Series Code: JFAN
Program Code: JFAN000143S
00:01 (uplifting music)
00:16 (uplifting music) 00:21 - Hello and welcome to "Jesus for Asia Now." 00:24 I'm Natalie Wood, 00:25 and my husband Jon is here with me today. 00:27 Hello Love. 00:28 - Hi darling, how are you? 00:30 - I'm doing fine, thank you. 00:31 - Good. 00:32 - I'm looking forward to this show. 00:34 - Yes, we get to talk about one of our mentors. 00:37 It's one of our missionaries, but he's one of our mentors. 00:40 So we're kind of one of his missionaries. 00:42 - So we get to help him with financial processing, 00:46 but he's been in such an example of faith to us, 00:49 both he and Wendy. - Yes. 00:50 - Have been such an encouragement. 00:52 And so we're privileged. 00:55 We have a lot of video to watch from Cambodia today. 00:57 From Tim and Wendy Maddox's place. 00:59 - Yep. 01:00 - So what is the first video? 01:01 - The first video is about how he builds by faith. 01:05 See, Tim does building differently than most of us do. 01:07 Most of us, we have to have money in the bank, 01:10 or at least a bank loan or a certain amount of money 01:14 before we begin building. 01:15 He starts building when he has the confirmation of God. 01:19 And so we get to see a little bit about him talking 01:22 about this kind of building. 01:24 - Okay. - Yeah. 01:25 (soft music) 01:31 - So when God called us to this ministry, 01:34 one of the things he specifically told me, 01:36 like I heard him say it, 01:37 was we want to raise funds. 01:38 We were just to trust him. 01:40 He would do the fundraising and we were 01:42 to invest everything we had financially into it. 01:45 But God had promised he would provide, 01:48 even though He didn't solicit. 01:50 And we saw that happening. 01:51 And so our faith began to grow in little increments. 01:56 And then as the projects got bigger, 02:00 like building a school, 02:01 so we're gonna build five classrooms out of brick, 02:04 and cement, steel, 02:06 and we have $4,500. 02:09 Impossible. 02:11 But this was our first real first step. 02:14 And we get to the point where we've got the slab down, 02:19 we've got the columns in, and we got the roof on. 02:22 And I'm telling my builder, don't put any walls in. 02:24 We haven't got any money. 02:25 Well, one day I heard God say, 02:27 "Tell the Builder to finish it." 02:29 And so, I believed it was God. 02:32 I went to the Builder and said, 02:33 "I don't know where the money is coming from, 02:35 but the instructions are, finish it." 02:38 And so he worked on finishing it. 02:40 I had to buy all the materials and pay the laborers, 02:42 and pay him. 02:44 And we finished the building and we didn't owe any money. 02:48 The money just came in as we needed it. 02:51 (soft music) 02:59 And so over time, 03:00 we got into bigger projects at the, 03:03 one of the orphanage houses we were building. 03:05 We needed to put a roof on the building. 03:07 We had the rest of the building done, 03:09 and the roof contract and the steel windows 03:12 and doors was $8,500. 03:16 And I had like $4,500, 03:18 so I gave it to the contractor. 03:20 I didn't tell him I didn't have the rest. 03:23 The agreement was we'd pay when he's finished. 03:26 And so he took time. 03:27 It's like he'd come, he worked for a few days, 03:29 and go away and do something else. 03:30 And like I got no problem with that. 03:32 I had no money. 03:34 But the miracle was the day he finished was the same day, 03:37 $6,500 came into our bank account from Iceland. 03:41 And it had taken it months to get here. 03:44 And I didn't know it was coming. 03:46 But I went that afternoon, 03:49 I paid the builder in full. 03:51 And he never knew that it was only that morning I 03:54 had the money to pay him. 03:55 And it was just, 03:57 that was a very confirming miracle for me. 03:59 The fact that God waited until the very last day 04:03 before he provided that money to show me, 04:05 look, I can do it and I can do it on time. 04:07 (soft music) 04:18 So some people will ask us the question, 04:21 "Well, how do you know that God wants you to do this? 04:25 And doesn't the Bible, 04:26 doesn't Jesus say in the Bible 04:27 that before you build a building, you should count cost?" 04:31 And that's true. 04:33 And if I was doing that for myself personally, 04:36 for my own house, 04:38 or I was gonna buy a car or something like that, 04:40 then I very much believe I should do that. 04:43 But if this is God's work, 04:45 then I'm basically his foreman on the ground. 04:50 I'm not trying to figure out, 04:52 do we have enough money to do this or not. 04:54 This is God's problem. 04:55 And so we'll just trust that he will make it happen. 05:00 And the evidence that I have after building a lot 05:04 of buildings and running this ministry for so long, 05:07 is that God doesn't have any problem 05:09 with providing the resources. 05:12 His problem is finding people 05:14 that have enough faith to trust him. 05:17 (soft music) 05:29 (soft music) 05:35 - God's problem is people. 05:37 - Yeah. - With faith to trust him. 05:39 - Yeah, and this isn't a guy that's talking from theory. 05:41 - No, no. 05:42 He's been living there for over 20 years, 05:45 nearly 30 I think now, getting close to 30. 05:48 - Yeah, when Jesus was on this earth, 05:50 there were two times when he marveled. 05:52 One was at the centurion's, great faith, 05:55 and the other one was at, 05:56 he went into that village, I think it was Nazareth, 05:58 where he marveled at their lack of faith. 06:01 So both times that he marveled was at people's faith. 06:05 - Yeah. - And he says, 06:06 "When the son of man returns, will he find faith?" 06:09 So faith is a big deal to Jesus. 06:11 It's kind of the currency of Heaven. 06:13 I've never seen Jesus. 06:15 Have you seen Jesus? 06:16 - No. 06:17 - But you believe that he's there. 06:18 - Yes. - Yeah, that's faith. 06:19 Faith is a plant we can grow it by. 06:21 We can water it. 06:22 We can nurture it. 06:23 - And that's one thing Tim has a lot of experience in 06:26 and encourages other people to do, 06:27 step out in faith. 06:30 Watching the providences, 06:32 seeing how God opens doors. 06:33 And then rejoicing as got provide. 06:36 - Yeah, and we got some big miracles coming up 06:39 in this show of Tim stepping out by faith. 06:42 - Well, he already shared the one where he didn't 06:44 have the money for the roof. 06:45 - Yes, yes. - And God provided. 06:47 - That's right, that's exciting. 06:48 - So, the money came from Iceland. 06:50 Took a long time to get there. 06:52 - Yeah. 06:53 - And it's amazing how he does things in such a way 06:55 that he gets the glory. - Yes. 06:57 - Tim can't say, hey, I knew this guy. 06:59 I asked him and he gave me money. 07:01 - Right. 07:02 - Tim says, yeah, I didn't know it was coming, 07:04 God knew, and it came the day it was needed. 07:06 It's inspiring and encouraging and challenging. 07:10 - Yes definitely, 07:11 but we have another video where Tim 07:13 is talking about ministry. 07:15 (soft music) 07:25 - Over the years, 07:26 I've learned to trust God and not allow things 07:29 to make me afraid. 07:30 But in my own thinking, 07:31 there's one thing that scares me. 07:34 And that is reflecting on what would've happened 07:39 some 30 years ago when God first called us to Cambodia, 07:45 if we had said no. 07:46 Now at that time, Cambodia was still at war with itself, 07:50 and infrastructure was pretty much destroyed. 07:53 We had two small children. 07:55 Our youngest was not even one year of age. 07:57 And so we are coming into a war zone 08:00 with two little children, 08:02 and it just made no sense whatsoever. 08:10 When we got here, we realized, wait a minute, 08:13 we're the only Christians that we know of in this town. 08:19 And so we've come here to do agricultural work 08:22 and help the people grow more rice. 08:24 But God actually sent us here 08:25 for a totally different reason. 08:27 He sent us here so that the people could know Jesus, 08:29 so we began sharing the gospel, 08:31 and we started a church in town when we lived in town. 08:34 And then when we moved out here, 08:35 we started another church here. 08:37 And we were training local people to be church planters. 08:40 And they were going out and sharing the gospel with people. 08:47 And then we started the orphanage and we saw the impact 08:49 that Christ was having on the lives of the children. 08:51 And the same with the school. 08:54 And we began to realize that, 08:58 wait a minute, 09:00 if we had said no, when God first called us to Cambodia, 09:05 and there was every logical reason to say no, 09:07 then there would be hundreds, 09:10 probably thousands of people 09:13 that would've never heard the gospel 09:15 and never had a chance to know Jesus as their savior. 09:18 And that's a very scary thought, 09:21 that it would've been that easy to say no for good reasons. 09:26 And yet it could have changed the Kingdom of Heaven 09:32 in a negative way. 09:34 (soft music) 09:40 You know, I'll sit down in a gathering now, 09:42 a Christian gathering, and I'll look around, 09:45 not in a proudful way, 09:47 but realize that if I had said no, 09:50 most of the people in this gathering would just disappear, 09:53 because they wouldn't know Christ and they wouldn't be here. 09:56 And so I wanna encourage you, 09:57 if you hear God speaking to you, 09:59 and he has something for you to do, 10:01 even if it seems completely crazy, 10:05 please seriously think about it. 10:07 Because it may be that God is calling you to something that 10:13 is observed in the minds of people who don't know God. 10:17 Jesus has chosen us to continue making God's love 10:21 and his character known to the world. 10:24 And if you decide to be a missionary, 10:28 you have a wonderful opportunity to do that, 10:30 because you may be the only Christian 10:32 that people get to see. 10:34 And he could use you just like He's used our family. 10:38 And the Kingdom of Heaven will be a healthier, 10:41 happier place because you said yes to God. 10:45 (soft music) 11:00 - We don't know what God can do with the little bit 11:03 that we offer to him. 11:04 - That's so true. 11:05 And you know what Tim was saying about the choices 11:08 that we make making a difference for eternity. 11:11 So many times we don't look at it that way. 11:14 And it's neat that Tim and Wendy can do that. 11:17 They can sit there and see the fruit. 11:21 Years and years of fruit. 11:23 And how many times have we said not right now, 11:27 or no, even to God, 11:29 and we've missed the opportunity 11:31 to later see the fruit of that yes. 11:34 - Yeah, God is calling us to something higher, 11:36 something with more value, more meaning, more purpose. 11:40 And it's not the easy road. 11:42 - No. 11:43 - It's the narrow road, 11:44 but for those that find it, it's definitely worth it. 11:46 - Well, you can see on Tim's face, the joy, 11:49 and Wendy also, when you talk to them, 11:51 it's just such a blessing to see that joy that they have, 11:55 because they are able to say, 11:58 Yes to God. 11:59 And God is still bringing them crazy choices. 12:02 - Yep. 12:03 - And they're still saying yes. 12:04 - So what are the ministries 12:06 that they're actually doing in Cambodia there? 12:08 - Well, they started with a clinic, which then closed, 12:11 but then they had an orphanage. 12:13 And then because they had an orphanage, 12:15 they had a school, 12:16 they've had lay pastor training, 12:18 and then they have a studio, 12:21 and then they have Butterfly Paradise. 12:24 - Yes. 12:25 - And then they have a nursery and other things 12:27 that are attached to Butterfly Paradise. 12:29 They have a a restaurant and different things 12:32 that are part of that. 12:33 - And so in this next video, 12:35 we're gonna look a little bit into the school. 12:38 And the school is run a lot by volunteer teachers 12:41 from America, Australia, different places, 12:43 that are willing to come and help out 12:45 augment the teaching staff. 12:47 - [Natalie] Okay. 12:48 (soft music) 12:54 - So we began a school here in 1999, 12:57 and that rapidly grew to a K to 12 school. 13:01 And we made a decision because we are here in Siem Reap, 13:03 which is a tourist town, 13:05 that we would make English a major part 13:07 of the education we give to Cambodian young people. 13:10 And to make that possible, we have depended on volunteers. 13:14 And for the last 20 years, we've had volunteers coming. 13:18 Some come for a couple of weeks 13:21 and some come for seven or eight years. 13:23 They're all self supporting and they pay their own airfares, 13:27 their own visa costs. 13:30 They pay for their own food, 13:32 but we provide them with a place to live, 13:34 lots of opportunities to serve Christ. 13:36 And when COVID hit, we had volunteers here, 13:40 but they slowly filtered away. 13:42 And we haven't had any, actually new ones, 13:46 come in to teach English. 13:47 We do have a volunteer family from the USA 13:50 who the husband is our principal. 13:53 But we really need to have volunteers back helping to teach, 13:59 Because right now we have year 12 graduates 14:02 from just four or five months ago 14:05 who are now teaching year 12 students how to speak English. 14:09 And their English is not great. 14:11 So we'd love to have volunteers come back here. 14:13 It's a great experience. 14:14 You can experience working with young people. 14:17 (soft music) 14:21 If you feel the Holy Spirit is calling you to volunteer 14:25 as an English teacher or even in another capacity here 14:28 at our ministry, 14:29 then please feel free to contact me. 14:31 You can do that by email, or through Messenger, 14:34 or Telegram, WhatsApp. 14:36 And then we can discuss a little bit, 14:39 see where you're gonna be a best fit with our program. 14:42 Yeah, it could take as long as 30 minutes, 14:45 or it could take a couple of weeks, 14:47 but it won't take very long. 14:48 So we hope to see you. 14:50 (soft music) 15:01 - Okay, so there is a need. 15:02 - Huge need. 15:03 - And maybe some of our audience knows some people 15:05 that would be interested in going and volunteering. 15:07 - Yeah. 15:09 - They don't have to be young people. 15:10 - No, they don't. 15:11 We know several young people who have gone there and taught 15:13 and just loved it. 15:15 Enjoyed so much. 15:16 The kids are so precious. 15:17 - It's a challenge to teach, 15:19 but the rewards can be tremendous. 15:21 - Yeah, so the next video we have is talking 15:24 about the studio. 15:25 - This is kind of dear to my heart, 15:26 because we built a studio in Thailand 15:29 and then Tim came over and got the floor plan 15:32 and he built one in Cambodia. 15:35 - Right. 15:35 - And he started with $200. 15:38 - [Natalie] Yep. 15:39 - And you can see the results in this video. 15:41 - [Natalie] Okay. 15:42 (soft music) 15:48 - We began a tape ministry where we 15:51 were recording biblical stuff in the Khmer language 15:55 on cassette tapes to give out to people. 15:58 But then in 2003, 16:02 Jon Wood came to visit and he was doing videos. 16:07 So we got to see a video team working. 16:09 And then, he sent a student out here, 16:13 and that student worked with us, 16:15 videoing us for a couple of months. 16:17 And so my oldest son, 16:19 Caleb and I, we were watching what he's doing, 16:21 and it's like, we can do this too. 16:23 We don't have to go to university to learn this. 16:25 And so the dream was born to do video ministry. 16:34 By 2009, 16:36 Jon Wood was planning to build a studio in Chiang Mai. 16:38 And so I went up and met him there, 16:40 and I got a set of the plans for the building 16:46 and I brought them back here. 16:47 And in the meantime, 16:49 I was teaching television production to my students, 16:52 which I was learning from modules off the internet 16:54 and then just teaching them. 16:56 And so by 2010, 16:59 we had the building and we had some students 17:03 that were willing to do media work. 17:05 And so we started work. 17:08 And the goal was to share the gospel 17:10 in the Khmer language to teach people a better way 17:12 of health in the Khmer language. 17:14 And so from the beginning when we had three young people, 17:17 their job description was make videos 17:21 and what you don't know, 17:22 use your job time to learn it, 17:24 so that you can make them. 17:25 And so we started producing videos and they got 17:29 to learning how to do 3D backdrops 17:31 and using green screen and all of that. 17:34 Today we have eight full-time people who work here 17:37 in the media center and also teach media 17:40 and other aspects of media. 17:42 And we are producing cooking shows. 17:45 We're producing sermons. 17:48 We're producing short and long evangelistic material, 17:51 children's programs, health programs. 17:54 And that's available through the internet, through YouTube. 17:58 our YouTube channel,, 18:01 and we also have a television channel, which is online 24/7. 18:05 And it's called 18:09 And so through those channels and Facebook as well, 18:13 we're sharing the media that we are producing. 18:18 Media is one of those things that goes out, 18:20 and you never know who's looking at it 18:22 and what impact it's having on their lives. 18:24 And sometimes I wonder, 18:26 is all this investment really worth it? 18:29 Well, God made it happen, so he has a plan. 18:31 And it was just a couple of months ago, 18:33 I was visiting a business that we buy gas from. 18:37 And I was chatting with the sales lady at the time 18:41 and discovered that she had been in the United States 18:44 and she'd been a student. 18:46 And she told me I used to go to a Christian Church 18:48 when I was in the United States, 18:49 so that struck up a conversation. 18:51 And it wasn't long before I pulled out, 18:53 I asked her for her phone, 18:55 and opened up to our YouTube channel 18:58 and started one of the videos of me preaching a sermon 19:01 in Khmer and handed it to her, 19:04 expecting this to be a short interaction. 19:06 But for the next 30 minutes, I sat there watching her, 19:11 listening to me, 19:12 giving her a Bible study. 19:14 And the smile on her face both during that 19:17 and afterwards said, 19:19 God is using this to touch people's lives. 19:22 And he's just giving me a little glimpse into how 19:25 that works right now. 19:27 And so we just trust God to take what we produce 19:30 for His glory and to use it in his way 19:33 and in his time to touch the lives of others. 19:36 (soft music) (kids playing) 19:46 - That is so awesome. 19:47 - Yeah, when he first started the building, 19:49 he was praying if God wanted him to build it. 19:51 And his son, 19:52 who was in Australia at the time, 19:55 donated $200 towards that building. 19:57 He took that as God's confirmation that God wanted 20:00 that building built. - Right. 20:01 - And within less than 15 months, 20:03 he had the $70,000 building built 20:06 and equipped with another 30 or $40,000 worth of equipment. 20:10 - Yeah, and one thing that Tim talks about, 20:13 and I don't think we can reiterate it often enough, 20:15 is that he doesn't ask anybody for money. 20:18 - Right. 20:19 - He prays. - Yes. 20:21 - And God answers. 20:23 - Yes, a modern day, George Mueller. 20:24 - Right, and one thing he does, 20:27 he sends out what he calls a prayer journal, 20:29 but usually it's a report of answers to prayer. 20:31 It's not, this is our need, this is our need, 20:34 this is our need. 20:35 It's the report of answers to prayer. 20:37 - So this next video is about a project that came to Tim 20:40 in his prayer time. 20:42 We're gonna let the video play and then we're gonna talk 20:44 about how it came about. 20:46 - Okay. 20:47 (soft music) 20:59 - Butterfly Paradise was a concept that was given to us 21:04 through a friend who he just loves being in nature. 21:08 He's a a nature tour guide here in town. 21:11 So I discussed it with God some, 21:15 and we had some heated arguments I think along the way, 21:18 and finally he twisted my arm so that we would do it. 21:23 The reason I say he twisted our my arm, 21:24 because we are a faith-based ministry. 21:27 We trust God for all our funds. 21:29 We don't fundraise. 21:30 And we are living, at that time, 21:33 and now, 21:34 we're living day by day on whatever God provides us. 21:37 And God is asking us to do this large project. 21:41 I sat down and wrote a budget, 21:43 and I came up with $350,000, 21:45 but it wasn't long before that had grown up to $400,000. 21:48 And it's like, God, we can't do this. 21:50 The second coming is near at hand. 21:52 We don't have any money, 21:54 and I've got enough to do already. 21:59 But the more I argued with God, 22:01 the more he convinced me that this was his will. 22:04 And so from the conception in June 2014 22:09 to actually opening it was December 2018, 22:13 and it did cost $400,000. 22:16 And we didn't ask anybody for money, 22:18 but God provided. 22:23 Oh, why do it? 22:25 Well, I believed that we needed an industry 22:28 to help raise money for our ministry. 22:31 And so I thought this is the way God is gonna do it, 22:34 through tourism. 22:36 But we also saw it as a possibility of like soft outreach, 22:39 introducing people to God as creator 22:42 as they see the beauty 22:43 and complexity of design in nature. 22:46 It's also a way for giving our young people work experience. 22:50 We opened in 2018 and COVID hit early 2020. 22:57 At that time, 22:58 we hadn't had a month where we had broken even. 23:00 And when COVID hit, 23:03 all tourism stopped in scenery town for nearly two years. 23:06 And so it was just local tourists 23:09 and it seemed like it should be impossible 23:13 to keep this butterfly garden going. 23:15 But God demonstrated to us that the butterfly garden 23:18 was not about making money, 23:20 it was about making him known as creator and Redeemer. 23:26 And so through COVID, 23:28 we've able to keep it open. 23:29 We never closed it through COVID, 23:30 Even when we were in a red zone. 23:32 It was still open. 23:36 I'm not here a lot, 23:38 because I have staff that run this place. 23:40 But one day I was here and a couple of younger people 23:46 in their 20s came in. 23:49 I was talking with my staff, 23:51 they came into our souvenir shop, 23:52 and the first question the lady asked me is, 23:55 why do you keep animals in small cages? 23:58 And the tone of voice was like, I'm in trouble. 24:02 And so I gave her the best answer I could and she softened. 24:06 And then she changed the question to can I touch them? 24:10 And I said, sure. 24:11 And so for the next hour and a half, 24:13 we touched animals and we talked, 24:18 and she was a secular Jew from Israel, 24:21 and he was a secular person from Germany. 24:24 And they had met up on their travels 24:25 and had come to visit here together. 24:28 And so that transpired into, 24:32 from an animal talk, 24:33 to a talk about God as creator. 24:36 They were very open as I shared with them the complexity 24:40 of the life of the butterfly and the evidence of design 24:44 in a butterfly. 24:46 And so they left here with something to think about. 24:50 I took them on a tour of the property 24:52 and explained the miracles that God was doing to sustain us. 24:55 And so I believe that God sent me at just the right time 24:59 and put that question into that young lady's head 25:02 so that that interaction could happen. 25:04 And it's little interactions like that, 25:06 which we never know what will be the eternal impact of. 25:09 (soft music) 25:26 - I remember when Tim first mentioned the idea to us 25:29 of building a butterfly paradise. 25:30 I thought he was crazy. 25:31 (Natalie giggles) 25:32 I'm like, "Tim, you can barely 25:33 meet your monthly requirements. 25:35 How in the world are you gonna build this big old thing 25:38 for that much money?" 25:39 He says, "That's God's problem." 25:41 - Yeah. - And within a couple months, 25:42 we got a phone call from somebody saying, 25:45 "I'm selling my second house. 25:46 We'd like to give $160,000 to Tim Maddox." 25:49 - [Natalie] Right. 25:51 - And that went into building that Butterfly Paradise. 25:53 - Right, so God was like, this is me. 25:56 This is what I've asked you to do. 25:58 This is what you're doing. 25:59 So therefore, I'm providing. 26:01 - Yeah, but that level of faith. 26:02 - Yeah, just saying, 26:04 okay, God has told me, I am doing it. 26:07 And just doing it. 26:08 And it's like- 26:10 - Seeing it done. - And it's large. 26:11 It's impressive. 26:13 That caterpillar out front just by itself 26:15 is a great deal of fun. 26:17 But it's like that strength of testimony. 26:22 It's a monument to God, basically. 26:24 To who God is not only as creator, 26:26 because that's the whole purpose is showing the life 26:28 of the butterfly, 26:30 showing God as creator through everything he 26:33 takes the butterfly through, 26:34 and different things like that. 26:35 But just the testimony of God providing for this. 26:40 For the sake of these people coming 26:42 to visit temples and other famous monuments there. 26:48 And God's like, I've got my monument. 26:50 - Yeah, monument to faith. 26:52 - Yeah, and beauty, and creation, and creativity. 26:56 It's like flying jewels. 26:58 I love to just sit in there and watch the butterflies. 27:00 It's humbling. 27:01 And it just draws your heart out after God. 27:05 And so that's why it's like, it's so awesome to go there. 27:09 And I would encourage everybody to go there. 27:12 - Yeah. 27:13 - Because we've enjoyed our times 27:14 and I know that everyone else would also, 27:16 but to pray for the people to come and to be touched, 27:19 like those young people from Germany and Israel. 27:22 Like who knows what God's gonna do in their lives, 27:25 because of the seed that he allowed to be planted. 27:27 - But the main call that Tim has for us 27:30 is for teachers. 27:31 - [Natalie] Yes. 27:32 - So if we can pray for teachers, young people, middle age, 27:34 older people that are willing to go over there 27:36 and teach classes in English in his school there. 27:41 - Right, right, 27:43 if you would like to go as a teacher to Cambodia 27:46 or help in some other way, 27:48 please contact us at Jesus for Asia, PO Box 1221, 27:53 Collegedale, Tennessee, 37315. 27:56 Call us at (423) 413-7321 28:01 or visit our website 28:04 May God richly bless you. 28:05 Until we see you next time on "Jesus for Asia Now." 28:09 (enlightening music) |
Revised 2022-12-07