Participants: Janice Smith
Series Code: JA
Program Code: JA000018
00:01 I'm so excited because my package has come and it
00:04 even came earlier than I expected it would come. 00:07 Have you ever ordered something in the mail? 00:09 It is fun getting it and seeing if it is just 00:12 what you wanted, isn't it? 00:13 Oh, I think I made a good choice. 00:17 It is just the color I expected it would be. 00:19 Sometimes it is hard to tell from the picture, you know? 00:22 In the Magazine, but this looks just like what I 00:25 wanted it to be. 00:27 Oh this is wonderful, Oh it is so furry and warm. 00:31 It was on sale and everything. 00:34 Do you like it? 00:37 It is big on me isn't it? 00:39 I didn't want the sleeves to be this long. 00:42 Hmmm, I don't think my choice was so good after all. 00:54 It's so good to see you again 00:58 Come up for a visit my friend 01:03 There's so much to do 01:04 I have so many things planned for you. 01:11 We'll laugh and we'll play, We'll sing and we'll pray. 01:15 I'll tell you a story or two. 01:20 and we'll be friends, you and I 01:24 Yes, you and I and Jesus 01:33 I'm happy you're here once again. 01:36 It's so nice to have you as my friend. 01:46 What's going to come up on this side of the screen 01:48 when I'm talking? 01:49 You're right, the key word. 01:50 And the important letter in the key word comes 01:53 over to the right spot in the mystery word. 01:57 Do you have your pencil and paper, are you ready? 01:59 Looks like today's word 02:01 has 8 spaces. 02:02 Now I just want to look 02:04 and see what went wrong 02:06 because I know I ordered 02:08 the right size and it looks 02:09 like they sent me the right size. 02:11 Ohhh! I see! 02:16 Says here in small print, it says, these sizes are the metric 02:21 system, measures in centimeters, not inches. 02:24 So I'm to make sure I convert it. 02:26 I didn't do that. 02:28 Oh! there is my bell basket. 02:31 Hi! Doctor Neblett. 02:32 Sure we will meet your over there right away. 02:35 Let's go meet him in the wonder room. 02:44 Hi Doctor Neblett! 02:45 Hi Janice! 02:46 I have a question for you, do you think this fits me, 02:48 is it too big or the right size? 02:49 Well if you like the big and baggy look it is fine. 02:52 Well I really didn't want the baggy look, that is 02:54 the problem and you confirmed it. 02:56 I thought it was too big and I think you are right. 02:58 See what happened I ordered it by mail. 03:00 When I looked on the order form, I thought the 03:02 measurements where in inches but it was centimeters. 03:05 Oh so you made an uniformed decision. 03:07 You're right! 03:09 Well I brought some one here to talk about some of the 03:11 decisions and choices that we make. 03:12 This is Sally! 03:13 Well Hi Sally! 03:14 I use Sally to help teach my patients how to make 03:18 informed decisions, because one of the saddest and worst 03:23 informed decision a person can make is to make the 03:26 decision to smoke cigarettes. 03:30 Oww, poor decision. 03:33 Let me show you what happens, with Sally's help, 03:36 when you make the decision to smoke cigarettes. 03:39 And why I think it is a poor choice to make. 03:42 Okay I would like to see that. 03:43 Alright, here is what we are going to do. 03:45 Now we are going to put a tube into Sally right here, 03:49 just like our trachea, our breathing tube that 03:52 goes into our lungs. 03:53 Oh like this thing? - that's right! 03:54 I'm going to use this tube which is going to collect 03:57 the cigarette smoke. 03:58 I what your friends at home to see how clean that is. 04:01 - It is very shiny - that's correct! 04:03 Okay, now I'm going to put this in here, 04:06 we have to move quickly now. 04:07 We are going to put Sally right here on my stand. 04:10 She's really cute - she certainly is, I'm sorry to do 04:15 this to her, but. 04:16 We'll take a cigarette and put it in her mouth. 04:23 That is a real cigarette? 04:24 That is a real cigarette and these are real matches. 04:28 So she is going to smoke it just as if a person 04:31 was smoking it. 04:32 The smoke will go into the cigarette and 04:34 down into the tube. 04:35 Okay, I am going to help her breathe by squeezing 04:38 that blue bulb, right there. 04:40 That will be like her puffing? 04:41 That's right! 04:44 It lit just like real cigarette does? 04:48 Well it looks just like when people smoke puffing in an out. 04:51 That's right, and the smoke you can see is coming right down 04:53 into the tube. 04:54 Now Sally has just finished smoking some cigarettes here. 04:58 If I was Sally I would feel sick right now I think. 05:01 Well I am feeling kind of sick, but let me show you what we've 05:04 got out of Sally in 3 cigarettes. 05:08 Now that is the tube - that used to be clean like that. 05:13 Can you see that? 05:15 Now if a person were smoking cigarettes for years and years, 05:19 as many people do, you can imagine that tar, which is what 05:23 that black stuff is, builds up in their lungs. 05:25 It gets to even begin to look like this stuff. 05:30 Oh yuck! - that tar in their lungs irritates it and even 05:35 leads to cancer which can kill them. 05:37 That is why we don't want anyone to start smoking cigarettes, 05:41 and if you have started we want you to quit. 05:48 Let's make a choice, let's make a choice 05:51 let's make a good decision. 05:54 About how we think and eat and sleep 05:57 let's make a good choice today. 06:00 What you eat, how much you eat 06:04 it all adds up to something. 06:07 Exercise and happy thoughts, 06:11 your choice means everything. 06:16 Let's make a choice, let's make a choice 06:19 let's make a good decision. 06:22 About how we think and eat and sleep 06:26 let's make a good choice today. 06:28 Let's make a good choice today! 06:32 Let's make a good choice today. 06:41 I'll get this all folded up nicely, just the way 06:44 they sent it to me. 06:45 And I'll fill in my order 06:47 form properly this time. 06:49 And they will exchange it 06:52 and send me back a different one. 06:55 Well here let's see, my name and everything is right. 07:01 Okay this is the square I should have checked, right there 07:07 I will send it back and they will exchange it, 07:10 which will be really nice. 07:11 Then when my new sweater comes I will be happy with the choice 07:16 that I made this time. 07:20 There, now don't go away because when we come back we are 07:24 going for plane ride. 07:31 Hey kids! if you love all the fun things you get to do 07:34 with Janice and her friends you will flip over this. 07:37 It's Janice's activity book loaded with fun. 07:40 This book teaches scripture through mazes, 07:43 puzzles, dot to dot games, 07:45 coloring and more. 07:46 And the best part is, it's free! 07:49 Let's take a look inside. 07:51 The scripture on this page says: 07:57 Now let's circle the pictures that are the same. 08:00 That is right you have the idea. 08:03 There are many more fun filled activities in this book 08:06 just waiting for you. 08:07 By the way, did I mention, it's FREE! 08:11 To get your very own copy have your mom or dad write to: 08:29 Don't wait order yours today. 08:39 Hi Doug, thanks for meeting us here. 08:41 Oh you are welcome, my pleasure. 08:42 I would like you to meet my friends. 08:44 Hello - can you tell them who you have with you? 08:47 This is my daughter Megan - Hi - Hi Megan! 08:50 I'm glad you came with your dad. 08:52 Tell me something, what made you decide to become a pilot? 08:55 I decided to be a pilot because I like learning new things. 08:59 New challenges, so I am always learning new things. 09:02 This is something that I always wanted to do and so I went out 09:05 and learned to fly. 09:06 Now what kind of choices do you have to make 09:08 each time you decide to fly? 09:09 Of course, the most important choice is where we want to go. 09:12 Oh that is a fun choice 09:13 - with a plane, you can go a lot of different places. 09:15 We choose how far we want to go, who we want to visit and what 09:18 interesting things we want to see. 09:19 That is the first thing you have to decide. 09:21 What kind of safety choices do you have to make? 09:24 We have checked the weather to make sure the clouds 09:27 are not too thick, no thunderstorms or lightning, 09:30 something like that. 09:31 We like nice sunny days. 09:32 I even got a weather report today. 09:34 Wow! So you have to read that? 09:36 Yes, this was off the computer - Wow! that is great. 09:39 Now what advice could you give kids because I'm sure that lots 09:43 of kids want to be pilots when they grow up, 09:45 what can they do right now? 09:47 What choices can they make? 09:48 Well, all the things they are learning even in grade school 09:51 are really important because mathematics to add up the weight 09:55 that you are going to 09:56 be carrying on the airplane. 09:57 How much gas you are going to 09:58 need to get there, and how long 09:59 it is going to take. 10:00 Reading, because I read all kinds of checklists and reading 10:02 charts and maps, all that is real important. 10:04 So basically learning things are really important. 10:06 I would also suggest that they go out to the airport and look 10:08 at planes and talk to pilots. 10:10 Most pilots are anxious to give kids rides in airplanes. 10:13 Whew, that wouldn't be a hard decision to make. 10:15 That's right! 10:16 Would you take us for a ride? 10:17 We would love to, let's go! 10:18 But first I had to check a few things on the airplane. 10:22 One of the first things we need to check is if we have plenty 10:24 of fuel, so we look in the gas tank. 10:26 We have got lots of fuel. 10:28 The other thing we need to check is that there is 10:31 no water in the gas. 10:36 I take a little sample, if there 10:41 were water in here it would 10:42 show up like little bee bees. 10:43 I also check the tire to make sure there is plenty of tread 10:46 and good air in the tire. 10:47 I make sure no birds have built a nest up in here. 10:51 These are the movable parts of the airplane that 10:53 I control from inside. 10:54 They changed the way the plane goes through the air. 10:57 It is important that they move correctly and that all the 11:00 little cables and nuts and bolts are attached properly. 11:03 Everything looks good, let's go fly! 11:06 Megan, before I get in, I'm wondering if you would tell the 11:09 kids what you like about flying? 11:11 Well I like it because it doesn't take you long to get 11:15 places. - Ohh! that's a good reason. 11:17 Shall we get it and put our seatbelts on? 11:32 Janice: Well we are up off the ground. 11:36 Doug: I'm putting my flaps down, 11:37 which is a little control in the wing. 11:38 We are going to come around and slow down and land. 11:41 Janice: you got permission from the tower before you land? 11:44 Doug: yeah! 11:48 Well thank you for taking us for a ride. 11:56 I had fun, did you? 11:57 You know I've been thinking about it on my way back and I am 12:01 not a pilot, I'm sure you are not either. 12:04 But in spite of that we both have a lot of important 12:07 decisions to make, don't we? 12:09 For example, it is important to decide what to drink, 12:12 good, clean, pure water, or whether to drink soda pop. 12:16 Soda pop is not good for you, is it? 12:18 It is much better to drink water. 12:23 Let's see, oh here's an important decision, 12:25 and this happens for everybody. 12:27 There's lots of times each day, the decision to decide whether 12:31 or not to share. 12:32 It sure looks like the people who decided to share are 12:35 happier, doesn't it? 12:37 I think to sharing is a better choice than not sharing. 12:40 Let's see, this is an important decision too. 12:45 Boy Oh boy, I like this guys car, don't you? 12:48 He looks proud of it, but look what happened to the 12:52 guy who drank alcohol. 12:53 Boy oh boy, better to stay away from those things 12:58 like drugs and alcohol, isn't it? 13:04 Let's make a choice, let's make a choice 13:07 let's make a good decision. 13:10 About how we think, and eat, and sleep. 13:13 Let me make a good choice today. 13:17 You can read a book, you can read the signs, 13:20 you can follow a map and study its lines. 13:23 Listen to your parents and the Bible too 13:27 there are a lot of things to help you choose. 13:32 Let's make a choice, let's make a choice 13:35 let's make a good decision. 13:39 About how we think, and eat, and sleep. 13:42 Let's make a good choice today. 13:45 Let's make a good choice today! 13:48 Let's make a good choice today... 13:53 Have you ever had to help the parents, or the adults 13:55 that you live with choose a place to live? 13:58 There are a lot of things 13:59 to think about, aren't there? 14:01 For instance, it might need 14:03 to be close to your school, 14:05 or maybe it needs to be 14:06 close to your dad's work. 14:08 Or maybe you want an apartment and you want to 14:12 make sure that you have a nice big balcony. 14:15 Or maybe you are buying an older house and you need to 14:18 ask the realtor to come in and check the house over to 14:21 make sure that it has really a strong support and 14:23 a strong frame, even though it is old. 14:25 Lots of choices have to be made, but you know people are not 14:29 the only creatures that have to make choices. 14:32 Animals and birds do to because they need to have safety 14:35 in where they live. 14:37 Let me show you a little tiny nest that is a birds nest. 14:41 I don't know if you can see real carefully, but I sure can. 14:46 I'm going to tell you that this nest is made up of skinny 14:49 little tiny twigs that are all woven together like a basket. 14:53 There are even hairs woven in there. 14:56 It is just a tiny delicate little nest. 14:59 I don't think a big crow would live in a little nest like 15:02 that, would he? 15:03 It wouldn't be a strong enough support. 15:05 Here is a bigger nest, this is for a little bit bigger bird. 15:09 It is a stronger nest, even got little bit of Moss and mud and 15:15 stuff woven into it. 15:16 But the largest of all birds nests has got to be 15:21 the Eagles nest. 15:24 An Eagles nest is a beautiful sight and not only is it a 15:29 beautiful sight the bird who lives in it is 15:31 very beautiful too. 15:32 You know when Eagles choose to 15:34 build their nest, they have to 15:36 think about some 15:37 important things. 15:38 They often choose to live near water, 15:40 because they like to go fishing. 15:42 They put their nest way up high, because they are high flying 15:45 birds, 60 to 80 feet in the air. 15:48 They use very large branches to start with, probably 3 or 4 15:54 feet long, and a good 2 inches in diameter, around. 15:58 That is what they make their main frame with and then they go 16:01 to the smaller twigs and smaller branches. 16:04 Year after year the same pair of eagles continue building on 16:09 their same house. 16:10 Let me tell you something, scientists once found an 16:14 Eagles nest that was 10 feet wide, that is taller than a man. 16:20 10 feet wide, 20 feet deep and it weighed 16:25 almost 6,000 pounds. 16:28 Now what you think would have happened if those Eagles 16:32 who built that nest, if they would have chosen a spindly 16:36 old tree, if they had used that spindly old tree, 16:40 it wouldn't have held would it? 16:41 Aren't you glad that God gave Eagles the instinct 16:43 to make wise choices? 16:47 Since we have been talking about choices, Charles and I have 16:50 decided to do an experiment making a steamboat. 16:53 It is something that you can do it home if you have the right 16:54 ingredients and if you have permission of the parent 16:57 or adult that you live with. 16:59 Now for this experiment it says to use baking soda, in a 17:03 little piece of toilet paper. 17:05 Take a straw and cut it in half and put it into a jar. 17:09 Not a jar, like a plastic pop bottle or juice bottle. 17:13 You cut a hole and slip it up inside and then use clay to put 17:18 around the straw to seal it so won't be loose and the liquid 17:22 cannot come out. 17:23 Then you pour vinegar into the top of your bottle. 17:27 Would you like to pour that in very slowly Charles? 17:29 Okay, that is enough, we do not want to go higher than the 17:36 straw, if you go higher than the straw it will leak out. 17:39 Okay, now the experiment says to take a little bit of baking 17:44 soda and put it in one square of toilet paper. 17:47 Let's try and see if it works with flour too okay? 17:50 So we will get the flour and put it on one square of toilet 17:56 paper, your toilet paper is like your thing that holds it 18:00 to get it in. 18:01 Then you have to put it in your hand like this. 18:03 You do not want to get down into the vinegar yet so we will 18:09 put it up here right at the top. 18:11 So Charles if you could just hold it at this 18:14 level right now, okay? 18:17 Now this is the baking soda any it is in one square of toilet 18:23 paper, just like the experiment says. 18:25 You fold it up and twist the little ends and 18:31 that keeps it together. 18:32 Then you slide it in like this. 18:36 It is tricky getting it in, you may want an adult to help you. 18:42 I even have a bit of trouble. 18:45 Now you slide it in and put the lid on, then you shake it like 18:53 this, and you put them in. 18:56 Oh look at that Charles, which one is doing the going? 19:01 Let's get him away from the edge. 19:04 The one with the right ingredients worked a lot better, 19:10 didn't it? - Yeah! 19:14 Did you know that one of the best ways to become 19:16 a good friend of Jesus is by spending personal 19:18 time with Him every day. 19:20 Well adults do that by praying and by 19:23 reading their Bibles. 19:24 But if you can't read it's kind of hard isn't it? 19:27 Or maybe you just like listening to tapes. 19:30 We'll here is a fun way to have your very own 19:32 devotions every morning when you get up. 19:34 Janice has made morning time devotions for her kids, 19:38 and for you, complete with songs, prayers and stories. 19:42 For more information have your parents write to: 20:19 The more you choose to love someone 20:25 the more your love will grow. 20:30 By choosing Jesus every day 20:36 more of His love you'll know. 20:42 You can love Him with your actions, 20:48 your decisions let Him know 20:54 that you want to love Him more each day 21:00 and you need His help to grow. 21:09 The more you choose to love someone 21:14 the more your love will grow. 21:20 By choosing Jesus every day 21:26 more of His love, more of His love, you'll know. 21:46 Are you ready for another story? 21:48 Yeah! - me too. 21:50 Now remember all these good mysterious things that have 21:54 been happening in Longview village and somehow Roy thinks 21:58 they are connected with the cave. 22:00 That is where he is right now, in the cave. 22:03 He has come upon a smooth part of a wall that 22:07 has a string hanging down. 22:08 And with his heart just thumping he reaches forward and pulls 22:14 on the string. 22:15 Nothing happened, he pulls again, nothing happened so 22:20 he yanked it with both hands and the wall just came 22:26 open like a door. 22:27 He flipped on his flashlight and it was another passage. 22:32 It was a secret passage. 22:34 So he starts to go through the passage and he walked 22:40 and he walked. 22:42 Do you know he walked for at least a quarter of a mile down 22:47 this winding, secret passage. 22:49 Then it started to get narrower and narrower and he was having 22:53 to have to hunch over, but he kept going because he was so 22:57 curious and he went for at least another quarter of a mile. 23:02 All of a sudden, as he came closer and further down that 23:07 passage, he started hearing muffled 23:16 sounds and he didn't know 23:19 what those sounds could be. 23:20 His heart was thumping a 23:25 little harder and he was just 23:27 about to give up and return because those sounds 23:30 were scary, you know? 23:32 He was just about to give up when he saw a light. 23:36 As he came closer it turned out it was an old wooden door with 23:43 a crack in the door. 23:45 Through that crack he saw a bright shiny light. 23:50 His heart was pumping, beating like anything. 23:55 He went up to the light and he peered inside. 24:01 It was a room and in that room he could see a table, 24:09 and he could see benches, and a stack of rugs, 24:15 and a lamp on the table. 24:17 He could see food on the table, and sitting on the benches at 24:25 the table were Oscar and Bruce. 24:31 He said hello Oscar, hello Bruce. 24:33 Do you know his voice, because it was in the cave like that, 24:38 it literally petrified those boys. 24:42 And they flew off their benches and in a flash they were gone. 24:47 In the meantime Roy is trying to open this wooden door and 24:51 pull it open and burst into the room saying Oscar, Bruce 24:55 come back here. 24:56 It's only me, it's only Roy. 24:59 Then from around the corner they came back. 25:02 They were just shaking like leaves in the wind. 25:07 Even Roy was quite frightened 25:09 because everybody was just... 25:12 they could hardly even talk. 25:15 It was quite a while before they could talk sensibly to 25:18 each other because they were so overtaken by it all. 25:23 Finally they settled down and sat down. 25:26 Oscar and Bruce right away said, how did you find us? 25:31 So then Roy told his story. 25:33 Then Roy said, but what are you doing here? 25:37 Oscar and Bruce told their story. 25:40 Remember their mom was in the hospital? 25:44 This was long before their mom had gone to the hospital, they 25:48 had been out playing on the hillside one day and 25:51 when they were out playing they had tripped over an old rusty 25:56 piece of iron. 25:57 Do your remember the time that Roy tripped over 26:00 a rusty piece of iron? 26:01 Well they had tripped over this rusty piece of iron 26:04 and so they thought that was kind of weird so they 26:07 pulled on it and would you know it lifted up, 26:12 part of the ground lifted up. 26:14 It was a secret door. 26:16 So they got candles and they went down into a secret 26:21 passageway into that part of the cave. 26:24 They found out that it was this room and the doorway 26:29 and all this stuff. 26:30 They had gotten hammer and nails and boards 26:33 and fixed things up. 26:34 That was when old Peter McDonald had heard the noises, remember? 26:38 So they were telling Roy the story, and Roy was so interested 26:42 in it, but they said, you know Roy it is a 26:46 good thing you found us tonight because we just got news from 26:50 our mom and dad that they are coming back 26:53 and we won't be able to come to the cave anymore 26:55 once mom and dad come home. 26:57 Mom and dad will want us to stay home, they won't want 27:00 us to spend so much time at the cave. 27:01 So they talked long into the night, 27:05 but then Roy had a question for them. 27:07 He looked at them and he said, Oscar, Bruce, are you two 27:13 the ones who are behind all these good things that have 27:17 been happening in the village? 27:18 And I am not going to tell you what their answer was 27:22 until next time. 27:23 How about you, have you got our 27:26 mystery word yet? 27:28 Airplane, that is a fun 27:30 word, isn't it? 27:31 You know pilots do have to 27:33 make a lot of choices, 27:34 but you and I have to make a lot of choices too. 27:38 I hope that we will both try and make good choices this week. 27:42 I'm looking forward to seeing you next time, bye for now. |
Revised 2014-12-17