Books of the Book: John

The Resurrection & Conclusion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00026B

00:01 Welcome back.
00:02 So we just finished reading the first part of Chapter 20
00:06 and we have read here that the tomb is empty.
00:10 So, Dr. Paulien, what else?
00:13 Well, I'd just mention that
00:15 Peter is definitely bolder in action
00:19 as you see you know, he runs right into the tomb
00:22 but John is deeper in thought.
00:24 And the interesting piece
00:26 I want people to notice in these nine verses
00:30 is that neither John nor Peter
00:32 believed on the basis of scripture
00:36 that Jesus would be raised from the dead.
00:38 They were not expecting the resurrection.
00:42 And that's another piece to this whole thing.
00:44 The resurrection is surprise to them.
00:47 Later on Christian saw
00:50 evidence of the resurrection in the Old Testament
00:52 but at this point they had not come to that conclusion.
00:56 However, looking at the empty tomb
01:00 John nevertheless draws to conclusion
01:03 that Jesus is risen
01:04 as it says here in, where is it verse 9.
01:09 It says that
01:15 "He saw and believed"
01:18 but they had not drawn that conclusion from the scripture.
01:21 So when John sees the empty tomb, he believes.
01:25 So he is the first to believe in Jesus
01:29 and he is the only one to believe without seeing.
01:33 Mary doesn't believe until she sees Jesus.
01:37 The 10 don't believe until Jesus comes in the room.
01:40 Thomas doesn't believe until he gets to touch Jesus
01:45 and contact Him and so on.
01:48 So John, the beloved disciple
01:51 is the only one in this gospel who sees--
01:56 I mean, excuse me, he believes without seeing.
02:00 And in that reality, John becomes
02:03 the ideal of the second generation.
02:06 He shows them,
02:07 you don't need to have the physical presence of Jesus
02:11 to believe that He is truly here,
02:14 that He has been raised, that He can do for you
02:17 everything that Jesus is capable of doing.
02:20 So we see then John as the representative of--
02:27 the representative character
02:28 for the second generation for the true believers.
02:31 Why don't we move on because in the second scene,
02:35 Mary comes to the tomb or stays nearby
02:39 and she sees some angels
02:42 and then after she sees the angels
02:45 something else happens?
02:46 Why don't we start with verse 13
02:49 and read it through verse 15.
02:52 "Then they said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?'
02:55 She said to them,
02:57 'Because they have taken my Lord away,
03:00 and I do not know where they have laid Him.'"
03:02 Clearly she doesn't believe
03:03 in this resurrection, right? Right.
03:04 She thinks he's still a body somewhere
03:07 and that this gardener knows where He is.
03:10 Right. Okay. Well, let's continue here.
03:14 "Now when she had said this,
03:15 she turned around and saw Jesus standing there,
03:18 and did not know that it was Jesus.
03:21 Jesus said to her, 'Woman, why are you weeping?
03:24 Whom are you seeking?'
03:26 She, supposing Him to be the gardener,
03:28 said to Him, 'Sir, if You have carried Him away,
03:32 tell me where You have laid Him,
03:33 and I will take Him away."
03:36 You notice, she is in the physical presence of Jesus.
03:40 He is right there, she can see Him, she can hear Him.
03:44 You and I've never had that experience
03:46 and yet it doesn't bring her to faith.
03:49 Again, it's making this point
03:51 that John hammers home all through the gospel
03:54 that to have the literal physical presence
03:58 of Jesus is no advantage.
03:59 If anything through the Holy Spirit,
04:02 the word gives us advantages that they did not have.
04:05 They seemed slower to believe and slower to grasp.
04:08 Now why didn't Mary recognize Jesus?
04:12 Well, in this story her eyes are so blinded with tears
04:16 that she just--Did she not see physically Jesus?
04:19 Maybe there was a voice just behind her and she was just--
04:22 she thought it was a gardener or what--
04:26 She was definitely in great distress, you know.
04:29 She was in anguish and I--
04:32 you know, literally I don't know why
04:35 but John includes that little detail simply
04:38 because she is a representative of that first generation
04:41 that needed the physical presence of Jesus to believe.
04:45 Peter needed it, the rest of the disciples needed it,
04:48 Thomas needed it.
04:49 That's the whole point in this section. Right.
04:51 And verse 16 says that, "Jesus said to her, 'Mary!'
04:56 She turned and said to Him, 'Rabboni!'
04:58 which is to say, Teacher."
04:59 So it seems that when Jesus said, Mary-- The voice.
05:03 Then obviously she doesn't know the gardener
05:06 or let just assume that she doesn't
05:08 so then when hears that Mary from the voice of Jesus
05:13 then that was something that caught her attention.
05:15 It's possible, she wasn't even looking at His face.
05:17 She just sees a figure approaching
05:19 and you know, bow down on the ground or something.
05:22 She just says, "Are you, you know,
05:24 do you know where he is?"
05:26 Verse 17.
05:28 "Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to Me,
05:31 for I have not yet ascended to My Father,
05:33 but go to My brethren and say to them,
05:36 I am ascending to My Father and your Father,
05:38 and to My God and your God.'" All right.
05:41 So, you know, we can think of the big picture here,
05:44 why doesn't Jesus want here to hang on to Him
05:47 but for John I think the picture is very clear.
05:49 He is saying to the readers of this gospel,
05:52 "Don't hang on to the tokens of a physical presence of Jesus.
05:56 Don't hang on to relics, solid things,
06:00 you know, mini idols, whatever it is."
06:03 The real thing is the word and the spirit.
06:06 And it's through the word and the spirit
06:08 that Jesus becomes real and that's the things you want.
06:11 Not to hang on to some image.
06:15 It's interesting, one other pieces of this is
06:18 He says, "Go instead to--" What does He call to disciples?
06:24 Go instead, verse 17.
06:26 "To My brothers." "To My brothers."
06:28 You know, He starts with servants
06:32 and then He moves to friends
06:35 and now He moves to brothers.
06:37 So it's like the terms get more endearing.
06:40 It's more intimate.
06:41 He calls His disciples, brothers.
06:44 And I guess that indicates to us
06:46 that there are stages of relationship
06:49 that we can grow closer and closer.
06:51 And the idea is a relationship of friends, brothers
06:55 not the relationship of servants.
06:57 Do many people serve Jesus as slaves?
07:00 Yes, many people do.
07:02 You know, miserably going through,
07:03 following the rules, trying somehow to please Him
07:07 and the reality is He was pleased already
07:10 and we can rejoice to be friends with Him
07:13 and being friends with Him will do more
07:15 for obedience than anything else could.
07:19 Why don't we go on to the next incident, verses 19-23.
07:23 "Then, the same day at evening,
07:26 being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut
07:29 where the disciples were assembled,
07:30 for fear of the Jews,
07:32 Jesus came and stood in the midst,
07:34 and said to them, "Peace be with you."
07:37 When He had said this,
07:38 He showed them His hands and His side.
07:42 Then the disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.
07:45 So Jesus said to them again, "Peace to you!
07:48 As the Father has sent Me, I also send you." All right.
07:53 So the disciples are fearful and perplexed
07:58 even though Jesus is beginning to appear among them.
08:01 Even the physical presence of Jesus
08:04 wasn't enough to save them from perplexity.
08:07 So the story once again
08:09 is part of John's hammering home the thing.
08:11 Look, those who met Him at that time, that's good,
08:16 we are glad that they came to faith,
08:18 we are glad that they came to peace.
08:20 I mean, He has to say twice, "Peace be to you."
08:23 Even after they know it's Him,
08:25 He still has to say, "Peace be to you."
08:28 It's John making the point
08:30 that first generation came to faith
08:33 through the literal Jesus
08:34 but there's something even better than that.
08:37 And then you come to Thomas
08:39 and we won't take time to read that story
08:41 but because we have gone through it before
08:43 but Thomas of course is the ultimate example
08:46 of those who have to see,
08:48 who have to touch in order to believe
08:51 and if that were truly mandatory,
08:54 there would be no hope for any of us I think.
08:57 So I am glad that this gospel is written.
09:01 I am glad that this option
09:03 of believing without seeing is available to us
09:07 because if it were not
09:08 we would be in great trouble. Right.
09:11 And unfortunately there are people
09:12 who don't want to follow Christ
09:15 because they are like Thomas
09:17 you know, where they don't believe
09:19 in the resurrection, they don't--
09:20 they have this belief
09:21 that they must see before they believe.
09:24 And as you said, you know,
09:26 thankful that we can believe
09:29 even though we've never seen Jesus.
09:32 Well, in the couple minutes we have left,
09:33 I want to emphasize four things
09:36 that I think come through in this chapter pretty clearly.
09:39 First of all, the slowness of the disciples to believe.
09:43 It's a point we've been making all along
09:46 but they really, their advantage was no advantage.
09:50 The physical presence of Jesus was no advantage.
09:53 They were slow to come to it.
09:56 The second generation is often faster
09:59 to accept everything that Jesus is than the first.
10:02 So John is really bringing it home.
10:05 You are at no disadvantage,
10:06 His word is as good as His presence.
10:11 So the second generation is not inferior at all,
10:14 if anything their faith exceeds the faith
10:16 of the original disciples and that should be encouraging.
10:19 You know, we sometime feel like we are at some disadvantage.
10:22 Not necessary at all.
10:25 Another thing I see in this chapter,
10:28 Jesus doesn't reject people who have doubts.
10:31 In fact He even plays with Thomas just a little bit.
10:33 "Oh, Thomas, hey, haven't seen you in a while.
10:37 Hey, guess what.
10:38 Look what I got here for you, stick your finger in there,
10:41 you know and oh, let me show you something else."
10:44 I mean it's like, He is not condemning him.
10:46 He is not giving a hard time.
10:49 Thomas was genuine in his doubts and Jesus accepts him.
10:54 So the beautiful thing is He doesn't reject people
10:57 who have doubts but he goes as far as He can
11:01 to take their doubts away as much as possible.
11:04 And that's encouragement to me.
11:06 You know whenever I feel like
11:07 I don't deserve to be with Jesus or whatever.
11:11 For me that's also a lesson for dealing with secular people.
11:15 People take time to believe these things.
11:18 Don't expect you know,
11:19 you're going to preach a sermon and a secular person.
11:21 "Well, that settles it. I am going to go follow Jesus."
11:24 No, it takes time.
11:26 These disciples had walked with Him
11:27 for three and half years and it still took a long time,
11:31 with the physical Jesus presence.
11:33 So give secular people time and give them a chance.
11:37 And finally, I think we see in this chapter
11:40 the fulfillment of the farewell discourser
11:43 where Jesus promises, I will go away
11:46 but soon I will return to you
11:48 and your sorrow will be turned to joy.
11:51 So in this chapter we see the fulfillment of the things
11:54 that Jesus promised in the upper room.
11:58 So as we close, I think we can rejoice
12:02 at the kind of Jesus we see portrayer here.
12:05 Well, Dr. Paulien, I think we all had moments of doubt
12:07 and I have doubted God several times
12:09 and I also have to ask for forgiveness.
12:11 Well friends, till next time I pray that
12:13 you too can trust in the Lord with all of your heart.


Revised 2014-12-17