Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000019
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time Kids Time, Kids Time 00:24 Hi, boys and girls. 00:25 Have you ever tried to water ski? 00:27 It's lots of fun, isn't it? 00:29 As you can see by looking at this water ski, 00:32 there is a special place where you can put your foot. 00:35 See right here. 00:36 This looks like a pretty big foot 00:37 would fit in here, doesn't it? 00:39 My friend Kim loaned this to me today, 00:41 so I could show it to you. 00:42 You should always wear a life jacket 00:44 whenever you water ski and then you hold, 00:47 firmly to the rope as the water boat 00:49 pulls you so fast, the shore just passes by in a blur 00:53 and you're gonna go up and down 00:55 and around the lake or the bay, 00:57 and you'll feeling like you're some kind of 00:59 miraculous water bird just skimming over the water, 01:02 but when the boat slows down, 01:04 you're no longer a miraculous bird, are you? 01:07 In fact, you're more like a rock 01:08 and you sink boom, right down into that water, 01:12 with just your life jacket keeping you afloat. 01:15 You know, some people have learned to ski 01:17 on the water in their bare feet. 01:19 They still hold on to the rope 01:21 while the motor boat nearly flies ahead of them 01:23 and beneath their bare feet 01:25 the water feels like a freshly waxed floor, 01:28 just smooth and slippery, but when the boat slows down, 01:32 bare foot's gears also sink. 01:35 Of course, there is a way to plant your feet 01:37 on the water without sinking. 01:39 Can you guess what that is? 01:41 Oh, that's right. 01:42 You can walk right on top of the water without sinking 01:46 if the water is frozen and you can skim 01:49 so faster over that icy surface 01:51 that the air feels like, wind blowing in your face. 01:54 That is if you know how to ice skate. 01:57 Our Bible story today, however, tells of a man 02:00 who walked on water, and the water wasn't frozen. 02:04 He didn't water ski or barefoot ski, 02:07 or even ice skate. 02:09 He looked to Jesus, and Jesus performed a miracle. 02:13 You know, boys and girls, Jesus can do anything. 02:16 And if you look at Him, 02:18 He'll do miracles for you too, and you know He will. 02:21 Now, Ranger Jim is going to show us 02:23 one of God's creatures who lives in the water. 02:33 Hi there, boys and girls, Ranger Jim here saying, 02:36 "Welcome to Nature Time." 02:37 We're glad you could join us again today. 02:39 As usual we have something you haven't seen before. 02:42 We have some fish to show you today. 02:44 The first thing we're gonna be showing you 02:46 is a small bluegill that you can see 02:47 that we have in the jar here. 02:49 And the bluegill gets his name 02:51 from a tiny little blue tab on his gill, 02:54 and he is a part of the sunfish family, 02:56 includes the sunfish and the bluegill, the bass. 02:59 They have a very unusual way of reproducing. 03:02 The male goes out in the spring of the year 03:05 and you may see this, if you're walking around 03:07 a small pond or a lake. 03:09 You may see some little round places 03:10 like this that are bright, maybe the rocks are showing 03:13 and the rest of the area around it is dark 03:15 and covered with silk. 03:16 If you look carefully, you'll see Mr. Bluegill, 03:19 he is there swimming around in the circle 03:20 fanning his tail and his fins, 03:23 and moving the water about 03:25 and he washes all of the debris away from the sand 03:27 and the small rocks. 03:29 There is a small depression there 03:30 and then he tries to entice 03:32 some beautiful young lady bluegill to come, 03:35 when she is ready, her eggs are developed in her body, 03:38 he entices her to come, he swims around her 03:40 and courts her, and ask if she like to come 03:43 and lay her eggs in his little nest 03:45 and when she lays her eggs in the nest, 03:47 the sun reflecting off of the stones 03:49 and the sand becomes very warm there 03:51 and sometimes the young female will say, 03:53 "Yes, I like to lay my eggs there." 03:55 So she lays her eggs in his little round nest 03:58 and she swims away. 03:59 That's the last thing 04:00 she has to do with raising her babies. 04:02 The male stays there and he continues to defend 04:05 that little round spot. 04:06 You look for them, well around a pond 04:09 or a lake and you'll see them. 04:10 He defends it from any one 04:11 that wants to come near there. 04:12 Any fish or any animal, anything comes near that, 04:15 the bluegill would dot on and attack it 04:17 and defend them until they hatch 04:19 and they're called fry. 04:20 They're tiny little things like that, 04:22 you can hardly see. 04:23 If you see a school of them in the water, 04:25 it looks almost like dust in the water, 04:27 but that's the way the bluegill reproduces. 04:30 And then we have a larger fish 04:32 over on the piece of wood that we have with me to see 04:35 that has some beautiful pink reflections on inside. 04:38 That's a rainbow trout. 04:40 Now the rainbow trout loves to reproduce, 04:42 he loves to live in cold water. 04:45 He loves streams that have cold water and stones. 04:47 He likes to hide behind big rocks, 04:50 and he's a predator, he swims out 04:51 and catches smaller fish, but when he's ready to spawn 04:54 or when she is ready to spawn, 04:56 they spawn in the open water. 04:58 The female swims along and lays her eggs, 05:00 they simply fall till the bottom 05:01 amongst all the rocks 05:03 and that's how they reproduce. 05:05 This fish is technically is called 05:06 what we call a steelhead trout. 05:08 They live in Lake Michigan and then they spawn, 05:10 they come up the very rivers 05:12 in which they themselves hatch, 05:14 a year or two before 05:15 and that's where they lay their eggs. 05:17 And then the large fish that we have here, 05:20 you see some eggs out in front of this fish, 05:22 those are salmon eggs. 05:24 This fish is called a King salmon 05:26 or a Chinook salmon, and it is one of the largest 05:29 fresh water species that we have. 05:31 This fish weighs about 20 pounds 05:34 and these fish grow to be 85 maybe 90 pounds, 05:37 and those are really huge, big fish, 05:41 but they all came above by the same way 05:43 of these tiny eggs that you see here. 05:46 The mother laid them in the stream, 05:48 in the fall of the year, 05:49 her last act after she lays the eggs, 05:51 she travels up the stream, swimming against the water, 05:54 against the current, up waterfall, 05:57 across rocks to the very sandbar 05:59 where she hatched herself many years before 06:02 and she deposits her eggs. 06:04 Many times in the stream, boys and girls, 06:06 I have watched the female salmon, 06:08 as she comes up the stream and she is laying the eggs, 06:10 it looked like a little machine gun. 06:11 They're popping out of the bottom of her belly 06:13 and they hid in the cold water 06:15 and the rocks and they bounce along 06:17 and coming behind her, is the daddy fish. 06:19 The male salmon and he is spraying a material 06:22 called a milk is the color of milk, 06:25 it looks at all the whirl 06:26 like he's spraying milk on the eggs, 06:28 and that's fertilization in the open water 06:30 we called it, okay, 06:31 and that makes the eggs hatch. 06:33 They fall down in the cold water 06:35 hidden from view from most of the predators 06:38 that will find them, almost all of the creatures 06:41 around the trout stream 06:42 or a salmon stream love salmon eggs, 06:44 including gulls and mink, and fish of all kind 06:47 and they feed upon those. 06:48 And many of the small salmon perish, 06:51 the eggs perish before they ever hatch. 06:53 But after two weeks or so, there is a black spot forms 06:55 on that tiny little egg 06:57 and that's the eye of the salmon that formed first, 06:59 and then eventually after two or three weeks, 07:01 a tiny little fish comes out of that egg. 07:03 You can imagine how small they are. 07:06 They come out of that and they live in the stream 07:08 for six months or so, 07:09 maybe eight months until they're about this size. 07:12 And then on a warm spring day, 07:14 when the weather is just right, 07:15 when it's dark at night, no moon, 07:17 the salmon begin to swim down the stream 07:19 and they swim back out into the ocean. 07:22 And that's where they spend the next two years 07:24 depending upon their species, 07:26 sometimes as long as four years. 07:27 They leave this size. They swim out in the ocean. 07:30 They grow, follow a path all around for many years, 07:34 eating and feeding and growing larger 07:36 and larger and larger, from a tiny fish this size 07:39 until they're a humongous 07:41 big fish weighing 85 or 90 pounds sometimes. 07:44 And how do they find their way back? 07:46 I have always wondered about that. 07:48 When I was a young boy, 07:49 I wondered how the fish can find their way back. 07:52 And when they come back out of the ocean 07:54 they come into the larger rivers, 07:56 they pass many streams, the size of this one. 07:58 They pass Green Creek or Mud Creek, 08:01 or Pike Creek, or Johnson's creek, 08:03 or Mud River, all of the streams. 08:06 They're still smelling that scent. 08:09 That is their home stream, 08:10 that's what they're looking for, 08:11 until finally they find the right one 08:14 and they turn and go up there. 08:15 And how can they do that? 08:16 Because our wonderful Creator God gave them the ability, 08:20 one of the most sensitive of all of the creatures 08:22 that God made is the salmon's ability to detect scent. 08:26 And that's how they come back to their stream. 08:27 You see, God wanted this fish to come back 08:30 to perpetuate the salmon, 08:31 because it was part of His creation. 08:33 Now I have something in my pocket, 08:34 I want to use to illustrate for you that. 08:36 I have a small bag here and I have a tablespoon. 08:40 And boys and girls, this is a tablespoon full of salt, 08:43 and this wonderful creature that God made, this salmon, 08:46 if we would dissolve this salt 08:48 in 18 Olympic size swimming pools, 08:51 this creature could detect that amount of salt 08:55 in the tremendous amount of water. 08:57 So once again, a wonderful creature 09:00 that God has made for us to see and enjoy, and study. 09:03 Boys and girls, He's coming soon. 09:04 Ranger Jim looks forward to that day, 09:06 we can go with Jesus and go on a nature 09:08 hike through the universe. What a time that will be. 09:11 Jesus, the one that created can show us 09:12 just exactly how He made it, we can appreciate it, 09:15 and love Him more for His greater creative ability. 09:18 So once again, Ranger Jim here saying, 09:20 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him. 09:22 'Cause boys and girls, He really does love you. 09:35 Hey, Buddy, what are you playing? 09:37 I am playing a song about sailing. 09:40 I know song about sailing too. 09:42 What is it? "Over The Sea." 09:44 Oh, that's such a good song. 09:45 Do you've a text for us? 09:46 Yeah, it's "For as the heaven is high 09:49 above the earth, 09:50 so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him." 09:52 Psalms 103:11. 09:54 I love "Over The Sea." 09:56 Boys and girls, let's sing this one together. 10:01 Over the sea, over the sea Jesus Savior pilot me 10:08 Over the sea, over the sea over the jasper sea 10:15 Over and over like a mighty sea 10:22 Comes the love of Jesus rolling over me 10:29 Wide, wide as the ocean high as the Heaven above 10:36 Deep, deep as the deepest sea is my Savior's love 10:43 I, though so unworthy still am a child of His care 10:50 For His Word teaches me 10:51 that His love reaches me everywhere 10:57 Over the sea, over the sea Jesus Savior pilot me 11:04 Over the sea, over the sea over the jasper sea 11:11 Over and over like a mighty sea 11:18 Comes the love of Jesus rolling over me 11:34 Hi, today we're gonna make 11:35 my Aunt Brenda's favorite Potato Corn Chowder. 11:39 I love it too. 11:40 My cousin, Linda Kay likes it 11:42 and Aunt Brenda probably makes it 11:43 more than she wants to. 11:45 Well, read the recipe for you. 11:48 [Recipe appear onscreen] 12:12 Right here, I already have the potato, 12:14 potatoes cooking and the onions. 12:17 And so I'm gonna start with our cream corn. 12:21 Pour the cream corn in. 12:27 And I like to use regular corn 12:32 or corn off the cob, just pour this in. 12:35 It just adds, it adds a little crunch 12:37 to your soup while you're putting it. 12:40 I didn't add this recipe, it's optional, 12:42 but if you like corn, then you can add this, 12:46 it's really good. 12:47 Now I'll add our seasonings, add some salt, 12:52 need two little pinches, spread that around, 12:57 then we'll add our celery salt, 13:01 put some of that in. Stir that up. 13:07 We have our, also our soymilk and I like better than milk, 13:13 but you can use any kind of soymilk you want, 13:16 and this is just as a thinner, 13:18 you don't wanna, you don't want too much. 13:21 We go over here and shake this. 13:26 Here we go. 13:27 You might wanna, when you gotta shake it, 13:29 go over a sink or something 'cause it spills, 13:32 sometimes it goes everywhere. 13:33 So we'll add some of this as a thinner, 13:38 just a little bit. 13:43 Okay, stir that all up. 13:48 And if it looks too thick, 13:49 depending on what you like your, 13:52 how you like your soup, if you like it thick or thin, 13:55 but just as a thinner you can use soymilk, 13:59 if you like it thick, 14:00 you can use a little bit of cornstarch. 14:02 And you just, you pour it in and it thickens your soup. 14:06 I think I need to add 14:07 a little more soymilk to this, 14:08 maybe half a cup or so, 14:10 to getting a little bit thick. 14:13 Take this. It's looking pretty good. 14:21 We'll add some more just to thin it, 14:24 down a little bit, stir. 14:30 This is a really good, good soup for a whole meal. 14:34 And you need as little salad, 14:35 maybe have your mom make some rolls or something, 14:37 and it's perfect. 14:40 There you see, that's all there is to it, 14:42 it's really simple and easy and really good. 14:45 Well, remember, until next time, 14:47 keep cooking and eat healthy. 14:58 Come, I've a wonderful story to tell you. 15:01 My name is Simon. 15:03 I'm a fisherman from the village of Capernaum 15:05 on the Sea of Galilee. I'm also known as Peter. 15:09 The name Peter was given to me 15:11 by the most wonderful man 15:12 to ever walk the Earth, Jesus of Nazareth. 15:15 You know, perhaps I should start at the beginning. 15:18 One day, as I was getting my nets ready, 15:21 my brother Andrew came running through me. 15:23 He was so very excited, he was shouting and hollering 15:26 he could barely catch his breath. 15:28 Once he did so, he told me 15:31 that he had found the messiah, 15:32 not only had he found the messiah, he said, 15:34 He spent the day with him. 15:37 I didn't know what to think of that statement. 15:39 You see, we Israelites have long awaited 15:42 the coming of the messiah, the promised one of God. 15:44 So I decided I would go 15:46 and see this messiah for myself. 15:49 You know, when I first saw Jesus, 15:50 He looked like any other man to me. 15:53 He didn't have a hale or anything, 15:55 but yet He was very special. 15:57 He was humble, yet so very sure of Himself. 16:02 You know what He did at our first meeting? 16:04 He changed my name. 16:06 He said, "From now you'll be called Peter." 16:09 You know, I always kind of liked the name Simon, 16:12 but Jesus thought I should be called Peter. 16:14 You see the name Peter means Rock. 16:17 I never thought myself as fitting a name like rock. 16:21 I never thought I was very solid as a rock, 16:24 but the name Peter stuck. 16:26 We went home soon after meeting Jesus. 16:29 A few days later, 16:30 Andrew and I were fishing on the Sea of Galilee, 16:33 we could hear shouting from the shore. 16:36 As we looked toward the shore to see, who is shouting? 16:38 We could see, it was Jesus. 16:41 "Follow me," He was shouting, 16:43 and I will make you fishers of men. 16:46 Fishers of men, whatever could that mean? 16:52 I didn't understand 16:54 but the "Follow Me" was clear enough 16:58 and I knew at that very minute 17:00 that whatever it was that He was calling us to do, 17:03 it was by far more important than our nets, 17:06 my business, or the boat. 17:08 And so, we followed Jesus, my brother and I. 17:11 We were with him constantly for three years 17:13 and saw Him do many, many things. 17:16 I saw Him heals many sick people. 17:19 Well, He can make the walk, the lame walk. 17:23 He could even order the wind and it would obey Him. 17:26 He did so many wonderful things. 17:28 He brought so much joy into the world. 17:31 There's one event that is very special to me 17:34 that I would like to tell you about. 17:36 One day, Jesus had fed over 5,000 men with 17:39 five loaves of bread and two fish, 17:42 and not only did He, did they everyone eat their fill, 17:46 but there was actually 12 basketfuls leftover. 17:49 Oh, how the people marvel that day. 17:52 Right after that miracle, Jesus asked us 17:54 all to go the other side of the lake. 17:56 He wanted to stay behind and pray 17:58 and He would follow later. 18:00 As we made our way across the lake, 18:02 we hadn't gone very far out 18:05 when all of the sudden a horrible storm came, 18:08 it was a bad storm. 18:10 The wind blew, the waves are slamming our little boat, 18:13 and we were going side-to-side. 18:14 We're being blown all over to lake. 18:17 We're frantically taking water out by the bucketfuls 18:20 and throwing it over boat, just to keep from sinking. 18:24 All of a sudden someone yelled 18:27 that he saw something in the water. 18:28 Someone else screamed, "It's a ghost." 18:31 Well, we all looked it wasn't a ghost, it was Jesus. 18:34 Jesus was walking to us on the water. 18:37 Oh, what a marvel that was? 18:39 I stepped forward and shouted to Him. 18:42 "Lord, if it is You, have me come to You on the water." 18:47 "Come," He said and I stepped out of the boat. 18:49 Oh, and I just stepped out, I was so frightened, 18:52 but yeah, when I put my foot on the water, 18:53 I felt as I was on solid ground. 18:56 I walked towards Jesus. I was walking on water. 18:59 Oh, I was so excited. 19:02 As I walked towards Jesus, 19:04 I took my eyes off from for only an instance 19:06 to look back at my companions, 19:08 and as I did so I started to sink in the water. 19:11 Lord, save me, I cried, I was so frightened. 19:14 Lord, save me, Jesus was there in an instant. 19:17 He held out His hand to me and as He held out His hand, 19:20 He said, "Why have you such a little faith? 19:22 Why did you doubt, Peter? 19:24 You see, I'd taken my eyes off from Jesus 19:27 and as I did so, I started to sink in the water. 19:30 So, remember, no matter what happens in your life, 19:33 don't ever take your eyes off of Jesus 19:35 because Jesus is always at your side. 20:00 Who's in the middle of the storm, God is 20:07 Who's in the middle of the storm, God is 20:13 Who's in the middle of the storm, God is 20:19 I'm not afraid what God is in the storm 20:26 Who's in the middle of the storm, God is 20:32 Who's in the middle of the storm, God is 20:39 Who's in the middle of the storm, God is 20:45 I'm not afraid for God is in the storm 20:51 Who's in the middle of the dark, God is 20:58 Who's in the middle of the dark, God is 21:04 Who's in the middle of the dark, God is 21:10 I'm not afraid for God is in the dark 21:17 Who's in the middle of the dark, God is 21:24 Who's in the middle of the dark, God is 21:31 Who's in the middle of the dark, God is 21:37 I'm not afraid for God is in the dark 21:47 Who's in the middle of my heart, God is 21:55 Who's in the middle of my heart, God is 22:02 Who's in the middle of my heart, God is 22:10 I'm not afraid for God is in my heart. 22:18 I'm not afraid for God is in my heart. 22:45 Thank you today, Sisters, for that message in song. 22:48 Well, I've a special treat boys and girls, 22:50 I have my friend Jonathan here 22:52 and he is going to join me on sharing time. 22:54 And I have asked him to share with you 22:56 ways that he shares Jesus can you do that, Jonathan? 22:59 Well, I've a friend a couple of years ago 23:02 that I played with him a lot. 23:04 Like everyday or so I would go to his house 23:06 sometimes I would eat 23:08 and I would pray before each meal. 23:11 And he seemed confused, he would kick me 23:14 and he would tap me on the shoulder 23:16 while he was doing it. But, he-- 23:19 he didn't pray before his meals. 23:20 No, it seem like he was Hindu, 23:22 I didn't even know at that time. 23:25 And so what, what happened? 23:28 Well, I would talk to him about Jesus, 23:30 but he never really talked to me about it. 23:34 He would just go on and do whatever he does with me. 23:37 But, you know what, sometimes that's the way 23:39 it isn't it boys and girls? When we share Jesus, 23:42 we don't always know when we saw 23:44 those little seeds of kindness and seeds of faith. 23:49 We don't know what's going to happen with that, 23:51 but it's our job to share our faith 23:53 and to share Jesus and Jesus does the rest 23:55 and sent His Holy Spirit, doesn't He? 23:56 So we can just pray for us, your friend 23:59 and that Jesus would touch his heart. 24:01 Well, let's read a couple of letters right here today 24:04 through the boys and girls, I love hearing from you, 24:06 boys and girls. 24:08 And I have a picture right here 24:09 can you hold this one up, Jonathan, so they can see. 24:12 And I have a picture, 24:13 let's see this letter is from Kristie 24:16 and it says, "Dear Brenda, I'm eight-years-old, 24:19 so I'm older than the kids in kindergarten, 24:21 first, and second grade." I love helping people, 24:24 so I help the little kids when they need help 24:26 or when a kid of my age is picking on them. 24:28 And me and my mom sometimes on Sunday, 24:31 after church we go to the nursing home 24:33 and sing Christian songs 24:34 and at Christmas we give them a gift. 24:36 I love helping people, love, Kristie. 24:39 And you know what Kristie, 24:40 thank you very much for showing that 24:42 and I'm glad that you also don't join in 24:45 when people are picking on someone, 24:47 it's never good to do that, is it? 24:48 Now let see this picture right here, 24:50 she's also drew me a picture of her helping people, 24:52 there's some people here in a wheelchair, 24:55 see that and then she's got people singing up here, 24:57 I think she probably sings to them, 24:58 that's nice, Kristie, thank you. 25:01 You have a letter over there that you can open. Well. 25:04 And let's see what that while you're opening one of those, 25:07 I'll read one of these. 25:09 Oops, I got another picture, 25:11 you can hold this picture up for me, Jonathan. 25:14 And I had, this one says, "Dear Brenda, 25:17 my name is Payton and I'm three-years-old 25:20 and my mom is helping me write this letter. 25:22 I love to tell people about Jesus, 25:24 and my daddy has some Bible stories called 25:27 'An hour with your Bible, and I take them with me 25:30 when we go to the grocery store 25:31 and I give them to all the people, 25:32 as we pay for our food. 25:34 Then I tell them to read about Jesus. 25:36 I want everybody to know Jesus. 25:38 Oh, this says, love, Payton. 25:40 I want everyone to know about Jesus too, didn't you? 25:42 And she said this is my picture of me 25:44 and my brother Brendon. 25:46 He is 18 months old. 25:48 He is a cute little thing, isn't he? Oh, yes. 25:50 You have a letter over there you want to read. 25:52 Okay, this one says, "Dear Brenda, 25:55 I'm eight-years-old, my name is Briana. 25:58 I enjoy your show, please send me a letter back. 26:01 Sincerely, Briana. 26:03 I share Jesus by telling stories about Jesus." 26:06 Oh, that's wonderful but you know what, 26:08 I think that's a very good way to share Jesus 26:11 when we share stories, isn't it? 26:13 And may be we have time for just one more, quick letter. 26:16 Oh, and I've got such a pretty picture here too, 26:19 you see that from Emily, 26:21 it says, "Dear Brenda, I enjoy Kids Time very much. 26:24 I think it is a nice show, I like special music best. 26:27 And I witness for Jesus 26:29 by bringing my best friends to church. Love, Emily. 26:32 And this is a lilac tree in my backyard," 26:35 isn't that pretty? Yeah, it is pretty. 26:37 Thank you, Emily, I really enjoyed that picture 26:39 and I'm glad that you share Jesus. 26:42 Well, I want to thank Jonathan 26:43 for joining me today and telling me all about 26:46 how you share Jesus. 26:48 Let's keep witnessing and sharing Jesus, 26:50 won't you, boys and girls? 26:51 Well, that's all the time we have today, 26:53 but until next time remember, 26:55 it's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17