Kids' Time

Be Like Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000018

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time
00:25 Hi, boys and girls.
00:26 Do you see what I have on the wall right here?
00:29 Just a white piece of paper, isn't it?
00:31 But let's have some fun.
00:32 I wanna show you something
00:33 we can do with this piece of paper.
00:35 I'm gonna turn this flashlight on right here, just like that.
00:38 And I'm gonna shine it on my hand.
00:40 I'm going to try to make some funny shapes.
00:42 Oh, can you see that? What does that look like?
00:45 Can you see that right there? Isn't that fun?
00:49 You know what, do you see what it is on the paper now?
00:52 You're right, it's a shadow.
00:55 And I can wiggle my fingers, I can even do this,
00:57 let's see, right here.
00:59 Look at that, may be,all right may be one of the dog.
01:04 But it's a lot of fun to do, isn't it?
01:07 But you can see that, I'm using the light
01:08 from the flashlight to cast a shadow.
01:11 And when the shape of my hand
01:12 comes between the light and the paper,
01:15 that's when we see the shadow, isn't it?
01:18 But there's-- you know a huge light in a sky
01:21 and a enormous blazing ball of fire
01:23 that shines on the earth and produce the shadows
01:26 all the time, it's called the sun.
01:28 And sometimes when you run,
01:30 you can see your shadow running too,
01:33 or if you jump, or bend over,
01:35 or wave your hands all around,
01:37 you can see your shadow doing the same thing.
01:40 And as long as that sun is
01:42 shining on you at the right angle,
01:43 you can't get away from your shadow.
01:45 It sticks right with you and no matter
01:48 how fast you run, you can't run away from it.
01:51 You know, our Bible story today tells us about a man,
01:54 who stuck so close to his hero that he was just like a shadow
01:58 and no matter where, Elijah went, Elisha was right there,
02:02 following him just like a shadow.
02:04 Elijah, even try to make, Elisha, stay behind,
02:07 while he went ahead, but just like a shadow,
02:10 Elisha, stayed right with him.
02:13 And he had a very special reason for doing this,
02:16 very good reason, and because he did,
02:18 you know what, Elisha, received something wonderful.
02:23 You know, you'll learn all about in our story today.
02:26 But first, Ranger Jim,
02:28 is gonna show us a Scarlet Macaw.
02:38 Hi, there, boys and girls.
02:39 This is, Ranger Jim, saying welcome to Nature Time.
02:42 We're glad you could join us today.
02:44 I have two special friends today.
02:46 This is, as you can see, a beautiful bird
02:49 and this is my friend, Debbie,
02:51 and, Debbie, would you tell us about
02:52 your organization, where you are here?
02:54 Sure, they glad to.
02:56 Boys and girls, this is Ellijay Wildlife Sanctuary.
02:58 We take orphaned, injured, rehab and release them back.
03:02 As you can tell, this is a scarlet red,
03:05 the red color, we call it Scarlet Macaw.
03:08 His name is, Peppy, and he came in,
03:10 because he came from South America,
03:13 and the people that had him was getting elderly.
03:17 And do you how long this, this Macaw lives?
03:21 They can live up to 80 years.
03:23 I hope, I make it 80.
03:25 Yes, and so elderly people get this bird as pets,
03:29 then if the bird outlives some of them,
03:32 what's gonna happen to the bird.
03:34 So they donated it to the rehab.
03:37 That's wonderful, then you can join him to,
03:38 boys and girls, and teach people
03:40 all about him and what have you.
03:41 And so--what kind of bird did you say it is?
03:43 It's a Red Macaw.
03:44 A Macaw, yes it's a Scarlet Macaw
03:47 and his name is, Peppy, and Peppy, is 27-years-old.
03:52 And if you look real good at him,
03:54 Jim, he kind of look scrappy,
03:58 see the plastic covering on his tail,
04:00 may be if we turn him.
04:01 they can see it little bit better in the back.
04:04 See the plastic little shabby but, you know what,
04:07 those are brand new feathers coming in.
04:09 Wonderful, wonderful.
04:11 They mowed a couple times a year,
04:13 couple times a year, and, you know what,
04:16 if you pinch it little bit, they kind of break that loose
04:20 and then it just peels off.
04:22 And there's a new feather under there.
04:23 And there's a brand new feather under there.
04:24 Well, I supposed it took them
04:25 millions of years to develop that, right.
04:27 Absolute, oh, yeah!
04:29 We know better than that, don't they?
04:30 We know better than Okay, our wonderful,
04:31 Jesus, made that, didn't He? Yes.
04:33 Okay, well, tell us something about
04:34 what this bird eats, and enjoys eating?
04:36 Okay, he is from, South America,
04:39 so over there, they eat fruits, nuts, vegetables.
04:43 Sound like a good diet to me.
04:45 Yes, Peppy here, he loves nuts,
04:48 orange is about his favorite here.
04:52 He mimics people, he talks actually.
04:55 Well, that might be a lesson there for boys and girls.
04:58 You might be careful what you say,
05:00 because someone might repeat what you say,
05:03 especially if you have a baby brother,
05:05 or baby sister around like that.
05:07 You want to be careful what you say,
05:08 because these birds do learn, don't they?
05:10 But you're teaching them to say.
05:11 Absolutely, and not only do they pick up on
05:13 what you tell them,
05:15 they mimic in the voice they hear.
05:18 Even though he is a male,
05:20 if he hears something said like,
05:22 hello in a female's voice,
05:24 he'll mimic in that tone of voice.
05:26 Well, is it a realistic voice, is it a just a squawk,
05:29 can you understand what it is?
05:30 You can understand, just as clear as you could,
05:32 if you, you and I talking together.
05:35 Well, that--if you would go into a build
05:37 and you didn't-- you know there was
05:39 no other human there and this voice spoke to you,
05:41 is that a new experience.
05:43 Yes. I'll tell you what.
05:45 You would swear at someone, lot of Macaws love to whistle.
05:48 Peppy, is no different.
05:49 And sometimes when you go in there,
05:51 he'll squeal so like you, he is attracted to you.
05:55 Uh, well, beautiful eyes, I noticed that beautiful eyes
05:58 and this large beak, what, what is this designed for?
06:01 What is this? It looks very powerful.
06:03 It is, actually when we go to grim him,
06:06 when the bat comes out, it takes two hands
06:08 to hold his beak for him to polish it.
06:11 Macaws take a lot of attention
06:13 and his beak is designed to hold nuts and crack them
06:17 without dropping them
06:18 and having to hold them with its feet.
06:21 You mean, he'll just take a nut in there and crack.
06:22 We have these kind of thing pinchers that we--
06:24 Right, but he has a special design, God made him,
06:28 so he's able to take care of itself.
06:30 It's just almost impossible to believe,
06:32 that a creature with a head this small,
06:34 has that kind of powerful muscles
06:35 can crack shells of nuts to eat.
06:38 Well, he is a magnificent bird and these birds,
06:42 I have seen them in different sizes and what have you.
06:44 Is there any other interesting things
06:46 that you might recall
06:47 to tell the boys and girls about this.
06:49 Something that happened to you
06:50 or something interesting, what do you think?
06:53 Peppy is around a lot of people that we worked with.
06:57 And some of the things he says Peppy, is kind of unique.
07:00 A lot Macaws says, single words,
07:03 but, Peppy here, he says, synopsis.
07:05 If he hears, a knock he'll say,
07:08 "Who is out there?" In a really strange voice.
07:12 And if the phone rings once, he'll say, hello, rings again
07:15 he'll say, "Answer that thing."
07:18 You know, words like that, he is very intelligent.
07:20 That would be a very interesting bird
07:22 to have around, wouldn't it?
07:24 If you don't answer the phone,
07:25 he says, answer the telephone.
07:26 You got it. Okay, well Peppy,
07:28 seems to be a wonderful creature.
07:29 Boys and girls, wouldn't it be fun to have him come
07:31 and to have our friend, Debbie, come and talk.
07:33 I enjoyed talking to her so much.
07:35 She just loves animals and here at this place,
07:37 she goes around and feeding the bears,
07:39 and feeding the panthers, and the bobcats.
07:42 And let me tell you a little secret about her, okay.
07:44 She talks to them just like they're boys and girls.
07:48 When she goes up to feed them, she says,
07:50 "Mommy is here with your food this morning,"
07:52 and she kisses panthers and she kisses bobcats,
07:57 she even kisses skunks.
08:00 So, Debbie, is a special person,
08:01 that loves all of God's creatures.
08:04 Boys and girls, we thank you, Debbie, for telling us
08:06 about your friend this morning.
08:08 It's been a thrilling experience again,
08:09 boys and girls, to learn about God's creatures.
08:11 So, Ranger Jim, telling you once again,
08:14 He is coming soon.
08:15 Be sure to tell someone about Jesus,
08:17 so we can take them with us
08:19 and we're going on that nature hike
08:21 to the universe with Jesus.
08:22 So don't forget to tell, Jesus, how much you love Him,
08:25 because He really does love you.
08:35 Hello, boys and girls.
08:37 Have you ever thought about
08:38 what's really important in life?
08:40 Bethany, has a text that talks about that.
08:42 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God,
08:44 and His righteousness and all these things
08:46 shall be added unto you." Mathew 6:33.
08:51 Seek ye first the kingdom of God.
08:53 We've got a song that talks about that.
09:00 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
09:05 And His righteousness
09:10 And all these things shall be added unto you
09:15 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
09:20 Man shall not live by bread alone
09:25 But by every word
09:30 That proceeds from the mouth of the Lord
09:35 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
10:02 Ask and it shall be given unto you
10:07 Seek and ye shall find
10:12 Knock and the door shall be opened unto you
10:17 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
10:22 Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
10:27 And His righteousness
10:32 And all these things shall be added unto you
10:37 Hallelu, Hallelujah!
10:54 Hi, boys and girls, have you ever seen a whirlwind?
10:57 You know where the winds whirls around and around a circle
10:59 and swishes everything up with it.
11:02 I wish you could have seen the whirlwind,
11:04 that I saw one day when I was a young man.
11:06 It was the, fiery chariot of God,
11:08 and it took my master, Elijah, right up to heaven.
11:12 It was really exciting and I'm gonna tell you about it.
11:15 But before I do, let me tell you who I am
11:18 and how I came to be a prophet of God, Most High.
11:25 I am, Elisha, and my story begins at a time
11:29 when most of the people in, Israel, had turned away
11:32 from serving the only true God of heaven.
11:36 They had turned and started worshipping the false God, Baal.
11:41 Well, the mighty, Prophet Elijah,
11:44 became very discouraged and he thought
11:47 he was the only person left in all Israel,
11:50 that yet served the only true God.
11:54 And yet God, spoke to him one day and told him
11:58 that there were still 7,000 left in Israel,
12:01 that had not bow their knee to Baal.
12:05 Well, my father and I were among those 7,000 faithful ones.
12:12 And God, also told Elijah, to anoint me, Elisha,
12:19 as prophet to Israel, to take his place after he was gone.
12:28 As a young lad growing up, my parents taught me
12:32 to love and serve, for great and loving God of heaven.
12:37 And they also taught me the importance
12:39 of doing the little things.
12:42 And so I helped around the house
12:44 and on the farm doing the chores.
12:47 And as I cooperated with my father,
12:51 I learned to cooperate with the God of heaven.
12:55 And I decided that I would always serve and obey Him.
13:01 Well, one day I was out in the field
13:04 plowing with twelve yoke of oxen
13:06 and Elijah came by and he cast his mantle upon my shoulders.
13:12 Well, the Spirit of God, impressed me
13:15 that what He had just done was a call from God,
13:19 to take Elijah's place as the prophet.
13:23 I ran after him and I said, "Let me kiss my father
13:27 and my mother good bye, and I'll follow you."
13:30 Elijah looked at me and said,
13:33 "Go back again for what I've done to you."
13:36 Well, I knew exactly what he had done to me.
13:39 He had called me to be a prophet
13:41 and I wasn't about to turn away from following him.
13:46 So I went home, I gave a feast for my family and my friends
13:53 and then I became Elijah's servant.
13:57 Once again, they served in the little things,
14:00 a common place duties of life.
14:02 I even poured water on Elijah's hands
14:05 when he needed to wash them, but I didn't mind it.
14:09 The person that's faithful in the little things
14:12 will also be faithful in the big things, you know.
14:18 As a prophet of God, one of Elijah's responsibilities
14:23 and privileges was to visit the schools of the prophets.
14:28 He will teach the young men there, more about the,
14:30 great God of heaven, and He would give them
14:35 a desire to exalt the law of God,
14:38 and to make it honorable.
14:40 Now the young men that went to the schools
14:43 were called sons of the prophets.
14:46 And as Elijah's servant, I was able to go with him
14:53 to visit the schools, it was my privilege.
14:57 Well, one day, God revealed to me, a fantastic secret.
15:04 He told me that He was going to take Elijah
15:08 to heaven without, Elijah, ever dying.
15:13 Man, that was some news. I wanted to stick
15:17 as close as I could to my master ever after that,
15:20 because there were so much more
15:22 that I wanted to learn from him.
15:26 There were just a few days remaining before he would go.
15:29 And I just needed to learn as much as I possibly could.
15:35 Well, the day that, God, took Elijah to heaven.
15:41 Elijah tested me three times, to see just how willing
15:45 I was to serve the great God of heaven.
15:49 At three different times at Gilgal, at Bethel,
15:53 at Jericho, Elijah said to me,
15:58 "Stay here and rest awhile."
16:03 But I was not going to turn aside from following him at all.
16:08 And so for three times a day, I told, Elijah,
16:14 as the Lord lives and as your soul lives,
16:18 I will not leave you and so we traveled on together.
16:24 Now when we left Jericho, 50 other sons of the prophets
16:30 followed us at a long distance, because,
16:33 God, had shown them that Elijah was going
16:35 to be taken from Me to heaven that day.
16:38 And they wanted to see what was going to happen.
16:42 Well, as we walked on, we came to the Jordan River
16:46 and Elijah, did an amazing thing.
16:49 He took off his mantle and he struck the river with it
16:54 and immediately the waters parted and the dry paths
16:59 stretch all the way cross to the other shore.
17:02 We walked right across that river on dry ground
17:05 just like the, children of Israel,
17:06 had done hundreds of years before
17:09 when they first entered the land of Canaan.
17:12 Well, as we walked on, Elijah, turned to me and said,
17:17 "Elisha, ask of me, what you would have me do for you?"
17:22 When now the thing that I wanted the very,
17:25 very most was a large measure of the spirit,
17:29 that God, had given my master Elijah.
17:34 I knew that only the Spirit of God could fit me
17:37 for that important place to which I have been called
17:40 to serve as the prophet.
17:43 And so I said to Elijah,
17:45 "Please let a double portion of your spirit rest upon me."
17:53 Elijah looked at me and said,
17:55 "Now you have asked the hard thing,
17:59 yet if you see me when I'm taking from you.
18:04 Then you will know that you have the thing
18:07 that you're asking for. But if you don't see it happened,
18:13 then you won't get your request."
18:18 Well, suddenly, horses in chariot of fire,
18:21 they're straight between us and separated us
18:24 and a whirlwind took my master right up into heaven.
18:28 It was so exciting, I just cried out.
18:31 My father, my father, the chariot of Israel
18:34 and the horsemen thereof. And then I saw him no more.
18:40 The Lord God Jehovah, had taken him to heaven
18:44 and I had actually seen with my very own eyes
18:48 and right at that moment, I knew that I had that thing
18:54 what I had asked for, I had a double portion of his spirit.
19:02 Now when that whirlwind took my master to heaven.
19:07 The mantle that he had been wearing,
19:08 felt to the ground and I reached down
19:10 and I picked it up and I hurried back to the, Jordan River.
19:15 When I got there, I gave the river
19:17 a mighty blow, then I called out.
19:20 Where now is the, God of Elijah,
19:23 immediately the waters parted
19:27 and for the second time that day,
19:29 I walked right across the Jordan River, on dry ground.
19:36 Well, now the sons of the prophets
19:38 that had followed us from Jericho,
19:40 when they saw the, Jordan River,
19:43 part for me as it had for, Elijah.
19:46 They said, "The spirit of Elijah rests upon Elisha."
19:54 You see, I have been faithful in the little things
19:59 and God, so fit to place far
20:02 greater responsibilities upon me.
20:08 And ever after that, I stood in the place of, Elijah,
20:15 as God's prophet to Israel.
20:19 What a privilege that has been, what a privilege.
20:25 And so, boys and girls, always be faithful
20:28 in doing the little things around the home
20:31 that your parents asked you to do.
20:34 The person that is faithful in the little things
20:37 will also be faithful in the big things.
20:51 Don't build your house on the sandy land
20:56 Don't build it too near the shore
21:00 Well, it might look kind of nice
21:02 But you'll have to build it twice
21:04 Or you'll have to build your house once more
21:09 You want to build your house upon a rock
21:13 Make a good foundation on a solid spot
21:18 Though these storms may come and go
21:22 But the peace of God you will know
21:27 Don't build your house on the sandy land
21:32 Don't build it too near the shore
21:36 Well, it might look kind of nice
21:38 But you'll have to do it twice
21:40 Or you'll have to build your house once more
21:55 Thank you, Haley, for that beautiful song,
21:57 I've really enjoyed it.
21:59 But joining to me today on Sharing Time,
22:00 it's my friend, Taylor.
22:02 And Taylor, you've had an experience for you,
22:05 and you're able to share your faith.
22:07 Can you tell how you share, Jesus?
22:10 I told my friend, Branyn, how you die 'cause he thought
22:15 may be a ghost came, he picked you up
22:18 and brought you to heaven.
22:20 But I said, "No, that's wrong."
22:23 Jesus--when you're buried in the ground,
22:26 then Jesus comes back, when Jesus comes back,
22:31 you'll go to heaven. That's right.
22:33 When Jesus comes again, now your friend, Branyn,
22:35 his grandmother had died, hadn't she? Yep.
22:38 And so he was very sad and went wondering
22:40 what happened to his grandma,
22:41 and you were able to help him and tell him
22:43 his grandma only sleeping, isn't she? Yep.
22:45 And she's not gonna go to heaven till Jesus, comes.
22:47 Isn't that a wonderful way to share Jesus, boys and girls?
22:50 So I think that was nice.
22:52 You've a letter in there from, Nichole.
22:54 Can you hand it to me and I'll read it
22:56 to the boys and girls at home.
22:58 And may be if you can get the next letter
22:59 ready to open, all right. Oh, you know what,
23:02 first hold this picture up. We've got a picture of Nichole.
23:05 Oh, I love it when you sent pictures, boys and girls.
23:07 This one says, "Dear Brenda, I share Jesus,
23:09 by being kind and loving to others and if someone falls,
23:12 I don't laugh at them, I try to help that person up.
23:16 I love watching Kids Time and I learned a lot.
23:18 Come visit the Bahamas, real soon, love Nichole."
23:21 She's from the Bahamas. Well, thank you, Nichole,
23:24 I'm so glad you wrote to me.
23:25 You've another letter there, Taylor. Yep.
23:28 I'm gonna read that one, and another picture, oh,
23:33 can you hold that picture up,
23:34 I'll see if I can get the letter.
23:36 Well, oh, you know what, hold that picture up,
23:39 the letter is the picture.
23:40 May be I hold this one for you.
23:41 It says, "Dear Brenda, I am waiting to hear
23:45 you read my letter and show my picture on Kids Time.
23:47 Thank you for sharing, Jesus, with us, Joshua."
23:51 And there's Joshua, and Joshua is from, Honduras.
23:56 Thank you, Joshua. There you go, Joshua--
24:00 I think you wrote me once before, didn't you Joshua?
24:02 But you didn't sent a picture,
24:03 so I'm glad you wrote back and sent me a picture.
24:05 You can do that too, boys and girls.
24:07 We have another letter over there, okay.
24:10 Oh, you're doing a good job at this, Taylor.
24:12 It says, "Dear Brenda, I am nine-years-old
24:15 and I have a sister who is five-years-old.
24:17 We love your shows and so does my mom and dad
24:21 and we want to know if you have a website."
24:23 Well, we don't have a website yet,
24:25 but if we do we'll let you know, okay.
24:27 It says, "My name is Kelly.
24:29 Please write me back as soon as you get my letter."
24:32 Well, I assure, you should hear from me very soon.
24:35 If you don't hear from me, boys and girls,
24:37 you've already written.
24:38 Remember to write again and send me a written address,
24:40 'cause that's the only reason I wouldn't write back,
24:42 otherwise we definitely write back.
24:44 We'll send you a Kids Time Activity Book, okay.
24:47 We have another letter in there.
24:49 From Nathan. Okay, let's read Nathan's letter.
24:54 Oh, Nathan, he looks like he drew us a picture, didn't he?
24:57 Let's see what, Nathan, has to say right here.
25:01 Oh, look at, Nathan, drew us a picture
25:03 and put his name on it. I'm not sure,
25:04 what that picture is Nathan, but it's real pretty
25:07 and I thank you for, for sharing it with us.
25:10 Okay, I think I have a letter over here from,
25:15 let's see from Kayla.
25:17 Can you hold this picture up for me? Yeah.
25:19 Let's see, this one says,
25:20 "Dear Brenda, my name is Kayla,
25:22 and one time we passed our Bible stories
25:25 in our neighborhood and we had 20 Bible story books.
25:28 But when we got done, we only had five.
25:31 So I hope that they will become, Christians,
25:33 from reading those books.
25:35 I'm almost 10-years-old, love Kayla."
25:37 Kayla, thank you very much for that letter.
25:40 I hope they become, Christians, too.
25:42 Remember whenever you witness for Jesus,
25:44 make sure you pray, okay.
25:45 And ask Jesus, to bless your efforts.
25:48 And I think we might have time for one more right here.
25:51 There's a picture, can you hold this up for me?
25:53 It said, "Dear Brenda, I showed, Jesus,
25:55 love by helping a person that didn't know Jesus,
25:57 move into their new house."
25:59 Well, you know what, this says, love Kerstin.
26:02 Well, Kerstin, that was a wonderful way
26:03 to share Jesus, wasn't it?
26:05 See there she looks like she is riding a llama, doesn't it?
26:08 Well, I want to thank Taylor, for joining me today.
26:11 Thank you, Taylor, for sharing your faith
26:13 with our boys and girls and for witnessing to your friend,
26:16 Brandon, and that was some special to do, wasn't it?
26:19 And I really enjoyed having you here today.
26:21 Boys and girls, remember,
26:23 Jesus is coming soon, He loves you.
26:25 So wherever you are, whatever you do,
26:27 remember its Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17