Kids' Time

Following God's Plan

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000009

00:25 Hi boys and girls.
00:27 How would you like to take a ride on this ship?
00:29 This is a very old ship.
00:31 Look at all the sails on it.
00:34 Quite a few sails on this ship, isn't there?
00:37 That makes the ship go very fast.
00:39 And what do you think this is?
00:41 You're right, it's and anchor.
00:43 Long ago sailing ships were the only kind of ships around
00:47 in which people could take long journeys.
00:49 There were no steam ships,
00:51 or motors or fancy cruise ships.
00:52 Our Bible story today will tell you about a man
00:56 who had the adventure of a lifetime
00:58 when he boarded a sailing ship.
00:59 When you listen to our Bible story see if you can tell
01:03 what if you think this man liked sailing or not.
01:05 I do know of some creatures who love boats and ships.
01:09 They are not human beings.
01:10 They are not plants.
01:12 They are little sea animals called Barnacles.
01:15 Sailors and ship owners don't like Barnacles.
01:17 You see Barnacles are little shell fish that float around
01:21 in the water until they bump into something solid,
01:24 like a ship.
01:25 And then they attach themselves right here.
01:29 All over the bottom and right below the water line.
01:32 They attach themselves to whatever they've stuck.
01:35 And they just stay there.
01:36 In a short time a huge ship can be covered with Barnacles
01:40 below this water line.
01:41 And then the owners have to pull the ships out of
01:43 water and clean off the Barnacles and make any repairs
01:47 that they need to.
01:48 Sometimes the owners don't realize how covered with
01:51 Barnacles their ship may be.
01:52 And that can be dangerous.
01:54 If the Barnacles grow thicker on the ship
01:56 they can actually slow it down or affect the way it
01:59 handles in the water.
02:00 And they have been known
02:02 to grow so thick, they have actually sunk a vessel.
02:06 Can you imagine that?
02:07 All those Barnacles.
02:09 Well these Barnacles remind me of some people.
02:13 Jesus has been called the Ship of Zion.
02:15 And sometimes people are attracted to
02:17 Jesus and His church.
02:18 And they want to be a part of it.
02:20 But they don't exactly want to be in it.
02:23 Like Barnacles they attach themselves to the outside,
02:26 and they just go along for the ride.
02:28 Boys and girls, Jesus is coming soon.
02:31 Don't be a Barnacle, but rather be a passenger on God's ship.
02:35 Letting Jesus steer your life.
02:37 Won't you give Him your heart today?
02:39 Now Ranger Jim is going to show us another creature
02:43 that lives in the water.
02:52 Hi boys and girls, Ranger Jim here again today.
02:53 We have something special for you to see.
02:55 The beautiful Bull Frog.
02:57 Okay, doesn't he have beautiful eyes?
03:00 And he sings and tells all the ladies, in his pond, that he
03:03 is the most beautiful, wonderful frog in all the world.
03:07 Of course these large creatures are amphibians.
03:10 They live in the water or on land.
03:12 And in fact, have you collected tad-poles?
03:14 They're fun aren't they?
03:15 Pollywogs, when they start to develop.
03:17 In the Northern part of the United States,
03:19 the bull frog takes two years to develop.
03:22 If you have found tad-poles in a pond near your house
03:25 and kept them in a jar.
03:26 They were most likely toads, but if you did find a
03:29 bull frog you may have been disappointed,
03:31 he didn't develop very quickly.
03:33 And you thought something was wrong.
03:34 No, they are a large creature and it normally will take two
03:38 years for them to develop from the tad-pole stage
03:40 through the Pollywog developing feet and to
03:43 eventually lose their tail and become what they are.
03:46 Now this creature, though he may look very easy going
03:51 in nature, he doesn't seem to cause any problems for anyone.
03:54 And if you think that, it is because your not a dragon fly.
03:58 Or a damsel fly, or you are not a small frog that comes by
04:02 or a fish, or anything else might come his way.
04:05 Because Mr. bull frog, it is said of him and accurately so,
04:09 a frog will eat anything he is big enough to eat. Okay?
04:12 Now most people don't realize that bull frogs have teeth.
04:16 And their teeth are located in an unusual place.
04:19 Their teeth are located in the back of their mouth,
04:21 up near their eyes.
04:23 And there are no muscles or no supporting tissue between
04:28 the frog's eyes and inside of his mouth.
04:30 I can press like this, and his eyes will go closed
04:33 just like that.
04:34 When a frog swallows something,
04:36 he reaches out with his tongue grabs it and pulls it
04:39 back to his mouth.
04:40 Quite often grasping it with his big front feet.
04:42 And pulls it into his mouth.
04:43 And begins to spread his mouth as wide as he can get it.
04:46 And as he swallows it, his eyes bulge out and you
04:50 would think they were going to pop out like cherry pits.
04:52 For all the world you wouldn't think they would
04:54 stay in his head, but when he forces it into the back
04:57 of his throat, then he swallows his food whole.
04:59 Okay, and as you can see by feet, very large web hind feet,
05:04 for swimming, he is an excellent swimmer.
05:06 When you frighten him, he dives into the water and swims
05:09 onto the bottom and there he stays until it is safe to stick
05:12 his head up and come looking all around.
05:14 Okay, now in the spring of the years, when they are mating,
05:17 all of the males sit around and call back and forth.
05:21 I don't know if you have heard them in the spring of the year.
05:23 Sometimes I imitate them, but now I won't because it is on
05:26 television, but when you go out to a large pond, if you can
05:30 make the jurung sound, quite often they will answer you.
05:32 They are trying to attract a females, and then the females
05:36 lay the eggs.
05:37 Now a female bull frog can easily lay 25 thousand eggs.
05:42 They are contained in a jelly-like substance
05:45 and on a little string like thing.
05:46 So those strings of that and then the male comes along
05:49 and he takes a part from his body that we call a
05:52 fertilization that goes on their serve, a milky substance
05:55 and that mixes with the water.
05:57 And that causes the eggs to hatch.
06:00 So these creatures have been known to jump vertically into
06:04 the air 3 and 1/2 feet.
06:05 As the dragon fly, goes flying by thinking he's perfectly safe.
06:08 Mr. bull frog is watching, He leaps in the air, flips
06:12 out his tongue and grabs him and falls back.
06:14 These creatures have been know to even
06:16 eat very small snakes.
06:18 So, the bull frog is a very, very interesting creature.
06:22 Many people hunt these and consider them to be a delicacy.
06:25 Once again Ranger Jim can tell you that as a small boy
06:28 I have done that.
06:30 Okay, but today it sounds rather yucky to me, okay?
06:34 So I am think I'm thankful that Jesus in my life has
06:37 changed not only the way I think about these creatures,
06:40 but He changed my appetite.
06:42 We have another creature that we are going to share
06:46 with you here.
06:47 And we will place this one in the bucket and then we will
06:49 take this creature, I hope that wasn't too much
06:52 of a disturbance.
06:53 This is the beautiful Box turtle.
06:54 The Eastern Box Turtle and once again we can identify this
06:59 creature by looking at her eyes.
07:02 Now we talked about the Eastern Painted turtle, you could tell
07:06 by their claws, but with this one we look at them, and
07:08 every one of the Eastern Box turtle, that's a lady
07:11 has beautiful brown eyes.
07:13 If it's a boy box turtle, it has red eyes.
07:18 So if you find a box turtle, and be sure boys and girls,
07:21 it's a box turtle.
07:22 I, would once again, encourage you do not pick up turtles
07:25 unless you have an adult with you that you can be ascertain
07:28 what the turtle is because if you pick up the wrong turtle,
07:30 they can injure you.
07:32 But if there is an adult and they say yes, that's the
07:34 Eastern Box turtle, then you can pick the turtle up gently.
07:38 And look at it's eyes.
07:39 If it has brown eyes, it's a girl, if it has red eyes,
07:43 it's a boy.
07:44 These box turtles have been kept in captivity for more
07:48 than seventy-five years.
07:50 So this turtle we can ascertain the age, to a certain extent,
07:56 by feeling of the bottom of his plastron,
07:58 as it goes along on the gritty surface of gravel,
08:03 sand and what have you, it wears this sharp
08:06 and it's very smooth for an older turtle.
08:09 Now many people in the past, it use to be quite a thing,
08:12 for people to take and carve.
08:14 This is much the same as your fingernail,
08:15 it doesn't injure the turtle at all.
08:16 People would carve a date, if they found the turtle today,
08:20 and it was the year 2000, they might carve the year 1902.
08:25 And then someone found it two years later they would be sure
08:29 to think that the turtle was at least a hundred years old.
08:31 Of course that wasn't true.
08:33 But this, once again, is another one of those wonderful
08:36 creatures that God hath made for us to see and enjoy.
08:38 So you remember that if you pick it up, it has brown eyes
08:42 it's a girl, if it has red eyes, it's a boy.
08:45 You can be assure of that as you can be assure as what
08:49 Ranger Jim always tells you.
08:51 Don't forget to tell Jesus that you love Him.
08:54 Because Jesus surely does love you.
09:04 Hello boys and girls.
09:05 Have you ever had a really bad day?
09:08 Isn't it good to know that when you close your eyes to sleep,
09:11 that you can wake up to a brand new day that Jesus gave you?
09:15 Christine would you read us our text please.
09:16 "Oh God thou art my God, early will I seek thee. " Psalms 63:1
09:21 Boys and girls join us in this song.
09:29 Look who's coming up the poke-a-dot hill.
09:32 Look who's shining on my window sill.
09:35 With the blue birds singing, and the blue bells ringing,
09:39 It's morning again.
09:41 When the sun comes out to stay,
09:45 I know it will be a lovely day,
09:48 For God sends sun shine every day,
09:51 and it's morning again.
09:55 There's a woody woodpecker and it's sitting and a pecking,
09:58 and a cock goes cock-a-doodle-do.
10:01 There's a cow in the pasture,
10:03 And sheep in the meadow,
10:05 and the wise old owl goes hoooooot.
10:10 Look who's coming up poke-a-dot hill,
10:13 Look who's shinning on my window sill.
10:16 with the blue birds singing,
10:18 and the blue bells ringing,
10:20 It's morning again.
10:23 It's morning again.
10:29 So remember boys and girls, when the sun sets
10:31 in a bad day, just say your prayers and go to sleep.
10:34 Because Jesus is going to bring you a brand new morning.
10:45 Hi Kids! Boy have I got a story to tell you.
10:47 I won't believe it myself if it hadn't actually happened to me.
10:51 It all happened like this.
10:52 Oh, by the way, my name is Jonah, and I am a prophet
10:55 of the Lord.
10:56 And it happened like this.
10:57 One day the word of the Lord came to me and commanded me
11:00 to go to that big city of Nineveh,
11:02 and tell them that God had seen how wicked and cruel
11:04 they were, and if they didn't repent of their sins,
11:06 God was going to destroy them with fire.
11:09 Nineveh, why if He had asked me to go to Jerusalem
11:12 or to Samaria, or even Damascus, I'd been glad to go.
11:16 But not Nineveh.
11:18 Nineveh was known for it's cruelty.
11:20 Nineveh was known for, for, for the meanness that they had.
11:24 Why they would torture people until they wished they were dead
11:27 No telling what they would have done to me.
11:29 I decided right then and there I wasn't going to Nineveh.
11:32 I was going to go as far away from God as I could get.
11:35 And from Nineveh.
11:36 And so I ran as fast as I could to that city by the sea.
11:41 And I went, I went, found a ship that was going in the
11:45 opposite direction of Nineveh.
11:46 And I bought a ticket, and I got on board, and I
11:50 went down below deck where I could be all by myself.
11:52 And I thought to myself, this is not so bad.
11:54 By the time I get to where this ship is going,
11:57 God will have forgotten all about me.
11:58 And then maybe He would send somebody else to Nineveh.
12:02 I was so exhausted from running so far, I fell sound asleep.
12:06 But I want to tell you, that when they pulled up
12:10 the anchor on that ship and they headed out to sea,
12:12 God was as close to me as ever.
12:16 Well, the wind picked up and waves picked up.
12:18 And before long there was such a storm as there's
12:22 never been before.
12:23 Even the Captain and the sailors realized that there was
12:26 something eerie about this storm.
12:28 And they believe that the God's had caused that.
12:31 And so they started to call out on all their Gods.
12:33 And they called out to Baal, and to Ashtaroth
12:36 And to Moloch.
12:37 But nothing happened, the storm only got worse.
12:40 Well for some reason, the Captain, went down below deck.
12:44 And that's when he found me.
12:45 I was sound asleep and he grab me and he shook me
12:48 and he said, "Wake up you sleeper. "
12:50 "Don't you know that we are in a life and death situation?"
12:53 "Don't you know that the Gods are angry with us, why
12:55 don't you get up and pray to your God.
12:57 Maybe He can save us. "
12:58 Pray to my God?
13:00 I didn't want to do that, I was running away from Him.
13:02 I stumbled out on deck and when I got there all of the...
13:05 the Captain and the sailors they decided that they were
13:08 going to cast lots to figure out just who the God's
13:10 were angry with.
13:11 And they cast lots and when they did, the lot fell on me.
13:15 And that is when I realized right then and there
13:18 you can never run away from God, God knows where you are.
13:21 Before long, they gathered around me and they started to
13:25 fire questions at me, and they said, "Who are you?"
13:27 "What occupation do you have?"
13:29 "What nationality are you, and what are you doing on
13:32 this ship anyway?"
13:33 And that's when I told them I am a Hebrew.
13:36 And I worship the God Who made the heaven and the earth.
13:39 And the One who made the sea, and the dry land.
13:42 And Who was in charge of the wind and the waves.
13:44 And then I told them all about Nineveh.
13:47 I told them God told me to tell them He was going to
13:52 destroy them with fire because of their wickedness
13:54 if they didn't repent and I was afraid to go to Nineveh.
13:56 Why they knew how cruel those people were.
13:59 And the Captain said, "What can we do so your God
14:02 won't be angry with us?"
14:03 I told them the only thing you can do was throw me over board.
14:08 They didn't want to do it at first, but there was no other
14:10 way and so, they picked me up, and before they threw me
14:13 overboard, they called out to the God of Jonah, and they
14:16 said please don't be angry with us, this is what he
14:18 told us to do, and they gave me a fling over the ship.
14:21 I landed in the water, and when I landed on the water the wind
14:24 was suddenly quiet.
14:26 And the waves stopped, all except the one that was
14:29 right over my head.
14:30 It came down and hit me with such force that it drove me
14:32 right down into the ground.
14:34 Into the water.
14:36 I'll tell you I went down into that dark, green water of that
14:40 sea, I thought I was going to drown.
14:43 All I wanted was just one more breath of air.
14:46 But then I felt this, this horrible feeling of falling,
14:51 I was slipping and sliding down some,
14:53 Oh! some awful tube.
14:56 Now instead of wishing I could have one more breath of air,
15:00 Now I was wishing I never had to breath again for that
15:03 foul smell that was coming from where I was going.
15:05 Before long I landed in, I couldn't believe this, but I
15:09 landed in the stomach of a whale.
15:11 Oh it was horrible down there, I could see anything
15:14 but I could feel the dead fish, sea weed and I couldn't move
15:17 my arms, they were pinned around and I
15:19 couldn't move at all.
15:20 Now all of a sudden the whale just went down,
15:23 then he just took off and went up and I got so sick
15:26 I just passed right out.
15:27 When I came to I was trying to figure out where exactly I was.
15:31 Then I remembered, Oh No!
15:35 This is horrible, I going to tell you I prayed as I never,
15:38 You'd prayed too if you were in that dreadful place.
15:41 I prayed like I never prayed, and I asked the Lord to forgive
15:44 me for even thinking I could run away from Him.
15:46 And oh Lord if you just give me one more, one more
15:50 chance to go to Nineveh, I prayed, just one more chance.
15:52 I'll tell them just exactly what You told me to tell them.
15:55 Well I don't know how long I was in the ship, in the whale
15:59 stomach, exactly, but I was in there for something like
16:02 parts of three days.
16:03 In and out of consciousness.
16:06 But in some wonderful way.
16:08 God spoke to that fish and he spit me out on dry ground.
16:12 I'm going to tell you when I felt that sunshine and I
16:16 breathed in that pure air, oh it was so wonderful
16:20 and I grabbed my hands in the dirt.
16:21 It was so wonderful to be on dry ground.
16:24 Oh I thanked the Lord, and I told Him I am going to do
16:27 just exactly what you said.
16:28 I'm going to get to Nineveh as fast as I could.
16:30 I got up to run but my feet were like, my legs were like
16:33 jelly, I could hardly move.
16:34 I crawled, I didn't care if I had to crawl all the way to
16:36 Nineveh, I'd crawl, I'd get there and I tell them just
16:39 exactly what God told me to tell them.
16:41 But before long my legs got a little stronger and started to
16:43 run as fast as I could.
16:45 By the time I got to Nineveh, rumors had already reached
16:49 that city of what had happened to me.
16:51 When I told them that I was Jonah, and what had happened
16:54 to me, Oh I looked a mess, you can believe they believed me.
16:57 Why I looked a mess my clothes were half digested.
17:00 My hands and arms, my whole skin was yellow.
17:04 Oh you should have seen my hair, and the seaweed and the
17:07 Oh the smell was terrible, but I told them, this is terrible
17:10 what happened to me but it is going to be worse for you
17:12 if you don't repent from your wickedness.
17:13 God's going to destroy you in forty days.
17:16 Oh the people believed from the less all the way to the greatest
17:20 They believed.
17:21 Never had there been such a revival,
17:24 such a turning away from sin.
17:25 And to think I tried my best to run away from the job.
17:30 Oh, I learned a lesson.
17:32 I learned that you can never run and hide from God.
17:35 And then when God asks you to do something, the best thing to
17:38 do is do it right then, with all your might.
17:41 Oh, I hope you can learn a lesson from my story.
17:45 And remember kids, remember that wherever you go,
17:49 and whatever you do, God is with you and He loves you.
18:11 Jesus loves me, this I know.
18:19 For the Bible tells me so.
18:28 Little ones to Him belong,
18:37 They are weak, but He is strong.
18:47 Yes Jesus loves me.
18:57 Yes Jesus loves me,
19:05 Yes Jesus loves me.
19:13 The Bible tells me so.
19:24 Oh how He loves you and me.
19:32 Oh how He loves you and me,
19:41 He gave His life, Oh what more could He give?
19:51 Oh how He loves you.
19:55 Oh how He loves me,
20:00 Oh how He loves you and me.
20:09 Oh how He loves you and me,
20:16 Oh how He loves you and me.
20:25 He gave His life, Oh what more could He give?
20:35 Oh how He loves you.
20:41 Oh how He loves me.
20:45 Oh how He loves you and me.
21:11 Wasn't Jonah a funny little man?
21:13 Just think, preaching converted a whole city.
21:16 And then he went and pouted because God had forgiven
21:19 the people he warned.
21:20 You know Jonah had some lessons to learn.
21:22 And he learned them the hard way.
21:24 First to be swallowed by that great big fish,
21:27 how stinky that must have been inside.
21:29 And then to have God scold you for complaining.
21:32 But he did learn his lessons didn't he?
21:35 And he learned that God always gives us second chances.
21:37 A chance to start over again no matter what
21:40 mistakes we've made.
21:41 You know there is a Poet by the name of Louisa Fletcher,
21:45 and she wrote a poem about second chances.
21:47 It's called the Land of Beginning Again,
21:49 and I'd like to read it for you.
21:50 It says, I wish there was some wonderful place,
21:54 called the Land of Beginning again.
21:56 Were all our mistakes, and all our heartaches,
21:59 and all of our poor selfish grief's,
22:01 could be dropped like a shabby ole coat at the door,
22:04 and never be put on again.
22:06 You know that's a lovely idea, isn't it?
22:09 If all our mistakes could be undone.
22:11 If all our thoughtless words could be unsaid.
22:14 And if all the things we should of done, but didn't do,
22:17 were suddenly, just done.
22:19 Wouldn't that be wonderful?
22:21 The good news is that Jesus does give us second chances,
22:25 and third chances and fourth chances.
22:27 As many chances as we need.
22:29 Confess our sins and start over again.
22:31 You might say that He is the King of the Land
22:34 of Beginning again.
22:35 We're truly sorry for the wrong things we have done,
22:38 no matter how bad they are,
22:40 He will forgive us.
22:41 Not only will He forgive us, but He will blot out those sins,
22:45 and any memory of those sins, right out of the Universe.
22:48 Isn't that wonderful?
22:49 And it will be as if we never sinned.
22:52 You know Jesus said that He would remove our sins from us.
22:55 As far as the east is from the west.
22:57 And how far is that?
22:59 No one can measure it, it goes on forever.
23:02 And that is what Jesus meant, there is just no
23:05 end to His love and His forgiveness.
23:08 I'm so glad that Jesus give us second chances.
23:11 Aren't you?
23:12 Now it's mailbox time.
23:14 Let's take a look and see what is in our mailbox.
23:18 You can write to me, boys and girls, wherever you are.
23:20 That might be in Russia, or Japan, or China, South America,
23:24 wherever you are the letters will reach me.
23:27 Let's see what we have today.
23:28 Yes I have mail.
23:31 Got lots of it too.
23:32 Oh! so many letters.
23:35 I'd like to share them with you.
23:37 Oh! this one here is from Daniel Juarez.
23:40 And I've got one from Freeport, Maine
23:43 One from a Jessica Smith.
23:46 And one from California.
23:47 Let's see what Daniel has to say today.
23:50 I wonder how he has shared Jesus?
23:54 Let's look and see.
23:57 You know what?
23:59 Yes I am right.
24:01 Daniel sent a picture of himself today,
24:03 This, show you at home what Daniel looks like.
24:06 Thank you Daniel for sending a picture.
24:09 Daniel also drew me a little picture on his paper.
24:13 He said, Dear Brenda, I am six years old
24:16 and I like to play on the computer.
24:18 Especially a Jesus game.
24:20 I also like to sing.
24:22 And I share Jesus, I went to a nursing home,
24:25 and we drew pictures of the six days of creation,
24:27 and the Sabbath on big pieces of poster board.
24:30 And we showed our pictures and took turns telling
24:32 about God's work of creation.
24:34 Then we visited with the people there and it was fun.
24:37 They liked it and gave us some cookies.
24:39 Daniel Juarez.
24:41 Thank you Daniel for sharing that experience with us.
24:45 That was a wonderful way to witness, wasn't it?
24:47 And I bet that they liked the pictures of creation too
24:51 that you drew.
24:52 I think we might have time for one more here.
24:56 Let's see, this letter is from Robert.
25:00 Let's see what Robert has to say.
25:02 Dear Brenda, I am twelve years old and I share
25:05 Jesus to my friend.
25:07 He was going to steal some gum at the grocery store,
25:10 and I didn't.
25:11 I told him not to because it is a sin.
25:13 I don't want to go to jail.
25:14 My friend, Jimmy, put the gum back.
25:17 He got mad for awhile, but now he's my friend.
25:19 I want to go to heaven, I don't want to steal
25:22 because I know it is wrong.
25:23 I love Jesus, your friend, Robert.
25:25 You know Robert, you are right.
25:27 It is very wrong to steal.
25:28 You did witness by doing the right thing.
25:31 Even when you were tempted to do wrong,
25:33 but, you know it is not always easy to standing up
25:35 for the right thing when we are with our friends, is it?
25:37 But you did the right thing.
25:39 That did make Jesus very happy.
25:41 I'll try to see if I can get one more letter.
25:45 I love sharing the letters with you.
25:47 It gives us idea's, doesn't it, on how to share Jesus?
25:49 This one says, Dear Brenda, I
25:51 I am eleven years old, and I like to sing, and I would
25:55 like to sing on Kids Time.
25:56 I love Jesus and I like to share Jesus.
25:58 I found a purse in a shopping cart, at the store,
26:01 and it had a lot of money in it.
26:03 I gave it to the store manager and he was really surprised
26:06 that I didn't keep the money.
26:08 But I told him that Jesus didn't want me to.
26:10 My dad said he was proud of me.
26:12 Love Jessica, P.S. I don't know if they found the lady
26:16 who lost her purse.
26:17 Well you know what, Jessica?
26:19 That was really a very special way to share Jesus.
26:22 Doesn't matter if we know if the lady found her purse or not.
26:25 What matters to Jesus is that you did the
26:27 right thing isn't it?
26:28 You stood up, you could of kept the money, but you didn't.
26:31 Did you?
26:32 You did the right thing and the store manager saw Jesus in you.
26:36 Well that's all the time we have today boys and girls.
26:39 But before I go I would like to leave you with this one thought.
26:42 No matter what you do every single day,
26:45 make Jesus first in your life.
26:47 Remember, it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17