Books of the Book: John

Gone Fishing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00027A

00:19 Hello, friends, and welcome back
00:20 to this program "Books of the Book."
00:23 Again we are so glad that you are taking this time
00:26 to join us in this Bible study.
00:28 And today we are on the last chapter of the Gospel of John.
00:32 So if you have a Bible somewhere,
00:34 you want to join us,
00:35 grab your Bibles and open it
00:36 to the last chapter which is 21.
00:40 And my name is Deyvy Rodriguez
00:41 and again I welcome you to our program.
00:43 And with us is Dr. Jon Paulien, he has been with us
00:46 throughout this whole Bible study
00:48 on the Gospel of John.
00:50 And he is the Dean of Religion at Loma Linda University.
00:55 Dr. Jon Paulien, welcome back again.
00:58 You said to me earlier that you do some teaching.
01:02 I think you have a class at Loma Linda
01:05 and so teaching is something you do as well
01:09 but I also asked you earlier that you do some--
01:13 or you did pastoral work. You are pastor also.
01:17 Tell us more about that and what do you like better?
01:21 Do you like pastoring or do you prefer teacher
01:24 because it's either one or the other.
01:26 I guess, suppose you can do both but what's your passion?
01:29 Well, the first nine years
01:31 of my adult career was in pastoral work
01:34 and that was on the New York City area,
01:37 both in Brooklyn and also in upstate New York
01:41 that will be 100 miles north of the city
01:45 and probably for my personality and gifts,
01:49 teaching is somewhat preferable to pastoring.
01:52 But that doesn't make it
01:54 more important or more significant,
01:56 it's simply where I am most comfortable. Okay.
01:59 And also for those who have been watching this series
02:05 and would really like to get your notes
02:09 because we have not read the entire chapters at times.
02:14 How can people get these notes?
02:17 Well, we plan to have them available on the website
02:21 and that is,
02:27 all in one word
02:28 and there we are going to post the scripts,
02:31 for the 27 different programs in the series. Okay.
02:35 And they can download those for free, right?
02:38 Well, before we begin our Bible study,
02:40 let me ask you a question. Do you like fishing?
02:44 Never really did it. No.
02:46 I mean, you know, from an outside
02:47 I am sure it's great,
02:48 I am sure a lot of people enjoy it and so but I--
02:52 we have a fishing lake just a short distance from our house
02:55 and I see people there and so on.
02:58 I don't know they seem to be staring at the water
03:00 and I usually like to keep my mind
03:02 a little more active than that. It's not your kind of thing.
03:04 It doesn't appeal to me particularly. Right.
03:06 Well, the reason I asked is
03:07 because today we are going to be talking about
03:09 fishing in Chapter 21.
03:12 That could be the title of the Chapter.
03:13 Gone fishing. All right.
03:16 So tell us where we are here? What is the setting?
03:20 Well, some people call this is epilogue of John's Gospel
03:24 because it--in a way it seems to come after the ending.
03:28 The gospel ending seems to be
03:29 the last two verses of Chapter 20
03:31 and why don't we look at those right now.
03:34 John 20:30-31.
03:37 "And truly Jesus did many other signs
03:40 in the presence of His disciples,
03:42 which are not written in this book.
03:44 But these are written that you may believe
03:46 that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
03:49 and that believing you may have life in His name."
03:53 That's really a perfect ending
03:54 that I am not the first person to say that.
03:58 It's been written about and talked about for centuries.
04:02 Why Chapter 21 when you got
04:04 such a great ending in Chapter 20?
04:07 Obviously there are skeptics who might come along
04:10 and say, "Well, there was no John.
04:11 This was put together centuries later
04:13 and out of bits and peaces and who knows what."
04:16 But from a believer's perspective,
04:19 how do you explain this awkward ending
04:22 and I think there are probably three different options.
04:25 One would be it's just an awkward ending
04:28 you know, that this is the way the writer wanted to do it
04:31 and leave it there.
04:34 Second possibility is that it was a second edition.
04:37 Perhaps the first edition of the gospel
04:39 ended with Chapter 20 and it's a good ending
04:42 but then as John grew older and this rumor went out
04:47 that he would live to see Jesus come,
04:50 then he needed to put that last chapter on
04:54 in order to deflate the rumor at the time when he might die.
04:59 And then the third option is that perhaps
05:01 someone after his death had this good material there
05:06 and just added it to the end of the gospel
05:08 and people accepted that and it went.
05:10 I think any of those would be
05:12 a good believer's interpretation.
05:14 I personally probably prefer the second one.
05:18 We know that some of the Bible writers
05:20 had multiple editions of their works.
05:22 Jeremiah, we are pretty sure of that
05:26 and others maybe somewhat less so.
05:29 So I think the possibility of a second edition of John
05:32 to meet the new situation
05:33 at the time when John was about to die
05:37 that makes sense to me.
05:40 Twenty is a good ending but 21 is a fun epilogue
05:43 and why don't we get into it. Sure.
05:45 And we are starting to read verses--
05:49 Well, the story, gets right into this fishing story.
05:53 And why don't you read the first three verses.
05:55 "After these things Jesus showed Himself
05:58 again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias.
06:01 And in this way He showed Himself.
06:03 Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin,
06:06 Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee,
06:10 and two others of His disciples were together.
06:13 Simon Peter said to them, 'I am going fishing.'
06:16 They said to him, 'We are going with you also.'
06:19 They went out and immediately got into the boat,
06:23 and that night they caught nothing." All right.
06:26 So here we have this interesting story.
06:30 Sea of Tiberias, just for those who are wondering
06:33 is the same as Sea of Galilee
06:35 that simply the one names the sea after the province,
06:38 the other names the sea after the name of the biggest city
06:44 that's right on the lake.
06:47 So disciples are out there and Jesus has died
06:51 and they are pretty confident He has risen again
06:53 but they are not quite sure what to do.
06:55 I mean, Jesus appearances
06:57 after His crucifixion are very occasional.
07:01 They never expected it.
07:02 It's always a surprise, it's just here and there
07:06 and it-- you get the impression
07:08 Jesus ministry was complete at the cross.
07:11 There really wasn't anything to add.
07:12 It doesn't say much
07:14 when he actually comes back to visit with them.
07:17 So they are not quite sure what exactly to do at this point
07:20 so Peter says, "We have to go, go out fishing."
07:23 And they go out fishing at night.
07:26 So the question might be. Well, why would you do that?
07:30 As I understand there's two basic types of fishing.
07:33 You have lure fishing
07:35 where you dangle something really attractive
07:38 to the fish on the end of a hook
07:41 and then the fish decides to go after that
07:43 and finds itself caught.
07:45 So that's one way that you can catch fish.
07:48 The other way is to throw a net out in the water
07:52 and surround them
07:53 and you can bring in lots of fish
07:55 that way at one time.
07:58 But obviously lure fishing works best in the day time
08:01 when the fish can see
08:03 what you are trying to attract then to.
08:05 Net fishing works better at night
08:07 when you can surprise the fish.
08:08 You know, they are just going along in the dark here
08:10 and all of the sudden, hey, what is this,
08:12 I don't know what's gong on.
08:14 So disciples were net fishers
08:18 and if you've ever been to the Sea of Galilee,
08:20 you probably seen them still doing that today.
08:24 So they go out and to tell the story,
08:28 they fish all night and they don't catch anything.
08:33 Then there's this person
08:35 standing on the beach watching them.
08:37 When morning comes, okay, that's the setting here.
08:41 And He tells them throw your net
08:45 on the other side of the boat.
08:47 And here's the thing, you want to surprise the fish at night
08:51 so you now, you use the nets at that time
08:55 but when morning comes, when the dawn comes,
08:58 the sun comes, you got one more chance to catch fish
09:01 and that would be to throw your net
09:04 on the shady side of the boat.
09:06 The side opposite from where the sun is coming,
09:08 the western side of the boat
09:10 because the fish might be
09:11 swimming along in the glorious sunshine
09:14 and goes into the shadow and so-- wow, what's this?
09:17 And you got them, you see.
09:20 The fellow on the beach may know a lot about preaching
09:23 but he doesn't seem to know anything about fishing,
09:25 He tells them throw your net on the other side of the boat.
09:32 They say, this is not the right way to fish
09:35 but they decide to humor him and they do it.
09:37 And what happens, suddenly the net is full of fish.
09:43 Now the question is.
09:45 An ancient reader of John
09:47 what would they see in this sudden catch of fish?
09:53 Well, one of the key things in the New Testament
09:57 is that Jesus is the second Adam.
10:00 And as the second Adam,
10:02 He has all of the powers
10:04 and privileges of the first Adam.
10:07 And one of the powers and privileges
10:09 of the first Adam was to have dominion over the earth,
10:12 over the beast of the earth and over what?
10:16 The fish of the sea.
10:20 So Adam was created
10:23 to have dominion over the fish of the sea.
10:25 So the man standing on the beach is actually Adam
10:30 or as we might say, the second Adam or the new Adam.
10:35 Jesus comes and He is Adam as Adam was attended to be.
10:39 John tells us that He lived in perfect obedience to His Father.
10:43 The original Adam was designed to be in the image of God,
10:47 to be like the Father to follow God as a disciple.
10:53 He was also in perfect relationship with other people.
10:57 It says in Genesis, male and female, God created them.
11:00 They were designed to be equal and to live together.
11:03 And so we see Jesus washing feet.
11:08 I mean, that's a great way towards treating everybody well.
11:12 It's a great way to relationship with other people
11:14 that Jesus was willing to serve them.
11:16 If we all serve each other the way Jesus did,
11:19 we wouldn't have wars, we wouldn't have strife,
11:22 we wouldn't have problems.
11:24 And so Jesus is Adam as Adam was meant to be
11:27 in His relationship to God, his relationship to people
11:30 and His relationship to the earth.
11:34 And here we see the second Adam filling the nets with fish.
11:40 So in verses 7 and 8, why don't you read that for us?
11:43 "Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter,
11:47 'It is the Lord!'
11:49 Now when Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord,
11:51 he put on his outer garment, for he had removed it,
11:55 and plunged into the sea.
11:58 But the other disciples came in the little boat
12:01 for they were not far from the land,
12:03 but about two hundred cubits, dragging the net with fish.
12:07 Then, as soon as they had come to land,
12:09 they saw a fire of coals there,
12:12 and fish laid on it, and bread." All right.
12:16 Once again the beloved disciple,
12:19 John is the one that figures it out first.
12:22 He still doesn't know who this person is on the beach
12:25 but when he sees the net full of fish,
12:27 he says, this must be the second Adam.
12:30 This is the one who rode the donkey,
12:32 you know, there was unbroken cult.
12:34 I mean, Adam's dominion over the animals
12:36 that move on the ground.
12:38 This is the one with that perfect relationship with God.
12:41 And once again John puts it together,
12:44 not on a physical way but he puts the ideas together
12:48 and that's what the second generation
12:50 is going to have to do.
12:52 So John once again is the example
12:54 of that second generation. Verses 9-11.
12:58 "Then, as soon as they had come to the land,
13:00 they saw a fire of coals there,
13:03 and fish on it, and bread.
13:04 Jesus said to them,
13:06 "Bring some of the fish which you have just caught."
13:09 Simon Peter went up and dragged the net to the land,
13:12 full of large fish, one hundred and fifty-three.
13:16 And although there were so many, the net was not broken."
13:21 So here we see an essence of parable of the church.
13:26 You have Jesus directing the disciples,
13:29 they are the first generation.
13:30 And when the disciples follow Jesus directions,
13:34 they gather the fish
13:36 which represents the second generation,
13:38 us in a sense.
13:39 So and it mentions here 153 large fish.
13:46 Was that number just mentioned
13:47 because it was historically accurate
13:49 or is there a spiritual depth to this?
13:52 You know, in John, you never know.
13:54 And to me one of the most striking things is that
13:57 in the Aramaic and Hebrew languages
14:01 the numbers are covered by letters of the alphabet.
14:04 So each letter of the alphabet has a numerical value.
14:07 A would be one and B would be two and so forth.
14:11 And when you take the Aramaic language
14:14 and take the phrase the children of God,
14:18 which is introduced in Chapter 1,
14:20 that phrase as many has believed Him
14:22 became the children of God.
14:25 The children of God in Aramaic adds up to 153.
14:31 Accident, may be.
14:33 Given it's John's gospel, probably not.
14:37 It's another way of saying that the disciples are to gather
14:40 the children of God from all over.
14:43 This gospel was written to gather the children of God.
14:47 In a sense this story becomes an acted parable
14:51 of the purpose of the Gospel of John. Yeah.
14:55 Well, we are going to continue on this Gospel of John
14:57 with the last part of the Book of John
15:00 or the chapter of John after this short break.


Revised 2014-12-17