Books of the Book: John

Jesus Prays for You

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00023A

00:20 Hello, friends, and welcome back
00:21 to this program "Books of the Book."
00:23 It's been a very exciting Bible study for me
00:25 and I am sure has been for you.
00:26 We have been studying the Gospel of John
00:29 and we are with Dr. Jon Paulien.
00:31 And today, we are picking up in Chapter 17.
00:36 And so if you have a Bible around
00:38 and you would like to join us in this Bible study,
00:40 open your Bibles
00:41 and go to the Gospel of John in Chapter 17.
00:45 And Dr. Paulien,
00:47 he is the Dean of the School of Religion
00:49 at Loma Linda University.
00:52 And he is a Bible scholar.
00:53 He has written several books, three on the Gospel of John
00:57 and he is just so knowledgeable.
00:59 And I've been blessed to just know
01:03 and study that indeed this is a spiritual gospel
01:06 and we'll learn more about that.
01:08 So, Dr. Paulien, welcome back.
01:10 Good to be with you always, Deyvy.
01:11 You know, we are almost finish with the Gospel of John
01:14 and now we are at Johns 17.
01:16 And I look at my Bible here and it seems
01:19 that is the shortest chapter of the gospel
01:24 and also it seems that all the words in here are--
01:27 just about all of them are in red
01:29 which means they are the words of Jesus
01:31 and so we know that it is now the prayer of Jesus
01:37 and so I though why isn't this prayer
01:39 just considered the Lord's prayer.
01:41 You know, we've heard of the Lord's prayer
01:43 back in other gospels but this one,
01:45 it seems like this should be the Lord's prayer.
01:48 Don't you think?
01:49 Oh, for John, I think it does function
01:51 in that way because John doesn't have the Lord's prayer
01:55 that Matthew, Mark and Luke have.
01:56 So John is-- in fact I think
01:59 it's just Mathew and Luke
02:00 but John has this other prayer of Jesus.
02:05 It's a much longer prayer and in many ways would be
02:09 worthy of the title, "The Lord's Prayer."
02:12 But I think the difference is that the shorter prayer
02:15 in Matthew and Luke those--
02:17 that's a generic prayer.
02:19 It was given to the disciples.
02:22 It was telling them the big issues
02:24 that you want to cover when you are praying to God.
02:27 And so it's a model for us and I think
02:29 throughout the centuries people have grab that.
02:32 This prayer in Chapter 17 is much more located
02:35 in a specific situation
02:37 and its Jesus prayer first of all for Himself.
02:40 It's not a model for us to pray
02:43 but it's specifically related to Jesus'
02:45 experience with His disciples
02:48 and with what would happen after He leaves.
02:51 So it's located in a specific situation for that reason,
02:55 probably hasn't drawn as much attention.
02:58 Now give us the background on this chapter.
03:00 Where are we? Where is Jesus?
03:02 Where are the disciples?
03:03 And again we are almost close to the end here
03:07 but what is Jesus saying?
03:09 We will study the prayer in a minute here.
03:12 But give us a brief background or the setting of this chapter.
03:16 Okay, this is part of the upper room experience,
03:19 although it's not called that in John.
03:21 It starts in Chapter 13 with the foot washing service
03:25 and then Jesus talks to His disciples Chapters 13 and 14.
03:31 In 15 He talks without interruption
03:34 and then in 16 they interrupt again.
03:36 So He's been conversing with the disciples.
03:39 At one point they even got up to leave the room
03:41 but it appears that when 17 is over
03:44 they are still in the upper room
03:46 and then they leave, go down across
03:49 the Kidron Valley to the garden
03:51 where Jesus will be arrested shortly afterward.
03:55 So this prayer here is the climax of what Jesus
04:00 has been sharing with His disciples.
04:02 And the burden here is preparing them
04:06 for what life would be like when He is no longer with them.
04:10 So He is saying, you know,
04:11 "When I am not here,
04:13 here's the thing you are going to need to do."
04:14 And then in this prayer he focuses on--
04:17 there's three parts to this prayer.
04:19 First of all He prays for Himself
04:22 in the first five verses then the next 15 or so
04:25 He is praying for the disciples specifically
04:29 and then in the last part, He prays for those
04:32 who will come to faith thought the disciple's efforts,
04:35 namely the written gospels
04:38 that the disciples leave behind.
04:40 So the last part of this prayer is actually for us,
04:43 the second generation who never met Jesus physically,
04:48 nor that we ever know any of the disciples in the flesh.
04:51 So our experience with Jesus is completely
04:54 mediated by the words of the Bible
04:57 and by the Holy Spirit speaking to our hearts.
05:00 And as we've said one of the main points
05:02 of the Gospel of John is that it is the one gospel
05:07 that's specifically teaches us
05:09 how to know Jesus in the context
05:11 where we can't see, hear or touch Him.
05:13 So it's very special for us that the whole gospel
05:17 and this prayer fits right in
05:18 to that larger perspective.
05:21 All right. So again--
05:22 so the prayer of Jesus is for His disciples,
05:27 for Himself and for the fruits of the disciples
05:30 through their testimony.
05:32 Yeah, through those the disciples
05:33 will bring to Jesus.
05:34 And that is through the Word of God.
05:36 So shall we begin to read His prayer and study it?
05:39 Sure. Okay.
05:41 Before we do that, let me just mention
05:43 about the first five verses that one of the big questions
05:48 that's never been fully settled
05:50 throughout Christian history
05:52 is the question why was the cross necessary?
05:56 It's very, very clear in all the gospels
06:00 that the cross was somehow necessary.
06:02 There is a Greek phrase, "it is necessary"
06:05 that Jesus uses over and over again
06:07 regarding His death and His sacrifice.
06:11 Why then was that so necessary?
06:15 And there are a dozen perhaps,
06:20 a different ways that people have tried to come to that.
06:24 In the New Testament itself there are probably close to ten.
06:29 I have identified at least eight
06:32 that attempt to explain the cross
06:34 and none of them is accepted by all Christians.
06:39 So the interesting thing is this prayer,
06:44 these first five verses
06:46 offer a particular explanation of the cross
06:50 that John in particular emphasizes
06:53 throughout his gospel.
06:54 And that is that the cross was necessary
06:58 because that was the only way
07:00 that the true character of God could be revealed.
07:04 And as you read behind
07:05 the lines of the gospel and other places,
07:07 it's also where the true character of Satan is revealed.
07:12 They're on the cross and in the faces of those
07:15 who are tormenting Jesus.
07:17 You see the two options for the universe.
07:20 You can follow the ways of God
07:22 which are the ways of self sacrifice,
07:26 the ways of mercy and kindness
07:28 and a willingness to put up with the things that people do.
07:34 On the other side is Satan, pride, power, control,
07:40 tyranny etcetera which would go so far
07:44 as to destroy the Son of God.
07:46 Which would be unimaginable
07:48 if we were to stop and think about it
07:50 and yet it happened.
07:51 So John 17:1-5 clearly indicates
07:56 that a purpose of the cross,
07:59 at least if not the purpose was ultimately to show us
08:03 and to show the universe what God is like.
08:06 Okay. So we are in Chapter 17:1--
08:11 so we'll read through 5.
08:12 Yeah. Why don't we read 1-5?
08:14 "Jesus spoke these words,
08:15 he lifted up his eyes to heaven,
08:17 and said, Father, the hour has come,
08:21 glorify your Son that Your Son also may glorify you,
08:25 as You have given Him authority over all flesh,
08:28 that He should give eternal life
08:29 to as many as you have given Him.
08:32 And this is eternal life, that they may know you,
08:35 the only true God,
08:37 and Jesus Christ whom you have sent.
08:40 I've glorified you on the earth,
08:42 I have finished the work which you have given me to do.
08:45 And now, oh, Father, glorify me
08:48 together with Yourself with the glory
08:51 which I had with you before the world was."
08:55 Now, it starts-- the key word here is glory
09:00 and the root meaning of that word is praise, honor,
09:07 raising somebody else up high.
09:09 If someone else has a really high reputation,
09:12 we glorify them.
09:14 People might think of politicians,
09:17 some of them, anyway,
09:20 movie stars, sport stars etcetera.
09:23 We glorify them when we praise the amazing things
09:27 that they do or the positions that they have.
09:29 So the root meaning of the word
09:32 is kind of a person in an exalted position
09:35 that others describe to them.
09:38 But in the Gospel of John,
09:40 this word has a special meaning.
09:42 It is always associated with the cross.
09:46 The glory of Jesus is being lifted up on the cross
09:51 and he combines the words glory with lifting up.
09:55 And when Jesus is on the cross,
09:58 He is lifted up from the earth,
10:01 He is raised up above the ground,
10:04 He stands between heaven and earth.
10:06 Now when most people would look--
10:09 remember the surface in John is always the surface.
10:11 Most people look at the cross,
10:13 the surface view of the cross is humiliation, execution,
10:18 it's down grading who Jesus is.
10:20 In earthly terms, Jesus is un-glorified by the cross.
10:26 Yet John says no, the cross is the glory.
10:29 Right. Of Jesus.
10:31 Now speaking of glorify,
10:32 we read earlier in another chapter
10:34 where Jesus said, you know,
10:36 Father glorify your name and the voice of God said,
10:40 "I have glorified it and I will glorify it again."
10:45 So what is He speaking of when He said,
10:47 "I have glorified it and when He will glorify it again?"
10:51 If we understand name when Hebrew to be character
10:56 that a person's name reflects their character.
10:59 To glorify the name of God
11:01 is to rightly indicate His character.
11:06 That's what glorifying God is all about
11:09 and the glory of the cross
11:11 is that it the truest representation
11:14 of the character of God.
11:17 We would think of God as thunders on Mount Sinai,
11:20 as power, as judge,
11:23 as vindicator at the end of the world,
11:25 as a warrior and so on.
11:27 And all of these are metaphors
11:29 speaking to the human experience.
11:31 But according to John, the ultimate description
11:36 of what God is like is what happens at the cross.
11:40 And that is a picture that comes to us as a surprise.
11:43 It isn't quite what we expected
11:45 and Jesus makes something very clear here
11:48 'cause we might divide God and say, okay,
11:51 Jesus is like this but the Father,
11:54 He is the one who thunders from Sinai.
11:56 He is the One who is judgmental,
11:58 He is the One who is powerful and,
12:00 you know, the warrior and all rest of that.
12:02 That's not what you get out of John.
12:05 After Jesus said this, He looked toward heaven and says,
12:07 "Father, time has come.
12:09 glorify your Son that the Son may glorify you.
12:14 You granted Him authority over all people
12:16 that He might give eternal life
12:17 to all those you have given Him.
12:21 This is eternal life that they might know you,
12:25 the only true God, and Jesus Christ,
12:28 whom you have sent.
12:30 I have brought you glory on earth
12:32 by completing the work you gave me to do.
12:35 In other words, the glory that we see on the cross,
12:40 the glory of Jesus Christ is really
12:42 the glory of the Father as well.
12:45 The Father and I are one,
12:47 Jesus has said over and over in this gospel.
12:49 If you've seen Me, you've seen the Father.
12:52 What we see on the cross is not just the character of Jesus,
12:55 it's the character of the Father.
12:58 Ands the pain of the Father,
13:00 the anguish of the Father
13:01 is as important as the death of the Son.
13:05 So John, and John does this more clearly
13:08 then any other writer in the gospel.
13:10 Remember, John is the one
13:12 who is at the bosom of the Jesus.
13:14 So he is saying this is the clearest revelation.
13:19 Jesus is in the bosom of the Father,
13:21 I am in the bosom of the Jesus.
13:22 If you want to really know
13:23 what the Father is like, you come to Me.
13:26 This is the place where you come to understand.
13:29 And here in this prayer, these five verse
13:33 that is stated as clearly and as directly as anywhere.
13:37 So one metaphor of the atonement,
13:41 why did the cross happened,
13:43 it's because the cross was necessary
13:45 to clearly embed upon our minds
13:48 and I think perhaps also the on looking universe
13:51 exactly what God is like.
13:54 Now, Dr. Paulien,
13:55 perhaps someone is watching or listening
13:57 and they are thinking what character
14:00 is this that is revealed in God,
14:03 a Father to allow or to permit His son to die because,
14:06 you know, as a parents
14:08 someone who has children does everything possible
14:10 to protect his or her child.
14:13 Now you keep talking about at the cross,
14:17 God's character is revealed
14:19 but what is that character in God
14:22 that allows and permits
14:24 His son to suffer and to die?
14:27 Oh, well, that's beautiful to put
14:31 that in because I am sure there are people
14:32 that were thinking that at that moment.
14:35 I think one of the challenges
14:37 is we get caught up in metaphors
14:40 and Father, Son is a metaphor.
14:43 Jesus was not born to the Father in that sense.
14:47 He is from eternity with the Father.
14:51 He is part of what God is like.
14:54 And the Greeks in the fourth century
14:57 brought his personhood concept into the Godhead
14:59 that there is one God in three persons.
15:02 And I think that can sometimes causes to separate
15:06 that God had a little more then we should.
15:09 What is clear in the New Testament
15:11 is that Jesus in Himself
15:13 is everything that God is, you see.
15:18 When Jesus hung on the cross,
15:20 it wasn't the Father executing Jesus.
15:24 It was the Father Himself
15:26 in Jesus Christ taking the abuse,
15:30 taking the pain, taking the suffering.
15:32 So the father-son language,
15:34 you know, metaphors don't stand on four legs
15:37 and if you take them to their extreme
15:38 you can create misunderstanding
15:40 even though the metaphor is intending to explain.
15:43 What the cross is telling us
15:46 is this is what the Father is like.
15:50 The Father Himself did not rescue Jesus
15:53 because the Father Himself was suffering in Jesus Christ.
15:57 That Jesus Himself is everything that is God.
16:03 And John is clearer in that than anyone else.
16:06 He was with the Father from the beginning,
16:09 what the God was, the word was,
16:12 they were always together.
16:13 And so when Jesus came down
16:16 that was something they did or God did,
16:21 however you want to express that.
16:22 And there on the cross we can see what God,
16:26 Father, Son and Holy Spirit are like.
16:30 Well, we are going to pick up
16:31 on the message of the cross after this short break,
16:33 so stay with us.


Revised 2014-12-17