Books of the Book: John

The Resurrection & Conclusion

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00026A

00:20 Hello, friends, and welcome back
00:21 to this program "Books of the Book."
00:23 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez and we are so happy
00:26 that you are taking this time to join us in this Bible study.
00:29 And we have been studying the Gospel of John
00:32 and today we are picking up on Chapter 20.
00:35 So, if you have a Bible near you somewhere,
00:37 I invite you to grab it and open it again
00:40 to Chapter 20 of the Gospel of John.
00:42 And with us is Dr. Jon Paulien, he is a Bible scholar.
00:45 He comes from Loma Linda University.
00:49 Dr. Jon Paulien, you know,
00:51 we have been studying the Gospel of John.
00:53 Now we are on Chapter 20 and definitely
00:56 it has been a lot of material to cover.
00:58 In fact we have not been able to read a verse by verse
01:02 and no commentary on that.
01:05 But if someone is very interested
01:08 in the Gospel of John.
01:09 Someone is watching really wants to know more about the material
01:14 that we've been covering or some of the material
01:16 that we've skipped because of time,
01:18 how can they attain that material?
01:21 Well, the good news is that because
01:24 we've not been able to cover
01:26 every details of the Gospel of John.
01:29 We are planning to put the script on my website
01:32 and people can access it there
01:35 and there will be lots of Bible texts
01:37 and lots of features that we haven't covered here.
01:40 And that particular
01:41 website is
01:49 So we hope that people will take advantage of that.
01:51 And there will be no charge or anything like that.
01:53 No. It's just downloadable.
01:55 No download fees.
01:56 Okay so now we are in Chapter 20 of the Gospel of John.
02:00 The last program we talked about the crucifixion,
02:04 the trial of Jesus before Pilate.
02:07 Give us a little bit of review on the previous chapter,
02:10 so that we can now having to in context Chapter 20.
02:14 Well, why don't I take this opportunity
02:16 maybe to quickly summarize the whole book.
02:20 First of all there are 12 chapters.
02:22 The first 12 chapters are Jesus' public ministry
02:26 where He is out ministering to people in Jerusalem
02:29 and in surroundings around Jerusalem,
02:31 in Galilee and He goes back and forth between those two.
02:36 Then in Chapter 13, Jesus moves to a private ministry,
02:39 just between Him and His disciples.
02:41 So from Chapters 13 through 17 you have this private ministry
02:46 where He is preparing the disciples
02:48 for what life would be like after Jesus leaves.
02:52 Then in Chapters 18 and 19 you have the crucifixion,
02:58 the trial, the crucifixion, the burial and so on.
03:01 And that sets the stage for where we are now.
03:04 In Chapter 20, we have moved to the resurrection of Jesus.
03:10 And it's really an important turning point in the story
03:13 because without the resurrection,
03:16 there would be no Christian church.
03:18 The cross by itself would simply be a grave
03:23 and the end of the story but because
03:26 of the resurrection of Jesus,
03:27 it changes everything with regard to who Jesus is,
03:31 with regard to how God looks at Him.
03:34 It is the heavenly court over turning,
03:36 Pilate's court and the religious leader's court
03:40 and we begin to see that Jesus is much, much more.
03:44 If Jesus is raised from the dead then we too
03:48 can one day be raised from the dead.
03:50 If the resurrection of Jesus happens,
03:52 then no miracle is impossible
03:54 and that's an amazing kind of miracle.
03:57 So that sets the tone for what's happening in Chapter 20
04:01 and there's four parts in Chapter 20.
04:04 First of all you have the story of some woman
04:07 who go to the tomb and they find it empty
04:10 and so they rush back to the disciples to say,
04:13 "Guess what, the tomb is empty."
04:15 Peter and John go into a foot race
04:17 and it's one of the two or three foot races in the Bible
04:20 and Peter cheats, he gets a head start but John
04:25 is the steady one and he picks up
04:27 and passes Peter and he gets there first.
04:30 And John takes a look inside the door of the tomb,
04:36 doesn't see any thing.
04:37 Peter rushes up, he goes right in.
04:39 you know, he's more impetuous of the two.
04:41 And then the second incident is Mary evidently followed them.
04:46 I don't know if she was running too
04:48 but she gets there eventually.
04:50 As they leave, she stays alone at the garden
04:54 there where Jesus is buried and then she runs into,
04:57 she thinks the gardener who probably moved Jesus' body
05:01 somewhere else and finds out it is Jesus Himself.
05:05 Then the third story is back in the upper room,
05:08 Jesus and the disciples meet together
05:11 there and He ministers to them but Thomas isn't there.
05:17 And so the fourth scene is His appearance
05:20 to disciples and Thomas.
05:24 So there's a series of incidence here,
05:28 three of which Jesus actually appears
05:30 and the first one only the empty tomb appears.
05:35 So there are three appearances in the Gospel of John.
05:38 How many total appearances are in the Bible?
05:41 Well, actually there's a fourth one in Chapter 21.
05:43 Okay. So there would be four post-resurrection
05:47 appearances of Jesus there but the total actually is 11.
05:52 When you go to the entire New Testament
05:54 and I thought it would be good to share here
05:55 so I wrote it down, make sure it would be accurate.
05:59 And what I have here is that Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene.
06:04 We saw that in the middle of Chapter 20.
06:07 He appears to Mary and some other women in Matthew 28.
06:12 He appears to Peter by Himself.
06:15 Now we don't have an account
06:16 of that but it's mentioned by Paul in 1 Corinthians 15
06:21 and it's also mentioned in Luke 24 that Peter has seen Him,
06:25 you know, one on one.
06:26 So that we know that, that occurred
06:28 but it's only referred to.
06:30 Then you have the road to Emmaus
06:32 where there's two disciples walking along the road
06:35 and Jesus joins them, that's in Luke 24.
06:39 And then here in John, Jesus meets with 10 disciples
06:43 and Thomas is missing and then He meets again
06:47 with the ten plus Thomas a week later.
06:51 In Chapter 21, Jesus meets
06:53 with seven fishing disciples up in Galilee.
06:57 Then according to Matthew 28,
06:59 He met with the 11 on a mountain and gave the great commission,
07:04 so that's one I think everybody knows.
07:06 In the Book of Acts there's the ascension appearance
07:10 where Jesus goes up to heaven and according to Paul
07:14 at one point Jesus met with 500 people
07:17 at one time on a hillside in Galilee.
07:20 That's the biggest crowd and then He meets with James
07:25 who was the half brother of Jesus.
07:28 So that's 11 total and you wonder
07:33 why are all of these mentioned.
07:36 Why so many people.
07:37 I suppose you could ask why so few but the beauty
07:41 of it is the resurrection of Jesus is supported
07:44 by many, many witnesses.
07:47 If anybody chose to doubt the resurrection of Jesus,
07:50 there were so many people who could say
07:52 that they had seen Him that it became
07:55 very, very difficult to do.
07:57 If only two or three or five people had seen Jesus
08:00 after the crucifixion, it would be easy to say,
08:02 well, you know, maybe they had hallucinations but 500?
08:06 I mean how many people can share a hallucination?
08:10 I've been with people who are hallucinating
08:13 and they are the only ones that can see
08:14 what they are seeing and hear what they are hearing, you know.
08:17 So to say that 500 people were all hallucinating
08:21 at the same time, I think that would be pretty unique.
08:23 And 500 peoples alive, if you think about it,
08:25 they would have a similar testimony
08:27 of the resurrection of Jesus.
08:30 And even if their testimonies aren't identical,
08:33 I mean that's normal.
08:34 You get a group of people, they are not going to tell
08:36 the story exactly the same way but the reality
08:39 is they are not all going to be hallucinating at once.
08:42 Right. You know,
08:43 that the simple weight of that 500 to 600 people
08:47 saw Jesus after His crucifixion.
08:49 It tells you it's not a made up story.
08:51 Right. I think that's the part
08:52 that comes through clearly here.
08:54 But you know what?
08:56 Even those witnesses are maybe not the greatest
08:59 evidence of the resurrection of Jesus.
09:03 Historically the greatest evidence
09:05 may well be the empty tomb
09:08 because when you stop and think
09:09 about it that is pretty hard to explain.
09:13 Why is Jesus' tomb empty?
09:15 Everybody seems to agree on that.
09:17 The tomb was empty so what are the possibilities?
09:20 Well, one possibility is maybe the Romans or the Jews
09:24 came and stole away His body, okay.
09:28 But what motive they have to do that?
09:31 How would stealing the body of Jesus
09:34 help them in their case?
09:35 Right. The reality is if they had
09:38 done that, all they had to do to refute
09:42 the story is produce the body of Jesus.
09:45 They never do.
09:46 So they didn't have the body.
09:48 The other option is maybe the disciples
09:51 stole the body of Jesus and in stealing the body of Jesus
09:55 then they made it appear that He have been resurrected, right.
09:58 So that's the most plausible explanation here
10:02 but is that really likely.
10:06 I mean the disciples before the cross were a mess.
10:10 You know, they were all over the map,
10:12 they didn't really understand, they didn't really believed,
10:15 they couldn't believe He was going to the cross.
10:17 I mean, Peter pulls the sword out,
10:19 can't let this happen, no way, you know.
10:23 They didn't buy the idea that Jesus
10:25 was going to be crucified.
10:26 So the whole thing was devastating to them.
10:29 Everything seemed lost and gone.
10:33 Even after He returns, they are slow to believe.
10:38 You know, look at Thomas but he is not the only one,
10:40 all of the disciples are slow to believe.
10:42 The women come back and they say,
10:45 "You know, Jesus has appeared..."
10:47 I don't know about that.
10:49 Peter and John come back, "Well the tomb is empty."
10:51 I don't know.
10:52 It's only when they see Jesus,
10:54 when they touch Him,
10:56 when they get that full five sense,
10:58 sense of it then they say,
11:00 "Wow, He must have been raised from the dead afterward."
11:04 And by the way, while John
11:08 doesn't mention it for the disciples
11:11 to steal the body means to get passed
11:13 the detachment of Roman solders.
11:16 And no matter how brave Peter might be,
11:19 he is not a trained solder and these guys
11:22 were the Navy Seals of their day.
11:25 I seriously don't think that the disciples
11:27 had any shot of getting the body
11:29 even if they had wanted to.
11:31 Would they want to bad enough
11:32 to fight their way through you know,
11:35 a whole squad of Roman solders, probably not.
11:39 So, then comes the final question.
11:45 Maybe the disciples made it all up.
11:48 You know, the tomb is empty and so they create this story
11:51 that Jesus was raised from dead.
11:53 They know that he wasn't but they create the story
11:56 to keep the myth alive.
11:58 Is that really likely?
12:00 I don't think so because who would hang on to a hoax
12:07 all the way through their lives,
12:09 go through all kinds of torment and suffering,
12:11 go to martyrdom and death for something
12:14 that they knew was a lie?
12:17 That just doesn't make any sense historically.
12:19 So I think we can reasonably assume that the body of Jesus
12:25 was in fact raised from the dead
12:27 and that's the only historical explanation
12:30 that make sense of all the details that we have.
12:32 And not only one disciple to hold on to hoax like that
12:35 but as we were saying at least
12:37 just a little bit more than 500 people.
12:40 Yeah. And we were also talking about
12:42 the resurrection of Lazarus and how they wanted to--
12:46 the Jews wanted to kill.
12:49 They were looking for an opportunity to kill Lazarus
12:51 because it was also convincing of the power of God.
12:57 And so I would suppose
12:58 they would have to do a lot of planning,
13:02 you know, for those 500 witnesses
13:04 as well and that is very impossible.
13:07 And you know unless one has the assumption
13:11 that a resurrection is impossible
13:12 in the very face of it that God doesn't exist and so on.
13:16 Then one would have to come up with some idea
13:18 of how this story occurred without a real resurrection.
13:23 But if you believe in God and believe in the possibility,
13:26 the resurrection of Jesus
13:28 is a solid historically evidence wise as anything else we know.
13:33 Why don't we get into the story? Sure.
13:35 Take Chapter 20 and read verses 1-9
13:39 and when you're done with that reading,
13:40 we should probably go to a break.
13:41 Yes. "Now on the first day of the week
13:44 Mary Magdalene went to the tomb early,
13:47 while it was still dark, and saw that the stone
13:50 had been taken away from the tomb.
13:53 Then she ran and came to Simon Peter,
13:55 and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved,
13:58 and said to them, 'They have taken away
14:00 the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know
14:03 where they have laid Him.'
14:04 Peter therefore went out, and the other disciple,
14:07 and were going to the tomb.
14:09 So they both ran together, and the other disciple outran
14:13 Peter and came to the tomb first.
14:16 And he, stooping down and looking in,
14:19 saw the linen cloths lying there yet he did not go in.
14:25 Then Simon Peter came, following him,
14:27 and went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths
14:30 lying there, and the handkerchief
14:34 that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths,
14:37 but folded together in a place by itself.
14:42 Then the other disciple, who came to the tomb first,
14:46 went in also and he saw and believed.
14:49 For as yet they did not know the Scripture,
14:51 that He must rise again from the dead."
14:55 Okay. Why don't we take that moment here
14:59 and move toward a break.


Revised 2014-12-17