(exciting music) 00:00:00.53\00:00:03.13 (music ending) 00:00:19.75\00:00:21.52 - Hello and welcome to "Jesus for Asia Now." 00:00:21.52\00:00:23.82 I'm Natalie Wood, and my husband Jon is here with me today 00:00:23.82\00:00:27.19 as we go to India 00:00:27.19\00:00:28.66 and take a glimpse into the life of a Bible worker. 00:00:28.66\00:00:32.26 Hello, love. 00:00:32.26\00:00:33.13 - Hi, darling. 00:00:33.13\00:00:34.03 How are you? 00:00:34.03\00:00:35.00 - I'm doing fine, thank you. 00:00:35.00\00:00:36.30 - Good, awesome. 00:00:36.30\00:00:37.53 - What are we gonna learn about India today? 00:00:37.53\00:00:38.77 - Well, we're gonna meet Emmanuel. 00:00:38.77\00:00:40.90 He's a Bible worker that was born and raised in India. 00:00:40.90\00:00:44.77 Knows the local language, 00:00:44.77\00:00:46.51 didn't have to buy a plane ticket to get him there. 00:00:46.51\00:00:49.68 Knows the culture, 00:00:49.68\00:00:50.95 is able to fit in with the locals, 00:00:50.95\00:00:52.88 and doing a powerful work. 00:00:52.88\00:00:55.45 And we're gonna learn today about how a lot 00:00:55.45\00:00:57.62 of the Bible workers joined the workforce. 00:00:57.62\00:01:00.26 - Well, let's start with a video 00:01:00.26\00:01:01.36 where he talks about how he was converted. 00:01:01.36\00:01:03.49 - Okay, good. 00:01:03.49\00:01:04.63 (soothing music) 00:01:05.79\00:01:08.60 (speaking native language) 00:01:17.71\00:01:20.34 - I am a from strong Hindu background. 00:01:20.34\00:01:22.91 The whole village is filled 00:01:22.91\00:01:25.15 with Hindu beliefs and gods. 00:01:25.15\00:01:28.05 I was roaming just like a Sadhu 00:01:28.05\00:01:30.72 with a colorful dress. 00:01:30.72\00:01:33.22 I don't want Christians, 00:01:33.22\00:01:35.26 I hate Christians like anything. 00:01:35.26\00:01:37.23 In 1990, one reverend from other denomination 00:01:40.43\00:01:44.87 came to my village to preach about Jesus. 00:01:44.87\00:01:47.50 I went and fought it with him, 00:01:47.50\00:01:49.37 and chased him out of my village. 00:01:49.37\00:01:51.31 That man went away to some distance 00:01:51.31\00:01:54.74 and came again and told, 00:01:54.74\00:01:56.24 "I will finish my prayer. 00:01:56.24\00:01:57.61 Gimme 10 minutes. 00:01:57.61\00:01:59.11 After that, I will come stand right in front of you. 00:01:59.11\00:02:01.72 You beat me as you like." 00:02:01.72\00:02:03.69 As he was preaching in the street, 00:02:03.69\00:02:05.65 I could see a lady rolling on the ground, 00:02:05.65\00:02:09.06 because of devil possession. 00:02:09.06\00:02:11.43 She started yelling, saying, "I am Monishuran." 00:02:11.43\00:02:14.66 Now what I thought was that Monishuran 00:02:14.66\00:02:16.00 was the greatest god in the village. 00:02:16.00\00:02:18.43 And now Monishuran has come. 00:02:18.43\00:02:21.20 He will take care of this pastor. 00:02:21.20\00:02:23.91 There is no need for me to beat that reverend. 00:02:23.91\00:02:26.74 But he said, looking at that women, 00:02:29.31\00:02:31.45 "Be silent. 00:02:31.45\00:02:32.45 Don't make noise." 00:02:32.45\00:02:33.65 Again, she started shouting. 00:02:33.65\00:02:36.08 But this pastor, came forward without any fear, 00:02:36.08\00:02:39.05 put his hand up on that lady's head and started praying. 00:02:39.05\00:02:42.59 All of a sudden, that woman fell on the ground. 00:02:42.59\00:02:45.89 Seeing this, the fear filled my heart. 00:02:45.89\00:02:48.56 The Monishuran is the greatest god in our village. 00:02:48.56\00:02:51.30 That god itself fell on the feet of this reverend. 00:02:51.30\00:02:54.97 I came and knelt before that reverend. 00:02:54.97\00:02:57.74 On seeing this, my parents, 00:02:57.74\00:02:59.37 they also started crying. 00:02:59.37\00:03:01.38 "Something may happen to my son." 00:03:01.38\00:03:03.31 But that pastor encouraged my parents, 00:03:03.31\00:03:05.65 "Don't worry about anything. 00:03:05.65\00:03:06.92 We will not do any harm to your child." 00:03:06.92\00:03:10.19 I accepted Jesus as my personal savior from that time. 00:03:10.19\00:03:13.52 I started my ministry even in that year 00:03:18.93\00:03:21.36 when I accepted Christ as my personal savior. 00:03:21.36\00:03:24.07 For six years almost, I did my ministry on my own. 00:03:24.07\00:03:27.94 Since it is a village filled with the Hindus, 00:03:27.94\00:03:30.74 I faced lot of challenges from anti-Christian elements. 00:03:30.74\00:03:35.34 There was no support for me, 00:03:35.34\00:03:37.55 so they started giving many tortures to me. 00:03:37.55\00:03:40.68 Whenever visit sit the villages in that area, 00:03:40.68\00:03:43.62 they came and beat me. 00:03:43.62\00:03:45.45 They spoke so many unwanted words on me. 00:03:45.45\00:03:50.03 They pulled my Bible and threw it so many times. 00:03:50.03\00:03:53.26 One day I was returning from my ministry 00:03:56.03\00:03:58.17 around 12 o'clock at midnight. 00:03:58.17\00:04:00.10 Just half a kilometer from my village 00:04:00.10\00:04:02.84 around 10 people who were waiting for me. 00:04:02.84\00:04:05.07 And they came and caught my collar, 00:04:05.07\00:04:08.71 and told me, "Don't tell about Jesus anymore 00:04:08.71\00:04:11.65 in these villages." 00:04:11.65\00:04:12.75 They started to beat me. 00:04:12.75\00:04:15.25 In that group, four people stood in support of me. 00:04:15.25\00:04:19.82 "What wrong is he doing? 00:04:19.82\00:04:21.49 He's doing good things to our village people. 00:04:21.49\00:04:23.66 Why should we beat him? 00:04:23.66\00:04:24.99 Leave him alone and come." 00:04:24.99\00:04:26.33 But they went away. 00:04:26.33\00:04:27.60 These six people took me to the riverside. 00:04:27.60\00:04:30.50 They beat me and threw me by the river. 00:04:30.50\00:04:33.44 I was faint, and I was not conscious. 00:04:33.44\00:04:37.07 After two hours of time, 00:04:37.07\00:04:38.77 I slowly opened my eyes and came to my home. 00:04:38.77\00:04:43.14 That reverend took me 00:04:49.72\00:04:51.22 and put me in a theology college in Chennai, 00:04:51.22\00:04:53.62 so that I can be trained as a good evangelist. 00:04:53.62\00:04:56.46 As I was studying there in Chennai, 00:04:56.46\00:04:58.49 one day I saw the handbills 00:04:58.49\00:05:00.73 saying Sabbath day is the Saturday. 00:05:00.73\00:05:03.57 I took that pamphlet in my hand 00:05:03.57\00:05:05.80 and it showed to the teacher. 00:05:05.80\00:05:07.57 The teacher took me to the correspondent of that college. 00:05:07.57\00:05:10.94 That correspondent of the colleague asked me, 00:05:10.94\00:05:12.71 "What's your problem?" 00:05:12.71\00:05:14.18 I said, "The Bible says that Saturday is the Sabbath, 00:05:14.18\00:05:18.51 but what about you?" 00:05:18.51\00:05:19.85 He said, "You don't speak about anything. 00:05:19.85\00:05:22.42 You take this vehicle key. 00:05:22.42\00:05:24.52 It belongs to you. 00:05:24.52\00:05:25.72 Not only that, when you come later, 00:05:25.72\00:05:27.82 we will arrange some good house for you. 00:05:27.82\00:05:30.19 Now, I am blessed with all this kind of material, 00:05:30.19\00:05:33.23 because of this truth where I am in. 00:05:33.23\00:05:36.16 So you also be in, 00:05:36.16\00:05:37.93 don't ask me any question." 00:05:37.93\00:05:39.70 But again and again, I asked him, 00:05:39.70\00:05:41.97 "You tell me. You tell me." 00:05:41.97\00:05:43.57 Then he looked at me and told me, 00:05:43.57\00:05:45.44 "Saturday is the Sabbath day. 00:05:45.44\00:05:47.24 I also agree, I also accept it. 00:05:47.24\00:05:49.68 But in practical life, it is very hard to observe it. 00:05:49.68\00:05:52.61 Today what I am is not because of the Sabbath Saturday. 00:05:52.61\00:05:56.72 It is because of what I believe. 00:05:56.72\00:05:59.19 that Sunday is Sabbath day. 00:05:59.19\00:06:01.46 So if you want to continue, continue, 00:06:01.46\00:06:04.13 Or else quit the college." 00:06:04.13\00:06:05.56 Then I came out of that college. 00:06:05.56\00:06:07.40 I came to my native place. 00:06:07.40\00:06:09.66 When I went to one small town near my native place, 00:06:09.66\00:06:13.13 there I saw a man preaching in that church. 00:06:13.13\00:06:16.37 His name was Pastor Akhab Daniel. 00:06:16.37\00:06:18.47 After I came in contact with that Pastor Akhab Daniel, 00:06:18.47\00:06:22.18 I fully understood the truth 00:06:22.18\00:06:24.25 and accepted truth, 00:06:24.25\00:06:25.58 and got baptism in the year 1996. 00:06:25.58\00:06:29.08 In 2022, he joined the JFA. 00:06:32.02\00:06:35.39 Although he joined the JFA in 2022, 00:06:35.39\00:06:38.63 he's working in this village even before that. 00:06:38.63\00:06:41.66 (music ending) 00:06:44.53\00:06:46.43 - Wow, what a story. 00:06:46.43\00:06:47.74 - Mmm. 00:06:47.74\00:06:50.01 - I'm trying to remember, 00:06:50.01\00:06:51.17 everything that he went through, 00:06:51.17\00:06:52.41 he got converted because the, 00:06:52.41\00:06:55.31 a guy came to his village and started preaching, 00:06:55.31\00:06:58.11 and he was gonna go beat him up. 00:06:58.11\00:06:59.51 But the guy said, "Gimme 10 minutes 00:06:59.51\00:07:02.15 to finish my prayer." 00:07:02.15\00:07:04.05 And then a woman came 00:07:04.05\00:07:05.35 and that was possessed the best 00:07:05.35\00:07:07.56 by the strongest God in the village. 00:07:07.56\00:07:09.62 - [Natalie] Right. 00:07:09.62\00:07:10.89 - And he thought, well, I don't have 00:07:10.89\00:07:12.86 to beat up the Christian, 00:07:12.86\00:07:14.23 because this god, the strongest God in our village, 00:07:14.23\00:07:16.70 is gonna beat him up for me. 00:07:16.70\00:07:18.20 - Yeah. 00:07:18.20\00:07:19.43 - And the Christian came over and prayed, 00:07:19.43\00:07:21.94 and expelled the demon from the woman. 00:07:21.94\00:07:24.34 - Yeah. - And he was shocked. 00:07:24.34\00:07:25.44 And he humbled him himself. 00:07:25.44\00:07:27.41 And he, 00:07:27.41\00:07:28.64 and he, you know, became a Christian, 00:07:28.64\00:07:30.18 because he saw that Christ was stronger than-- 00:07:30.18\00:07:33.35 - Than the other god. 00:07:33.35\00:07:34.42 - [Jon] Yeah. - Yeah. 00:07:34.42\00:07:35.68 - And then he got a lot of beatings. 00:07:35.68\00:07:37.95 - [Natalie] Yeah. 00:07:37.95\00:07:39.42 - He said he traveled around like (indistinct), 00:07:39.42\00:07:40.36 it's like a itinerant preacher. 00:07:40.36\00:07:42.02 - Right. - In India. 00:07:42.02\00:07:43.76 Very well known type of thing to do. 00:07:43.76\00:07:47.30 And a lot of holy men travel around and, 00:07:47.30\00:07:50.30 and teach Hinduism, 00:07:50.30\00:07:51.77 and different things to the villagers and stuff, so. 00:07:51.77\00:07:55.00 - Yeah, he was very devout. - [Jon] Yes. 00:07:55.00\00:07:56.77 - Obviously. - Yeah. 00:07:56.77\00:07:57.74 - [Natalie] So-- 00:07:57.74\00:07:59.11 - And then he got beat up a lot. 00:07:59.11\00:08:00.41 And then he got sent to a college. 00:08:00.41\00:08:03.35 - Yeah. 00:08:03.35\00:08:04.55 - And the director of the college 00:08:04.55\00:08:06.51 believed in the Sabbath day, but said-- 00:08:06.51\00:08:09.78 - But wouldn't keep it. 00:08:09.78\00:08:10.95 No, because the wealth-- - [Jon] Yeah. 00:08:10.95\00:08:13.25 - The material things were more important 00:08:13.25\00:08:15.82 than keeping the Sabbath of the Bible. 00:08:15.82\00:08:17.63 - Yeah, he offered Emmanuel a car. 00:08:17.63\00:08:19.43 - [Natalie] Yeah. - And a nice place to live. 00:08:19.43\00:08:21.13 And food, good food 00:08:21.13\00:08:23.63 if he would forget about the Sabbath. 00:08:23.63\00:08:26.13 - Yeah. - [Jon] Wow. 00:08:26.13\00:08:27.44 - Yeah. 00:08:27.44\00:08:28.64 - But he left that place for his convictions. 00:08:28.64\00:08:31.47 - Right. 00:08:31.47\00:08:32.44 And so he started doing, 00:08:32.44\00:08:34.11 started doing Bible work on his own, ministry on his own. 00:08:34.11\00:08:37.11 - [Jon] Yeah. 00:08:37.11\00:08:38.35 - And then he was able to join JFA 00:08:38.35\00:08:40.42 as a Bible worker recently. 00:08:40.42\00:08:42.68 - Yeah, and so now we have the opportunity 00:08:42.68\00:08:45.92 to be a part of the souls that he wins to Christ-- 00:08:45.92\00:08:49.22 - Mm-hmm. 00:08:49.22\00:08:50.06 - By supporting him. 00:08:50.06\00:08:51.56 - Right, and speaking of souls that he wins to Christ, 00:08:51.56\00:08:54.20 the next video that we have is someone 00:08:54.20\00:08:56.46 that was converted from his ministry. 00:08:56.46\00:08:58.23 - Oh, cool. 00:08:58.23\00:08:59.83 (soothing music) 00:08:59.83\00:09:02.64 (speaking native language) 00:09:06.14\00:09:09.84 - We were Hindus in this village. 00:09:09.84\00:09:11.05 My father was a priest in on temple. 00:09:11.05\00:09:13.01 My elder sister got married 00:09:13.92\00:09:17.15 to the Adventist Christian. 00:09:17.15\00:09:19.59 After my sister's marriage, 00:09:19.59\00:09:21.39 my sister husband took very much interest in us 00:09:21.39\00:09:25.43 and tried to give the truth to us. 00:09:25.43\00:09:28.36 I had the severe problem 00:09:31.67\00:09:33.23 of blood oozing from my nose every day, 00:09:33.23\00:09:37.11 three times. 00:09:37.11\00:09:38.11 It was so ugly to look at. 00:09:38.11\00:09:40.18 Everybody hated me because of this problem. 00:09:40.18\00:09:43.38 When I got baptized in the church, 00:09:43.38\00:09:46.35 that problem stopped. 00:09:46.35\00:09:47.68 Still it is the surprise for me how it stopped. 00:09:47.68\00:09:50.62 The very moment I got baptism, 00:09:51.42\00:09:53.76 from that day onwards 00:09:53.76\00:09:55.09 that blood oozing from my nose stopped. 00:09:55.09\00:09:58.76 Actually, I fell in love with a Hindu man. 00:10:02.76\00:10:06.00 My sister's husband told me so many times, 00:10:06.00\00:10:10.44 "Don't involve yourself in marriage with a Hindu man." 00:10:10.44\00:10:14.44 But I was not willing to listen to him. 00:10:14.44\00:10:17.21 After my marriage, 00:10:17.21\00:10:18.48 my life become very 00:10:18.48\00:10:21.45 stressful. 00:10:21.45\00:10:22.78 Very much painful. 00:10:22.78\00:10:24.59 He used to drink every day and beat me like anything. 00:10:24.59\00:10:28.56 Sometimes he will pull me into the street 00:10:28.56\00:10:31.69 and started beating me. 00:10:31.69\00:10:33.36 Still, I am suffering. 00:10:33.36\00:10:35.46 But one good thing, 00:10:35.46\00:10:37.50 I was longing for the love of God 00:10:37.50\00:10:40.54 for so many years in my life, 00:10:40.54\00:10:42.80 because my sisters husband and family, 00:10:42.80\00:10:45.54 they were Christians, Seventh-day Adventists. 00:10:45.54\00:10:47.71 I was kneeling down and praying to the Lord, 00:10:47.71\00:10:50.11 "Lord, we want to have some worship here in this place." 00:10:50.11\00:10:54.42 The Lord answered my prayer. 00:10:54.42\00:10:56.42 That is the reason the JFA Pastor Emmanuel 00:10:56.42\00:11:00.09 came to this village 00:11:00.09\00:11:01.39 and started a prayer group here in this place. 00:11:01.39\00:11:04.79 The problem with my husband is 00:11:07.83\00:11:09.86 when he takes this alcohol, 00:11:09.86\00:11:11.83 he beats me. 00:11:11.83\00:11:12.97 Other times, he's very okay. 00:11:12.97\00:11:15.00 Whenever he leaves the house 00:11:15.00\00:11:17.01 into the liquor shop, 00:11:17.01\00:11:19.41 I used to start praying, kneeling down, 00:11:19.41\00:11:21.24 "Lord, today he has gone to drink. 00:11:21.24\00:11:23.24 He'll come back, he'll beat me, 00:11:23.24\00:11:25.41 and nothing should happen." 00:11:25.41\00:11:27.15 God answers my prayer. 00:11:27.15\00:11:28.88 When I pray sincerely on my knees, 00:11:28.88\00:11:31.12 he goes to the liquor shop, 00:11:31.12\00:11:32.65 he takes alcohol, 00:11:32.65\00:11:34.12 he comes back. 00:11:34.12\00:11:35.12 He goes to his bedroom, 00:11:35.12\00:11:36.56 and he sleeps in peace. 00:11:36.56\00:11:38.29 He's not disturbing me. 00:11:38.29\00:11:39.59 God is answering me. 00:11:39.59\00:11:41.23 He says, "You go to church, no problem." 00:11:41.23\00:11:43.90 He never disturbed me coming to church. 00:11:43.90\00:11:46.03 I in my house also, 00:11:46.03\00:11:47.40 you cannot see any Swami pictures, idols. 00:11:47.40\00:11:52.04 Even for smaller little things, 00:11:52.04\00:11:54.28 I asked the Lord only. 00:11:54.28\00:11:55.94 I put my son in the private school. 00:11:55.94\00:11:58.15 And the school people were asking for the fee. 00:11:58.15\00:12:00.98 I have no money in my hand. 00:12:00.98\00:12:02.88 I knelt down and cried to the Lord. 00:12:02.88\00:12:04.85 "Lord, I don't have any money. 00:12:04.85\00:12:07.22 It is because of you, in believing you, 00:12:07.22\00:12:10.19 I put my son in the private school." 00:12:10.19\00:12:12.13 Then the Lord answered my prayer. 00:12:12.13\00:12:13.66 Within an hour when man came 00:12:13.66\00:12:16.60 and gave me a little money. 00:12:16.60\00:12:18.10 He told me, "You can return it later. 00:12:18.10\00:12:20.57 Now you pay the fee for your son." 00:12:20.57\00:12:23.77 Likewise, God is doing wonderful things in my life. 00:12:23.77\00:12:27.71 It may be little things, 00:12:27.71\00:12:29.41 or it may be bigger things. 00:12:29.41\00:12:30.88 I trust in the Lord. 00:12:30.88\00:12:31.98 I ask the Lord only. 00:12:31.98\00:12:33.45 I seek the Lord in tears. 00:12:33.45\00:12:35.25 God always answers my prayer. 00:12:35.25\00:12:37.49 I am in the midst of all this problem, 00:12:37.49\00:12:40.09 but I am feeling free in Jesus. 00:12:40.09\00:12:42.59 Her wish is that husband will be converted, 00:12:42.59\00:12:47.30 accept Christ. 00:12:47.30\00:12:48.43 And she wants to go to ministry, 00:12:48.43\00:12:50.17 and tell the love of God to many other people 00:12:50.17\00:12:53.00 along with their husband. 00:12:53.00\00:12:54.87 (music ending) 00:12:59.34\00:13:01.88 - Well, the love of Jesus 00:13:04.71\00:13:06.01 makes such an impact in people's lives. 00:13:06.01\00:13:07.82 - Yeah, yeah, beautiful. 00:13:07.82\00:13:10.22 - I love the ripple effect. 00:13:10.22\00:13:11.75 You know, one soul is converted, 00:13:11.75\00:13:13.79 starts praying for another. 00:13:13.79\00:13:15.72 That soul is converted, starts praying for another, 00:13:15.72\00:13:18.46 and it just keeps on going on and on 00:13:18.46\00:13:20.33 and ever widening circle of joy and peace. 00:13:20.33\00:13:22.73 - Mm-mmm, yeah. 00:13:22.73\00:13:24.23 And now she wants to be telling people 00:13:24.23\00:13:26.40 about Jesus also. 00:13:26.40\00:13:27.70 - Yeah. 00:13:27.70\00:13:28.64 - About what she learned. 00:13:28.64\00:13:29.64 - But I think we can all join her 00:13:29.64\00:13:31.07 in praying for her husband. 00:13:31.07\00:13:32.51 - Yes, definitely. 00:13:32.51\00:13:33.94 - And maybe she'll become a JFA Bible worker. 00:13:33.94\00:13:36.21 - Yeah, maybe-- - With good training. 00:13:36.21\00:13:37.98 - Yep. - Yeah. 00:13:37.98\00:13:39.31 - Definitely. - Awesome. 00:13:39.31\00:13:40.72 - Well, now we have a miracle story. 00:13:40.72\00:13:43.55 - Okay. 00:13:43.55\00:13:45.09 (soothing music) 00:13:45.09\00:13:47.92 (speaking native language) 00:13:51.93\00:13:55.56 - I like to share my greatest miracle God did in my life. 00:13:59.60\00:14:04.47 - She used to tell me, 00:14:08.31\00:14:09.88 "Pastor I am not able to come 00:14:09.88\00:14:12.18 and attend your prayer meeting. 00:14:12.18\00:14:13.65 Even if I come, I don't understand where I am." 00:14:13.65\00:14:17.02 Whenever she comes and attends, 00:14:17.02\00:14:18.75 she undergoes some body pain and unusual depression. 00:14:18.75\00:14:23.19 But immediately she leaves the prayer meetings, 00:14:23.19\00:14:26.06 she's okay. 00:14:26.06\00:14:26.96 - I had this problem for long years. 00:14:30.17\00:14:32.53 I will feel like 200 kilogram stone is upon my body. 00:14:32.53\00:14:37.17 I used to come to church. 00:14:37.17\00:14:38.74 I used to clean this place. 00:14:38.74\00:14:40.61 I used to put the mat and everything. 00:14:40.61\00:14:43.11 But all of a sudden, 00:14:43.11\00:14:44.05 I will lie on the mat itself. 00:14:44.05\00:14:46.88 The pastor used to notice me and one day asked me, 00:14:46.88\00:14:50.05 "What is your problem?" 00:14:50.05\00:14:51.65 I said, "Pastor, I don't know how to explain it. 00:14:51.65\00:14:54.59 I feel an unusual way, 00:14:54.59\00:14:56.99 I am not happy. 00:14:56.99\00:14:58.26 I am irritated at everybody. 00:14:58.26\00:15:00.33 If anybody ask me anything, 00:15:00.33\00:15:02.06 I will answer them angrily. 00:15:02.06\00:15:05.07 I was not able to control myself." 00:15:05.07\00:15:07.50 Then the pastor told me, 00:15:07.50\00:15:09.04 "If that is the case, 00:15:09.04\00:15:10.51 we will have the fasting prayer." 00:15:10.51\00:15:12.37 - So, I did two days continuously fasting 00:15:15.34\00:15:19.01 without taking any food. 00:15:19.01\00:15:20.45 - As he instructed me, 00:15:22.08\00:15:23.59 I came to the church with a clean dress. 00:15:23.59\00:15:26.19 I sat here. 00:15:26.19\00:15:27.59 - As we started praying 00:15:29.09\00:15:30.63 she fell on the ground and started roiling. 00:15:30.63\00:15:34.40 - As soon as he kept my hand on my head, 00:15:34.40\00:15:37.17 I felt more than 10 people are surrounded me 00:15:37.17\00:15:41.50 and putting all their weight upon me. 00:15:41.50\00:15:44.17 Then I started crying and crying, 00:15:44.17\00:15:47.48 shouting and shouting. 00:15:47.48\00:15:49.38 - The spirit told us, 00:15:49.38\00:15:50.68 "I have been for last 10 years with her. 00:15:50.68\00:15:53.52 How can you chase me right now?" 00:15:53.52\00:15:55.15 The spirit was again and again saying, 00:15:55.15\00:15:57.39 "No, no, you cannot chase me out of this body. 00:15:57.39\00:16:01.19 I like her. 00:16:01.19\00:16:02.26 I am with her last 10 years. 00:16:02.26\00:16:04.46 You cannot chase me." 00:16:04.46\00:16:05.79 But I commanded, "In the name of Jesus, you go out." 00:16:09.50\00:16:13.17 - After that prayer, 00:16:16.50\00:16:17.74 I woke up. 00:16:17.74\00:16:18.74 I was so free! 00:16:18.74\00:16:20.28 I felt so easy as I am flying in the air. 00:16:20.28\00:16:23.88 - Now she is not having any that kind of problem. 00:16:25.25\00:16:28.68 - I would like to thank the Lord again and again, 00:16:28.68\00:16:31.05 because he has done this wonder in my life. 00:16:31.05\00:16:34.66 (music ending) 00:16:36.36\00:16:38.33 - I love that, 00:16:38.33\00:16:39.56 he has done the wonder in my life. 00:16:39.56\00:16:40.60 - Yeah. - That's so beautiful. 00:16:40.60\00:16:42.30 You know, she was, 00:16:42.30\00:16:44.07 she didn't know it was demon possession. 00:16:44.07\00:16:45.67 She thought it was just some weight, you know? 00:16:45.67\00:16:47.90 - [Jon] Yeah. 00:16:47.90\00:16:48.84 - She just felt really heavy 00:16:48.84\00:16:50.04 when she went to church and depressed, but-- 00:16:50.04\00:16:51.24 - [Jon] Yeah. = It was a demon. 00:16:51.24\00:16:52.71 - Yeah, and did you see the glint, 00:16:52.71\00:16:54.54 the the light in the lady's eyes? 00:16:54.54\00:16:56.98 - [Natalie] Yeah. - That's what we see-- 00:16:56.98\00:16:58.18 - The smile on her face, that smile at peace. 00:16:58.18\00:17:00.28 - Yeah, when you first meet people that don't know Christ, 00:17:00.28\00:17:02.75 they have this darkness, this, 00:17:02.75\00:17:04.42 this fear, 00:17:04.42\00:17:05.62 this haunting in their eyes. 00:17:05.62\00:17:07.29 And after they get to know Christ, 00:17:07.29\00:17:08.92 they have that light, that life. 00:17:08.92\00:17:10.73 And it's just so rewarding to see. 00:17:10.73\00:17:13.16 - Yeah. 00:17:13.16\00:17:14.36 - [Jon] The change that happens in them. 00:17:14.36\00:17:15.23 - Yeah. - [Jon] Yeah. 00:17:15.23\00:17:16.03 - Yeah, it's beautiful. 00:17:16.03\00:17:16.80 And you know, 00:17:16.80\00:17:17.90 it makes me just so thankful 00:17:17.90\00:17:20.07 that we can enable the Bible workers. 00:17:20.07\00:17:22.27 - [Jon] Yes. - Because it, 00:17:22.27\00:17:23.87 it makes a huge difference in one life after another 00:17:23.87\00:17:28.44 after another. 00:17:28.44\00:17:29.41 - Yes. 00:17:29.41\00:17:30.35 - You know, it is just awesome. 00:17:30.35\00:17:32.95 - Yeah, and that's-- 00:17:32.95\00:17:34.95 - Put it mildly, 00:17:34.95\00:17:35.92 God is awesome. 00:17:35.92\00:17:37.15 - Yeah, so do we have too many Bible workers? 00:17:37.15\00:17:39.99 Or we have enough Bible workers to reach all of India? 00:17:39.99\00:17:43.56 - Well, no, 00:17:43.56\00:17:45.03 we don't have enough Bible workers to reach all of India. 00:17:45.03\00:17:46.83 - [Jon] Okay. 00:17:46.83\00:17:47.76 - And we have one part of India 00:17:47.76\00:17:49.33 that we wanna share a report on. 00:17:49.33\00:17:51.00 - Okay, yeah. 00:17:51.00\00:17:51.83 We just got a report, 00:17:51.83\00:17:52.77 as actually a request. 00:17:52.77\00:17:55.07 In the area that is overseen by this president 00:17:55.07\00:17:59.54 and pastor of a section 00:17:59.54\00:18:01.74 in an unnamed state, unnamed location. 00:18:02.84\00:18:05.55 There is an entire denomination that has about 150 churches. 00:18:05.55\00:18:09.85 - Mmm. 00:18:09.85\00:18:10.92 - And that denomination has decided 00:18:10.92\00:18:12.55 to withdraw from that area. 00:18:12.55\00:18:14.42 - Mmm. 00:18:14.42\00:18:15.59 - And so now these churches are available, 00:18:15.59\00:18:18.13 they would like to sell us the churches 00:18:19.23\00:18:21.50 for the price of the land. 00:18:22.30\00:18:24.57 And so I'm looking at, 00:18:24.57\00:18:26.00 not so excited about more churches, 00:18:26.00\00:18:29.10 except that the churches have congregations in them. 00:18:29.10\00:18:32.64 - Right, so we need training. 00:18:32.64\00:18:34.78 - Well, that's the challenge. - [Natalie] We need workers. 00:18:34.78\00:18:36.81 - That's the challenge is 00:18:36.81\00:18:37.98 because the president was telling us, 00:18:37.98\00:18:39.55 they said they have 80, 00:18:39.55\00:18:41.22 80 churches already, 00:18:41.22\00:18:43.12 15 companies. 00:18:43.12\00:18:44.62 So, they have 95 groups of people gathering, 00:18:44.62\00:18:47.86 but they only have 17 pastors. 00:18:47.86\00:18:50.09 - Mmm. 00:18:50.09\00:18:51.09 - And 5 volunteer Bible workers. 00:18:51.09\00:18:53.70 So, they have 22 full-time gospel workers 00:18:53.70\00:18:57.70 trying to take care of 95 churches and companies. 00:18:57.70\00:19:01.24 That's not enough. 00:19:01.24\00:19:02.80 - That's-- 00:19:02.80\00:19:04.17 - And now we have the opportunity to add another 150, 00:19:04.17\00:19:07.88 or even you know, 00:19:07.88\00:19:09.11 it's like there's a huge need for workers. 00:19:09.11\00:19:11.48 - [Natalie] Right. 00:19:11.48\00:19:12.75 - And so what can we do about that? 00:19:12.75\00:19:14.55 - Right. 00:19:14.55\00:19:15.75 - Well, we need more Bible workers. 00:19:15.75\00:19:17.22 - [Natalie] Right. 00:19:17.22\00:19:18.49 - And we need training for the Bible workers. 00:19:18.49\00:19:20.52 Now, recently, a friend of ours who is a pastor, 00:19:20.52\00:19:23.89 he voluntarily-- 00:19:23.89\00:19:25.93 - He's from America. 00:19:25.93\00:19:26.90 - Yes, 00:19:26.90\00:19:28.10 voluntarily said, "I would like to go 00:19:28.10\00:19:30.80 and do three weeks of training." 00:19:30.80\00:19:32.63 Can you tell us about that experience with him? 00:19:33.97\00:19:35.87 - Well, he was in India for about a month. 00:19:36.91\00:19:38.71 - [Jon] Uh-huh. 00:19:38.71\00:19:40.18 - And they did training after training after training-- 00:19:40.18\00:19:41.64 - [Jon] Uh-huh. 00:19:41.64\00:19:43.18 - [Natalie] At the property that we own in South India. 00:19:43.18\00:19:44.75 - [Jon] Yeah. 00:19:44.75\00:19:45.98 - And it was hot there, it was 109 some days. 00:19:45.98\00:19:48.92 - [Jon] Uh-huh. 00:19:48.92\00:19:50.15 - And some days the power was off. 00:19:50.15\00:19:51.49 - [Jon] Uh-huh. 00:19:51.49\00:19:52.65 - [Natalie] So there were no fans, 00:19:52.65\00:19:53.36 there's no AC. 00:19:53.36\00:19:54.62 - [Jon] Yep. 00:19:54.62\00:19:56.06 - [Natalie] It was a great challenge for them. 00:19:56.06\00:19:57.36 - [Jon] Yeah. 00:19:57.36\00:19:58.83 - [Natalie] But the Bible workers were so happy 00:19:58.83\00:20:01.00 to receive the training. 00:20:01.00\00:20:02.06 - [Jon] Yes, yes. 00:20:02.06\00:20:03.03 - And to go deeper in God's word 00:20:03.03\00:20:04.53 and to talk about what church planting looks like. 00:20:04.53\00:20:07.20 And so it was, 00:20:07.20\00:20:08.97 it was a powerful experience it sounds like from them. 00:20:08.97\00:20:12.77 We were getting a lot of reports from Israel, 00:20:12.77\00:20:14.81 our director, in India. 00:20:14.81\00:20:16.75 "Here's video from this morning. 00:20:16.75\00:20:18.65 You know, somebody's leading 00:20:18.65\00:20:19.81 out in morning worship, here's pictures." 00:20:19.81\00:20:21.62 - [Jon] Yeah. - And so-- 00:20:21.62\00:20:23.12 - So what's the upshot after that's all said and done? 00:20:23.12\00:20:25.72 What's his dream? 00:20:25.72\00:20:28.19 - He wants to do more training. 00:20:28.19\00:20:30.16 He sees the desperate, 00:20:30.16\00:20:32.19 desperate need for training. 00:20:32.19\00:20:34.10 - [Jon] Yeah. 00:20:34.10\00:20:35.13 - For the Bible workers there. 00:20:35.13\00:20:36.10 - Yeah, so we, in that property, 00:20:36.10\00:20:37.97 we've decided to start a nonstop training program 00:20:37.97\00:20:41.90 with local retired pastors and administrators 00:20:41.90\00:20:46.04 for Bible workers from across India 00:20:46.04\00:20:48.18 with proper translation. 00:20:48.18\00:20:50.08 There's also another couple 00:20:50.08\00:20:51.91 that has spent the last four years 00:20:51.91\00:20:54.35 developing beautiful training material. 00:20:54.35\00:20:56.65 - Right. 00:20:56.65\00:20:58.15 - And so they're doing four month training programs. 00:20:58.15\00:20:59.65 And so training is ongoing, but there's-- 00:20:59.65\00:21:02.02 - Right, it's increasing. 00:21:02.02\00:21:03.22 - It's increasing. 00:21:03.22\00:21:04.46 And there's more and more requests for it. 00:21:04.46\00:21:06.29 - Mm-hmm. 00:21:06.29\00:21:07.66 - And training not only extends the reach of the gospel, 00:21:07.66\00:21:10.73 but also builds up those that are in the church already 00:21:10.73\00:21:13.84 that are in the faith already, 00:21:13.84\00:21:15.64 gives them new insights, 00:21:15.64\00:21:17.17 new tools to share, 00:21:17.17\00:21:18.81 new things to share, 00:21:18.81\00:21:20.04 and builds up the church that is already there. 00:21:20.04\00:21:22.58 - Right, right. 00:21:22.58\00:21:24.01 - Because there's a lot of things that we take for granted. 00:21:24.01\00:21:25.71 A lot of knowledge of stories, let's say. 00:21:25.71\00:21:27.95 Even the stories of the Bible, what they mean, 00:21:27.95\00:21:30.52 and the lessons we can get from them 00:21:30.52\00:21:33.02 for people that are just 00:21:34.62\00:21:35.86 that don't have the Christian background, 00:21:35.86\00:21:37.16 haven't grown up with the Bible. 00:21:37.16\00:21:38.79 And with a lot of people talking about the Bible, you know, 00:21:38.79\00:21:41.70 Christianity is still maybe 2.5% of the entire population. 00:21:41.70\00:21:45.30 - Right. - In India, 00:21:45.30\00:21:46.53 those kinds of trainings are super important. 00:21:46.53\00:21:49.20 And the Bible workers just love them. 00:21:49.20\00:21:51.07 - Yes. - Just soak it up. 00:21:51.07\00:21:52.97 - Yes, and it really helps also, 00:21:52.97\00:21:54.48 because they don't have a lot of the study tools 00:21:54.48\00:21:56.54 that we have. - [Jon] Right. 00:21:56.54\00:21:57.81 - You know, we have the Strong's Concordance, 00:21:57.81\00:21:59.11 we have the Bible Concords, 00:21:59.11\00:22:01.05 the SDA Bible commentaries-- 00:22:01.05\00:22:02.48 - Uh-huh. - You know, 00:22:02.48\00:22:03.42 different things like that. 00:22:03.42\00:22:04.85 They don't have all those tools in their native language. 00:22:04.85\00:22:06.69 - Yeah. 00:22:06.69\00:22:07.96 - They might have portions of them. 00:22:07.96\00:22:09.46 They don't have Ellen White books in their native language 00:22:09.46\00:22:11.26 all of them available. 00:22:11.26\00:22:12.23 - Yeah, right. 00:22:12.23\00:22:13.50 - They have some, but some of them, 00:22:13.50\00:22:15.20 it's kind of an intimidating, 00:22:15.20\00:22:16.43 you know, "Desire of Ages" is two volumes-- 00:22:16.43\00:22:18.40 - Mm-hmm. 00:22:18.40\00:22:19.37 - Very thick volumes, 00:22:19.37\00:22:20.80 because of the difference in language and how, 00:22:20.80\00:22:23.27 how many characters it takes 00:22:23.27\00:22:24.64 to write the same amount of information, so-- 00:22:24.64\00:22:26.07 (Jon laughing softly) 00:22:26.07\00:22:27.71 - Right. 00:22:27.71\00:22:28.64 - It's a challenge for them, 00:22:28.64\00:22:29.88 'cause there's no indexes and no, 00:22:29.88\00:22:31.91 you know, no ways to search through. 00:22:31.91\00:22:33.95 - A lot of things-- 00:22:33.95\00:22:35.22 - Yeah, things we take for granted. 00:22:35.22\00:22:35.85 - Right. 00:22:35.85\00:22:37.02 - Like I have a Bible app on my phone. 00:22:37.02\00:22:37.79 - [Jon] Yeah. 00:22:37.79\00:22:39.05 - I can go and search in my native language. 00:22:39.05\00:22:40.62 They don't have all of those tools. 00:22:40.62\00:22:43.26 - Right. 00:22:43.26\00:22:44.49 - You know, if they-- - They don't have-- 00:22:44.49\00:22:45.29 - If they speak English, 00:22:45.29\00:22:46.23 they might be able to find it 00:22:46.23\00:22:47.56 if they have the English tools, but-- 00:22:47.56\00:22:49.80 - [Jon] Right. 00:22:49.80\00:22:51.03 - It's still, it's very difficult 00:22:51.03\00:22:52.27 especially for the average Bible worker. 00:22:52.27\00:22:53.74 - Yeah. 00:22:53.74\00:22:54.70 - And so that's one of our, 00:22:54.70\00:22:55.97 one of our goals with the training. 00:22:55.97\00:22:57.14 - [Jon] Right. 00:22:57.14\00:22:58.64 - Is to enable them to know exactly where things are 00:22:58.64\00:23:00.14 in the scripture, how to find them, 00:23:00.14\00:23:02.01 what they mean. - [Jon] Right. 00:23:02.01\00:23:03.24 - How to explain it to other people. 00:23:03.24\00:23:05.01 You know, all these things that-- 00:23:05.01\00:23:06.45 - [Jon] Yeah. 00:23:06.45\00:23:07.28 - We take for granted. 00:23:07.28\00:23:08.22 - Yeah, and it's very important, 00:23:08.22\00:23:09.68 especially people that are coming out of Hinduism 00:23:09.68\00:23:11.99 and going straight into being Bible teachers. 00:23:11.99\00:23:15.26 Sometimes that's the best way to do it, 00:23:15.26\00:23:17.13 because they still have connections, 00:23:17.13\00:23:19.39 and they're still on fire, 00:23:19.39\00:23:20.56 but they need the training. 00:23:20.56\00:23:22.20 They need the ongoing training. 00:23:22.20\00:23:23.63 And so we've been praying for many, many years 00:23:23.63\00:23:25.57 that we can do non-stop training. 00:23:25.57\00:23:27.90 And we had the opportunity, 00:23:27.90\00:23:30.04 but then Covid hit. 00:23:30.04\00:23:31.57 - Mmm. 00:23:31.57\00:23:32.57 - And so now the door open again, 00:23:32.57\00:23:34.48 we're gonna go forward, 00:23:34.48\00:23:35.94 and so please we can invite our viewers to pray for these-- 00:23:35.94\00:23:38.65 - [Natalie] Right. - The training programs 00:23:38.65\00:23:40.82 that they can be the blessing that they could be. 00:23:40.82\00:23:45.69 - Right. 00:23:45.69\00:23:46.62 - You know, full potential. 00:23:46.62\00:23:47.56 But to do the training we need, 00:23:47.56\00:23:49.36 we have a boys, a men's dorm. 00:23:49.36\00:23:52.06 We don't have a girls' dorm, 00:23:52.06\00:23:54.60 and we need like a 00:23:54.60\00:23:57.07 school chapel kind of building 00:23:57.07\00:24:00.50 to facilitate that training. - [Natalie] Right. 00:24:00.50\00:24:03.07 - And we'll talk more about this later. 00:24:03.07\00:24:05.61 - Right. 00:24:05.61\00:24:06.88 - About what that's like and what the needs are. 00:24:06.88\00:24:08.81 And there were some miracles that happened 00:24:08.81\00:24:10.25 during that training. 00:24:10.25\00:24:11.45 - Yeah, I'm looking forward to sharing those 00:24:11.45\00:24:12.78 with our viewers. 00:24:12.78\00:24:13.95 - Yeah, that's pretty exciting, so. 00:24:13.95\00:24:15.35 - But that will have to be another time. 00:24:15.35\00:24:16.75 - Yeah, but in the meantime, 00:24:16.75\00:24:18.22 we can really pray for that area that 00:24:18.22\00:24:19.92 has the opportunity to buy all those churches. 00:24:19.92\00:24:22.72 - Right, right, 00:24:22.72\00:24:24.19 and for workers-- 00:24:24.19\00:24:26.83 - [Jon] Uh-huh. 00:24:26.83\00:24:27.93 - To go to these places. - Uh-huh. 00:24:27.93\00:24:29.63 - Because obviously there aren't workers there. 00:24:29.63\00:24:32.33 - [Jon] Right. 00:24:32.33\00:24:33.54 - Because this is a different denomination, 00:24:33.54\00:24:34.77 there's different kind of workers. 00:24:34.77\00:24:36.04 - Right. 00:24:36.04\00:24:37.27 - There aren't enough workers for these areas. 00:24:37.27\00:24:38.57 - [Jon] Right. 00:24:38.57\00:24:40.04 - So it's really important that training happens. 00:24:40.04\00:24:40.98 - Yeah. 00:24:40.98\00:24:41.81 - Especially for anyone. 00:24:41.81\00:24:43.61 I mean the average church members, 00:24:43.61\00:24:45.51 how much do they know about their Bibles? 00:24:45.51\00:24:47.58 - Right. 00:24:47.58\00:24:48.52 - Some of them don't even read. 00:24:48.52\00:24:49.42 - [Jon] Right. 00:24:49.42\00:24:50.85 - So that's why verbal training is important also. 00:24:50.85\00:24:52.69 - Yeah, and if we don't take advantage of this opportunity, 00:24:52.69\00:24:56.19 a lot of these churches will just go unattached. 00:24:56.19\00:24:59.93 I've been in villages up in North India 00:24:59.93\00:25:02.36 where the denomination was very strong 00:25:02.36\00:25:04.97 that they joined many many years ago, 00:25:04.97\00:25:07.54 but 20, 30, 40 years ago, 00:25:07.54\00:25:09.30 the denomination left the area. 00:25:09.30\00:25:11.54 And so now you've got entire villages that are unattached, 00:25:11.54\00:25:14.18 and they're, 00:25:14.18\00:25:15.11 they call themselves Christians, 00:25:15.11\00:25:16.41 but there's very little training, 00:25:16.41\00:25:17.61 there's very little support. 00:25:17.61\00:25:19.08 There's very little connection with other believers. 00:25:19.08\00:25:21.62 And so they're just kind of villagers 00:25:21.62\00:25:23.39 that are drifting and-- 00:25:23.39\00:25:25.29 - Right. - And it would be-- 00:25:25.29\00:25:26.76 - And sometimes the other beliefs creep back in. 00:25:26.76\00:25:28.76 - Oh, sure. 00:25:28.76\00:25:30.06 Yeah, go back to the animist or you know-- 00:25:30.06\00:25:33.60 - Hindu or-- 00:25:33.60\00:25:34.50 - Yeah, that kind of belief. 00:25:34.50\00:25:35.96 So there's a lot of prayer that needs to happen. 00:25:35.96\00:25:37.70 That's the only way that we believe things 00:25:37.70\00:25:39.50 are gonna really come together, 00:25:39.50\00:25:41.47 because the project is way too large for us. 00:25:41.47\00:25:43.91 It's beyond our abilities. 00:25:43.91\00:25:45.37 We can't even wrap our mind around 00:25:45.37\00:25:47.41 what it would take to make this happen. 00:25:47.41\00:25:48.91 - Right. 00:25:48.91\00:25:50.15 - But God knows how to make it happen. 00:25:50.15\00:25:51.81 - [Natalie] Right. 00:25:51.81\00:25:52.75 - And so with earnest prayer, 00:25:52.75\00:25:53.95 I know that he's gonna open the door. 00:25:53.95\00:25:55.82 - Yeah. - [Jon] Yeah. 00:25:55.82\00:25:57.12 - Yeah, and he'll provide the workers. 00:25:57.12\00:25:58.79 - Yes, and we constantly get new requests 00:25:58.79\00:26:01.99 for more Bible workers. 00:26:01.99\00:26:03.43 - Yeah. 00:26:03.43\00:26:04.63 - From different parts around India, 00:26:04.63\00:26:05.43 and it's not just India. 00:26:05.43\00:26:06.83 We have Bible workers like this 00:26:06.83\00:26:08.26 in Bangladesh and in the Philippines. 00:26:08.26\00:26:11.60 It's just a program. 00:26:11.60\00:26:13.37 And Indonesia and other countries also, 00:26:13.37\00:26:16.00 there's just a program. 00:26:16.00\00:26:17.47 We're getting requests from Sri Lanka and Malaysia, 00:26:17.47\00:26:20.81 and it's just unnamed countries. 00:26:20.81\00:26:23.08 - Right. 00:26:23.08\00:26:24.01 - The sensitive countries. 00:26:24.01\00:26:24.81 - [Natalie] Right. 00:26:24.81\00:26:25.95 - In fact, the sensitive countries really 00:26:25.95\00:26:28.12 have some of the most exciting stories of all 00:26:28.12\00:26:31.72 that we can't share. 00:26:31.72\00:26:32.72 - Right. 00:26:32.72\00:26:33.99 - It's kinda like, you know, you go fishing, 00:26:33.99\00:26:35.49 and it's the one that got away is always the biggest. 00:26:35.49\00:26:36.93 - Yeah, of course. (both laughing) 00:26:36.93\00:26:38.93 - But this is one you can't tell, talk about. 00:26:38.93\00:26:41.40 But it's, 00:26:41.40\00:26:42.30 it's developing into a huge need. 00:26:43.40\00:26:46.27 And the growth and expansion 00:26:46.27\00:26:48.30 into the sensitive countries are, 00:26:48.30\00:26:52.11 are massive. - Right. 00:26:52.11\00:26:54.01 - And beautiful. 00:26:54.01\00:26:55.24 But we can't talk about that. 00:26:55.24\00:26:56.51 - Right, so-- 00:26:56.51\00:26:57.71 - [Jon] When we need to keep that in prayer. 00:26:57.71\00:26:58.88 - So that's a good reason to be faithful-- 00:26:58.88\00:27:00.45 - [Jon] Yes. 00:27:00.45\00:27:01.68 - And go to heaven and hear all those stories. 00:27:01.68\00:27:02.32 - Yes! 00:27:02.32\00:27:03.42 That's where it's all at. 00:27:03.42\00:27:04.39 - Because we will hear them all. 00:27:04.39\00:27:05.69 - Yeah, and that's the thing, you know, 00:27:05.69\00:27:07.19 with foreign mission work is like one of the few places 00:27:07.19\00:27:10.23 that you can really give unselfishly. 00:27:10.23\00:27:13.76 - Mmm. 00:27:13.76\00:27:14.96 - You know, you give to tithe so that you, 00:27:14.96\00:27:16.80 because that belongs to God. 00:27:16.80\00:27:18.67 You wanna keep that relationship, 00:27:18.67\00:27:20.94 and you give to the local church budget, 00:27:20.94\00:27:22.70 so that you can go and enjoy air conditioning 00:27:22.70\00:27:24.91 in the summer and heating in the winter. 00:27:24.91\00:27:26.78 But for missions, 00:27:26.78\00:27:28.01 you'll never see that until heaven. 00:27:28.01\00:27:30.35 - Yeah, that's the cast your bred upon in waters. 00:27:30.35\00:27:33.01 - [Jon] Yes. 00:27:33.01\00:27:34.22 - And it will come back after many days. 00:27:34.22\00:27:35.78 - Yes, exactly. 00:27:35.78\00:27:36.99 - We don't know how many days. 00:27:36.99\00:27:37.89 - [Jon] Right. 00:27:37.89\00:27:39.12 - But that's where faith comes in. 00:27:39.12\00:27:40.06 - Yeah, just as God leads. 00:27:40.06\00:27:41.92 - [Natalie] Yep. - Yeah. 00:27:41.92\00:27:43.32 - If you would like to support amazing Bible workers 00:27:43.32\00:27:45.96 like Emmanuel 00:27:45.96\00:27:47.36 in India and other countries, (soft exciting music) 00:27:47.36\00:27:48.96 please contact us at Jesus for Asia 00:27:48.96\00:27:51.23 PO Box 1221 00:27:51.23\00:27:53.84 Collegedale, Tennessee 00:27:53.84\00:27:55.20 37315. 00:27:55.20\00:27:57.14 Call us at (423) 413-7321 00:27:57.14\00:28:01.41 or visit our website at jesus4asia.org. 00:28:01.41\00:28:05.08 May God richly bless you 00:28:05.08\00:28:06.58 until we see you next time on "Jesus for Asia Now." 00:28:06.58\00:28:10.15 (exciting music continuing) 00:28:10.15\00:28:13.89 (music ending) 00:28:27.77\00:28:29.80