Books of the Book: John

The Shadow of the Cross

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00017B

00:01 And, welcome back, Dr. Paulien.
00:02 So, let me restate the questions.
00:04 What was in-- in Judas' heart
00:06 that eventually led him to-- to betray Jesus?
00:10 Well, we know from this text that he was motivated by money.
00:13 You know, people say the three great motivators
00:16 of nonreligious people are money, sex and power.
00:20 We know he is motivated by money
00:22 and it appears he is also motivated by power
00:25 because if he believes Jesus is this messianic king,
00:28 who can conquer the Romans.
00:30 It's kind of like, "Let's get the show on the road."
00:32 And by betraying him,
00:34 he is hoping to see Jesus step up
00:38 and do what He is supposed to do
00:40 and flatten the Romans and get on with the business.
00:42 When he sees that Jesus is allowing Himself
00:45 to be abused and tortured, Judas is heart-stricken.
00:49 He realizes that he made a huge mistake
00:51 and that's when he tosses the--
00:54 you know betrayal money back.
00:56 So he's motivated by-- by a political kind of Jesus,
01:01 a political kind of religion,
01:03 and this, of course, does admit in the end
01:05 because he is the opposite of what John is looking for,
01:08 someone who can set aside those motivations,
01:11 be motivated by the character of God and--
01:13 and by doing the right thing.
01:15 So let us move on then.
01:16 Not only it seems that
01:18 the Pharisees were trying to kill Jesus,
01:20 but now they seemed to kill Lazarus.
01:22 Well, verses 9 to 11 are startling turn of events.
01:25 "Now, a great many of the Jews knew that
01:28 he was there and they came not for Jesus' sake only,
01:32 but that they might also see Lazarus,
01:34 whom he had raised from the dead.
01:36 The chief priests plotted to put Lazarus to death also
01:40 because on account of him,
01:42 many of the Jews went away and believed in Jesus."
01:45 That's almost comical, really.
01:47 I mean how are you going to kill somebody
01:50 that has a friend who can raise him from the dead
01:52 any time he wants, you know.
01:55 The logic is failing here,
01:57 but they're clearly struggling to get control of the situation
02:00 that in their minds is out of control.
02:03 Now, the next part of this chapter is the triumphal entry
02:07 and we're just gonna have to skip over that
02:09 because that's covered in Matthew, Mark, and Luke as well
02:12 as a lot of interesting things John does with it,
02:15 but unfortunately in a 30-minute program,
02:17 a chapter of John is a lot of material.
02:20 However, let me say to those who are watching
02:24 that what we plan to do is put the scripts,
02:28 the extensive scripts, with all the texts
02:30 and explanations on my website,
02:33 which is interestingly enough,,
02:38 and by the time these programs are on the air,
02:41 we plan to have the scripts available to you
02:44 so that you can study the things
02:46 that we can't cover in these programs.
02:48 And also, I think the videos themselves.
02:51 At some point, we would hope to have streaming
02:53 of these programs as well to go with that, yeah.
02:56 So about this triumphal entry we're going to skip now.
03:00 So where are we going then?
03:01 Let's go to verse 20
03:02 because that's a major turning point.
03:05 It says, "There were some Greeks
03:07 among those who went up to worship at the feast.
03:10 They came to Philip,
03:11 who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request.
03:15 "Sir," they said, "We would like to see Jesus."
03:18 Philip went to tell Andrew,
03:20 Andrew and Philip in turn told Jesus."
03:24 So here's an interesting development.
03:26 You have some Greeks that come to see Jesus.
03:29 This is a new development.
03:31 He said earlier, "Other sheep I have,
03:33 which are not of this fold."
03:35 That maybe a reference to the second generation,
03:37 it may also be a reference
03:38 to Greeks and Romans and Gentiles,
03:41 who up to that point were not part of Jesus' entourage.
03:45 So this coming of the Greeks is an exciting moment
03:49 and you can almost think at this point, "Wow.
03:52 Why doesn't Jesus drop everything
03:54 and follow these people to Greece
03:56 and then the things will really take off."
04:00 But Jesus doesn't react that way.
04:01 Notice verses 23 and 24.
04:04 But Jesus answered them saying,
04:05 "The hour has come that the Son of man should be glorified.
04:09 Most assuredly I say to you,
04:10 unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies,
04:14 it remains alone, but if it dies,
04:16 it produces much grain."
04:19 Now, in Chapter 11, the chief priests
04:23 and so on to say, you know, the world is going after Him,
04:27 especially triumphal entry.
04:29 Actually the part that we just skipped over.
04:30 The world has gone after Him. Here's the acted parable.
04:34 "The Greeks are coming."
04:36 Instead of being excited by this,
04:38 Jesus says, "The hour has come."
04:41 What is the hour?
04:43 It's the hour of His suffering,
04:45 of His torture, and of His death.
04:49 What do the Greeks have to do with this?
04:52 Somehow, the coming of the Greeks
04:55 triggers for Jesus the sense, it's time to go to the cross.
05:00 He sees the Greeks as a temptation of Satan
05:04 to steer Him away from the cross.
05:06 "Hey, don't go to the cross,
05:08 you can go out and evangelize the world.
05:10 Wouldn't that be more important?"
05:11 Yet, the cross is the thing that matters the most.
05:15 And so, he goes right there.
05:17 He says, "Unless the grain falls into the ground and dies,
05:20 it remains only a single seed,
05:23 but if it dies, it produces many seeds."
05:27 And then he goes on, verse 25,
05:29 "The man who loves his life will lose it
05:32 while the man who hates his life in this world
05:34 will keep it for eternal life."
05:37 So, Jesus here is seeing that if he could go out
05:42 and do this ministry, but He would go out alone,
05:47 He would be the focal point.
05:48 When He is in Greece, He can't be in Palestine.
05:50 When He's in Palestine, He can't be in Egypt,
05:53 but if He dies, the analogy is,
05:55 "You put a seed into the ground, it dies,
05:58 that seed is gone forever,
06:00 but out of that seed comes a plant
06:02 that produces many, many, many seeds."
06:05 So, Jesus at the cross being put into the ground,
06:09 you know, He dies, is buried, etc.
06:12 By being put into the ground,
06:14 Jesus unleashes many, many seeds through the Holy Spirit,
06:18 the disciples will replace Jesus' ministry,
06:22 and disciples will go out into the world
06:24 and they can be in all places at the same time
06:27 because there are many, many disciples.
06:29 Today, there are some two billion
06:31 Christians in the world,
06:32 now we recognize not all of them
06:34 are true to the name that they profess,
06:37 there are certainly millions and millions
06:39 of faithful Christians around the world.
06:41 So in every place, you can have the witness of Jesus
06:44 because of that one sacrifice that He makes.
06:47 So, Jesus clearly sees the most important thing
06:51 is the glorification that will happen on the cross,
06:55 and when that happens,
06:57 then the whole world can be reached.
06:59 So the coming of the Greeks at this moment
07:01 actually tells Him, you know, if the Greeks are ready,
07:05 it's time for Me to die.
07:06 It's time for things--
07:07 things are reaching critical mass
07:10 and now we can move ahead
07:11 and do that which most needs to happen.
07:15 Then, in verse 26, comes interpretation.
07:19 You know, John sees a story and an interpretation.
07:22 Verse 26, he says, "Whoever serves me must follow me
07:28 and where I'm, my servant also will be.
07:33 My father will honor the one who serves me."
07:37 Jesus is saying, "The one who wants to follow me
07:41 should be with me where I'm."
07:44 Where is Jesus? He's going to the cross.
07:48 If you want to follow Jesus,
07:49 you don't want to be politically powerful,
07:52 you don't want to be economically powerful.
07:54 If you want to follow Jesus, you go to the cross.
07:58 Where's the acted parable of that,
08:00 of the believer following Jesus to the cross.
08:05 That comes in Chapter 13 with the foot washing service.
08:09 There, Jesus acts out the self sacrificing love
08:15 that He demonstrates on the cross.
08:17 It's acted out in practical every day way,
08:20 the way John always does.
08:22 You know, Lord's supper, picnic lunches,
08:25 go to the cross, wash feet.
08:28 The washing of the feet is a practical everyday example
08:32 of what taking up your cross is all about.
08:34 It's putting aside your own ambition
08:37 and putting your focus on the needs of others
08:39 and this is what Jesus does in the foot washing
08:41 and there as we will see in the next program,
08:44 He says, "What I have done to you, do for each other."
08:49 Just as I have washed your feet,
08:51 so you are to wash each other's feet.
08:54 So the mission of those who follow Jesus,
08:57 the spiritual mission that John is bringing about
09:00 is that all who read his gospel
09:03 will end up doing what Jesus did,
09:05 following Him to the cross,
09:08 and some scholars, they call this, a cruciform existence
09:13 that we are to live a cruciform life,
09:16 that our life follows the model not only of Jesus' life,
09:19 what would Jesus do,
09:21 but it follows the model of the cross as well.
09:25 If you would follow me,
09:26 take up your cross and follow me.
09:30 We're not gonna make it through this whole chapter,
09:32 but just going on a few more verses,
09:34 why don't you read 27 through 30.
09:37 "Now, my soul is troubled and what shall I say.
09:40 Father, save me from his hour,
09:42 but for this purpose, I came to this hour.
09:45 Father, glorify your name.
09:47 Then, a voice from heaven saying,
09:49 "I have both glorified it and will glorify it again."
09:53 Therefore, the people who stood by
09:54 and heard it said that it had thundered.
09:57 Others said, an angel had spoken to him. Okay.
10:02 So, Jesus here is going through Gethsemane.
10:07 See, John doesn't have Gethsemane.
10:10 In Chapter 18, he tells the story of the garden,
10:12 but there's no anguish there.
10:14 John doesn't have the temptation.
10:15 He doesn't have the Lord's Supper.
10:17 He skips a lot of those details that are in the other gospels,
10:20 but they're under the surface here.
10:23 Here, we see the anguish of Jesus.
10:25 He is troubled. He realizes now He's going to the cross.
10:29 He doesn't say, 'Father, if you're willing,
10:32 let this cup be taken from me."
10:33 But you can see the anguish there.
10:35 It isn't easy to follow the way of the cross.
10:39 It's not guaranteed that a person would choose that.
10:44 In fact, if your eye is on the things of this world,
10:46 if your eye is on money, if your eye is on power,
10:50 if your eye is on the approval of others,
10:53 then the cross may not seem a very good place to be,
10:58 but all those other things are temporal,
11:00 they're shallow, they never truly satisfy,
11:03 what truly satisfies is the way of the cross. Amen.
11:07 And, Dr. Paulien, Jesus did say,
11:09 "If any one wishes to follow me,
11:12 he should count the cost."
11:13 That mean there is a cost to following Jesus,
11:16 but at the same time, there is a great reward.
11:20 And friends, we want to thank you for joining us
11:22 in this Bible study in the Gospel of John.
11:25 This is very powerful that indeed
11:27 God is making that call to you
11:30 and to me to follow Jesus and despite the cost,
11:34 there's a great reward. God bless.


Revised 2014-12-17