Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien
Series Code: JBOTB
Program Code: JBOTB00022B
00:01 And welcome back,
00:02 we're studying the Gospel of John 00:03 and particularly the Holy Spirit. 00:06 And Dr. John Paulien, you said that the Gospel of John 00:10 mentions the Holy Spirit several times, 00:12 we read a few verses here. 00:14 Which can mean counselor, a comforter, a helper, 00:19 an advocate, what else does this word can be used? 00:24 Well, I think it was the perfect choice of language 00:28 for this particular context 00:30 because the disciples really have two needs, 00:33 Jesus is going away. 00:35 So they're going to be distressed 00:36 because He is going away. 00:38 They're missing Him. They need a comforter. 00:42 On the other hand they're going to go out into the world. 00:44 The world is going to be 00:45 accusing them of all kinds of things. 00:47 The world is going to hate them 00:48 and in that context they need an advocate, 00:52 they need a counselor, 00:53 a lawyer to help them in the worldly courts. 00:57 And one thing that happens often in the New Testament 01:00 is the judgments of earthly courts 01:04 against God's people are overturned 01:07 in God's heavenly judgment. 01:09 So God's people need to know 01:12 that when they're accused, 01:14 when they're judged in earthly courts, 01:16 that God is keeping record of all that. 01:19 And the Supreme Court will overturn 01:23 those earthly judgments in God's timing. 01:26 So now we are and we're still in Chapter 16. 01:33 And 14, and 15. We're going to different-- 01:35 We're going to that-- 01:36 Yeah, we're going to the discourse here, 01:40 Chapters 14 through 16 01:42 where there are five more references to the Holy Spirit. 01:46 You said five references 01:47 in the first part of John, we just read those. 01:49 We just read those. There's another five references. 01:51 In the discourse itself 01:53 and then the 11th one is in Chapter 20 which we read. 01:56 Should we look at those 01:57 five references in the discourse? 01:59 Let's do that now. 02:00 Okay and that would be in chapter-- 02:01 We'll start with Chapter 14:16-17. 02:07 "And I will pray the Father, 02:10 and He will give you another Helper, 02:12 that He may abide with you forever the spirit of truth, 02:16 whom the world cannot receive, 02:18 because it neither sees Him nor knows Him, 02:21 but you know Him, 02:22 for He dwells with you and will be in you." 02:26 So here is the first reference 02:29 in the discourse to the Holy Spirit. 02:31 And it says that Jesus will ask the Father. 02:36 In other words, the Holy Spirit is sent by the Father. 02:39 So it's also sent by Jesus. 02:41 So once again it shows how Jesus 02:43 and the Father are really one in all that they do. 02:47 And he is the spirit of truth, 02:51 just as Jesus is the way the truth and the life. 02:55 He said that just a few verses before this. 02:58 So there's a lot of connections between Jesus and the spirit 03:03 which we will pick up on I think a little bit later. 03:06 So it's interesting that he says, 03:09 "The Holy Spirit is another counselor, another comforter." 03:16 If the Holy Spirit is another comforter, 03:18 who is the comforter and that's Jesus. 03:22 Jesus is the one that comforted the disciples 03:24 when he goes away, they need another comforter. 03:28 So the Holy Spirit is really coming 03:30 to take the place of Jesus. 03:32 Jesus is the comforter, 03:34 Holy Spirit is another comforter. 03:36 Jesus is the truth. 03:38 The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth. 03:41 So he has come to take the place of Jesus 03:44 to do for the disciples 03:46 what Jesus had done for them while He was on the earth. 03:50 So he provides a presence of God. 03:54 But more than anything else, 03:56 he takes the place of Jesus right there for the disciples. 04:01 Next text is in verses 26-27 of the same chapter. 04:07 In John 14:26-27. 04:13 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, 04:15 whom the Father will send in My name, 04:17 He will teach you all things, 04:19 and bring to your remembrance 04:20 all things that I said to you. 04:24 Peace I leave you, My peace I give to you, 04:27 not as the world gives do I give to you. 04:30 Let not your heart be troubled, 04:32 neither let it be afraid." 04:34 So here we see now for the first time this counselor 04:37 is called specifically the Holy Spirit, 04:41 and that phrase comes in here for the first time. 04:45 And what is his role here? 04:48 It is to teach them everything that they need to know. 04:51 Everything maybe that they forgot about Jesus. 04:55 His role is to remind them of what Jesus has said. 04:59 If you remember back from the beginning of the series 05:03 that the purpose of the Gospel of John 05:05 is to demonstrate that the second generation 05:08 that doesn't have a living relationship with Jesus, 05:11 a personal face to face relationship with Jesus 05:14 through the Holy Spirit 05:15 and through the words of Jesus 05:18 will have all that connection that they need. 05:21 So the Holy Spirit's role 05:22 whenever we need connection with Jesus 05:24 is to remind us of the words 05:27 that will bring that connection. 05:29 So the Holy Spirit provides the words of Jesus, 05:33 provides the presence of Jesus 05:35 and then ultimately he provides the peace 05:38 that they had with Jesus. 05:41 So the Holy Spirit pretty much 05:43 is coming in to take 05:44 the place of Jesus in their behalf. 05:47 That moves us on to Chapter 15 05:50 and again verses 26 to 27 05:53 so that's easy to remember, Chapter 15. 05:56 "But when the Helper comes, 05:58 whom I shall send to you from the Father, 06:01 the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, 06:04 He will testify of Me. 06:06 And you also will bear witness, 06:08 because you have been with Me from the beginning." 06:12 All right, so here the spirit comes 06:16 and he's called the spirit of truth once again. 06:20 Jesus is the way the truth-- this is the spirit of truth. 06:24 But it's truth in a special context now. 06:28 There is a bit of this law court coming in here. 06:31 He will testify of me. So this is court language. 06:36 The Holy Spirit comes to testify about Jesus to us. 06:41 And to testify about us to the world. 06:45 So you have legal language 06:46 that higher court kind of thing that I mentioned earlier. 06:50 This is also in the context to the vine. 06:53 It is through the Holy Spirit they were connected to the vine. 06:56 Connected to the branches, 06:58 the words of Christ all connect us together. 07:01 There's all of a piece what Jesus is saying here. 07:05 So Holy Spirit comes, he takes the place of Jesus, 07:09 he connects us to the vine, he testifies in our behalf. 07:13 So comforter, counselor, it's all part of a piece. 07:18 As we're connected to the vine, 07:20 our lives are changed and we'll become new people. 07:25 Just as the Holy Spirit brings us 07:27 a new birth to be born again. 07:30 So, moving on Chapter 16:7-11. 07:36 And this is probably the toughest part 07:39 of these passages, bit the hardest to understand. 07:42 "Nevertheless I tell you the truth. 07:44 It is to your advantage that I go away, 07:47 for if I do not go away, 07:49 the Helper will not come to you but if I depart, 07:52 I will send Him to you. 07:54 And when He has come, 07:55 He will convict the world of sin, 07:57 and of righteousness, and of judgment of sin, 08:01 because they do not believe in Me of righteousness, 08:04 because I go to My Father 08:05 and you see Me no more of judgment, 08:08 because the ruler of this world is judged." 08:12 So here the focus is more and more on the world. 08:16 Up until now he has been focused on the disciples. 08:18 He will be your comforter, he will be at your side, 08:21 he will testify for you, 08:23 he will bring you into connection 08:24 to the words of Jesus. 08:26 But now the focus is a bit more on the world, 08:29 the world that is hating the disciples. 08:31 The world that is judging the disciples. 08:34 And he comes in here 08:36 and he convicts the world of three things. 08:40 He says he convicts him of sin, 08:42 and of righteousness, and of judgment. 08:46 What's that all about? 08:47 He is convincing the world of sin. 08:50 The persecutors think what. 08:53 They're doing God's will 08:55 when they're killing the people of God. 08:58 They think that they're serving God, 09:00 the Holy Spirit brings conviction 09:03 that what they're doing is actually wrong. 09:06 He convicts them of righteousness, 09:08 he points everyone to the Father side-- 09:11 that's the place where righteousness is. 09:13 Through the intersession of Jesus with the Father, 09:16 we received the righteousness. 09:18 And then he convicts them of judgment, 09:21 that he can liberate them from Satan's power and control. 09:25 The judgments of this world will be overturned. 09:29 So the Holy Spirit comes not just for the disciples 09:32 but in relation to the world, 09:34 to deliver them from the world. 09:37 And then the last part verses 13 to 15. 09:40 "However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, 09:44 He will guide you into all truth 09:46 for He will not speak on His own authority, 09:49 but whatever He hears He will speak 09:51 and He will tell you all things to come. 09:54 He will glorify Me, 09:55 for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you. 09:59 All things that the Father has are Mine. 10:01 Therefore I said that He will take of Mine 10:05 and declare it to you." 10:07 So the Holy Spirit brings Jesus to us, that's fundamental. 10:11 But there's one extra thing here. 10:13 He will also bring us things to come. 10:16 The Holy Spirit will not only minister Jesus to us 10:19 but it will help us to understand Bible prophecy. 10:23 John doesn't say whole lot about Bible prophecy. 10:25 But right here he makes it clear when the Holy Spirit comes, 10:28 there's more things for you to learn. 10:31 Was the Book of Revelation already written, 10:33 is that what he is referring to very possibly? 10:36 But the Holy Spirit is as important 10:39 to the Book of Revelation as it is to the Book of John. 10:42 So receiving the spirit is crucial. 10:45 So to summarize here 10:47 in the couple of minutes that we have left. 10:49 For John, the Holy Spirit is all about Jesus. 10:54 The Holy Spirit isn't looking to be glorified. 10:58 Isn't looking to us to pay attention to the Holy Spirit. 11:01 The Holy Spirit works behind the scenes, 11:04 pointing us to Jesus. 11:06 The Holy Spirit is selfless. 11:09 The Holy Spirit is self sacrificing. 11:12 He glories when people pay attention to Jesus. 11:15 So in that sense the Holy Spirit also shares 11:18 that self sacrificing spirit of the Godhead. 11:21 The Father sacrificed Himself by giving Jesus to the world. 11:27 He lost that connection with Jesus. 11:30 He took a huge risk. Jesus sacrifices Himself for us. 11:35 The Holy Spirit sacrifices himself to point to Jesus. 11:39 You see that beautiful spirit of non pride, 11:43 self-abnegation that comes in all of the Godhead. 11:49 And so the Holy Spirit comes to replace Jesus. 11:53 He and Jesus are both the truth. 11:56 They are both called teachers 11:58 and they're both sent by the Father. 12:01 They're both judged. They both remain. 12:06 They both speak what they've heard from heaven. 12:10 They're both associated with the Word of God. 12:13 When you compare Jesus and the Holy Spirit 12:16 throughout the Gospel of John, 12:17 you see the Holy Spirit has come to be Jesus for us. 12:22 Well, Dr. Paulien, once again we want to thank you 12:24 for being with us with this Bible study. 12:27 And friends, perhaps the Holy Spirit 12:29 has been leading you in this Bible studies 12:31 and leading you towards Christ. 12:33 If so take that decision, 12:34 accept Jesus Christ today till next time. |
Revised 2014-12-17