Books of the Book: John

The Good Shepherd

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00015A

00:20 Hello and welcome to this program "Books of the Book."
00:23 We're so glad that you can join us in this program.
00:27 We're doing a Bible study on the Gospel of John.
00:31 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez and with us is a Bible scholar,
00:34 his name is Dr. Jon Paulien.
00:36 And he is the dean of Religion
00:39 at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, California.
00:43 And we want to welcome him
00:45 for being with us and taking his time.
00:47 You have flown from a very far distance. That's right.
00:51 Southern California to Southern Illinois. All right.
00:54 Loma Linda must be a very wonderful place.
00:56 Well, the name means 'beautiful hill' in Spanish.
01:00 In Spanish, yeah. All right. Well, come again.
01:03 And now we are in the middle of the gospel.
01:06 And by the way if you have a Bible, you can join us.
01:09 And we are picking up in Chapter 10,
01:12 again that's the Gospel of John.
01:14 And Dr. Paulien, so the last program we talked about,
01:19 of course Chapter 9 and how Jesus healed a blind man
01:23 and now we get into 10.
01:24 And it seems that Jesus is now giving another discourse. Hmm.
01:29 How is this chapter which is talks about the good shepherd?
01:35 Is that connected to Chapter 9?
01:38 Okay, I think a lot of people tend to read Chapter 10
01:42 as if it were by itself.
01:43 Chapter 10 is actually two separate incidents.
01:47 The first incident is the good shepherd analogy
01:51 and then you have the story of Jesus in the temple again,
01:56 this time in another feast day.
01:58 And those are three months are so apart.
02:01 But this story in Chapter 10
02:04 is actually connected to Chapter 9,
02:07 which is connected to Chapter 7 & 8.
02:09 It's all one incident.
02:13 In fact the later part of 8, 9 & 10,
02:16 all happened on the same day, maybe even in the same hour.
02:19 So they're all tied together.
02:21 And if you go to Chapter 10, right at the beginning.
02:26 If you have a King James Bible,
02:28 it'll say "Verily, verily, I say unto you."
02:31 If you have more modern translation,
02:33 it might say, "Truly, truly, I tell you."
02:36 That introduction that "Truly, truly"
02:40 never starts a new chapter. It's always a reaction.
02:44 If somebody say, look, let me really emphasize this," you see.
02:48 Nobody's gonna say, "Let me really emphasize this--" Right.
02:52 When he opens the door, you know.
02:54 Somebody rings your door bell, okay.
02:56 You open the door. "Let me emphasize this."
02:59 He's gonna like, "Oh--oh. Wait a minute.
03:00 What are we talking about?" You see. Right.
03:02 So Chapter 10:1 is not introducing a new thing,
03:06 it goes right on what came before.
03:09 Jesus' talking to the Pharisees
03:11 in the presence of this blind man,
03:13 who was healed and saying, you know, your guilt remains
03:17 because you're rejecting the light
03:19 that's been brought to you."
03:21 So something about this good shepherd analogy
03:25 is gonna related to that previous story.
03:28 And as we get closer we will see how that is.
03:32 Perhaps just look at verse 4,
03:34 just for a moment. Chapter 10--
03:36 Chapter 10? Yeah.
03:37 "And when he brings out his own sheep,
03:39 he goes before them, and the sheep follow him,
03:42 for they know his voice." Okay.
03:45 That I think is a very clear reference
03:47 back to the blind man of Chapter 9.
03:49 The sheep of Jesus know His voice.
03:52 This man was a disciple of Jesus
03:54 before he actually knew Him.
03:58 He'd only met Him as a blind man.
04:00 Jesus puts something in his eyes,
04:02 sent him to the pool, he receives his sight,
04:05 he doesn't know what Jesus looks like,
04:07 he doesn't know his name, and he doesn't know who he is.
04:11 But as he's talking to the Pharisees,
04:14 he comes to know Jesus' voice.
04:17 So when he actually meets Jesus, he knows--
04:19 So blind people, they know the voice, you know.
04:23 I had a friend who was blind.
04:25 And it didn't matter if we've been separated for two years,
04:29 he would know me instantly.
04:31 But here's an interesting thing, my roommate in college,
04:33 and he'd roam next to us.
04:35 And my roommate in college had a voice just like mine.
04:39 Our voices are so similar
04:41 that sometimes he'd have a girl friend on the phone,
04:43 he said "Hey, I got to go do something."
04:45 And I just take the phone and say, "Yeah, yeah."
04:47 And she never knew it wasn't him, you know.
04:51 But this blind guy, he would know
04:53 the difference between us.
04:54 But there was one thing, my roommate,
04:57 whenever he would see him "Hello, Don."
04:59 And he would kind of tap him under the chin.
05:02 And I remember that, so 20 years later,
05:04 I see this guy and I just go up to him and I said, "Hello, Don."
05:08 And I tapped him on the chin.
05:10 And he says, "Oh, this is Gaspar,"
05:13 you know. "Hello."
05:14 And then I said, "Fooled you."
05:18 Very hard to fool a blind man.
05:20 See the blind man knows by the voice.
05:23 And Jesus takes that whole analogy
05:26 and brings it in here, and He says
05:27 "My sheep know My voice."
05:30 Those who truly commit themselves
05:32 to Jesus through the Holy Spirit
05:35 will know what is the right way,
05:37 will know the truth, they will be lead to follow Jesus.
05:41 Why don't we read the whole first 10 verses?
05:43 As the closest you get to a parable
05:46 in the entire Gospel of John.
05:48 "Most assuredly, I say to you,
05:50 he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door,
05:53 but climbs up some other way,
05:55 the same is a thief and a robber.
05:58 But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
06:01 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice,
06:04 and he calls his own sheep by name
06:07 and leads them out.
06:09 And when he brings out his own sheep,
06:11 he goes before them, and the sheep follow him,
06:14 for they know his voice.
06:16 Yet they will by no means follow a stranger,
06:19 but will flee from him,
06:21 for they do not know the voice of strangers.
06:24 Jesus used this illustration,
06:26 but did not understand the things,
06:29 they did not understand the things
06:30 which He spoke to them.
06:32 Then Jesus said to them again,
06:35 'Most assuredly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep.
06:38 All who ever came before Me are thieves and robbers,
06:42 but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door.
06:46 If anyone enters by Me, he will be saved,
06:49 and will go in and out and find pasture.
06:52 The thief does not come except to steal,
06:55 and to kill, and to destroy.
06:57 I have come that they may have life,
07:00 and that they may have it more abundantly.'"
07:03 Why don't you read verse 11, while you're there?
07:05 "I am the good shepherd."
07:07 The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep."
07:10 So here Jesus has a couple of "I am" statements.
07:14 We learned earlier that,
07:15 that these were showing how divine power
07:18 has been exercised through his life.
07:21 Here he says, "I am the door of the sheepfold"
07:24 and then he says, " I am the good shepherd."
07:27 So what's going on here?
07:31 Palestine back at that time
07:32 and still today is a fairly dry country
07:36 and there aren't tons and tons of forests, you know.
07:41 It's hard for a tree to get established there and to grow,
07:44 because the moisture can be irregular and so and so.
07:48 When we think of a sheepfold, we think of a corral,
07:50 you know, made with wooden fences and so on--
07:53 didn't happen. It's not the way they did it.
07:56 The favorite sheepfold was a cave, you see.
08:00 Because you could put the sheep in
08:03 and if the shepherd would lay down
08:05 at the entrance of the cave, the sheep were in there.
08:08 Right. They were safe.
08:09 The sheep couldn't get out without him knowing it,
08:12 or a wolf couldn't get in without him knowing it.
08:15 So you see the shepherd and the door are the same thing.
08:21 When you know the culture
08:22 and the way things went at that time,
08:25 this story makes perfect sense.
08:28 But what if they didn't have caves?
08:31 What they do have is lots and lots of stones.
08:34 It's a very rocky soil
08:36 and you'll see often stone fences.
08:39 And they would create a circle of stones,
08:42 maybe a meter high or little bit more
08:45 or whatever sheep would not be able to cross,
08:47 create that circle of stones.
08:49 And then there'd be an opening at one end.
08:52 And that's the place where the shepherd would stay.
08:54 So sheep would go in there at night,
08:56 the shepherd would lay down in that opening
08:58 and everything was safe.
09:01 So that's the context that you have here
09:05 that the shepherd and the door is the same thing.
09:09 The shepherd comes in by the door,
09:11 the sheep come in by the door, anybody goes in another way,
09:14 is a thief, or a robber or even a wolf. All right.
09:18 So what's he doing with all of these?
09:20 All of this is following on from Chapter 9.
09:24 So why don't we read verses 11 through 16?
09:29 We're still in Chapter 10. Hmm.
09:31 "I am the good shepherd.
09:32 The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.
09:35 But a hireling, he who is not the shepherd,
09:39 one who does not own the sheep,
09:41 sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees,
09:44 and the wolf catches the sheep and scatters them.
09:47 The hireling flees because he is a hireling
09:50 and does not care about the sheep.
09:52 I am the good shepherd, and I know My sheep,
09:55 and am known by My own.
09:58 As the Father knows Me, even so I know the Father,
10:01 and I lay down My life for the sheep.
10:04 And other sheep I have which are not of this fold,
10:07 them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice,
10:11 and there will be one flock and one shepherd."
10:15 So here Jesus explains the analogy,
10:17 it's not exactly a parable, this,
10:19 you know, shepherd and sheep, it's an analogy.
10:23 But he explains it here that there's two kinds of shepherd,
10:28 there's the shepherd who owns the sheep,
10:30 who has a relationship with the sheep
10:33 and this kind of shepherd will,
10:34 if necessary give his life for the sheep.
10:37 The wolf comes and he will fight.
10:40 Whereas the other type of shepherd is the hireling
10:43 and that's somebody who is doing it for "pay."
10:46 This is a person who has no intention
10:48 of dying for this job, you know.
10:50 So when the wolf comes or the thief comes,
10:53 he'll just run away, and leave the sheep.
10:55 You know, he was happy to take money for watching the sheep,
10:57 but he wasn't gonna defend them.
10:59 His motive is salary rather than-- Yeah.
11:02 A genuine care for the sheep.
11:04 Now who do these two shepherds represent?
11:08 The shepherd, who's willing
11:09 to give his life for the sheep would be?
11:12 Jesus. Jesus, okay.
11:14 Who are the hired hands,
11:17 who are not willing to give their lives,
11:18 and who don't really care about the sheep?
11:20 Going back to Chapter 9, those are the Pharisees,
11:23 who had a sheep in their midst,
11:27 this blind man and instead of caring for him
11:30 and being excited that,
11:32 you know, he sees now and he's close to the God,
11:36 they throw him out.
11:38 So they take the sheep and toss is out of the pen.
11:41 So Jesus is giving this analogy
11:44 as a further illustration of what was happening
11:48 in the story in Chapter 9.
11:50 And basically there's two relationships
11:53 with God that are possible.
11:56 One of them is the relationship
11:57 of institutional or political religion,
12:01 where people maybe following God,
12:05 giving lip service to God
12:07 for what they can get out of it in this world.
12:09 And what are the things that one can get out of a religion?
12:12 Well, you can get power.
12:14 There are some people
12:16 who don't have anything going on the job or stuff,
12:19 but if they can elder of the church,
12:22 there's a position of authority
12:24 and they like the power that comes with it,
12:27 there maybe money that comes with religion.
12:29 You know, you can use religion to gather fees
12:33 or sell tapes or all kinds of things.
12:35 So one can be into it
12:38 for what you can get out of it in this life
12:41 and those are the hired hands.
12:43 The Pharisees who are there,
12:45 religion for them was their way of life
12:47 and their way to power and authority
12:50 and sometimes even sexuality can get involved,
12:53 as we often heard in recent times.
12:57 But the true kind of faith
13:00 is the faith that's willing to die for it,
13:02 something worth living for and something worth dying for.
13:08 So that's the difference between the two kinds of religion
13:12 and Jesus is illustrating that here.
13:14 So there is a major connection again in Chapter 9 and 10,
13:18 although it appears--we can take just Chapter 10 by itself
13:22 and it would, you know, it would make sense.
13:24 But as you said that those first two words,
13:28 "Verily, verily or amen, amen." Yeah.
13:30 Well, my version says, most assuredly
13:32 and then he gets going.
13:33 So then again the conversation is not over.
13:38 As the blind man present most likely to face--
13:40 He may well be present during this--
13:41 it doesn't say one way or the other, yeah.
13:43 And so as the Pharisees are casting
13:46 this man out of the synagogue, Jesus is taking him.
13:49 He's collecting him.
13:50 He's collecting that sheep and he's following. Yeah.
13:52 So this idea of the shepherd
13:56 and the sheep happens in a lot of the gospels.
13:58 In Mathew 18, it's about the church,
14:02 so here it's about the Pharisees.
14:04 But in Mathew 18, it's about the church.
14:06 There are big shots in the church,
14:08 who are throwing out the sheep, in Mathew 18,
14:13 when you look at it.
14:14 In Luke 15, the sheep wanders out by itself.
14:18 But in Mathew 18,
14:20 Jesus is the one protecting those
14:22 that the church people are throwing out.
14:24 In Luke 15, the sheep that wanders out by themselves,
14:28 Jesus still goes after them.
14:30 In John Chapter 10,
14:32 when the Pharisees are throwing people out,
14:34 Jesus collects them.
14:36 So you can see the character of God in all of this.
14:40 And God is inviting us to treat people,
14:44 whether they're Jews, whether they're Christians,
14:46 or whether just people
14:48 who stupidly go the wrong way, like sheep, you know.
14:51 Grass looks greener over there, you go over there.
14:54 Oh, there's another greener one.
14:55 Pretty sooner they're lost, not very intelligent.
14:58 But Jesus still cares and goes after them.
15:01 Indeed God cares.
15:02 And we're gonna continue learning more of God's character
15:05 in the Gospel of John after this short break.


Revised 2014-12-17