Books of the Book: John

The Foot Washing

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00018B

00:01 And welcome back.
00:02 We're in Chapter 13 of the Gospel of John,
00:04 and we're going to read verses 12 through 17.
00:07 So if you have a Bible with you, just follow along.
00:11 "So when he had washed their feet taking his garments
00:14 and sat down again, he said to them,
00:16 "Do you know what I have done to you?"
00:18 You call me teacher and Lord, and you say "Well, for so I'm.
00:22 If then, I, your Lord and your teacher
00:25 have washed your feet,
00:26 you also ought to wash one another's feet,
00:29 where I have given you an example
00:31 that you should do as I have done to you."
00:34 Most assuredly, I say to you,
00:36 a servant is not greater than his master
00:38 nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him.
00:42 If you know this--these things, blessed are you if you do them.
00:47 Well, Dr. Paulien, you know, this sounds like
00:49 what Jesus said earlier in the Gospel of Matthew 11,
00:52 where he says, "Learn from me,
00:55 I'm gentle and humble at heart."
00:59 And now here, we see that he is giving--
01:01 He is giving them an example of gentleness,
01:07 of--of humility, and he even says,
01:11 "You know, this is the example for you to do as I have done."
01:15 Well, a couple of things to follow up on that.
01:17 First of all, washing feet is a slave's task.
01:21 So, that's one thing, but even more striking
01:24 as we saw in the very first chapter of this Gospel,
01:29 the disciple of a teacher in those days
01:32 was expected to do a lot of things for the teacher,
01:34 you know, wash the car,
01:36 mow the lawn and all that kind of stuff,
01:38 but the one thing the disciple was forbidden to do
01:41 or that the teacher was forbidden to ask of the disciple
01:44 is to take his sandals on and off.
01:47 In other words it was felt too demeaning for a disciple to,
01:51 you know, help you off with the sandals
01:53 and put them on, they'll be touching the feet
01:54 and the dirt and all the rest of that.
01:57 So, Jesus, their teacher is doing for them
02:02 the one thing a student
02:04 isn't even allowed to do for the teacher.
02:07 So, He is taking Himself from the highest place
02:09 lowering Himself to the lowest place.
02:12 So the humility is deeply recognized there.
02:18 In this part, He says, "What I have done for you,
02:21 you're to do for one another."
02:23 So in John 13, it shows us what God is like
02:28 and it invites us to follow Him in that.
02:31 In John 12, Jesus said,
02:33 "The one who wants to follow me
02:36 should be with me where I am.
02:38 Where is Jesus going?
02:40 He's going to the cross, He's washing feet,
02:43 the foot washing becomes the acted parable of the cross,
02:48 and then Jesus says, "What I have done for you,
02:52 I ask you to do for each other."
02:55 So, in the foot washing service,
02:58 John doesn't have Lord's supper that,
03:01 that occurs in hints in various places in the Gospel,
03:04 but here, he focuses on something else
03:07 related to that supper
03:09 and that is the preparation
03:10 of washing of the feet at the beginning.
03:13 And so here is the emphasis going the way of the cross
03:18 is the path for every disciple.
03:21 Notice that Jesus is called teacher and Lord.
03:26 A lot of people would like to be teachers,
03:30 where you change peoples' minds,
03:32 you give them fresh ideas, you pass on knowledge,
03:37 but there's a deeper dimension,
03:38 the Gospel of John is about that deeper dimension
03:40 that Jesus is also Lord,
03:43 that means he not only tells us what to think,
03:47 but also opens to us the way of life.
03:50 Belief is good, but without behavior, it's inadequate.
03:56 So, here, as teacher and Lord, he's influencing their behavior
03:59 what they will do as well as how they will think.
04:04 So, and the foot washing,
04:05 we see that the teachings of the Gospel of John
04:09 are intended to be practiced, not simply believed.
04:13 When John says, "Only believe,
04:16 it's a Hebrew concept of believing."
04:19 For the Hebrew, believing is not just an intellectual assent,
04:23 believing is a whole-bodied act.
04:26 For the Hebrew, mind and body are not separated,
04:29 whatever goes on in the mind affects the body.
04:32 So you know that you believe, you know that you have faith,
04:37 when you do the things that God wants you to do
04:39 and you do them willingly.
04:41 That is the root of faith when you trust God,
04:44 you do what He says.
04:45 If you don't trust God, you don't do what He says.
04:48 You could say, I trust God and do your own thing.
04:51 The--The things you do are putting the lie
04:54 on the things that you say.
04:56 So, Jesus, puts the whole package together here.
04:59 Why don't we read verses 21 to 30,
05:01 which is the climax of the foot washing story
05:04 and brings painfully to account the story of Judas.
05:08 "When Jesus had said these things,
05:10 he was troubled in spirit and testified
05:12 and said, "Most assuredly,
05:14 I say it to you, one of you will betray me."
05:17 Then, the disciples looked at one another
05:19 perplexed about whom he spoke.
05:21 Now, there was leaning on Jesus'
05:24 bosom one of his disciples whom Jesus loved.
05:27 Simon Peter therefore motioned to him to ask
05:29 who it was of whom he spoke.
05:31 Then, leaning back on Jesus' breast,
05:34 he said to him, "Lord, who is it?"
05:36 Jesus answered, "It is he whom
05:39 I shall give a piece of bread when I have dipped it."
05:43 And having dipped the bread, he gave it to Judas Iscariot,
05:46 the son of Simon,
05:48 now after the piece of bread Satan entered him,
05:50 then Jesus said to him, "What you do, do quickly."
05:55 But no one at the table knew for what reason
05:57 he said this to him for some thought
06:00 because Judas had the moneybox that Jesus had said to him,
06:03 "Buy those things, we need for the feast
06:07 or that he should give something to the poor.
06:11 "Having--up to what verse? Verse 30.
06:14 "Having received a piece of bread,
06:16 he then went out immediately and it was night."
06:20 A lot of stuff comes together in these 10 verses that--
06:24 that's throughout the Gospel of John.
06:26 And first of all, when Judas leaves, it's night.
06:30 He's with the light, Jesus.
06:32 When he goes out, he goes out into the darkness.
06:35 That's the opposite of the journey
06:37 that Nicodemus makes.
06:38 Nicodemus comes in darkness, he comes by night,
06:43 but he comes to the light.
06:45 Judas leaves the light and goes out into darkness.
06:49 So, John throws this subtle imagery in there.
06:56 Another interesting piece that you--
06:58 you talk about the bosom of Jesus,
07:00 leaning against the bosom of Jesus.
07:02 This beloved disciple is presumed to be John,
07:05 the author of the Gospel,
07:07 and that's kind of awkward language for us today,
07:10 you know, the idea of you know
07:11 guys kind of cuddling up or something.
07:14 That doesn't look-- always sit well with us today,
07:17 but this is something--
07:19 This is very powerful in the Gospel of John.
07:23 This idea that John is the one who leans on Jesus' chest.
07:28 There's only one other place in the Gospel
07:32 where that language is used.
07:34 Do you have any idea where that is?
07:36 Well, that sounds a bit difficult to find out, but--
07:39 Do you remember the prologue? Yes.
07:41 What happened in the prologue? Uh.
07:44 Jesus and the Father, they have a relationship there. Yes.
07:48 Jesus is the one who is in the bosom of the Father.
07:53 Now John, the beloved disciple,
07:55 is the one who is in the bosom of Jesus,
07:58 only occurs twice in the Gospel and in the Greek,
08:02 the wording is very odd and very unusual.
08:05 That the two are connected
08:07 because what the prologue of the gospel teaches is that
08:11 Jesus is the clearest revelation of God.
08:14 And we have seen that all the way through.
08:18 Now, here, we see that John
08:21 has the same relationship with Jesus
08:23 that Jesus has with his father.
08:25 Therefore, John is the clearest revelation of Jesus.
08:29 So if somebody comes to you and says, "What is God like?
08:34 How can I relate to God?
08:36 How can I know what God is like?"
08:38 John, the Gospel of John,
08:40 is the clearest revelation of Jesus
08:43 and Jesus is the clearest revelation of God.
08:47 So if you want to know what God is like,
08:49 go to the Gospel of John.
08:51 And just as Jesus has that
08:53 intimate relationship with his father.
08:55 So we too can have that intimate relationship
08:58 with Jesus Christ. That's right.
09:00 Our relationship with Jesus now is,
09:03 if you will, getting into the bosom of John.
09:06 John is the vehicle through which we encounter Jesus,
09:09 and then Jesus is the vehicle through which we encounter God.
09:13 So starting point, you know,
09:16 if you get to somebody who doesn't know
09:17 anything about the Bible and just says,
09:19 you know, "where do I start?" Gospel of John.
09:22 It was designed for people who don't know how to find God.
09:26 It was designed for people
09:28 who need to learn that deeper spiritual walk.
09:31 It's designed for people who want to know what God is like.
09:34 So there is the one book in the whole Bible,
09:39 where one most clearly sees what God is like and that's--
09:44 Maybe the reason why so many people come to this gospel.
09:49 Another little piece in the story is--
09:51 is you see the eyewitness character of all of that
09:56 and that is that Jesus says,
09:58 "Somebody is going to betray me."
10:01 Is it I? Is it I? Is it I?
10:03 Disciples are all worried, who is this,
10:05 and Peter wants to know, but he's afraid to ask.
10:11 Ever feel that way, huh?
10:13 He wants to know, but he's afraid to ask.
10:15 So he kind of gestures to John, you know, ask Jesus. Right.
10:21 And John gets the gesture
10:24 and he turns to Jesus and says, "Who is it Lord?"
10:26 you see, I mean who would even notice
10:30 such a detail unless you were in the room.
10:32 Now, the other detail about that is that
10:34 he's the closest to Jesus
10:36 and they probably want to whisper,
10:38 you know, that no one else can hear-- Yeah.
10:40 But I-- I'm just thinking here,
10:42 trying to imagine the scene. Yeah.
10:45 And the beautiful thing about all this is Jesus knows,
10:48 the disciples never suspect what Judas is about to do.
10:53 They think, here's the narrator showing up,
10:56 he's giving you details that nobody there knows, you know.
10:59 We discover from the narrator, they think,
11:02 Judas is going out to get
11:03 some more supplies for the banquet
11:05 or he is going out to give something to the poor.
11:08 At Passover, Jews often give special gifts to the poor.
11:12 So disciples are thinking that Jesus knows,
11:16 someone's going to betray me.
11:19 They never suspect Judas, and what does Jesus do?
11:23 Jesus never betrays him.
11:27 Jesus doesn't tell anybody what He knows about Judas,
11:30 and that-- that strikes me to heart.
11:33 How easily we talk about other people
11:35 especially when they're not around.
11:37 Jesus never betrays Judas.
11:41 He never lets on what he knows is going on.
11:44 He lets Judas keep face, keep his reputation, etc.,
11:49 until he totally trashes it all by himself,
11:53 but the spirit, the character of Jesus
11:56 in the setting is so remarkable that,
12:00 as John constructs this,
12:02 it just gives us a beautiful, beautiful picture.
12:05 This is what God is like,
12:07 and I-- I just find this an amazing story.
12:11 It is amazing to know that
12:12 Jesus knows what's in our hearts.
12:15 And He doesn't go about the public telling everybody
12:19 what is in our hearts. Yeah.
12:21 And He gives us an opportunity to come to Him,
12:24 to confess to Him, and allow Him to transform us
12:29 and Jesus gave that time to Judas,
12:33 but Judas has more time to closer,
12:36 his heart was hardened
12:38 until eventually he just couldn't do anything about it.
12:41 He just wouldn't give, surrender his life to the Lord
12:45 and allow God to change him.
12:47 Already in Chapter 6, Jesus knows where he is heading
12:51 and he still walks with him that whole time.
12:54 And friends, we want to give you that assurance that,
12:56 in Jesus Christ, we can have eternal life till next time.


Revised 2014-12-17