Books of the Book: John

The Samaritan Woman

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00009A

00:20 Hello and welcome to this program,
00:21 "Books of the Book."
00:23 I'm so glad that that you're able to join us
00:24 in this Bible study
00:26 and we're studying the Gospel of John.
00:28 And today we're studying about the Samaritan woman.
00:32 And with us is Dr. Jon Paulien.
00:34 He's a scholar of the Bible
00:36 and I have been blessed with the Bible studies
00:38 that I've been sharing with him or we both been studying here.
00:42 And I hope that you too can be blessed
00:44 and if you have a time, if you can join us,
00:47 you can pick up your Bible
00:48 and join us in chapter 4 starting in verse 1,
00:53 that is the Gospel of John. Dr. Jon, welcome again.
00:58 Good to be with you.
01:00 You know, in our last program we were talking about Nicodemus
01:03 and we said that men will be judged
01:06 not for the darkness that they loved,
01:09 but for the light they received in their darkness
01:12 which they rejected.
01:14 And so last chapter we see that
01:16 Jesus is having this one on one conversation with a man.
01:21 And now we come to verse 4
01:23 and He has another one on one conversation,
01:25 but this time with a woman.
01:28 And we know her as the woman at the well.
01:31 That's right. Right.
01:32 So where do we pick up?
01:34 Okay, well this particular story occurs
01:37 in a place called Samaria.
01:40 And in the Old Testament there was a time
01:43 when Israel was divided into two nations.
01:45 So one was around Jerusalem called Judah
01:49 and other was around this area Samaria
01:52 and it was just called Israel and they had different kings
01:57 and eventually even different places of worship.
02:00 I had a chance recently in Israel to go to Tel Dan,
02:04 which has a temple, the remains of a temple.
02:07 It's the only Hebrew temple
02:10 that is still in good shape in the land of Israel
02:13 from the time of the Old Testament.
02:15 It's about 800 BC and you could see the altar there
02:18 and so that's-- that was pretty exciting stuff.
02:21 So in Samaria--there's really a long history here,
02:26 because these Samaritans are kind of cousins to the Jews.
02:31 They are related and yet their religion is different and so on.
02:35 And they actually believed that they had the true religion
02:39 and that the Jews did not.
02:40 And if you go to the Old Testament
02:42 you could see some of that.
02:45 Because when Abraham comes from Ur of the Chaldees
02:48 and comes to Palestine, where does he end up? Shechem.
02:53 And in fact the Samaritan Pentateuch,
02:56 the Samaritan version of the Books of Moses,
02:59 actually say that Abraham came to Shechem in the land of Moriah
03:04 where Abraham sacrificed Isaac.
03:07 So the Samaritan see that activity actually happening
03:12 on Mount Gerizimc in Samaria rather then at Jerusalem?
03:17 So in their minds everything goes there.
03:20 Jacob when he comes back from Mesopotamia,
03:24 he lands in Shechem.
03:27 When the Israelites come out of Egypt
03:30 and they enter into the Promised Land,
03:31 where do they hold their first worship service?
03:34 In Shechem, Mount Gerizim,
03:36 Mount Ebal on either side of Shechem.
03:38 Apparently they fought battles in the north
03:42 and they fought battles in the south,
03:44 but the people in the centre of the country
03:48 were not hostile, you see.
03:50 So apparently Abraham when he came there
03:54 made some converts and stuff like that
03:55 kind of stayed true all the way along.
03:59 In fact archeologists have found in Shechem,
04:02 an altar to the Lord of the covenant.
04:06 And that's interesting language
04:07 because, you know, the Old Testament
04:10 speaks off about the covenant that God makes with His people.
04:14 So you have abundant evidence
04:17 that Shechem was a place of worship
04:20 going all the way back to Abraham.
04:22 When does Jerusalem become the centre of worship?
04:26 Only under David.
04:28 Only about 1000 years after Abraham.
04:32 So for the Samaritans they say, you know, who are you guys?
04:36 We've been here long before you.
04:37 We've been worshiping the true God long before you.
04:40 This is the real place, this is the real religion.
04:43 So when Jesus and this woman enter into debate
04:46 over the right place to worship,
04:48 there's a long history going on here that opens it up.
04:53 Now when the Israelites went to Babylon,
05:00 those people came from Judah,
05:02 the southern kingdom not the north.
05:04 They went to Babylon
05:05 and with the help of Daniel, Ezekiel and so on,
05:08 their religion was reformed, their idolatry was burned away
05:12 and they came back from Babylon to change people.
05:15 When they came back,
05:17 there were people still in the land
05:18 who remembered the old ways and they were conservative.
05:22 I guess you would say.
05:24 And they--these people come back from Babylon,
05:25 they got a totally new religion.
05:27 What's going on here, you see?
05:29 So the Samaritans, they're kind of like old school Hebrews.
05:34 They're hanging on to the old religion
05:36 where Yahweh had female consorts,
05:39 you know, you can even see a little female figurines
05:43 that you'll find archeologically in that place.
05:47 So the Samaritans thought of their religion as superior
05:50 because it was earlier, because they hadn't changed.
05:54 But you see God often changes things.
05:58 And if we don't move with God when He changes stuff,
06:02 we can get left behind,
06:04 even though we're faithful to what we thought we knew.
06:07 We haven't changed, everything is looking good.
06:09 And yet when God is moving, when the Spirit comes,
06:12 it can take you places you didn't expect.
06:15 So the Samaritans were kind of people
06:17 who were hanging on to the old ways.
06:19 And now Jesus comes to the Jews
06:23 who were now also hanging on to their old ways
06:25 and He's offerings something totally new in the sense.
06:30 They were all stuck with the temple.
06:32 Temple on Mount Gerizim or temple in Jerusalem
06:35 and that's the right place
06:37 and if you got that, you're good,
06:38 if you don't have it, you're not.
06:40 And Jesus come and says,
06:42 it doesn't matter, Gerizim, Jerusalem.
06:45 He says true followers can worship God anywhere.
06:49 So that's the deep thing that's coming through here.
06:54 Unfortunately the Jews
06:55 and the Samaritans hated each other.
06:59 The Jews felt that
07:01 everything the Samaritans touched was defiled
07:04 by the fact that they touched it.
07:07 And so the Jews held a very low opinion,
07:10 but here's an interesting thing.
07:13 When people called Jesus Messiah what does He usually do?
07:18 No, don't call me Messiah, you don't use those terms?
07:22 In Samaria, He says, yeah I'm the Messiah.
07:26 What's the difference here? It's the view of Messiah.
07:30 For the Jews at that time the Messiah was gonna be a king,
07:34 a military general who would deliver them from the Romans.
07:37 Jesus couldn't say yes to that.
07:40 Their agenda for the Messiah was not his.
07:43 When He said He's Messiah, they would expect Him to be
07:45 something different than what He was.
07:47 But the Samaritans didn't have a military
07:50 and economic political picture of the Messiah.
07:53 They thought of the Messiah as a reformer,
07:57 someone who would teach them the true way to worship.
08:00 And so you see in Samaria,
08:02 Jesus could admit that He was the Messiah,
08:05 because they would understand Him correctly from that term.
08:09 So the Samaritans, you know,
08:14 had some great ideas about the Messiah
08:17 and Jesus accepts their ideas
08:19 and He says, yeah I'm the Messiah
08:22 in the terms that you have.
08:24 Now before we get to the text,
08:25 there's one more thing I want to share with you.
08:27 So we talked about weddings a few programs back,
08:31 and I see the smile come on your face.
08:33 I think about that because that's a good thing
08:35 in your future here somewhere.
08:37 But you know, in the Old Testament
08:40 there were lots of encounters at wells.
08:43 Moses found his wife at a well. Jacob found his wife at a well.
08:49 Isaac found his wife at a well.
08:52 And interestingly enough
08:54 every time the couple encounters each other at the well,
08:59 then the girl goes back leaves the well,
09:03 leaves him at the well and goes to get her family.
09:06 The family comes back and then the marriage happens.
09:09 So I've a question for you.
09:11 Do you know where the nearest well around here is?
09:17 Oh, we can work on that. May be off the air.
09:21 All right, if you go ahead. That's right.
09:23 So here you have this background,
09:26 so when John is writing the story
09:29 and people are reading the story at the time
09:31 and if they have that background and mind they're gonna say
09:34 interesting he's meeting a woman.
09:36 He meets her at the well, she runs off,
09:38 she gets her family they come back,
09:40 you know, something is happening here.
09:43 And you made a suggestion little while ago,
09:45 it says in the story that she has five husbands,
09:48 she's living with a sixth one and what was your idea?
09:52 Well, the sixth one was that she--
09:53 where she meets Jesus and-- Yeah.
09:57 So maybe He's the seventh guy?
09:59 Well, I'm just-- I'm just thinking.
10:02 It's kind of the way John thinks.
10:04 I've never gone there before, but I like that idea
10:07 and maybe there's an implication here,
10:09 that she's had six men and Jesus is the seventh.
10:13 And as the seventh He's the true husband,
10:16 the one that can really meet her needs.
10:19 But anyway I don't know if John is going there,
10:21 but that's an exciting idea
10:23 and John certainly tends to think that way quite often.
10:27 All right then--should we just get into the text?
10:30 Let's get into the text?
10:31 Yeah. All right.
10:32 So we're in chapter 4, Jon, and we're reading verses--
10:37 shall we start reading from verse 1?
10:40 Well, let's go to verse 5,
10:43 if we had more time it would be nice to go through every verse.
10:45 But I think there's some key things
10:47 we want to touch base on.
10:49 "So he came to a city of Samaria which is called Sychar,
10:52 near the plot of ground
10:54 that Jacob gave to his son Joseph." Now Jacob--
10:57 Now this well, actually Jacob's well is there,
11:01 this well is still there.
11:03 It's actually in the basement of a church.
11:05 They built a church around it.
11:07 And this is a Palestinian area
11:10 and has been at times a place of tension,
11:12 but I was able to visit there once.
11:14 And it's some of the sweetest water
11:17 you would ever taste it,
11:19 it's really a pure, it's a lovely well.
11:22 Interesting the city is called Sychar
11:26 and that's exactly what it sounds like Sychar,
11:30 you know, it kind of close to sugar,
11:33 but it actually means drunkenness.
11:36 Now think about that.
11:38 Jesus spends time in the village of drunkenness.
11:42 You know, Jesus is not worried about guilt by association,
11:47 He goes and meets people where they are,
11:50 and He brings them out from where they are
11:53 to where they need to be.
11:55 I think sometimes these Christians were afraid
11:57 to associate with people that might bring us a bad name
12:01 or something like that,
12:02 but Jesus doesn't seem to have that fear.
12:04 Not that Jesus was a drunker to me than where they were.
12:07 Didn't need to do that. Right. Okay.
12:10 No, He didn't need to do that.
12:11 But He meets them in their place
12:13 and He's not ashamed to be seen with them.
12:16 And here you have a town.
12:18 Imagine living in the town called drunkenness.
12:21 I think some people make me feel,
12:23 they do living in such a town.
12:25 Everybody knows your secrets. Yeah.
12:27 Why don't you go to verse 10 and go through verse 14.
12:31 "Jesus answered and said to her, 'If you knew the gift of God
12:35 and who it is who says to you give me a drink,
12:38 you would have asked him
12:40 and he would have given you living water.'
12:43 The woman said to him 'Sir,
12:44 You've nothing to draw with and the well is deep.
12:48 Where then do you get that living water?
12:51 Are you greater than our father Jacob,
12:53 who gave us the well and drank from it himself,
12:56 as well as his sons and his livestock?'
12:59 Jesus answered and said to her,
13:01 'Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again,
13:04 but whoever drinks of the water
13:05 that I shall give him will never thirst,
13:08 but the water that I shall give him
13:10 will become in him a fountain of water
13:12 springing up into everlasting life.'"
13:16 Well, in this story, a woman comes to the well
13:19 and Jesus asks her for drink
13:22 and she is shocked by that because He's clearly a Jew.
13:26 And Jews don't associate with Samaritans.
13:30 And for her to give Him a drink,
13:32 his lips are going to have to touch her pot
13:34 which in Jews' mind is the defile pot.
13:37 So Jesus is breaking all the cultural barriers
13:41 to reach out to this woman
13:43 and she is interested in physical water.
13:48 Well, we need water to live. We need food in order to live.
13:53 But if our whole attention is there,
13:55 we're not going to get with this gospel,
13:56 He's offering us.
13:58 And Jesus has a different kind of water
14:01 that will be satisfying in a way
14:03 that the regular water never could.
14:06 And let's talk about that
14:07 satisfying water after this break.
14:09 And stay with us, friends as we continue
14:11 to study this story in the Gospel of John.


Revised 2014-12-17