Books of the Book: John

The Crucifixion, Pt. 2

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00025A

00:20 Hello, friends, and welcome back
00:21 to this program "Books of the Book."
00:23 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez and I'm so happy
00:26 that you have decided to take this time
00:28 and join us in this Bible study.
00:30 And we are studying the Gospel of John
00:32 and we're almost finished with the gospel
00:34 but we are still in Chapter 18 and we are with Dr. Jon Paulien,
00:39 he is the Dean of the School of Religion
00:42 in Loma Linda University, in Loma Linda, California.
00:45 And I've certainly been blessed.
00:46 So if you have a Bible and you want to be blessed
00:48 also with this Bible study,
00:51 grab your Bible and join us again.
00:53 We are in Chapters 18 and possibly
00:57 some of the Chapter 19, right Dr. Paulien?
01:01 Yeah. Now, we are in the trial
01:03 of Jesus before Pilate
01:06 and we want to learn more of the setting
01:09 for those who have not seen the previous chapters,
01:12 the previous programs rather.
01:13 Tell us where are we and what's--
01:17 where are we picking up in this chapter?
01:19 Okay, before I do it, let me just mention
01:21 to the viewing audience that we are almost rushing through
01:26 the Gospel of John because it's such a big and rich gospel
01:30 and we can only touch on some highlights
01:32 and so we will be posting the scripts on my website
01:37 which is
01:45 and there you should be able to find scripts
01:47 to each of these programs
01:48 and this would be program number 25.
01:52 So anyway coming back to your question.
01:55 Pilate first of all in the Gospel of John
01:58 we have seen Jesus and His disciples in the upper room
02:01 and then they go to the garden and then Jesus' trial
02:05 before Annas, the Jewish leadership that takes place.
02:10 Caiaphas, now he is at the Roman court
02:12 and as it makes clear in Chapter 18,
02:16 the Jews have to do that because
02:18 they don't have the power of killing anybody.
02:22 They don't have the power of execution.
02:24 They can judge in a lot of areas and the Romans
02:27 generally allowed the Jews
02:29 to judge religious matters, you see.
02:32 But, when it came to execution,
02:36 if they wanted to execute someone,
02:38 the Romans had to review the decision,
02:40 somewhat like a higher court, Supreme Court if you will.
02:44 So we are to place now the Jews are submitting their petition
02:49 to Pilate and what they have decided
02:52 to do is to go with the civil charge.
02:55 They're saying, you know,
02:56 Jesus is really a rival to Caesar.
02:59 He calls Himself a king and He wants to take over
03:04 and drive the Romans out.
03:05 In a sense they were accusing Jesus of the very thing
03:08 that they thought Messiah would do in the end.
03:12 So they are going to try to get the Romans to execute Jesus
03:15 because He is a threat to Caesar.
03:17 So that's the strategy that they are going
03:19 in with when they come to Pilate.
03:22 Now, Pilate is in the gospel I think very, very prominently
03:28 because, in the Gospel of John,
03:29 the characters tend to be representative figures,
03:33 the Samaritan woman and Martha represented
03:37 the second generation who had full
03:40 genuine connected faith in Jesus.
03:44 And Nicodemus and Pilate represent
03:46 people that kind of believe.
03:49 They come to see the Jesus as special
03:52 and yet they don't act on that belief.
03:54 It's a partial, it's an inadequate kind of a faith.
03:57 In Nicodemus' case at least at the beginning.
04:00 So, Pilate is a representative of Rome and how Rome
04:05 would look at these things but he also represents
04:08 that kind of a glimmering of faith
04:10 that in the end doesn't bear fruit.
04:14 Now politically Pilate is in trouble right now.
04:17 This was not good timing for Pilate.
04:21 He became governor about five years
04:23 before this and from records of history
04:26 we realized that he got in trouble
04:28 almost from the beginning.
04:30 I sense Pilate was probably one of those secular people.
04:35 He was only interested in this life.
04:37 He was interested in the power of Rome,
04:39 his place in it and so on.
04:41 Religion was of no interest to him
04:44 and you can see that in the story of John as well.
04:48 So, Pilate in a sense represents the perspective of people
04:53 who don't have a biblical background,
04:55 don't have a Jewish background who simply come out things
04:59 from the perspective of this life.
05:02 When he became governor among the things
05:05 he did was to build an aqueduct for Jerusalem
05:08 to bring a lot more water in for the temple.
05:12 He thought that was a good thing.
05:14 He thought that Jews would approve
05:16 but how did he pay for it?
05:18 He paid for it by raiding the temple treasury
05:21 and that created a rebellion.
05:24 In other occasion, he brought soldiers
05:28 into the temple grounds who had standards
05:30 on them all the other governors had said,
05:33 you know that those standards off, they are like idols.
05:36 You, know they are representing Roman gods,
05:38 take those off when you go into Jerusalem,
05:40 because it will make the people upset.
05:41 Pilate says no, that's the way we march anywhere else,
05:44 we are going to march in this way
05:46 and so he repeatedly offended the Jews
05:51 and it got so bad that it got even to Rome
05:56 and the emperor basically had said Pilate,
05:59 you either get control of the situation
06:01 there or you are done.
06:03 So, Pilate is in a very vulnerable place.
06:06 One thing he cannot afford to do to is to offend the priest.
06:12 So even if he wanted to release Jesus
06:14 and it's clear in John story that he does,
06:17 Even if he wants to release Jesus,
06:19 he need to figure out how to do it in a way
06:22 that doesn't undermine his ruler ship there because the emperor
06:26 is about done with him.
06:28 He is about ready to go in another direction.
06:32 So, Pilate is someone who wants to do the right thing legally,
06:38 that's his mission here.
06:40 But he is not interested in doing
06:42 the right thing spiritually or religiously.
06:46 He is going to do the right thing, the law says it,
06:48 I'm gonna obey the law etcetera.
06:51 But when religion comes into play,
06:52 he is not interested, so that's sort of the background here.
06:56 And take a look at verses 33-38
07:00 and we see how Pilate speaks to Jesus in that regard.
07:04 When Pilate entered the praetorium called again,
07:08 called Jesus, and said to him,
07:09 "Are you the King of the Jews?"
07:11 Jesus answered him, "Are you speaking
07:13 for yourself about this, or did others
07:15 tell you this concerning Me?"
07:17 Let's stop there just for a moment.
07:19 You see, Pilate is doing the judge thing.
07:25 When the Jews come to him,
07:26 he says what charges you bring in against this man?
07:29 That's you know, what are the charges?
07:32 It's a simple legal question.
07:34 So when Jesus comes to him,
07:36 he says again the legal question.
07:39 You've been accused of begin king of the Jews, are you?
07:42 Are the charges true?
07:45 That's the legal question.
07:46 Jesus turns the tables on him.
07:49 Notice what He says, "Is that your idea
07:53 or did others talk to you about me."
07:58 So, Jesus is trying to witness,
08:02 He is turning this into a spiritual opportunity
08:05 once again like at the foot washing,
08:08 He's got all these things to look forward
08:10 to that are miserable.
08:11 I mean the next day is going to be hard,
08:14 you see, or the next few hours actually at this point.
08:17 Instead of thinking of Himself, He is thinking of Pilate
08:21 as a human being that He wants to save,
08:23 that He wants to spend eternity with.
08:26 And so He says to him now, am I the king of the Jews
08:29 depending on how you are asking
08:31 that question determines how I'll I answer.
08:34 If that's a spiritual question.
08:36 Are you really the one that God sent to save the world.
08:39 I'll answer you that way.
08:41 If you are asking just you know in a political sense,
08:44 then I'll answer differently.
08:46 So, Jesus gives Pilate an opportunity to go spiritual
08:52 and we see what Pilate does with that in the next verse.
08:55 Pilate answered, "Am I a Jew?
08:58 Your own nation and the chief priests
09:01 have delivered you to me what have you done?"
09:04 Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world
09:07 if my kingdom was one of this world,
09:09 my servants would fight,
09:11 so that I should not be delivered to the Jews
09:13 but now my kingdom is not from here."
09:16 Okay, look at this, this is a very believable dynamic.
09:20 You know, I mean it's something
09:21 I think we can we can get into right away.
09:23 Pilate is saying look, come on,
09:25 let's cut with the rest of the stuff.
09:28 I asked you a question.
09:30 Are you the king of the Jews?
09:32 How does Jesus answer?
09:34 Yes or no?.
09:36 It's not a yes or no question for Jesus.
09:39 Remembers Join is always working at both of those levels too.
09:42 So, Jesus is saying, I'm a king
09:46 but not the kind of king you are thinking of.
09:50 I really don't fit in your jurisdiction,
09:53 So He is basically saying to Pilate.
09:54 No, the kind of king I'm is not relevant
09:58 to what you are concerned about.
10:00 And so notice the Peter role in here.
10:03 He says, if I were a king my servants
10:07 would fight to keep me from being arrested.
10:11 Peter was actually undermining Jesus' argument at this point.
10:15 He is telling Pilate, look I'm not the threat to Caesar.
10:19 If I were a threat to Caesar,
10:22 then my servants would have started a war,
10:25 they didn't do that.
10:27 See, Peter didn't understand Jesus,
10:30 Peter didn't get the character of God and what God
10:34 was trying to show through this cross.
10:36 He was just getting the idea.
10:37 We want to get a Messiah in place,
10:39 we can conquer Rome.
10:41 Notice then going on what does Jesus say.
10:46 Pilate therefore said to Him,
10:48 "Are You a king then?"
10:50 Jesus answered, "You say rightly that I am a king.
10:53 For this cause I was born, and for this cause
10:55 I have come into the world,
10:57 that I should bear witness to the truth.
11:00 Everyone who hears, Everyone
11:02 who is of the truth hears My voice."
11:06 So, Pilate is still the legal guy.
11:08 He is not listening to all the spiritual stuff
11:11 he is saying answer my question.
11:13 Are you a king?
11:16 And Jesus is clear.
11:17 He is not a king in the sense
11:19 of a revolutionary threat to the Rome.
11:21 He is a king in another sense.
11:24 He is the king of truth.
11:26 He is the king of the truth about God
11:30 and how does Pilate respond?
11:33 What is truth?
11:35 And then he goes out.
11:37 Did Jesus convince Pilate that he wasn't a threat to Rome?
11:41 Yes, He did because what does Pilate say.
11:44 What is truth, he went out again to the Jews
11:47 and said I find no basis for a charge against Him.
11:53 So the priests were trying to operate on the charge
11:58 that Jesus is a threat to Rome.
12:01 Pilate is clear, Jesus is no threat.
12:04 That's a ridiculous charge.
12:06 Now, it seems that Pilate is in a difficult position
12:09 because he is not trying to displease the high priest
12:13 and at the same time as you said,
12:15 he wants to do things legally and it just remind--
12:19 And you said that Jesus is taking this opportunity
12:22 for spiritual message there.
12:24 Reminds me of Paul with before I think it was king Agrippa
12:28 and he took that opportunity to testify him
12:31 and the king said are you persuading
12:32 me to become a Christian, you know.
12:36 And in this case Pilate, you know, that is his question,
12:41 you know, there is that spiritual battle now,
12:44 he has to make that decision and accept that he is a king.
12:49 See, he is in trouble with Rome,
12:51 and he is in trouble with the Jews
12:53 and he wants to do the right thing legally.
12:56 He recognizes that Jesus is innocent
12:58 of any political charge and because He is innocent
13:02 of any political charge, He should be released,
13:06 that the right thing to do and Pilate
13:08 wants to do the right thing.
13:10 But at the same time, he needs to release Jesus
13:14 in a way that the Jews can accept or he may lose his job.
13:19 And the problem is that the only way is death,
13:23 that's what the Jews want.
13:24 That's what they want so Pilate really wants to release Jesus
13:28 but he has to do it in a way that the Jews can accept.
13:31 So one thing he tries is the Barabbas experiment
13:35 and hoping that may be the crowd would choose Jesus
13:38 and then he can be done with the whole situation.
13:41 When that doesn't work, then he says well let me have
13:45 Jesus flocked and then bring him out and may be that will excite
13:48 the sympathies of the crowd and then may be they can
13:52 let me release Jesus, Well that doesn't work either
13:56 and so it is clear that things are going to have to take
14:00 a different turn than what both the Jews and Pilate
14:04 brought to this and will get
14:06 to that different turn after the break.


Revised 2014-12-17