Participants: Janice Smith
Series Code: JA
Program Code: JA000016
00:01 Hello! I'm packaging some books to send overseas
00:04 to some people who do not have as many things as I do. 00:06 And I just put a note inside of this book because 00:09 this is one of my favorite books. 00:11 I had extras of it and so I am sending my extra one 00:14 and thought whoever gets it, this note will make it seem 00:17 more personal and I like to be their friend. 00:19 So I put my address on the note too. 00:21 Do you have any extra books, or toys, or clothes 00:25 that you don't need? 00:26 You could share them with 00:27 people overseas you know. 00:29 Books are fun to share because 00:31 books you can learn things 00:32 from so I am hoping those 00:33 people will learn things. 00:34 Have you ever closed up a box without tape? 00:37 I will show you how. 00:38 You put down one short side, and then one tall side, 00:43 and then a short side, keeping it on top this time, 00:47 and then a tall side. 00:49 Then end by pulling up the short side. 00:54 Dah, Dah! Now when I take it to the packing place. 00:57 The shipping place and have them put tape on it. 01:00 I just need to carry them down to the car, Ummm! 01:03 Yikes! These books are heavy once you 01:07 put them all together. 01:08 I don't think I'm going to carry all these boxes down to 01:11 the car and my husband won't be home for quite some time. 01:14 I think I will get some one to help me. 01:16 I have to go all the way downstairs and I don't think 01:18 I would manage this, I'll get someone. 01:28 It's so good to see you again. 01:32 Come up for a visit my friend 01:36 There's so much to do, 01:37 I have so many things planned for you. 01:45 We'll laugh and we'll play 01:47 We'll sing and we'll pray 01:49 I'll tell you a story or two 01:53 and we'll be friends, and you and I 01:58 Yes, you and I and Jesus 02:07 I'm happy your here once again, 02:10 It's so nice to have you as my friend. 02:19 Well Tammy thanks so much for coming up to help me. 02:21 I would like you to meet my friends. 02:22 Hello! - like was telling you on the phone, 02:25 I packed all these books individually and it 02:28 didn't seem heavy. 02:29 Now I am worried that if I pick up all these boxes 02:32 by myself and carried them downstairs that I might hurt 02:34 my back, do you have any good ideas? 02:35 Well we can carry them together! 02:37 Okay great! And we are 02:38 going to carry them all the 02:39 way down the stairs together? 02:40 That seems like it might still 02:42 wear us out? 02:43 Well I brought something 02:44 I think will help us. 02:45 Really! Okay. So what do we do? 02:46 Oh I've seen one of those before - it's a dolly! 02:49 A dolly? Where did you get one of those? 02:52 Well my husband had so many tools in the garage so 02:54 I thought I would just bring this over. 02:56 Well that's great mine does too but I forgot about 02:58 those kind of things. 02:59 Okay, what shall we do? 03:00 Well okay, good idea. 03:04 Well working together makes it better doesn't it? 03:06 Oh, that is way easier when we both do it together. 03:12 Okay are you ready for this one? 03:15 Got it, ohhh, this one is even heavier almost 03:19 and it's littler. 03:20 It must be more dense books or something. 03:23 Okay I'll push this one over, this one is heavy too. 03:30 Oh, that is a lot better. 03:31 Now what? - Well I think when you use your head, 03:37 and the tools that are provided for you, 03:39 it will make the job so much easier. 03:42 Oh, like you make your strength work better for you? 03:45 Um hum, - Tammy tell me what you want me to do to help? 03:47 Maybe if you pick up on the bottom of the box, 03:50 and I will use my foot here and we will tilt it, 03:52 and that will help. 03:53 I have to help support them, okay. 03:55 Oh, yeah, this is good. 03:57 Okay are we ready? 03:59 I will just steady them here. 04:04 You know when you use your head and think about 04:07 getting good tools, like what 04:08 Tammy did, then that really 04:10 makes things easier, doesn't it? 04:12 I think, when I think about 04:13 that, it reminds me of a 04:15 lot of things; for instance, whoever built this table 04:19 probably did some research to find out just how thick to 04:25 make the legs and that support piece underneath. 04:28 Even things like putting an engine back together, 04:31 you half to learn things and know what you are doing 04:35 to make it so that what you are doing works out 04:38 well and strong. 04:39 The Bible even talks about that in Proverbs 24:5. 04:48 It says that, "a wise man has great power and a man of 04:53 knowledge increases strength. " 04:56 You know if God says it, it must be true that using 04:59 your head makes you stronger. 05:01 You can be strong in muscles lifting weights, 05:05 strong in endurance to win the race, 05:09 but a wise man knows the way it goes 05:12 is smart is strong. 05:15 You could be strong in your lungs, 05:16 strong in your feet, strong in your arms, 05:20 and strong in your teeth, 05:22 but a wise man knows the way it goes 05:25 is smart is strong. 05:57 Well Bob what is this big machine 05:59 you have me up on anyways? 06:00 Janice this these is a D-9 06:02 bulldozer made by Caterpillar. 06:04 Wow! It is big. 06:06 It is a nice piece of machinery. 06:09 I think you must like it. 06:11 Yes I enjoy my work, it is very good. 06:13 Well I can tell you do. 06:14 What do you do with these big machines? 06:16 We do a lot of subdivisions, homes, 06:20 and grading roads. 06:21 Anything that has to move the earth, 06:23 balance it and make it to grade. 06:26 Making the earth to the right smoothness, then they 06:29 can lay the blacktop, cement or whatever. 06:32 Build your home, or whatever you are building. 06:34 That is pretty important work I'd say. 06:36 I enjoy it, it is very interesting. 06:39 That's great, now I notice that it does not 06:42 have tires, like a car, and it doesn't have a steering wheel, 06:45 how do you do it? 06:46 These have steering clutches that we move the track. 06:49 This makes it go left, this would here it goes right. 06:54 So moving these things makes it go right or left? 06:58 It makes it right or left. 07:00 This here is our rippers that we had to make 07:04 it go up or down. 07:05 And where are the rippers? 07:06 The rippers are located in the back of the tractor. 07:08 That is what helps the track for the pulling power 07:12 ripping material because some material is very hard. 07:14 You rip it up, pick it up, the scrapers and then move it. 07:17 What does that do? 07:19 This runs the dozer, it is called a dozer blade. 07:25 It makes it go up and down, and it tilts. 07:27 This one has a little red trigger, and you push 07:31 the trigger and it makes a slow board go up and down. 07:35 What exactly do the rippers do a again? 07:38 The rippers rip the ground when it is really hard to 07:42 penetrate the ground, you are working with different material, 07:45 rock and different things like that. 07:48 Getting it all chopped up so that 07:50 right to break it up so that the scrapers can 07:52 come in and pick it up. 07:53 and haul it away, or what ever. 07:56 And these big tracks, instead of wheels. 08:00 How do they work? 08:01 What are they for? 08:02 The tracks are basically, for traction 08:04 - so you can go up a steep 08:06 you can go up a steep hill, it's good for climbing. 08:09 Do you ever get scared working on the steep hill? 08:13 Sometimes it gets pretty scary, 08:17 but you try and take in safety. 08:19 To me this bulldozer looks so strong, 08:24 but do you have to do anything to keep it strong, 08:28 like check it or anything? 08:30 We have mechanics that are around and checked these 08:33 every morning before we go to work they check them. 08:35 They shut them off and check for oil leaks. 08:37 So basically every day they get 08:41 checked over real thoroughly? 08:43 Every day it gets checked over because it is an 08:45 expensive piece of machinery. 08:47 In order to keep it strong and working well. 08:49 To keep it operating. 08:50 Well that is great and it seems 08:52 like you enjoy your work. 08:53 I enjoy my work and have been doing it for 29 years. 08:56 That is a long time. 08:59 I have a feeling there are a lot of children who would 09:02 really like to drive machinery like this one 09:05 when they get bigger. 09:06 I think there must be something they can be doing right 09:08 now to get ready for that. 09:10 What are some of those things? 09:11 Basically is watch people working around you 09:15 because it is big machinery and safety is the thing 09:18 you want to really stress. 09:20 Basically that is it, just enjoying your work. 09:23 So if they practice being happy and enjoying what 09:27 they do now, then that will help them later? 09:30 Yes, definitely! 09:31 and practicing safety in all the things they do. 09:33 Yes! 09:34 well thank you for taking me on your bulldozer, 09:37 I have enjoyed this. 09:38 I have enjoyed it too. 09:39 well that is great and you meet me in the attic 09:41 because we have a great experiment to do. 09:47 This is an experiment that you can try at home, 09:50 if you get someone to help you. 09:51 You need a regular beach ball, and a board, and something 09:55 heavy, and some tubing like what you buy a hardware store. 09:58 What we are going to do is you are going to see 10:01 how strong water can be. 10:03 This block weighs at least 40 pounds. 10:06 To make it even more impressive, let's put Amy on top. 10:09 Amy weighs at least another 20 pounds, 10:12 maybe even 25 pounds. 10:14 Hang on tight Amy. 10:15 Okay now Byron is going to climb up now and 10:18 start to pour in the water. 10:19 This is called a hydraulic experiment. 10:22 Hydraulic means movement with water. 10:25 What is going to happen, you watch real carefully, 10:30 you will see the water is going to start coming through 10:32 a funnel, down the tube, it's a plastic tube. 10:36 It is coming down and around and into the beach ball. 10:41 It is filling up the beach ball and pushing on all parts 10:44 of that board and that is what is lifting. 10:47 At least probably 65 to 70 pounds. 10:52 See how it is going up so far? 10:53 And the higher you put your tube, then more pressure 10:59 you have to lift up heavy things. 11:01 With not that much water you can lift up some heavy things. 11:05 That is how big machinery runs, on hydraulics. 11:07 They have tubes going all through the machines. 11:10 Then they go to cylinders that have pistons in them. 11:13 The fluid goes through those tubes and that is how 11:17 they work, so now you know what hydraulics is. 11:20 It is the big word, but it makes sense when 11:22 you know about it, doesn't it? 11:23 You know the rules that God made to make our world work, 11:27 is really neat. 11:31 Hey kids! if you love all the fun things you get to do 11:34 with Janice and her friends you will flip over this. 11:36 It's Janice is activity book loaded with fun this book 11:40 teaches scripture through mazes, puzzles, dot to dot games 11:44 coloring and more. 11:46 And the best part is, it's free! 11:48 Let's take a look inside. 11:51 The scripture on this page says: 11:56 Now let's circle the pictures that are the same. 11:59 That is right you have the idea. 12:02 There are many more fun filled activities in this book 12:05 just waiting for you. 12:07 By the way, did I mention, it's FREE! 12:10 To get your very own copy have your mom or dad write to: 12:28 Don't wait order yours today. 12:31 Did you know that an elephant's trunk has over 12:33 40,000 muscles in it? 12:35 Isn't that incredible? 12:37 Yet with his trunk, he can lift up a single blade of grass, 12:42 he can use his trunk to scratch himself, 12:44 to take a shower with, 12:46 to pull over trees, to lift up logs, 12:49 elephants are strong. 12:51 And another animal that is very strong, 12:53 is much smaller than an elephant. 12:55 Yet the animal can lift up to 27 times its body weight. 12:59 Have you guessed? 13:00 I'll tell you a story. 13:02 One day a naturalist was out 13:04 walking and as he walked along 13:06 all of a sudden he saw on the 13:08 ground at his feet, a patch of 13:10 wild rice that was 3 feet by 5 feet. 13:13 Now naturalists are very good at observing things. 13:16 So being a good naturalist that he was, 13:18 he right away hopped down on his knees and spread 13:22 right out on the ground and started looking. 13:24 You will never believe what he saw. 13:27 He saw little ants just scurrying around. 13:31 Some were plowing in the field. 13:33 Some were pulling up weeds, and others 13:37 were carrying the weeds away. 13:39 Well all summer long he kept coming back to that little 13:42 field to watch these rice farmers. 13:45 The ants were farming the rice. 13:47 He came every day to watch because it was so fascinating. 13:51 By the end of the summer, that patch, the rice had grown 13:56 to be 24 inches tall. 13:58 He watched the ants harvest it. 14:00 They went scurrying up the stalks of rice. 14:03 Each ant would grab one kernel of rice, which is almost 14:07 as big as an ant, and they carried back down the stalk 14:10 and into the underground tunnels of the anthill, 14:13 to store the rice. 14:14 Isn't that amazing how God has made it so the ants 14:18 are not only strong, but they know to use their heads 14:21 and work together. 14:23 They use their brain to add it to their 14:25 strength to work together. 14:27 I see a tiny little ant, I small black ant. 14:32 Lifting 20 times its body weight. 14:35 But they all work together to help each other. 14:39 Brains and brawn are great. 14:42 I see big elephant, a gray elephant. 14:46 Hauling logs and moving weights 14:50 and they all work together taking care of each other. 14:54 Brains and brawn are great. 14:58 Ants and elephants, ants and elephants, 15:01 small and tall, stronger than all. 15:05 Ants and elephants, ants and elephants 15:09 stronger than them all. 15:19 Hi Dr. Neblett! 15:20 Hi Janice. 15:22 We just came from the jungle forest and it was 15:23 fascinating because we were learning about how 15:25 strong God has made ants and elephants. 15:27 While we were talking it 15:29 occurred to me there are 15:30 probably some kids watching 15:31 who would like to know some 15:32 simple tips of ways they can become strong. 15:35 Okay, that sounds like a great idea. 15:37 As a matter of fact, the first thing they ought to do 15:39 is it good nutrition. 15:41 Is that good food? 15:42 That's right, vegetables, and our fruits. 15:45 We want to make sure we get a variety of them, 15:48 because they have minerals and vitamins which our 15:51 body needs in order to be strong. 15:54 I take it you want natural food? 15:56 That's exactly correct. 15:57 The second thing that they need to get its exercise. 16:02 Exercise with good shoes, these shoes help us to get 16:05 the kind of exercise that our body needs for our heart 16:08 to be strong, for our muscles to grow and even our 16:11 bones to grow correctly. 16:12 So just any kind of exercise? 16:14 Exercise is fun. 16:16 As long as you are having fun, 16:17 that is the most important thing. 16:18 The next thing that you want to get is 16:20 enough sunshine, or sunlight. 16:22 That's easy I love being in the sun. 16:24 You see the sunlight goes 16:25 to our skin and our skin 16:27 makes vitamin D which 16:29 then goes to our bones and 16:30 helps them to be nice and strong. 16:32 Oh so it is important besides fun? 16:34 That is exactly right, but do not want to get too 16:37 much sun, because if you get to much sun, 16:39 that can hurt your skin. 16:41 I take it sunscreen, I take it? 16:42 Sunscreen is very important and a pair of shades. 16:45 I have an idea, how about a hat? 16:48 Would a hat help too? 16:49 It certainly would. 16:50 Do you like it? 16:51 The next thing that will need is rest. 16:54 Rest with some nice pillows, these pillows will help us 16:58 to, would you believe it, grow? 17:01 You grow why you're sleeping? 17:03 You grow why you're sleeping, that is very, very important. 17:06 But you don't want to get too much rest. 17:11 That is where temperance comes in. 17:13 It is a balance - a balance - a balance between the two. 17:18 We call that temperance. 17:19 Is that just in rest and exercise or anything? 17:22 Anything, even a good thing, too much is not good for you. 17:26 Temperance is balance? 17:27 That is exactly correct. 17:29 In everything we do. 17:30 The next important thing for them to get its air. 17:33 Air which fills our lungs with good air and oxygen that 17:38 our bodies need in order to live. 17:40 It even helps us to think real well. 17:43 Your important that you have good air. 17:46 The next thing that is important is water. 17:49 Very good water, clean water. 17:52 Oh, I love drinking water. 17:55 Water that you drink is good for the inside 17:58 of the body, and you also need water for the 18:02 outside of your body as well. 18:04 So both of those are important. 18:06 The next thing however, which I think the most 18:10 important thing, is found in the good book, the Bible. 18:16 It is founded Proverbs 3:5, 6. 18:20 This is what it says, "trust in the Lord with all 18:24 your heart and lean not unto your own understanding, 18:28 in all your ways acknowledge him, 18:30 and he will direct your paths. " 18:33 Trusting in the Lord, I think, is the most important 18:38 thing for us to do. 18:45 Nutrition, nutrition 18:48 exercise, exercise 18:52 water, water, sunshine, sunshine 18:57 temperance, temperance, air and rest, air and rest. 19:03 Trust in God. 19:08 Nutrition, nutrition 19:12 exercise, exercise 19:15 water, water, sunshine, sunshine 19:21 temperance, temperance, air and rest, air and rest. 19:26 Trust in God. 19:32 Trust in God! 19:45 Did you know that one of the best ways to become 19:47 a good friend of Jesus is by spending personal 19:49 time with Him every day. 19:50 Well adults do that by praying and by 19:53 reading their Bibles. 19:54 But if you can't read it's kind of hard isn't it? 19:57 Or maybe you just like listening to tapes. 20:00 We'll here is a fun way to have your very own 20:03 devotions every morning when you get up. 20:05 Janice has made morning time devotions for her kids, 20:08 and for you, complete with songs, prayers and stories. 20:12 For more information have your parents write to: 20:44 You know the Bible says that people who follow God's 20:47 rules will be strong like a tree. 20:50 Let's think about what makes 20:52 a tree strong. 20:54 Well the roots half to go down 20:56 deep and then they spread way out 20:58 and they gather water and minerals and take 21:01 them up to the leaves and the leaves mix the water 21:04 with the sunshine it has absorbed 21:06 and carbon dioxide and make sugar to give the 21:09 tree energy to grow. 21:11 What do you think would happen if the roots said, ah, we 21:15 don't feel like sending water up to the leaves today. 21:19 And if that leaves said, Ah, we're too tired to make 21:23 sugar for this tree to grow with. 21:25 Would the tree be able to grow? 21:27 Of course not! 21:29 The only way the tree can grow is by following the 21:32 little plan that God has made for it to grow. 21:35 That is how it is with you and with me. 21:38 By following God's plans, God's rules, 21:41 we'll be strong like this tree. 21:43 Why don't you meet me in the story corner, 21:46 and we will have a story. 21:55 Are you ready for a story? 21:56 Yeah! Okay. 21:58 Remember in Longview village there had been some very 22:01 mysterious but wonderful things happening. 22:04 And nobody can figure out who is behind all these good deeds. 22:08 Remember where we stopped, Roy was at Mrs. Mclntyre's house 22:13 trying to find who had fixed her table for her. 22:17 Did he find out? 22:19 No! He fell asleep. 22:20 Now he is down at the end of the driveway and he is trying 22:24 to decide which way to go. 22:25 There were four paths that he could take. 22:28 He could go down the road 22:30 towards the village, or he 22:31 could go up a rough 22:32 little rocky path up the 22:34 mountains, or he could 22:35 go across on a side road 22:37 toward the peat fields, or he could go across the fields 22:41 in the direction of the cave. 22:44 He made up his mind he was going to head towards the caves. 22:49 Ow, it was one o'clock in the morning by now. 22:52 He must have been at least 30 minutes to get to the 22:56 nearest police station, but he decided he wasn't going 23:00 to miss out on this. 23:01 So off he went. 23:03 He had his flashlight and he started running, 23:06 and was jumping over boulders. 23:08 In Scotland there's lots of low stone walls here and there 23:12 I guess for the people's property lines. 23:14 He would jump over those and ran and ran, and sometimes he 23:18 would get tired but just keep running. 23:20 Then all of a sudden, in the distance, one of the times 23:24 when he flashed on his flashlight, he caught sight of a 23:27 hazy figure way up ahead. 23:30 So he flipped off his flashlight and kept on running 23:32 just as fast as he could. 23:34 He kept going and going and he would turn his flashlight 23:38 on again and it looked like that person was even closer. 23:41 It look like he had caught up even more. 23:43 So he kept going and going and was running and running, 23:46 and when he was just getting near, or was around the 23:49 place where he remembered getting the clock spring. 23:52 Remember where he found a rusty clock spring? 23:54 It was right around there, something caught his foot 23:58 and he tripped and went sprawling out on the ground. 24:01 Well as he was trying to gather himself together and get 24:05 up again, he felt down by his foot and what he tripped on 24:08 was this piece of iron sticking up out of the ground. 24:12 He thought, in the middle out here, 24:15 what is that doing here? 24:16 By the time he got himself up and turned his flashlight 24:20 on again he couldn't see anything or anybody. 24:24 He went a little bit further, but he decided it was useless. 24:28 He decided he wasn't going be able to see them. 24:30 So he turned around and he trudged home. 24:33 You know he never got home until 3:30 in the morning. 24:37 He was exhausted. 24:39 Well he went to bed and you can imagine that he did not 24:42 get up bright and early the next morning, did he? 24:45 In fact he was almost lunch time before he got up. 24:47 When he got up he went down for lunch, and it was around 24:55 lunch time that he heard the next news. 24:58 Do you know the widow who had been given 25:00 the crackers and stuff by her bedside? 25:03 Well the mystic workers came to her bedside again. 25:08 This time they brought her, bread again, and crackers, 25:13 and Herring fish, but this time they added a quarter 25:17 pound of cocoa. 25:19 So Roy decided this time he was going to be 25:22 a smart detective. 25:23 So he went straight over there and said to her, 25:26 I would like to see what came. 25:28 She said, I have already eaten the fish and 25:31 I started to eat the bread. 25:32 He said, I'm most interested in seeing the package that the 25:36 crackers came in, and the package that the cocoa came in. 25:40 So he got a good look at both of those and then he went 25:44 back to his Uncle's store. 25:45 He said, Uncle, do you sell crackers like such and such? 25:49 And do you sell cocoa like this kind? 25:51 His Uncle said, well yeah. 25:53 Roy said have you sold any of that to anybody lately? 25:57 His Uncle said, well as a matter of fact I have, but 26:00 I sell that kind to so many people. 26:04 How could I remember which person I sold it to? 26:06 Well that made Roy make up his mind that he didn't feel 26:11 like he was getting anywhere and so he decided that he was 26:14 going to get up the courage, even though his friends 26:18 didn't think it was a good idea. 26:19 He decided to get up his courage to go and 26:23 check the cave himself. 26:25 So he spent all the rest of that day and part of the 26:29 next day going around to different villagers and asking 26:33 them everything they knew about the cave. 26:36 He wanted them to tell him just what looked like inside and 26:40 he listened, and draw little diagrams from what they said. 26:45 He was getting all of these together when all of a sudden, 26:49 later that evening, that old Corky came along, 26:53 and do you know what old Corky said? 26:58 I saw somebody in front of the cave. 27:02 Can you imagine that? 27:04 Then it was the same evening that 27:07 Peter McDonnell came home. 27:09 He said, I heard banging in the cave again. 27:13 Roy knew he needed to go see and next time 27:18 I will tell you how he did it. 27:20 Did you catch what the mystery word was yet? 27:24 The mystery word is an important one, 27:26 because it makes you strong. 27:28 Eight doctors. 27:30 Now you see if you can remember 27:33 what all those eight 27:34 doctors are this week, and 27:36 see if you can use all of them. 27:37 Okay? See you next time! |
Revised 2014-12-17