Books of the Book: John

The Wedding at Cana

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00006A

00:20 Hello, well, I'm so happy you're able to join us
00:22 in this Bible study.
00:24 We're actually studying the Gospel of John.
00:27 And we're with Dr. Jon Paulien.
00:29 And I'm very happy and excited
00:31 because he has this unique ability
00:35 to make Bible study very interesting
00:38 and we're going to find out in a few minutes.
00:41 Dr. Paulien, welcome again.
00:43 Thank you, it's good to be with you always, Deyvy.
00:45 Okay, you know, today we're gonna be
00:46 talking about the wedding in Cana.
00:50 And by the way if you have a Bible
00:52 you can turn to John 2
00:54 and we're gonna be studying verses 1-11.
00:58 Now Dr. Paulien, I'm very excited about this
01:01 because again we're talking about a wedding
01:04 and I say this because I look in this topic,
01:08 I look towards the future, you know, for me personally
01:11 whereas I don't know how excited that is to you,
01:13 may be you still, you look towards the past,
01:15 may be you look--
01:16 This is the future thing, does that mean,
01:19 I don't--we were still meeting each other.
01:21 Are you married?
01:22 I'm-- at this point, no.
01:24 No. No.
01:26 So may be that's why I'm excited about this thing. Okay.
01:29 You know, I was just talking to a young lady
01:31 the other day and she was saying,
01:33 "All the good ones are taken."
01:35 Now I know, she's wrong.
01:37 Well, thank you, I appreciate it.
01:40 All right.
01:41 So for you, you're looking forward
01:43 to this idea of a wedding and what it means?
01:46 I, I am, you know, I am.
01:48 And I think that as I read this passage
01:51 because I read it earlier.
01:54 I found out something very interesting
01:56 that this couple whoever it was,
02:00 they decided to invite Jesus to their wedding.
02:04 And I thought that was very interesting because--
02:08 if there is a Christian person out there who declines
02:13 to invite Jesus to his or her wedding
02:18 or just does not have that good feeling
02:23 for Jesus to be present there,
02:25 then I think there's something wrong with that decision,
02:28 because it's gonna be a lifetime commitment without Jesus.
02:31 I can just imagine how that marriage
02:34 can turn out eventually. But--
02:37 So you're planning to invite Jesus to your wedding.
02:39 I do plan, because I think He was or He will be the one
02:45 who will bring us together and so I think it's good to,
02:49 He should be the first one to be invited.
02:52 And there's young lady somewhere,
02:54 maybe even watching this program
02:56 who loves Jesus as much you do
02:59 and could potentially be part of that.
03:01 Well, I don't know that's prophecy--
03:03 I don't want to put you on the spot,
03:04 but here you are so.
03:05 You already put me on the spot. Okay.
03:08 So-- You're embarrassed, well.
03:11 All right then, let's continue. Okay.
03:13 So we have read that Jesus was calling His disciples
03:20 and by the time that Jesus and His disciples,
03:23 we'll read that they were invited to the wedding.
03:27 We find out that not all,
03:29 at least the Bible does not say that all 12 were invited,
03:32 but at least the first five who were called
03:34 and help me out here I think, it was Andrew, John,
03:37 it was Peter and Philip and then Daniel.
03:41 So at least we know that five were present at the wedding.
03:45 So I would like to know is,
03:48 why would Jesus begin or begin His ministries,
03:53 is that correct or at least start performing His signs
03:58 at a wedding and what's the point of this story,
04:02 because you said earlier that the Gospel of John
04:06 is a spiritual gospel and so what's the spiritual,
04:12 how can I say, what's the parable of this story
04:17 if you will, what's the meaning of it?
04:20 Well, that's I think what we want to do
04:22 in this program definitely,
04:24 because the synoptic gospels Matthew, Mark and Luke,
04:28 often tell the story to tell the story and it happened,
04:32 so here's the story and the key might be a saying of Jesus
04:36 who comes at the end of the story
04:38 or it might be a point,
04:39 that that story leads to the next story
04:42 and it's following a progression.
04:44 In the Gospel of John as we saw at the beginning
04:47 of this series, it's very selective.
04:51 He says there's all kinds of stuff Jesus did,
04:53 all kinds of miracles He did.
04:55 Why does He pick this wedding?
04:58 It's not casual.
05:00 And there is a depth here and in fact
05:02 I've taught as much as nine hours on this passage.
05:06 So there is a depth here, spiritual depths
05:09 that you wouldn't find in Matthew, Mark and Luke.
05:12 So we definitely want to get into that.
05:14 And you mentioned five disciples.
05:16 Another difference among the gospels
05:18 is Jesus doesn't emphasize the 12.
05:21 From Matthew, Mark and Luke it's important that he chose 12.
05:26 But he mentions five disciples in Chapter 1
05:29 and then in 21 when He names again there are seven.
05:32 I mean, John doesn't emphasize.
05:33 Yeah, in the Gospel of John
05:35 the tweleveness of the disciples isn't emphasized.
05:38 And so that would raised a question
05:41 when you're looking at Matthew, Mark and Luke,
05:43 why is the 12 so important
05:45 and we might get to that little later if we have time. Okay.
05:49 Let's take a look at the passage itself.
05:51 Why don't you start reading it for us, pastor?
05:54 And maybe I'll break in ever so often
05:57 at points some things out. Sure.
05:58 "On the third day there was a wedding in Cana in Galilee."
06:02 Okay, just stop there for a second.
06:04 It's on the third day. Yes.
06:07 Now remember John is the one who's constantly
06:10 marking off days and periods of time.
06:13 Let's just file that away.
06:15 That just may not be as unimportant does it seems.
06:18 We'll come back to it. Yeah.
06:20 "And the mother of Jesus was there,"
06:22 so not only the disciples and Jesus
06:24 but the mother of Jesus.
06:27 "Now both Jesus and His disciples
06:28 were invited to the wedding.
06:30 And when they ran out of wine,
06:31 the mother of Jesus said to Him, 'They have no wine.'"
06:35 Well, see there it's important.
06:37 Mother is there, why is she there and Jesus, both?
06:41 Part of it is that Cana and Nazareth
06:43 were almost like twin cities.
06:46 So apparently people between with these towns
06:48 knew each other quite a bit,
06:50 so that's one piece of the background.
06:53 Why does she care if the wine runs out?
06:56 So these are questions that come up
06:59 and I think they're intentional.
07:01 I think they're placed in the story,
07:03 and the story is told in a way to evoke reader's questions.
07:07 So that's how we're gonna do together.
07:09 Go ahead. Keep reading.
07:11 Jesus said to her, Woman,
07:13 what does your concern have to do with Me?
07:15 My hour has not yet come.''
07:18 His mother said to the servants,
07:19 "Whatever He says to you, do it."
07:23 Now there were set there three waterpots of stone,
07:28 according to the manner of purification of the Jews,
07:31 containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece."
07:34 Okay, let's stop there a minute.
07:37 Would you want to carry one of these pots?
07:40 It depends how heavy it is.
07:42 How heavy it is-- Okay.
07:43 Well, twenty or thirty gallons. How much is a gallon?
07:48 I would say, five, six pounds.
07:52 Okay, that's close I think
07:53 it's eighth and a quarter something like that. Okay.
07:56 So if you have twenty or thirty gallons in one pot
08:01 that pot is gonna weigh about 200 pounds
08:03 with the water in it, not counting the stone.
08:06 These are stone jars,
08:08 200 pounds of water in a stone jar,
08:11 I don't think even Mr. Universe
08:12 is gonna carry these very far, you see.
08:15 So these were not carrying pots,
08:18 these were cisterns at a place
08:20 may be where you don't have caves underground.
08:24 You can use pots like this, there is series of pots
08:26 to collect rain water from the roof
08:28 and the purpose of all this water
08:31 was for Jewish ceremonies of purification.
08:35 So John is sort of making the point here,
08:39 you know the Jewish were really concerned
08:40 about purification at that time,
08:42 so they had lots and lots of water for doing that.
08:45 And so rather than bringing the pots over to the person,
08:48 you would have to bring the person
08:50 over to the pots and get them--
08:51 Not too practical to bring the pots over,
08:53 so when Jesus says fill the pots,
08:56 He's not having them come by Him
08:58 and you know, engaging each pot.
09:00 The pots are probably outside the house.
09:02 And He is telling them to go out there and do this task.
09:07 Okay. Verse 8 says, and He said to them.
09:11 "Draw some out now and take it to the master of the feast."
09:15 I should've skipped verse 7. Yeah, I was thinking that.
09:18 Jesus said to them,
09:19 "Fill the water pots with water."
09:21 And they filled them up to the brim.
09:23 And He said to them, "Draw some out now,
09:26 and take it to the master of the feast."
09:28 And they took it.
09:30 When the master of the feast had tasted
09:32 the water that was made wine,
09:34 and did not know where it came from,
09:35 but the servants who had drawn the water knew,
09:39 the master of the feast called the bridegroom.
09:42 And he said to him,
09:43 "Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine,
09:46 and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior.
09:51 You have kept the good wine until now."
09:54 You should probably note a couple of things there.
09:56 First of all, Jesus doesn't touch the water.
10:01 Remember, we've talked about that in our earlier program
10:03 that in the Gospel of John
10:04 when He does this miracles he doesn't touch it.
10:06 The pots are outside.
10:08 He tells them go and fill those pots
10:11 and then draw out some and take it to the master of the feast.
10:15 Master of the feast would be like a caterer
10:17 or a wedding planner in today's context.
10:22 So we can ask the question, you know, what's going on here,
10:27 why is it so surprising to the master of the feast
10:31 that this water is pretty good.
10:35 And it tells us that he did not know
10:39 where the wine came from.
10:41 So these are all little details when you think of this--
10:45 the story is a real story.
10:47 It really took place but for John,
10:50 he emphasizes things in the story
10:52 that serve his theological purpose
10:55 and that's what we want to get to before we're done.
10:58 Now you said in a different program
11:01 that the gospel again the Gospel of John is a spiritual one.
11:05 My question is "What is the purpose of Jesus
11:09 performing this miracle where the water is turned into wine
11:15 compared to other miracles where He heals someone
11:18 either physically, spiritually, emotionally,
11:21 there is some benefit to mankind?" Right.
11:23 Where in this case it almost seems like
11:27 He's performing a miracle for the sake of service,
11:31 for pleasing the guests in this case so.
11:35 I don't know if you-- what's the connection
11:36 then the spiritual of this miracle?
11:39 Well, you know, the other three don't mention
11:43 the story at all Matthew, Mark and Luke
11:45 don't mention the story of wedding at Cana
11:46 perhaps for that very reason,
11:48 that it doesn't have an obvious spiritual purpose,
11:52 but John is not afraid to put something in here
11:54 that doesn't have an obvious spiritual purpose,
11:57 because the whole story is going to have a spiritual purpose.
12:01 And in this particular story our number of details
12:07 that when you go to little bit deeper--
12:08 let me just give you an example, turning water into wine.
12:13 Is there any Old Testament story,
12:16 that sounds little bit like that,
12:18 as a story of transforming water?
12:21 I can think of the time in Egypt the water turn into blood.
12:26 Yeah, yeah. Is that--
12:28 Yeah. Okay.
12:29 Moses turns water into blood. Can you think of any other?
12:33 Mmm, you gonna have to help me over here.
12:36 Do you remember Elisha? Okay.
12:38 He comes to Jericho, and the water in Jericho
12:42 is messed up, its poisonous,
12:46 they can't drink it and it's really hurting the community,
12:48 because there's not a whole lot of options there.
12:51 And so He sprinkles some salt in the spring
12:55 and it turns to water sweet.
12:58 So it's a transformation miracle
12:59 again from salty water to sweet water,
13:02 you know Jericho's by the Dead Sea,
13:04 so there's lot of salty water around there
13:06 and to have sweet water coming out.
13:08 By the way I've drunk from that well in Jericho
13:10 and the water is very good.
13:12 It's still sweet? Yes, oh yeah, sweet.
13:14 I'm still here.
13:16 That was 20 years ago, so yeah, the poisonous water has gone.
13:20 So you have these two transformation miracles
13:23 and one part of the story, you see, when you go deeper
13:26 one part of this might be, perhaps it's hinting
13:30 that the Exodus story and the Elisha story
13:32 may somehow be important in the Gospel of John.
13:36 I give you another little key here.
13:39 Joshua and Elisha mean the same thing.
13:44 To us they're totally different name
13:46 but Joshua means, Yehovah is my savior,
13:49 and Jehovah is my savior.
13:51 Elisha means, God is my savior.
13:54 So they're cognate names.
13:56 They're two different names that mean the same thing.
13:59 So those two are tied together by their very names
14:02 in the Old Testament already.
14:04 So this story is told in a way
14:06 to bring those two stories to mind.
14:09 Okay. We're gonna continue then and pick up where we left up.
14:13 Friends stay with us after this break
14:15 we are studying the wedding at Cana.


Revised 2014-12-17