Participants: Dr. Allan Lindsay (Host)
Series Code: KOTF
Program Code: KOTF000005
01:06 West of the city of Portland, Maine,
01:09 about a quarter hour's drive by car, 01:11 lies the village of Gorham. 01:12 Just north of the village, is Fort Hill. 01:15 And it was here on November 26, 1827, 01:19 that twin girls, Ellen and Elizabeth were born to 01:22 Robert and Eunice Harmon. 01:27 The Harmon's were devout Methodists with eight children 01:30 to care for. 01:33 Though their home no longer stands today, 01:35 this marker indicates its approximate location. 01:41 Seagulls cawing. 01:49 Later, the family moved to the seaside city of Portland, 01:52 where Robert Harmon continued his hat making trade, 01:56 and young Ellen attended the Brackett Street School. 01:59 Sounds of children playing. 02:04 But at the age of nine, her life was to take a dramatic turn 02:08 at the hands of a jealous schoolgirl. 02:11 Schoolgirl: You're a cheat, Ellen! 02:16 Schoolgirl: I'll get you! 02:22 Elizabeth: Ellen! 02:31 Ellen was carried to her home in Clark Street, 02:33 where it was soon discovered that her nose was broken 02:36 and every feature of her face had changed. 02:39 She lay in a coma for three weeks. 02:41 On recovering a little, she soon discovered 02:45 the difference her appearance made 02:46 to the way others treated her. 02:54 Ellen Harmon made several attempts to resume 02:56 her schooling. 02:58 But the results of the accident made it 02:59 almost impossible to study and retain what she learned. 03:03 Her hand trembled so much, 03:05 she could make no progress in writing, 03:07 and with great reluctance, 03:09 she eventually gave up all attempts 03:12 to gain a formal education. 03:14 During this lonely and discouraging period, 03:16 she spent many pleasant hours, here in the woods 03:19 of Deering Oaks Park. 03:26 In March 1840, William Miller came to Portland 03:29 and presented a series of lectures 03:31 on the Second Coming of Christ 03:32 at the church that once stood 03:34 on this site in Casco Street. 03:38 The Harmon Family attended these meetings, 03:40 and Ellen later wrote of Miller... 03:42 Ellen Harmon: "He traced down the prophecies 03:44 with an exactness that brought convictions, 03:46 and held the crowds as if spellbound. " 03:50 Organ music playing. 04:01 In June 1842, Ellen Harmon and 11 others 04:04 were baptized and received into the fellowship 04:07 of the Methodist Church, 04:08 that once stood near by this present Methodist Church 04:11 in Chestnut Street. 04:12 But her joyful Christian experience 04:15 was interspersed with times of despondency. 04:18 Nevertheless, Miller's second visit to Portland 04:21 confirmed her confidence in the soon coming of Jesus. 04:25 A confidence that she enthusiastically shared. 04:30 However, the Harmon's' acceptance of Miller's teachings 04:33 did not meet with the approval of their church. 04:36 Here is the record of the quarterly business meeting 04:40 that was conducted in September 1843. 04:44 The pastor arose and stated that Robert Harmon 04:47 and his family, including Ellen Harmon had entered 04:50 an appeal from the decision of the committee by which 04:52 they had been expelled from the church. 04:56 It was unanimously voted to sustain the decision 04:59 of the committee in his expulsion. 05:04 Ellen Harmon often claimed that the year 1844 05:07 was the happiest of her life. 05:09 Yet with tens of thousands of others, 05:12 the Harmon family suffered bitter disappointment 05:15 when Jesus did not come on October 22. 05:25 By December 1844, most Advent believers 05:28 had given up their confidence in the validity of October 22. 05:31 Ellen Harmon and her friends had accepted 05:34 that the fulfillment of the 2,300 year prophecy 05:37 must still be in the future. 05:47 It was in that same month that Ellen received 05:49 the first of some 2,000 visions and prophetic dreams 05:53 that God would give her over the next 70 years. 06:03 During these visions, she was totally unconscious 06:05 of her surroundings and, like the prophet Daniel in vision, 06:08 she did not breathe throughout the time of the revelation. 06:12 The visions varied in length from the very short duration 06:16 to nearly four hours. 06:20 Some were given in public, before a few 06:22 or up to hundreds of eyewitnesses. 06:25 These were generally accompanied by marked physical phenomena 06:28 during the first 30 years of her ministry 06:31 that provided strong evidence to those that witnessed them 06:34 that the work was of God. 06:39 Others were given during prayer, writing or speaking 06:43 and were unaccompanied by physical phenomena. 06:48 However, during the last 40 years of her ministry, 06:51 the visions were usually prophetic dreams 06:54 given during the night. 07:06 J. N. Loughborough, a church pioneer, 07:08 saw her in public vision on some 50 occasions. 07:12 He wrote that at the beginning of the vision, the word "glory" 07:16 was repeated three times, but each time, more faintly. 07:27 Initially, she lost strength and consciousness, 07:30 but was then able to walk about the room. 07:41 She would sometimes make gestures with her 07:43 arms and hands, but those present would not able to move 07:47 them in any way. 07:55 Her eyes were open while she looked upward, 07:57 appearing to be gazing intently at some far away object. 08:01 Though she did not breathe, her pulse was regular 08:05 and the color of her face remained normal. 08:08 At the end of the vision, her surroundings appeared 08:11 to be in total darkness. 08:12 Her power to see even the brightest objects returned 08:16 only gradually. 08:19 Hello? Hi, Ellen. 08:21 Just prior to her first vision in December 1844, 08:26 Ellen's health rapidly worsened. 08:28 Tuberculosis, it seemed, would take her life. 08:32 In this condition, she responded to an invitation 08:34 from a close friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Haines, 08:37 to visit in her home just across the bridge 08:40 in South Portland. 08:45 Coughing. 08:48 O give thanks unto the Lord, call upon His name. 08:52 Make known His needs among the people. 08:55 Sing unto Him. Sing songs unto Him. 08:58 Talk ye about His wondrous works. 09:01 Glory ye in His Holy Name. 09:03 Let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. 09:07 Shall we kneel in prayer? 09:17 One morning, three other young women joined Ellen 09:20 and Mrs. Haines for worship. 09:22 As they knelt in prayer, the Power of God 09:25 came upon Ellen, and she was wrapped 09:27 in a vision of God's Glory. 09:31 She experienced the sense of rising higher and higher 09:35 above the earth. 09:36 She says she turned to look for the Advent people 09:40 in the world, 09:41 but could not find them. 09:42 Directed to look up, she saw a straight and narrow path 09:46 on which they were traveling to the Holy City. 09:48 Behind them was a bright light 09:51 which an angel told her represented 09:53 The Midnight Cry 09:54 of the Millerite movement. 09:55 This light shone all along the path and prevented them 09:59 from stumbling. 10:00 Ahead, they saw Jesus leading them to the City. 10:04 And like Peter on the water, so long as they kept their eyes 10:07 on Him, they were safe. 10:11 As the vision continued, she viewed the Second Coming 10:13 of Jesus along with the resurrection of God's People. 10:16 She also witnessed the ascent to the New Jerusalem, 10:19 and saw some of its beauties. 10:25 When Ellen shared this revelation 10:26 with her four friends, it seemed to answer 10:28 some of the questions that were troubling them. 10:30 Was the experience of the disappointment 10:33 one in which God had lead? 10:34 Was October 22, a fulfillment of prophecy 10:38 or a grand delusion? 10:42 ...a narrow path, cast up high above the world. 10:46 On this path, the Advent people were traveling to the City... 10:51 The vision affirmed that the message 10:53 fixed on the time, October 22, was in the providence of God. 10:57 It was described as light behind them 10:59 that shone all the way to the City. 11:02 Significantly this light was set at the beginning of the path. 11:05 They had hoped that it marked the end of the road. 11:08 It was good news, however, to know that Jesus knew 11:12 all about their experience, and would continue to guide 11:15 all who kept their eyes on Him. 11:17 Ellen: ... they were safe. 11:20 About a week later, she was given a second vision 11:23 in which God formally called her to work as His messenger. 11:26 She was also shown the trials 11:28 and oppositions she would bear. 11:30 This vision troubled her, for she was all too conscious 11:34 of her youthfulness, timidity and constant ill health. 11:37 She also feared her own pride. 11:40 Nevertheless, she accepted God's reassurance and began to share 11:45 what He had shown her. 11:46 At this, I raised my eyes and saw a straight and narrow path 11:52 cast up high above... 11:54 Among those who heard her, early in 1845 was William Foy. 11:58 ...Adventists were traveling to the City 12:00 which was on the further end of the path... 12:05 The Lord showed me that same exact vision! 12:07 That's just what I saw! 12:16 Throughout Ellen's two-hour description, 12:19 William Foy repeatedly confirmed the account of her vision. 12:39 Early in 1845, Ellen Harmon traveled throughout 12:42 eastern Maine to meet with the Advent believers there. 12:45 In February, while visiting Exeter, she was given 12:49 a significant vision. 12:52 It was a view of the Heavenly Sanctuary in which 12:54 she saw the Father rise from His Throne and enter 12:57 the Most Holy Place. 12:59 Jesus followed Him there and appeared before Him 13:02 as a Great High Priest to receive His Kingdom. 13:15 This vision was not published 13:17 until the March 14, 1846 issue of 13:20 The Daystar 13:21 which was some five weeks after the issue 13:24 in which Edson, Crosier and Hahn had published 13:27 the results of their Bible study on the sanctuary. 13:31 In a startling way, this vision confirmed the explanation 13:35 they had found during the months following 13:37 October 22, 1844. 13:42 Here is the significant illustration 13:45 of the relationship that existed between the prophetic gift 13:48 and the study of the Scriptures. 13:50 The gift was not given 13:52 as a substitute for Bible study, 13:54 nor were the teachings of the church 13:56 obtained from the visions. 13:58 Rather the visions confirmed the results of the Bible study. 14:04 Organ music playing. 14:06 A further illustration of this can be seen in connection 14:09 with the keeping of the seventh-day Sabbath. 14:12 Early in 1846, Ellen Harmon had met Joseph Bates. 14:16 Bates had just begun to keep seventh-day Sabbath 14:20 and was enthusiastically sharing it with all 14:22 who would listen. 14:23 Yet, Ellen wrote of him... 14:25 Ellen: "I find him to be a true 14:27 Christian gentleman, courteous and kind, 14:30 but I feel that he errs in dwelling upon the 14:33 Fourth Commandment more than the other nine. " 14:37 In August 1846, Bates published his 48 page tract, 14:41 The Seventh-day Sabbath, A Perpetual Sign, 14:44 in which he outlined the Bible reasons for its observance. 14:49 Father, we pray now that Your Spirit would abide with us 14:52 as we study Thy Holy Word. 14:53 We ask that we might be drawn closer to truth and wisdom... 14:58 On August 30, 1846, Ellen Harmon married 15:01 a young Millerite preacher, James White. 15:04 Not long after this, James and Ellen White studied 15:07 Bates' tract. 15:09 They compared its contents with Scripture 15:11 and began to observe the seventh-day Sabbath 15:14 and to teach it to others. 15:18 At that time, they were about 50 Sabbath keepers 15:21 in New England and in the state of New York. 15:25 Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy. 15:28 Some months later, they were visiting in the home 15:30 of fellow Adventist and successful civil engineer, 15:33 Stockbridge Howland in Topsham, Maine. 15:40 It was here, early in April 1847, 15:42 that Ellen was given another vision 15:44 of the Heavenly Sanctuary. 15:48 After viewing the Holy Place, she passed into the Sanctuary's 15:51 second apartment. 15:52 There, she saw the Ten Commandments 15:54 with a halo of light focused upon the fourth commandment. 16:01 James and Ellen White had already accepted the Sabbath, 16:04 solely on Biblical evidence. 16:06 However, the vision of April 3, 1847, given some months 16:11 after they had begun to observe it, 16:13 confirmed their decision 16:15 and impressed upon them its importance. 16:29 While living in Topsham, the Whites accepted 16:31 an invitation to attend a conference 16:33 at Rocky Hill, Connecticut in the Albert Belden home. 16:36 This conference was later identified by James White 16:39 as the first General meeting held by Seventh-day Adventists, 16:43 though they had not yet to adopted that name. 16:45 It was also the first to some 20 weekend Bible conferences 16:49 conducted between April 1848 and December 1850. 16:59 It was during these meetings that the major teachings 17:02 of the Seventh-day Adventist Church 17:04 were forged, using the same methods Luther did 17:07 at the Diet of Worms: scripture, reason and conscience. 17:13 James and Ellen White, Joseph Bates, Hiram Edson and others 17:16 led out in the Bible studies and prayer seasons 17:19 that often continued through the entire night. 17:24 It is important to consider Ellen White's role 17:26 during these conferences. 17:28 When the group came to a point 17:30 in their study when they could progress no further, 17:32 she would be given a vision in which a clear explanation 17:36 of the passages being studied was presented. 17:38 Her contributions were particularly impressive, 17:41 because all knew that, when not in vision, 17:44 she could not understand their reasoning. 17:46 Throughout Ellen White's life, it is evident that the visions 17:49 were not given to her to replace Bible study. 17:52 Late in 1888, she wrote... 17:55 "God wants us to go to the Bible and get 17:58 the Scripture evidence. " 18:01 As the church's pioneers became more and more unified on the 18:04 great themes they were studying, they began to see the need 18:07 for publishing them. 18:08 During the conference held in Dorchester, 18:10 just south of Boston, Massachusetts, 18:12 in November of 1848, 18:15 Ellen received the vision that was to launch the church 18:18 into an ambitious program. 18:19 After the vision, she told her husband to publish 18:23 a little paper and send it out to the people. 18:26 From this small beginning, she said, she saw that it would 18:30 be like streams of light that would go clear 18:32 around the world. 18:34 It was an impressive challenge to present to a handful 18:38 of poverty-stricken young believers. 18:42 In the following year, 1849, this little paper, 18:45 The Present Truth 18:46 was published in Connecticut. 18:51 James White brought a thousand copies to Albert Belden's home 18:55 where a small group prayed for God's blessing. 18:58 The following year, the periodical was replaced by 19:01 The Second Advent Review 19:02 and 19:03 Sabbath Herald. 19:04 Known today as 19:05 Adventist Review, 19:06 its message is read around the world. 19:26 In 1875, the Whites were here in Battle Creek, Michigan 19:30 to attend a Biblical institute and the dedication 19:33 of the church's first college. 19:35 Shortly before the dedication, Ellen fell very ill 19:39 with influenza. 19:40 Fearing for her life, some of the church's leaders met 19:44 for prayer, during which she was not only healed, 19:47 but also given a ten minute vision. 19:50 In this vision, she saw the world enshroud in darkness. 19:54 Then, through the gloom, she saw glimmering lights 19:58 which burned brighter and brighter, lighting other lights 20:01 until the whole world was lit up. 20:10 In a later account of this vision, 20:11 she spoke of seeing printing presses operating 20:14 all over the world. 20:15 At that time, the church was operating 20:18 only one publishing house -in Battle Creek. 20:22 Intrigued, James White interrupted her 20:24 and asked if she remembered the names of any countries 20:27 where she had seen these presses in operation? 20:29 Ellen White: "No, I do not know the names, 20:32 but, if I should ever see them, I would recognize them. " 20:35 "Oh, I do remember one, the angel said, Australia. " 20:47 Late in 1891, Ellen White herself came to Australia. 20:51 Soon after her arrival, she visited 20:53 the printing establishment that had been set up 20:55 in Best Street, Melbourne. 20:57 She recognized the people working the presses 20:59 and spoke of the relationships between them, based upon 21:03 the revelation given 17 years before. 21:12 The Gift of Prophecy was not given, however, 21:14 only to guide the work of the church 21:16 and enlarge its vision. 21:18 In Ephesians chapter 6, the apostle Paul warned 21:21 the church that it was engaged in a struggle 21:23 against the devil's schemes, and against the spiritual 21:26 forces of evil in the Heavenly realms. 21:28 Another important function therefore 21:31 of a prophetic gift is to protect the church 21:34 from the deceptions and attacks of its enemy. 21:41 Ten minutes drive from Hiram Edson's home 21:43 is the birthplace in Hydesville, New York 21:46 of modern spiritualism. 21:53 It was here on March 31, 1848, that the Fox family 21:58 first heard mysterious rapping sounds. 22:01 Communication was soon established 22:03 with the intelligence behind the rappings. 22:08 It was supposedly the spirit of the peddler 22:11 who had been murdered here many years before. 22:15 Later in 1848, the first public demonstrations of the rappings 22:19 were given in Rochester, New York. 22:21 Within a decade, newspapers estimated the number 22:24 of believers in the spirit manifestations 22:26 to be more than a million 22:27 with the number of mediums to be 40,000 22:30 in the United States alone. 22:33 Ellen White was warned against these "Rochester Rappings," 22:36 in a vision, she had in 1849. 22:39 Ellen White: "I saw that the mysterious 22:41 knocking in New York and other places is the power of Satan, 22:46 and that such things will become more and more common 22:49 being clothed in a religious garb. " 22:52 Some 18 months later, she was given another vision 22:56 concerning the same phenomenon. 22:58 Ellen White: "Soon it will be considered 23:00 blasphemy to speak against the rapping, for it will spread 23:03 more and more, and even the miracles performed by 23:07 Christ Himself will be attributed to such 23:10 spiritualistic phenomena. " 23:12 The remarkable fulfillment of these predictions 23:14 is seen in this volume, 23:16 100th Anniversary of Modern Spiritualism, 23:19 published by the National Spiritualists Association 23:22 of the United States in 1948. 23:27 Here on page 68, it states... "A medium foretold the birth 23:31 of Jesus, whose brief life on earth was filled 23:34 with the performance of many 'so-called miracles', 23:37 which in reality, were spiritual phenomena. " 23:40 And what about blasphemy to speak against the rappings? 23:43 Page 34, "Neither priest, nor press should uncharitably 23:49 speak of or touch this Holy Word, Spiritualism, 23:52 only with clean hands and pure hearts. " 23:55 Has it become clothed in a religious garb? 23:58 On page 69, we read... "Spiritualism is the coming 24:03 universal religion. 24:05 It is the lifeblood of Christianity. 24:07 In fact, it is Christianity plus. " 24:13 Ellen White also spoke about the power Satan has 24:16 to bring before us the appearance of forms 24:19 purporting to be friends and relatives 24:21 whom we know to be dead. 24:24 In J.B. Phillips' book, 24:25 Ring of Truth: A Translator's Testimony, 24:28 the well-known translator of the New Testament 24:30 tells of his meeting with the famous Christian writer, 24:33 C.S. Lewis. 24:34 The notable fact about this meeting, is it occurred 24:38 a few days after Lewis' death! 24:42 When Phillips shared this experience with a church bishop, 24:45 he was told that it happens all the time. 24:48 Military music playing. 24:54 In 1861, the United States stood on the brink of a crisis. 24:58 Prior to Saturday January 12, 25:00 four southern states had seceded from the union 25:03 but no one expected war. 25:05 It was not until three months later 25:07 that President Lincoln called for an army. 25:14 But God knew the future and warned His people 25:17 of what was coming. 25:18 Sabbath January 12, 1861 was a happy occasion 25:22 for the Parkville Seventh-day Adventist Church in Michigan. 25:25 Their new church building was to be dedicated 25:28 and several of the denomination's leaders 25:30 including James and Ellen White were present. 25:33 In the afternoon, near the end of her address, 25:36 Ellen White was given a vision which lasted some 20 minutes. 25:39 Bugle sounds. 25:44 Invited to tell what she had seen, 25:45 she solemnly warned that other states would join 25:48 in the secession and a terrible war 25:50 would be the result. 25:52 She described the sounds and sights of battle 25:54 and the sufferings of the sick and wounded prisoners 25:57 in hospitals. 25:58 She saw homes in distress, because of the loss of husbands, 26:02 sons and brothers. 26:04 Then as she looked into the faces of her congregation, 26:07 she paused... 26:09 Ellen White: "There are those here today 26:11 who will lose sons in that war. " 26:15 Three months after the vision of Parkville, 26:18 the first shots were fired that launched America 26:21 into the agony of the Civil War. 26:23 More American lives were lost than in all other American 26:27 wars combined. 26:28 At least five families present that afternoon in 1861 26:33 lost sons in the war. 26:44 Revelation 12:17 identifies the testimony of Jesus as being 26:48 one of two distinguishing characteristics 26:51 possessed by God's people 26:53 just prior to the Second Coming of Christ. 26:56 What is the testimony of Jesus? 27:01 In Revelation 19, John quotes an angel saying 27:05 that the Testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. 27:08 And in Revelation 1, John explains that what he writes 27:13 as a prophet is a message that comes from God 27:17 through Jesus Christ by His angel. 27:20 And so a prophet's words are called Jesus' testimony, 27:23 for they come from Jesus, and not from the prophet. 27:29 A striking example of this process working through 27:32 Ellen White can be seen in the early experience 27:34 of the Washington, New Hampshire church. 27:39 It was here in 1844 that William Farnsworth had 27:43 declared his intention to keep the seventh-day Sabbath 27:45 and the Sabbath keeping congregation had been 27:48 established in the community. 27:51 But during the following years, some in the group 27:53 began to lose their faith. 27:59 William Farnsworth, himself had returned to using tobacco 28:02 and other senior members had become cynical and critical. 28:06 This was discouraging many of the youth of the church. 28:10 Something was desperately needed to restore church 28:13 unity and faith. 28:15 Birds singing. 28:20 Just before Christmas 1867, the Whites and J.N. Andrews 28:24 visited Washington. 28:25 They stayed in Cyrus Farnsworth's 28:28 comfortable home here by Millan Pond, 28:30 arriving late on Friday afternoon. 28:35 On a Monday morning, Ellen White gave an address 28:38 during which she began to speak personally to those in the room. 28:41 Her words were so direct and meaningful to each one 28:44 that it was evident that their life experiences 28:47 had been shown to her by God. 28:50 Among the group was 19 year old Eugene Farnsworth, 28:53 one of William Farnsworth's 22 children. 28:56 He knew what others did not know- 28:58 that his father had resumed using tobacco. 29:01 If she's the messenger of the Lord, 29:03 he thought to himself, she will know about my father. 29:07 Shortly afterward, Mrs. White addressed William and said 29:10 she had seen in vision that he was a slave to tobacco, 29:13 and that he had been, and I quote, 29:15 "Trying to deceive everyone 29:17 into thinking he had discarded it. " 29:21 Eugene Farnsworth realized 29:22 he was witnessing the prophetic gift in action. 29:25 After she had finished speaking, all those addressed, stood and 29:29 testified to the truth of her revelations about them. 29:32 With repentance, they rededicated their lives to God. 29:36 Eighteen young people also made a commitment to Christ. 29:40 Nine of the 18 later became full-time workers in the church, 29:45 and among them was Eugene Farnsworth. 29:48 He served as a church evangelist and an administrator 29:51 in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Britain. 30:01 Birds singing. 30:16 Why did God send His messenger to their church? 30:18 Why has God bestowed the testimony of Jesus or the 30:22 Spirit of Prophecy upon His remnant people? 30:24 The answer to both questions is the same. 30:28 The Old Testament's answer is found in 30:30 2 Chronicles 36:15... because, God has compassion 30:34 upon His people. 30:37 The New Testament explains at even more fully in 30:39 Ephesians 4:12-13, God called some to be prophets, 30:43 in order to prepare God's people for works of service, 30:47 so that the Body of Christ may be built up, 30:50 until we all reach unity in the faith. 31:01 Ellen Gould White: wife, mother, writer, 31:05 God's messenger. 31:07 Chosen while still the "weakest of the weak," 31:10 she became a tower of strength to a group of people 31:13 called by God in the last days of this world's history, 31:17 - the Seventh-day Adventist Church. 31:25 Captioning made possible by 3ABN viewers 31:29 and supporters. |
Revised 2014-12-17