't He? Just like He did for Naomi.
22:24 Well, it's mailbox time, boys and girls,
22:26 and I'm getting ready to see if we have
22:28 some mail in our mailbox.
22:30 I'm hoping I've a letter from you.
22:31 Let's look here and see and oh, I do have some mail.
22:36 Yes, I do. Oh, I think I have one here from,
22:39 boys and girls, I've one letter here from Thailand,
22:43 and one from Idaho, and Alabama.
22:46 But before I get into the letters
22:49 I want you to meet a friend of mine
22:51 that's joining us on Sharing Time today.
22:53 This is Emily and Emily is from Knoxville, Tennessee.
22:56 Thank you, Emily, for joining me today on Sharing Time.
22:59 You know, Emily, I really like the story
23:03 that you told me about how you share Jesus.
23:05 Can you tell the boys and girls at home,
23:07 how you share Jesus? Sure.
23:09 What do you do with it, to show
23:12 something very special? I really liked it.
23:14 Every year my friends and I go take
23:17 a large box and we decorate it.
23:19 We put little butterflies on it and flowers
23:21 and Bible verses, and we take fruit and snacks and--
23:29 Now you just take, take a big box.
23:31 Take a big box, cardboard box.
23:34 And you've fun decorating it all over with.
23:36 And we decorate it.
23:37 You said that, you'll put butterflies,
23:39 they're real butterflies? No.
23:40 No. What that? Not real butterflies.
23:43 But we put little paper butterflies that you can get
23:49 a little shade of butterflies, a little shade
23:51 of sail boats, and cut them out,
23:55 and then we glue them on to the box.
24:02 Oh well, that's pretty. And then we take fruits.
24:07 And we'll take snacks and all kinds--
24:14 You put juice boxes.
24:16 Juice boxes and water bottles and crackers,
24:19 things like that in the box and then we take it--
24:25 What do you do with it? We take it to the hospital.
24:27 Now you take a big box like this full
24:29 of all these goodies now.
24:30 What, why would you take that to the hospital for?
24:32 What would you do?
24:34 We'll take it to the waiting room where people
24:37 are waiting to see their loved ones and then, where--
24:41 Like for the intensive care unit or the surgical unit.
24:44 And then when you, when you go in there,
24:46 now do the people they get mad at you
24:47 when you come in there with that box?
24:49 No. No, what do they do?
24:50 We give it to them and we sing songs and we pray
24:54 with them and ask Jesus to please heal their loved ones.
24:59 Oh, that... And--
25:02 I'm sure that makes the people very happy.
25:04 Doesn't it? You know, boys and girls,
25:06 when you are waiting for a loved one in the hospital.
25:09 When you're in the waiting room that can seem
25:11 like a long time because you're very, very worried
25:15 about your, maybe it's your mother, your father,
25:17 or friend, or you know someone special and that
25:20 they're sick and you're worried about them.
25:21 So you're in the waiting room waiting to see
25:23 what's gonna happen and how they're doing?
25:24 That's a wonderful way to witness to them
25:26 because they really, they need some
25:28 comfort at that time, don't they?
25:30 So I'm sure that made them feel very special.
25:33 All right now, let's read
25:34 a couple of letters from the kids.
25:35 Can you open this one for me, Emily?
25:36 And I'm really crazed about this one from Thailand.
25:39 And this one says, "Dear Brenda,
25:42 "I really like witnessing for God.
25:44 "And one day there was a lady at school who didn't know
25:46 "Jesus and I told her about Jesus.
25:48 "She wasn't interested in being Christian,
25:50 but I'm still praying for her. Love, Button."
25:53 P.S. Please send me a Kids' Time Activity Book.
25:55 Button, I will definitely send you a book,
25:58 and keep praying for your friend, okay.
26:00 Do you have a letter right there?
26:02 There we go. And, oh look, we've a pretty picture
26:05 on this one it says, "My name is Floretta,
26:08 "and I'm eight years old and I make pictures
26:11 "to give to people and I put Bible verses on them.
26:14 Love, Floretta." Thank you, Floretta.
26:16 Isn't that a pretty picture, Emily?
26:18 I really like that.
26:20 Well, Emily, I want to thank you so much for joining me
26:22 today on Sharing Time and also sharing your story
26:26 with the boys and girls.
26:27 I really loved having you here.
26:29 And boys and girls, remember, wherever you go,
26:31 whatever you do, it's Kids' Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17