Kids' Time

God's Strength And Power

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000008

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:06 Looking for a friend like Jesus
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there
00:13 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:16 Let's tell them that He loves us so
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time Kids Time, Kids Time
00:26 Hi, boys and girls.
00:27 Do you see what I have in my hand?
00:30 Yes, it's a stone.
00:31 It's nice and round and it's smooth too.
00:35 But other than that it's just an ordinary stone.
00:38 But ordinary things can often be put to extraordinary uses.
00:42 Long ago, stones like this were used as weapons of war.
00:46 Whole armies fought with a device they called a sling
00:49 and this sling, it was made of leather straps
00:52 would hold stones like this,
00:53 about the size of a baseball.
00:55 Trained slingers could hurl these stones
00:58 form their slings with deadly force.
01:00 In today's Bible story you'll hear about a young man
01:03 used an ordinary stone to accomplish a mighty deed.
01:07 Perhaps you already know who I am talking about.
01:09 But I'll let you wait and see if you are right.
01:12 But just as ordinary stones can be used
01:14 to accomplish extraordinary things.
01:16 God can use ordinary people just regular boys and girls
01:20 to accomplish mighty things for Him.
01:22 Perhaps you would like to talk to Jesus today,
01:25 and ask Him to use you in the way that He wants.
01:28 You could be like the stone ready to go
01:30 wherever the slinger want you to go.
01:33 But how much more exciting it is to be a boy or girl
01:36 ready to go where, Jesus, want you to go.
01:38 And that best part is that He won't send you off by yourself,
01:42 He will always go with you as your best friend,
01:45 helping you, loving you, and keeping you safe.
01:49 Now, Ranger Jim, is going to tell us today
01:51 about the Red-tailed Hawk.
02:00 Hi, boys and girls, I am excited again today.
02:02 Beverley, is with us again
02:03 and she brought one of her beautiful
02:05 Red-tailed Hawk for us to see and enjoy.
02:07 Isn't he gorgeous? How old is he, Bev?
02:10 This bird is three years old.
02:11 He is a matured bird, because he does have his red-tail now.
02:14 Oh, I see, is it a male or female?
02:16 This one is a male, the males are much smaller
02:19 than the females with the birds of prey.
02:21 Oh, I see.
02:23 How larger family do they normally have
02:26 when they build a nest?
02:27 How many eggs do they have?
02:28 They have between two and four to the nest.
02:32 Oh, I see, I was reading recently,
02:34 I didn't know that before.
02:35 I learn that this male went out hunting,
02:36 while his wife was incubating the eggs
02:39 and he actually brought food to and fed her
02:40 while she is on the nest caring for the eggs.
02:42 Absolutely, if she were to leave those eggs,
02:44 they would get cold.
02:45 So they do parent together as a team.
02:49 Well, that's neat, sort of like human beings.
02:51 Yes. It works best if dad helps out, okay.
02:52 That's right, well, tell me then,
02:54 when the babies hatched, do both parents hunt,
02:56 or does the mother still stay there to protect the babies?
02:58 When they are still small, they still need some protection
03:01 and some warmth and he will still hunt for both of them.
03:04 But as soon as they have enough feathers on them
03:07 that they can stay warm,
03:08 then she also helps with the hunt,
03:10 because they are ravenous eaters.
03:12 Oh, I see, but until then, the father brings the food
03:14 and the mother tears it up in smaller pieces.
03:16 That's correct. And feeds them one by one.
03:18 I see, so I have heard people say
03:20 that there is no hunter like, a Red-tailed Hawk,
03:22 when he has got a family in the nest.
03:24 That's right. I see, well, then when the birds are larger,
03:27 and they begin to travel with their parents,
03:29 they are taught the hunting techniques, is this true?
03:31 That's correct.
03:32 That by following them in flight,
03:35 they learn from the parent birds.
03:37 I see, I find It rather amusing.
03:39 I was observing last early fall,
03:43 a male is out with the young juvenile following him
03:46 and the juvenile had learned
03:47 that when father screams or give that terrible call
03:50 that they give, sometime rabbits will panic
03:53 and begin to run and this young bird was flying
03:55 along to find his father,
03:56 he was screaming every wing bead.
03:58 He just went continuous yell and screaming,
04:00 looking for food.
04:01 Sometimes that works against them,
04:03 then the rabbits know where they are coming from,
04:05 but yes, they are a little bit of nuisance
04:07 when they are following their parents.
04:08 I see, that at the end of the first fall,
04:10 then they are on their own, they grow up.
04:12 They are pretty much on their own.
04:14 It takes them again though two years
04:15 before they are matured bird looking
04:17 for a territory of their own
04:18 and they are looking for a mate of their own.
04:20 I see, do these birds mate for a life time?
04:22 If it is convenient for them, they certainly will.
04:26 If they loose a mate,
04:28 they sometimes will rapidly choose a new one to provide
04:31 for the new growth of babies coming up.
04:35 Oh, I see, okay, and this animal would live on things
04:38 as large as rabbit's and squirrels.
04:40 Absolutely, they take on very large prey like that.
04:43 Rabbit's and squirrels, but they also take
04:45 whatever they can get, life in a wild is rough.
04:48 They feel only one out of every ten attempts are successful.
04:51 So they will take a mouse, a rat,
04:54 a chipmunk along the way if they can.
04:57 Oh, I see, well, tell me about this, week or two ago
05:00 I observed a Red-tailed Hawk flying along
05:02 and first I thought maybe he had escaped
05:03 with a tether like this, but I got looking more closely
05:05 and he was carrying a snake, do they eat snakes?
05:07 They will eat many different things including snake.
05:10 Some of the old references said,
05:11 they would if they had to, but I am convinced they like snake.
05:15 Oh, I see, so whatever happens to be available
05:17 when he has babies at home in the nest,
05:19 he is looking for it?
05:20 Well, that's greatly to his advantage,
05:22 because many of these hawks are not surviving well
05:25 with the human encroachment,
05:27 but because they do eat different things,
05:29 the red-tail has managed to adapt better.
05:32 I see and so then here in North America,
05:34 he is our largest hawk, isn't he?
05:35 He is one of the largest in this area.
05:37 He is our largest, yes.
05:39 I see, and these birds come to you,
05:40 most of these birds come to you,
05:41 because they are injured road accidents and things of this.
05:45 Many of them are hit by vehicles.
05:48 This particular bird though unfortunately
05:50 had a sadder story, he had been shot.
05:52 I see, someone shot him with the shotgun or rifle.
05:56 Do you think that usually is intentional
05:58 or someone just ignorant of this bird's
06:00 still somewhat near end.
06:01 Actually in this case, we know
06:02 it was an intentional shot, yes.
06:04 That's terrible, isn't it? Yes.
06:05 That's just terrible we can't,
06:06 those of us who see this beautiful creature
06:08 that God has made wonder how someone
06:10 could just shoot this creature.
06:13 So once again, boys and girls,
06:15 we are talking about the creature,
06:16 that God made and when God made it,
06:18 He did a wonderful job.
06:20 Can you see his tail on camera?
06:21 I don t how much you can see on camera, it is just gorgeous.
06:24 And when you see the Ted-tailed Hawk
06:26 wheeling in the air against the blue sky.
06:28 And occasionally he turns just right,
06:30 so the sun glistens on his tail.
06:32 It announces to all the world.
06:34 Here I am. God made me. Just look at me.
06:38 So, God, provides for those things.
06:40 He provides for the hawk.
06:41 He provides for every creature that He made.
06:43 He provide for us, because He loves us.
06:46 We are His creation.
06:47 Boys and girls, remember, Jesus loves you.
06:51 And my Bible says, that even when the tiny sparrow,
06:54 not something as big and beautiful as a hawk,
06:56 but a common ordinary sparrow falls to the ground,
06:59 our wonderful Heavenly Father,
07:01 takes note of that and it saddens
07:03 His great heart of love.
07:04 So don't forget to tell Jesus, you love Him,
07:07 becasue He really does love you.
07:17 Hi, boys and girls.
07:19 When David fought Goliath,
07:21 he did not win that battle by himself.
07:23 Bobby, can you tell us what Psalms 46 verse 1 says,
07:27 "God is my refuge and strength."
07:30 God was his refuge and God was his strength.
07:33 Boys and girls, please join us
07:34 as we sing about that great battle.
07:41 Only a boy named David Only a little sling
07:46 Only a boy named David But he could pray and sing
07:50 Only a boy named David Only a rippling brook
07:55 Only a boy named David But five little stones he took
07:59 And one little stone went in the sling
08:01 And the sling went round and round
08:03 And one little stone went in the sling
08:06 And the sling went round and round
08:08 And round and round And round and round
08:10 And round and round and round
08:12 And one little stone went up in the air
08:15 And the giant came tumbling down
08:20 Only a boy named David Only a little sling
08:24 Only a boy named David But he could pray and sing
08:29 Only a boy named David Only a rippling brook
08:33 Only a boy named David But five little stones he took
08:37 And one little stone went in the sling
08:39 And the sling went round and round
08:42 And one little stone went in the sling
08:44 And the sling went round and round
08:46 And round and round And round and round
08:48 And round and round and round
08:50 And one little stone went up in the air
08:53 And the giant came tumbling down
08:59 Boys and girls, the giants will keep falling as long as
09:02 you and God, are fighting those battles together.
09:12 Hi, boys and girls, I want to tell you about a story
09:15 that happened to me when I was a little boy.
09:17 You see, I was a shepherd.
09:19 I didn't grow up in a palace, I watched sheep.
09:22 And you know, a part of the shepherd's job
09:25 is to take care of the sheep
09:26 and protect it from wild animals.
09:29 You see, wild animals they would come
09:32 and they would try to take the sheep
09:33 and kill them and eat them.
09:35 And, you know what, that could be pretty scary
09:38 as a little boy thinking about lions and bears,
09:40 but lions and bears would show up every now and then.
09:44 And I would have to protect the sheep
09:46 from the lions and the bears.
09:48 Well, you know, I learned as a little boy to trust in God.
09:53 From nature, I learned that God would take care of me,
09:57 that He loved me, that He created me,
10:00 that He was my God and then I could trust in Him.
10:03 I would talk to Him out attending my sheep
10:06 and He was so nice to me,
10:08 He would talk back to my heart.
10:10 Well, one day a lion broke out and stole one of my sheep.
10:16 It was scary at first, but I prayed,
10:19 oh, God, please help me, please help me
10:21 and I went after that lion and I killed that lion.
10:25 You see, there was a bear one time
10:28 and it came out and did the same thing
10:30 and God helped me with the bear too.
10:33 Wow, I didn't realize it then,
10:35 but God was preparing me to do greater things for Him.
10:40 You see my father sent a messenger out to me
10:44 to go and find out how my brothers were doing
10:48 at a battle that the children of Israel
10:51 were having with the Philistines.
10:54 And so I packed up a few things,
10:56 my dad send a little gift for my brothers
10:59 and I went off in search of my brothers
11:03 and to see what all about the war.
11:06 Well, you know, I wasn't going alone
11:10 and I thought about, wow, I wonder
11:13 if my brothers are even alive.
11:15 Well, as I finally made it to the battle sight,
11:19 I heard this loud boisterous voice.
11:23 It was scary, oh, it sent shivers up and down my spine.
11:29 And as I got closer, I saw that there was a giant
11:33 on the battlefield across
11:35 from where my brothers were on the hill.
11:38 And I noticed him, He was Goliath.
11:42 I had heard about goliath, he was a giant.
11:46 Goliath, he stood so tall, he was 40 feet high.
11:52 Well, he really wasn't that tall,
11:54 but he seemed like that to me.
11:55 He was huge and he was a giant of a man.
12:00 His spear, his shied, oh, all of his armor
12:04 would make any man fear for their lives.
12:10 But when I heard what he was saying
12:13 and instead of being afraid of Goliath,
12:15 it made me angry, because Goliath was talking about God.
12:20 He was looking at my brothers and kings Saul.
12:23 And he was laughing at them and he was saying
12:26 "I defy your God, I defy all of you children of Israel.
12:35 I dare one of you to come and fight me."
12:40 And if there is one of you that will fight me and kill me,
12:44 then the Philistines will be your servants.
12:48 But, if I kill one of your men,
12:55 then you will be one of our servants.
13:00 There isn't a God in this world that can hurt me.
13:05 I couldn't believe it. No one was moving.
13:10 None of them, Saul, my brothers,
13:14 not one soldier went to fight
13:18 and so I went up to him and I said, why not?
13:22 I will fight him, I will fight Goliath.
13:27 They laughed at me.
13:29 They said I was a little kid, they said I was too small.
13:32 they told me to go home and attend my sheep.
13:35 Well, I told them about the lion,
13:38 I told them about the bear.
13:40 I reminded them about how powerful our God is?
13:44 How our God brought his children out of Egypt.
13:49 I reminded them that our God parted the Red Sea.
13:55 They laughed at me. King Saul, he heard about it.
13:59 He sent for me and I went in before the king.
14:03 And I said, king, I will go, I will fight Goliath.
14:08 I can't do it myself, but I know that God will be with me.
14:12 He will kill that Goliath.
14:16 It's not a problem for Him.
14:19 Saul looked at me, he said, son you are really small.
14:23 I know I should be the one to do it,
14:25 but may be he saw the faith that I had.
14:29 I'm sure he did, because he put his own armor on me
14:34 and he sent me off with his blessing to go fight Goliath.
14:38 I headed down the hill, but the armor was so heavy,
14:42 I could hardly move.
14:44 Saul was a pretty big guy himself,
14:47 lot taller than me and I was just a boy.
14:51 And I turned around and I started to head back,
14:54 I looked at my brothers and they were laughing,
14:57 so was everybody else.
14:58 They thought that I have given up
14:59 that I had seen, Goliath, and that he was too big
15:03 and that I was chicken, but that wasn't ended all.
15:07 I removed the armor and I said King Saul,
15:10 I can't fight with these.
15:13 God, he doesn't need me to wear this kind of stuff,
15:17 He can protect me.
15:18 It doesn't matter if you are small,
15:20 or if you are big, God will protect me.
15:23 It's His battle, He will win, He will fight through me.
15:27 And so I took my stuff and I took my slingshot
15:32 and I headed down to the brook
15:35 between the Philistines and the Israelites.
15:39 I bent down and I picked up five smooth stones.
15:46 The stones, they were the right size and shape all right,
15:49 I had practice with them, I knew that they would work.
15:54 But still, God would have to guide that stone.
15:57 I couldn't do it on my own. He had too much armor.
16:02 I put the stones in my pocket.
16:05 And I didn't know how God was going to deliver me,
16:08 but I just knew He would.
16:11 So I headed toward Goliath
16:14 and I stopped and Goliath looked at me.
16:17 And he looked down at me and he couldn't believe
16:20 that I have been sent, he started to curse me.
16:24 He acted as if that I was just a little kid and he said,
16:28 what am I a dog that you would
16:30 send this little boy after me?
16:34 After cursing me, he said that he would cut my head off.
16:37 He defied God again and he was so angry
16:43 and that's when I spoke back at him.
16:46 I looked at him and I said, Goliath,
16:49 this day you and all of Israel and the Philistines
16:54 will know that there is a God in Heaven.
16:57 He is the Creator God.
16:59 He will destroy you this day.
17:03 I will cut off your head and the birds will devour you.
17:12 Wow! Goliath, he got mad, he was so mad
17:17 that he took his hand
17:20 and he lifted up his helmet just enough.
17:24 And I prayed, oh, God, what would I do?
17:27 He started to run at me and as he was running at me,
17:31 I took one of my stones and I put it in my sling
17:35 and I started to sling, go round and round with my sling
17:39 and I went charging after Goliath.
17:42 Everybody was watching, this little boy would be killed,
17:46 that was on the minds of everyone.
17:48 And as he was charging after me,
17:50 and I was running after him,
17:52 I let go the sling and that stone flew through the air
17:58 and it hit its mark right on Goliath's forehead.
18:02 It made an impression in his forehead and it dent.
18:06 Goliath staggered, it was quiet,
18:10 the Philistines and the Israelites were silenced
18:13 as Goliath staggered, and he fell forward.
18:21 I didn't know if he was dead or not, I didn't care.
18:23 I knew that if I was going to defeat this giant.
18:29 God put it in my heart to go and take his sword
18:32 and with all my might I ripped out of his sword
18:37 and I cut off his head.
18:41 All of the Israelites, they rushed down
18:45 and they began to fight and--
18:48 the Philistines, they began to run.
18:52 I want you to know, boys and girls that,
18:54 that day the children of Israel
18:59 were known as the people of God.
19:03 The Philistines ran. And just like, God,
19:08 helped me that day, God will help you.
19:20 [Music]
22:14 In today's Bible story, we discovered that Goliath's
22:17 armor couldn't protect him from a boy,
22:19 who trusted God.
22:21 But the Bible tells us about another kind of armor,
22:23 that can protect us against anything
22:25 that devil may throw at us. You know what it is?
22:28 That armor is described here in the Bible,
22:31 it's the Book of Ephesians Chapter 6
22:33 and it's verses 13 to 17.
22:35 I am going to read it for you.
22:36 "Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God,
22:40 that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day,
22:43 and having done all, to stand.
22:46 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,
22:49 and having on the breastplate of righteousness,
22:52 And your feet shod with the preparation
22:54 of the gospel of peace,
22:56 Above all, taking the shield of faith,
22:59 wherewith ye shall be able to quench
23:01 all the fiery darts of the wicked.
23:03 And take the helmet of salvation,
23:06 and the sword of the Spirit,
23:07 which is the word of God."
23:10 But just what is this armor anyway.
23:13 To find out, let's take a brief look
23:15 at the person who wrote these words.
23:18 They were written by the Apostle Paul
23:20 that was one of Jesus' disciples.
23:22 Now, Paul, was a city fellow
23:24 and some Bible writers lived in the country,
23:26 and they wrote about, you know,
23:27 trees, and flowers, and fishermen, and farmers.
23:31 But, Paul, wrote about the things
23:32 that he saw around him too.
23:35 But he was often in Rome and Jerusalem,
23:37 and other cities and the things
23:39 he saw were wrestling matches,
23:41 and marathon runners, and Roman soldiers.
23:44 In fact, Paul had been thrown into prison
23:46 more than once for just being a Christian.
23:49 He was guarded by Roman soldiers wearing armors,
23:52 so he had lots of opportunity to study
23:54 every piece of it, didn't he?
23:56 And since, Paul love Jesus, he always thinking of others.
24:00 And trying to think of ways to understand,
24:02 what it meant to be a Christian
24:04 and how to live a Christian life.
24:06 So he decided to compare a soldier's armor
24:09 to the ways the Christian fights against the devil.
24:13 That was a nice idea, wasn't it?
24:15 Paul, knew that Christians would have to fight
24:17 a war against the devil.
24:19 And he wants every one of us to join the Christian army.
24:22 Won't you fight on Jesus' side?
24:24 I think rest in God's armor today.
24:27 Now do you know what time it is?
24:29 You guessed it, it's mailbox time.
24:32 Let's check our letters and see if we have any mail today.
24:36 Let's see, I open the mail.
24:39 I do, I have some letters.
24:42 I wonder if there is one from you.
24:44 Right here. Oh, nice, see that nice purple envelope.
24:48 See how many we have here.
24:51 One from Russia, and also one from Florida and Texas,
24:59 and you know there is even one from New Zealand.
25:01 Oh, I love getting letters from all over the world.
25:05 Boys and girls, I love to get letters
25:06 from wherever you are telling me ways you share Jesus.
25:11 Let me open a couple of them
25:12 and share with you right now.
25:15 This one is from Slone and he lives in Texas.
25:19 Let's see what Slone has to say.
25:22 Slone send us a picture.
25:24 Oh, let's show to boys and girls right here,
25:26 can you see the picture of Slone.
25:29 Let's see what Slone has to tell us.
25:31 He says, dear Brenda, one way I can witness for Jesus,
25:35 is to go to sing at people's houses
25:37 and I give them vegetarian recipes.
25:40 I am nine years old and I go to school in Texas, love Slone.
25:44 Slone, thank you so much for that letter.
25:46 That is a wonderful way to witness, isn't it?
25:48 Because when we eat healthy,
25:51 it makes Jesus happy, doesn't it?
25:53 Let's see what else we have.
25:55 Another letter we have here from.
25:58 Oh, I got a little picture of a sun and it's from Amy.
26:01 It says, I am six years old and I share Jesus
26:04 when I walked to my friend's dog, because she was sick.
26:08 It was really my mom's friend, but I still did it.
26:11 I think Jesus is happy, love Amy.
26:15 PS can I can I have a book.
26:18 Yes, Amy, when you send me a sharing time letter,
26:21 we will send you our Kids Time Activity Book.
26:23 All you have to do is write tell me
26:25 how you shared Jesus
26:26 and we will definitely send you a book, Amy.
26:29 You know, it's a wonderful thing you did
26:31 by walking your friend's dog,
26:34 even if it was your mom's friend, wasn't it?
26:36 We always want to share Jesus wherever we are everyday.
26:40 Boys and girls, that's all the time we have today.
26:43 Until next time remember Jesus loves you
26:46 and it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17