Kids' Time

Dare To Be A Daniel

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000011

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:07 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids' Time, Kids' Time Kids' Time, Kids' Time
00:26 Hi Boys and girls, how do you like my lion.
00:29 I really like him, he is so soft and cuddly.
00:32 I can pat him like this or lean my cheek against him,
00:36 but of course he's not real.
00:38 He's simply a toy and he's made out of cloth
00:41 and I think there's some stuffing in there too.
00:43 His eyes can't see
00:45 and his mouth can't open and shut
00:47 and he just can't take a swipe
00:48 at anything with his clawless paws.
00:51 This lion can't roar or run,
00:53 or even swish his little tail back here.
00:57 Of course, if he could do all those things,
00:58 I wouldn't dare to get this close to him.
01:01 You know, in the beginning
01:02 God created animals to be gentle,
01:04 even the lions and the tigers.
01:06 But when sin came into the world,
01:08 animals were affected too,
01:10 making some of them mean and dangerous.
01:13 Won't it be wonderful when we get to heaven
01:15 and all the animals will be gentle once again,
01:18 I can't wait for that day?
01:20 Right now Ranger Jim is going to tell us
01:22 about a friendly animal the Ferret.
01:31 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim, here
01:33 as you can see we have a very restless Slinky here
01:36 that I'm holding.
01:37 He's a beautiful Ferret, not only is he a Ferret,
01:39 but he's also Albino.
01:41 You could see his beautiful color,
01:42 his lovely eyes.
01:43 Albinism is caused by a lack of a gene,
01:47 a missing gene in their genetic code
01:49 and therefore don't have the ability
01:51 to form the colors in their fur and in their eyes.
01:55 And so their eyes are perfectly clear
01:57 and the pink that we see in their eyes is called
02:00 that we're looking, actually seeing the blood vessels
02:02 in the eye itself.
02:04 And so and these animals,
02:05 it makes a beautiful creature.
02:07 Ferrets are not wild animals, they're domesticated animals,
02:09 have been domesticated for 2500 years.
02:12 So to describe a Ferret, he is more or less,
02:14 between a cat and a dog, okay.
02:17 Little more independent like a cat,
02:19 but as you can see he is very unhappy,
02:21 he wants to get down.
02:22 We're visiting in his home today,
02:23 he wants to get down
02:24 and play on the floor like any pet.
02:26 And I'm still trying to bounce him you see,
02:28 to keep him quiet, but if I don't do that,
02:30 then he gets a little bite at you that he wants down.
02:33 But let's just talk about the Ferret
02:34 and he is a very interesting creature.
02:38 The boys we call a hob, can you imagine that.
02:41 And the girls, that's better, girls are called jills.
02:44 But this is a little hob and he is a cancer survivor.
02:47 In fact he has had cancer three times,
02:49 isn't that wonderful that he's survived
02:51 good veterinarian care.
02:53 And I was just talking to his owner
02:54 and she was expressing we thought that,
02:57 when we take an animal
02:59 like Ranger Jim has told you before,
03:01 when we have an animal, we're responsible for it.
03:03 And so when her Ferret got cancer,
03:06 she didn't have him destroyed and put to sleep.
03:09 She took him to the best veterinarian
03:10 that she could find.
03:11 And so the veterinarian removed a cancer
03:13 from under his shoulder here.
03:15 Then he had to have another cancer removed
03:17 and eventually Slinky lost half of his tail.
03:20 Normally he has a longer tail,
03:21 but he has a short tail now.
03:23 We are happy to have him survived,
03:25 and now she says, he is as happy and healthy
03:28 as the horse, okay.
03:29 So that's the wonderful story in itself, isn't it?
03:32 Ferrets normally breed and the mother gives birth
03:36 to four or five kids and raises them.
03:39 And of course being a mammal, giving birth to live young
03:42 and feeding their young from mammary glands
03:44 that she has on her stomach like this.
03:47 Ferrets come in many different colors,
03:48 there are some beautiful sables
03:50 and browns and things of that nature.
03:52 And really Ferrets are not recommended to families
03:55 who have children, especially small children.
03:58 Now if your child eight or ten years old
04:01 and mother and dad agree and you are knowledgeable
04:03 somewhat about Ferrets, or you have a friend
04:05 who has a Ferret that visited in your home
04:08 and your people can see him and estimate,
04:11 make an evaluation, if you could have this as a pet.
04:14 They do make pet for older boys and girls,
04:16 they are wonderful companion.
04:18 They're amusing, you can watch them by the hour.
04:21 Give them a roll of paper towels.
04:24 Slinky, here's favorite pastime for his owner,
04:28 it's for her to wet a mop and put it on the floor
04:30 and can you believe that
04:31 Slinky weighs two-and-half pounds.
04:34 He can pull a wetted mop right across the floor.
04:37 Its amazing the strength of a Ferret and as you can see,
04:40 he is getting very unhappy now.
04:42 He wants me to let him go and get on the floor,
04:44 so he can do all these things.
04:46 I've been telling him that he is a very famous Ferret
04:48 that he is on television.
04:50 So boys and girls can see him.
04:51 Now, Ferrets do have an odor, a musk odor because
04:55 they're from the weasel family,
04:57 minks and weasels and polecats
04:59 and things of that nature and all of them
05:01 have a certain characteristic odor about them.
05:04 And that's from glands and their fur
05:06 and this is to assist in their fur waterproofing it
05:09 and making them healthy.
05:11 Many people make the mistake
05:12 because the Ferret has some odor about it
05:14 that they give him a bath.
05:15 And they bath him, and they bath him,
05:17 and they bath him, the more you bath him,
05:19 the more they sweat, the more the oil glands
05:21 in its fur work and pour forth
05:24 more, and more, and more of the musk
05:26 and so you're defeating the purpose.
05:28 The more you bath the Ferret,
05:30 the more prominent will be the odor, okay.
05:32 And so if you've a Ferret,
05:34 you're having a problem with the odor.
05:35 I would recommend
05:36 that you just stop bathing him so often.
05:38 He's clean, he's neat, he bath himself.
05:40 You can see him licking his paws and cleaning himself
05:43 and so spend more time
05:45 in taking care of the litter box.
05:47 The Ferret is easily trained to a litter box like a cat
05:50 and he also enjoys special treats
05:52 that we have over of the side,
05:53 I might give him one of these and see if he would like it.
05:56 Would you like a treat, would you like a treat?
05:59 Okay, but you don't want to stay here and eat it,
06:00 do you, because the Ferret has a habit,
06:03 something that he loves to do.
06:05 He will steal things, okay, small mirror or shiny things
06:09 or even larger things and then he loves to take them
06:12 and hide them behind the Davenport,
06:14 behind the bed, behind the chair wherever,
06:17 so they're mischievous in that.
06:18 So you would want to take that into consideration.
06:20 If you're gonna have a Ferret,
06:21 having running loose in your house,
06:23 you would want to Ferret proof your house.
06:26 Much the same we do at our house
06:28 when we have the grandchildren come,
06:30 we grandchildren proof the house, okay.
06:32 Grandmother has many nice things
06:33 that she has on coffee tables.
06:35 We don't leave those things out when a two-year-old
06:38 or an eighteen months old toddler is
06:39 coming to your house, because if you do,
06:42 they're going to be into it and destroy it.
06:44 So if you've the Ferret, we'd want to protect those things
06:47 as well as protecting things
06:48 that the Ferret might injure themselves upon.
06:50 We wouldn't have an extension cord
06:52 that they might chew on and electrocute themselves
06:54 and things of this nature.
06:55 So they do make a wonderful pet
06:58 and so keep that in mind
06:59 if you're considering getting one,
07:00 you can buy them from the store.
07:02 And some states in the past, they in most states now
07:05 they're legal but they were illegal
07:06 because early in American history
07:09 man learn that you could trap a Ferret and train it.
07:11 Then when you went rabbit hunting
07:13 in the winter time,
07:14 when the snow was on the ground,
07:15 the rabbits like to spend the winter underground
07:18 in the burrow of a fox den
07:19 or something like that where it is comfortable,
07:22 safe away from the cold weather
07:24 and what have you so.
07:25 Sometimes there might be fifteen to twenty rabbits
07:27 occupying one abandoned fox den.
07:29 If you had a Ferret all you had to do
07:32 even though the Ferret wasn't big enough to grab the rabbit
07:35 and kill it, it was enough that
07:36 when the Ferret went down
07:37 and they're wandering into the hole,
07:39 the rabbits all came out the other end of the hole,
07:41 I promise you.
07:42 And so then the farmer or the man
07:44 who was hunting rabbits for food
07:46 would stand there with his gun and shoot the rabbits.
07:48 So it became an illegal form of hunting to use the Ferret.
07:52 To chase game from a hole that was an unfair advantage
07:55 and I would agree with that, that should be illegal.
07:58 But now in most places Ferrets are legal,
08:01 so if you want to consider getting one,
08:03 be sure to get it.
08:04 But he is a wonderful,
08:05 now that we're probably finished with the project,
08:07 he has realized
08:08 it's his last chance to make a good impression.
08:11 So he is being a very good boy really snugly
08:13 and I'm not going to wrinkle up that close.
08:15 But boys and girls as always,
08:16 when Ranger Jim has talked to you about these creatures,
08:19 who could look at this lovely creature
08:21 and not know that Jesus made.
08:23 That he provided all the things for
08:25 and we're still happy for Slinky that
08:26 he has survived even cancer three times
08:29 and he is such a lovely pet.
08:30 If you should ever be in this area
08:32 or if you could just come and see him and hold him
08:34 and see all these things,
08:35 you would know that Jesus loves the Ferrets too.
08:38 We've learnt he loves this Ferrets,
08:40 most of all he loves boys and girls.
08:42 So Ranger Jim as always reminding you,
08:45 don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him,
08:47 because He really does love you.
08:57 Hello boys and girls,
08:59 a lion is a very, very fierce animal.
09:02 But a lion is no match for an angel
09:04 that God sends down here to protect one of his children.
09:08 Daniel 6:22 talks about that.
09:10 Adam can you tell us what Daniel 6:22 says.
09:13 "God sent his angels to shut the lions' mouth".
09:16 That's right, and we know that God can do anything.
09:19 Boys and girls we're going to do
09:21 the story of Daniel in the lions' den.
09:34 Long ago there lived a man named, Daniel
09:39 known throughout the land for being wise
09:43 placed in a foreign country as a governor
09:48 because God knew Daniel wouldn't compromise
09:53 Also in this land were many princes
09:57 who knew Daniel was the favorite of the king
10:01 They tried to find a faultitude that
10:04 this man had
10:06 But Daniel never failed at anything
10:11 There had to be some way that they could get him
10:15 They watched him as he prayed three times a day
10:20 They plotted and they planned went to the palace man.
10:24 The king Darius heard those princess saying
10:29 Oh king, we've all been talking your righteous do
10:33 Why don't we take a month or so to worship you
10:38 And if someone finds another God to pray to then
10:42 we'll let him spend underneath in the lions' den
10:50 The king was very flattered his crown got way to touch
10:54 Before he knew if he had signed the decree
10:58 but when Daniel heard about the law
11:01 he didn't changed his life at all, just knelt to pray
11:04 so everyone could see
11:08 When they saw praying
11:10 they knew he would soon be dead
11:12 But when they threw him to the lions this is what he said
11:19 Here kitty Kitty Here kitty, kitty
11:21 Let me pet you may now to glad
11:23 he came over here kitty, kitty
11:25 You're kitty, kitty Looking hungry there
11:27 but I don't care I'm not going to fear
11:29 with my God back here
11:30 and He is keeping your mouth shut tight
11:33 Oh what a pity you great that kitties
11:35 they are going to get meal tonight
11:41 The king could hardly sleep at night
11:43 he knew what he had done wasn't right
11:46 why had he even overcome by pride
11:50 So when the morning he goes hurriedly
11:53 his eyes close went down the side of den
11:56 and gone inside
11:59 Oh Daniel are you still awake
12:01 or have I made a great mistake
12:04 can you tell me please I've got to know
12:08 Then Daniel called up from the den
12:10 your kept food I've never been
12:13 My God's with me everywhere I go
12:17 And if you're making another law
12:19 that says that I can't pray
12:22 I'll see my friends down here again
12:24 and for and so again I'll stay
12:29 You're kitty, kitty You're kitty, kitty
12:31 Let me pet you may now to glad
12:33 he came over here kitty, kitty
12:34 You're kitty kitty Looking hungry there
12:36 but I don't care I'm not going to fear
12:39 when my God right here
12:40 and He is keeping your mouth shut tight
12:43 Oh what a pity you great big kitties
12:45 you're going to get a meal tonight
12:47 Oh what a pity you great big kitties
12:49 you're going to get a meal tonight
12:58 And boys and girls, we don't ever have to be afraid,
13:01 because God is always with us.
13:13 Well hello, I would like to tell you a story today
13:17 and I want you to listen very carefully,
13:19 because it's a story how God protected me
13:22 in a life and death situation.
13:25 You see, some evil men wanted to kill me
13:29 and put me to death.
13:31 They didn't like me because I serve,
13:34 the Most High God, the Creator God
13:37 and I love Him with all of my heart.
13:40 You see three times a day, I talked to our God.
13:44 I go up into my room and I open my window
13:48 towards Jerusalem and I kneel down
13:50 and I thank God for His protection and His care.
13:54 You see I used to be a slave.
13:56 I was taken a prisoner from Jerusalem
13:59 to many, many miles away to a country
14:03 that was not my home.
14:05 And everyday I asked God to keep me faithful to Him,
14:10 I want Him to protect me, I don't want to rush up
14:13 the God's of gold and silver and the heathen,
14:16 God's that are all around me. You see, Daniel, is my name.
14:24 And these evil men were trying
14:27 to take my life because, Darius, was the King
14:33 and he wanted to put me
14:35 in command of all of the governors
14:39 and all of the officials of the land.
14:41 It would be the highest position
14:43 in all of the kingdom and they were jealous of me,
14:46 they didn't like me at all.
14:49 So they thought how can we destroy, Daniel.
14:54 You see I was faithful to God and to the king
14:57 and they couldn't find anything
14:59 that was wrong with me.
15:01 Anything in my work, they couldn't find any fault
15:05 in what I've done I did.
15:07 And so they studied my life and they went to the king
15:12 and they said, king we've an idea,
15:15 you are a great king and you deserve worshipping praise.
15:23 We would propose a law
15:25 that, no man would ask a petition of any man or God
15:29 except you, oh great, king Darius.
15:33 The king thought about that and he said,
15:36 well, that's a, that's a great decree.
15:38 I like that, no man would ask
15:41 of any other person except me.
15:43 Yes I like that you write that up in the law.
15:49 Well, king we would like to add something else.
15:52 If any one breaks that law,
15:54 if any one worships any other God except you,
15:58 then they should be placed into the lion's den,
16:01 they should be killed.
16:04 The king liked that idea too.
16:07 He said that's great, you put that into law
16:10 and according to the law of the Medes and the Persians,
16:13 it cannot be changed.
16:16 Well, when I read the law, I knew what it happened,
16:19 these evil men wrote that law,
16:21 so that they could destroy me.
16:23 They knew about my prayer life to my God.
16:28 I thought about it for a minute,
16:29 should I close the door, should I close my window,
16:33 should I pray in secret.
16:35 No, that doesn't seem right, that would be denying God,
16:39 that would mean that I was ashamed of Him.
16:42 And you see I believe that, that would hurt God.
16:47 And so I said it didn't matter, if I would die.
16:51 If I would go into that lions' den or not
16:54 I was going to pray.
16:55 And I went up into my room and I knelt down
16:59 and I thanked God for His love and His care.
17:02 I asked God, Lord, would you please protect me.
17:07 You know about this decree
17:09 and there are men watching me right now
17:11 and I know that they're going to place me
17:15 into the lions' den, but I don't care,
17:18 I will die for you.
17:20 Sure enough, the leaders, they went to king Darius
17:25 and they said, O king live forever.
17:28 You remember the decree that you had made?
17:31 He said yes I remember that decree, what about it.
17:35 And they said there is a man O king,
17:38 that defied your law.
17:40 And he said what, who would dare
17:43 defy the law of the Medes and the Persians
17:46 that cannot be changed, to death to that man.
17:50 And they said exactly king, it is Daniel.
17:56 The king felt really bad.
17:59 He said not my friend, Daniel,
18:02 and then he realized that he had been tricked.
18:05 Those men didn't care about him
18:06 they just wanted to destroy Daniel.
18:09 And so, Darius, he spent that entire night
18:13 fasting and praying and he called me before him
18:17 and he said, Daniel, I'm sorry
18:19 those men have tricked me, but I know your, God,
18:24 he can deliver you.
18:25 I've heard the stories of your God,
18:28 can't he deliver you Daniel.
18:30 I said yes king, He can deliver me.
18:35 And so the king gave the order
18:38 and I was lowered down into that ground
18:41 in that musty old smelly damp place.
18:48 Lions were roaring, they were yelling,
18:52 but somehow I wasn't afraid at all.
18:56 You see I had spent that entire time praying
18:59 and God took the fear away from me
19:02 and another thing is that I was able to sing.
19:06 I was able to pray
19:08 and talk to God and thank Him.
19:11 The lions didn't hurt me at all.
19:14 That morning the king he had told me
19:17 that he fasted, he prayed all night
19:20 and he went to the pit where the lions where
19:23 and he rolled away the stone
19:24 and he looked down and he said Daniel,
19:27 has your God delivered you.
19:30 I looked up and I said, yes king Darius,
19:35 my God whom I've served, who I'm faithful to,
19:39 he sent an angel and close the lions' mouth
19:42 and they've not hurt me.
19:45 The king was so happy,
19:46 he ordered men to pick me up out of that cave.
19:52 And you know, one of the first things that I did,
19:56 the very first thing that I did was I knelt down
20:00 and I thanked God for His protection.
20:20 God of great and God of small God of one and God of all
20:29 God of weakened God of strong God to whom all things belong
20:38 Hallelujah, hallelujah, praise be thy name
20:53 God of land and sky and sea God of life and destiny
21:01 God of never ranging power yet beside me every hour
21:09 Hallelujah, hallelujah praise be thy name
21:23 God of silence God of sound
21:28 God in whom the lost are found
21:33 God of day and darkest night
21:39 God whose love turns wrong to right
21:45 God of heaven and God of earth
21:49 God of death and God of birth
21:54 God of now and days before God who reigns forever more
22:03 Hallelujah, hallelujah praise be thy name
22:14 Praise be thy name
22:34 Can you imagine being thrown
22:35 into that den for a hungry lion?
22:38 Daniel, loved Jesus very much, didn't he.
22:41 And Jesus loved Daniel too.
22:43 Boys and girls, Jesus, loves you too
22:45 and there's nothing about you that God's not interested in.
22:48 Do you know that if you have a sore throat, Jesus cares.
22:52 And if you forgot your homework
22:53 and you leave it at home, Jesus cares.
22:56 If you broke one of your toys
22:58 and you feel bad, Jesus cares.
23:01 You know, Jesus, is always there close to comfort you.
23:05 If some big thing is troubling you,
23:07 in fact maybe your grandma died,
23:09 or you've to move away
23:10 and leave all of your friends behind.
23:12 Jesus is especially close to you
23:14 and He comforts you and if you think about it,
23:17 you can almost feel Him hugging you.
23:20 Nothing in your life is too small for God
23:22 to notice to care about.
23:24 And there's nothing so big
23:25 that He can't help you handle that either.
23:27 So God is with you all the time.
23:30 You know, He rides with you in your car
23:32 and even when you're in the school bus
23:34 and He stays right with you
23:35 even when you are sleeping at night.
23:37 You don't need to be afraid, because Jesus is there.
23:40 He sees you even when you're in your basement,
23:43 or maybe when you're up in your attic.
23:45 It doesn't matter where you are,
23:46 you could be on the playground,
23:48 even if you've a secret hiding place
23:50 Jesus knows about it
23:52 and He is there with you keeping your company.
23:55 It's true that we can't see Jesus,
23:57 but he is there just the same.
23:59 And if we take the time to talk with Him and listen,
24:03 we can feel Him close-by.
24:04 We can hear Him say that He loves us
24:06 that He'll always love us
24:08 and that He'll never ever leave us.
24:11 Isn't that, a wonderful,
24:13 wonderful thing to have a friend like Jesus?
24:17 But you know what boys and girls,
24:18 its time for mailbox time.
24:20 Let's see if we've any letters today.
24:22 I'm hoping I have one from you too.
24:25 Let's see here, I do. I've got some letters.
24:29 Oh, good, I don't want to miss even one
24:34 and I have, oh, you know what,
24:36 I've a letter here from Jessica and Jeremy
24:40 from Washington D.C.
24:42 And then I've something here from Elisha and Mike Bretner.
24:47 And lets see what Jessica and Jeremy
24:50 have done to share Jesus, shall we?
24:55 Oh look, Jessica, and, Jeremy, has sent us a picture.
25:00 Thank you for sending the picture,
25:02 I really like seeing what you look like.
25:05 Well, this letter says,
25:06 dear Brenda, my name is, Jessica, and I'm eleven.
25:10 My mom is a secretary at our church
25:12 and I help her by doing what I can.
25:15 I often share Jesus by watching my little brother
25:17 while my mom works, love Jessica, P.S.
25:21 the pictures is of me and my brother
25:23 and his name is Jeremy.
25:25 Thank you, Jessica, for sharing this letter with us.
25:27 I'm sure it does share Jesus when you cheerfully help
25:30 your mommy and daddy out, doesn't it.
25:32 When your mommy needed you to watch your brother,
25:34 that shows Jesus in your heart, doesn't it.
25:37 Wel,l this letter is from Mike Bretner.
25:40 Doesn't tell me where he's from.
25:43 Let's see what Mike had to say.
25:45 It says, dear Brenda, I'm eight years old
25:48 and I like to roll a plane and I like to ride my bike.
25:52 It sounds like fun, doesn't it.
25:54 And it said, I bumped into a man
25:58 that was carrying his groceries
25:59 and it spilled all over the ground, oh my.
26:02 I stopped and helped him picked him up
26:05 and he was mad at first, but I told him I was sorry
26:08 and then he wasn't mad anywhere.
26:10 I think I shared Jesus sincerely Mike Bretner.
26:14 You know, what Mike you did share Jesus.
26:16 That was really a very thoughtful thing
26:18 for you to do, because you didn't mean
26:20 to bump into that man, did you.
26:22 And then you helped him pick up all his groceries.
26:25 I'm sure he saw Jesus in you
26:27 in a very special way, didn't he.
26:29 That made, Jesus, really happy too.
26:32 Boys and girls, if you have a special way to share Jesus,
26:34 why not write and tell me, won't you.
26:37 Well that's all the time we have today boys and girls.
26:39 Remember to keep Jesus in your heart,
26:41 keep Him first in your life
26:43 and remember its kids time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17