Books of the Book: John

The Prologue

Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Program transcript

Participants: Deyvy Rodriguez & Jon Paulien


Series Code: JBOTB

Program Code: JBOTB00002A

00:20 Hello and welcome to "Books of the Book."
00:22 I'm so excited that you're able to join us in this Bible study.
00:26 My name is Deyvy Rodriguez
00:27 and we are studying the Gospel of John.
00:30 And with us is Dr. Jon Paulien, that's Jon.
00:33 We're not studying your gospel, right?
00:34 No, it's not my gospel.
00:36 I don't have an 'H' in my name.
00:38 All right, the last time
00:39 we were talking about the Gospel of John,
00:42 we left off saying that
00:45 John has a particular purpose in this gospel
00:49 and we read and that was found
00:51 in John 20:30, 31 and I'll read it.
00:55 And it says, "And truly Jesus did
00:58 many other signs in the presence of His disciples
01:01 which are not written in this book."
01:03 And the purpose is in the next verse.
01:05 "But these are written that you may believe
01:08 that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God,
01:11 and that believing you may have life in His name."
01:15 Tell us more a little bit about this purpose.
01:18 In the Greek language which is the foundation
01:21 for all four of these gospels,
01:23 there are special forms for purpose.
01:26 There's actually several of them,
01:27 but one of the clearest ones is right here in this verse.
01:30 These things are written,
01:32 notice, I didn't write about lot of things
01:35 but the ones I wrote about I wrote about
01:38 in order that you might believe
01:42 and in order that believing you might have life.
01:47 So the purpose of the gospel is stated right here
01:51 that he has selected things which will help you to believe.
01:56 Now we've always taken this as all of us,
02:00 you know, well, he's writing to us.
02:03 But actually John has a more specific audience in mind
02:08 and it's when we discover that more specific audience
02:11 that I think this gospel become extremely exciting.
02:14 Then explain why it's the favorite gospel
02:18 of so many people?
02:19 Because of the purpose that John had.
02:22 So the question ultimately is
02:24 who is you, that he's referring to?
02:27 Who is the person that should read this gospel and believe?
02:31 Let's go back earlier and look at verses 24-28.
02:36 Would you read that for us, Deyvy?
02:38 We're still in Chapter 20. Still in Chapter 20, yeah.
02:40 Verses 24 through 28.
02:42 "Now Thomas, called the Twin,
02:44 one of the twelve was not with them when Jesus came.
02:47 The other disciples therefore said to him,
02:49 'We have seen the Lord.'
02:51 So he said to them,
02:53 'Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails,
02:55 and put my finger into the print of the nails,
02:59 and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.'
03:03 And after eight days His disciples were again inside,
03:07 and Thomas with them.
03:09 Jesus came, the doors being shut,
03:11 and stood in the midst, and said, 'Peace to you.'
03:15 Then He said to Thomas, 'Reach your finger here,
03:18 and look at My hands, and reach your hand here,
03:21 and put it into My side.
03:23 Do not be unbelieving, but believing.'
03:27 And Thomas answered and said to Him,
03:29 'My Lord and my God.'"
03:31 Good answer, right? Mm-hmm
03:33 Okay, but what did he need to come to that answer? Faith.
03:38 He needed to do something, he needed to believe.
03:43 He needed to see. To see.
03:45 He needed to touch.
03:46 He needed Jesus physically present there.
03:50 You see that's the setting of this purpose statement.
03:53 Now come to verse 29,
03:54 Thomas says, "I'll never believe.
03:56 If I can't see him, if I can't touch him,
03:58 I'm not gonna believe."
03:59 Now look at verse 29.
04:01 "Then Jesus told to him,
04:03 'Because you have seen Me, you have believed.'"
04:07 You know check mark. He is okay with that.
04:10 But look what he says.
04:11 "Because you have seen Me, you've believed,
04:14 blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."
04:22 You see it's good.
04:25 Thomas, you know, was able to believe
04:28 now that he had Jesus present, but you and I don't.
04:31 How are we supposed to believe in Jesus?
04:33 If we held the same standard that Thomas had,
04:36 we would never believe.
04:38 So John recognizes that
04:40 there's gonna be people in the history of the world
04:44 who will not have the privilege of walking with Jesus
04:47 and touching Him and seeing Him the way these disciples had.
04:52 These people will need to learn to believe
04:56 without sight and without touch.
04:59 Now this gets even more exciting if we go to Chapter 21,
05:03 because Chapter 21 gives us the context
05:07 of this whole story and verses--
05:12 would you read 20 through 23?
05:14 "Then Peter, turning around,
05:16 saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following,
05:19 who also had leaned on His breast at the supper,
05:22 and said, 'Lord, who is the one who betrays You?'
05:25 Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus,
05:27 'But Lord, what about this man?'
05:30 Jesus said to him, 'If I will that he remain till I come,
05:34 what is that to you? You follow Me.'"
05:37 Okay, hold it right there.
05:39 See here you have the story that's told
05:41 of Jesus walking on the beach with Peter
05:45 and they are having a conversation.
05:47 We can get into that in a later program.
05:50 But in the middle of this conversation,
05:53 Peter notices that there's another disciple following
05:57 and that disciple, we're gonna discover
06:00 eventually is actually the author of this book
06:03 and here we call him John.
06:05 So Jesus is looking back at this other disciple
06:09 and saying, you know, you've talked to me
06:12 about where I'm going in life, what about him?
06:15 And Jesus says, none of your business.
06:18 And He says, take care of yourself kind of like.
06:20 But now notice verse 23
06:22 because this is an interesting window into the history.
06:26 "Then this saying went out among the brethren
06:28 that this disciple would not die.
06:31 Yet Jesus did not say to him that he would not die,
06:34 but, 'If I will that he remain till I come,
06:38 what is that to you?'"
06:40 Now my version even says the rumor went abroad.
06:43 In the Greek it's just a saying or a word,
06:46 you know, saying went around.
06:49 This is the context of this gospel.
06:52 You see, people evidently remembered and told the story.
06:56 How Jesus walking on the beach.
06:58 Talking about John and said,
07:00 "If I decide he will live till I come,
07:02 what is that to you?"
07:04 And they thought about that
07:06 and they said, "Hey, John is not gonna die.
07:10 Jesus will come before John dies."
07:14 So the rumor is going out.
07:15 Now here is the problem, John is getting old.
07:19 We feel the gospel is probably written
07:21 about 70 years after the cross,
07:23 so he might have been 90, 85, 90, maybe even more.
07:27 So either he's gonna die soon or Jesus is gonna come.
07:32 What's going to happen
07:34 if people believe that rumor and John dies?
07:38 It'd be devastating.
07:40 So the context in which this gospel is written
07:43 is the impending death of its author
07:46 and he is preparing the people
07:50 for a time when he won't be there.
07:53 Now who is John? He is the last living disciple.
07:59 All the other disciples are dead.
08:01 He is the last link with Jesus.
08:06 He is the last personal alive who saw Jesus,
08:10 touched Him, heard His voice.
08:13 Can you imagine the loss?
08:17 When he dies the church will feel like
08:20 our link to Jesus is gone.
08:22 What are we going to do?
08:23 So this gospel is address to another generation.
08:28 The first generation is the generation
08:31 that walked and talked with Jesus.
08:33 The next generation is a generation
08:35 that had no physical contact,
08:38 no sight, no sound, no hearing, no touch
08:42 and yet they were struggling to go on with their faith.
08:46 It is for that generation that this was written.
08:49 Now let me show you a couple of places
08:51 in which this occurs, John 17.
08:55 It's very exciting when I discovered this.
08:58 It just blew my mind.
09:00 John 17:2, Jesus says,
09:07 "You have granted Him" speaking of Himself
09:09 "authority over all people, that He might give eternal life
09:12 to all those You have given Him."
09:14 Here in the first part of this chapter,
09:17 Jesus is praying and He prays for Himself.
09:20 "Dear Father, glorify Me as You were glorified."
09:24 So He prays for Himself.
09:26 Then notice verse 12,
09:28 "While I was with them, I protected them
09:32 and kept them safe by the name You gave Me."
09:35 Who is them?
09:37 He's talking about the disciples.
09:39 Okay, so He prays for Himself, now He prays for His disciples.
09:46 In every other gospel that would be it,
09:49 but look at verse 20.
09:51 "My prayer is not for them alone."
09:55 Oh, who besides the disciples does He want to pray for?
09:59 "I pray also for those who will believe in Me
10:04 through their message."
10:09 So Jesus now prays for a second group,
10:13 not the ones that were with Him,
10:14 but those who came to believe through the disciples' message.
10:19 How did you and I come to believe?
10:22 Through the disciples' message, through these gospels,
10:26 that's how we came to believe.
10:28 We never touched Jesus. We never heard His voice.
10:31 We never were able to see Him physically.
10:35 Wouldn't you love to have Jesus at your house?
10:38 Wouldn't it be neat if every time you get into trouble,
10:41 you can go into the backroom
10:43 and you can tell your troubles to Jesus?
10:46 He can kneel down and He could pray for you
10:49 and raise up His voice to the Father in heaven.
10:52 Every time I get sick, I just need His touch.
10:55 Yeah. And I'm healed.
10:57 We somehow think we'd be better off
11:01 if Jesus were with us physically.
11:03 John is saying, "No, Jesus already knew about you."
11:09 He already prayed for you when He was here.
11:12 So the first or that first generation,
11:14 I don't know if it's the first
11:15 but that generation who saw Jesus' miracles,
11:20 do they an advantage over us or do they not?
11:25 That's the question of this gospel.
11:27 No other gospel addresses this. Paul doesn't address it.
11:30 I don't know of any other place in the Bible.
11:32 But here in the Gospel of John,
11:34 it addresses this whole question of how we had a disadvantage.
11:40 What about those people
11:41 who don't have a living disciple with them?
11:43 Can words on a page
11:47 make that much of a difference, you see?
11:50 When you go to Chapter 15,
11:52 and we won't take time to do that right now,
11:54 but in Chapter 15, Jesus tells a story.
11:58 He says, "I am the vine, you are the branches."
12:04 Who is He talking to? He is talking to His disciples.
12:10 Now you and I tend to read that story and say,
12:13 oh, He's the vine, I'm the branches,
12:15 I got to stay close to Jesus.
12:17 Follow the whole story.
12:21 He says, "I am the vine, you are the branches."
12:25 Who's He talking to? His disciples.
12:29 If you could stay connected to Me,
12:32 if you remain in Me, you will what?
12:36 Bring forth a lot of fruit. Who is the fruit?
12:41 They are the people who believed from the disciples' testimony.
12:46 The disciples believe
12:47 'cause they are connected to the physical Jesus.
12:50 We have come to believe
12:51 'cause we are connected to the disciples.
12:52 That's interesting because I always thought
12:54 that the fruit represented more like
12:56 the fruit of the sprit, joy, love, peace, patience--
13:00 you know, and so now you're saying
13:03 that the fruit represents other disciples
13:06 that by their word they bring to Christ.
13:09 Well, in John 10:16, Jesus says,
13:12 "Other sheep I have, which are not of this fold."
13:16 You know the disciples are only part of who's He ministering to.
13:20 I thought the same thing, Deyvy.
13:22 But when I came to realized
13:24 how John is focused in on the second generation,
13:28 it changed everything.
13:29 Now I suddenly realize,
13:30 yeah, He is talking to the disciples
13:32 and saying, "You stay connected to Me
13:34 and then you will be able to bear fruit."
13:37 That fruit is the second generation.
13:39 In Chapter 21, the disciples are out fishing,
13:43 Jesus directs them. And what happens?
13:46 They catch 153 fish.
13:49 See the disciples are the ones going out collecting the fish.
13:53 We are the fish.
13:55 The second generation is the fish.
13:58 They are the ones that have no direct connection with Jesus,
14:01 but it tells us Jesus is directing their conversion,
14:05 even though He is not physically present,
14:07 He is at a distance, but He can still accomplish
14:10 everything we need even at a distance.
14:13 So do you think it would be fair to say that
14:15 that generation had no advantage over let's say for example us.
14:20 I think before we're done with this particular program,
14:24 we might discover that it's an advantage
14:27 not to have Jesus physically present.
14:29 I want to know more about that.
14:31 All right. Okay.
14:33 Well, we're gonna continue picking up on the Gospel of John
14:36 with Dr. Jon Paulien after this short break.


Revised 2014-12-17