Participants: Brenda Walsh
Series Code: KT
Program Code: KT000013
00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus 00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there 00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so 00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time 00:26 Hi, boys and girls. 00:27 Did you ever meet someone who says know it all. 00:29 No matter what subject you bring out, 00:31 this person always claims to have the last word on it. 00:35 And whatever you know, 00:36 they think they know it little more. 00:38 Or if you can do something they say, 00:40 they can do it better. 00:42 I know a little boy like that. 00:44 He says, your dog can run fast, 00:46 but mine can run faster. 00:48 Or if someone tells him 00:49 something that just happened like, 00:51 you know, may be a newscaster just predicted a hurricane 00:54 he would say, oh, I already knew that. 00:57 Whether he did or not, 00:58 it's never good to brag, is it boys and girls. 01:01 Well, I have in my hand a little owl. 01:04 Now this owl is special to me, 01:06 because it belong to my daughter, Becky, 01:08 when she was just a little girl. 01:10 You can tell it's been quite loved, can't you. 01:12 You know owls are said to be very wise, 01:15 but they're actually no smarter than, 01:17 you know, many other birds. 01:19 But somehow they kind of give 01:20 the impression that they know a lot. 01:22 Maybe that's because 01:24 they keep still most of the time. 01:27 The Book of Proverbs in the Bible 01:29 has a lot to say about the words 01:31 that come out of our mouth. 01:32 It tells us that bragging is not a good thing. 01:35 I like to read that for you in the Bible. 01:37 I wanna just turn here to Proverbs and it's in Chapter 17 01:41 and it's in verse 28. 01:43 It says, "Even a fool, 01:45 when he holdeth his peace is counted wise." 01:50 You know, you might want to look in the Book of Proverbs 01:52 sometimes soon and see how many verses 01:54 you can find that talk about the words we speak. 01:57 We can learn a lot from this book, can't we? 01:59 You know, the little boy who loved to brag, 02:02 who always had to be 02:03 smarter or faster or better than everyone else. 02:07 He'll have some very hard lessons to learn, won't he. 02:10 For others will soon get tired of hearing him brag. 02:15 So instead of bragging about yourself and 02:18 why not try looking for good things about other people. 02:21 You know, if your friend does well in his spelling test, 02:24 tell that you really admire her work, 02:26 or if your sister, your brother, if they sing really well, 02:29 tell them you like to hear them. 02:31 And if your teacher gives you a special smile, 02:34 smile right back to her, 02:36 you know, she will appreciate it. 02:37 Find the good in others, 02:39 its lots of fun. 02:40 And you'll have more friends than if, 02:42 than if you keep bragging about yourself, won't you. 02:45 Now listen carefully as Ranger Jim 02:47 tells us about a real owl. 02:56 Hey, boys and girls. 02:57 We've got something special today. 02:58 I want you to see this. 03:00 Our friend Beverly is back with us, 03:01 and we have the Short-eared Owl. 03:03 Beverly how long did you had this creature? 03:04 We've had him for just little over a year. 03:07 I see, it looks like he is having a problem with 03:10 some kind, is he lost a wing. 03:12 This one is an amputation, 03:14 because he did lose a wing due to an injury. 03:16 I see and was this with the vehicle 03:18 or guy-wire or something like that or-- 03:20 Probably had been hit by a car, yes. 03:22 I see, and so without your good loving tender care, 03:25 this creature would been, have died. 03:26 He would have had and put to sleep, yes. 03:28 Ah, well. Thank you, 03:30 thank you on behalf of all us, 03:31 that you taken such care. 03:33 He appears to be healthy. 03:34 Well, we hope so. Is he a good boy? 03:37 He is very interesting bird, yes, yes. 03:39 I see, good. About the Short-eared Owl, 03:41 I understand there's some different things 03:43 about his nesting habits. 03:44 Well he does nest differently than the other birds. 03:48 The other birds tend to 03:49 either cavity nest or created nest in a tree. 03:52 This bird actually nest on the ground. 03:54 An owl that nest on the ground. 03:56 Yes, how unusual. 03:57 Does he build it out of grass or-- 03:59 They pull together a few sticks and grass 04:02 usually in a clump of grass. 04:04 I see, in a metal situation. 04:05 I see, then do they follow that 04:07 typical characteristics of the owl 04:08 as the father owl assist the female 04:11 when she is incubating. 04:12 Yes, yes, he still does do that for her. 04:14 I see, he comes and feeds her and takes care of her 04:16 like that in which typically 04:18 when the babies hatched then both 04:19 parents go out and go to work. 04:20 That's right. I see and well, 04:22 owl this size or what kind rodents could they eat. 04:25 They couldn't attack 04:27 something as large as rabbit, could they? 04:28 No, his diet primarily would be very small rats, 04:30 mice, maybe an occasional small chipmunk. 04:34 I see like it, does they prey on birds at all? 04:37 Very rarely, because of their size, 04:39 but if it's slow moving bird that is an outside possibility 04:43 for their diet. I see, okay. 04:44 And they normally raise what, two or four young. 04:47 Between two and four depending on 04:49 the quality of the prey of that season, 04:51 how many young they will raise. 04:53 I seem what about this, is this animal 04:56 is here a year around resident or is he-- 04:59 These birds actually migrate. 05:01 The other owls are not migrating species. 05:03 I see, and this one actually does migrate. 05:04 Some very interesting things about this pride. 05:07 Much different than the other birds. 05:08 How long would this owl live in the wild? 05:12 These owls can have a life expectancy 05:14 between 10 and 15 years as well. 05:17 Well, isn't that interesting. 05:18 Now, his call, is it similar 05:20 to the Hoot Owl or Screech Owl or is it-- 05:22 It's entirely different, unfortunately 05:24 I'm not I'm not good mimicker, 05:25 so I couldn't tell you. 05:26 But it is different than those 05:27 you would not recognize that as a typical owl call. 05:30 I see, so there are quite a number of things 05:33 that are different about this owl. 05:34 Tell me about I notice when owls close their eyes, 05:37 there seem to be an additional eyelid there. 05:40 They do have third eyelid, 05:42 and that is to act like little windshield wiper on 05:45 their eyes allowing light that is transparent 05:48 or translucent, that's not transparent. 05:50 It doesn't let everything through, 05:52 but does let light through, 05:53 so that it helps them see even when they are blinking. 05:57 Must be that God knew that 05:58 this owl would be out hunting and there would be a 06:00 dirt particulars in the air perhaps rain drops, 06:02 or even snowflakes and He knew 06:05 that he would need something like a windshield wiper. 06:06 That and that he needs to have 06:08 excellent vision at all times to catch his prey. 06:11 I see, what about their hearing, 06:12 is their hearing quite acute? 06:14 Actually they have found that some owls 06:16 can hunt by hearing alone, their hearing is so good. 06:19 I know. When it's night time, 06:21 they don't always hunt as easily 06:24 as we give them credit for by sight, 06:26 because it's still very difficult to see at night, 06:29 so he does have the extra ability of the 06:31 excellent hearing to help him along. 06:33 I see, tell me about his feathers. 06:35 Now I know the Great Horned Owl 06:36 and other Barred Owl perhaps 06:38 that their feathers are so soft, 06:39 the edges are so soft that they are silent in flight, 06:41 is that true with this owl as well. 06:43 That's still true with all, this owl as well. 06:45 I see, except he does 06:46 have extremely long wings for an owl, 06:48 because he does swoop back and forth 06:50 chasing his prey more like a hawk than an owl. 06:53 Oh, I see, like out on a prairie or an open farm lot, 06:56 or something like that rather than perching 06:57 and coming down on his prey and attack, 07:00 he swoops back and forth. 07:01 That's right, very interesting. 07:03 So let me ask you a question about this 07:04 you call him the Short-eared Owl. 07:07 Yes, now, why we call him that? 07:09 I see that he has little bit of an ear showing here. 07:12 Well, that's not true ear of course, 07:14 that's just a feather tuft. 07:15 His ears are actually hidden behind the facial disc here. 07:19 But he does have little feather tufts that 07:22 will come up some times when he 07:23 wants them to that reassemble ears. 07:26 I see, and he will put them up when he feels like it. 07:30 I see, but not nearly as prominent 07:32 as that in a Screech Owl or the Great Horned Owl. 07:34 That's correct, I see get that, 07:36 but he still has those beautiful, beautiful 07:38 yellow eyes, doesn't he? Yes, yes. 07:40 And so may I just thank you on behalf of 07:42 all the boys and girls, 07:43 who watch our show and myself 07:44 for being here to care for animals 07:47 like this and I know that some time is a thankless job. 07:49 But that's a Jesus person 07:52 that takes cares of this injured animals 07:54 and these things that unfortunate enough 07:56 to have an accident in nature 07:57 and encounter it what many people would believe. 08:00 Boys and girls they are many accidents in nature. 08:02 Animals are injured some time, terribly injured and then 08:05 prove fatal for them quite often. 08:07 And so we have friends like our friend, 08:09 Beverly, here and others that help 08:11 to care for these creatures. 08:12 And once again He is a God of love. 08:15 And boys and girls, if you have a pet, 08:17 Jesus expects you to love that pet 08:20 and to take care of it, okay. 08:21 If you are old enough to have a pet, 08:24 you take care of it, okay. 08:25 You give it fresh water and its food regularly, okay. 08:27 Then you will show, Jesus, that you appreciate Him. 08:30 Because as always when I talk to you on TV 08:34 remember don't forget to tell, Jesus, you love Him, 08:38 because He really does love you. 08:47 Hello boys and girls. 08:49 Today's text will be given to us by Michelle. 08:52 "If God be for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31. 08:57 And that's true now and was true a long time ago 09:00 when Joshua, Caleb and ten of their friends 09:03 went into the land of Canaan. 09:08 Twelve spies went to spy on Canaan, 09:10 Ten were bad, two were good. 09:13 What did they see when they spied on Canaan? 09:15 Ten were bad and two were good. 09:18 Some saw the giants strong and tall 09:20 Some saw grapes in clusters fall 09:23 Some saw that God was in it all 09:25 Ten were bad, two were good. 09:29 Twelve spies went to spy on Canaan, 09:32 Ten were bad, two were good. 09:35 What did they see when they spied on Canaan? 09:37 Ten were bad, two were good. 09:40 Some saw the giants strong and tall 09:42 Some saw grapes in clusters fall 09:44 Some saw that God was in it all 09:47 Ten were bad, two were good. 09:49 Ten were bad, two were good. 09:55 So remember boys and girls, 09:57 ten were bad and two were good. 09:58 Just remember you and God can do anything, 10:01 so keep singing for Him. 10:12 Hello, I haven't met you before. 10:14 My name is Rahab, I'm new here. 10:17 I used to live in Jericho. 10:19 My home was part of the city walls, 10:22 well before they were destroyed that is. 10:24 I'll tell you my story. 10:26 One day two men came to my home, 10:28 they are important looking men. 10:30 I learn that they were Israelites. 10:32 Joshua, their leader had sent them to Jericho to spy 10:36 on Jericho to see what the city was like, 10:38 because their Lord had instructed 10:39 them to destroy Jericho. 10:42 Later two guards came to my home, 10:44 I wasn't surprised at all. 10:45 I knew that the king had been very 10:47 worried about the Israelites. 10:49 He knew that his army was stronger then theirs, 10:52 but that he didn't stand a chance against them, 10:54 because of their God. 10:56 He'd also heard how they had 10:57 destroy so many others cities nearby. 11:03 I was faced with such a difficult decision. 11:05 I didn't know if I should help them escape, 11:08 because if I did and the king heard about it, 11:10 he had me killed. 11:12 But yet I believed in their God. 11:14 I had heard how He had 11:16 helped them escape from Egypt 11:19 and how He had parted the Red Sea 11:20 for them to walk across on dry land. 11:22 He had given them the Land of Canaan. 11:25 He was the true God. 11:29 So I hid them upstairs and I told the guard 11:32 that they had just 11:33 missed the spies and if they hurried up the gate, 11:35 they could probably still catch them. 11:37 So the guards left, 11:38 and I helped the spies out my window, 11:40 they climb down a rope. 11:43 I wouldn't have been able to climb down a rope, 11:46 the city's walls are really tall, 11:49 but they did it fine, I'm sure the Lord helped them. 11:51 They escaped to safety because of me, 11:53 but before they left I asked them two things. 11:56 First I asked them, 11:58 if they would please be kind to my family and I 12:01 and spare us when they destroy the city. 12:03 I also ask them for a sign of God's protection. 12:07 As a sign they gave me a scarlet coat 12:10 to hang out of my window. 12:12 I don't know what exactly it was for, 12:14 but they said that it was, 12:17 so that when the Israelites approached 12:19 that they would see it and know which home is mine. 12:21 I was fine with that. 12:23 They also told me that when as soon as they left, 12:27 I need to get all of my family into my home, 12:29 because unless they were in my home 12:32 they wouldn't be spared when the city was destroyed. 12:34 So as soon they left I tied the coat out my window 12:37 and I gathered all of my family into my home 12:40 and we watch from the window each day. 12:43 The first day I was really curious, 12:45 how there gonna get into the city. 12:47 The king had barred all the gates shut, 12:50 but they didn't even try to come into the city. 12:54 All they did was marched around the city. 12:56 I don't know why? 12:58 I don't know what good it did, 12:59 but they just marched around the city in complete silence. 13:04 All I could hear from my window 13:06 was the occasional blast of rams horns 13:09 and the stamping of their feet. 13:10 Sometimes I couldn't even see them, it was so dusty. 13:14 Each day they came, 13:16 they marched around the city and then they left. 13:20 The people of Jericho start to laugh at them 13:22 wondering what their plan was. 13:24 How is this going to destroy their city they thought? 13:28 But on the seventh day instead of coming 13:31 and marching around one time they marched around 13:34 seven times in complete silence again. 13:37 But at the end of the seventh time, 13:39 they stopped in the prairies they blew their rams horns 13:44 really loud and for very long time 13:48 and then Israelites shouted. 13:50 It was so loud they were so many of them. 13:53 Then I could hear of the rumbling 13:55 as I watched my city walls collapse in front of me. 14:00 But my home it was part of the walls, 14:03 but it was still standing. 14:05 The Lord had kept His promise to me. 14:07 He had spared my family when He destroyed Jericho. 14:12 The Israelites rushed into the city, 14:15 but all they took out 14:16 was gold, and silver, and bronze, and iron. 14:19 And it wasn't even for themselves 14:21 it was for their Lord, can you imagine. 14:23 They could have become so rich, 14:25 but they took that money and gave it to their Lord. 14:29 I was feeling a little forgotten about 14:31 when the two spies came back to my home. 14:33 They gathered my family and I 14:35 and then they took us out of the city 14:37 and we watched while they set our city on fire. 14:41 We watched as our homes burn down. 14:44 But I wasn't sad, I was happy, I was excited. 14:48 I was going to spend 14:49 the rest of my life with the Israelites, 14:50 with the Israelite God as my God. 14:55 God had a plan for me before I even knew who He was 14:59 and I know that He has plan for you too. 15:20 The Lord is my light and my salvation. 15:29 Whom then shall I fear, whom then shall I fear? 15:38 The Lord is the strength of my life. 15:42 The Lord is the strength of my life. 15:47 Of whom then shall I be afraid? 15:57 Though a host of men were laid against me, 16:08 Yet shall not my heart be afraid; 16:18 And tho' there rose up war against me, 16:27 Yet will I put my trust in Him. 16:37 For in the time of trouble, 16:45 He shall hide me in His tabernacle. 16:54 Yea, in the secret places of His dwelling 17:03 shall He hide me, 17:11 And set me up upon a rock of stone. 17:31 The Lord is my light and my salvation. 17:40 Whom then shall I fear, whom then shall I fear? 17:49 The Lord is the strength of my life. 17:53 The Lord is the strength of my life. 17:58 Of whom then shall I be afraid? 18:06 Of whom then shall I be afraid? 18:34 Isn't that a wonderful story about Rahab. 18:37 You know, Jesus, keeps His promises every time. 18:41 I'm excited today to have, Kasia Nephew, with me. 18:44 Kasia, can you say hi to the boys and girls at home. 18:47 Hi, Well, you know, Kasia shared with me 18:50 some of her ideas of how she has witnessed for Jesus. 18:52 I thought it will be kind of nice 18:54 to ask her to come and share those ideas with you. 18:56 Can you do that Kasia? 18:58 Sure, great now, you have a school project 19:00 I thought was really nice. 19:01 Can you tell us about that, that you did at school? 19:05 Sure, my teacher found a program on the Internet 19:10 and it gives you a chance 19:12 for your whole classroom to witness for Jesus. 19:15 Now this particular program you are talking me about, 19:19 it was about you found a child that didn't have as much as 19:24 you have somebody else that really needed 19:26 food and clothing or something like that, 19:28 wasn't it? And can you tell us a little more about it. 19:31 Sure, wel, we each wrote a letter to her 19:36 and we told about ourselves 19:37 what we liked, we send a picture. 19:40 What country was she from? 19:43 She is from India. She was from India. 19:45 Now, you had some other things that 19:46 you wrote to her about. 19:48 Yes, we told her that Jesus loves her very much 19:51 and we also sent Bible scripts. 19:53 Well, that was the good thing. 19:54 Now, what else did you do for her? 19:56 Well, we would raise $12 every month 19:59 and send it to her and that would take care of schooling, 20:04 clean drinking water, good food, a mat to sleep on 20:08 instead of sleeping on the cold ground, things like that. 20:12 That was really good thing to do, 20:14 I bet she appreciated that. 20:15 And $12 doesn't seem like lot to you, and you, and I, 20:18 and those of you back home, does it? 20:20 But $12 in some countries of the world is a lot of money 20:23 and does all that good, doesn't it? 20:25 That was a really nice thing to do. 20:27 Now you brought a list with you 20:28 also of some other idea and show us things that, 20:31 that you do to witness for Jesus. 20:34 What are some of those ideas? 20:36 Well, I have here going to the hospital to visit people 20:40 who are sick, or you can collect food 20:44 for the people who don't have very much food. 20:46 And by doing that you can go to the manager 20:50 of a grocery store something 20:52 and ask if you can collect food for the needy. 20:55 And you can just put a big box outside of it and-- 21:01 That maybe by the entrance 21:02 when you get ready to leave the grocery store. 21:05 Yeah, that's a good idea. 21:06 And people who buy their groceries, 21:09 they can see the sign and they can put 21:11 some of their groceries in there. 21:13 So at the end, you have 21:14 all sorts of different kinds of food 21:16 and you can make baskets and give it to people 21:20 who don't have very much food. 21:21 Well, that's a really good idea, 21:23 I like that idea Kasia. 21:24 What else have you thought of? 21:26 Well, you can help your neighbors. 21:28 And what would you do to help your neighbors. 21:31 Well, you can rake leaves, wash their dishes, 21:34 shovel snow, things like that. 21:37 It seems like there is a little something 21:38 we all could do, doesn't there. 21:40 Well, do you know what time it is Kasia? 21:44 Yeah, sure do. You do, what time is it? 21:47 Mailbox time. That's right. 21:49 Kasia, would you mind seeing 21:51 if we have any letters in our mailbox today, sure. 21:53 Okay, I hope we have lot. 21:56 I do too, I like it when we get lots of letters. 22:00 See we have any. Oh, my, yeah, we have a lot. 22:04 Oh, good, well let's see who we have some from. 22:08 We have from some from Kareston, Ieesha. 22:13 Oh, I like that name, 22:14 I haven't heard that name before. 22:15 Me neither. Jamie, all sorts of them. 22:19 Oh, good, Well, why don't you 22:22 come over and let's see if we can share some of those 22:23 with the boys and girls at home, okay. 22:27 Let's see this one here is from Kareston. 22:30 Let's see what Kareston has to say. 22:33 Oh, you know, what Kasia 22:35 I like that we have a picture today 22:37 and Kareston has sent us a picture, 22:39 so we know what she looks like. 22:40 Can you see that boys and girls. 22:42 Beautiful Kareston, thank you for sending the picture. 22:46 I hand that to you Kasia. 22:48 This letter says, dear Brenda, 22:51 my name is Kareston and I like Kids Time a lot. 22:53 Thank you, thank you Kareston. It's really neat. 22:56 I'm excited about trying some of those snacks 22:58 and they look very yummy and it's nice to 23:01 listen to the Bible stories too. 23:02 And Kids Time reminds me that I need to help share Jesus. 23:05 Well, that's want we all want to do, isn't it? 23:07 She says I help share Jesus in a nursing home 23:11 and my school would like, 23:12 would make cards with Bible verses in them 23:15 and then we would give one to each person 23:17 and we did that a lot. 23:18 And some times we would make bread 23:19 from them and other times we give them some fruit. 23:22 And at Christmas time, we did play about baby Jesus, 23:25 and made a lot of friends at the nursing home. 23:27 Even if it's a small difference, even if it's a small thing 23:32 I still think I make a difference, 23:34 sincerely, Kareston. 23:35 I think she makes a difference too, 23:36 don't you Kasia? 23:38 That was nice, why don't you read our next letter? 23:40 Okay, this one is from Ieesha. 23:42 Ieesha, that's beautiful name, isn't it? 23:47 I've never heard that name before. 23:50 Neither have I. 23:51 Okay, Oh, we have a picture here. 23:54 Oh, good, we have another picture 23:55 and I'll show the boys and girls 23:56 while you start reading the letter. 23:58 Here's Ieesha and she spells I, 24:02 what was that, my grandma eyes here. 24:04 I-E-E-S-H-A, Ieesha 24:07 that's beautiful name, isn't it? 24:08 This is Ieesha's picture. What does Ieesha tell us. 24:12 She says, dear Brenda, I'm Ieesha, 24:15 and I'm 7-years-old. 24:17 I can share Jesus with others by taking 24:20 them with me to church, your friend, Ieesha. 24:26 That was a really nice letter, wasn't it? 24:28 And taking to your friends to church, 24:29 that's nice thing to do too. 24:31 I have letter here, Kesia, from, Jamie. 24:34 Let's see what, Jamie, has to say. 24:38 And, Jamie, has a pictures for us. 24:41 And this is Jamie's picture. 24:43 Thank you, Jamie, for your picture. 24:45 Jamie says, dear Brenda, 24:46 I share Jesus with others by smiling at them 24:50 and not frowning. 24:51 I show I'm happy, because I have Jesus in my heart 24:54 and I'm 5-years-old and my name is Jamie. 24:57 My grandma helped me write my letter. 25:00 Oh, thank you. 25:01 You know, what boys and girls, 25:03 if you can't write, you don't have to 25:05 wait to get big to write a letter to Kids Time. 25:07 You can get an adult to help you, your mom, 25:09 your dad, or like Jamie did, her grandma 25:12 that was nice. 25:13 Now, Kesia, you have another letter for us. 25:17 What does your letter say? 25:20 Dear Brenda, I can share Jesus 25:29 with others by telling them stories of Jesus, 25:31 your friend, Marcus. 25:33 Oh, that was an--that's right by telling them stories. 25:36 When we tell stories of, Jesus, 25:38 to others, I love the Bible stories, don't you. 25:39 Yeah, and that is a way to share Jesus. 25:42 I think we might have time for one more. 25:44 Let's see here what this says. 25:47 Kesia, since you're guest today, 25:50 I'll let you read one more for us, okay. 25:53 Dear Brenda, my mommy is writing this for me. 25:57 I share Jesus with others by singing, 26:00 Jesus, loves me. My name is Jody. 26:04 Oh, that was sweat, isn't it? 26:06 Thank you, Jody, I loved your letter. 26:08 You know, boys and girls, all your letters will be read, 26:12 even if you don't hear them on Kids Time. 26:14 I enjoy hearing it from you so much 26:16 and please keep those cards and letters coming. 26:19 And if you would like to join me 26:20 on Sharing Time sometime, 26:22 write and tell me a special way 26:23 that you share Jesus, okay. 26:26 Well, that's all the time we have today boys and girls. 26:28 Thank you, Kesia, for being here with me today. 26:30 I've loved having you here. 26:32 And I want to remind you boys and girls, 26:34 that, Jesus, is coming soon, we want to be ready. 26:37 We want to tell others, don't we? 26:38 So as you go about your week, 26:41 this week remember one thing, okay. 26:43 It's Kids Time to share Jesus. |
Revised 2014-12-17