Keepers of the Flame

The Great Expectation

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Dr. Allan Lindsay (Host)


Series Code: KOTF

Program Code: KOTF000003

00:52 Lord, You know I cannot preach.
00:59 All right, if You'll open the way...
01:02 I mean, if You'll send an invitation
01:05 for me to preach, then Lord, I'll go.
01:19 Man chuckles. It isn't very likely
01:21 that anyone will ask a 49 year old farmer
01:23 to preach on the coming of the Lord.
01:27 It was a Saturday morning in August 1831,
01:30 and an unremarkable start to the most important day
01:33 in the life of the New England farmer, William Miller.
01:36 But in the space of half an hour, something happened
01:39 that was to change his whole life.
02:01 - Knocking on door -
02:05 Come?
02:08 Why nephew, what is it?
02:10 Uncle William, our minister is unable to speak
02:12 at service tomorrow.
02:13 Father sent me to ask you if you could come
02:15 and speak to us about the things
02:17 that you've been reading about in the Bible?
02:20 About the prophecies, and the second coming of Christ?
02:27 Will you come?
03:41 Like many others who have joined God's army
03:43 down through the centuries,
03:44 William Miller was a somewhat reluctant recruit.
03:47 Yet, this unpretentious farmer from New York
03:49 was to have a profound influence upon the lives of thousands
03:53 of men and women the world over.
03:56 For there went into that maple grove a farmer,
03:59 but there came out a preacher.
04:03 Miller's story, however, does not really begin
04:06 in a maple grove.
04:07 Events even in the ancient city of Rome, played a part.
04:46 The Sistine Chapel, near St. Peter's Basilica in Rome,
04:48 is famous for its history as well as for its art.
04:51 Erected by Pope Sixtus IV in 1473,
04:55 it is the place where the church Cardinals meet
04:58 to elect a new Pope.
05:04 On its walls or the ceilings can be seen these magnificent
05:07 paintings of scenes and characters
05:09 from the Old and New Testaments.
05:16 But the Sistine Chapel is also significant in another way,
05:18 for here prophecy and history have met.
05:21 Michelangelo could never have realized when he painted
05:25 the figure of Daniel on the ceiling
05:27 early in the 16th century
05:28 that one of Daniel's prophecies would be fulfilled here
05:32 less than 300 years later.
05:39 Daniel's prophecy in his seventh chapter
05:41 had revealed that the rise of the little horn power
05:44 from the fourth great empire of Rome
05:46 would be opposed by three kingdoms.
05:50 When these three kingdoms were subdued,
05:51 Daniel said that God's people would then be given
05:54 into the little horn's hand for a period of 1,260 years.
06:00 But how was this to be fulfilled?
06:05 In 533 A.D., Emperor Justinian I,
06:09 the supreme civil ruler of the time,
06:11 proclaimed that the Bishop of Rome
06:13 was to be the head of all the churches
06:15 in both the east and west of his territory.
06:19 By subjecting all spiritual authority to the Pope,
06:21 Justinian virtually gave God's people into his hand
06:25 and placed the civil sword
06:27 at the Pontiff's ultimate disposal.
06:30 But the decree could not go into effect,
06:32 so long as the third and final kingdom
06:34 opposing the Roman Bishop,
06:36 the Arian Ostrogoths, ruled Italy.
06:39 Their power was broken when Justinian's army
06:43 broke their siege of Rome in 538 A.D.
06:50 It was in this year then,
06:52 that the ancient seat of the Roman Empire
06:54 was finally preserved for the papacy
06:56 and the period of its ecclesiastical supremacy began.
07:09 1,260 years later, Napoleon's confidant
07:13 and associate, General Berthier, was ordered to march
07:16 on Rome and bring the supremacy of its church to an end.
07:19 On February 15, 1798, the new republican government
07:24 was established and the papal arms and insignia
07:27 removed from the city.
07:36 The events of history fulfilled exactly the words
07:39 of the prophecy.
07:48 A little over 100 years earlier, an Oxford University
07:52 Doctor of Divinity had been the first to declare
07:55 that the 1,260 year prophecy would end, as he said...
07:58 "A little before the year 1800."
08:03 Soon others took the same position.
08:05 Some, like the famous clergyman, philosopher and scientist,
08:08 Joseph Priestley, even declared that France would most likely
08:12 be the instrument to accomplish it.
08:16 When the stroke finally fell upon Rome in 1798,
08:19 a chorus of voices in England, Europe and America
08:22 witnessed to the end of the 1,260 years
08:25 of Papal supremacy.
08:27 In spite of credo differences on other points of faith,
08:31 there was a remarkable unity in their basic prophetic
08:34 interpretations received from the earlier
08:37 great reformers.
08:38 They taught the four world empires of prophecy,
08:41 that the visions of Rome, the rise of the antichrist,
08:44 the day-for-a-year principle,
08:46 and the approaching judgment and Second Coming of Christ.
08:53 With their interests aroused
08:54 in such a remarkable fulfillment
08:56 of prophecy, these Bible scholars began to look
08:59 more closely at the longest of Daniel's time prophecies
09:02 described in chapter eight.
09:05 The prediction is made in verse 14.
09:07 In answer to a question asked about the time period
09:11 covered by the vision, "When was God going
09:14 to do something about the desolating power
09:16 that was treading down His century and His people?"
09:19 the answer is given, "And he said unto me,
09:23 Unto two thousand and three hundred days;
09:26 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. "
09:31 The study of this time period had intrigued Bible students
09:34 for hundreds of years.
09:37 Jewish scholars from as early as the eighth century,
09:39 and Christian scholars from late in the 13th century
09:43 had identified the 2,300 days as representing 2,300 years.
09:49 Though many continued to study this time prophecy,
09:53 its meaning however remained a mystery.
09:56 Which is not surprising really, for in Daniel 8
09:59 the angel Gabriel told Daniel that the 2,300 day/year period
10:05 would not be fulfilled until the time of the end.
10:07 And in Daniel 12, the prophet was commanded
10:11 to seal up his book until that same time.
10:17 The meaning of the 2,300 year prophecy
10:19 was evidently not to be clearly understood
10:21 until the time of its fulfillment drew near.
10:29 It was Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most brilliant men
10:32 who ever lived, who formulated the laws of gravitation
10:35 and certain of the laws of motion...
10:38 He also discovered the secrets of light and color.
10:46 What many do not know is that Newton wrote
10:48 more words on theology than he did on science
10:51 for he was a great student of Bible prophecy.
10:53 In his book on Daniel and Revelation,
10:56 he described the significant principle
10:58 relating to prophecy and its fulfillment.
11:02 It is a principle so important that Jesus expressed it twice
11:06 to His disciples on the night before He died,
11:09 recorded in John 13 and 14.
11:11 In the 14th chapter, Jesus said...
11:14 "I have told you now before it happens,
11:16 so that when it does happen, you will believe. "
11:21 Sir Isaac Newton believed that God has designed that
11:23 people shall understand the prophecies
11:25 only when the time of their fulfillment is at hand.
11:29 And this prophetic principle is supported
11:32 by the facts of history.
11:38 When Rome was ruling the Western world,
11:39 a large group of contemporary students of prophecy
11:42 recognized the identity and fate
11:44 of the fourth prophetic empire.
11:46 When Rome was being divided, another group of expositors
11:50 wrote of their fears of the coming antichrist.
11:53 When the papal little horn had unveiled its real character
11:56 and identity, a great army of reformers in many lands
12:00 gave their witness to the fulfillment of prophecies.
12:03 ...explains the same more clearly in other places,
12:05 so that there can remain no doubt
12:07 but under such as are obstinately ignorant.
12:12 When the 1,260 years were ending,
12:14 this too was proclaimed in both the Old and New Worlds.
12:26 But in the 19th century, the focus of interests
12:29 in different continents and many lands,
12:31 and among all denominational groups,
12:34 was the 2,300 years of Daniel 8.
12:38 And one such witness was the Baptist preacher,
12:41 who became the leader in the United States
12:44 of the great movement that emphasized
12:47 the soon coming of Jesus early in the 19th century-
12:50 William Miller.
12:51 But just what sort of a man was William Miller?
12:55 Miller was born in Massachusetts in the year 1782.
12:59 When he was four years old, his family moved
13:02 to Low Hampton, New York.
13:05 The oldest of 16 children, he was taught by his
13:08 God-fearing mother to reverence the Bible
13:11 as God's revelation to man.
13:13 At the age of 21, Miller married Lucy Smith
13:16 and he and his new wife moved nearby to her hometown
13:20 of Poultney in Vermont.
13:28 Removed from the religious influence of his mother,
13:30 Miller was attracted to the philosophy of deism
13:33 promoted by his friends.
13:35 To the deist, God is a kind of absentee landlord
13:38 who has no interest in His creation.
13:41 Consequently, prayer, the Bible or the notion of a Savior
13:45 have no meaning.
13:47 In his book, "Apology and Defense", Miller later wrote
13:51 about this experience.
13:53 "I concluded the Bible was only the work of designing men,
13:57 and I discarded it accordingly. "
14:07 But Miller possessed personal qualities
14:09 that encouraged others to have confidence in him.
14:12 He became a deputy sheriff and a lieutenant
14:14 in the Vermont State Militia.
14:16 During the American War of 1812,
14:19 he worked his way to the rank of captain
14:22 in the United States army.
14:31 It was in the summer of 1814 that he fought
14:33 in the famous Battle of Plattsburgh,
14:34 one of the deciding conflicts of the war.
14:37 The American forces were apprehensive
14:40 against the well-drilled British redcoats,
14:42 who outnumbered them three-to-one.
14:45 But their surprising victory served to raise questions
14:48 in Miller's mind
14:49 for the outcome seemed to him
14:51 like the work of a mightier power than man.
14:57 - Cows mooing -
15:03 In 1815, Miller returned to Low Hampton
15:06 and built on 200 acres this comfortable two story house
15:10 by an old maple grove.
15:13 Though he now believed in the supreme being,
15:14 he did not yet believe
15:16 God had given any written revelation.
15:21 However, convicted one day of his sinfulness,
15:25 he began to wonder how a just being
15:27 could save the violators of His laws.
15:32 Suddenly, the character of a Savior
15:34 was vividly impressed upon his mind.
15:36 He felt he could trust in the mercy of such a One.
15:40 But, did this Savior exist?
15:54 Late in 1816, in the Baptist Church
15:56 here in Hampton,
15:58 he found Jesus as a Savior and Friend
16:00 and the Bible became a delight.
16:03 But his deist friends were quick to challenge
16:06 his new faith in the Scriptures as a revelation from God.
16:14 Laying aside every book except the Bible
16:16 and Cruden's Concordance, Miller began with Genesis 1
16:20 and proceeded no faster than his understanding
16:22 of the meaning of each text would allow.
16:29 He spent two years in an intensive study of the Bible.
16:32 A task so absorbing, that he often spent whole days
16:36 and nights in his study.
16:39 And what were some of the conclusions
16:41 he had reached by 1818?
16:46 I'm fully satisfied that the Bible is its own interpreter
16:49 and it is simple enough to be understood by all.
16:54 I am also convinced that it should be read literally
16:57 unless there is clear proof
17:00 that the writer is using figurative language.
17:02 And the Old Testament prophecies?
17:05 I acknowledge there's figurative form,
17:07 but they nearly always had a literal fulfillment.
17:10 Take for instance,
17:11 the birth, the death, the resurrection of Christ.
17:15 These were literal events, but their prophecies
17:18 were framed in symbolic language.
17:20 And it is the same today.
17:24 The signs of the times
17:25 and the present condition of the world
17:28 match up with the prophetic description
17:31 of the last days.
17:33 I am convinced that the world has reached the limits
17:38 of its allotted time.
17:41 Jesus Christ is about to return in all His glory.
17:49 Miller's conclusion was an interesting one
17:51 for it ran contrary to the predominate idea
17:54 of the Second Coming held by most
17:56 of the Protestant churches of his day.
17:58 They had taught that the millennium,
18:00 or period of a 1,000 years described in Revelation 20,
18:04 would be ushered in by a world conversion.
18:07 This would lead to a millennial reign
18:10 of peace and righteousness on the earth.
18:12 The Second Coming of Christ would then occur at the end
18:16 of the 1,000 years.
18:19 While some thought that they recognized
18:21 the signs of the millennium was about to commence
18:23 in the early 1800's.
18:24 Miller, on the other hand, was convinced
18:27 that Christ's coming was imminent
18:29 and would occur at the beginning of the thousand years.
18:34 I am certain that we've been wrong about all this.
18:36 Just listen to Daniel 8:14... "Unto 2,300 days,
18:42 then shall the sanctuary be cleansed. "
18:45 The following chapter indicates that the 2,300 years
18:49 begin with the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem
18:52 in 457 B.C., which means, they end in 1843.
18:57 The Bible seems to teach that the sanctuary means the earth.
19:05 Its cleansing, must be the cleansing by fire
19:09 at the Second Coming of Christ.
19:13 Which means, in about 25 years, the world will end
19:19 and Jesus will come.
19:26 In fact, Miller spent the next 13 years examining
19:29 and re-examining the arguments for and against his beliefs.
19:32 And all the time, the conviction grew that he had
19:36 a personal duty to tell the world of his conclusions.
19:40 When his years of research had finally removed all doubt,
19:43 fear of public speaking took its place...
19:52 until that troubled Saturday in the maple grove
19:54 in August 1831.
20:04 Miller accompanied his nephew, Irving Guilford
20:06 to the Guilford home in Dresden.
20:08 In deference to Miller's lack of confidence,
20:11 his relatives invited the neighbors to their home
20:14 rather than to the little Baptist church that Sunday.
20:17 And the text of his sermon, Daniel chapter 7 explained
20:22 just as the great reformers had explained it before him,
20:25 but with the added fulfillment of the 1,260 years in 1798.
20:33 It was John Knox's preaching from Daniel 7, in 1547
20:37 that launched the Reformation in Scotland.
20:40 But now, William Miller goes one step further.
20:43 He adds an explanation of chapters 8 and 9 of Daniel
20:47 to launch the Great Advent Movement in the New World.
21:04 When Miller returned home, invitations for him to speak
21:07 began to come from places near and far.
21:12 His second series of meetings was held
21:14 in this stately Baptist meeting house
21:16 in Poultney, his old home town.
21:19 Miller could never have dreamed that, within 15 years,
21:22 his influence would extend from Low Hampton
21:25 right across the world.
21:40 Though Miller had come to his conclusions
21:42 from his own study of the Scriptures,
21:44 his views were, by no means, unique to him.
21:47 Even before he published this book of his lectures
21:50 in 1836, there were some 75 others scattered across
21:54 four continents who anticipated his major findings.
21:58 Despite their different cultural and denominational backgrounds,
22:02 they were all in the essential agreement,
22:04 concerning the 2,300 years being fulfilled
22:08 during the 1840s.
22:10 And so, the warning of the coming judgment
22:13 and the soon coming of Jesus was given in the Old World
22:16 as well as in the New.
22:17 - "Jesus is Coming Again" playing -
22:23 In Great Britain alone,
22:24 more than 1,000 ministers preached it.
22:26 In Sweden, where preaching contrary
22:28 to the established church was illegal,
22:31 young children proclaimed the soon advent of Christ.
22:37 In the United States, Miller's message was heard
22:39 in the leading cities of the nation.
22:42 The Lord is Coming! His arrival is imminent.
22:46 Are you ready to meet Him?
22:48 Ministers of many denominations,
22:50 convinced by the truth of Miller's message,
22:53 joined him in its proclamation.
22:55 Contemporary estimates of their numbers
22:57 ran from 700 to 2,000.
23:00 ...Christ's Second Coming, and we've also seen...
23:03 General Conferences were organized
23:05 in the form of great public rallies.
23:06 Camp meetings were conducted.
23:08 One hundred and twenty-five of them between 1842 and 1844,
23:13 for the total attendance estimated to be
23:15 half a million people.
23:18 The printing press had an even a greater effect
23:21 than did public evangelism.
23:24 By May 1844, it was claimed that five million copies
23:28 of Second Advent papers had been circulated.
23:35 The Millerite preachers were alert to every available means
23:38 of making their message clear and plain.
23:46 This chart, with its pictures and figures,
23:49 clearly focused on the climatic year of 1843
23:52 when the Lord was expected to come.
23:54 People laughing and jeering.
24:04 Not everyone took these preachers seriously.
24:06 A legislator introduced a bill to postpone
24:09 the end of the world till 1860.
24:11 Another offered reserved seats on an escape balloon for $200.
24:18 Miller, himself, had always been reluctant
24:19 to set an exact date.
24:21 However, as 1843 approached, he was pressed
24:24 to be more specific.
24:27 Because the Jewish sacred year began in the spring,
24:32 the 2,300th year from the spring of 457 B.C. will be
24:37 between the spring of 1843 and the spring of 1844.
24:44 But the spring of 1844 passed and Christ did not return.
24:51 Turning to the Scriptures for a solution to their problem,
24:54 the Millerites came across the parable of one of the 10 virgins
24:57 in Matthew chapter 25. And in verse 5,
25:00 they read the phrase, "While the bridegroom tarried. "
25:04 Evidently, there was to be a tarrying time.
25:06 And so, they waited until August 1844
25:10 when a remarkable development occurred.
25:16 At the Exeter camp meeting in New Hampshire,
25:18 a Millerite preacher, Samuel Snow,
25:21 electrified his audience.
25:23 He pointed out first that, according to Ezra 7,
25:25 the decree to rebuild Jerusalem
25:27 that commenced the 2,300 years did not begin
25:31 until the autumn of 457 B.C.
25:35 Therefore, the 2,300 years would have to end
25:38 in the autumn, not the spring.
25:40 But on what day in the autumn?
25:42 From his study of the Jewish spring and autumn feasts
25:46 in the book of Leviticus,
25:47 Snow concluded that Jesus would appear on the tenth day
25:51 of the seventh month.
25:52 - People saying "Amen" -
25:53 ...the very best evidence indicates that the tenth day
25:58 of the seventh Jewish month
25:59 will occur on October 22 in 1844.
26:06 There, when in less than three months,
26:09 the bridegroom will be here to take His waiting bride.
26:14 Is it not time for us to hear the cry at midnight,
26:17 "Behold, the bridegroom cometh! Go ye out to meet Him. "
26:21 - People saying "Alleluia", "Amen",
26:22 "Praise the Lord" -
26:24 The hills of New England soon rang with the Midnight Cry.
26:28 Miller, himself was among the last to accept the date,
26:31 but he and the other leaders
26:33 felt to remain silent any longer seemed to be
26:36 in opposition to the work of the Holy Spirit.
26:40 - Birds chirping -
26:47 As the days counted down, many were baptized.
26:50 Believers closed their stores, gave up their jobs,
26:54 confessed their faults and spent hours in prayer.
26:57 Finally, the overworked printing presses
27:00 stopped running.
27:01 The great tent was packed away for the last time,
27:04 and the leaders returned to their homes
27:05 to be with their families.
27:09 - Wind chimes ringing -
27:36 October is autumn in New England.
27:38 Just beyond this maple grove, where Miller had wrestled
27:41 with God, is a large outcrop of limestone.
27:45 It is known today as Ascension Rock.
27:49 Here Miller's friends assembled on Tuesday
27:51 October 22, and looking toward the east, they prayerfully
27:55 waited for Jesus to come.
28:06 Across the country, tens of thousands of Adventists,
28:08 as the followers of Miller were now called,
28:11 met in churches, tents and private homes.
28:26 - Clock tick-tock sounds -
28:43 - The sounds of wind blowing -
29:28 - Grandfather clock chiming -
29:55 But Jesus did not come.
29:57 What had begun as a day of sweet expectation,
30:00 ended in the bitter blackness of disappointment.
30:08 In the days and weeks that followed,
30:11 humiliation, confusion and doubt
30:14 threatened to engulf them.
30:15 Inevitably, the forward momentum of the Advent
30:18 movement was abruptly stopped.
30:20 Some gave up.
30:22 Had William Miller completely mislead them?
30:29 Miller, himself, never gave up his faith
30:31 in the soon coming of Jesus.
30:33 Four years after the disappointment,
30:35 he built this little chapel on his farm
30:37 behind Ascension Rock.
30:39 And the group of believers, who continued to share
30:42 Miller's hope, met here with him and his family.
30:53 Miller had been right in teaching
30:56 that Jesus was coming again.
30:58 The New Testament alone refers to this more than 300 times.
31:02 And he was right in telling people
31:03 to get ready for Jesus' coming.
31:05 After all, Jesus, Peter, Paul, John and thousands of Christians
31:11 down through the ages had said the same.
31:22 Miller had been right in focusing more upon Jesus
31:25 than upon any specific date.
31:28 And he was right in declaring that the 2,300 days
31:31 stand for 2,300 years.
31:34 For in stating this day-for-a-year principle,
31:37 he aligned himself with many eminent Bible scholars
31:41 and students of the previous 2,000 years.
31:44 And in proclaiming that the 2,300 years
31:47 would extend to the 1840s,
31:49 Miller was only one of thousands of contemporary
31:52 Bible students, who believed the same.
31:55 So what went wrong?
32:13 In many ways, it was the same mistake
32:15 that the disciples made, when they thought
32:17 that the prophecies foretold Christ's coming as a King.
32:27 It was not the mistake of an irrational prank
32:30 or the mad reckonings of a fanatical firebrand,
32:32 but rather, it was the honest misunderstanding
32:35 of the meaning of the Old Testament phrase,
32:37 "the cleansing of the sanctuary. "
32:43 But why did God allow the man
32:45 He so obviously called for a purpose
32:46 to make such a major mistake?
32:51 We may never know the complete answer
32:54 to this question.
32:56 But remember, at that time, most Christians believed
32:59 in a world conversion with Jesus coming
33:02 a thousand years later.
33:04 Perhaps God, in His love, was sending a message
33:07 to the world in such a startling manner
33:09 to warn of increasing evil and trouble
33:12 preceding the imminent return of His Son
33:14 before the thousand years.
33:17 Miller was right about his reckoning
33:19 of Daniel's 2,300 year prophecy.
33:22 Something was to happen at the end of the 2,300 years-
33:25 the cleansing of the sanctuary.
33:27 Such an event demanded the widest publicity
33:30 and the greatest possible attention.
33:33 But what this event was and to what great work
33:36 it pointed was for others to discover.
33:53 Miller died only five years after the Great Disappointment
33:56 of October 22, 1844.
34:01 Just before he died, Miller penned this unfinished letter.
34:05 Dear Brother, I cannot refrain
34:08 from writing a word or two
34:11 although I cannot see. All is well.
34:14 The Bridegroom is coming. No mistake.
34:18 The King must come.
34:20 Lift up your head. Be of good cheer.
34:24 Be not faithless, but believing.
34:28 We shall soon see Him
34:30 for whom we have looked and waited.


Revised 2014-12-17