Books of the Book: John

Two Remarkable Healings

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00010B

00:01 And welcome back to this Bible study
00:03 of the Gospel of John with Dr. Jon Paulien.
00:06 And, Dr. Paulien, you said
00:07 that there are three different types of faith
00:10 and I want to just review those again.
00:11 You said that the first one is an 'Inadequate Faith,'
00:14 which is an expression of faith, you know,
00:17 I say I believe or at least I acted or--
00:20 But because it's focused on miracle,
00:22 it's really faith in a caricature
00:24 of what God is like. Right.
00:26 God is this kind of heavenly vending machine,
00:29 you know, you punch a button, you get the candy or--
00:32 Well, this is not a Saving Faith.
00:34 Right. Because it does not,
00:36 it's not really directed to the true God.
00:38 Okay, the second type of faith is a 'Saving Faith,'
00:43 which is immature and shallow.
00:46 And the third type of faith is a 'Full Saving Faith,'
00:49 that's what you call it. Yeah.
00:51 Which includes the cross.
00:53 And the 'Full Saving Faith' comes to grasp that it's not,
00:58 you know, God is not about working miracles.
01:00 He is not about power and intimidation and so on.
01:04 But rather that God is all about the cross
01:09 that it's in self-sacrifice.
01:11 It's in weakness that true God is seen.
01:16 And when you have faith in that God
01:17 then our lives are ordered in a proper direction.
01:20 So which is out of these three-- which is the faith
01:23 that we ought to have?
01:24 Well, the goals very certainly is a rich,
01:27 full understanding, full-bodied faith.
01:30 But salvation often comes to people
01:33 who don't know everything.
01:34 They don't know much, they just know,
01:36 they hear the words of Jesus, they respond, they're in.
01:39 You don' t have to earn your way to Jesus,
01:41 so I got to develop faith here for the next three months,
01:44 then maybe I can dig in.
01:46 He accepts you when you enter,
01:48 but invites you to continue growing.
01:50 So the disciples at the wedding of Cana,
01:53 they see the water turned to wine and they're saying,
01:55 "Wow, Jesus is a miracle worker.
01:57 This is pretty cool. I want to follow Him."
01:59 And that's the right move to make,
02:01 but they still at this point, don't fully understand
02:04 the cross and the implications that the greatest glory of Jesus
02:08 is washing feet, you know, not beating up Romans.
02:11 Yeah, so this nobleman
02:13 comes to Jesus with an inadequate faith.
02:16 Yeah, his faith is just based on miracles.
02:18 He says, "Well, if Jesus heals my son
02:20 then maybe I'll believe in him."
02:22 But when he hears the words of Jesus, something changes.
02:25 And that faith changed.
02:27 He went back with a different faith.
02:28 He no longer needs to see the miracle.
02:30 He can even wander back the next day.
02:32 So he didn't have to see his child alive
02:35 and well in order for him to have that experience that,
02:40 what you call the 'Full Saving Faith.'
02:41 He knows that Jesus is who He is.
02:44 Quickly, how do I know
02:46 which faith do I-- which faith I have?
02:49 Can I know that?
02:52 That's an interesting and a very good question.
02:54 Because you see, this is John's expression,
02:56 these three types of faith.
02:59 Is that all there is to say about faith, perhaps not.
03:03 But I-- that's a good curveball to ask
03:09 because it gets down to a very individual thing.
03:12 How do I know that I'm right with God?
03:15 And I guess at the bottom-line is to question.
03:18 Are you willing to accept Him?
03:21 No matter what the price, no matter
03:23 what the cross would say, anything in your life
03:25 that you would hang on to rather than grasp on to Him.
03:29 And I think 'Saving Faith' happens
03:32 when we say, "I don't care this, that.
03:35 I don't care if I lose my job.
03:37 I don't care, you know, if I lose my life,
03:40 my reputation or anything.
03:41 I want what God has.
03:43 And I think that is 'Saving Faith.'
03:45 If there's anything inside of us that's holding back
03:49 then it's some of this more shallow,
03:50 more inadequate faith, I would say.
03:53 And another thing is that faith is not a permanent thing,
03:57 meaning that, I can have
03:59 'Full Saving Faith' today,
04:01 but tomorrow I might not have it.
04:04 Well, that's a very interesting point.
04:06 And John definitely speaks directly to that.
04:09 Because in the Gospel of John, faith is never a noun,
04:15 it's always a verb, and it's a continuous verb.
04:19 So faith isn't something, you know,
04:22 that you kind of throw at God.
04:23 Okay, here, have my faith, you know.
04:25 Faith rather is a settled way of life.
04:30 And the real definition of faith is trust.
04:34 Do you trust God to do for you
04:37 what you can't do it for yourself?
04:40 That's the core what faith is all about?
04:42 And trust really is a verb.
04:44 It's a relationship.
04:46 It's an ongoing thing.
04:47 So John is not seeing faith as an idea,
04:51 he is not seeing faith as a onetime act.
04:53 You know, I had faith.
04:54 I know I'm saved now, you see.
04:57 But no, faith is a continual walking
04:59 in relationship with God.
05:01 A continual believing
05:02 that He can do everything that you need.
05:05 So for John, it's active.
05:07 It isn't just a onetime thing.
05:10 Well, we also are going to talk about another miracle.
05:13 Pool of Bethesda? All right.
05:15 That's right. And we are in--again,
05:17 we are in chapter 4 of the Gospel of John
05:19 and we are picking up in, which verses now?
05:21 I think now we move to chapter 5.
05:23 Oh, we are in chapter 5.
05:25 And we get to the very first verse.
05:26 And we are in verse 1. So we'll make that clear.
05:27 Thank you. After this, shall we read then?
05:31 Sure, go ahead.
05:32 "After this there was a feast of the Jews
05:34 and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
05:36 Now there is in Jerusalem by the sheep gate a pool,
05:40 which is called in Hebrew,
05:41 Bethesda, having five porches."
05:44 Why don't you stop there for a second? Okay.
05:46 So scholars doubted John for a long time
05:52 because they know where the sheep gate is.
05:55 There is no pool, you see.
05:57 So, how could this great big thing be here
06:01 and we don't know about it?
06:02 So scholars kind of doubted, but the gospel said
06:05 it was there, and eventually the archeologists found it,
06:08 underneath the neighborhoods and all that,
06:10 somebody came to discover.
06:12 Yes, there was once a great pool down here.
06:14 There is even a church built over
06:17 at a few centuries later to commemorate that.
06:19 You can go visit it today.
06:21 It's like, 100 meters long, 70 meters wide,
06:24 40 feet, you know, 12 meters deep.
06:28 I mean, this is huge, and it has 5 porches.
06:31 It's kind of like a figure 8.
06:33 So you have porches on the four sides
06:35 and then down the middle it was separated into two pools.
06:38 So today we know that the Gospel of John
06:41 was grounded on accurate reality.
06:44 And the name of this place is Bethesda,
06:47 which means, 'House of Mercy.'
06:50 It was kind of like an ancient hospital. So read on.
06:54 "In these lay a great multitude
06:56 of sick people, blind, lame, paralyzed,
06:59 waiting for the moving of the water.
07:02 For an angel went down at a certain time into the pool,
07:05 and stirred up the water then whoever stepped in first
07:08 after the stirring of the water
07:11 was made well of whatever disease he had.
07:15 Now certain man was there,
07:16 who had an infirmity thirty eight years?
07:20 When Jesus saw him lying there, and He knew that he had,
07:23 he had already been in that condition a long time.
07:26 He said to him, 'Do you want to be made well?'
07:30 The sick man answered him,
07:31 'Sir, I have no man to put me into the pool
07:34 whenever the water is stirred up,
07:37 but while I am coming, another steps down before me.'
07:41 Jesus said to him, 'Rise, take up your bed, and walk.'
07:46 And immediately the man was made well,
07:48 took up his bed, and walked
07:50 and that day was the Sabbath."
07:53 Okay. So here's this crowd of people around the pool.
07:58 It's kind of an ancient hospital
08:00 with an interesting type of triage.
08:03 It's the least sick person that gets helped first,
08:06 you know, and this guy has been paralyzed.
08:07 He had been there 38 years,
08:09 found no mercy at the House of Mercy.
08:13 Jesus comes in, picks a man out of the crowd.
08:17 This man doesn't know Him, this man doesn't express
08:21 any faith in Him, and Jesus heals him.
08:25 It's a pure act of grace.
08:28 And, you know, I've experienced that from time to time.
08:31 You wake up one day and just realize,
08:33 "Hey, God has touched me.
08:36 My life is different."
08:37 That's kind of what happened on this day.
08:39 And it's the Sabbath day and Jesus seems
08:42 to deliberately in the Gospel of John
08:44 heal on the Sabbath day almost to make a point
08:49 that the Sabbath day is there for doing good.
08:53 Now continue reading up through verse 15.
08:56 "The Jews therefore said to him who was cured,
08:59 it is the Sabbath, it is not lawful
09:01 for you to carry your bed.
09:03 He answered them, 'He who made me well,
09:05 said to me, Take up your bed, and walk.'
09:08 Then they asked him, 'Who was the man
09:10 who said to you, take up your bed, and walk?'
09:12 But though-- but the one who was healed
09:15 did not know who it was for Jesus had withdrawn
09:18 a multitude being in that place.'
09:21 Afterward Jesus found him in the temple,
09:23 and said to him, 'See, you have been made well,
09:27 sin no more, lest the worse thing come upon you.'
09:30 The man departed, and told the Jews that it was Jesus,
09:33 who had made him well."
09:35 I want to focus in on verse 14 here
09:38 because it says something very powerful.
09:41 Later Jesus found him at the temple and said to him,
09:43 "See, you are well again, stop sinning
09:46 or something worse may happen to you."
09:48 Now English translation can't always pick up on this.
09:51 But there are two ways in Greek to say the 'stop sinning'
09:55 or as your translation said 'sin no more.'
09:58 One is the 'Aorist Subjunctive' which basically means,
10:01 don't even think about it.
10:02 You're not there, but don't start, okay.
10:05 The other is the imperative present tense,
10:10 present imperative, which is continuous,
10:13 stop what you're doing and what you have been doing
10:16 these last 38 years, you see.
10:19 So this man has been sinning for 38 years.
10:23 How does a paralyzed man sin?
10:25 Can he rob a bank? No.
10:27 No. Can he commit rape?
10:32 Would he even be accused of that?
10:34 No, probably not.
10:36 Can he kill people? No.
10:38 So, how does he sin?
10:40 It's in the mind, you see.
10:42 And here's the interesting thing.
10:44 Jesus heals his body, but invites him to enter
10:49 into relationship a process to heal the mental,
10:52 the emotional, and the rest of that.
10:55 And so the idea of emotional healing
10:57 is an important piece of this.
10:59 And Jesus invites us into relationship
11:02 to deal with the whole thing.
11:03 And here a person then can be physically healthy,
11:08 but spiritually unhealthy.
11:10 And here's a key lesson out of this,
11:12 Dr. Paulien, that God is looking to heal us spiritually.
11:18 He wants to search our hearts
11:20 and cleanse us from any unrighteousness,
11:22 any impurities that we might have.
11:24 Well, friends, thank you for joining us,
11:26 and we'll see you next time.


Revised 2014-12-17