Kids' Time

Take Time For Jesus

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Brenda Walsh


Series Code: KT

Program Code: KT000003

00:03 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:07 looking for a friend like Jesus.
00:10 It's time to share there's a world out there,
00:13 let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:17 Let's tell them that He loves us so.
00:20 Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time, Kids Time.
00:25 Hi, boys and girls.
00:27 How do you like my knitting?
00:29 They are soft and warm and wooly.
00:31 And in the winter they keep my fingers cozy
00:33 even in the coldest temperatures.
00:35 But, before I wore these knittings,
00:37 the wool covered a sheep.
00:39 Yes, a sheep.
00:41 Have you ever been so close to a sheep
00:43 that you can stick to your fingers deep into its wool.
00:46 That was soft and deep and thick.
00:49 And it feels a little oily too.
00:51 You know, Jesus once compared people to sheep
00:54 and children to lambs.
00:55 And He called Himself the Good Shepherd.
00:58 I like the idea of Jesus being my shepherd.
01:01 And just as a shepherd grows wool
01:03 that is used to keep people warm,
01:04 I think Jesus wants us to offer Him
01:07 our very best and ask Him, to use it to comfort others.
01:11 A sheep has only wool to offer,
01:13 but we can give of our talents in our minds in our voices
01:17 in our hands and I guess our feet too.
01:20 And when we do, we'll feel suddenly light and happy
01:23 and carefree as a sheep
01:25 who has just lost his heavy wooly coat.
01:28 Ranger Jim is going to tell us now about a sheep
01:31 with a very funny name, 'Shortcake.'
01:41 Hi, boys and girls.
01:42 Ranger Jim here, I have a new friend.
01:44 I like to introduce to you, her name is Tiffany,
01:47 and Tiffany has a friend with her and it's a sheep.
01:50 What's its name? 'Shortcake.'
01:52 Why did you call it 'Shortcake.'
01:54 Because she has very short legs.
01:56 Is this a special breed of sheep
01:58 or just a regular breed?
01:59 A special breed, it's in old English south-town.
02:04 Well, do you share the sheep for wool?
02:06 Well, yes, once a year we share them
02:09 and it's not painful to them at all.
02:13 Well, it appears to be a very beautiful,
02:14 well mannered creature.
02:16 Do you ever show or do you plan to show this
02:18 in any of the shows?
02:19 Yes, I'll show her.
02:20 You show her forage exhibits and things of that nature. Yes.
02:24 How do they rate a sheep like this?
02:26 Well, they would, first like make you walk around the ring
02:31 and then they would check to see
02:33 how it stands and stuff like that.
02:36 And there you go, of course could tell
02:37 that it was well cared for,
02:40 and well disciplined and well trained.
02:43 In the background we have many other sheep,
02:45 are these sheep of the same breed?
02:46 No, they are not
02:49 I understand that in the background
02:51 of these sheep somewhere, that we had a fellow,
02:54 a buck that jumped over the fence
02:56 and she is one of the results of that, is that true.
02:58 Yes, he jumped over the fence
03:00 in the night and breed 20 sheep.
03:04 And so then she has the short legs
03:06 as a result of that because that buck has short legs
03:10 and that's something that you didn't want to hear
03:11 on this sheep farm.
03:12 Yes.
03:14 Well, if -- this sheep is how old now.
03:17 Two years.
03:18 Two years and we would expect them to live 12 or 15 years.
03:21 Yes, 12.
03:22 So she has a good long life ahead of her.
03:26 Very significant in the Bible is it not about sheep.
03:30 We find many places where Jesus is portrayed
03:33 as a Good Shepherd.
03:35 And we find where Jesus spoke so tenderly
03:37 of the sheep not only the lambs.
03:39 But He spoke tenderly of the old sheep of a flock.
03:43 And I know a little bit about shepherds
03:44 and I know that the shepherds that I know
03:46 treat very tenderly the old sheep of the flock.
03:51 They find the best grass, they find the best protection
03:55 for the older sheep and the younger sheep.
03:57 I think one of the more tender things in the Bible
04:00 about Jesus going out and looking for the lost sheep
04:02 and when He finally found that sheep
04:05 after leaving all the rest of the sheep in the flock.
04:08 He found that sheep that got lost was caught in the rocks.
04:11 And He picked that sheep up and put it across the back
04:13 His shoulders and cared it back for its tender protection.
04:17 I've also learned that in the shelter
04:20 where the shepherd takes a sheep at night
04:23 he places there all that safety
04:25 and the one opening leading in there,
04:27 that's where the shepherd stays.
04:30 Any beast of any kind coming in to molest the sheep
04:34 has to go over his body
04:35 and the shepherd willingly risks his life
04:39 in the defense of the sheep.
04:41 So there are just a wonderful, wonderful number of things
04:45 that we can think of in the Bible that refer to sheep.
04:48 And I think of one of the more touching things
04:50 that people had to do in those days
04:52 for the forgiveness of sin
04:54 they had to bring a beautiful lamb like this.
04:58 A beautiful sheep because they had sinned
05:01 and they had to, with a priest there in the presence,
05:04 they had to take a knife and kill this innocent lamb.
05:09 What a tragedy that to our history
05:12 millions of these lambs were sacrificed
05:14 because of the sins of men.
05:16 I am so glad that Jesus opened a new and living way
05:19 that we're told about in the New Testament.
05:21 That one sacrifice for all mankind
05:25 for all time is all that is necessary.
05:28 No longer do we need to sacrifice
05:30 a beautiful innocent lamb
05:32 but because the lamb of God was willing to come
05:35 and die for our sins.
05:37 Then all that's necessary is that
05:39 we come and claim that sacrifice,
05:42 and the loving Father, then accepting that sacrifice
05:45 looks at us and sees us in the righteousness
05:49 of the perfect Lamb of God that takes away
05:51 the sins of the world and we stand before Him
05:53 as if we had never sinned.
05:55 That is a wonderful, wonderful truth for us
05:57 to see and consider.
05:58 I see that you have a dog here, Tiffany.
06:00 Is he a working dog or just a pet?
06:02 He's a working dog.
06:03 We had a demonstration here a moment ago
06:06 and he's out there now, just watching,
06:08 I don't know if the camera's bringing up or not,
06:10 because the sheep are here is because that dog is out there.
06:13 He doesn't bite the sheep? No
06:15 Does he frighten the sheep? No.
06:19 He simply moves about chasing them in one direction
06:23 or the other and bringing in for.
06:24 I noticed that there are many commands
06:26 occasionally just drop his hand.
06:28 And that means to lay down to stop. Yes
06:30 Isn't that beautiful, it must take some time
06:32 to train a dog like that.
06:34 I know many children that aren't trained that well.
06:37 It's a joy to see a well trained dog
06:39 or a well trained sheep.
06:41 We find that the sheep represents Jesus,
06:45 the perfect Lamb of God.
06:47 And what beautiful innocence sheep, and is it true
06:50 that sheep are very difficult to drive but easy to lead.
06:54 Yes. You just follow, lead off and they will follow much ease
06:59 than it is to chase them and drive them
07:01 and to frighten them.
07:02 They are such just gentle creatures.
07:03 We all love the sheep don't we?
07:06 Once again, I want to remind you
07:08 that Jesus the perfect Lamb of God
07:11 is the one who created and made all of these things.
07:15 He is the one that died for us on the cross
07:18 and makes it all possible.
07:20 So, boys and girls, remember to tell Him,
07:23 how much you love Him and appreciate Him.
07:25 Because He is such a lovely wonderful heavenly Father
07:29 and He most certainly does, really love you.
07:41 Hello, boys and girls.
07:43 First Corinthians 10 verse 31 says,
07:46 "What so ever you do, do all to the glory of God."
07:50 Won't you join us in this song
07:51 as we invite our heavenly Father to be here.
07:59 Father God just for today
08:06 Help me walk the narrow way.
08:11 Help me stand when I should fall
08:18 Lend me the strength to hear your call.
08:23 May my steps be worship, May my thoughts be praise,
08:29 May my words bring honor to Your name,
08:34 May my steps be worship, May my thoughts be praise,
08:40 May my words bring honor to Your name.
08:46 Father God just for today
08:52 Help me walk the narrow way.
08:58 Help me stand when I should fall
09:05 Lend me the strength to hear Your call.
09:10 May my steps be worship, May my thoughts be praise,
09:16 May my words bring honor to Your name,
09:22 May my steps be worship, May my thoughts be praise,
09:28 May my words bring honor to Your name.
09:38 Boys and girls, God loves to be a part of everything
09:41 that we do.
09:50 Hi, today we're going to make our Aunt Linda's Waffles.
09:53 She works at a camp in Wahanda
09:55 and everybody loves her cooking.
09:58 She made this recipe.
10:00 Yeah, we'd love to go there and eat her cooking.
10:02 She's just a really great cook.
10:04 Jody, why don't you read the recipe for them?
10:06 Okay. Two and half cups of water,
10:08 3 Tablespoons of applesauce or apple juice concentrate,
10:12 1 Tablespoon pure maple syrup, 1 teaspoon vanilla,
10:16 three-fourth teaspoon salt.
10:18 One 12.3 oz package of Mori-nu Tofu,
10:20 you can use soft or firm, 2 tablespoons cornstarch,
10:24 2 cups quick oats, and half a cup of cornmeal.
10:28 Delicious ingredients. Let's get started.
10:31 Okay, let's start with our water.
10:33 Okay, so you wanna pour that in.
10:37 Okay, real careful so you don't splash it all over you. Okay.
10:43 Get them right and pour on our apple sauce.
10:46 And get it in there. Okay.
10:50 Let's put in our maple syrup.
10:53 I love maple syrup
10:59 Okay, now start stirring. Okay.
11:04 Now, we're gonna put our salt in.
11:12 Let's put in our next. Okay. Vanilla.
11:16 I just love these waffles.
11:18 Vanilla, I love vanilla, the smell of vanilla.
11:22 Smells really good.
11:23 Okay, let's put our cornstarch in.
11:31 It smells really good. Okay.
11:33 Put all those lumps out in the cornstarch.
11:36 We stick the quick oats in.
11:41 Leave all the stuff to the side.
11:49 Now I'm gonna stick in our.
11:56 Put that in, flour.
12:00 Let's stir it all up, really good.
12:05 Smell good already.
12:08 Okay, I'm gonna dump in our tofu.
12:11 Stick in our tofu.
12:13 Need a spoon for this.
12:18 You're gonna tell them about our tofu.
12:20 Sure not to splash it.
12:23 Okay, you're gonna tell them about our tofu?
12:25 This is Mori-Nu tofu and it's very healthy for you.
12:31 it tastes really, really good.
12:33 And so, this is what we're using and it's firm tofu.
12:39 Okay, we're gonna use our blender.
12:41 It blends up the tofu.
12:42 Get an adult to help you with this.
12:45 You stick it in there.
12:48 It's real good.
12:55 Yum, yum.
13:02 Okay, looks good.
13:10 Okay. We're done with that, now we need to spray our pan.
13:15 Be sure to have an adult to help you with this,
13:17 'cause this is really hot. It's really hot.
13:18 Can I spray it for you? Yes.
13:19 Will you hold that? Spray at the bottom,
13:21 the bottom and the top. So your waffle doesn't stick.
13:25 Okay, you're gonna pour some in there.
13:30 Pour it evenly all around in the bottom.
13:35 Okay, looks good.
13:37 And then you shut it. Mix it up.
13:43 Looks good.
13:46 You keep it in the waffle iron for eight to ten minutes.
13:49 So until, either if you have one that has a ready light,
13:53 wait till the ready light comes on,
13:55 or you can just wait till it's brown or however like it.
14:00 We're gonna show you how to -- we have one made here
14:04 and we're gonna show you how we like to decorate it.
14:08 There a lots of different toppings you can use,
14:10 but we chose to you strawberries
14:11 and non-dairy topping.
14:13 Let's get started decorating Jill.
14:15 Take these strawberries
14:17 and sprinkle them around in a circle, like this.
14:23 The fresh fruit is great on these waffles,
14:26 it tastes wonderful.
14:30 But any of your favorite topping
14:31 you can stick on your, you know, whatever you like
14:34 on your waffles, this is great.
14:37 That's enough. I think that's
14:38 enough strawberries, don't you think?
14:39 Yeah, it looks about good. Okay.
14:41 Now we're going to stick.
14:44 Put our non-dairy topping on it?
14:45 Stick our non-dairy...
14:46 A scoop full of our non-diary topping.
14:54 Here we go. Let's put a little more.
14:55 Let's stick on. A little bit more?
14:58 Okay. That's what we mean by little.
15:02 Then we're gonna put our decorative strawberry in here.
15:05 You make a unique decorative, however you want it,
15:09 however you like your waffles.
15:12 You might wanna move these over a little bit.
15:18 What's really new about this recipe
15:19 is you can eat it for breakfast, lunch or dinner.
15:22 It's great for any one of those meals.
15:25 Well, we hope you've enjoyed this as much as we have.
15:28 Until next time keep cooking and eat healthy.
15:40 Oh, I've so much to do. I don't know where to start.
15:45 I did so want everything to be nice for our guests.
15:49 I don't know why Mary can't help me.
15:52 She knows I like everything nice
15:54 when we have special company.
15:56 We have this, all this bread to make,
15:59 we have so much to do.
16:01 I don't know why she -- and you know where Mary is,
16:05 where is that Mary?
16:07 Right, I know where Mary is.
16:10 Mary is back at the house.
16:12 She's listening to Jesus, with our brother Lazarus.
16:16 Well, I don't care if she is my sister,
16:19 she should be helping me.
16:21 She knows that I've got to --
16:22 oh no, look how I've gotten flour
16:26 all of over my good dress,
16:28 what am I going to do?
16:29 Oh no! It's probably all over my face
16:32 and we have company and everything.
16:36 Oh! You know, I just don't understand it,
16:41 it's always Martha has to do it, Martha will take care of this,
16:45 Martha will clean up, Martha will do the laundry.
16:48 Whenever there's guest to do, Martha will take care of them.
16:52 Why, even our friend Simon had a party
16:55 and he asked Martha to come and help him,
16:57 because he knows that Martha likes everything to be so
17:02 special. But, you know what, I went and I complained.
17:06 I went into the house and I complained and I said,
17:09 Jesus, I said, look at Mary, she's sitting here
17:14 listening to you talk and look at all
17:17 I've got to do outside.
17:19 Can't Mary come out and help me?
17:22 And do you know what Jesus said to me.
17:26 Why, He looked at me and He said,
17:30 Martha, you worry about too many thinks.
17:36 You're so busy worrying about all these little things
17:40 that you need to be think need to be done.
17:43 But what Mary is doing is most important
17:48 and will never be taken from her.
17:51 Why I didn't know what to say when He said that,
17:53 so I just came back out here.
17:56 I mean, doesn't He know that
17:58 I have important things to do out here.
18:01 Why, I should be worried about them.
18:04 I have, look at all I have to do.
18:06 They have to eat and they need clean clothes
18:09 and they need fresh water.
18:12 What was he meaning that what Mary was doing
18:16 was more important and would never be taken from her?
18:20 What could be more important than this?
18:25 I just don't understand it.
18:27 You know, what could He have meant
18:31 that what Mary was doing was more important.
18:35 Do you think, may be that Jesus was saying
18:42 that what Jesus has to say is more important
18:47 than what I have to do?
18:50 Maybe that's it, maybe that's what
18:54 Jesus was trying to tell me.
18:57 I need to spend time with Jesus now, while He's here.
19:03 I should be back in the house
19:05 with Mary and Lazarus listening to Jesus.
19:11 Maybe that's what Jesus was saying was more important.
19:15 You know something, I think this bread can wait
19:19 and I don't think we need the water right now.
19:23 I don't think that the laundry needs done today.
19:26 What I need to be doing is what Jesus said,
19:30 the most important, I need to be spending time with Jesus now.
19:35 I'm gonna go back to the house and I'm gonna spend time
19:38 with Jesus now while He's here.
19:52 Martha learned a very important lesson, didn't she?
19:55 Spending time with Jesus is most important thing
19:58 and it is also what will make us the happiest.
20:01 It's time now to open our mailbox.
20:03 Do you think we have any mail?
20:04 Let's go and look, okay.
20:07 I love to get letters. Let's see here.
20:11 Yes, we do. We have some mail.
20:13 Oh lots of wonderful letters.
20:16 I wonder if one of these is from you.
20:18 Let's look inside and see.
20:22 Oh, I wonder who we have, we have one from Renwick Meyers
20:27 and we have one from Mary Jean from Wisconsin Dells.
20:31 And we also have one from David in Florida.
20:37 Oh, so many of them, let's open up a couple of them
20:40 and see if I could share them with you.
20:43 All right, let's open this one from Renwick.
20:51 You know what, Renwick sent us a picture also.
20:54 Let's get Renwick's picture up here and show you.
20:58 You see that. Thank you, Renwick,
21:00 for sending a picture of yourselves
21:02 so that boys and girls at home can see how you look like.
21:05 Let's go look see what Renwick has to say.
21:08 Dear Brenda, I will like to share
21:11 with you my little story.
21:13 One day I went to the doctor's office
21:14 at the hospital with my mom
21:16 and an older lady was coming in the hospital.
21:19 I ran to open the door for her and this lady had a broken arm
21:23 and she was carrying a bag in the other.
21:26 The lady smiled at me and said,
21:28 you are a real gentleman.
21:31 Thank you, and God bless you.
21:33 You know what, Renwick,
21:34 that was a really kind thing for you to do.
21:36 When you saw that she couldn't open a door
21:39 and she's had something wrong with her arm.
21:41 That shows Jesus in heart and that showed the lady
21:44 that she taught you were a really kind person.
21:46 I thought that you shared Jesus
21:48 in a special way doing that.
21:50 Let's look here there's another from Mary Jean Rogie.
21:54 Now, if I ever pronounce your name wrong,
21:57 boys and girls, it's not on purpose.
21:58 I will try really hard to get it right and when,
22:01 and if you think I might have trouble
22:03 just give a little hint in a letter when you,
22:05 and tell me how to say it right, okay.
22:08 Let's see what Mary Jean says,
22:11 she says, dear Brenda, one way I share
22:14 Jesus is going to a nursing home and there
22:18 I talk to the people and I help them.
22:20 I also share Jesus there by singing
22:22 hymns or playing hymns on the flute and the piano.
22:25 Not only do I enjoy it, but I think they like it too.
22:29 Do you know what, Mary Jean, I'm sure you're right.
22:32 That's a wonderful way to share Jesus, isn't it?
22:34 You know, another way you can share Jesus
22:36 maybe at the nursing home.
22:38 I think there is quite a few people that have eye sight,
22:41 that it's hard for them to read.
22:43 Maybe you can go and if you know how to read
22:45 you could go to the nursing home
22:46 and maybe read a story
22:48 or maybe some scriptures from the Bible.
22:51 They love to be read to, don't they?
22:52 All right, maybe we've time for one more.
22:55 This one is from Jerry.
22:57 Let's look and see what Jerry has to tell us.
23:01 And Jerry says, dear Brenda,
23:04 I tell people about Jesus at school
23:07 and on every other day at my school the school has pizza.
23:10 Well, that's sounds good, I like pizza, don't you?
23:13 If that the pizza has pork in it, so I don't eat it.
23:16 Jesus doesn't want us to eat pork, does he?
23:19 When people see me not eating the pizza they ask me why,
23:23 and then I tell them about my religion in Jesus.
23:27 You know, Jerry, that is, we witness for Jesus everyday
23:31 by our actions and what we do,
23:33 and by you not eating the pork
23:35 that was a wonderful way to witness, wasn't it?
23:38 You know, there's an old rhyme that goes something like this.
23:41 "There is so much good in the worst of us
23:44 and so much bad in the best of us.
23:46 But it doesn't help any of us to talk about the rest of us."
23:50 That's kind of a silly line, isn't it?
23:52 I've been thinking a lot about words lately.
23:55 Words are very powerful and they can be used
23:58 in harmful ways or helpful ways.
24:00 They can deceive or they can hurt.
24:03 They can make people angry or discouraged.
24:05 You know, sometimes we don't realize just what we say
24:09 makes such an impact and it makes such a difference
24:12 in other people's life, doesn't it?
24:13 But what if gospel have the power to cheer up people
24:16 and to calm them when they're troubled
24:19 or they're stressed out, or to help them understand something
24:22 that has puzzled them or to make them feel important.
24:26 You know, the scary thing about words,
24:28 is that once you say something you can't unsay it, can you?
24:33 It's so easy to say something hurtful about someone,
24:37 and although you wish right away
24:39 you hadn't said those hurtful things they're out there
24:42 and it's too late you cannot them back.
24:46 You know, I think our little rhyme has the right idea,
24:50 none of us is so good or so perfect that
24:52 we have the right to find fault with someone else.
24:55 You know, another old thing is,think before you speak.
24:59 You know, that's very good advise.
25:01 So often we might be upset with someone
25:04 and we might just blurt something right out.
25:06 But that isn't the right way to do it, is that?
25:08 You wanna think, right up here
25:10 and use our minds that God gave us
25:12 before we say something.
25:13 The Bible has something to say about our words too.
25:16 In Proverbs we find this verse,
25:18 "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold
25:22 and pictures of silver."
25:23 And in Psalms 34:13 it says,
25:26 "Keep your tongue from evil,
25:28 and your lips from speaking deceit."
25:31 In the Book of James we're told that
25:33 the tongue is like a small fire
25:34 but capable of setting the whole forest ablaze.
25:37 Wow! Our words are really important, aren't they?
25:41 I wonder if we could bow our heads together and ask Jesus
25:45 to help us speak only
25:46 truthful, kind, and loving word.
25:49 Would you bow your head and pray with me right now.
25:52 Dear Jesus, thank You so much for loving us
25:56 and thank You for giving us minds to think.
25:59 And please dear Lord, help us to only speak kind words.
26:04 Help us, dear Lord, not to say untruthful things.
26:07 And if we, please forgive us if we've ever said
26:10 anything that's unkind or untrue.
26:13 But we only want to be your
26:15 shining lights for you, dear Jesus.
26:17 Thank you, for loving us and we love you, Jesus. Amen.
26:23 You know I like that song
26:24 when I was little girl that I sing incredible.
26:27 That was oh, be careful little eyes what you see
26:30 oh be careful little lips what you say.
26:33 Do you remember that song?
26:34 I loved that song in Sabbath school.
26:36 We do need to be careful what we say, don't we?
26:39 Because Jesus hears us and He knows what we say and do.
26:44 You know, boys and girls, Jesus is coming soon
26:47 and I want to be ready.
26:48 Remember, it's Kids Time to share Jesus.


Revised 2014-12-17